Flesherton Advance, 9 Jun 1921, p. 5

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June 9 1921 THE FLESHKKTON ADVANCE iff IHJL uoqp t|UaitMU| 01 AI)[9J 3DIADB jo irr> noX pipuig atp jo ipuvjqXira jy -jo atodtip o| UIIM AMI no* tpuoq Xua 93*|d 0) 10 tagunao* aAipajuv pu puno anoat oj paddmba ||M | ptra fia^mi]' t H HIM* ipnot imttuoa pun pajip ui tXvMpj ti jjuug t)nani)MAUt o) ujure|d tjajiaiu ui noli 3Aja BuiAq jo )mc|MiAp atp ajvpajdd* noX Q 9JO)99AUJ TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Flesherton Branch : Geo. Mitchell, Manager. ANADIAN P/fcOl-FIC C. P. R. Time Table. 1 rains leave Fleshercon Station as allows : , Going South flolng North 7.35 a. m. 11.52 p.m. 4.30p.m. ^ 9.30p.m. The in nl.~ are uscu at Flesherton H follows : For the north at 10.40 a. m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 ;>. in. the previous evg. VICINIY CHIPS J;m Stafford ver the .'ird. home fn n; Toronto Speai.il xxx The hcst win-bine machine nude for 17 4!) at lacker's, Proton. Mn. C. B. Perigo and bal>e of D'A'cy, Iiik . are guests of Mrs. A. Stewart. Mr. Glen Davis of Toronto was on * hurt visit last week with his brother, Wm. , Toronto Line North. Mr. J. C. Scott and family moton-d to Elora and spent, the week end, returning n Monday. Handling cream for Walkerton Dairy. We teat and p*y at the itore. Sittinfao lion. Get a can today, Becke'g, ProUn. Mr. Meads and family moved to town last A-..-.- ,. We are pleased to welcome them. \V. L. Wright, Frank Duncan, W. P. Crossley and C. Blakelry spent the week end in Toronto. Norman (iarfield vra.s handed in Wood- (tock j*:l OD Thursday last for the murder of Ben Juhnn'ou. grocer how much Backer, Protop, la Sugar Ask your grmi. siunr for a f diving 9 1' . Messrs. John, William, Ed and Fred Pnulter *nd W. Fields motored up from Toronto and' spent the week end with Iriend.s here. Florence Au'i malic 3 burner coal oil stoves, special two weeks offering. The lowest price in Canada on this stove |18.9!> at Becker's, Proton. Dundalk and Ki. sh-i i M play a !.. i u game at tha local ball park on Thursday afternoon of this week. Game calleU at 4 o'clock sharp. This ( is sura to Le a good fast game, so come along. Mr. John Whitten of Toronto jjve The Advance a pleasant call on Saturday last, before returning home after a fortnight's visit with friends in ihia district. 1 have an excellent line of tine rubber foods on hand aprons, working gloves, tc. I also take orders fur Spirella corsets and have a few samples which I Mrs. VV. I. Henry returned last week frum visiiing friends in Toronto. Get yur turnip and mangel seed at ; Becker's, Protun,. Sp-;cil pricei. Mr. Byard Hall of Trafalgar called on ye K.ln i- , family one day last \\vck. Miss 1 1 u ji.s , of Toronto is the guest of Mies M tybee. Canada's next Governor-General will be Lord 1 'mj, a former leader of the ' u; i'ii, m corps. Air. and Mr. Geo. Pat ton of Owen i S inn 1 spent a day last week with the former's parents here. Ceylon will play hall at Eugenia 'hi.s| Siturd-iy afternoon, game called ut 5 o'clock. Mrs. Frank Duncan and little son, wlio have been vintting friends in Toron- to fur the past week, returned homu on Monday. Mrs. E. Murray and Miss A-jnea Henderson attended ihe annual Branch meeting of ihe \V . M S. in Toronto last I week. Mr. Will Wilcock returned to north I Ontario Tuesday, where be intends to : work fjr Mr. lUlnh Huid at Kirklmid 1 Lake Flour Kiui? E Iward 3 15, Miple l.