Flesherton Advance, 9 Jun 1921, p. 1

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42, No. I Flestierton, Ont., June 9 1921 - PRICEVILLE The recent shower* of rain t inteivl-s of a fnw days apart iiml Hits warm wa- tber have canned rapid growth in grass and rain fields. No dainn<>e lius been done by lighiuiug, hail oi rain ;is yet. Wm Aldcorn, with u nunil.er if mm and leauiti, are repairing asicticui of the county roed from I he vill!<n eaKtwaid. aad iin.i. 'i the lorg swamp. The spring hula in the hill eatt nt Ihe river required a lot of work to make it. passable. 1L Hogg, CPU agent, has treated himself to a new car. A number of per.sono are riUMNB| an interest in the new public cemetery by having lheir|plt>ts wjtked over and re- seeded to l, .MI ijras9 and all others will aurely folluw with improvements ana we will have i nice cemetery in the ueir tuturu. Sacramental service was held in the Methodist thurdi last Sunday morning. There will be no se/vico in this church next Suodiiy, June VI, as the pastor will be at conference. Angus Kennedy is prep'irii.g to erect a goijd wire fence alum; bis property on TowniimNilreet . IJM MoIa&M hai lout it number ^of Plymoui h Ruck hvns lately. Soire of the town dogs have acinnml a grunt uppelite for fowl. Mi is i':.- McDonald has Ciken a position m the p<etntiice here. DUNDALK The fire a'arm rung Saturday af'ernoon about :! o'clock because of an elect licil display at llio power station. There wu no harm done but the linen were out of commission for light and power till nhout 7.30 ihat . \. i. si'.;. An electrical stum was ,-! * i; fit the tioul.le. Hugh O E Crosby, who ,..;.. -.i W G Blackwell, K D., in tha work of the Angliciiu Church in this parish fc<r the past two or three .summer*, passed his tinal cxama at the University in London attaining the degree of (B A. He wait ordained at Brantfoid ant) his iiccepti'd the incumbency uf All Saini.s' L'huich at Beacbville, Fred McDowell, (lie 7-year-old son of Mr and Mrs J D McDowell, litd his left arm broken while at play a' the Ayr 1 - cultural Grounds cue day lust week. 1 Herald. Victoria Corners (He'd Ovea List Week) Seeding is about accomplished here, Mi'.- I'.'i i All. n, tucl.or near Him- dalk, -[TII the week end with her sister, Mrs Cotuford Thompson. Minn Muriel, Carruthers is spc-nding a few days wi h her friend. Mrs W Lurgp, Eugenia. Mr Win I.) 'I'rioii in iigain in poor, health. Mis Goo Alltin underwent an opeii- tioD in Oolliogwood h ispital an 1 is pro gressmg favuurabiy ut time of writing. We hopo fora spudy recovery HK Mrs Allen has been ailing for some time. Misa Haiues of [',,- 1:1 slid laily friend of Gait visited over the holiday with the foiuier'H brother lun>. Misa H.iim'H remained for an extended visit. Mr Basil Canuthers of the H.E.P.C., Walkortou, spout the holiday with his pareuts here. - Mrs C Man in of K'igeuia visited with Mrs A Carruthera. Little Dorothy Uenoe has dUc.iritinued her studies nl Kugenia school and taken them up hern. ROCK MILLS MAIL CONTRACT Sealed Tenders nddren.ed to the PontiiKWtei- t ;.'ii. 1.1 1, will be received atOt.tnwaunt.il noun <m Friday, the 17th >( .hme, 1(121. for the con- veyance of Hi Majnaty's Mails, on u prupiw. edCi.n tract for fuur yciirR, six tiintw per week, on the route CEYLON R. K, No. i from the lt of October, 11121. Printed noticed containiiiK further infonna- tiona.s toomditionB of ]>ro|H>8Ml C'.mlract may b seen and blank forum of Tender may bi obtained at ihe Post Offices uf Ceylon and at theoffi:e of the Post Ollicji' ln|>octor, Toronto. A. SUTHERLAND, PoBlOllioo lns|>ctmr. Post Office Inspector'* Office, Toronto, My &th, 11121. I!. I- i iii and wife visited over the week end with friends at Mt Forest. Born Tn Mr mill Mrs Gordon