Flesherton Advance, 14 Apr 1921, p. 2

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Fully licensed under Marconi nii'l C&nadlun General Kiev trio I ' Canada's Wireless Year! Whether you are rexldent In a lurR city or two or three hundred mllea nway, Amateur Wlrelexx K'<iulp- mcnt furnUhpN you with enilleesi lnntructlve rntri'taln- m*nt. VI n on nupply Rnrelvltif AppitratUH which will plik up slgnali from the big WlrrlpBH SttUlons and enable you to "listen In" for wirtlMI telephone con- certo radiated by th Marconi Company. Secure a Transmlttlnir Set (operated directly off a lamp eockrt) and communicate with your friend* a hundred miles away! Amateur Wireless bring* the irrent world to your door. Out out and mall this ad. to ua with request for Trice 1. 1st "C" and acli u anything 1 you would like to know about Amateur Wireless. ' "11 line of purtH and toch- nloal bookn always In stock. SCIENTIFIC EXPERIMENTER, Limited 93 Mitt O 8TAEBT EAST, . TORONTO Grandmother Mullen *f and the Airship By MARY BARRETT HOWARD. practical and economical bassinet for railway stock, she an.i (traiulfather PART I. | len wailed. "You can't p-ick up a "Now, pa, remember! Don't set newspaper nowaday* without seeing foot in an automobile-; and don't cross an wcoajnt of one of these things ths street unless a policeman sayg you fal'ling!" may!" But there was a new and becoming The o'.d man, who was clambering flush on her cheeks and a proud light into a democrat, nodded a trifle im-,'" ner eyes when she slipped the po*t patiently. These were only two of , car d ' n - her pccket, rwiwirkins 1 casu-l numberless admonitions- fihoweredj a '1y. "I guess I'll just step over an 1 upon him since it liad been definitely i ?t Mis' Htan's recipe for jam cake." divided that for the first time in morej She found the captain on the side than half a century he should absent porch, sittinp with his chair tilted at himself for a whole week fro:n la perilous an^le. Forgetting her os- Oamlmolher Mullen's care. Three | tensible errand, GrBuiaaptbag Mullen turbulent grandchildren made her ! na r '^* f ' him the pc??t-card in meaning! own presence at liaitve imperative, and ; sileiwe. For a full moment Capt. Bean she had hesitated lor.% before con-i surveyed the astou-iding likeness of senting to let him go a!one. However, i n ' s derided neighbor in a silence Ml as the owners of certain shares of, deep as ^ rs - Mullen's. Then three j ie most liked devices is a' his first little son. Taking the idea'Mu!''?n wcic entitled to free trans- ic liirht for the children's ' from a two-wheeled tea table, he built 'PHaUcn to a rtockh tors' meeting | a frame having two wheels in front'!" $ ka g > ' nd ll T' 1 to her , un ' ,..,.,, .* ..thrifty that orw cf them at least wooden legs, two belonging to the' rur.h-bottomcd chair and one to the battlc-?c-arred veteran, struck the Pon-h floor with a resounding crash. Money and Minute Savers. Out- <.f the small electrL ...._ _ ..._ . be<iro<)m - B f . r f mc t h , a , V1I ! g tW , wh r !s '" 1 I . 1 V thrifty that'W" cf 'them "f "leiitl "Why. the old sport!" ha ejaculated. This is very easily installed and and two table ,eg 3 in back. Upon thus !h(; , :! ;, M , make u . e of the O . ;iportun . I "By jinks. I'd rather fight the Battle very convenient, especially where frame, having been very careful to |ity Tfcat co , 13 id t ration finally pre- ' of Gettysburg fi,?ain than g>o up in .___ i i. - _i- ___ ^ i_ 1 _ ?i %_ ; _ I '.-. _ _ _. <f_r - , -*. .. tft pai-tjOne cf those airrhips! Within the next frrty-eig-ht hours Grar/Jmother Mullen, for ths fir:-'t time in half a century of married life, tasted the cup of mirg!ed bitter and s-wcet that is ouaifed by ths wife of j the man whs dare?. She wa-> torn by conflicting emotions, for, although Mr. MuKen's scn:Kng the pest card there are very small children, for just make it just high enough to suit his! vailed with h?r ghe saw him t!epart nvisgivings, though the privately thought that rred and all right or"' to" light the way draped w 'th white ruffles, it is as Jairus Mullen was nrpre likely to err _.x_- _j ...1.1 . ,_ cn , (), e s'ide cf oxeti.-ive caution than th\t cf rrck!o.-.