Flesherton Advance, 28 Jul 1921, p. 5

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July 28 1921 T H K FLESHEKTON ADVANCE Use Bank Money Orders you want to remit any amount up to fifty dollar*. remember that Bank Money Orden are inexpensive u well a* safe. The charges, ezdiuive of Revenue *tamp*, are: $5.00 and under, three cents; over $5.00 and not exceed- ing $10, ix cents; over $10 and not exceeding $30, ten cent*; over $30 and not exceeding $50, fifteen centa. You can get Money Orders at any branch of thu Bank. THE STAND^RE^BANK TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Flesherton Branch : - > Geo. Mitchell, Manager. ANADIAN L'.v'it Hv'.icUy on M^ndiy, August 1! All leccric luht biiU muit be paW to (aonj. McConn*!! Hewch*!, C. P. R. Time Table. * leave Fle.sher.ton Station Frank Dunoio forthwith Hyrj Com. Mrs VanDusf n of GoUerich is visititf; her sister- in-lw. Mrs. A. S VnDun. Miss Ross of Torontc is visitlnz at the Goim; North b oine of M jj c Donild. H. S. Entrance Exam v Actuson Roberta K, Beruhtm L iz f (honor*), Blackburn Stanley A, Cojjan 'fc JeMie (>oo/. Farm Eelyn (hcnj. Gal-' ^ lihsr K.nsiiey, Gibon Helea, Gordon V Corrine, Huttoo Reirciid K, MoDona.'d y Irene, McDonald Vijla, McLaachlan Gairgma, Sott Mina E, Stewart Beaeie J. Stewart Irene, S-er. Mark* Taylor Violet, Thomson Eoierson, Whica Flc*:e WUon Muriel M, Wih<,n Thelrna Wright Jack W. KIMBERLEY Abercrombie Netue (bon;, Bunitt Norman, C'.usston Jean M (hoc), ' ._ sron Willie, E lii Jutin, Fawcatt Ed^ir, Gikay Vula, Hall Bertha I Rislj Cecil, Srewart DjBAlda, \VeUh Morr.i, Welsh R MM!. allows : Going Scath 7 55 a. m 11.."- p.m. 4.30 p.m. O.SOp. m. Mls - H. Griffin el Torootc u spending The mails are os*n at Flesherton it moo 'k "'* her mother, Mrs. Wileock. follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and, jJr. and Mrs W. Moors a undid the T p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at faneral of . he Ute Jo(ln Rose st p ur hB S.40 o clock. For morning tram .->utn mail close at 9 p. m. the previous VICINITY CHIPS The raspberry crop lather light thi* year. appears t > be on Sunday. Mis Mabel Swlf'.of Toromto is 'viit- log w.ih Mis* Edna Stewart foi a cup!e .:' weeks. Lost -Silver watch on Wd Bi^ht, July 20th, Between Flesherton ...* M&rkdale. Finder plean !*av ( at The Advnc ctlic nd rtcs.ve ravard. 600 feet binder Prctn, 20c. Miss twice it Beket'f, i L-.st Grsy raincoat mil* and quartet ' ! north of Fieherton en July lelh. Th* ' finder w seen picking up the coat. BUkeiy of Toronto U ' P;eae leave at The Advance office. ihe jumme* with friend* heK. j Mr. W. P. CrossUy i hclidajin* io (Toronto and may take trip to SJUni- I toulin before returning to work in 'h* I Writhe store. F. W. N;chol*on and sijter, Mis ( church of -England-Divine aey, <.{ Toron-o. are guests of friendi \ M (Q\.) Uhe.'deTer in this locality. io [he town hall , t 7 p.m PRICEVILLE Je-in, H:a:lis Alfred, Joaes Jones Ethe!, MscDonaid Leone. MwDonald Ler'.y, MicDouga!', Violet (boOL'c-i; M:ln r oh Gorion ikon n . Hincks Ci.ff rJ E. McKeL-hnw Win D, McL-Jia Dorti hon i, Kioholl Murray (hoo). Shortreed Ann* M )i n . Sullivan WUlie. FEVEKsHAM y. D Fen wick, J Fletcher. V J Bea Gitdoo. B Hkin(hi Hiwkies. O H ogkirs, Morrison. U R-ibin(.n, M I Haik:n, F A > >- i :j ^M ^^. Panama Hats . Greatly Reduced Our entire stock of Men's genuine Toyo Panama Hats, this season's styles in Boater, Sailor, Fedora and Standard shapes, some black bands, some fancy bands. Full range of sizes all perfect goods, none soiled or shop worn. Regular $2.50 to g* QQ $3.50 values, all at ...