Flesherton Advance, 14 Apr 1921, p. 5

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April 14 1921 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ' - .' ' Your Seed Grain TO obtain maximum yields you need to sow Test- ed Seed Grain. To purchase good seed you may require financial assistance -^ Extending accommodation for such purposes is an important phase of Standard Service. Coniult iitr Itcal Manaitr THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA 33* TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Flesherton Branch: - > Geo. Mitchell, Manager. ANADIAN PAOI-FIC C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Fl^sherr-on Station as ollows : Goin^ South 7.52 a. m. 4.27 p.m. The malls are Miss Etta LfcGard spent a few days in Toronto lst we^k. Ceylon Baseball C!ub will hold a Box Social and Dance in the Orange Halt on 'Frilay, April 15th, See bills. Don't Forget If yu rtquira any 1 attention for y. ur storage battery, York floing North ; & Son, Battery Specialists, Markdsle, 12.05 D-in. ' are at your service. Scatt< manner ,,f the Merchant's o Granton the i atter 9.4op. m. ai Flesherton 3.40 o'clock. For morning train n"Uth ninil close at 9 p. m. the ur.'vi-.iii evg. VICINIY CHIPS few days Miss Aledn Mitchell spent a In Toronto last week. Joe LeG ird spent the week e friends in Toronto. Dr. Margaret Hornina, Osteopathist, will be at tlie Munshaw House Tuesdays and Fridays from 12.30 to 3 45 p. ui. Anidlicftn church, Service as usua in Town Hall every Sunday at 7pm- Rv. G. Blackwell, Pastor. Lost On Wednesday, April 6, black and whits hound, tag no. 306. Finder please notify fcan Fawcett, Eugenia. Mr. and Mrs. Henry HurJ, who have | been living in Detroit during the past j winter, visited friends in town the past week while on their way tu Kmitjerley Baby Grand Chevrolet car, ^.^ i renfj \v,i,nn returned Monday from Iroquois Palis, where she has spent tho past six weeks wish her friend, !\lre. Geo. Goldsborougl). A great improvement has been made on the roads in and around Flesherton thia year. Some three weeks ago the Small Ads. FT Lost- In Mfi.-.-Uertoil, on Friday last, a black purse contain! ng a small nua> of money. Finder please leave at this offics. Reduced pncea on all suits and suitings H. Alexander, Fev,>r?liam 20 1 21 Try Feeusha.n Fa-.try Flour, the beat or your conk, AU Onrnrio whaafc Chopping done on Saturdays only Graham Broa. Eu^enta Octl9 Fira and wind Insurance in the beat companies for tanr, and town property \V. O. Fawcett, agent, Ceylon f A few sellings of R. I. Red eags, either comb, at 81.50 per setting of 13 At this office. 1 For Sale Pure fresh Alsike. seed for sale, free from noxious steds, 88 per bu. while it lasts. Albert Bad^erow, R R. 3 Proton Station. For S'il Fancy Parlor Oil Lamp, 29 inches high, flowered globe, centre j draught burner, like new, less than half' price Mrs. Belfry, Flesherton. Huroes For Sale Some good young work horses for sale, also some gooJ j Marquis sied wheat. J. F. Collinson, 1 , Ceylon. Phone 21 r 11. \& steel drags were first iiiul aud the roads nd with ! re now in nearly first class condition. Mrs. T. Grainger, who has lived in Mrkd;ila for some years, has sold her property there and ha coma tu reside wi:h her sister, Mrs Boyd Thompson, in Fleshtrton. The Toronto Daily World and Toronto Sunday World have been purchased by the Mail & Empire. Subscribers to the Diily World will receive the Mail & Empire in liuu of the World until the expiration of tba subscription. An Auction Sale of the contents of siz roomed house at Ceylon on Thursday, April 21. Siovus, beds, rugs, couch, The K mberley Women's Institute ] chain,, bedroom sets everything to furn- intend holding a necktie social social on > ish a home. D. McPhail, auctioneer at 8 o'clock, in the j J B. Cummins, proprietor. W. G. Thomas