Flesherton Advance, 21 Apr 1921, p. 1

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Vel 41, No. 45 Flesherton, Ont., April '^11921 CEYLON (Intended for Las'. Week) Mr J Cummins and wife, who hare pent the winter months ia Oshaws, arrived Monday and intend packing their household (rnitare tod move to Oibaws. Wm Tucker, of Homings Mills, visited at T Chitlett's last wssk. Mr and Mrs James Ashdown, of Owe* Sound, are ipendiig a few weeks in town repairing their house. Alex M:Rae moves his family tbif oik to Rock Mill*. Mrs Wm Hislup and Mts Oenoe, of Eugenis, visited at Oeo McKemzis'i last wek. Mr* D Muir ipent Ihe first of the week i Dnadalk. Mrs J Ferns and babe, of Toronto, it visiting hei parents her*. Alice Bennett, of Shelbnrne, spent th flnl of the wek wich friends here. L Torrey, wife end ton, Jack, of i.-iur- liton, visited the latter'a parent, Mr and Mrs a Piper, this wsek. J McMillan paid a business trip to Dur.dslk on Monday. We regret to report that Alex Stewart is very ill with pneomrriv Kurie McQuarry ia in attendance. We hope (or a sqseedy recovery. , Ttte ichool on Stone's line has been loaed iioc Etster, but was opened on Monday. A load of cattle ere shipped here on Menday to Toronto. This Week's Items Mrs James Pattersoa and daughter, Gladys, whn have rprot tKe winter months in * l.>ud.i. spent the past week visiting hor siattr, Mrs Jtmoo McLean. Mrs R P Legate, who has been in Edmonton fur th past three years, has returned to Ceytan. Ross Leslie, wife and two children, -of Toronto, visited the latter'i parents, Mr. and Mrs A MoMullen, the pas* week. Mn Bell of Paisley is visiting 'her brother, A Stewart, who is ill The Ceylon baseball club held a box social in toe Oraiige Hall Friday evg . rsahzmg the sou of Jill, with which they intend to purchase unitorrrs and supplies for toe sport during iha^fcutuujsj season. Uejrite Soell donated to the Woman's Institute bushel of clover seed, the ladies selling tickets for the same. The sum realized amounted i > S. > At the pole on Monday Ceylon >av a majority of 100 in favor of the Dry*. F CollMMon, Mra F D Cairus and Mica . Jean Cotlittaoo niitored to .Aberdeen on \\ filiu-fci v last 9>ud attended the funeral of Mr Mmtorman. PUBLIC NOTICE VANDELEUR (Intended for Lut W d ek) Mr and Mrs Rubt Richardson and ion, Harold, of F'efcherton, yisited with Mr and Sirs Qe Pritchard. Mr aodMrs Alcox of Orange Valley pent a day with Ur and Mrs S Gilbert. Mrs Burriit of Kimberley ipsnt a week with her daughter, Mrs Dave Graham. lira Gto Bowles of ibe West Back Line viaiied her siitcr, Mrs Jacob Holley, for a few dayj. Mi: s Annie Burriit of Kimbeiley is visiting her sister, Mrs D Graham. Rsv Belfry gave an eisellent temper- ance sermon in 'he church hit Sunday afternoon. The Vai.deleur Farmer's Club held their monthly meeting nn Monday even- ing of lat week. Considerable ousmeas .a transacted. This Week'i Items Gerald Lirge of E'igenia spent the week end w.tli his friend, Albert Buchanan. Miss Steverson ef Riverdale visited recently *rh her counn, Miss Haz?l Wy/illc. Miss Ada Achsnn uf Proton, 3rd Vice President of the Oen Sound District Epworth League, spent the weak end with Mr and Mis Will Buchanan aad also addrested the Epwurtb League on Sjii'i iy evening. Mr Sam Buchanan ipent the week end with friend* in Owen &ound. Diamond Wedding Notice is given tin*: all power mJ users in Flesherton aid Eugeniiniust pay their bills to the caretaker of Ike sys'eni,; Dr. Murray, at the -end uf each uio nth, on rereipt f their bills. No accounts will bsseu: throui; the mail in future. Flesherton Qydro Com. Don't Do It Don't n'ait the cptiiig hou cleaning and washing without Trtt) RID STAR WASHER. A aub- stantial