-.i: |B. 40, Ontario Shorts 135, Bran 105, i Calf Meal any kind 1 29 for 25 Iba. W ' offer 10 c a lb for free unwashed wool. i Becker. Proton. ^ During the meeting of the Young People's Society in the Methodist church, Monday evening Chore were three in- fants bapt eed Manon Miller, Helen de Cudmore and Jack Down. Mr. and Mrs. H. C lUdley. Misses Ruby and Peail Ridley, visited friends here over tin week end. Mr. and Mrs. Radley will remain for the summer at thoir h"ir. . Shadowbrook Farm. Extra special at Becker's, Protun, fo, Friday and Saturday Vultnoa and Fig biscuits 22*c lb ; Easitirst 16o ; Fine Lard 20c ; 2 lb Tea for 7oc : 4 pkija. for 25o ; Rice 3 lb for 25c. Mr. Thns. IJ.'iitliam, Hccompaniid by Mr. Wm. Sanderson and bis mother, viMted with friends ut Mount l'lui>ant and Berklry recen'ly. Nfr. C.ilf Blakeley liii i penud bis mw tailor shop in tin- old Aimttrnng block and is Lusy as a nailer. He places bis advertisement in itiis issue of Tlie Advance. A s cons as he can get a house BJ will move his f.uni'y here. Mr. D. McKill.ip Ii IH purchased the Dr. C'briBtoe block, which he has occu- pied partially us a hardware isU.re and tin shop for several years "ptsr. Mr, Ki'u. RlclCillop, his son, will go in partnership and expec's to move his family fn>m Sprucedale this month. The census euuniaratur.s, all relumed , men. started work la-it week. Accordii g to the buys their job is not a "fat," one. I Tlie emimer.it oi's are HI follows : Div, i 1 Wr. DUVIB, Div. 2.W. Cargo, Div. 3 | T. Orr, Div. 4 George B'inks, Div. 5 j Robert Conkey. Div. C \V. Buchanan, Div. 7 Ellwo.id Purvis, Div. 8 J. A. j jrd. The wurk has to be completed | by J une IS. Brought From Hospital Will Have Investigation Mr and Mini Orr of Toronto motor<d up Imt Friday and were tha ftm-ita of Dr. and Mrs. E C. Murray. Misa Orr returnen hi me on Mondiy and Mr. Oir will visit relatives in this loctliiy for a time. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wiluyand babe, and Miss Ella Busfcin and Mr. WillarU Wiley of Wodehoufie visited friends in Flotliarton ou Sunday uJ attended the service. will sjll greatly reduced Mis* V. A. Nicholson, b'legherton. Dry goodi apecUls Prints '^2c, all Gioghuma 27c, good black hooe 24c, ladiai summer vest 24c, men's fine socks 24c, all overall) 25c cheaper than adver- tised last week, some paint speciali at 39c a quart at Beckei's, Pruton. Mr. Goo. Mitchell captured the prize trout on Wednesday evening of Uat week. This beauty measured 1,1 inches in length, thirteen inches In girth and weighed 3J pounds. This is the bes fish we have yut had the honoi of chronicling. It was with regrot the baseball boys had to cult off the swimming fUturea and 1 the calithumpian parnde in the morning as there was a heavy mist falling and the air was very cold fop the swim.ner>. Although there was a fair crowd preoenb to witness the sports it supposed before- hand that, them wouldn't be anybody present on account of tha weather and with that end in view the boys felt obliged to call oil the events and also to oanoel the Duudalk hand engagement. Lit lie \Vil id Wttltcn was brought hoiiit; from ih .Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, i'ii Monday evening train, :ind is doing nicely : U'liir.' h'-; wiiheld but will cuine i ut later. He ikes charuvs I hat will have to le investigate*! by the pmper authorities. Th fuels he ban iven l injury arc tempor.irily > Tenders Wanted 'IViidori will b received by ihe under- signed up until 12 o'clock "i> Siturdiy, June llih, 1021, for the erection of a wire foncH around the Preahyterian Cemetery on the T. AS. II., 2 miles South of Markdie. Specification can be seen at the undersigned : John Weber, R. R. No. 4, Markdale, W. R Burnett, M*rkdale, Fied Brown, R. R. No. :l, Flesherton. HEN'S SUnnER FURNISHINGS Men's Merino Uunderwear Men's Balbriggan Underwear Men's Nainsook Underwear Men's Mesh Underwear These come in two-piece garments and combinations short sleeves, long sleeves or sleeveless knee length or ankle length styles. "Sizes from 34 to 44. Prices from ... . 