Flesherton Advance, 17 Mar 1921, p. 6

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Excels All For Purity, Flavour and Aroma It you have not tried it, send us a post card for a free sample, stating the price you now pay and if you use Black, Green or Mixed Tea. Address Sal. . da, Toronto OUR BOYS' AND GIRLS' CORNER By Aunt June ftcMti*d Ami&BJ to UM CammjM Vrf Li INDICATED TO EVERY DOT AND CIML IN CANADA I. > r i Boys and Gwjls: I1.il yi>u ever h::ve nightmare? 1 ti<>in> very much you arc n<;'. ;t<-rr . .t cd w;Ui this !!!.;>; -,1- -u . form of drtj inland adventure. Years upo when 1 was a little girl I can n-: i m- ber having v.-lut I v;s ;<>H attar- wardj was ulghlu.-uv, ih.it i.s a vary bad <':iam. Sometime* the iir-<am took the form of ttiiu-bliiiK over, or be- in^ chased by some' blx anlmaJ. I enpec'. t1e reason f'r it waj l-luil I had be.'a eiiin; loo nun.v .plus, per- luip-... Hie night before. \Veil n.,-.v I am grown up I cannot truthfully siy tfiat I nutter from nightmare, )HJt I have Just been thinking fha-t if I did I wou'.J iirob&bCy iir<Min tJ>at all tthe hitter lioxes in the world were run- ning a.ti-r me and tht-n 1 ber.inr; Iwr- led under a perfect ;.valaiiHh<* of lt- tors. letters. letters. However. hero I am, very wide- aw;.l:e iml' <-d and fir ficru having nlslitniare about tt. I ii!!i re-illy perfectly delighted to see no many letters como tumbling <*ft of itry bi.x from b.jys and girls in all paru nt i ia. 'Hi IT? is only one thini? about thwn. 1 d<> not like and ifat Is I cannot uiuewer every letter 4mnif'<iiitcly for tMj ih wh?.u I would like f:> do HO that i : o one t/aould have to wait to oe hU or hc-r letter hi prin' If i attempt >1 to do thin, how ever i ir uMll Hox would fill more than two sheots of tint paper DO fhat we .i i; have <o L<" iHiieiu and wait un'4. .-icii takf.s tlr-i.: limi. BO I ain golDK to -'sk you all to remember flii* j win ;i 'Oiinjc for yj'ir p-irtlnttor let- PLEDGE FOR HELPERS. "Do a little kindness to someohe <>very day, Scatter ruys of sunsliino all along the way." I pledge myself in the service of ny Ki:ig und Omntry to do my best in my daily work, whenever it may bo, to help othera whenever possible, and to endeavor in evrry way to make myself u good citizen. N:imo Agog .... Address Da to tw. I love to got yonr loiters and would like to writ" 10 ea<.*h one of yi>u supiraiL'iy bi*t th:it if not a<- Loving Greeting* and Welcome to the Following New Member*. Klisabetli Smi'h, Oannpbolla Bay. Que. Taylor, Dolihington. \Vntei !>>rd. "J;!u Kyns," M-irniona. "l>ud," HlliHd ii" AEvli H->i-r:r. (' > r : ) '.gin. Aniiic KnH(,!iit, liurjird. Irene I'ozor, Renfrew. Rlii'i {tewiey, IMifloy. Florence Crown, \\-lieiitley. Kibi' 1 titovrant, Hiviir View. Ivy Snyder, Tort Klgln. "FVuryi-t-.M c-Not," l;ni:vtf ord. N> I ; boettgnr l'or< Klgln. An-iiie Uill. KIKdher. J. Thur, <;oldon I^tiko. Kvtsrttt Netherc-ot. DiirvdaCk . Francis Innns, >lnri>it*ton. Who is the Helper in Tansley, On- tario Who F<*-gt>t to Sign the Letter? If thia boy or girl wlfl wrlt<j a#a.In Aunt June will prin>. the l-'tt.-r inl . 1'inl a !>.!;> Itondford. Deaj Aunt June' I* om eleven year oM. I MO to scdUK/1 evry da-y. I am lu tlit IPilrd el-ass. I h-.llp moth- er -to do quite a f-w il)mv-< Ktioh as ant Hio tiiflTlo, w.u<ti and dry fflie dHiew. I hrtp <Tiib un Saturdays. I hlp wash. I can omlwoider. I Ir.uve foivr bryjiom and no wtetera. 