$1.5Jo All Canvas Footwear at Special Prices Including all Rubber and Leather soled styles Men's Ladies', Boys' and Children's sizes Black, iallv reduced. White and Tan. All substant- Everything Needed for Preserving or Pickling Gem Jars Cider \ inegar Perfect Seal Jars Preserving Kettles Granulated Sugar Parowaz Jar Rubbers Jar Rings Pickling Spices White W ine \ inegar . I utter and batter f.i ycicM on top .t Becker . Proton. . r . Mrs wrvic* Mrs. X. H. Durraut and two little daughters of Mitchell am viiitiog the ; foruier s Daren's heie. Mrs. F. G. Karttedt tud daughter, 1 I.Ji, are spending aeeup'e f wteks at Sou'.hioij't r. Beach. We aie p'.eased to note tbal little k!i*s Aii.-e Heard is able l<> be around a^ain at er her recent -ever* attack of ttppen- : dicit.s. Pr'ce if coal oil stoce* alve:tise i lail week hculd have read, U burner K. r. *.'.!. ..'!. Rev. George El. Vroomao, B.A , L Th., Hector. J. A. LeGard. who KM been in the enipior f The Advance sinee rerurniig frcoi orerieaf, has severed his connec- tion aud gone to Toioi.to to accept a position. Mr. Dave Adam hai returned from Coiliogwcod hoopi'al, where he recently underwent an optration for apendiciti;, and i- rnu:h iuipr*ed in health . Mrs. H. Down aai ou. Alf, accouip. tuid ly Miss Amanda Stewart, are on a uii.itcring trip to A'listoo, Btrri* tu4 PuiksKallj, where th,y wi'l ruir tbe former's r*Utie. DL'.VDALK E ArtroBi, I Carson, M Carton, M I C.aridge, S C'anJge. M Demwan*. P J Fernac.-. A Fienoh. M FuUertoa, KTI j Qoodfellow ( h . H Grammtt, E Hibberc, j G IrUh, L Jack (h). E Joha.too, H Lee ' >'h . AL-ekhart, B MoCamt-ell, A Me-J- , i;e, F. Mitchell. H Montgomery, L Montgomery. N MooJy, S Mullijao, A FALL UUSeld, HI OldSeld, J Psttraon, T Prewiick, F Smith. A Stewart, E W, M We'.Iwjod. E Wilaon, F Wil.>u. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ~ ONTARIO TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 1-' k MARKDALE U Bowes (b). A Bowles. J Curry (h), FCrowjioo, F Dou^Uj, M Dundas H Eagliah I hi, A Fvswr, C Foster, E Fadden. D Hire 'h>. L EH!. V H-xkley.' A JicksoD. P Lawson, E Lee, D MGee (t.). E McCarthy. D MMT*. M Murray, M N'.'ble. A Norris. J SorrU. LNrrrii". P Norri*. EO Connor. E Perkm.v E R.Uerts !h). G Shjw. AS'inUyh. F Stff>rd, ASuliivau ih , J Sull:ir. M Teeter. M Thibaude^u. a Wti. miU..;; .......;...;.;;;;;;;;;;.;;; ;;;i;;ii;j;;;; * > o . . ^^ lev* > BOOTS & .SHOES I Owen Sound. Oar. - rthjrd icd PrrD*.-i - - .. - . . i.-ue Free. C. A FLEMING. F C. A .. Principal siuce I - - G. D. FLEMING. Sc-.vtary. i this p-tiwr w ^en wr" . In Ladies' \\ ear we have Gun Metal and Box Calf. have a nice ear we Kidiculouv price on summer footwear. Ail sizes wr have left in t.x-'ic. Infanta', ence Autuiuatic coa>pleto fi3.y:>. Becker. Pi-t n. Rev Mr. F-w. t : lud family are holi- day>.uj i' Sou h Beud, Incani. He will be bei. troiu his own pu'pit tor tae will bt> a i-'hilc'rei-.'j, boys', liJies or men *. with- 1 out heel, all on* v r ' ce reg-irale<a cf *tyle, size or color, at Becker , Proton. Mr. and Mr. Lone G. Well* auu , little diuiihter if Dresden are hol-darin< 1 with Mrs. Wei!