Flesherton Advance, 30 Jun 1921, p. 5

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June 30 1921 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE ; * IN . , . i, . / ; t \\: . To Parents QPEN a Savings Account in this Bank for each child the year it is born. Make small deposits regularly, and when college days come, the requi- site funds are ready, and the education will not be a drain on the family purse. THE STANDARD BANK - CANADA or TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Flesherton Branch: - - Geo. Mitchell, Manager. ANADIAN C. P. R. Time Table. Trains leave Flesherton Station as allows : Going South Ooing North 7.55 a. m. 11.52 p.m. 4.30p.m. .30p. m. The mails are s-.i at Flenherton aa follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and 7 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at 3.40 o'clocK. Fi,r morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the pri.-viuus evg. The new County Constable, Mj..ir Pembroke, made his first visit to (own oa Monday and interviewed the Brown' family in connection with the Bil!ie Weljou case. Be prcmiaea to ratuin again. The directors of Bat Grey Apriculiu- , turaj Society met on Mocday evening ana made exiengivtuediUcona to the lut f stock prizes, with the object of at- tracting a keener competition. Tne Lidiea' Aid of the Presbyterian church, Maxwell, will h -Id a garden party a> the home of Mr. Angus Morri- son on Tuesday, July <j:L. Supper frouj 6108 o'clock. Go'jd program for which n* bills. Admission 36 and 20c. Mr. dnd Mrs. P. J. Rusaeil and thr^e children ot Weyburn, Ssask., arrived i here last week to visit with Mrs.Rusael'-, : parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Henderson. The party motored from Weyburo. to Duluth, 00 miles, then cook boa: to Sarnia and motored from 5rma to Fleahertou, m*kmg Ihe coxple'e trip in The trin was made in a heavy McLaugh.m car, withuui any 1 trouble. Mr. Ru.-stu w i uotor to l iiou'.resl on business, returning here ; before making the home trip over the HEN'S SUnriER FURNISHINGS Men's Merino Uunderwear Men's Balbriggan Underwear Men's Nainsook Underwear Men's Mesh Underwear These come in two-piece garments and combinations short sleeves, long sleeves or sleeveless knee length or ankle length styles. Sizes from 34 to 44. Prices from . 95c. to $2.50 VICINIY CHIPS _ has commerced. Mrs. C. Ped'ar t-f Nepawa U visiting relatives here. Mo 1 B C Shingles at 14 50, also homemade Wat.ton it SOD, Prleeville. Mis. Clifford Blakely and little son eight dyt. arrived from Toronto last week to take up their residence in town. Miss Lulu Mitchell. Kindergarten teacher at the Sanlt, u home for her holidays Born At Lions Head on Wednesday. June 22. to Mr. and Mrs P. W. Shaw. trom >-, ig , t% wts stopped theie, and a daughter. i "lch resulted in M. Liwreuee of Dur- I ham losing a foot. Tile tnm ws aloui Thera is a good crop of weeds ani i t -, ^uri and in the ruih to ae 1 : on board grans in the streets now which needs ' Lawrnc* * pushed i:n.Ht the side cf MEN'S STRAW HATS S-ennitt straws in English Boat- er styles : Toyo panamaa in Boater Fedora or Gating shapes : Italian straws in Fedora or Outing shapes Prices from $1.25 to $3.75 Coatless Suspenders Bow ties Sleeve Holders Hose Supporters Leather belts S<:>fc colhirs Bathing Suits Outing shirks route. A distressing acc:d*n: occurred at Orangevilla ou Saturday evening, when train carryic^ the boys bume the Summer Miss Kennedy friends in town ,tr here. of Toronto A cumber fr i.- hare attended circus in O*en S >und las'. week. Old t ; re made like new. Try Cou!