Flesherton Advance, 19 May 1921, p. 7

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A SPRING TONIC 'A STOREHOUSE OF FOR WEAK PEOPLE ENGLISH WORDS j it was regarded aa a phenomenal work. ' j But the New English Dictionary con- tains mere than ten times as many 66 YEARS TO COMPILE A DICTIONARY. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Act On the Blood and Nerves. Food is as important to the sick per- son as medicine, more so in many cases. A badly chosen diet may re- > i tard recovery. In health the natural Monumental Work of PhilO- appetite Is the best guide to follow; in sickness the appetite is often fickle and depraved. Proper food and a good tonic will keep most people in good health. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a One tonic '; logical Society Contained in Ten Huge Volumes. As long ago as 1S5T the Philological Society (philology is the science of medicine, harmless and certain Tin' language! decided to begin the work their action, which is to build up the of compiling a great dictionary which blood and restore vitality to the run- should contain every word in any down system. For growing girls who ; language, gays an English newspaper. are thin and pale, for pale, tired wo- j A we <* r two ago the last word of men, and for old people who fall In j strength. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are : an ideal tonic. Thousands have testi- j fled to the benefit derived from the | nse of this medicine. Among them is l I page; za his, and there are a great many more words en each of Rs pages. Take words beginning with A and B. Dr. Johnson disposed cf them in 127 pages; the late Sir James Mur- ray, the first editor of the New Eng- lish Dictionary, required 1,240 pages to deal with them -not an excessive allowance, considering that he collect- ed 31.254 of them! The Last Word Zyxt AUTO REPAIR PARTS for moat make* and models of .-ars. Tour old. broken or worn-oul po.ru replaced. Write or wire us describ- ing what you want. \V carry tfc largtat and most complete stock In '.'ana.Jj. of aiignt.y uaed or new part* and automobile equipment. We s'llp CO.D. anywhere In Canada. Satis- factory or refund In lull our motto. EbaWa Ante Salvage Part Supply, 323-J31 Duffarln 8:.. Toronto, Oat. Classified Advertisements. AGESTS WAJTT^O. N' EAT API'EARINU LADY TO ACT aa our representative introducing useful line of fast selling articles. Write Anderson Manufacturing Com- pnnv London. Ontario CYCLES. Beating the Potato Bug. The Potato Magazine, publiahe-i in the United States, calls attention Sir James Murray gave up hta whole to the fact that certain reg :ons of the Mrs. William Gallie, Hantsport. N.S., who says: "Before I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I was so weak and run down that I could hardly do my own work. I often suffered from headaches and was very nerv- New English Dictionary was writ- ten. Nine huge volumes have already been published; the tenth and last will be on sale in 1923. Sixty-six years will have passed be- tween the first approval of the giant scheme and its completion. And what has been done in this time? More than twelve thousand pages, each of winch measures about twelve Inches by nine, densely covered with small life to the work; for thirty-seven years he labored on his task. Unhap- pily he did not live to see it completed for he died six years ago. And what a task it was! Think of the problems that had to be decided. There were several spellings of this word. Which was the correct one? There were two or even three ways of pronouncing the next; the right way must be decided upon. Was the next one slang, or could it be called good English? Every word had to be examined carefully; its derivation must be found, and if it had changed its mean- ing, a history of it must be written illustrated by quotations from many writers. Not a Hoot. "Ko, your honor, he didn't give a hoot whether I saw him coming or not." How do ycu know he didn't give a hoot ?" "Wei!, he didn't blow his horn." The upper peninsula of Michigan hare been virtually freed of that notorious | pest, the potato bug, by the operations ' of a tiny parasitic fly which lays iu ' eggs upon the striped beetle. Grugs hatched from these eggs bore into the tess look U P and potato bug's body and eat out his in- i " Tt3t ' 3 not the kind of Bra my papa saya." "Nor' asked the minister, sweetly. '"And what kind of grace does your COLLECTION uP TSED D Motor Cycles, mostly Indiana. Prices from 1125.00 upwards. SULU amount vou expert to invest and we will mail list H M. Kipp Co. Umite<t 44T Venue St.. Tor.inM Typewriters for the Blind. An ingenious typewriter for the use' of the blind has been invented by N'a- tale Rovedo. a young Milanese artisan. Its method is modelled on the or- side wcrks. U it were not for parasites that prey upon the potato bug. it would scarce be possible to grew any potatoes in