I'uili machins mill.' uf Oypress, (the rood i<v4--Utinvj, all metal parts galvanized to pre- vent rust, mas easily n tho mechanism mas on bicycle ball beating a slight paessure will e<id t he fly wheel spiauing. runs <j*i-'- ly as the geiro' -ate rpital shaped machine cut. Tb lid fits tight ml keeps in the scam so that (be water remains hot during the eubire washing. Come in and It us show you. etc Also Paints and (or house cleaning. F. W. DUNCAN Hardware and Paints Phone 30 r 1 1 Flesherton, Ontario a number from here attended the diamond wedding uf Mr and Mrs Samue' Walker ot Kuphrnaia en Monday en- ing, April llth. Mi and Mrs Walker were married at V n i.-!sur un April 11, 1861, by Rev Mr. Coipbell. Mr. Walker w. bern in Belfast, Ire- land, and came to this country with his parents. He -;*'' most of bis life in Euphrasia town-hip and has been an invalid fur a number uf years. Mrs. Walker was formerly Mi8 Mary Graham, diuahter of the late Mr. und Mr< Andrew Grafcam of that plaoe, and was burn in Scotland eighty years .; and came to thi< r. un'ry at the age of thirteen years. Shu is the nMeit of a family of -IK. all uf whuiu are still living, She still hai in her i'. --.--: i a f*ncy shell which she hr-mubt with her front her A in Countrie. Mrs. Walker is still in possession of all hi-r faculties and en- joys remarkable 'health. She can refi wnhout glasses ami his recently com plated a piecta o{ crochet werk which would be a credit to >ny young woman, It is about ten iochen rcjuare with a flours de lis .-41 .1 cross in the centae ami in the border are the words : Lifx is in MI T :.->r , and bubble Two things etaart like at one, Kindneai in anoker's trouble, Courage in ovr nwn. She has been ttfnay (April 1> h . w to poll her vote for total prohibition. To Mr. and Mrs. Walker e chil- dren were bora ; <iwe cirls %nd twa'tioys, foul of whom upv*re. The ymge<t on. Brace, wVi went overseae wu>h the MTi K 1 : it i ali.>ti, <>. i-<; in Euypt is X9I8. During the even4i>g. >hich WM plmMnt- IT spent in music nd-w>ntf, Mr. aud Mrs WaUier were preeeettrti with an eMcess and many token* df appreciattoa nd ssteacn. Of Interest to Farmers F. T. Bill A Co.. liHeJ, are ia the market tor qian'iry ctf spring and Win torw heat for their iwiS for present th'liv-iy . -If yU have any -' Bell call ph,.n.- 7, Mcrkdale Ja20tf G. A. WATSON & SONS - Priceville - Lumber, Shingles, Planing Matching & Housefinish FEVERSHAM After the cold winds of Ugt week s ow and ileac storm came from the north-east OD Saturday last followed by heavy trot on Situiday night. We had ice sleighing OD Sunday, but it is warm- ing up again. Thi* storm may clear up ihd weather. When the warm weather eoraea again we may be like tin fellow who said about the last warm apell when he wonderid if the gulf stream had changed iti COUIM again and wa coming down the Braver river. Mr* 6o Fillister is recovering from a severs tick ipell. Tarro ocems to be a great deal o* sickness in the com, try at present, and Dr Guy of Maxwell ia kept buiy attend- ing his patients. Jtmei DiridroD is decorating *nd papering his hou<e on the American side preparatory to his moviug into it in the near futuie. Thai Conron is erecting a building for our telephone ofiice and will sunn have it ready for the central to be mored there. Miss Mary Hala hu returned from her Tistt with friends in Collingwood. R S Me jirr and wifs spent Sunday wi'h the former's brother, Andrew, on the 10th line, who is slowly recovering Irom a severe attack of mdamatry rheumatism. MM Willum Ross of Torooto is visit- ing with her lister, Mrs I H Perigo, here. Mrs A Stewart of Mesherton visited friends in this Tillage last week. Mrs >j-.