April i I THE Fl ESH1UTON ADVANCE Let the Sank Help You The Merchants Bank is a successful Bank because it helps its customers to achieve success. Some of the most prosperous Farmers in this community have won their way with the helpful assistance and sound advice of this Bank. They realize that The Merchants Bank is ready to advise its customers on all financial matters. TH MRCHANTS BANK 131 THE Flesherton Advance An indrpQiidviit iiont>pper published every Thuredny t. the nflief, Collingwood Stioet, Fltolierton. Suli.-cripiimi piico r'l .'D per am. HIM when j.ii i in i'. nn- ; $2 00 when not so paid. 82.00 to I'niteil S'atfH. Adveit'sini; rateB on itppliculion. Circulation ovur 1100 woekty. W. II. THUl!Sro\ EDITOR Established 1 864. Head Office: Montreal. OF FLESHERTON AND CEYLON BRANCHES, J. C. SCOTT, - . . r Manager. Flesherton Tin Shop 1 h-ivo just. placed on tin; shelves a full lint) of Tinware, Nickel ware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get 'your supplies. Eavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended t.o. Pipefitting, including pmnn work. Furnaces installed. Agent fur Clare l!ros. Furnaces. D. WcKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON & ONTARIO. I A Genuine Sale lia^cil tho stock of IF. J. Le(l;ir<I at Plesherton at a low rato on tho $ \vo IIMVH decided to place the Patrison & C!o. and tin; l.i 1 ' i.'iivl Stocks on sale at prices never heard of in the ( 'oiinty of Sale starts Thursday, March 24 JAMES McLEAN, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON JUST ARRIVED 1 Car Load of F ence 1 Car Load of Cement Two Cars of Coal to arrive shortly. F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton, - Ontario PUBLIC NOTICE N'ltiri ia niu-n thai nil power >' (l light users in I' I ,i.. i ., , uuil i ... ;i m i inu.it [. iy tlieii hills tu the caru>4kr of ihe ys em, Dr. Murray, (lie end of ea.-h mouth, en ro.iijjt of their hills. No accounts will lie hunt thruu&{ the until in future. Fleshert'in Hydro Ci in. Term Report RH.S. Ili<;li Scho.jl Kn'."i Exams. 1, 75 ii'ld uver ; 2, CU tu 74.^ ; 3, 40 tu 6U/ FORM 2 UKVblNG-l, M Wlut'aker an I M Ciawell equ:v , (j Akiiis, S Findlay mid S Achesun iiju.il, K 1'Yu'is and K .Stevens t-qual, .M Nuhn ; '_'. 1' McMaster, M AieLu'hlan ui'd M Piraluw und K Wiihon ami I McL'lclll'tll tqiia 1 , 11 .McLwod Itll I sod K Oliver equal, 1 Lever and A Litt li- nn J A Nurris equal, O Luver, M Muir and I llincks equal. J White ; 3, J D McLed. \\KlllNi; 1. I- Me Master, M Nuhn; -', M C;iM\e.l, K Ken is and K S,tv,-rs (>|ud, S Aclie-nii M AluLichlaii ncl 11 McLeod lind J McL.tudai.d \\ Whiliaker equal, I McL'iclihi'i, S Findlay, I Lever and A Littlu vqu.il ; M Muir, K WiUou, 1 llmcks auJ A Nuiris (ijtul, E Oliver, (i .Skins und J While equal. LITEHAH UE-l, O Akins; M A Nuhn, M .Muir, M I'ar.-luw, R Stevens nd .) While e|Ul, M Whitiaker, A ( Littlu ; S Fiii.iiy ljr H McL-cd and J U UoLlod und .M McLichliii and K WiUon i<|Ul, I Levt-r and 1 McL't lilan tc|Ual, r* Mi-.MiuUr, M CnHWull, K I'urru und E Olivi-r i-quil, U Luver, A Norm). SI'ELLISO-l. II MuLeoil, I Lever and M U hit aker equal, M \l I... .. A Notril anil K O ivur njual, K Stevuni, E Ken is and M Muiranu M Nuhn cqil-il, I Mi.