this country, despite all the farmer could do to poison the insect with pans green. That destructive beetle was origin- ally native to mountain districts of Colorado, where it fed on a wild varie- ty of potato plant called the "sand bur." Saying Grace. minister had said grace, and the four-year-old daughter of the hos- dinary but obsolete German portable printer Mignon. only a zinc plate is introduced containing forty-two spaces within each of which Is set in relief one of the characters of the Braille alphabet. The operator places the index finger of the left hand in the linger guide, papa say?" "Why"" said the child, "he came nome ^ t night, and when he sat which moves over this zinc plate, and, down at the table he Just said 'Good having found UMJ required sign, strikes heavens: What a supper: 1 Spilling the Beans. Tommy "May I stay up > the stamping lever with his right hand. The chief merits claimed for the machine are ita economy and ease. a little After two days' practice the inventor's sightless comrades learned to write ous. I then began the use of Dr. Wil- print these are the results of the la Hams' Pink Pills and I can truthfully say I have found them the best medi- cine I have ever taken. You may de- pend upon it I will advise other suf- ferers to take these pills." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink PilU bors of those who worked upon the i. most romantlc in the history of writ dictionary. ; iag _ Tne last word _ zylt ," ^ Kent Half a million words are catalogued ; {3^ f or It is supposed to have been car- longerT" Ethef "What do you want to slay sixty-live letters a ^minute New English Dictionary U one of the and in 164 it crossed the Mississippi \ "P for?" Tommy "I want to see you and Mr. The story of the compiling of the ried into Missouri by the cattle traffic. and explained in it; and the ways in "thou sest" has Just been added to its vast collection; but the River. In the early seventies it had ; crossed the Detroit River and Lake Green playing cards." Erie was literally alive with potato j Mr. Green "But we are not going bugs, passengers on chips or whatever to play cards, sonny." MONEY ORDERS. \V::en ordering goods by mail send a Dominion Express Money Order. . through any dealer In medicine or by | English writers of all ages. mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 12.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. .... j liV 'UQ>?| ^<J .J J^- ti a t l o VU V. lilf U Ut W U.it.C7 ^.i^ 5 ** r ; compilers cannot lay down their pens. ! else would keep them afloat. They, Tommy "Oh. yes, you are: at once upon the j reached the Atlantic ccast in 1ST3. and heard mam saying to Ethel that every- means of two million quotations Irom Prince Henry to Enter Army. Prince Henry, the third son of the Trophies of 1870 Returned to France. As a balm to French patriotism Ger- many has finally decided to turn over a train load of military trophies cap- tured from France in the war of 1870, says a Paris despatch. Included among them are numerous cannon and A Murderer's Valuable Help. The idea originated with Archbishop Trench, a writer of popular hooks on the fascinating study of word*. As soon as the Philological Society had decided to adopt it, a committee was formed to begin the gigantic ceUec- tion. Voluntary helpers in all parts of the world were asked to assist; and from them came in a ceaseless stream cf words and illustrative quotations. One of the most valuable of these volun- must supplement. In the years that have ' the beaches were soon swarming with thing dereiuled on the way in which King and Queen, who attained his ma elapsed since the first volume appear- 1 them. Vessels were boarded by them . $he played her cards to-night." jority on March 31. is destined for a ed. hundreds of new words beginning | in such numbers that hatches had to ! with A and B have come Into the Ian- j be battened down, guage. and all must be recorded and explained. Wheu the supplement is finished another must be begun. SPEAKSfflGHLY OF BABY'S OWN TABLETS At that period and for some time afterward much alarm was felt lest ! the potato would become an extinct rifles and even the first machine gun j tary helpers was Dr. Minor, the rnur- Once a mother has used Baby's Own vegetable in Canada and the United ; mother. "Don't you know that gentle- States. But nature has a way of deal- j man never strikes a lady?" ing with such mischiefs, and before long parasitic enemies of the beetle multiplied in such numbers as to make possible its control. The above-mentioned fly. which has done such good work in .Michigan, will military career Although ttrost somewhat In the background by hia older brothers, the Prince of Wales and the Duke of York, Prince Heary is immensely popular with the public. In suture he excels his brothers and is fond of sports and outdoor life. In Instantly Helen stopped crying, pursuance