*' (.-tres.?. W. >',. and ' Bull For Service F-iri? trtd V - :'. . N 14 - . - lot 1C.'. ^ W T A S R, Arte- ni?tfifc' Cactus ^- for uraJe?. ?" ani Is noted trraa^e t . <\t foor Sabbath*. There fcr och Sabbath' Cbarlcs S r -r<:<:3. Toronto k. \\ '..-. ' : ,'i'alo^'ae ni . ^nt*r t oar F!l T-:;:: ' ~">e h*TJ ti'.Ievl (>- :ly ac 51-50 a mTth and per lunuiti. W. J. ELLIJTT. >l Fr.uik V>i>Du9fn and two daugh- ters. Ruth and Grave, ire n^^nduu a week with his rujther here, lie ww ace 'rfy.iuicd by Mr IV Brown sod M 1 -* Qlazi-i, wh< r\urne<l to the ci:y on Mouday. ; ^ fn pl^,^ fn m ^ f hi* MigM'aMdU Mb t (urn stock) The tideenth auuu*i ccuv.u ra .u-v\m.nt* iK te Itf.d on lot :U, Grry C.-untT Women's lniitu'e Mrv Casweli. 5Ir Walls editor iu.l i proprietor of the Dresden Times and we Cor. !*, O n .icy, on M. -i ..'.> Dei', Aug. 1, ' t 1 o clock, the pr-i*tty if R.-tert { Youi.;. Ga-r^e 1U-- - A^iutie^, s.quniKanci?. w-.il be in the Presbyterian church, ' Holstiin. on Wednesday, Aujus: I'rd, at | 10 ,'0 and 2 p w. Presu'enr, Mrs f, A. L'-nither, Kvuberley ; Sc Tr?*s. Th* W. I. will meet at th* homo of j Mr. J*s6irJi.er, Owen Sound. Mrs. Wileock m Am 4 at 230. "A 1 4ii| Whif A viuUt weddio^ serriee SHUU-* ^ealfor our toy* and irls." by w< < V 'ertoru:ea in Tnuiiy -:hurch rectory. MIJS MoMil^i. Puot, Mu-iame* Henry O.jrhun, 4\\due!ay u.>oruiii if la."t and Hickliiii;. Luuch Com M*d.tuies wi-ek, when Mrs. V \ R. D'wn. W. M.-ore, Akiis. Keme liter o f jj,. ., Rk i ^ rs R. the ch.<UK of date. I New Tailor Shop ^= " 5S ::: Kid. Dongola, For Men's assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. A'.so very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. THOS. CLAYTON | FLESHERTON. - ONTARIO 1 .' ^ ^ * ^ i ....... . TT<< ** ^ I wi?li u> aiuiinir.i'O to the poo;'!-' 1 ot' KK short on atul i-iuTounding country that 1 luivo optnieii a Tailoriii-j: Establishment in the old Ann>:ron^ KKvk. Flesher- ti>u. atul ;xm now in a position to supp'y yoiu 1 wants in oithvr Pants. Co:it*. Suits oi' OvtM\'. - C me in ;uv! sc'- 1 onr lino of samples They are oom^lete. Overcoats turned to look like now. I'ieair';-.:. Music Store News The Kutrtuo* to N.>ru^l Lower School exaiiunttioti rtu'ts weie announced IAS! week. The following pupils "f Flesher- tou li ijh school passed : S M Achesoo, J Ksrsted-. U McUirr, V A Moore. U >V l married t Mr. WilUnl Hill of Mtr'jj!>. After ibe ceremony they left ly rvtor to speii.i t month in and around Port Dover. On returning they will reside !u M*r'd*'e. Msrried- \t 5447 4:h Are., Detroit, A Minptiy. >t l^rsl.w, U E SteM-ns, M >,i ch , un Friday. July 2'JnJ, Vera A., A Nuhti. JCi^hite, M G \\hiifiket, Daughter if Mr. and Mrs. Mrtm Oertru,?o l.evoi ex^-t Geography and phil ips of FUher'.on tv Mr. William Matiou Miur e\copt Grammar. Gibaou, sou of Mr. ard Mrs. J. \V. Henry Switzer who lie u*\i- St. ! Grtwon of Ceylon. The ceremouy M i Mtrys was iusiantly killed by faltin ; out ' pei formed ty R*v. W. E. Bowyer of; o f a baru