1 have a pet .11 1 ml! tier Topsy. I help Iwid.Hin -1 !', o<>w and oalve. WP liavis to (iw>d ab<rt forty head of Khi'e.p, two -oows iind two calves. I wi;i cljo, b<y>liw? tflils wtH find you vroll. Will your ^flojise ond me a bmtae. >';nir lncorely. MKKYI^ UVN(WTONK. Ufw Moryl -Yon IKIVO a nt<r? biR farm. I 4ti fVad you nr HO useful. Motiier iini^.t bi very (Had to have on litllo dui^litor to help ilinr. Hov nice to thftik t!it yii can do em- broidery woj-k' Tbjit Is Interesting. I hojie you will liko and wear the badge. Merlin. Dear Ann 1 Jtwe: I h-ive bwmi rwiHm-r yiwtr prtg" for a lonx time and nujoy it very miioh I would IJ'K" to Join your nhib. I <,:>< tor the milk and jpr> ttttlo rmn<1 \tf> town. 1 go to school every dniy. I havH been sick this week and have not been to sohool. CHA.RUK HOPK. Oliarllo -I hope ycAl are quite by tlikt tl;ne. You shall Irave 'a bodece. W1H you toll mo more about your :'iool ni xt tim<; >-o\i write? I rfhiiuld Hkn to har a>bout your friend* and Mu> things you like beet. Two LUtle American Cousins Write Interesting Letters. MlMto-ula, Montana. U.S.A. Df<ar Aunt Juim: You t<>!ii me to writ" and tell you wliut work I do, MI . am doing BO now. I go to eohool I'Y.-ry day and I aCao tako murlc le- fons. I do die rijtriioM uml fcrub the floor for KiMiuliiri On Saturdays I ilu^t and clann with rhB electric weeper. I have a little canary bird that I take caro oi. I cloaa hlb cage and K!VI> him a clean pa,pe.r, Borne eds, wa<ter and bfat(niit evi^ry nuirn- lWR. He-i ringing mostly all the tiiiiv He Is a very nlre singer. \Vell I will nlvtM- for nnw. I hop to get my txidge i>ntly soon. Your fiietid, MAIMORJK KAKIlriU.. Dt-ar Marjorii- I :TIII just dMllghte-il '> hear from you aflJin, ut I liave be -H looJiing for your letter. You are renlly a trut- lie|j>.r, I he> by tJie list of de-fids. I am so iftad you have a pretty canary. The^o birds are tjM-.it i)"U< and ge-t vp.ry (ond of Uuise. who are kind to tlie-m. By thi* time I luipe you wl have, your \VrHu ifa<ii wlienev^r you , North Dakota Dear Aunt. .IXine- -I have been read- ing tUn Hoys' nni\ (ilris' <V>rnor /<r Horns Umn and 4h!xug1]t I would Hke to join, tt I tuny. I oin t!ilrtn yr>ao<M old aail in my first year In'Kli KcJiool. Oiir Hclioiil <-K>Sf s in May. I live Jii the country, but I May in tnrwn In rtie wlntt-r to go to 5chool I room In town and 1 do my own work and Ret my own mcain. I come home Friday n Wilts and help m:ima to do Ob(; work on Saturday. I hope to be a towcflier wlion I .'inirfi liigh duwk. 1 will ulo.sp now, luiplng I will got a b'ldfie, even if I am a "Yankee." I will <ry to g(>t other boys nnd Kirts to join tlil fiWb your club every fmcoeas, truty, JMAN Hi: MM INGS. Dear .Jean Fancy a plrl of thirteen duins hc-r own work and gfttlng ^er ow-n meals! That seems quite a cli-vcr fhitiR to Tin 1 to hear of your ef- ficiency. When you nr n lear.hrr you will ho nilV.o to rjivii go(xl advice to th.' tcirln In your Hi;.. I am ure. a*!<>r your own experience. You rfwill have a -Iwdgo. llolplng or rather "aorvice" In not a thiiiR p*wulllar to any one country, Iril Ki.fnild i)o unlvemal. It doe* no* innttor what natlonalvty you are! It ycni aro 'trying to holp to makii t.ho worhl 'happier and hotter for your Itriwonre, wo ward, yon to join <mr i .M.rit,, Indeed I would Mke Uie Uciipern' KfMfcun <o Hproad and grow utWI boy* and girls *n >1 partii of Semi for Book of Recipe*, FREE! In 2, 5, and 10-lb. tins M rakes every dish even bread pudding more popular with children and grown folks. Ricji, pure, wholesome, economical. To he had at all Grocers. THE CANADA STARCH CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL Crown Brand Syrup "Che Great Sweetener" 25 F ail the world was water There'd not be any land 1 like to walk beside the. sea, With parasol in hand, Or fill my little