War- ling, on Wednoi>dny, Ju.ie 1, a daughter. Ail Johnston aud wife spent a day with tbe f. mi. . parents, Mr tnd Mia John Porteous. J Id H.illey and wife of Vundoleur visited over Sunday with the former's sister, Mrs Sun (Jroft. James Staff .I'd and Son have purchased a Ford c*r. L'Ulie Chard had a vety successful bain raising on Saturday last. 51r U 1 ' ...M ,. Mr and Mrs Bryco ! ' n-jv. i and bat e, and Mrs A Mclnlosh aud KOI,, were visitors recently with the former's son, Jus Dargavt'l, here. The Rock Mills Lxdies' Aid meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Sanr Phillips <>a Wednesday, June the 15lh Visitocs wtrlunuiii. Thus BeitH, wife and daughter, Malm 1 , v -iii-.i. - ., ..| Sunday with the formers -i.-. .. at Maxwell and attended the revival mcetinus at Fuversham. Victoria Corners . ll.-l.l Over L.M W.., k.i Miss Annia Airlerson of Berkeley vit-itid over My 24(h at Mr Milton B&nnon'a. Mr i. . . n and Mihf Otiillie Lock- hart and Miss SuManna Ludlow visited With M - Perdue at her home at Chafa- WDI ll. Miss Kui'h StitiKou spent the week end win MIHH Peidue at Cllatswji th 15 in On Siurilay, May 28ih, to Mr and Mrt Newton I'. mi..'.,, a dauuhter. Mr Hiul Mrs Chas Moore attended the iei ep ion ut the tilver wedding of Mr and Mrs W llenrd. nrnr Mnrkdale. Card Of Thank* I bi-g to rincerely thnnk my many friend* for their txtrcmn kindnexa during my si'tioiiN illiiRKs of a fortnight's dura- tion. Thus. Julian. EAST MOUNTAIN J..hnOir ii working on the c >unly road near Klesherton. Mr and Mrs Gtv> Unrbotlle visited with tlieii sun, William, near Heathcote, Heili Genoe h'w his Chevrolet in running order again and has g.ine to visit at Uunctn. Win Largo, of Kugenia, is workfng at A Cariu'hers' ntw hniiso. Mr Lewi* Gfiiof, wife mid childrrn anii M. .--n Duncan Williams and JHIIICR II irli.ii . were visitoia at Chas Martin's in KogL'iiia. Road Closing Not'ce is hereby given that tho Muni- cipal Cuuiiiiil of the Township of Aite- iiiecin, will, after one m.'iitb from the tirnt uublic.klioii hereof in tho ITlMhttrtOll Advaiu'ii newi-papor ( he date of which is i ho Ui'i c!y of lun-, 1!'21) proceed to pass by law to close up and tin.-illy dispjsu of tho undermentioned Original :tllnwHiirn for r.mds. 1st All that Hart of what is kin.wn us the hso line fiuin lots 101 11 110 inclusive, in rear- of ihe Third Uiiugo, North K:ist of i ho Toronto and Sydi-nhain fend. 2nd -All that part of sidorond lying between loti 10 and 11, in the 14th Concession of the fluid Township. By order tf the Council. --W. J. BELLAMY, Clork Dated 111 h June, 1921. PROTON MAIL CONTRACT SKALKD TENDKttS addrewed to A I'.i-n LIU..I. i General will lie roeive.i at Ottawa until noon on Friday, the 34th of Juno, 1921, for the conveyance of Hi \1 .-ijc.il.y i Mails, on a proponed Contract for fo\ir ynarn, nix timcH per wek on the r*ute KU5S11EUTON and K1MBKRLKY, via KI'KKNJA, from the lt of October, 1921. Printed nutioci containing f m ther inforuia- { lion an to condition* of proposed coutraotmay be aeen aud blank fornin of T.-inIi i may b i obtained at the Von Offiom of Klenherton, Kimberlciy, l''.u::. ni.i. and at tbe office of tliu PostOiiioi.' lunjiecUir, Toronto. A. SUTRKRLAND. Po4 Office Intpcctor Pot O'Hco Inovector'nOtfioe, Tornnko, Mny 13th, liia. I Laat Week'n Items -Mi Lloyd Wauchob is visiting with his sister at Dobbington. Mr Ed <':.!,- is holidaying with fiunds at Toronto. For the past 10 or 12 years Mr J C Wright has run a Ford cur. Finding it somewhat tha worse tor wear he has purchased another of the same reliable mtko. Mr and Mrs Sh.'rsoii an 1 Miss Ruth, Mrs Park and Mrs Wauchob visited with wiih the letter's daughter, Mrs JThonijj- son, of Dubbingtoo. Mrs Gilkinson is the guest of her friend, Mrs Bales. Messrs J C and Wm Wright, Master Jack und Mine Marion holidayed with friends at Kincardine. Mr Trelford and Mi-s Wilma of Uraogevillu visited with friends in tha village. Mr Reg Cairns of Toronto was the gue.it of his friend, Llojd Wauchob. Mr and Mis Wunds and family of (Jrmtsworlh renewed acquaintances in the village. Mr and MrsStiU and Mr Jack Uanley visited lecently with friends ut Mount ruht. The young people of the village enjoy- ed a pleas*,!