-l, ii-i.l i'i u 1 M I', -:.,. tqual, 1 M llincks, S Findlay, 1' MfMaiMfir ; U, ,1 McLeod, (i Liner, ,1 While,!! Akiniand A Li. 'In .qual, .S Acheson ; 15, M E CVsVTi'll, E V\ llhlMI. (iKAMMAU 'J. U Lverand M I'.ir*- low equal, E Frrii, M Nubn, Mmy MoLachUo and 8 Kindlay |UI, 51 E <'ii.' , I UoL'iolllan and M .Muir ind E V\||MHI rquil, .1 .McLco'l and A X^rris and H Stcvuim K|ii J, J \Vlntc, M \\hif- Inker an I A Liltle tqnl, (j Akins and I l.ovi-r und H McLi-.id njilil, S Aehrsmi and K Oliver M|II| ; I llincks and I' McMahtiT eijinl IIISTOUY l.U S'rv.-ns M Nul.n. M C*scll, M l'.u.li.w, Ci -Aknis ; a, 1 E Luver and M Muir and K Olin'r i-ijinl, A Lilth-Hiid I AloLm-hlali :ii"i K \Vllto-l <|o:J, .1 \Vh.i,., ii LIA.T. M .MuLiehl..n anil A Null-is ci|i| il, K KoniH. S Acln'mni and I' MrM.isli-r ii|iiil ; ;t, I Hincks, J Mi'Lond, II .M I. .1. UKiMilt M'llV 1. M Niihii. M \Vlut. taki'i, S Findlay und A Lnl, iqiial, K Slovens ; !>, .1 W|,,t... M McLichlail and M Minr and IC(>MV,.i i-quil, M Ca.saill, .1 \1( Lend, S Arlnsnn and (J Akins i-qinl, H McLix.d und I MoLachUn i'|iul, KFi-rns, M 1'ariluw nnd 10 Wilson i-quil ; I!, (J LCVIT and I Lever equ.il, I 1 Mc\l n -i, A Xtirrii. (Will lie- Cunliiiui-d Next \VVck) Bull For Service Pure lin-il Shurthurn [iu'l of the Villiae Family fir sorvire nn.lot 10, con. 1(1, Osproy. Pel mi 98. 60 for Lindex, $5 i for piiru hn-ds. I .)nly l"i - -Mori. Sayi'i'8, Prop, i For Service no purn lirt-il Slmrlhoin I ull nn Lo 28 and 2!), Concussion S. Artemrsia. T'nn< 81 - r >0 for i'rHo<i if paid inVdi! of i 9 ininths- if not 82. Pure hred* 93 CO. 1 loot UOHKRT OSUOKNE. Bull For Service I'.uo Int.-l Dnrhum hull. N. 14H01: f.ir Hervioo o" lot Hi2. S W T ft S H, Art nii'si-i- 'T.^i-ni" f2 for i!rndi. 9?' for HiorntinhhrtMN. C. AKtNS, Proj in >vl Boar for Service The uiulewigned has u thorough .irnd Yorkshire I$arfor servicn mi lot 11, cn. 8, O.-proy. Ter IIIH 81.5(1. KUMD SPOFKARD NOTICE R member the Oil Kelinlile Sini r SeA-ir/ AUchme. You CMI I tiy "i tfini- l<> unit you at u vi i y n :>M-I alii 10 year yunfHutee. HUCiH KNOTT, Aent, Mirk.lale, 0<V, R>r Service FLESHERTON BAKERY IT'S WOllVllY TIIK I'.RKAI/ WITH A , I'UliTOSK. 'Yes, our l'nrn Food l>iead has a worthy purpose. It brings health ami stienjjth and a meal time satisfaction to tho folks wlio partake of it regular- ly. One slice calls tor a loaf, one lu.if (onus tho habit Hread is your lie.-,|. food enl. more of it. I'lloXK 8 FRED FINDER, Flesherton Ono |ire tinp^l ^jiortHorn l?ull on lot 30, con. !>. A(*nrt'<in. TWins SI. 50 for i'ri\.li' ^f^l^f lai \>x\f within 9 muni from Hutu ef irvic. i l!..ln.n -1!. < >. TURNER. BOAR for SERVICE Purnhri'd Tainwoi'th Roir for si-rvioe on lot Ml'/. S W T and S R , ArtemHin,. Tiinns--JJl -BO. Sows not rot.urniul will i" i'li ir-r . l aninfl n thoso in i>it> . Fnh 15 T..T. KT1NHON, Pw,p Boar For Service Poland China Hour Fur Service Lot 3!>, con. 4, Arteniosin. 2 in WALLACE FISHER, Prop. Boar For Service Pure htod Utiij stored Yorkuhini lion for dervice Unxwdll .fuck 2i)OH on j lot lf.7. M \V. T & S. H., Avminiwia. 