Flesherton Advance, 14 Apr 1921, p. 1

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. - , Vol 41, No. 44 Flesherton, Ont., April 14 1921 i ' DURHAM We are in receipt of a big hen's egg, the product of the flock of Mr. Hany Holmes of town. The big fellow meai} ures 7J x Gj uiches, and weighs 4 ounces. Mr. Holmes' hens are of the White Rock variety *r.d large e<!gs with them are a regular occurrence. The trout fishing season d:>e not open till the first of May, but we learned frnm a man a day or two ago that some resi- dents of Bentinck have already been fishing. The John E. Russell stone crushing plant is getting ready for the summer's work and will commence operations Monday next with about fifcy men. During tha winter the capacity of the plant has been doubled and it is expected that about 40 cars of crushed stone will be shipped. Chroniola. Old Durham Road Syrup makinu has been brought to a close for thia season and very few have made a fortune this year. Most of the fanners have bo-en busy lately getting their summers supply of wood buzzed. Mn. Dave McDonald spent a wuek with her mother, Mrs 3ilby, Chatawnrth. Margaret Richardson spent the week end at her home in Proton. We are sutry to report Margaret Currie Jemen Reid and Archie Currie ou tne lick lilt, but we hope for a speedy re- covery in all cases. Mr A II Whyto spent a f<tw days with his parents Margaret Knox, of bwintou Park, called on friends here lately. Win Reid made a business trip to Dundalk last week. James Oliver was iu Markale one day lait week. MARRIED Morrison Thomson On April 6th, in Toronto, by Rev. Logan Ofggie, pastor of Dunn Avenue Preibyterian Church, Mi- < Sylvia ThnmuoD, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Thomion, 8th Line, Uoprt-y, to Mr. William Morrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Morrison, Maxwell. Thomson Lawler On April Gth, in Toronto, by Rev. Logan Gei^Se. pastor of Dunn Ave. Presbyterian Church, Miss Alice Eiiz'ibjth Lawler, youngest duiih- ter of Mr, and Mm. George Lawler, of Maxwell, to Mr. Neil Thomson, son of Mr and Mrs, Win. Thomson, 8ih Line, Osprey. i ^ ^ . BIG CONCERT A concert consisting ot music, solus, recitations, quartattn, orchestra and several o'her cumhets will be given in the Flefherton High School, under I fie . auspices of tho Literary Society of the High School, ou Friday, April l^th. Admission 2*>c. Kveryhody name and ' enjoy yourself. Don't Do t Don't s'nit the spring hoBM cleaning and washing without THE RED STAR WASHER. A sub- stantial built machine made of Cypress, (the wood everlasting), all metal p%rts galvanized to pru- vcnt in-.', runs easily as the mechanism runs on bicycle ball bearing a slight pBcssuro will send the fly wheel spinning, runs i|iiie'- ly as the g'eirs-' .aio npiial shaped machine cut. The lid HIS tight and keeps in the sieaia so thiir the water remains hot during the entiro washing. Cumo in and let us show you. Also Paints and Vuruishes, etc , for house cleaning. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontari ROCK MILLS The Kocu Mills Ladius 1 Aid will hold their next meeting at ihu home of Mrs Thos Beits on Wednesday, April 20th. Murall Belts visited friends near FeversliMii recently. We are sorry to report lit lie Lulu Russell ill with pneumonia. Frank Seeley lost a valuable horse last weak. Misa Susie Chard spent a few days with her sister here. Rev Mr Small of Toronto very accep- tably tilled the pulpit in the Baptist church here Sunday evening. Seeding has commenced, Thoj Butts being the lirxt to sow around here. Robert Akitt returned home lust week, after an extended visit, with his diunhter at Brantford. Mr and Mrs Margin Phillips of b'lesh- rton spent a day the past week with Mr and Mrs B obert, Clark and family. W are sorry to k-arn of Mr James 'inline being confined to hia bed far some tinii', but, hope he may be able to be aroudd again soon. W. J. Newell and lady friend of Durham vist ted over Sunday with Chas Newull and wife. James