Flesherton Advance, 4 Aug 1921, p. 4

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August 7 1021 THE FIESHERTON ADVANCE HEAD OFFICE HAMILTON ESTABLISHED 1672 lii.-U.nl of can 1 } ing tin 1 proceeds fi-otn Grain Ticket?, Bale (if C'uttle, Produce, rtc., in your packet, deposit them in the JJ.tnk of Hamilton, when ilicy will be safe . You cm then issue obeqaCi to piv accounts, and your pass book will afford you a complete; reoor;l of art ynnr transactions. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNUALK BRANCH -A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BR*NCH; PROTON C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager Sporting News of the district if BASKBALL HKCORII OK CBIITRE GRKY LKAUTB Official ttUnding of the teams, Aug. 2 Wjn Lost P.O. Vmideleur, ........ " Coylon ............ H Dundalk ............. b'icnhertOii ........... (! Kocklyn .......... :i 1000 .800 .625 .545 .428 2t!'< CREAM TESTING DAYS Tuesdays and Fridays \VV li-ivo dpculed to have decide.! to have two cliys a week for testing creim Tuesdays and Friday .*. lirinij your cream to the store. We teat and pir at 01133 the higlieat market price. Kocklyn If. Flehberton 12 Ceylon 7, Dundlk "> (JAMES Tins WKKK : Eugenia t Kocklyn Saturday The hopes of the local liaselull f un went a-glimmurini; <>u Wednesday last when the Ircul liall team in the Centra Grey Baseball League were beaten by K'jcklyn by the core of lti-13. This nukes Floshrt'm's lifili loss wirH nix wiiMand they have only one more game to play and that is with Vandeleur on August 12. Cargoe pitched a good g>me, h:H second this year. Score by inning*: Flesherton 2302320 012 Kocklyn -53042002 x -15 EARLY CLOSING Tiie store will b.> closed evory Ttmr&lty evetiin^ at li p.m. until the eud of the ceuson . JAMES McLEAN, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON FLESHERTON BAKERY JTS W.MITHV -TIIK I'.IIKAI/ WITH A PURPOSE. Yes, our I'div Foil IJiXM'l lias a worthy [mi-posr, It b.'in^s lut't'i an I sMv:i.r!h an 1 a tnnal tin)" satis ( r;ti >:i t tli : folks w!i pirtake of it'regtilar- ly. One slice calls for a loaf, on- loit fonns tin- habit. lircii'l is your Ix-st food eat more of it. I 'HONK ' FRED FINDER, Flesherton W. A. HAW KEN dealer for MSNDELS53HN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS. Pi 1ONO- GRAPHS >nd RECORDS, and SHEET MUMC. Call and sec vtit .-f lii;-'li J-'i'i'l<' AT B : .'ii'.i PII-H) iiill-ry iiul M-i.-ii' Stor P L E 5 H E R T O N The ({amp was held between showers nud (.ood Inll could not tie played. One of the bent yame lht we have seen played ill the- League ihia yrar wna play I'd in Ceylon betwetu I'm . ijl. and Ceylon un Thuivday Ust when the Utter wnn 7 to 5 The game was closely con- tested and with (juick plityu, good fielding null ood pitching made the game full of interest. C. Muir started in the box for t'ej 1 !! and in the three- inning* he pitch- ed only allowed two runs and they came in the second. Their old reliable, Roy (Illison, then took up the twirling du'ies and had thu Durdalk batters look sich .is ihey walloped at the l.all and- ii>i8ed. lie only allowed three rurs and they came in the fifth :ind ninth. Arnmtrong Legan for Onndalll in the l.ox and was ri'lJKVi-t! by H. Umckwell in the 4- hand by "Di-iliy" Kusi-eM, the Htar citcher, in ihcKih, Armtion^ K >inn behind the Imt Score liy i.iiiin..- Dm.ilalk L' ( 1 U 2-r. (.Vylon -2 U 1 U I : 7 Sun IVd'a-N home inn for Ceylon in i In- lifili was a feature of the xime, tl.i* ball travelling over the f'ghl tii'ld fencu unto tin,' railund track. Tim \ anduleur C'eylon i-.iiii-. schedulid f >r Moiidty wi; postponed. A piclcid team from Pisiheiton, G0yloF ( Vandeli ur and Kucklyn went to VYalkei- ton on Friday rind were, defc.ilcd 7 0. It WIH ii "-inning fixture, Walkerton fending in the IMIIIIII.