U prepared to Friday, April loth, town hall. Mr. Herb LsGard, who his conducted gents' furnishing business here for the past year, left far Toionto on Friday. He expects to follow the printing line. Miss Bertha Smith rtturned to Owen Sound on Sunday after spending a few days with ralativos hero. She was < paper for lint. room. I have just recaiv- accompanied by Miss Noa Williams and :ed n-y books of samples "f wall papers, Stewart McTavish. j oilcloth, wall covering", burlaps, etc., in : am now ready to take your oider. * . Ul H. Caniogton. painter and decoMtor, spending a few weeks wuh her husband, principal of the hii-h -chool hete. She was sccompauied by her little (jrand- nnd repair any make of sewing machines and organs Sa'isfactiou guaranteed. Drop me a line or call and see me at my rei-ideiice, the Van Dusen Block. Flrsh- erton. Now is the tiire to choose the wall For S>ile Bred tu lay Plymouth Rock g<n for hatching Mated to Cockerel of .. O.A C. bred to Uy strain. 31 per setting. | j>5 Jos. Oliver, Priceville. Pasrura To Kent 100 acres good pasture land, Lot 38, Con 10, Artemesia Apply toFLirry Genoa, FleshiT'on. For Sa!i? One team aood work horses. L - Harry GIMIOH, Flesherton. Wanted A few buxhels of seed buak- wheat, also f.t.'d oats. W. J. Stewart & Sons, Flesherton. Now for House Furnishings jjj Carpat Squares, new assortment ; Gold Seal Congoleum Rugs, special prices ; Floor Oilcloths, new patterns, all widths ; Curtain Net.-i and Scrims, new^selec- tions ; Cretons, Tapestries, Chintzes, all colors ; Window Shades, interesting prices ; Wall Papers, new assortment. Remnant lots of Wall Papers at less than Halt Price. Brandram-Henderson " English "" Paints, Floor Finishes, Flat Colors, Varnishes, Kalsomines, Linseed Oil, Turps., and Paint Brushes of all kinds. \ LINOLEUn SPECIAL Four yard wide Printed Linoleum, first quality goods, good designs m block and floral patterns. A good selection at $4.7.3 per yard. FLANNELETTE BLANKET SPECIAL 24: pairs Flannelette Blankets, first quality, heavy weight, perfect goods, grey only, your choice of pink or blue borders. Size U4 x 72 suitable for double beds. Regular price $3.00, Special per pair $2,39 F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO ^^TT^I^/^V'^VV:^^^^ For Sale Alsika Clover Seed, jjovern- ment teet, 819 per bu., at lot 141, con. 2, Arlemesia Guo. Sncll, Ceylon. airs. H. J. Haviland of Gravenhunt is . ..l, a tlrirl* hpr I, i;~ I ' l ! . ' ' . ettherton, Out. An Auction Sile of Shorthorn bull daughter.Hulen Bryson.of Brookl>u,N.\'. ind Lull class Gtade Cattle on Saturday, 'April 10th, 11)21. T. L. Mercer will sell by public auctijn itt his premises (the Murkdale suburbs) 8 choicely bred Scotch and (Scotch topped Short Ix.rti bulls, r in.;Mi _; fri'in 8 months to 2 ye-irs old : It! i4ood grade Shorthorns, cows, heifcis ami calves. Sxla nt 2 o'clock. Usual For Sale Rubber-tired hugay in first; class" condition. Rev. F. G. Fowler, B'leshfrton. i For Sale or Rent Tha eijg wureboufej and premises in Flesherlon. This is a' lir;e two sforey building, hence could b used for various purposes. Apply to K. ! J. Sproule, Fleahi-rton For Sale Ten tons of good timothy buy and tiv tons of good clover hay. j IVrms cakh. CUude Akins, R. R. No. ' Pro'on. Phone 41 r 12. FuR SALE Wychoff and Guild strain of S.C. Leghorn eugs fur hatching ; *!eo Gies Shepherd's strain of S.C. Anconas :ir SI- 50 per setting of 15 tggs H. E Krvrsti'dr, Priceville. mlOlf KIMBERLEY Cold weather at present. Farmers are plowing and some seeding hs been done. H Hammond is erectini? a kitchen. Weber Bros have started cutting th lumber at their mill up the valley. Miss Viola. Lewis, teacher at Wode- houce, was home over the week end. We hope that everybody will turn out nert Monday and poll their vote for