Piirk visited over the week end with -his family iu Owen Sound. CharlfR Howard visited recently with fiiends at Thorn bury. Isaac Smiih and Levi Beits shipped a car load of fat oattlo to Toronto Monday. We extend our heaitiest congratula- tions to Miss L'.lian Park of Owen S. ,i,n i and formerly of this place, who has taken as life partner Uaort^e Paten, tH if F:i short on. Little Frank Johnston is under the doctor's care at present. Mrs Edwin Smith is -utf. i n from a severe cold. Tucker Phillips lost a fine cow laii week. Road Not Wide Enough A rather queer otute of affairs ha de- reloped at Chatsworlh on what is now known as the Chalsworth and Cooktville road, especially the portion of it leading throuch the village. The rod was form rly known as the old Toronto line and ia one of the thoroughfares included in the Ontario Government's plan for im- proving the provincial hinhwaya. The standard width for all provincial hiuhwav* under Hon. F. C. 13'g;s' plan is 00 feet, but the portion of the road running through Chatsworth falls considerably short, nf tho requirement. According to the ctakes which have been put down by the Provincial surveyor the cement side walk and thu watercourses on both nidt>N of the road are on tho provincial right-of- way. Nor is thia the only ditiiculty that will have t'i be overcome. Mr. M. Uamiigo's housa and several oi her build- ings are suid to anoroaob upnn the load allowance and will probably have to be moved before work ou llie highway i B computed News. In Memoriam Moore In loving memory of Florence Matilda Moure, who died April 23. lillii. We loved her, yes wu loved hei. But JI-RUS loved her more, And h IIHR sweetly culled her To ynnder shining shore. Father, Mother, Brothers and Siters First it was fu'ight and pn8*eni. r er rates, then express rates, and now an increase haVixjen' granted in telephone ra'i'S. rh farmer lind* that there has breu a cut of moro thn h'fly per ceno. in tho price he receives for his products, yet every bi corporation which goes to the Government is permitted to take increased toils from tho common people. Farmers' Sun. G. A. WATSON & SONS - Priceville - Lumber, Shingles, Planing Matching & Housefinish i Order* taken tor DOOIB, Sach and all 1 House Fin'sh. )j-inch match Oak or I Maple FlooriDK* ^ se al ''e famous Fiber Board on walls, it, is J inch thick and wind proof. Car of B.C. XXX Shinnies, fn hand at lowest prices Leave your oider as pr^cs ore advancing. Let UH figure on your next job, it will cost you nothing EUGENIA The Guild entertained the Flesherton yaung people at their last meeting aud enjoyed the dnbatii given by the Fleshvr- ton Guild, subject be^nj; "which is thu happier, the intiiried or single BIBB?" the marriici man wJODIDg. GUIIHK and music were pnrt of tho evening's pro grain. A dainty lunch WHS served by tho Kuut'iiia y>ui g people. The meeting this week will be held in the Methodist church, the topic being t ikon by Rev Fow lei- Mr ..ml Mrs Jchn Wicki'iis entertained their fiieruls and relatives one evening recently in honor of Ihe ICth anmvorsaiy of thfir wedding. Mrs Kernahnn, <;f T. -ronto, is llie ue.st of .1 K Jaiincsuii at pr>-xk'nt. Married at I lie Methodist parsonage, Markdnla. hy Rev Stanley on Wednesday March .')(), Miss Florence Parliament, youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Jacob Parliament of Eimenia t-> I.awrum-e Lyons, of Portluw. After the murrain ceremony the bride and groom returned to the bride's home where a dainty wedding luncheon was served. Tim biide was prettily attired ID dnvesi't-y silk crejie do chine with In-ad and silk embroidery trimming, her (i''ii'S nway mit being of hiowu ladies cloth with l>luse anil hut to match. The young couple will reside on the grooms farm un the centre line. \\'o wUh them n Inn^ and happy wedded life. Monday evening fullnwini; 'he wedding the people of Euueniu gathered at the home of the hiide's parents and presented Mrs Lyons vrnli A miicellsnaoui shower. The r