-"ii, vulcanizer, Dund^'.k. Mrs. Harvey Gnffiu of Toronto spent the week end her* with her mother, Mrs. Wilccck. Mr. R J. Hi'Ki, of Winnipeg i* vieil ing relatives in this vicinity for a few d.tye. Mr. and Mrs. \V. lukster :id fim!y attended a Kitheriiiii of the Arn-n-t fmily at Brampton i n S*turJy rf whii-h more anoo. Mr. Jed' ThUtlethvaite and iiuu'y motored from Toronto and are itpendiei; a couple (f weeks with the uunrs pri>nt8 hero. harvesting. The Cour.ty Road Committee wil is visiting examine the Valley Road this Thursdiy as to Its uitability for a county highway. the Mrs. C A. Belfry Sabbath School class presented her with a silver suzar spoon on Monday evening prior to hef departure for her re home at Hunts- ville. Ceylon UFO will meet in the Orange H I, CVylon, en Saturday, July 2. at 8 p m. Those wishing binder twine will k'nd!y send in order at once- -Roy Pioer- Secretary. Church of Ecizhnd Divine service ci, ioet bis balance and fell, h-s foot goii'4 un to '.he track, th wheel passing over it and crushing it badiy. li was aiupu-.ared Sunday aiming iu: ab<. ve the aukle. The M.IJ- ,'Q Book Co. of Toronto his published a new Jit;. n of Applet -nj read map* for Outario, m two p.irts, oce ot Eieteiu *nd one ut weitern . 'uOario. Besides the map proper * 'Ar;;e an; u^t 't iufi.>iui*tiuu '.avaluahie to uKtorUta ii liven ou tch section. Both ninn and ec. tiLiary ronds are marked . K s ch ^f these sections u published at 30o and may be had from the publishers, libese are the "..ot couipleu aiips yet published. The W.I. will meet it the home f Mr?. Specials from the Grocery Department BLACK TEA. A special blend of Indian and Ceylon Teas, good flavor and an excellent drawer. Keiruiar 5oo nuality Special 3 Ibs. for $1.00 Satisfaction guaranteed with this tea. purchase price refunded if not to your liking. SALMON" A good pink Salmon, one pound tins, every one guaranteed. Kejular -2 Jo. .[iiality . ...... Special 19 cents GRANULATED SUGAR Pure cune granulated sugar tor preserving $10 per 100 Ibs. or iuwer if market declines further. All Spring Millinery nt Reduced Prices F. H. W. HIGGLING FLESHERTOX - ONTARIO Hrs. Jalhn. Mrs H. Dcwn. C.-nvey- mofs leave pest i See at 2 p.m. thaip. The Advance had * pioaMQC c/. -'. Monday fr^'iu Mr. VV. Irwin cf the Durham Chronicle. M.ssKiM Irwin and Mr Fr^nk Irwiusad wtVand their u'tce ;;..... ........................... ^^* V ' * ' 1 BOOTS & SHOES I . . - V.) beheld every Sunday evening I R. Best on Wednedy. July oh. t '.'30 M.sj \%r MjunUin. Mr. Irmt ;;; will in the town hall at El. Vrooniau, B A 7 p m. Rev. L Th., Kec-or Uuly tf Rev. J. H. Oke, the new pastor, w. ; occupy the pulpit In the Methodisl church next Sunday from Prospect church, well recommended. p.m. "The evoluti >u of the woman,' by Mr-s. bjst. Mr*. VV. I Heniy, Mrs. U. .uuiry r*ee)Btly returned Iron* i>resa lip lothej ci iu.. r^^icc c. .w. a which ti^-necce he 13 Phillips, quit* sothMimstie. S 9 .J " Becker's Specials for Friday-Saturday | ohain with locket attiched. Finder ' tn the Presbyterian church on Sunday. leave at The Advance o tewjrd. The volunteer *.;.: id which w-u at Ni gar* i 'utned by special train Situr- Hiy evening. The weather last week was warm and it a& > shirt sleeve and straw hat parade all through t ,il the b >ys sppenr to h*ve enjoyed themselves. An auction sale of firm s'ock and iniplf nu'U's will be held ou the farm o( F M. Curran. three nii es cut if Fe lorshini. on Tuesday, July 5. See bills ud adveitUcmeiit it' thi$ issu-.-. Win. Kaitt'uS. auctioneer. I havt* an excellent line of tine rubber goods on hand aprons, working g'ovi-*, etc. I al*o take orders f r SpirelU corse's and h*ve a few samples which 1 will g^-ll greatly reduced Miss V. A. Nicholson, F!eshor:i.-n. C'i vin'y Council "idj^rred l.-*st week to attend a ciicus. It is not ou'y the smsll buy who is interested in circuses In fu't stveril cir li~-id< of urowinip* ent up 'froui K!herli>n to ees the wonders. And they yrmounce it to have been a good show. The Dominion Government has with- drawn ils 40 per cent. t urban munici- palities fot road construction. As it stands now towns and villages will have to piy t'l' yrr cent, i-f road construction, while the provine* p*ys 40 per cent. As It was In f.