Flesherton Advance, 25 Aug 1921, p. 1

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VoU2, No. 12 Flestjerton, Ont., A.iiju9t '?o 1921 V CEYLON The W I held a garden party on Ihe bchuol ({rounds on Kndiy evenipa, when tea was served from well laden table?, and ice cream served from a tent. A most interesting game of ball ws p'ijed on the uiamond between Fle.shertou ml Ceylon, the score beiuj 1J t'i 4 in favor of the home te^m. Afterwards all rr- pired to lh-j school h u-a, winch was packed to the dors. Mr Wilson. pastor, acted as chairor.an, and a shot' program was given. The ladies ,-ue vtiy grateful to all who afaisted. The piucced-i at thj g^te were 122. Mrs W K Buckley i>f Toronto visited her parent*. Mr aud Mrs J-. McMullen, here last week. Misses Lena and Muriel L K* te enter- tained a number if itwir frieiids on Wednesday evauing, when a most enj*y. able tirne was spent A Hill, J Hill and wife of Markdal.-, and Mrs Legxte of Crosby, Leeds C'^ were visitors at H Piper's lat week. Gltdys Cuhni, who hi- ben visiting her aunt. Miss M Cook, the past six weeks, returned Fridav to her hoone in Toronto. Misses Lena and MUM- I I. ^ i-e and Mrs H Fisher nave a trio at the after- noi'r. lervicpon Sabbath which was much enjoyed. Next Sabbath the ptor wil 1 take -is his subject, " How t. know you are a chrii>ti*n." Jos Hemphill, wife and chi dren, who he b en visiting at S Heniphill's. re- turned Friday to their home in Toronto. MIHS K Baxter aud Miss F. Tfdli-w spent i few days last week wiih Owen Sound fr ends. Mis Holm Oibs' n it vUitiog T. i i.'o friends. Florence Deorett of She!huin>> i risitmg her friend. G*orgir.ii McLauclilin C Irish of near Wareharn spent the first of the week at S Hemphill*. Win Coleridge and wife of Hulat.in and Wm lUmnge und wifi nf Kuromonl visited Mis H P Legate und daughters the firt of the week. Dr and Mrs M Conk nml rhiu.-httr Mary, of Calgary, and Mrs Tins Cook of Markdale were visitors nt K Ci <>k .* the first -if the week. H Fisher of Toronto gpetit ihe week end with his wife here. The Shelburne Free Press wis s-lu-wn samples of coal taken fn in the Pickerin:; drill hole on the Oliver faini on the outskirts of town and fr in -. i.n- inalions m.de by experts it his liwen pronounced coal of beet ((Utility. The coal was fouud at a depth t l'2D feet, but whet 1 er it is there in PHJ-IH;; ijiuiiiti tie" rem * to be seen. W e ui;d> i -tund that lack of funda at present prevents further search. When financial nid is secured digiting opera'ions will be in order lo ascertain the extent of tlie tir>d. EUGENIA Jacob Parliament and wife, in 'tored to Drayton and spent the past week wi'h their daughter there. Miss E'ta Litimer accoui[)anitd Wes Litinier to Walters Falls to visit friends. tji'i iM and Ken L'iru" h-tve taken positions :n Toranio. Fiank Bowei man is visiting his sister, Mrs McMullm, They visited <*t Dunedm and Horuii.g-i Mills during thejpast week. Mr Rhobottuin is visiting hia family here. Card Urahaui and sister, ,'ea, visited *. .i.- i:'_ fiii'uds over the week end, Fied and Ktlph Large are visiting with IVddy My lea at Kimberley this week. K ; Leeman, wife aud babe, Tjr. nt . are visiting it -Incub Williams'. Bertha Smith of Owen Sound vUittd. her cousin, Nea Williams. Mr Evans, wife and son Nelson, cf O*ea Sound, called on friends here the past week. H Foester and wife spent f he week end with friends in Uen Sound. Mi-s Kite Jamieskic has reiarned fnui Culliugwood hospital after taking X ray treatment for her thtoat, nd is much improved. Mm Large aid Mn Williams, uv m - panted by Miss Nea Williams and Kiy I. lui-on, motored to Owen Sound the past week ami visited friends Ernie Morgan motored up frc m TV- aonto and is taking three w . ki" holiday. Miss Jenny Caitu'bers cf Moncton, Mis K cl.ard Pedlar of Winnipeg >nui Mr and Mis I'.ihill of S*sk are guests at Al> x Curuthcrs 1 Mrs Dixon (nee Lucy Sloan) and children if K.nii uton have returned OIIIH after <. i-:t 114 Mr Walker the past eek. The i:itb.ill cuiio played ou the 4: uiiii.