bucket to The brim with yellow sand. I guess it's best the world is made Part water and part land. Fin:t t'O other piv ,nn-. on UK- left id Joint, on il'.r sa;id Kiglit iidc Jovn. on the lli world form tliemwlves iivto h.ihils for puUUc service, carrying out the iclwv in our little pledge. Plt-aso writt' again some day. RocanviHe, Sask. My Dear Aunt Juno -.Tost a line or two to win.li everybody a happy New Year. I id yt>ur corner in tho ]>:>- per with pleasure, and I notice .vmi" of your moinbent are only little totH tuid arc all ifier to wear a Iwrttco. I ronu't find the litt'.o .pledge In your _ corner that you toWl "Kudgo" and J -|ul>l>lcs" about. If I could I I wott'.d sign it and become n inoiiiJier. but will look again next time tho i* comes. I can make bread, ; plos, cake* and cookie*, and nJo make nutter. Of conrse making butter is quite an easy job wlmn .there's lots of .salt tuid wh w<uter. I W.IK biwn in HngUind and Oftme to Canada finite a wiule ago. I livo on i farm and in 81 IB wunim*r time 1 have .1 nice bl4? ganj< ii, little civic ks aud alres and everything th-.it farm poo- dle have. Spring time Keema to everyl.liliiK that is nk-o, ;;<> iUMs v.- 'nter: It bring* <ihrfc*t.m;w. Xmv Year's, and 21? of January. s:> tl::it'.s >rliy 1 Ukc winter U. I went away to co-nip lat ynj,r and lad a dandy Umc. I will go again thin year too, a I am a membor ol the U. O. K. 8. I take music lewou* and like thorn fino. I ncftl Alma i.i-.- n: told all about hereelf, n<> I'M do ;lie same. 1 HJII plrtoon > -r. old, 4 't. 3 In. tall, ibrown. ounry hlr. blue >ya* ujid a fair complexlun. I juM an't Hny for Kure how imK* I wolgh. lirw ni'irii do y(W wtgh. Aunt JIRIH? 'd like to know If ycm aro tku-k <rr air, r.it i>r thin. You never tll about yourwflf. Winy don't you? Wltli iMiuliwi! THaardM to ii.'l. 1 will close. l^ovo to all, MICKT PIOKFOKD T*. S.--YOU u'l you iliil n >t mind f we wed pen nutiiPH. I ha.vc. Dear Micky- -Thank >-ou vejy much 'or yoiir Kond wiMie \\-Jik-h I i>ass <n lemwitlii to overyonui. I im f->rry roil cou'.d not find the HUle plmlge. woekM it in n<uieezcd off the on account of thf -number o* lut- but we must see If it cannot be fitted in all tho time. I ttilnk you ire a very olover, uneful girl >mlnliiK l>y all the go)d things you ra>n make o-nd do. It you were born In Kng- laiul. you have something" to Hharo with me, as this aunt was born in also. Now tlhere in xonie- I thing about me, you see. I should like vory much to sec tlie'jolly gardou you mieak <ft. You se:-ni to mjoy | life very much and when you hecomn a helper yooi parts some cf t.liat liaip- pineHS on to OtMn, You wanted -to know how mucli I weigh. When 1 visited Knglnmt ilat (wmnie/r I wolK-hed 160 pounds, tlluit la a grent deal, isn't H? Then If 1 fc'll you nvy helglvt, you will under- Ktand what a big aunt you have. I nun 5 ft. 11 and a half .Inches, wlt,h brown hair, Mitky, and most ipouplo <call me fair; neither fat nor fhln, but Just a happy medium. Ninv then docs truls description suit yow. -or would you llko to Hiave some more? I could tell you lotK morn but I don't want to lake up too much room. uLizAHfcrm SMITH. Dear Klizabeth -I am .so glad you wrote to me and to know that you iiavn a happy home although your own dear mother has gone away from you. How nice for you lo have a pe-t. I hcipe you will like and we:ir your llelper.-*' badg.'