Flesherton Advance, 17 Mar 1921, p. 8

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March I? 1921 THE FLESHB*rN ADVANCE Financial Strength BLANCHES support of a strong, well estab- lished Canadian Bank is a strength to any community. The Bank of Toronto, incorporated in 1855 (twelve years before the Canadian Confedera- tion), offers the people of this Town and District the full service of a care- fully managed institution, with every facility for meeting the banking needs of its customers. Savings, household and business accounts invited. We will be pleased to have you call MAHKUAl.K at an y t i me y OU have business to and transact in which we can be of service FEVERS HAM to you. BMrHOBONTO Incorporated 1855 Boar lor Service The un>li;rM;.'i i! IIHS u llniMiis'i jred lorksliir- Bosrfor service on lot 11, c<u. 8, Oprey. TrmK$1.50. KHKDSI'OKFAUD BOAR for SERVICE Purebred TaniwnrMi Hmr fur s-rico on li)t ly. S W T iid S K , Artrnit*^.. Tertii'' tl .50. Sows n .t r. f.iiiied will be clitrct'd (mine IH ilm-i' in pi.. Fcb 15 T. J. 8T1XSON, Prop For Service On pure Drul Sliorili'.rn Hull on |nt H(i, c.in. !l, Arteiuesia. Terms 81 50 f,ir iirftJes. Must be paid within monttiK friuii lint- uf servicu. -|{. 0. TURNER. Bull For Service Pjie laid Diirlinm bull. N> 14:iUi:! f,.r on U>t K'2. S W T & S H, Aid- in, sin- T8iniH f'J for unulr-v 8"i fur V- AKiNS, I'M [> --. _.. Dancing at your own home any time with the best dance music and without expense > * if you have a Victrola W. A. ARMSTRONG DEALFR FLESHERTON ONI - Headquarters for Columbia Dry Cells and Hot Shot Ignition Units. H. DOWN & SONS, PHONE 36 FLESHERTON Flesherton Garage We are now agents for the International Harvester Co., Deering and McCormick Farm Implements the most complete line of Farm Implements manufactured today. Call and see us when in town. frank Orait, form.rly WM badly injured In Sill of 8h*)biro, ill'i ZlafMnr it recently, when hia clothing oaugbt on a revolving abaft. It wu feared for a time thai bit injuries would prove fatal, but with careful attention k* i Making faborabla progress. Several bours were broken, Including i>i* culltr biiim, ihouldrr mid arm. A very Rood friend of ourt ie in a tale of bewilderment. lie na<>te tu know what brand of nerre fond the member* of the Legislature USB. On it recent visit to 'I in .mil i he made a vi-ii to the Tenapla i'f Winduin in Queen's Purk and saw the I'uvmiilci'is at wm!, 1 1 WAN unpr^awd. The Hittlit of 8o n, i' y li ml workers witli llieir lu 1 .- pulled d^wn over tlieir eye*, their fett up on their desks, and thi-ir bodit'N in an Hititndn of peHoeful tlumlipr tilled li u. with wonder. Ho wmidil wluTi- tlu-y L',,1 the nerve lo .'k more than 1 400 fur six weeks of lep Kven tl'oiiijhit IN lini'l H!O|I, he does not think it worth morft dun 1938.33) a week. - Exchange. Farm For Sale Lot 1, con. Ji, Artemesia, 2i inrlfs fioiii Ptimvilla mid 4 mllcu tmiu Ceylon, con- iHmiiij! 100 HCIOK, iibi.ut 00 HCIBS cleared and in ifiiud Ht'tte of < ultivatiou, ahuul L'J ..r, sin sweet clover uud 10 acres hardwood I'uiili Jlm.rny and conit..rt- llo li.m-f- with ffiuid Hollar ; also dm ui; sin 'i and Inn, (>'JxC5 on i>ti>ue fuuodH- lion. \Vaier ii.Bide aud our, alsi j<"iJ -IUIIIUD for watering purposes. Tins i" tli mil Pkttwton tanu and will bo so!J at uiic^. Apply lo D. McTAVlSH, FleKherion, Ont. AUCTION SALE [Of Farm StO'ik, IiuiileiiiiMi'i, etc., on Wednesday, March 23, 1921 AT Lot 7, Con. 1, N.D.R.. Osprey N\ li'.-n the fulli'iviiii; will be solil : HORSES- -IK-:. vy Imy Imrhu lOy.-nrs "111, flrivio^ mure XJCIIB old in tu.il to Ccui S ar. SI1KK1 1 HndSVVIXK-:30 k ',,)l Liw taw ewcsnujipoNi'd iii l.nil), puru li -il Yorkbiu BOW da* to Khflw April 7. L' i 11 "' bred Yodiibure tows duo Apiii 14, 1' imtv lin-il Yiiikslnif ,ows iluc My 1 mid April 28. <-Al ri<B Hereford c->w iNin:; 5 jv-ir.x old liueiil tune of sciio, tilue cow riniiij.; ."