prohibition. JnsperStuaithie ^)t about all hs stock of logs cut in the village mill yard. Andrew Wallace of Orangeville wns a visitor httre over the weekend. EAST MOUNTAIN BOOTS & SHOES In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. * i lowe.t ten The. Couutv Good ll.iads Committee which niut in Oweu Sound las* week bad under consideration the building of the Valley Road from Fleshurtou and decided to Kt the contract. The tender rec*ived was $175,000 for th miles ef road. Reeve W. J. Meads of Artemesia has purchased the brick residence belonging to Mr. D. Wright, cf Dumlalk, located at the corcer of Elizabeth and Peter streets, and will move in after seeding The Advance and citizens iu ueneral wil. be pleased to welcome Mr. Meads and family as fellow oitizans. A meeting to organize the B*iur>ll League for the season of 1921 will be held at the Munshaw House, Flesherton, on Tuesday ere, April ISKh at 8 p.m. All clulis intending to join please send two deltgites with power to act. Officers will be elected and schedule drawn up. The following teams are inviud : Ceylon,, Markdale, Glenelg, Fevershuu, Kugenia, Sinnhampton, Kooklyn, Dundalk and Kimberley. N. Wilton, T. Goldsmith. Fiesher'.on, temporary secretarys. Chatsworth is the latnst vill*K to get in wrong with the hydro commission, and has received A nodes from that body leirm. J. S. Sheuherdson, auctioneer We don't know what Premier Drury wanted a brass coal icuttl* in his office for. This is one of the items brought out iu the public accounts probe. It looks a little extravagant. If the rest of the furnishii-gs for the Premier's apart- ments are on a par with this there will have l't i'ii some expenditure. Instead of cutting down his salary it would have been cheaper for the prov ince if he had accepted ihe old figure, and provided his tha pirlUruent buildings. Becker's Bargains For S;ile A Pure Bred Shorthorn Bull, ''Yoiini! Hero" 111 months o!d, fit for service, bred by F. J. Curry, breeder and importer Markdnle. Apply to Price ville P D. of Shorthorns, W. J. Mead', MAIL CONTRACT SEALED TENDE14S addrusaed to tlie Pieui9ter Guiioml wfU hi- ncorfvel at] Ottawa until nuon on Friday, tlie (ith'of May. 1921. fnr th conveyano of Uu Majwty'a Mails, ou a propoiwd Contract for fnur veins, six timeH per week on the route EfCKNIAR. R. No. 1 Via Keverpliam. from the Postmaster Oteneral's I'leawiiro. John Syuv.ns of Duncan was a c>0!er in this part the first of the week. Registered; p],,,,^,,;,,;, ^d house cle-ming am the m>iu operations of tho day. sVm Haines spent a few days wilh frit-lids at Parry Sound. School reopened after tho Easter holi- days with Miss Arinstroiii! in charge. W'j wish hi-r success m her work. Eva Allen is visit iug with lier aunt itt Toronto. David Genoa has disposed of hia driver to Stuart Bros who are taking a carload up Noilh. Mr anc" Mrs D Genoe and little Doro. ihy visited Mr and Mis Ed Hillocn of Maxwell. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO ";.; t:! " mi i a ti lis seen and blivok fornia nr...in .1 at the Bvraliam and at the office of the Post Office Inspector, Toronto. A. SUTHERLAND. Pot OtHce Insptctor | Post Oflce Inspector's Otfic, Toronto, Mareh 23rd, 1921. Select No. 1 olovr, timothy, root and garden seeds, quality tho best and prices right, Becker's, Proton. Tomatoes, finest pack, f) tins for $1 ; pumpkin, 2 bins for 25c at Becker's. Rolled oatmeal, 20 Ibs. for 89c. at civint; the discomforting information Uiat. fhe village owes the octopus over tlROO, | Becker,. Proton. and that it has been going behind since i Ovrall, witn or wiihout bibs, stripe the very first year of iastlltion-1918. | or black, gcod weight, also smocks to The notice says : '-When power wia first j match at Jl 98. Decker's, Proton. taken by Chatsworth it was impossible to Oranges, large and