i rn. in/ was -|" :n in music and Mini--* and all enjnyicl a pleMint time together, Bertba Smilb, of Own Sound, visited her cousin, N<_-a Williams, during the past week. The box social and concertgive.il in aid of the memorial on Frtduy ni^ht WHS a good succeBH considering the dark stoiniy evening. The program was a good one, Had 'lii- weather been EKTonbIt) DO dotlhl the hall would have been crowded. Garald Large acted in t tie capacity of chairman and Robert Puivis hnilled the boxes in his usual bright and witty manner. The proceeds amounted to something over !!5. Herbie Haney has been under tho dcctcir'a care for the pant twj weeks. Wo hope HOOD to hear of his complete recovery. Mr Wes Coney hns gone to Chippewa to work ou the construction work with the Hydro Electric. What will the nirla do now without Wesley. The Eugenia boys organiz-d their base- ball teum one evening last week with Charlie Hark as Captain, Herb Bet s as malinger and (' ud (jinham Sec.-Treae. We hope to neo good many good clem exciting games this season In Memoriarn In Inviny memory of Mrs. M. Martin, who died April 17th, l'.2U. Short and sudden w is 'hi 1 call Of our dear niullie-r loved l>y a 1 1 ; The blow WIIR jji'fai, I he rulinck severe. We little thought IHT death so near. < )nly IhoKti who loved cun toll How hnid it la to say farewell. - Thii Family. MORTGAGE SALE 1'iider and by viru- of Ibn p.nvcrs contained in a <M>it'iin ninrtt>ng-. wlruh will be produced at, t.liH linn- i,f s:\li there will be oll'cri'd l-ir su!o by public .iiiflion on 22nd Day of April, 1921 A' tho hour of 2.dO n'c'.'cli in t !> nfl.rr- nuon. :.t. ill.! MUNSHAW IMU'fsK, in the VM.LACE OF KLl'lSHKKTON, hy B. H. VV'il'li'ii, iiucliouoi.T, the following properly, nmnuly : Part i'f V linuro Lot No. 2 on the South- w.'Ht Miloof IS.vtirtiiliaiii Hirei". in- ihr Village of nenluiriiin. in ihu Ci.unly of Gri'j', liiji.'fhei wiihtho use i.i eniinni'ii c-f a bine ten fuul mrr or loss in wirllh runiiini; along t.h niirtliwst siilo i-f Lot No. 2 ' n t lin SOI)|,|I\VCK| ide of Kydciilrnii sti'fBt to t.liH 1'ino ill the ri'iir of said Lnt No. 2 and being of uniform iiith nf 20 foet. 5 inches more nr IUHS fr. in fmnt to rear. Terms : 20 per cent, of Ihe purchase nioney to be p. id down at tho time of sale, halation to bu paid within M days F-ir further particulars and conditions of salo apply to LUCAS & HENRY, Solicitor* for the MnrtKHgnr, Markd-.lp, Ont. Dated at Mark dale this Hist day cf Mareh A. D. 1921. FEVERSHAM I'resto, cbttiigo ! And bihold out frutn- mr like weather changes aud n cold wave blows over th eountiy with cold winds at'd frii*t, but no Know of .my HCC im.t, sn wo may expect 10 wiko up some morning somi wiih tho 6un thiinni; waim ajjfiin So mote it be, say we. Cujjid has :igain been shunting Ins arrows around here and has made targets of two of OUF esliuiiihlu young couple.'-. Neil Thomson ami Miss Ailiu Lawlur, and W J Miiiiison and M,ss Sylvia Thompson joined hands and hunts for the journey tlnough iife. After a short wedding trip toTuivnlo unit olh<-r points Mr Morrison .ml wife uili lie at homo on their faun west of MiiX'-vel), and Mi Tiioinnun c .11 thu R'cAiibur faun east, i.f Miixxvtdl. Tim young coupVs' many friends j.iin in wishing ihrti" u happy and prosperous journey thnugh life. While one uf our redtilu idd villages wan driving out into the country one afternoon laat week, he -isset upon by tw<j of nur village yii !s ami ,1 , ..urse I, ad t lake llu in iiK.r^. So you young (allows look to it -ind have your cars ur driving outfits ill siuipi) when the nicu balmy fXeiiinus coinn iinmn. But nevi-r mind uiils if they don r, tlie old fel.'ow you luiU the drive, wnh says he mijnyi-d company and that you will be welcome to go for a drive with him at any time. Wei), things are cliini>iiig around hen-. The round trip troiii lien- In FlL-shertoii daily with the mail u.st-d to be t great effort with ihu hoise drawn outfit. Now mr nmil carrier h;is developed into au expert chauffeur and with bu Tin Lizzie truck H making the round trip twice a day as the freight situation requires. Walter Keiton has moved over to ilie Amoriaan side of the village, aim our blacksmith, Mr Hurst, has moved into thu house Walter vacated on the Cana dian side Our paper hanger and decor- ator, Jus SnyerH, ia being kept busy these days. Sandy McArthur haH rented his farm on dm Collngwnod gravel road to Nn ; l omHi n. Mr and Mrs Me.