-re tho Ooniiuiou and Trovin- cial government each pid 40 pet cent, and urV.iii uiunicipalities 20 per cnt. Durham band h thrown down its horns (< h 4vc s.en bull do the same thu.^) IHC.UISI Purhaaiites don't like bund c 'iiceits on Sunday weniri;* The Durhsin tiro brii;-ide h.is rosisjued ir. l>ody bi'cuuse the town rtfuses to insiue Ihe niembere tig-iii'st oidect. lUnci forth Suudy evuuinu* will be given OV..T to sparrow, robin uJ masshopjier cou- cetts, nd without the tire brigade the town is likely to have a hot time. Cn prohibition have tiylhii> to do with all this irritability' We wonder. Once Rgaiti has the necessity for a tilent pelicejian on ihe iquar* keen dsmoustrated here. Saturday evening and receive July 3rd. Morning t 11 and at 7 o'clock. The Rev. V. T. M. A., of Knox churcV Owen will be the evrom* Pilkey, Sound, Bull P-.' List At the picnic at Levers' Grovo. r r f^i on Saturday. June 18th, g..ld we/ch and The annivrwary services will be held Get Ready Early for the GloP.OUS 12th M-MI'JI ri-i. -: \* hi'< Ke.i -r- ry>s fr-tn '.'Sc to S- Men's finuy - . : Bilin^4*n uudwrwcir i "' _I--.K-::'. overiil^ u;,l x;r..',-kF, heavy ne^ht, ' ?1 6!) per garment. Children's whirn ea-!v-.s ru:i::i"j -hoe*. :>'.!! a .11 <: -ck ." "i:''.'i i<, ^.i^(er< ; y-vsh s 11 to 8*1 Sl.M In Ladies' \\ ear we have Gun Metal and Box Calf Wear we have a nice Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable \\ ork Boots. Kid. Dongola, For Men's assortment of Repairing promptly attended to. ... Mr. >' -rmu Wilton, wko has ben with the Merchant* Back here for the past eight irooths is accountant, has been orders* (9 Kis^sion Mr. A B. Clarke of Meaf'rd. takes Mr Wilton's placd here Mr. Wilton will be sjreatlv missed in tawn, as he was manager of th local bill team. U. J. Sproule, insurance, conveyui c'n^ tnd nii'iiey leiulitii, has moved h: ofli from the M-P<>n.-1d Buildina hack to the old Drugstore building he occupied so long, before movinj fr"m the M. K. Ruildinz, where he will be please.' M meet his old friends and as many nw ones s feel like unionizing btiu. The I'.F 0. f >ces in Sout Orey hsve SOt the n*c*sary Charter to form them iot.i ; poiiiioal Association. The head office i in Normanby :\t the hotn ci M;.!i. E Murray. wh with four othft Nonnauby men are provisional directors. So candidate is in the He'd yet, but there will be in <oi-d time. Nearly 00 of the counties of the I'rovii ca have ta.en out charter*. This village was shocked on Thursday of lu*t week to learn of the death of Mr. Hugh Hammond. Bierchant and jv-.t- master t Ki.iibeiley, who passed w y that moruiUK in Cullingwood hospital, following au operation for upendicitis. Mr tlinimond wis well known here and his death at the early ige of 36 is *iu- c re!y deplored. Ho leasts behind a ,!ovoro.l wife aud fivo young children, t whom -Mich sympathy i extended by a lige circle of friend*. The funeral took place ou Monday to Thorubury. Mr. Hammond fanned a few years a>;i> near Prrceville, bui after the death of his father, Ihe late M. Hammond, h took ovr the store and pi-storhce. which h h-s since successfully conducted. On Fndy i<i last week the members of the Methodist church met to do honor to iheir rtiriug pastor, Kev 0. A. Belfry, and his estimable wif, who left for their new held of labor i> Uuntsville on Wednesday. Mr. aud Mrs. BeUrv Si 10 pir li.t I'l.-ces s;: s i'io, .i!* p Two har^'ti tinue G iiithains . pur : Ldie-s or B- \ - - I 1 ' "' >" and Boy* - il r 11.49 . Meu 6 to 10 SI :' pi-irect T-bU Oil C!;b i" whit* nd aolerid 64 inches l' tr P*'*' Quantity limited, phone or Jsrs accepted, e' Hose, only >r -J4 < i i:r : W hive Jecidud to con- t' .'