> dariivg. That a touch of Wg-ht to see the switch makes enough wife . he securely fastened a rectangu- with keen if every vounestcr is cov- 1 ' ar clothes basket. Painted white, and ; neighbors . t_ r _ : * - .!.,; ^*., ti t'l-t water for them, Ours is a six-volt lamp with recep- tacle, about 8 or 10 feet of insulated lamp cord, three dry batteries and switch. The cost of same was J2.10, ' pretty and convenient as could be de- A Left-Handcd Party. A party at which guests and hosts opinion his Rrandscn, Jac-k, a sturdy lad of eleven yrars, appeared to share. Just 'before the wagon took Mr. Mullen out of sight round the whirh we do not consider much in ac- niay use only their left hands does not 1 corner, he remarked irreverently: cordanco with the convenience: Lamp sound exciting, but try it i'l see if| "Say, granny, you forgot to_ tel and receptacle, ^5c; cord. L'.V; switch, following JOc; batteries, $1.50. Total, $2.10. j will not We have a box just big enough for. fun, interest and unique The Clown of the Woods. Early on* morning, says a contri- butor to Outing, I saw a black bear cub playing with the barbed wire of a railway fence. He Jumped through the strands of wire, apparently well pleased when the barbs scratched his thick woolly pelt. Then he twanged the taut wire as a violinist twangs the strings of his instrument and cocked his roguish head on one side, all the time swaying back and forth in a rocking, dancing movement. After perhaps five minutes of the performance a grunt of warning came from a near-by swamp. At the sound the cub froze in alert attention for a moment; then he jumped between the wires -and back again, gave one more twiicli to the new-found musical In- strument and rushed off to his mother, exactly like a mischievous boy. Bears were common when I was a boy, the writer coninuers, and one day tracks In the soil told me that a bear was responsible for the loss of our garden truck. So I lay in wait for him and saw him one evening. He was as playful as a kitten; he must have been about two years old. As soon as he got into the garden he began rushing at a cabbage head. Round the head he leaped, and boxed like a pugilist. Then when he had demolished it he went to another head and another. Sometimes he stopped and rolled. He kept up the game for some time be- fore I ended it. I ran toward him yell- lug, and the black rascal changed time Into distance at an astonishing rate. Forestall Colds, Chilb and Influenza Take Us* B o T r 1 1 In your cooking. It fla/ours, en- rliJi*i. nourishes more. The Body-bulldlnif Power of Bovrll has been proved by Independent scientific experiments to b from 10 to 20 times the amount of liovrll taken. Canada's largest university, in the matter of enrolment, is the University of Toronto. During the se'ssion of 1S19-20 it had 5,200 on its roll from University College and the affiliated colleges, making it the largest univer- sity in the British Empire. that apparently simple rule! (frandpop r.ot to go up in an airship. 1 assure a whole evening of "^ , la . n ;}-y u , d -'"' t suppose h -rt ,,ml ,,nin <.ptortai i- ^V 1 ' 1 d W'ChwtawdW Mllfcan ex the batteries to et in. This is fasten- ed may be placed on the floor. From ment. claimed, panic-stricken. The next instant .she wa* hurrying . . to the under part of the bed, or When ail the quests have arrived j ,i own the garden walk. Her white . announce that as soon as the games curls were Ixobbiiw, and she was here the cord is run to the switch,: are over anyone who has used his| ^bricking frantically, "Pa! Pa Mul- which is fastened to the head board right hand during the evening will t a convenient place, and from here have to do whatever stunt the others on to the lamp. The lamp may hang' may propose. len! Pa-a Mul Ion!" HIT tone was imperative. Although the neighbor who was driving Grand- father Mullen to the station muttered where it is most handy. This enables Then play games that call for quick ,e to move the bed wherever wanteU,' -i -urate handwork. All-up relay, j and does not disturb the light. | played left-handed, is not so easy as j crk(ul the horse (o a may put the batteries in the !t looks, nor are potato racing and "And don't you jro up in one of One cellar and run the cord through the spinning the platter. If you have en those airships, pa!" Grandmother floor if desired, but we did not find this '*' ping-porg set in the house, you Mullen cried. Mr. Mullsn waved his quite so handy, a* the cord was in! ca " arrange a left-handed ping-pong 1 hand in sign of assent, and the wagon the way of moving the bed and for tournament. Divide the company into resumed its