95c. to $2.50 MEN'S STRAW HATS Sennitt straws in English Boat- er styles ; Toyo panamas in Boater Fedora or Outing shapes ; Italian straws in Fedora or Outing shapes Prices from $1.25 to $3.75 Coatless Suspenders Bow ties Sleeve Holders Hose Supporters Leather belts Soft collars Bathing Suits Outing shirts Specials from the Grocery Department TEA A special blend of Indian and Ceylon Teas, good flavor and an excellent drawer. Regular 55c. quality ......... Special 3 Ibs. for $1.00 Satisfaction guaranteed with this tea, purchase price refunded if noli to your liking. SALIVKON A good pink Salmon, one pound tins, every one guaranteed. liegnlar '2oc. quality ............................................... Special 19 cents RIGE2 A. good clean Siam Rice, a good cooker, just righ for puddings 5c. lb. All Spring Millinery at Reduced Prices *F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON -- ONTARIO Small Ads. Try Feversha.n Paitry Flour, tha best or your cook. All Onurio wheat N ow IH the time to choose the wal j;jj paper for that room. I have just roceiv-* ::; ed iry books of samples of wall papers, ;; ;; oilcloth, wall covering", burlaps, etc., jjjj ami am now ready to take your order. ~S5 H. Carrington, painter and decorator, {* Flesherton, Out. Chopping dune. MI Saturdays only Graham Bros. Kugenta Get 19 Reduced pnce mi all suns and suiimus H. Alexander. Fevi-r-hiuu 20 1-21 If you are planning to buy a sewing j machine buy the old rnlinble Singer. You may as well IIKVO the best at | reasonable price. Call and see these i machines at W. A. Hawken's photo j gallery and music store, Flesherton. | 1 : : Strayed b'rom ihe 4ih Lint", Oiprey, | (near Mclntyre) black yearling steer j(mooley) and white and red yearling btiifer. Please notify Walter Seeley, I For Sale YUUHK cabbau plan's for salf. T. Bulmor, Flesherlon. Younii Pi[j(j_\Yantud Fred JainieBOU. P.O. The University of Toronto ha nomin- | ated Mr. Harold D. Brown, a fourth year | H.'v C. A. and Mrs. Belfry motored Do Orillia on Tuesday to attend confr- noe. Mrs. Bwlfry will go to their sum mar onttage ou Lake Simcoe in company with her sister, Mrs. Harker, of Ham- ilton. Eggs 30c per doz or better this weeic at Becker's, Proton. We wi.l raise the price of butter this Friday nud Saturday. W are trying our vry bes *o keep the price of produce up. A concert under tha auspices of the W. 1. will be held in the high school on Wednesday of this week, when four fmt clt>83 class artists will take part. Tlra will be a popular concert for a worthy | cause 30 and 65o including war tax. Come and enjoy yourself. You will ncl bd disappointed. The Grey Battalion will leave 1. r Niagara cump on Friday. June 17lh, and return on the 26th. Recruits are wnn- ted at onca for " D " Company and 'ill returned men are especially in- vited to comealanu. New men are also invited. You should see ) . A. Legard or W. E. Cargoe at once. Uniforms and equipment now on hand and you can bo titled at uny time. When the extra 9600 sessional indem- nity covering two years was passed and placed in the provincial estimates, Geo. M. Leeson, M.P.P. for South Grey, accepted it al'>ng with the other mem- bers, and has ili'iin'uil it to the six rural and live urban municipalities of his | oonbtitueocy, according to a despatch to tin: dailies. This is a hard slap at th* Fire and wind Insurance in the beat companies for tarir. and town property W. O. Fawcett, H|(enr, Coy Ion Anglican chuich, Service as usna n Town Hall every Sunday -it 7 p.m. Rev. 0. Blackwell, Pastor. For Sale A quantity of well saved timothy hay. Apply to Thos. Taylor, R R. No. 2, Protju. Phone 71 i 3 1, Bundalk. - Came Astray Came to Lot 34, Con. 11, Artemesia, about June ', onu mare. Owner prove propnrty, pay expena38 and 11 U" same aw:ty Bert Magee. Horse For Sale Good driver, 4 years old. esy Will exchange for stock or giva terms A. Thistlethwuite, Flesh- . 