."'. : r y rj this W?/K . K-ip S Ik tny ilnj.' -n stock at 4c a skein : Silk plaited gauze ufake u> black, chocolate), nvy .-r white at 49c. Men's .:.) in i je r memire EJ.>hberlin Fn-cy -\ ral I Suite fur sd*t week nuJe to &'. mil ;;u-raiittfe<i in eery w<y $50 vlu>> for ^: < i.', $."" tor $3~> Men's hue sox assorted cV-'-i t ilo in i I!'. 1 per p*ir ; 3 inch hiir nbbci.s assortment of colors this week t l"'c por yird. TOO yirdi of Print remtmnts iu leri'ii* : -:- ::\ I to >> yd* f I'-o d loo yard. >oMs nn\ ends in Hoys' Wv*h Suits mJ Ciiris' MidJ-es a. vuif> oleiring all al out pr-ce "''.-- THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTOX. - ONTARIO w~w^ * * * '**>*)* h. *. A * f f ** f*ffjf Early Special en Binder Twine and Hay Fork Rope V.'e i, ,r d i' ^o.'d l-.i^-ffss ! i.-r yiir avlvert - lr '^ \" <~ l| -' > Twine and May Fork rope, and those 'hst furchni..! . .: \ :. : us found the .idvautaatf we quote fi>r immediate delivery. Stii..!ird M.m'! 19 jc per IS t; ;j l.eii ' "' fett '-' ; c p-.-r It Gil) K : t'.OO feet 21;.- yr Ib Phone in y nr order t . :. K we otuiot l.iy >n : ^ < ;'lvenie.l prci-. M n ;li H ly K rk U < i" -J.'ic per ,r. :! Burner C'-H.! oil S'ove. best imke on the mir'net it ?IT ' \\ is!i:iu N lch-n>.' p-o l'. thit week U $1^ 'o We want your produce Eggs and Butter aim to pay a better price We always BECKERS STORE PROTON* ; i CM drivun by J*ui8 Hirrison ran into , invitJ uui to tea, taken for a sfiott ear buggy containing W. Trumu. The rid and they were i)aio the cbutth ba8Ry a orturnd and considerably the sugnettion was made that they go iu. damaged. Mr. Trueman waa thrown out , Their ainaiom.-nt m\*J be imagiucd whou bit wai no* hurl. Fortanotwly tbo car they beheld Ib* packed school room wa boing drireu tlovly or th acoideok , M. Dual occupied the chaif od invited would have been more ieriou. Mr. ! Mr. and Mrs. Belfry to the (rout wheie Qarriesn 8Ay he did not ie the buggy he uncovered a eilver tea service, present ; until he struck it. Th tree light ou ed them to Mr. Btlfry and a gold ' the mjuare wai out a!> the lime. This ia handled umbrella to Mr. Pelfr? from the ihe aecond accident of similar nature : eonr*(ftiou, and a gold life- membrhiu during the past few weeks second pin from 'he \\.M.S.. Af'er a short warning to rhe rillane fathers to get busy pro|{n"> the Ladiea' Aid solved lc>- cream and hve a policeman placed there. The ad eak*. Mr. Belfry Ua closed k f.ur third time my be more serious. j years' course very acceptably. $n Fines: Groceries, Confectionery aud Ico i" 4.^.4.4. 4.4 4 4. + + ++++ ++ 1 1 GROCERIES- All kiutl? of Cuxvcries. Wo ha:ul!o tbo bos', goods obtainable . A trial older will convince . f CONFECTIONERY 1 . i I NViUuu's atul Willard's Chocolate* iu boxes and bulk. Clirutit's' Fauoy aud Soda Uiscuits. ICE CREAM- Our Ice Cream Parlours are running hill swing. Try City Dairy Daiuties. 1 EDISON PHONOGRAPHS- 1 Hear the Edison at our store. We also handle Kdisou Amberola Records. 1 Bellamy s Grocery, 1 Telephone No. 37 Flesherton, Ont. .. The Victrola T : : > HE VICTROLA is the one in- strument to which the world s greatest arti.si> luve intrusted their art an unanswerable aeknowl- , inent of its artistic achieve- ment. Moreover The Victrola is the only instrument -peeuilly ruado to play the reconls which th?se '.vorkl-fana\l artists have nuuie. Music is 1.0 the mind what rain is to the soil an absolute necessity. You are cordially invited to inspect our musical m.ister- pieces W. A. ARMSTRONG. Phones 13 and 28. Flcshertoa, Ont. k "^^"^ w ^:.* w ^^"* w . w -: w FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS - PLOWS +4 SPECIAL PRICES IN Now Tubular Sharpies Separators JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON.

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