-,- run in thi>7:h. I Irr-liei ton Hii.l Ceylon c unbined their t,'HiiiB ami plnyed n. the IwieL-ill loutna. mi nl at Mi-nfonl on Monday, hut were IHII nut of iln> niMiiiiiK in the lirnt rniind I'V 'lit- Th n n'.in y c-ily dam li to ."i. TKe Fire Ranger and <L His Job Flesherton Tin Shop ~ 1 liavn just [ilitccil 011 tlic shelves ;i (till line of Tiuwaru, Nickelware and Agatewiirfi for domestic '' use. Call on nio and got your supplies. BavfttfQUgiring, Stovepipes and Stove Funiisli- K: ww H 1 Mi ni: irin^ of'ull kinds promptly attended to. |^; Pipe ft (ting, including pump work. ?; Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Hros. |Mj Furnaces. D. WcKlLLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON & ONTARIO. The cli i:ii|ii,ins of thu tournanieiit at Mi.-if.ird rn Mdinl.iy ws Ihn fmt-lravel- in.' Iciim'i.f Vaiiilrlriir. Tlicf |.|i*.yod thioe L'.tui-, Huthiiimii pit L-liinj; nil throe and III- si'i'llli il :is S'II.M; :it I 111' !:IS' :( win n ho In"*!). Mii'i- CHiij,'lil (sir Vaiulelpur when Howler 'jilil hi-i llitnnS in the tirat Vandeleur SIB tn l;i- rtuiL'i'iitiiliir. c.l mi what they iicconiplished. SALE of PROPERTY IN TIN: TOWNSHIPofARTEMESIA BY TENDER Sciili "1 Inniliii will |i received l.y M.ileolin Leiic.h, Fliilii-tiiii, Ontinn, up li. Stlmdny, tins iwitntittili ,l;iy of Auij- list, Illil, at Ihe II..IH- ,,f twnUi! o'o!ock. ROOD, for the pUrchMa of the toliowin/ liroperllos of tilt) i-stittH nf l)oii'il(l I.eiu-li, d.-i'- used, DHiiuily : I'.ivoi-l N.I. l--l'ii-tH of I,nt> Xuinlierh one hunOieil und f.'ity tight, one hun ilnd mid forty nine nnd one hundrxl niul litly in tint stcmid ooncesmi'ii noiih t-iist ot the Toronto und SyilunlKiu Ko.'td in tlin Tinvnslii|i nf Arteiiii'siii, c'.iitHiniiii: 'liirly-tivo acres Ijetlie mune innti- in lets, and b'iiiK those |inrli( . of .said lot owned liy thu lute Donald I, "itch, do owmd . 1'iircol N'o li-- I'lin of I, it uiif liundruJ and hfty one in tin- Sn:niid ('oncen^ioii north 6<ll of the, Toronto mid SydenliHia Roa-.l in thy Towiislii|i nf Ailuuic.su in llii! (Jounty of Cirey, cnntHiiiing two acres lie the fitme inure or less and being tli4t pnnioii of said lot owned by Iho lto Doiinlil Leiich, deceased. >n pnrcul luiinlier one there is snld to lie H Kimi'l frniKi liiirn nnd there ia a Mi'miny creek (in the pruiniHeH. On pin-col number two (here is snid to lie fritmo house and n .snitll oichud. Those propcitien nd join (he villago of Kli.-sherton. A iimrkcd clui|iu! f >r ten pur cent, of ench lendvr mnt Hcconininy same and if ten.ler is iii-t iicni ptei\ the s'lino will Im i'Hinied. There will \ie n rcffivc !>:>) mi uicli of tlio anid p'lro-.ilH. Thu luyljiis 1 nt any tonc'ci not necfs sniily ao.-ppN it Fur fmllier pn I onliu .: n,d c<.ii.'iiii , ili- i].|) y t.i Mule*' 1 !!! Lei ch, Klfshor- II, ( >lll :>l ll>, Allillll.lst "it. I ill. - \VltlCIIT. TKI.I'olM) A Iil|:M|.;, < ' . en Souiu!, Ontario s fur the AdmtiMi'-iitor DOTTED over 100,000,000 acres of forest, 1,000 men, organized in the employ of the Government of Ontario, are, this summer, passing back and forth over the canoe routes and along the railways, watching out for the tell-tale smoke which is the sign of fire. Regardless of hot weather, black flies, mosquitoes, discomfort, loneliness or monotony, the Fire Ranger makes his rounds, preventing, quenching or fighting tires in Ontario's forests, paying his own living and traveling expenses, and receiving $3.00 per day for his services. All