. You may bu i|ii!te sure that Aum June will alway.s bo very glad to -hear from yon. so you m:iy exmnt that you h.'ivo a real Auntie to conic to by letter whenever you wish. lir.idford. Dear Aunt .lime:- I havn intendml writing to j-our corner for a long time, but 1 am very busy. ;<* J urn going to try my entrance Into year. I am thir- teen years of age and ihivn fair hair and grey eye*. I will fell you the work I do. I go to fvchooi e>very day. prac.tise my niiiKic, wash Ihn dialler, d-uait and sweep and mike bed. I \\uuld liko vary mudi to win the badge, and will enclooe the stomp, but the pledge is not In this week, -but I wl'il :-ee If I can gnt aiiuth.-r a.'d sign it. KORGET -ME-NOT. Dear Korget-Me-Not- \Vh-at a pret- ty pen-name. It remiinds me of the little bhie-eyed flowers I used to pick on the banks of tho River Thames. I wonder If you know where that is h'lrat of all I must wish you all suc- ceH with your entrance. You de- serve it I think as you are doing your heat to help other*. I hope you will like and wear the Imdge. Marmora. Rear Aunt June: I have been very luiwt interested in reading y<Jitr Boys' mill (Ikrls' cosy corner for some time. aiMl would like to become a member. I am a girl fourteen years old and .nil In the junior fourth hook. I have one mile to walk to school. I take music lesv-oiis niij can p'.ay vrry good. I like skating very imu-li. I hejp my m-other. I can wash dishes, sweep the floor, get In Uie wood and water and milk cow*. For pets 1 have a cat n.uned Tommy .ir I a dog named Rover. BLUK KYWS. Hear Kii Eyes --How much I would like to hear you -play. I love to picture a little girl who is fond ot skating, and music and loves her pet*. Then with that one mile walk to school I have a very bonny picture iiuk>eil. 1 am glad you are a Helper. Port lOlgin. Dear Aunl June I would like, to join your chili. I am fourteen yc-ar* Campbells IVay, CJue. Hear Aunt June I mw In your cor- ner a lot olf letters from other boys and girls and how -they lielp mother. I have no dear, kind mothor to -helji hocausn Uod caillnd her homo three years ago. I always' tlvlnk ihow hap- py other dhlldron ought to be to have a dear loving mother to lielp. I am living with another My. I have no aumtle to wrl(n to, BO I think it is )ust lovely to write to you. You wrttr such nice, ktnd letters to the other children. I help waoh and scrub and wah dishes, sweep the floor, make 'he bdB nd fend tho h'ens. I live In the village. I have 'brown eyes and hair. I go to echool and am In grade four. I have a dear little spaniel dog; ho U blaok. We call him Skye. Tell Dad ....Baby's skin - so soft, so fresh and so fragrant after the bath with "Baby's Own Soap" tells Da^to use Baby's Own Soap himself. Mother of course has always used it. No skin is tj tender that it will not be the better for wash with HI 'SOWN old and have a brother sixteen ye*rs 'old. I am In <the junior third flas.H. Harold has a team of oxen; but be does not hitch them up very often. Tii i- HT are some of 'the things I help mother with washing dishes, sweep- ing the floor, making Hie bed, carry- ing .in the wood, pealing 'the potatoes, and some other things. I go to school every day I am able. I will nead the throe-cent stamp ft* a 'badge. I enjoy leading the 'boys' and girls' letters. IVA SYXDBR. Dear Iva I am very glad you enjoy following our corner I should to see your brother's team of oxen. I have only seen thorn In the distance at work. You Will notice wh~,.t a num- ber of members we have of your own agp, and If you will read the letter whiuu follows this you will see that aud", of Hl'.lsdale, would like t3 write to some other members. I will send you Bud's address if you would like to have it as I think you -two might become good friends. I hope you will like your badge. South riiyer. Dear Aunt June I would like -to join your League. I have