'IVrii.K 81.50 Sow nut returned will he .-I, o".'.l .iin- i ' ii..- 1- in pig. 10,4. l!l T. J. STINS'lN DR. F. C.~NIXON Optumetriit and Optical Specialist Huron ario Str-ot, nunr Thlr Sh reet , Ontario Daily- il u. in. to 5 \> in. I^'i-niin;s and lluhda\s 'irrnn .'cd . oli.jdioii,' (lll-W. I!ox 1060 1 1 Jly "0 Cement Mixing Hnvin purchased a cement mixing uttit I am prepared to do this clasi f woik by the diiy cjr hour, lii'.l^p T. IJENTHAM, FlHuherton] Of Interest to Farmers F. T. Hill A Co., L mited, are in tl market fur n [ innfity ('f spring acd winiirnlii 'it f< r Ihur mill for presort delivery. Ify u luvu any to sell oalll J20lf llEIIIIEIi Jurcfully Corrected flntter . Esob Week . 40 to 42 Bjjgs 23 so 23 Winter Wheat 1 H5 to 1 85 Sprins; Wheat 1 80 to 1* 80 Oats , 40 tu 42 B.rley V 85 to 86 Peas 1 50 to 1 50 Backwheit . 1 00 to 1 05 Potato, 8 76 to 1 00 Apples 4 00 to 4 00 Shall the importation and the bringing of intoxicating UA liquors into the Province be forbidden? . - i : j gjj^i ^jjg importation and the bringiag of intoxkating E i liquors into the Province l ba forbidden ? ~P -. Your Vote Will Decide You Voted against the SALE Vote Now against the IMPORTATION T HE people on April 18th decide by the ballot reproduced above whether liquor for beverage purposes shall De allowed to come in, or whether the door shall be shut. Earnestly \ve ask you to vote vote to clinch your former vote. By your last vote against the Sale of i'.quor you made Ontario safe from within. Now vote against Importation, to n.ake Ontario safe from without. ^ ^ Prohibition should apply to all al'ke. Take nothing for granted. , Every temperance vote is needed. Every temperance vote must be cast. See that: your wife and every member cf your household, with a right to vote, gets to the polls. Let us roll up a decisive majority today and settle this ques- tion. Get Out The VOTE Mark your ballot with an "X" and an "X" only after the word YES Ontario Referendum Committee $70 Refund f CHEVROLET^ 51647 Cars sold in 1916 186147 in 1920 For power and economy of fuel the " Four Ninety " Chevrolet has no equal among the light cars. Give us a chance to prove it against any car on the same road with the same load. You don't have to go to low gear on every hill or in every soft place with a " Chev." Her speed of 10 to 12 miles on intermediate is away ahead of 4 or 5 miles snail pace on low gear with the noise thrown in. The " Four Ninety " for years has been the best car value in low price^l cars. In appearance, performance and equip- ment it is in a class by itself at under $ 1400. In these days of uncertain prices, Chevrolet matmfaeturers point out that thfly can att'cml to sell at a. minced prico only it' they dispose of r>0,000 cars before July 31. If this modest volume is reachedthey refund to every purchaser, dating back to Get 1, 19:20, $70. Ask us for details. Chevrolet " Four Ninety," $1050 f. o. b. Flesherton, with full equipment. See us about Special Refund Proposition. D, McTAVlSH & SON, CHEVROLET DEALERS, - FLESHERTON, ONT. ' -