doorway to the yar^ below. Doiioit. The best wishes of Th Ad- i He lisd jut driven iu with a l"al of j vance. and community go to the young j Krtui. Deceased was the father of Mis* woupltf. Ellen Swner who taughi ia the pul-li* , j^,, Yeluia Rands, 11 year old daugh school her* for a number of yr9, and Ur ( y,.. au( i >i r ,. jtydnev Kinds of i the symp.i'hy of this coiuuiunity ^oe Uanorer, formerly of Flethertoo, has I cut to her aud the rtst of tho family passed wr.h honors into the Seeoud Form j 'IhePrcabyteiiaiKaiUeuparty hold on >'' th Hi^h Scho.l She alsa vtMBtiy j Tue.O.y ereuiug of las week w*s uot in P ss d wlth bonors her P"tT F' | uiLiualitied success. Th. atteodanc* w enmiuatiou at th^ Toronto Couservatory j not s !ari< as cculd hive been ishe<l lor. Th principal attraction ws a baseball iii.Uch played by KlenhertKU and Kugouia bateball teams, in wh.ch the ! aiumnts. kouie tea.ii wa victorious by : score of of 17 to 7 : and i n'ce display of fire- work*. The prv-ceeds did not mui'h mi)r* than'cover expenses, which were fther heavy. Colonel Kleniii'i; of the Guy R*4;:niut has just received the results wf the bst hootiui; at Niagara Camp. Tho musket ty this yo*i WHS decidedly aUive !; average, nnd the rx<y* from t!rey niuo excellent showo^. The ("Honing Civic Holiday g ami Repairing done on shortest notice. H, K4C4WOW |, T. C. BLAKELV, I Armstrong Block, Flesherton * e's tho latest i '. . x xelusive V: tor Artist : Ratal Groceries. Couftfotionery an ..Hot? , > : H'.rrv Over the tlills to Ardecieuy | .. . x I'm Goitii: to M.MTN Carrie i \ 'H > a Funny U:.- 1 I: '> (.in\i: C\>hon atvl the House ln>at Tart I ) l>v the original Coher. atul the H nt>e Boat l\;r: '2 I The Latest Dance Hits My Mv * > roetb S Cohen W'hitPiun Orchestra . - \:. . . i T-orvn Chkago I i ' chev. of Music. At this *gf. the youug girl is pretty nearly established > record. *iKl she ia to be coi'grU-.!ated on her A !.:.-. to Thu Advanco (tout Mm. J . j S. TowtmuJ of Impress K;v*i, Man., of , Ja'.e July 14, SHJ-J th crops aro badly ;ti neod of rin srourd Cyi>i.' Ki>r. | Her husband showed eight head of catt> t r.rsudon summer fair nJ .iway eit;ht tii>t and weei> stake. ; * ro *' so l'' l ' a * e ^ to not> -' l ^ st our ffiP ul '> ^ r - J*"'*" 1 C'irxou, ii stil! abl travel in a 1-th if July proc*aiott. to aro th.' l'i-t Ibell t > u-'i ". in ilue course will ro o the I .< \<:\T.:' '; ! A Oo . t.'l''.. 4S ; r- -. T-. U i il 0. . 50. M-uJiy nest, Au<ut dec' r. >' '' I*T. I'. !-'. .\K bn GROCERIES AH kind? of Groceries. Wo handle the best ii:ods obtainable. A ui*l otiler will couvince. CONFECTIONERY- A I't \V Make your stock ot KoconU tip t^-date by some ot'the^ tine selections. W. A. ARMSTRONG. Phones 13 and 28. Fleshertou, Ont. Neilsou'? aud Willard's Chocoliies la br\e* bulk. Chnntes' Fancy auJ Sods aud ICE CRAM Our Ice Cream Parlours are rtumiusj Try City Paity Daiutie?. lull swing. EDISON PHONOGRAPHS Wi' a!?o he Edison at our siove. K :: .on Amberola Records. Bellamy's Grocery, Telephone No. 37 Flesherton. Onl. FARM IMPLEMENTS WAGONS, HARROWS PLOWS SPECIAL PRICES IN New Tulmlir JStvirplos JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT FLESHERTON,

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