* social evening in the Pres- byterian Chinch OIIH evening last week. Mr and Mrs Hergntt and Family spent the holiday with lelatives at Waleiluu and Si Agatha. Mrs Mucampbell, Angu?, is the guest of her father, Mr Kd Uutheiford. Toronto Line North Mr and Mrs Kmerion tVickeim have treated tneinselvot to a new Frd car. MIH Lillian L.I. accompanied by Mr and Mm Snydr, of Mooretield motored over and spr-nt * d.ty with the former'* parents her. Mrs George Sled and Bonn, Billie and Jin, nf Nottawa, 'pn.. a day with Mr and Mi, T. Sled. Wm Burnett took in tl. ; < at Chesley on JUD* 3. Mrs Cbmles IVrign and duii^hiur, Betty, of Darcy, Sask, is vioiting with Mr .nut Mis A Inert Stuart and other friends. Miss Ida Lever npent the week end with friendi in Muikdale. Measia Hamilton and Blackburn of Collingwood visited with T Sled recently. The orchard priimuu demonstration by W I , ! I ,:.,, i i nf .,-,,., i .. . i held at Chas Stowail's was well attended and the >imc prulitably spent. Mrs W J Lever of Markuale spent p*rt of the past week with her daughter, Mrs Fred Brown, CEYLON Rev Wm McWliirmey, of the North West, visited with hig niece, MTH N Archibald, Usl neck. Mr and Mis Win Ilislop, of KngoniH, spent, the past week vi.Mting at Georye McKonr. e's. .1 i ' ll.ulley and Uaut>liti<r, Ne'.lio, Ida and Annio limit. red ftuin Ti.ronto and visaed ut Mrh Boltnn's. Mr and Mrs [Hthniati, of Norval, who hara been vitittng at G Ariowsmith a, returned Mondny to their home. Mr Wilfred Magee, wife and Imbe, spent the first of the wMk with MiMM Jossie and Boll McKen/.ie. Mr and Mra N Archibald, It >.k and MIRK Mille, motored to Owen Si. und on Fridy. Mr and Mrs J McN:.lly, jf Durham, and Hugh McArthur and wife, of Khro- dale, spent 1st of the week at R Cook'*. Mri JIIM Ashdown, of Owen Sound, is in town Monday. Jas McLean spent the first uf the week with friends in Proton. Hugh I', airy and wife of Shrigley and D McPhftil and wife motored to South- ampton and spent the week end. Bull For Service Purebrnd Scotch Shorthorn l-u'l, Alda's Pride 13644 for Hervice on lol 31, Con. 8, Artcmetin. Terms $1.50, pare brcdt |. W. MAUBB. VANDELEUR Intended For L8t Week Frank Davii ar.A sister, Florence, also L. Johnston and if--, mited with liieudi ut Paisley rrcently. Mrs. Jolnibtun will remain for some time. .\i.h< M. Irwia of Klesherton spent a few <lys Inst week with Mr. and Mra. G*o Warling. Mr and Mrs Jog Buchanan, aluo Gen. and Lillian, motored to Htiinilton and Toronto to visit with friends. Mist Lillian will rtinain in Toronto for t short time. Mi- Maitin and little ion, George, of Toronto, visited for week with Mr and Mrs L Johnston. Mrs Will Diirrell, Miss Ahna John- ston and Mist- (juintcm f Slign, visited wi'h tha former's mother. Mis R Geiiot-, recanlly. M Ge ' Bowles and son, Will, of the west back line, viaittd Mr and Mia Geo Warling a short tun* ago Misi Tillie UucliHinn, h'> hup spent the lait few inonlh* with her bio her, Ben, ut Toronto, <ias ruiurntd home. Mr mil Mr- P Beard of Springhill spent ^ day with friwnds here. Mr and Mrs A mot Smith And little son of Meaford visited with Mr und Mr* Sam Gilbert Recently. Our baseball team wrnt to Markiialc on thel'-tth of May and played a game with KUislieriuii, rohulting in a score uf 4 to .' in favor of Vandaleur. The W I held their annu*l nixeiin^ at the home of Mrs L Johnston un Thurs- day afternoon I...