swest, regular 60 a I . Jt .. *' f PU la datermiue actual cost conditions." This being the case, why does the commission go on making estimate* when such esti- are dozen for 49c. Beautiful ginghamx, i yard. Fibre sxtra special for ailk hoso in black, mates are useless? Why mislead < he chocolate and white for 49c. at Becker's, people intentionally or otherwise, causinj them to make huge investments with the that idea that they are eUinn somolhing cheap? Actual coil is an elastic torm. If a business is not economically conduc- ted the coit mounts up so high that the result U not profitable to anybody except the army of employees and the workmen whom the public pay. Hydro h:is saddled costs on Flesherton which hs made its use n heavy burden to hear, aud whfth, if it were an oruiuary prrtate business prr position, would nor. have been borne for a moment. But it is tha people's own enterprise, devt-loiu-d to give them electricity at cost and must not be criticized! 'Rah for Beck! Christies, Becker's Special fane} mixed cakec, rex. 40o. a Ib. for .'ill's for $1. Proton . Howard's white pine arid tar. Dr. Woods Norway pine syrup, Paruielle s cou^h balsam for 19c. a bottle. New Chlorax tooth paste oOc. s'za for 35c. Becker's, Proton. See our display of haavy woik boots, also K.-ill papers and paints for spring leaning, bis; variety at riht price. We w.int all kinds of hunter and epgs. We ara agfnrs for supplies fop Allndin lamps. Backer 1 !*, Proton- Good bulk tea special Black, Giem or mixeil 2lb for 75c , Becker's, Protoi , in Printed notices containhiR further informa- j YoU"e and CliarleS Streets, Toronto |i >n a to conditiona of propusnrl contract may ' . . 'r, of Tendr maybe i Accountancy, Btonography, typewriting f - h '" tfe -" 1 ' > and general improvement courses ; super- jior instruction only ; students assisted to 'positions. Open all year. Write lor piospec'us. (Enter now." YV. J. ELLIOTT. PRINCIPAL "The Prince of Victrolas" NUMBER 80 Here's a machine that, has no eqnal as far as tone is concerned it is perfection itself. The excellence of construction makes it worthy of a place in any home. Tlie Price - S16O BELLAHY'5 GROCERY Headquarters for Al Groceries, Flour and Fruits ICE CKEAM Our parlours are now open . We handle City D.iiry products and B &P. sofk drinks. loe Cresm etc. supplied for socials and garden parties. FLOUR For good bread me C.eani of tha West Flour. A trial will convince. Every bng guaran- teed. For Paatry use Fever- sham Pastry Flour and you will be delighted with results. SEEDS A great assortment of Garden Seeds, Flower Seeds, Mangels, Turiip.% Corn. EDISON PHONOGRAPHS We have added tu our stock the "New Edison Diamond Amberola" and a stock of Records. GROCERIES & COSFECTIONKRY A full line of Groceries, Cerialg, Christie Brown's Soda and Fancy Biscuits, Neilsoii's and Willnrd's Chocola'es, Finder's Bread. FRESH FRUITS Bananas, Oranges, Lemons Tomttopp, elc. DRY FRUITS All kinds of dried fruit Prunes, Dates. Figs, Valenci i Rv'sin!, Seeded and Seedless Rusins and Currants. . COUN - PEAS AND TOMATOES, pei d .zen, assorted $1.98 DID YOU SEE The Sewart Cabinet and Phonograph You can take the machine out if you wish and have music wherever you travel. It) also makes an ideal instrument tor the home. Mahogany $44.00 complete GET THESE LATEST RECORDS "Mammy" "Corral Saa" (Fox Trots).. $1 | "Irene" (sona) . .$1.68 "Virginia Judge" (ccmie)..?! i ''I know where the Ilius go", .fl MUSIC DEPARTMENT W. A. ARMSTRONG. Phorves 13 and 28. Fleshertou, Out. ^^S^^j!!S^SSySS&ligi^Ks^^ FAF A Jt> A*t.^* * WAGONS, IXMENTS HARROWS PLOWS Telephone No. 37 BELLAMY'S Flesherton, Ont. SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Sharpies Separators JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON.

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