in all, the Ontario Fire Ranger is entitled to the help and co-operation of everyone. He deserves all the support the people of Ontario can give him. His work is of vital importance. Heed his warnings. Do what he asks. Save Ontario's Forests They're yours The Ontario Fire Ranger, during the danger period of the dry summer, is constantly on patrol to catch fires while they are small. He cannot prevent them starting, as a rule. He is at the mercy of all types of care- lessness. Thanks to his vigilance, however, two-thirds of the forest fires in the last four years did not spread beyond five acres and of these, half did not exceed one-quarter acre. Most of Ontario's Fire Ranjrers arc northern woodsmen. Contrary to common belief, only five per cent, of them are students, and these are experienced Fire Rangers or returned soldiers. Rangers travel chiefly l>y canoe and in pairs over a definite "beat", the length of which varies according to the degree of danger from tires. Others travel up and down the forested railway sections on hand velocipedes, following trains to put out fires set by steam locomotives. In all, 2,100 miles of railroad are patrolled steadily all summer. Two men devote their whole time to examining locomotives to see that screens and ashpans will not permit the escape of s-'parks and live coals. In the clay belt, a large force of Rangers Supervise settlers' tires in land-clearing operations. Don't blame the Fire Ranger if he asks you to be careful. Don't think he is too particular. He knows the risk. Ontario is poorer by untold millions of dollars through forest fires in the past. Help the Fire Ranger the increasingly valuable forests that save remain. Ontario Forestry Branch Parliament Buildings Toronto 14 Fall Fair Dates Chesli i-y Oct 13, S.-pt 2JI, 14 DO Sept 13, 10 30' 23, S.-pf '2'J, I'em oio . . Sept V-', UiHll S. pi 27, 28! i'\ SKIT 29, ."0 Hct 4 . fi (.mid Valley St-pt ::7, 88' Hnn<>\ er Sept I'.', 215 ii , ' Ho s I'm ,s,.|,t '.'7, L'8 1 Ocl C., 7 l,inloii (Westt in F-iii).... S.p 1 10, 17 ile (let II, 12 >l .>epl 2'J, "0 Mmint Fi n.st S, p' L'l, 22 OraiiKtvi! o S. p l.'i, l(i Owen H, mvl . . Sepl l;i, 16 Plicevillr .... Oc lli, 17 Shulburni' Srpi i.'0, 21 Tninntu (''in. Nit i ...Aiii; '.7, Sept 10 Wa't -is F .IU Sep '27, 28 DR. F. C. NIXON Property For Sale Optometrist and Optical Specialist Giod property for sale in Ku^eniH, HiiK.n'ario Street nenr Tl.ird Street, (.-iiitaiuing 1!) acres. A u(id cointutible f , ,,. b..uMwitli woodshed ; K .,,,d cellar and' Collmgwood, Ontario cistern ; good pump in it drilled well Appointments : handy to door ; a Rood Urn and straw D*i1y-9 a. m. to 5 p. in. shed on stone foundation, and good cement stjiiics unrii nuMili, u "od l-ind Evenings and Holidays arranged. and we II fenced. Apply to ,,, , telephone 01 1-\\. Jaturs Walker, E . . Box 10UO Jly 20 DOES YOUR CAR - - SQUEAK KNOCK THUMP RATTLE GRIND Tlii'sc are signs of unuecessary wear, T hope are two things that will enable you to get the last dollars worth of wear from your car. One is a Periodical Inspection. The other is Correct Lubrication . We are Specialists in both. Lt us overhaul and adjust your car now, at a fair reasonable price. We will save you more costly repairs later on. Let us supply you sith your noxt Tires. We handle only depend- able tires and stand behind every tire we sell. We do not gamble in tires nf doubtful quality. When you buy cut-rate tirc-s somebody must lose. Miybe it will be joti, Why not deal in and 1 -t us save you tire trouble. McTAVISH & SON Chevrolet Dealers Phone 9w - FLESHERTON, ONT.

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