-j Sytr- hai returned home after a couple weeks' visit with htr daughter at Rock Mill*. Weil, one of our young men took the h>nt your correipnndeot gvre last week and baa hern U'lu? his dm ing out tit quits freely tince The Advance came out last weak. The young Udy seens satis- fied to hive it that way. Sorry to report M Horst under the Dr.'s earn and wo hope for s speedy *eovery. Farming oftentions came to a sudden Stop laC N ! >. ii > on account of the saow stoim which swept over the country. Thos Btittry has erected a litter ctrner i bin aUblea and says it beats the eW lime wh-l barrow band* down. MAXWELL Ordt-ra taken tnr PIVM. Sn-.li anH all House Fursh. -'nch n:itvh Onlc or Mnple Floonug. U-e --ihe f->ii)"U Fir>t-r Hoi.t (H> -H|| it if J -i o"i hiolr nrl wind r>m' (V . ' R.O. XXX ShinL'l"" runil HI !.. I'llO-" Li'lV V U' ''e 1 us !"V. H .,ie d>-nr'i a I ' >- RK.II-- mi v,.ur U-t i"b, i *'" , i * "thug operation* were put a *top lo owing to the suojrstorm of Saturday. Sasa Osburne has bifu on the -sick list duriBx the past week. Ye!o>a Brown of Snghampton spent ihe week end a: hr pn>n'.tl aoiue here. We welcome Mr ii<i Mrs W J Morri- * < to our 'ii iv. Mrs Charles Brx<dr visited Sunday witn Mrs Bnrny Field of i , 1 D./W...I hospital, who baa been ill !r. is recov- ssng. f Mrs Albert Suart of Ftwsiierinii and Mt Hasa of West T-ofouto wer visitois t S Osboine's. Mrs Leslie Poolo and b*b spent the week end at her parental home. Sorry to report he illness of Mrs W H iOcy, but hi-pe to hnr of her recovery -soon. Mrs H Down of Flet-herton u spending A;{W days wUb her daiighter, Mra W .Poole . MORTGAGE SALE ll",der and by virtue of the powers contained in a rertnin .- r^i.; - which will in- prnduci'd at the inn,- of sale there will be offered Fir sale by public auction on 22nd Day of April, 1921 At th hour of 2.00 o'clock in th after- moon, at the MUNSHAW HOTSE, in th- VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON, by B. H. V il i.-n, auctioneer, the following property, nxmely : Part (if V Hags Lot No, 2 on i he Sooth wwt eide.of Sydsnhaiu Street, in v the YilU' of t'leslii-ri'ni, in the County f Grt-y. t.'t;' 1 ' ] with the use in common f a Uuie ten feet more 01 less in width running along the northwest m'de nf Lot No 2 < n Ih* .southwest side of Sydenhtm 'r.'et to ill,- .in u. ih rear of said Lot No 2 nnd I>M! of uniform vidth of 26 ii-.'t 5 inchea owre or IMS from front to rear. Terms : 20 (Mr cent. f the purchase motley to be pid down at the time of to be paid within 30 days K < further particulars and cohditioos Of *le apply to LUCAS A HENRY, Solicitors far the Mortgagor, Markdle, Out. !'.!: > -is-i!f ihis 31st day cf i Mreh A U The Province Goes Dry The Prof ince voted Dry by a orajority of about 151,000. The plebiscite vote in this village stord 177 fur Dry and 37 for W r t. The pulhng diviiuon at Vindeleur on'y recorded three Wet votes. The township f Artemesia as a whole gave a Wet majority of 644. The Dry majority in Markdala a' 251. Dundalk 194, Durham 358, aud Hiaover 147. Walkerton went Wet by a majority of 3 aud Ayton by 121. ()wn Sound went Dry by a majority of 1913. PRICEV1LLE Several farmers have sown held or two of grain but the rain Its' week gave seeding operations a tec back. The snow and aleet that fell on Sa'uriiy of last week form-d a hard orust on roads and fields and we noticed some persons using a cutter in driving to church on Sunday morning list. A bud ir. i i hole ia formed about half way up the bill East of the village and several c*rs And I tucks ate held up daily fur more or less time. We h"pe that whoever has charge of ih s portion of couuty road will get busy with least delay possible. Dan Mclnncs of town and young Dun- bar of