sl?ned the pledge, find am sending it to you. 1'lease send me a badge. I am four- teen years old. I go to school every day. and when I come home at night I get the supper, wash tiiie dishes, sweep the floor, auu mi'.k two co-.vs. I have a -pel sheep. HAZEL RAJLSTOX. Door Hazel You are a true Help- er. Some day i hope you will tell me more about yourself. I)o you go to school? I am glad to know you have a pet. Hillsdale. D*ar Aunt June I Uave been read- ing your Boys' and Girls' corner. I enjoy it very, very much. I am a girl of fourteen, ami I cer- tainly would like to become a mem- ber of your club, and receive the badge. When my father is away I have to do the outside wore* I drive to the store and do the shopping tor mother. I do hope to see my letter in the piper, and would like to correspond with boys or girls my own age. Wish- ing the club every success, BCD. Dear 'Bud I think your idea of corresponding with some of^ the other members i.s a splendid one. If you will look over some of the other let- ters in our corner today I am sure you will find some to wfliom you would like to write. I am glad to welcome you as a true Helper and hope you will wear your badge. Merlin. Dear Aunt June I have been read- ing In the paper about your badges. I thought I would write and ask you for one budge. 1 wash the dishes, sweep and dust the room, nuke Ui6 bed* clean the lamps. This is all. DOROTHY KAY. Dear Dorothy I see I'hat you are a true Helper, and I am sending you a badge. Thanks for your iotUT Please send me more uows of your- self next time you write. Will all boys anil girls please note H your letter la not in tile paper this week. You are not forgotten. So many letters havs come in that I am unable to answer them all in one week, BO 1-c-ok again in Our Corner for your letters and the answers from Yours lovingly, AUNT JUNK. Box 516, Station F. Toronto. KEEP LITLTE ONEiT WELL IN WINTER Winter is a dangerous season for tne little ones. The days aro change- ableone bright, the next one cold and stormy, that the mother is afraid to take the children out for the fresh air and exercise they need so much In consequence they are often coop- ed up In overheated, badly ventilated rooms and are soon seized with colda or grippe. What is needed to keep the little ones well la Boby'ii Own Tablets. They will regulate the stomach and bowels and drive out ru'ds and by their use the b&by will be able to get over the winter season in perfect safety. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Oat. STATUE OF EGYPTIAN KING. An ligyptlan statue of King Tout- Ankh-Amar haa been acquired by the Museum of the Louvvre tor Jus.t over $43.000. The statue, wbjch has been in a French Prince's 'possession since I860, is said to be a great work of art. it was badly mutilated thousands of years before Christ by the King's subjects, wrathful over liis misrule. Miller's Worm Powders do not need the after-help of castor oil or any purgative to complete their thorough- ness, because they are thorough IP themselves. One doso of them, and they will be found palatable by aJl children, will end the worm trouble by making the stomach and bowels untenable to the parasites. And not only this, but the powders will be cer- tain to exert most beneficial influences In the digestive organs. Mlnard's Liniment For Burnt, Etc. Under a military law, commanding officers in the Frenoh army have the right to perform marriage ceremon- ies. It has Mj.my Qualities The man who possesses a bottle of Dr.. Thomas' Kc- ii-ct ric Oil Is armed against many Ills. it will relieve a cough, break a cold, present sore throat; It will reduce the swelling from a sprain, relieve the most persistent sores and will speedily heal cuts and contueions. It Is a medicine ohest in itaelf, and can be got for quarter of a dollar. Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia U is planned by laying aside an average of $125.000,000 a year for a sinking fund, the war debt of Canada, $2,127,481.800. will be paid before De- cember 1, 1937. CUTICURA PROMOTES THICK HAIR Cuticura Soap shampoos preceded by touches of Cuticura Ointment to spots of dandruff, itching and irri- tation are most successful. These fragrant emollients save the hair, clear the skin and meet every want of the toilet and bath. SupZSc. <Katal25u<lStlc Tilcni2Sc. Sold throughout theDominion. CafiadianDepot: LH..B.. United. 144 St. Paul SC W.. MulrciL ^cura Soap iha v es without mug. YOUR EYES AND THEIR CARE IT MAY BE YOUR EYES! Lots of headaches, Icta of weari- ness, bad temper, and "nerves" eoma from eyestrain, and in such oases nothing but skilled and careful atten- tion will remedy these disorders. If day after day, niht after niht, you are straining or overtasking your eyes sooner or later small dtoord- ers grow to large ones. Sooner or later your eyes will have srio. per- haps, permanent defects. If "things don't seem to be nor- mal" If your eyes "don't fael ex- actly right" why not find out definite- ly what is wrong and have It cor- rected now? Go to ycnir optroma- trist or eye specialist. Let him make an examination of your eyes and find out for sure if they are the eowce of your trouble. Don't be certain because you can see the Jones' house awa/y down the street that your eyes are perfect, for tlire are many fair-sighted people who need glasses badly to car* nerve strain. If you wLsh to have a question an- swered regarding your eyas, write di- rect to Dr. Brown, I Adelaide t. Bast. Toronto, and the answer will be giv- en In Uiis department. Can cross-eyes' be straighened without operation? In four cases out of flv operation is unnecessary, although some spec- ialists of the <-ld school still balieve in cutting one of the ocular muscle*. Great success has been achierad by lens treatment without p.i.n or dis- comfort. Halifax, N. S. Jllnard's L.ln:ment Co., Ltd. Gentleman I have used Minard s Unimeut and have Cound it good remedy. After the explosion I waa pretty well shaken uj bavin* quite a number of brules and uts, but thanks to MlnardV Lt:ii*uat I am niv old self agaiu. k haid the sores and brulsas and gav m much relief. It la true to its rnaa* aa the King of Pain, for U stooped tk (xal* almost at once. I first aoti*4 the nd in the Montreal Standard and de- cided to invest In a bottle, tor which I am not orry, but can say with truth that I am thankful for it bavin* done all U claimed to do. and rn my case much more, and a satisfied customer Is Uie best ail one an possibly find. This is my view of it and I thl&k you will agre with me too. Yours very trugy. (Sigaedl ALKRBD BUAiN, 1S3 Agricola St., Halifax. N. S. The ease with which cori aid, warts uan be removed by Holk>w*yte Corm lieunover U its stroogwt datiou. U seldom tall*. Spanking L>oe^n Care I Dont thluk children cnn t* cured o bH- wr t tint; LvsTviiin in.i; them. The trouble Ucea- . the diilacnnnot help it. 1 villsend tonuy niolbet my suocmlut boms t.v.umi-n; with full iustructionn. ti yo'.r ihil.ii i-n trouble you in IhU Tray, tend nc money, bui wrU ma to-day. Rt> treatment i. ;.:.' v -> 'in.! jiJc,, -.-. i. iulta troubled witli urine diflicultiei by day or night. Write fat ina BOX 8. Mrt. M. Surrmvr* :

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