- litre Satuiday wax a pretty ijot d ume, especially when Vai.dileur not . rythiLiit sett'ed to suit themselves. Yandrlcur has been pretty lucky this se.ison. but since vetting the little sur- }rise at Fleaherton ic hi* made thm rarher shaky at ihe ki res. The t Id ;iy- { there is many a slip 'iwixt the cup and the lip, it very true, but. uheer up, there ID still another chance left. Mrs Park bus returned home from i'oronto, hitving had a slight opera. ion on her eyes, which piovcd very euccess- fel. L R Muusbaw of Aliuton visited the parenUl home for a few days this week. EAST MOUNTAIN D<ivid Gnoe hag been cutting sweet clver for his o u.-ir, 11 Geno>, iieur Kletheitou. Mae Citrruthera h.is gone to Toronto to attend the millinery opening. James llarbottle spent a -.> willi . i..t> !'n Flebherloo. Willie Th-)inpsou and C'arer.ce Snurt visited with Mr Fred Smith, east buck line, :iar Kleshorton, recently. Jiininie Htrbxttle is having Another " boiling " time. He had one Unced New Perfection Oil Cook Stove IS TRE BEST- Simple - Al- ways Ready Sutittfiea eiery Heqtiiremeut. It has the high- est runne of tfticiency, with low, medium aud hi Ji ll^m provuK-s any decree of heat r|uued. When th* N,P. oven is ueil all other means of baking iil bo (jvon up in preference to this device. Just the thini; f >r these h.'t days. Get one at once Tho tent all around Oil JS'.mv that hus ev.-r p;T ned. Frank W. Duncan Hardware, Etc. FLESHERTON Phone 24 Toronto Line North Mrs K Mclnryre and sou Don of Torouto are visiting at H Richardson'*. Mrs Wm Ross and Mrs Hauley have returned 'o Toronto after ipandiiiK some time with their sis'er, Mrs Will Stewart. Fred Mathi-wson, wife and daughters, pent a couple of dnys with Biussels frit-lids. J T Sled, wife nd family, accoinpni:- ie 1 by Mrs J A Lever, spent a day with Robt McFuddcn at Mono Centre. We are i<Ud to report Miss Aininda Stew irt teeling butter H^ain. E Wickens aud wife visited Duntio< D friends recently. L Waller, wife and family, of Orars-e- ville, visited with \V Davis and wife the past week. Harold lOchai Jsoti is visiting friends in Owen Sound. H.irvcsl is about, cimp'eted hero. A convict says he w is tent to pr ton for being dishoin.s.\ and yet he. is coin* polled every day to cut out pieces of pisleb.'imP which un> put between the soles of the cheap shoes made there mid p. ilined iff on the innocent public as leather. FEVERSHAM The farmers have once wore gathered in the harvest and only a medium crop is npoittd, Sir Win Wright sr. ar.d Mr ami Mrs Wright jr. and two children of the mountain were callers in tut village on .Sunday. Mifrs Nerl of Miutreal i visitinu wuh hr cousin. Herb Neil of Mclntyre. Mrs Blaskey imd two children of Prtston are visiting the fc-rme-'a n.oiher, Mrs Wai Mi. flat, on the n;h line. Cul Crawford of Toroutu, High Couit organizer for 'lie C.O F , is ucruitiiiK for 1'i.uit Feverham No. 534 and is meeting with fair success. We are glad to see Kofctrt Alister able to get *i <ni iid Hgtiii a little, after gettici; hurt badly two weeks uo. Mr and Mis Jus McFadden aud Miss Rose Dawcon of Gibialter were calleis in the village en Suiutdar evenine lust. Mi '.: d Mrs 11 :' l::i!.