of hia inclination to be a They do. too," she contradicted. soldier he weat through the army "Why. Helen," said mother, "when olass at Eton and afterward studied From Personal Experience. Little Fredily w-is using his fists on little Helen. "Freddy, stop!" commanded his models. The train bearing these tro-'derer. who for twenty-five years was Tablets for her little onu she is al- 1 be colonized in other parts of the j little maid quickly replied: did you ever see a gentleman strike a at Sandhurst, the English West Point, lady"?' With an air of convincing proof the a pbies has arrived at Mayence. They will be displayed for the troops of oc- cupation there and then brought to Paris for an exposition at the Inval- ides. The French Ministry of War has not yet been informed whether the French campaign banners which the Germans are compelled under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles to surrender, but some of which were re- ported to have been destroyed at the outbreak of the war aad the remain- der !n the anti-French demonstration* an inmate of Broadmuor Lunatic Asylum. In 1S7S the compilers possessed no fewer than three and a half million slips of paper, each containing a pa.-*- age to show how one particular word was used. Criminal ways pleased to speak highly of them ' country, and may solve the potato bug ! spanks uie." to "other mothers. She knows the ' Problem for good and all. good they have done her children and realizes that her experience should be j of benefit to others. Concerning the | Tablets Mrs. Fred Murphy. Charlotte- 1 town. P.E.I., writes: "I have used! Unemployment in Great Britain. __ _ _ _ _ UnenTployment in the British Isles Think for a moment of the labor in- Baby's Own Tablets for the past eight i u rapidly reaching the 2.000.000 mark. months for my baby. I cannot speak according to Government figures pub- in Berlin last year, meut. are iu the .-.hip- Mlnard's Llnlmint for DandrulL volved in sorting these slips and in electing the quotations. If one had been employed upon the work task would more than August the Prince was gazetted second lieutenant of the King's 'Daddy Royal Rifles and at present is attached j to the Thirteenth Hussars at Alder- shot. Shut Him Up. Scottish humor recently remarked Sir Harry Lauder is generally dry A broken heart is a physiological possibility; excess of emotion, especi- man : too highly of them for they have been i lis bed f r the week ending April 22. ^ his : of great assistance to me In my first j Tne n f n show a ">*! <* 1.774.000 _ have occupied him for experience of motherhood." Baby's i on tne unemployment registers, which | against the door of a saloon, laaily twenty years, working Own TableU are a mild but thorough to an increase of 750,000 since the pre- chewing gum. and crisp, but I as told a story ewer in ally joy, may rupture that organ. the United States which I think w.:i beat many Scottish ones. A stranger ! arrived at a Far West village, and dor- ', ing his first walk up the one street he i encountered a young man leaning KEEP YOUR HEALTH LSE eight hours a day. It took ten years i laxative which are absolutely harm- j 8ent industrial crisis began. During to get the first volume ready for the less and mav b e given to even the j tne coa l strike the figures have been preg. newborn babe with perfect safety. | rising weekly to an alarming extent. When Dr. Johnson's Dictionary, ! Thev are sold b - v medicine dealers or j London and the southeastern dis- which Is strll in use. appeared m 1773! i direct at 25 cts. a box from The Dr. . . i William*' Medicine Co., BrockvlIIe, Ont. Surnames and Their Origin NIXON Variations Nichols, Nicholas, Nicolas. Racial Origin Anglo-Norman. Source A given name. Wonderful Timekeepers. As far back as 3*0 B.C. the Egyp- tiuns used a clock which was worked by water. The passing of through various pip- moved wheel with a hand attached, and this HAWKINS Variations Havvkes, Hawklnson, Hawe*, Hawson. Racial Origin English. Source A given name. They don't look much like Henry, those family names; but that Is the group are all derived from the given revolutions. given name from which they have ; name of Nicholas. Hour glasses, or sand glasses, were This name did not appear in Eng- ; invented about 330 A.D. They were As is indicated in the foregoing list hand indicated the different hours of tr:ct lead with a total of 316.000. which is an increase of 14.000 in two weeks. The northwestern district conies next with 265,000. while In the West Mid- lands there are 239,000 unemployed. In Scotland there are 179.000, Ireland 117.000 and Wales 100.000. In the London County Council area water there are 192.000 unemployed regis- a cog- ! tered. exclusive of short time workers. The figures include 53,000 women. c- of variations, the family names in this the day while the wheel performed its grown. The only variation of the given name