> due .Inn* :>, DIJI.IHIII lu il'i-r riding 3 with ctif HI f.j'i', bluck heifer rmin^ 'J duo on Anril 14, OurliHin cow rising 7 due Mirch 27, r...u; c iw 3 years nli| (milking) duh (tutol>.-r 1!2, Jeney c iw 8 >vm old milk- inir wind, i-.w - 4 dm- July 11, , cn- riin^4 due July it, Durham lioifer ti-in." ,S due .luly 7, lilck heifer rising :!du June 25, red ht-ifer riH ; nii 3 due October 14. '2 steers fining 3, 2 nteeis rirtiiig 2, 2 heifers rising 2, 4 cilven. IVII'LKMENTS, ETU.-Cuttii. K box wrh III 'rer ll)iiu;|| throiit mid mounted uri truck, 17 tooth cultivator with 3 hoe itl'Hchmimt Hiiil foro CHrriny, Cockhutt plow No 21. Hot of wheels for walking plow, t>t of bobtlvfetlu, K mi w*i;on, cut Uoulil.- ImniL'SH with lirecebing ar-d twin inckyoki'n, set ligdt double driving' liar- ni'H KOOI! UK new, fore cum u f"r binder, iokle Brinder, powr-r JHck, 11)00 Gravity wn-,hr, Imtf^y, numerj'ja otliur Bniclen. S.ile Rtrt Kt ON K o'clock. I'mitivoly n i ri'.s. rve.tH ownor {* civert<icki'd. TEHMS All Hums of 810 and unrli-r. c^sti ; over Ibat iiinounl !( in<mth>i' credit lil h(>ii(.|i mi H|I|.I. .,,-,! joint no'ua or per cent, i ff (or cn.sh iu lit-u of tiuteg. AlluTt Arnolr, tt'm. K'.rip ..-, I'miil Inrrr. Allot loninT. II,HI" II, <1< Kan l"\ ii: rwc im: li F. T. HILL & CO., Markdale tt08QK60HX60euftt08tt^^ Big Fire Sale commences on TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH !5th, at9 .00 o'clock $95,000.00 worth of General Merchandise OFFERED FOR SALE AT SWEEPING REDUCTIONS IN PRICE CON- SISTING OF Dress Goods, Staples, Hosiery. Gents' Furnish- ings, Ladies' Ready-to-wear Clothing, House Furnishings* H Boots and Shoes, Groceries and Hardware. * * About $75,000.00 worth of this big stock was only damaged by smoke and water. We were able to get a liberal settlement with the Insurance Companies and it is our intention to sell out every dollar's worth of this big stock if possible. It will pay you to be on hand early for we are making SWEEPING REDUCTIONS ON EVERY ARTICLE IN OUR BIG STORE. In Regard to Clover Seed As the season is getting late do not send us samples, but bring your samples and see us personally. We are in the market to buy any quality of Sweet Clover, Alsike, Red Clover and Timothy Seed. &a&&c&^^ F. T. HILL & CO. Farm Propertie For Sale i AUCTION SALE I 1 ' urn - ... i,. 1 ui'l, 'ir Hi--, -il, il I |..ii : ii. !.: I' in i.ii ii- .'. etc. , at LOT 6 CON. 13, OSPREY Friday, March 18th, 1921 When lliu following ,iiticl>-K will be mild : STOCK Hy mure rising U, brown mxii> n^fil, b:iy grilling r HI nv (>, tir<nvii ilimnu hniM riMiig H, ciiw rising 8 due in A)inl, cow riil) 7 (lu Mairh 2.'l, enw riaiua 8 doa April 1, li i. i it \ i. . i ju-l fivsheni'd, lieiftT rs'nn Ildne March 12, ]>U'U bii-il Short iii.n'ii bull '.' li'unllis olil, 2 ci ws i 1S 'ng A Furrnw, c >w rw'.iig 10 faiTnw, *> steers riiun 2, li yearling!, tut f -IK ii MI- 2,24 ewjn M . ii". 5, ymiltiitr; ewo, 1 I'. '. I, In-.i'. mi.! louHtur, IMPLKMESTS- S,t heavy hnrnw, ' set p!o harnesH, M<wy HHITIM binder C ft cut, M --} 1 I HIM i- in bimlur, Mil'iirin cU mower, set single ItirncvH, I'l-nHt iV Wnoil inko 10 foil, M.I-I'V Hiuiis cluvi-r talili-, MiiHsry Harrii U li'i|ii> en livH'or with rumdur, to' <li-i- Intiniw, Mri '"i inn". 1 I ih'i- iin':, 1'iisM-l fti'i'l liincl mill i'. Ohvur 2 liorso Guru I'ultivn'nr, Cuckthutt it home inamirn -infill, r, sol 12 bull nun h itrowi Het '. hull iron Imrrown, cutter, 'i No. 20 Frost & \Viiod wulk UK pl\v, i o.-k^i.ni i ligbt Uantf |ili>w, set i"-i harvesters with li in.! 1 , !., luavy twin wiilknu: plow, liay rack, CDinliiiialiuli root cutter, Wilkinson No 4 Hingln mid |)!ow, t 'li'ii Imp wngnn wiih )>:>x mill Hi'a', comhination Hiuok rack, Coulioy rubber tin d bu)igy, 2 net heavy I >; Klri^lr-, grain crnille 2 Bnl light liull s'l-'LjIlf, 2 ll'il'-H- ilullljl , III, I 'Illll ll. 1111 funning mill with bugger, U lugging chnlnfl, Ni'i WI'MHII M- il^s 20(10 Ib. cpa- city, 2 .