1 in Lost Small coat with smull black covered book of church account*, retail price list of I.H.C. nmcUinery and sortie other books and papers in pocket. Kinder pleuse leave at this ntliei). '... - .. :: House and Lot For Sulo at Ceylon One acre of land, a Israo framn house, !) rooms, 5 bedrooms, ilininn room, parlor, !<<>oil halls, kitchen, pantry anil cellar, all well furnished and in uood condition. Woodshed attached. Also good stable j and woll. Near the C. P. II. station, j Apply to Mis. R P. Le^at*, Ceylon. BOOTS & SHOES I In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO tadent in Victoria College, and , former | "gum-nt th.t such n/ incrtaie WM teacher in Fleshertou high school, for tha 1861 Exhibition Science Research Sehol- arship for 19J1. The scholarship M worth 20 sturling par year, ami is ttn- able for two years, and enables the holder to continue research work t toy university in Euglsiid or elsewhere. Mr. Brown entered Victoria in 1913, but enlisted in 1915, and returned in 1919. He is an honor graduate in biology and is a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Brown, of Brampton, Out. Conclusion of the war M to ba celabra- ted by a publlo holiday observed under the name of Armistice Day. A bill to this effect pasted its final itige in the House of Commons Monday afternoon and no doubb Is felt that it will receiva Semite approval. The holiday will be the Mondny in the week in which Nov- ember 11 (the day on which hostilities terminated) occurs and ThankogiviOK Day will be telebrated on the same day. NOTICE 1, the undersigned, wil not be responsible for any dbta contrnctl I ed in my name by my wife, Mrs. John W. Wright, (nee Stella Podlar) after thip date. Dited May rah, 1921. John W Wr ight. The District Annual Meeting of lh e Board of Agriculture and Women's Institute will be held at Ceylon, Wed., June 8th. Basket picnic 11.30 a.m. Mrs. W. A. Hawken, Sec. of W. I. CVylon, an i-i:;lr roomed dwelling, good cellar, stable, eta. ; about an acre of Fertilizer-I am agent for (iunn's 6ur land, would make n aood home for a dain Fertilizer, the best on themirket, retired gentleman. For terms and fur- and will fill orders at Flt-sherton Station Iher DartieuUra apply to W. J. Bellamy, i at any time, preferably Tuesdays. Phone F IMay t f 21 r 23, W. J. IVeads, Priceville P. O. Home and Lot For Sale The prop, erty known AH the Asl.down residence at Finest Groceries, Confectionery aud Ice Cream "The Victrola" GROCERIES All kinds of Groceries. We handle the best goods obtainable . A trial 01 der will convince . CONFECTIONERY- Neilson's and Willard's Chocolates in boxes and bulk. Christies' Fancy aud Soda Biscuits. ICE CREAM Our Ice Oream Parlours are running full swiug. Try City Dairy Dainties. E1DISON PHONOGRAPHS \ Hear tjie Edison at our store. We &!BO handle Edison Amberola Records. Bellamy's Grocery, Telephone No. 37 Flesherton, Ont. THE VICTROLA is the one in- strument to which the world's greatest artists hava intrusted their art an unanswerable acknowl- edgement of its artistic achieve- ment. Moreover The Victrola is the only instrument specially made to play the records which thase world-famed artists have made. Music is lo the mind what rain is to the soil an absolute necessity. You are cordially invited to inspect our musical master-piaces W. A. ARMSTRONG. Phones 13 and 28. Flesherton, Ont. ARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tubular Sharpies Separators JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON.

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