of Henry which is frequently found today is "Harry." In the Mid- dle Ages therejtfere many, prominent among which were "Hal" and "Haw." This last seems to have been due to a peculiar twist of the Noruian tongue, which tended to substitute u "u" or a It was the same ten- changed the word Changed His Mind. Jack "Then you didn't ask for her i hand?" Tom "No, when I went to inter- tand before Uie period of Norman- ' made of two bulbs of glass with an I rl w her father he was busy with the French occupation and amalgamation, intervening neck. Dry sand placed In j furnace. He called out to me to come "Pretty quiet place this," said the stranger. "There's a quieter over there." re- plied the villager, still busy with his gum and jerking his thumb In the direction of the cemetery. "Have you lived here all your life?" asked the visitor, hoping to carry on the conversation. "Not yet. " came the dry reply. After that the stranger gave up. THE OLD RELIABLE. TRY IT! Mlnard's Liniment Co., Ltd. Yarmouth, N.8. His Hearing Restored. The invisible ear drum invented by A. O. Leonard, which Is a miniature magaphoue, fitting inside the ear en- tirely out of sight, i* restoring the hearing of hundreds of people in New York City. Mr. Leonard invent<>d this drum to relieve himself of deafness and head noises, and it does this so Book on 000 DISEASES and How :j Fed ailed 7re to any va- Jre br cb Author. . c: r aiortr Co., 1Mb 11> West 3m Str**t N>w York. U 9.A. , . . The Normans brought it with them the upper bulb ran through the neck , down, and after watching UU struggles I successfully that no onejould from the continent, and due to its re- i into the lower bulb in exactly one j ' or na " ^ n ur and hearing what he "w" for an "I." dency which "healnio" into "heaunie" and gave us j ing formed the family name of "Homer." though centering around later the English speech reverted to teenth centuries. the "I" and brought the word back to "helm" again. It Is the same ten- dency which changed the whole char- acter of the French language a few centuries ago. From this variation "Haw," of Henry, there developed In turn a di- minutive form of the name "Hawkin." Skins of uncommon artimals. includ- ing four walruses. pythonSi Iizanl3 This "kin" ending is un Anglo-Saxon element, which has its counterpart in the modem German diminutive end- ing "chen." Then came "Hawklnson," at first a purely descriptive addition to the names of many sous whose fathers were named "Hawkin," but later to become hereditary and a true family iiaiuc. Hawkins and Hawkes are fur- ther shortened forms, and Hawes from Hawson. ligious association with St. Nicholas, hour, who lived several centuries before and i Clocks worked by weights were in had become widely known as a patron , use iu 1125. but watches wore cot in- salnt of children, tho name became vented until 1500. iiujte popular throughout England A about the time family names were be- ' That was in the period the twelfth, thir- ; The medieval English did not al- ways pick the same nicknames and diminutive variations for given names ! tha^t we use to-day, but one of their variations was "Nick." though some- times it was spelled "Nix" and some- times "Nyk" or "Nykk." In one old document the same individual is re- said about coal. I decided not to get married." St. Thomas, Ont., Horticultural So- ciety. in its annual report says: "War is being upon the billboard kinds apes. nuisance and the tackirfg of cards and j sigms upon femes and other places wairuao, apes, and many ^ - KS^^S * t*JE= alligators arul crocodiles are now be- . % ing usexi for making- ladies' footwear.' Mlnard's Liniment Reliovei Dlstempw Inventors of Trifles Have Won Fortunes There may be more money in a j from realizing its commercial value ferred to In one place as "John Nykks " and in another as "John fil. Nyck" (that is John "flllus" Nick, or "the son of" Nyck). For the most part "Nyck" was the variation of the name most popular with the Anglo-Saxon part of the ' trifling invention than In a big one. j tna t he failed to patent it. All about us are new Ideas just wait- .. u , mg to bo grabbed, it we could only see them. Consider the familiar mousetrap. It is a simple yet ingenious device, fa- population, and hence those who hear miliar to every household. Mr. Mouse cestry as more likely than Norman- French. Cere's a Reason V)liy Grape makes a helpfixl breakfast and a profitable lunch for the worker who must be awake and alert during the day Grape sNuts is the perfected goodness of wheat and malted barley, and is exceptionally rich in nourishment It feeds body and brain without tax upon the digestion. "There's a Reason to get at a scrap of cheese that smells Inviting; his nrst nibble releases a Antrlgger, and he is garni ted. That little contrivance was the invention of a New England Yankee. Anthony O. Davis, of Watertown, Conn., who pat- ented It in 186;). He