-ri. Inn n ding*. w\ skidding tones, set pntent bindt-r*, 2 grii.d stoned, liny fork, ropo and carriage, sawrng machine with pulley, 4 il /. >n i;ond );rnin bans, ORA1N and MAY- 3110 hunhel oat, 75 buHhel Imrkr. In' i' , 100 bunhnl died barley, 160 ouhel feert what, 50 huxhol choice limnihy need, 24 tun hay, 6 load oat iiiii'iivi's, a (jnantity draw. HOUSKHOLD A HTICLES Melotte cream si-purator, Kavirile barrel ohurn, 2 cimk Nh.vi-H, McCUry'* combination healer, dining table, kilchpit tahli*, 4 dining room ormira, other aniolea loo numerous toapuoify. S'il,' lo cnmmenoo at l.HO o'clock ahsrp '11 :i! MS Mi sumaof |5 00 and under, IM'.II ; ovnr that atiiount 12 months' orvdit r>ll ln> i-ivi'n on aimroveil joint notrR, \virli 5 }>r oi'iit nfT for CKnh in hen of The Administratrix <'f ihe - . , of Win. J. B'.yd, lute of ihe. Village .fi I '. nril. n. deceaied, otf-rs for snle Iho I' 'i . MI'._- firm |.i ' i" i '. :. : 1 Lit 100, 1st fun. N E T A- S U, Artemisia townahip, T>0 acres. 2 Part Lot I. r i2, 1st r*ne S W, and Lot In!), lstran(i8 VV T & S R. Arle- ini'-itt t.'" uxliip, contninii:g 8*J acreH mure or K>8. 3 Lot 155, iBt Ci.n. N K T it S H, Aiteiiienia township, 50 acres. Thetc nre all gud tai m properties and will lie sulil a; a rett'onahlo prioo ivs tin- Ailniii:istfiitrix de.vir-s t close out the entitle. Foi further part ictiUra |>uly tn MIH Win J. Boyil, KU'Hherti'ii, or tn LUCM tt Heiirv, HariiHierc. K'C. . Mnrkdale, Onf. IS Week t o 42 to 33 lo 1 IK) to 1 70 to fit) lo 85 to 1 75 lo 90 toO 80 to 4 00 Illlttl Oareftilly Corrected Encli Bnttcr 40 %. 8 33 \Vinter\Vhfat LHO Sprint; Wheat 1 70 <>U 50 BurU-y 75 Peas 1 CO luckwhctt OO l'otHto, 8 7ft Applet! 4 00 Jmiah Crawf >r<), I'rupiivtor. W Kxittins, Aiu-.liomicr. Don't Do It Don't stmt the prim; house eininp und was'ung witlmut THE RED 8TAU WASHER. A sub- tttmitml built machine made of Cyprcac, (the wi-od eveilatin>.'), a'l nuul purts galvanized to pre- vent rus, tun* easily ih nii'i-hiiiiisin runs en bicycle ball l><?rii>K K slight piesaure will send the fly wheel i|>inuii>a. runs quiet- ly M the gra, ie f pii> 8lip6d inohine cut. Tho lid fi' tii(h nd keeiu is tbe steam so tht the water renmns hot during the oiiurn washing. Come innd let us show you. elo., /lisa Pint and fur house cleaning. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r 1 1 Fleiherton, Ontario Imported "Booze" Shall the importation and the bringing of intoxi- cating liquor into the province be prohibited? WHILE importation of intoxicating liquors into "dry" provinces was forbidden by war-time Order-in-Council, Ontario's jails were half empty. Since that order was rescinded, imported "Booze" has been filling them up again. Jail Commitments Before and after the Federal war-time Order- in-Council prohibiting importation of liquor into Ontario was rescinded: Commitments for All Crimes. 1919 13,096 1920 14,756 Net increase, 1,660. Commitments for Drunkenness. 1919 3,415 1920 4,511 Net increase, 1,096. Imported "Booze" is demoralizing social con- ditions, breeding a disregard of law, endanger- ing the home and menacing the youth of this province. Imported "Booze" is defeating the expressed will of- the people. Vote and Vote, "Yes" Let us shut the door to Imported "Booze** Ontario Referendum Committee of carrying the proceeds Ticket^Sale of roduc Dank of Hamilton will be safe. You can then issue cheques to pay accounts, and your pass book will afford you a cotaplete record of all your transactions. tHEAD Or FICC HAMILTON BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK;RRANCH-A. M. carthew, SL'B-DR\\CH PROTON C. J. Forter, S : i 3lt

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