journey. weening. rnunW nml lot thorn nlnv ,l/>,il.lo "' guess you neeln't have wasted weeping. couples and let them play doubles. There is almost no end to the fun you breath tellin' Jairus he wasn't to go up in an airship, Mis' Mullen!" some chuckled der- When cream is too thin to whip it that bean-bag games played left- ^ eloTe a ,,,-., ,,.,,, ,,, r . may be made sufficiently thick by handed, will afford. Benn-bag box, ; j s i ve ]y. "Jairus took mighty pood adding unbeaten white of an egg ami pass-nd-toss rela> and teacher and care of hi fkin hack in the sixties, class are excellent. So are all run, land he's kept right on taking care of ball tag, centre catch ball and line' It ever since." bean-bagl Grandmother Mullen's face re-ldcn- "That's all you know alxnit it, Capt. beating in the usual manner. tag, centre catch ball and line 'it ever since." Very often in cooking a cereal for z'Kzag all soft-bail or breakfast, such as rolled oats or'uanies. cream of wheat, there will be gome' Here are sonic suggestions for for- left over. Many a housewife throws fcits: Blindfold two players, lead them tfcis away, as it hardens with stand- ' 1 opposite sides of the room, and Ing and a crust forms on it by th* then tell them logo toward each other jf<. ,',' m-in In' ,han Jarus Muu" is' bv ha' l.ern in his grave long ago next morning. Thus it is Now. an excellent way to cercal like this over is to cover it an Inch or so dc-ep with water. The next and to dance in the fourt]' : tell a ln? street on his peg I'??. Oraivlt- morning no crust will be formed and Kuest to lev- the room with two ! mo , th 'T Mullen went up the garden walk, between the r, -,\s cf spiry clove wasted.' nd shake hands; ask "some one to if it hadn't h.' been for mo." keep a laugh in one corner of the room, to Capt. Btan pave another short, der- i" the second, to cry in the third isive Inugh r.n 1 stunipo.! ;i!cnp: down It will not be a whit inferior by stand- ' ( 'K S a d to will give everyone a chance to display Often we want to make wide tucks left-handed table manners, on thin dresses tucks too wide for the machine tucker. I IIAVC had great nuccess with the following method: I cut a piece of fairly stiff paper the width desired for the tuck, and twelve or more inches in length. After fold- ing the goods 1 pin the paper tuck Why Not the Co-Operative Laundry? In these modern days when co-oper- a wife and three you rag children to support was at home rather than in the rank's of his country's defender*. Even in the dark (lays of 18(i3. when proved that pa hai returnci cd from that first ma, I ventur?, who could tell that he nvight not even then be embarkir.g cn that dread s'hip for a second and less lucky flight. More- over, she ft ami that her husband, having defied her au'Jht/rity once in' risking life and !-im,b. would hence-! forth regard truftirg himself to that lesser engine of destruction, a motor car, as a mere trifle and would scorn to seek the help cf a poMcemaji in crossing even ths busiest city streets. On the ether hand, no wife of war- rior or hero since time began ever felt more pride in h?r lord's exploits than Grandmother Mullen felt in that madcap feat of her hitherto staid and tractable husband. (To be continued.) Are Sunday Schools Dying? Sunday schools are the patent of the English-speaking peoples of the world. They are found wherever British and American people live, or where their missionaries have taught, but nowhere else. It is an amusinK thing that the Sun-, day-school Union only dates back to 1803. and that the very first Sunday- school In the world was opened at Bristol less than 150 years ago. When there were no people's schools in Eng- and many an ambitious lad learned to read and write at the Sunday- school, but with the coming of the Hoard-schools, religious instruction be- came their sole purpose. About the end of last century Sun- day schools reached their high-water mark as far as attendance is concern- ed. The average attendance at the world's Sunday-schools every Sunday afternoon run Into tens of millions. Of late years there has been a steady de- j dine in the popularity of the Sunday- schoql. It would be a world catastrophe If! this peculiarly English institution -y. 111 1 V UOV ' i ' 'I HK1 l>( 1*11' 9 I'lttT I, II II ative effort on the part of farmers It eama when his services were absolute- provinK so helpful and so popular, Itjly nwe.?ary to pave the Union, fhc is strange that there are not a large 1 would never <-on?