Glenelg will hunule L Frock's teams and m.ichinery this week in seed- ing operations. We understand that A B McDonald, Est uf town, has entered into pnrtnrr- ship with DO McLean in the eeueral stor.e hen?. A B will likely operate the tarm also for this scasou at least. Kiy McLean, who spnr the winter ith the hydro survey staff, h*s returned to tfii> garage here and is lusj attending r ihe wants of car owners. Alrx Stewart, north of village, has been ill for over a we>-k with pneumonia. Hie sintnr, Mrs Bell, of Pi-l<.y, cuoie over on Wedcsdy of last v k to help cure for him. Mn Anqva Kei.nedy, vil'aiti 1 , h*s been ill for s.'iiie time but is on the mend now. Dr Mcln'yre was unwell for a few days last week. A carload f cows were sold by auction here at and of Us! week. Kartt)dt Bro< hie been enUreing and rearranging the departments ui their general store here. >fr: Teete. nd fmi*y from nr Mark- da! have moved into Ihe M-cCoriuack hoce on Durham R.<ad Street, nd Mr Jnie and family from 6th con . < : f>n'e. bve moved into the Murr h -.><: Artuniesia Street. Miss E ii.;i Ferrosoti tto< to Toronto on Wednesday of last week. The Latest from New York and Paris BUSINESS AS USUAL _. _. _ Funeral Directors and The "eggy Bracelet Embaimers Phone Hillcrest 268 can be worn as a - A . n , 1 24 Avenue Road, Bracelet or Necklace Toront0 ' Ont> MOTOR EQUIPMENT These are real chic anil a J W. Bates, R. Maddocks, handsome bit of jewelery ' President Manager Introduction Price $1 Yorkshires, Tamworths W. A . ARMSTRONG Young Stock For Sale ' For Breeding Purposes Jeweler, FLESHERTO I Phone or write GEO. W. KOS ONT OspreyTel. system Maxwell P. O KIMBERLEY Dull, backward spring wesiher with i)tii'e a full of snow. Huith Hanmui(Mi ie luildni.- a new kitchen. Jap Stuart's me an> cutting ahinglef. The tenipernnce vote on M < . ' .v was 127 for tcmperanoj PJ 12 agaiot it. Will Myi-ra has got hid gn8olen tank in and autos cnn get juice to get out of the valley now. J. R. Faucet! IK visiting fri. nds at Dunoalk. THE ELDRIDGE" Dependable 8ewing Machines at Moderate Prices. SOLD BY W. A. ARMSTRONG KLESHERTOS, ONT. SEEDS SEEDS We have receive 1 our supply of Seeds and are now in a pos'tion to supply your wants in any of the following lines : Timothy No. 1 Spacial Timothy No. 2 No. 1 for purity Mammoth No. I Special Red Clover No. 1 Special Alsike No. 1 Special Sweet Clover White Blossom No. 1 Come in and let us prove to you that our Seeds are the best and our prices right. We also have a complete stock of Sugar Beet, Mangel and Turnip Seeds. Also everything in Flower and Garden Seeds. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario Millinery We have a most up-to-date stock of Mill- inery in Paris, London, New York and Gainsborough styles. We have them on the tables for your inspection and we respectfully invite you to call and see our display. We liave Hats at all W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton ^^ ^'^^^^^^y^ytfgi Farm For Sale Lot 1, eon. 5, Artemesia, 2J mil. s from Priceville aad 4 miles fn.m Ceylon, con- taining 100 acres, about 90 acres cleitrt>d and in good si-it of rultivarion, about 28 acrps in sweet clover and 10 acres hardwood hush Roomy and comfort- able house with good rellar ; also driving shed and barn 00x65 un stoue fouti.it lion. Water inside and out, als< g.iod "tirincs for watering purposes. This in the old Paltrnn farm sod will be Hold at one*. Apply to D. MclAVlSB, Flesherton, Ont. Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Entire s.uishctlcn night, delivery Fi ,..*> ev CLEANING a.vl DTBTNO- W e gents for Pwrfepr's Pyr W.,rk s _ Clot.hw cleaned and dyed. T RSHEU- .

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