made a large for- tune by It. Grandall. of "buiWIng block" fame. was engaged in the manufacture of croquet sets. It was half a century ago. when croquet was a popular out- door sport. He hit upon the notion of economizing cost by putting the boxos together with wooden teeth that would fit into corresponding oponlngs along each tpi>osite edge. Thus their parts could be assembled easily, without nails or glue. Nobody really knows who invented the famous "fifteen puzzle." There have been many claimants. All that can be said is that it was never pat- ented and that fortunes were made out of It. Rather exasperating is the obvious- ness of many patented ideas that have brought fortunes to their originators. Take, for instance, the Dennisou ship- ping tag. The trouble with such tag* used to be that they would tear out at the tie-hole. How easy to surroutvl the tie-hole with a caraooanl re-en- niorcenient: Just that was the whole of De-unison's invention, and it netted him a tidy fortune. The metal ball-and-socket clasp for street gloves, handbags and i>ccke>t- is a deaf man. It Is effective when ', deafness is caused by catarrh or by I perforated, or wholly destroyed natur- J al drums. A request for information i to A. 0. Leonard, Suite 437, 70 Fifth ' Avenue. New York City, will be given ASPIRIN "Bayer" is only Genuine a prompt repiy. advt Storms of the Film. Maybe when you have seen on the screen the deck of a ship during a storm at sea you have wondered just how it U done. Warning! Unless you see the name Anyone who stops to think has real- i "Bayer" on package or on tablets you ized, of course, that it is not possible are not getting genuine Aspirin at all. to take such a scene on a real ship in every Bayer package are directions during a genuine storm, for reason* of for Coldss Headache. Neuralgia. Rheu- light amongst other things. mat ism. Earache. Toothache. Lumbago Concluding, therefore, that It is all and for Pain. Handy tin boses of done in the studio, you probably imagine a ship's decl bulk on huge rockers with the players staggering all over the place while the whole set , pitches and tosses. But it doens't. O:i!y as much as , necessary is built. It is kept wet with a hosepipe. The waves dashing over the sides come out of buckets, and the rooking takes place only in the cam- era. With an attachment between the camera and the tripod, the motion of a ship at sea can bo imparted to a sta- tionary "set" merely by the camera- man's assistant turning a handle. Never shrink from itoing 1 any-thin;; which vour business calls vou to do. twelve tablets cost few ceuts. Drug- gists also sell larger packages. Mad In Canada. Aspirin Is the trade mark (registered in Canada^, of Bayer Manufacture of Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid. books Is so familiar nowaday.? that we The man who is above his business never think of it as an ingenious iu- may ore day find his business above vention. Nevertheless, it would bother ' us very much if we were obliged to go | back to the old-fashioned buttons and ; button-holts for our gloves. This ball-and-socket device is the i idea of a clever Frenchman. An im ! portant point about It is one that no him. Drew. It so chanced that at this very time "rdluary person would ever think of. Crandall's small daughter was sk-k | vlz -- ( he "click." To be popular, a with measles. To aur'.s,- '*, ;,<; show- '''asp of any kind must make a sharp ed her some pieces of his croquet ni>| s> when closed. boxes, aud she foin< such Uelight in What could be more obvious ih.m the wooden shcepeg? Yet, quite pos- sibly, it might never have lx??n thought of but for the KC-UIS of a Bos- tonian named H. K. Sturtevant. It putlng them together that he was per- suaded to adopt the idea for a n- w kind of building blocks. Crandall was a born inventor. It was he who originated the "pigs in clover" puzzle, which became so great a rage. Unfortunately, he was so far FREEZONE Corns Lift Off with Fingers u aa acu- brought him a fortune: but he went crazy, and so for him the achievement fruitless .i . ' ;w ' i 1 ret-'/u lit? ing corn, iiisuuiiy that corn stops I .:.:; ..!..*. then shortly you lift It right' . ;. with tinge;'* It doesn't hurt a bit Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of Kreezoue" for a few cents,, sufficient .o remove every hard cora. soft cor.'. or corn between the toes, and the cal- i _ iuses. without a particle of paio. ISSUE No. 20 '21. Beauty of Skin EnhancedbyCuticura When used for every-day toilet pur- poses Cuticura keeps the complex- ion fresh and clear, hands soft and white and hair live and glossy. The Soap to cleans* and purify, the Oint- ment to soothe and heal and the Talcum to powder and perfume. SwvOc. OhlBtw4i*t. T.k.!5c. Sold throuchouttheDomtnton. Canadian Depot: t~jji. L-itl. M4 M. f.J St.. W Mmi.q. SP witlxmt am*.

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