<>nt to his enlisting. . . number of co-operat.ive laundries Rut in spite of her convictions she had marker with the lower erlge on the throughout the country. For some learned to dreaxl Memorial Day, for .Taurus had been so restless, ,he had should lose the immense power it has steadily dec'arc-1 that, un-Vs* the time wielded in the making of the nation. Mlnard's Liniment for Burnt, etc. reason the co-operative laundry idea V enr ''V v /", r "'''" face had grown | Ing some recruits In the mysteries of has been very slow i: footing in our rural there are few community co-operative fold of the goods, and stitch along the lop of the marker, moving it along the fold of the goods each time I run the length of it. This method saves much time and it perfect tuck can be run easily. * Cracks in floors may be neatly and permanently filled by thoroughly | congested living centres. There is no caking newspapers in paste made of 'reason why the sa.me burden should T k half pound of flour, three quarts of not be turned over by the busy farm! 1 water, half pound of alum, mixed and woman to a central plant. It has been Mule Drill. An Irish drill-sergeant was Instruct- in obUininir n n " 1T(> wistful as he watt-hed the fast-, nun-clilng movements, and found great al districts vet **"$ , ninks , (>f L ^eraiM march | difficulty in getting a countryman of '..:.. J Proudly through the street to the',.,.. to halt when the c-ommaml w !la ugh Once she Had to can i 10 con- . . - experiments that are so attractive. Uol P him by Fpcakiivsr of the thousands The central laundry is one of the who had man-lied off, never lo return, great necessities in city life to-day, and of the po.si>bility that he m.igM I recruit, sized him up silently for a his to halt when the command was given. After explaining and illustrat- ing several times, ho approached the talking over a tremendous burden m have been among them. Rut he had I couple of minutes, ami then demanded answered solemnly, "We'll, ma. Mils name, those that dii v :l HS well as boiled. The mixture should be about s thick as putty, and may be forced Into the crevice with a knife. It will harden like pnpicr-mache. * I sometimes have to hang a gate or a door, and a carpenter's wife hap- pened in one day as I was having a tusule with an unruly screw. She in- formed me that carpenters drive the screw as they do a nail, almost to the head, then clinch it with the screw- driver. This little wrinkle hns svei me oolite a lot of time and patience. * * If soot falls upon a rug or carpet, I never attempt to sweep until I have covered it thickly with dry salt. It ,i_ f suggested hat the farm womi-.n o.>p that livwl fcun> 1 it-worth while." But that had boen the only time , that ho had questioned the wisdom of 3 her decree?, ami from the first the little woman had taken embarrasse.l in -ending out the fam- ! hl , igkt H-fi ily washing. The city woman has com- 1 command ^^ of the slow, easy-coing pletely overcome any such eiiil>arrass-j man, who peemcd (juite content to ment. It Itas also been suggested that pkwl nlong thc safe ways appointed the farmer is not willing to spend the ' or him. However, a gleam of humor extra money for outside laundry. i lurkfd in his mild blue eyes. Whatever the reason may bo we be- ' lievu that if our rea<k-rii should oh- Grandmother Mullen's * incmlulous imagined < so o- . , ., when, a few MM niter r s depar- .erve the success of the rural co-oper- tun> Mhc ^ived n post card that ative laundry, as we have seen it in sh mvfl him Feate<l in an urslwp operation, there would soon be ludljioartnf above the "skyscrapers" of a laundry in nearly every country ' Chicago. "t'asey, sir," was the reply. "Well, Casey, did ye iver drive a mule?" "Yis, or." "What did ye say when you wanted him to .stop?" "Whoa." The sergeant turned away and im- mediately put his squad in motion. After they had advanced a dozen yards or so ho bawled out at the top of his lungs: "Squad, halt! Whoa, community. One thing is certain: If! the farm woman does not enjoy th benefits of a central laundry, she is ! entitled to a modern laundry on the 1 farm, properly ......ipped ,* "Oh, my soul!" she gasped fcelly. The three children crowd?!! round . wi '<l ^i'" excitement. W ***"" kil <>'f fkP." iid Jack. can then be swept up properly, and ! wasihiinig machine, mangle and not a utain or niear will be left * * the If the tips are off shoestrings you can make them as good ns new. and BO they will lace c:illy, by dampen- ing the ends with glue and twisting them into points. * * A returned soldier, finding that it takes ns much iiiijfci.uity to combat the high cost cf living ns it did to fight the Germans, has made a very Used Autos KKKAKKY KKI.I.S TIIKM: KSHD earn of nil type*, all cars nolft ub- Jcct to <l.