* 1 ' hurintond spending the nmmu'r wni. .'ripnds in tho West. DUNDALK Death camuddeiily to Win Mills whiln at his work at the farm of Mrs. Nurrin at Shrigley n Manh 24th. Ho loft tho house to do Ihu morning chores iu tho barn mid r*)out lifteeli minute* ati-r was found cK'ud ou tho barn Hour. Ho was 62 years old and is survived hy Ins wife, two sons and thre^ daughters, all of wlicnn reside at Brampinn. Mr. Mills had uoniu from that p'acu only l <n<i-l<.s previous t,) nian.iL'e the faun fur Mia. N irris. The di ce;if oJ lived 10 this district up to about 25 years ;igo :i-d was t '10 son of lilt! Into Mr. tud Mi. .lumen Mills, pioiu-ur Ni'ttleis mi the tJravel R ud, Melaiic'lmn. Following the UKu.il 'justimi Ouinlalk buatneMneo are agreeing to tak Tlmrn- day aflurmiuii ^H n half holiday h- uinniog the liist Thursday in May and c iitinuini{ to the laht Thursday in ijpplcn.l-er. This fits in with tin* rogulnr hank hai -hnlidn KK'sliHilon UaMi-hall Club liavi> taken the initiative in sugfesiini' ilii- lormstinn of a'distiit-t league. Dnmlaik ban not had tbnir n>hiii/.'t:iui meelii'g yet l the lioyw appear l l'i' in fn\in- of iho leagiii' idea. The new playinif ^loun at Mi-nn-rial Pink sh mid ui-t aomo attention riyht awiy in the way nf leveling. Hernln, The Latest from New York and Paris- BUSINESS AS USUAL T; n n Funeral Directors and he "eggy Bracelet Embaime Phone Hillcrest 268 can be worn as a - - . _ 124 Avenue Road, Bracelet or Necklace Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT These are real chic ami a J W. Bates, R. Maddocks, handsome hit of .jtwelory President. Manager Introduction Price - $1 Yorkshires, Tamworths W. A . ARMSTRONG Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purposes Jeweler, FLESHERTON Phouu or write <JE(>. \V. ONT O-^preyTel. system Maxwell P. D SEEDS SEEDS We have receive 1 our supply of Seeds and are now in a pos tion to supply your wants in any of the following lines : Timothy No. I Special Timothy No. 2 No. I for purity Mammoth No. 1 Special Red Clover No. I Special Alsike No. I Special Sweet Clover White Blossom No. 1 Come in and let us prove to you that our Seeds are the best and our prices right. We also have a complete stock of Sugar Beet, Mangel and Turnip Seeds. Also everything in Flower and Garden Seeds. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flcshcrton, - Ontario Millinery We have a most up-to-date stock of Mill- inery in Paris, London, New York and Gainsborough styles. We have them on the tables for your inspection and we respectfully invite you to call and see our display. We fea,ve Mats at all Prices W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton "THE ELDRIDGE Dependable .Sewing Machines at Moderate Prices. SOLD BY W. A. ARMSTRONG FLE*HERTON, ONT. pw- ,w Farm For Sale Lot 1, con. 5, ArtmnoHii, 2J milt-s from Pricuvilln ami 4 miles [rum C'oylon, con- laininu 1UD ucios, ahiuit 00 acres cleaned mid in Kuod Hliito of cultivation, about 22 acr- in nweot clovur and 10 acres hurowood hush Honmy and comfort - ;tlilo hiiuin with good nellar ; also diivin^ shrd and barn (SUx(!5 on stone founda- tion. Water insiilo and mr. als > i{ond pi in!.'-; for wnturiiiK purposes. This is tha old Patterson farm und will be sold at one". Apply to D. McTAVlSII, Flenhcrton, Out. TonsoriaJ Parlors \Ve Aim to Give Oitlro LAUNDUY-Baskot oloees ni^ht, delivery FnORy ev CLEANING and - e at igonts for Parker's Vyb Woflts Oloth oloanod and ityfid. ir-iihi'v... Tbjuven.La T FISflPR- -PROPRJETOt

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