-I, when the followniK otiicers were elected : Prut, M:-. Delia McGee ; 1st Vice Prt, Mrs 8 Gilbert ; 3nd Vice, Mrs Jos Bucbtnsn ; Sec-Trea Mrs Will HutchiiiHoi. ; Uibl Dir, Mia L Johnston. This Week's henm Mits lluson. who H vnitnig friends in KtobUerton, attended divine service at tho ohurch hi-ra Sunday [ternoon and delifihifd i ho ludience with an iionally well rendered solo. Miss Cora Hutchinson ..! Swinton Paik spent few ilnyg it her !,i me her*. C. Graham and Mis* L C.unube)l of Euj/eniH spent day lecontly wilh Mr and Mrs J I Graham aud family. The C.'i.tie Grey baseball league -en . n was opened on tne locul groiuulu n Thursday evening of lat>t wrtk when Glonelg Centre and Ynndelunr teams pla)ed a gains, which resulted in n score of 14 ti 1 in favor of ilia honm team. After the game several font races, etc.. were held. The but'ary for tho winners was A Bucluimn. It Graham and K Walling. The local liaelmll temn, siv..iii|nnu d by about lit) suppiu tern, went (|..HII lo Uiindalk on Thursday nfteroiuni .f n week and ;)!yi-d n fast HIU! furii'iia game with tho tuain of that town. Tl,.. ^aii.o Ustuil for eleven innings nnd i - . . ,| in a tie, llio ncore 8 8. D^VH Gialuun and Al> BoohaiiaD pitched for Vancli Ivur.ai.d H Howler and E Wailing did ilm catch* ing. Arnmtrrug ami Kussell was tl.e buttery f.ir Dundalk. School Reports H-port of 88 No 7, Aiteun:.iii, for the month f.f Mny. Sr 4-C Uircks, A Hincks. Jr 4-M McDonald, J Me.ids. Sr 3 I Tunn-r, A Muir, 15 P.uslow, M Walters. Jr ,'i-S Muir, A fnglrun. Sr 2- S Oliver, M Turner. Jr 2- K Hincks, DT.-.yli>r, S VAUBI, D PHI slow, M O'Si rainier. Sr Pr M MarDoiuUl, A Hincks, W Taylor. E B O'Strandtr. Jr Pr- J McMillan, J Taylor. Avernge attendance, 20. M. Richardson, Tcucher. SUMMER TERM OPENS JTLY4th at tha Owen Sound, Out. Individual Instruction in all Corumeicial suhjects. CtaloRiie Fire. C. A. FLEMING, F % .jC. A., Prinoipa G. D. FLEMING, Secretary. Mention this paper when writing) DIAMOND ENGAGEMENT RINGS There is at least one period in your life when nothing Imt the best caii fully express your feelings of Love and Devotion. That in< innir, is when you place tliar little circlet tlmt forever is the symbol oi mut- ual confidence and deepest, affection. Th'.se who am seeking 'he tic-t in Diamond .li-wi-Heiy are cordially inviied to in- spect our collection. W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTON, - ONT. Bates BurialCo. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. Manager Now is the tifhe to re- new your subscription to The Advance. Let Us Be of Service to You in Sending Money Abroad TRANSFERS of money to all parts of the world, by draft, post remittance, or cable, can be made through this Bank quickly and at advantageous rates. .10 TH MRCHANT5 BANK Head Office : Montreal. OF CANADA Established 1864 FLESHERTON <VND CEYLON BRANCHES, J. C. SCOTT, - . - . Manager. House of Quality Now is the time to sow your Beet and Turnip Seed. We handle Rennie's one of the best on the market. FLOUR Royal Household. We also handle Ladies' Favorite, Hill's Sovereign, and Perfection ; also Hill's Pastry Flour. We handle Rennie's Seed Corn including : Compton's Early, Wisconsin No. 7, North Dakota, Longfellow Improved Leamington. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flcshcrton, - Ontario Prices Cut to Pieces We have reduced our entire stock of Ladies' Hats, Veils, Trimmings one third. Our hats are all this season's stock in the very latest styles. Don't miss getting one at away below cost. Big Reductions in all other Goods W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton E^lfe

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