>lUcTy up to 300 mllos, or 1*01 run of s.ir, ,, iiju.ii,, ,. if 7 OU W lh. In iui KOI/ ordrr tig purchased, or pnrrNaaa cr refunded. I III NO in,- h:u,: of your own choice ' to look tlitin over, or ajk ua to | He ny rar to city repreaentiitti* for ! Inflection. Very larr Btonli always on band. Brepkey'8 U.-Jil Car Market 402 Tomre c:ret, Xoroato . Jack," GraTMlmot.her Mullen said other machinery that, takes the drudg- sharply. "I've always had to curb ery out of one of the most irksome 1 your grandfather im." tasks on the farm. Relief from un-i Infected hy the n'bsolute conviction necessary drudgery lifts the standard in Iris grandmother^s tone, Jack eyed of farm life to the levels of success. M'I ,,i,i , Liniment Rellevn : etc. How Jenn Makes Hash. Jenn, the negro chef at a certain country club, makes hash that has no equal. The fiimc of the <llnh In great, but the secret of its nxcellpiu-p eluded everyone until one day a iiipmhur of the club complimented Jean on his skill. "How do you il, It?" he aekd. "I never get liiiwh like yours anywhere else." ".lean's black fiice glowed with pleasure at the compliment. "Ileef la nolhln,," he replied, "potatoes Is notliln," onions In nnthin'; but when 1 frowes myself Into de hash dat's ui :ii imtkivi it what It is!" '< P oslt ( ' ar< ' admiringly. "(li-HTidpop's poinsi' snni-o if he went j up in an airship," he admitted. "0 me! my!" Graiidrnothi'r Mul TORCAN FANCY GOODS CO., Ltd. 7 Wellington St. East TORONTO Importers and Wholesale Dealers In Fancy Qooua, Cut Glass, Earth- enware, Fancy China. Toys, Sport- tag Goods, Smallwares, Hardware Specialties, Druggists Sundries. Travellers Exerywhere Wholesale Only When you think of painting Remember that the paint for every need and protection is made by " The Right Paint to Paint Right" ASK YOUR DEALER u COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORK 8 0. J. CLIfP TORONTO FOR PURPOSE fm * FOR EVER!' SURFACE Kow a the time yoil Tart greatly improve the appear- ance of your home with a touch o( paint here and there. Don't neglect your furniture and woodwork. A coat of protection wiil work wouders. Save die turface and yuu uve alii NARTIN-SENOOR VARNISHES PAINTS AND Tor r h Want and Getitngt NEU-TONE the $hble. M.iitjry lim-N th will not fade or rub off. ' ' . pleating tints -. i flugcstiMu lo bcrnicr*. for Woorfworfr. rtc. MARTIN 'S WHITE ENAMEL (he tn*mcl de Itur) A beauti- ful finish for hathroomi. bed* room*), etc. It tit}> *hi*.e. For Floor* SENOIU'S FLOOR ft ,-! ring? of ... i - It drin hard ith a beautiful rrumel finuh th*t *C4IS ami tear i. For /':<..'..-, Floors MARBLE- ITE The flour finiah ttut withktamlv the hardest UM(. Ah*r<i hniili that iot mar r.cr cratcli white. t ciit be 4*liw *u!i swap and For Furniture WOOD-LAO STAIN In many ' ' i*. Mahogany, Cherry, eic. Gives to inrxt>enttvc wood* the appearance of the nwr t - ; , Easy lo utc> For I OUTSIDE POR^H FAINT ':.- hvd ID ft :. >. hour* 4itd veart like iron. MARTISENOUB 6* P*oowons or Mutm AM ; \ f.' ! . Send for Book of Recipes, FREE! H In 2, 5, and 10-lb. tins ungry, romping children eat all the doughnuts they want in homes where Mother uses Crown Brand Syrup when making them. It is a healthful, whole- some, highly nutritious food, recommended by highest authorities on diet. Fine as a spread, as n table syrup, for all baked dishes, icings and candies. THE CANADA STARCH CO., LIMITLt), MONTREAL. CTie Great Have Your Cleaning Done by Experts Clothing, household draperies, linen and delicate fabrics can be cleaned and made to look as fresh and bright as when first bought. Cleaning and Dyeing Is Properly, Done at Parker's It makes no difference where you live; parcels can bo eent in by mail or express. The same care and atten- tion is given the work a though you lived in town. We will be pleased to advise you on any question regarding Cleaning or Dyeing. WRITE US. Parkers Dye Works ta Cleaners &Ryers 79IYongeSt, Toronto

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