- n -r , (iiltralter, spent Sunday wuh iheir si.n Arno'd, on the 12: h line. Mi R S McGirr and datigh'er, Rueie, aiBi. Pearl Kawcet*. re visitinu with the former brother, Joseph, at Sou;h River. Mr J C Ten riant and Irwin Mcrri'on of ~>WPII S und were callers in cur village Ust week. Mr and Mm Juhn Suialley and two children of L'jllingwtod are vititmg Mrs D-illeyV parents, Mr u d Mi* J Barber. Mr and Mrs \' .<:. McLean and Col '.'rawford i-prnt Sunday with Allan's brother, Thus McLean, un the 4:t> L.tie. PRICEVILLE DIAMONDS Bates BurialCo. MAXWELL ^ has .i^nti started in this vicinity. It if not nearly so big a job this yen- as h.f, (he crops le.nu light. Ch > Heimi i>f Buffalo visited with his uncle, Robert Rerun, and other fn-uoi recently Miss Kilt Morrison i- visiting with Frii-nJ* in (juelj.li and Toronto. Mr W E Irwin if W.udsor visited st Geo L<* lot's, recently. Miss Mary Heron of \N innij,eg is visa- ing with h. r father in i brojher hte. A iiinii'i. r of 1 id . H f the Fleshertou W. I. were entei tamed by the M;iXell brunch at the homo of Mrs (Rv) Brown. Miss B eie Wiight of Toronto i holidaying it her pireiii l home. \\e are tony to repot t Chas Uroiiie on the sick list. We hope to hear of hi early recovery. Dunn Clinton i Mont wart i#, tSa.sk , was a caller in last e<k. Mrs Moore ud two children of Culling- wood are visiting at ./' L Mcrrituu'n and oilier relatives in town. MARKDALE W. G. L^e of this place his purchased the Hein.becker wooMvn null property in Dumialk recently Jama^cd by lire. He has ,ilso purchased a 50 acre farm ou the i i.t back line, Artimesia. Kul Duncan, the 4 yei.r old n>n of Mis. Duncan, was run over by iti aut on Su'urdxy .ifterix on while playing on thd street. He rscipi d with a few scratches and a severe shaking up. We don't know whether or not the driver of the cur was to bl-Miie, but we do know that, i here is too Qiu.-li careless nd reckl.ss diivitig <>n th feets of the village -Standard. Criminal Code Changes Several itupoitmit clunuts have been made In the CiiminKl Code. Henceforth British; subjects are not required to obt.un penults to keep a 11 lie or shotgun but HUM; have permits to keep n pisto or revolver. Aliens must obtain permits to keep an.v kind of H weapui-. The pennliy for the theft of ivn auto- mobile under the aim mini- nts is not I. 59 tlian JIM year inipiisoiuiHiit with no option if a tine, and i:u fuspei.ded sentence unless s-anc'n-ued by tie A'.toiupy Griieral. For dnvii'n au sukniK'bi'.d while in an intoxica'.ed couJitiou Ihe penalty on the first ocnvictiou is not less than seven uays and Dot more than thirty days in j iil : for the second cffeiice not 'ess than i. thirty dnys aud not uioru than three i months, and the third and MI! M-i-ii-nt offences not lets ib.i.i three months and not more than one jer in prison. For highway rohbery the lathes have been added 11, addition to [ ri-ui tun. The damp, cool weather lant week lio'd b-ck harvest <.peratiut>8 ou a number i f firms, but a number of farmers hive ill crops of umii in the !.;.rii-. (tur fill fair directors are dihtiibutiui; their prize lists tim wefk, and are arranuing for band music and other attractions at the fair on ( >ct i'> ,n ; ~ The bi-ickliiyers were busy last week nn HnuM Ksjatadt's residence. Mm N JlcKinnon and daughters K.ii anlLiuia, if Toronto, huve t.een at their summer resilience here for a 'week or more, also 11 B McKicnon f the Globe stuff came np 1 i.-t week for a few holidays. Archie and Mrs McArlhur, Townline slr.'e'. well' ovtf to Butt>l'> Sfveral days ago t be with the l.ivi-r- oi.ster, Misa Margaret McArthur, who was critically ill m tha hospital, tut is bet'er n.'w after beini; operated un. Mrs F McKmni'n,.iiic> un. lei-wen* HII operation two neck* ago, vi-n'iired across tbe street last !ui,d-iy iiii.rniu to serv.ce in the Methodist church. Rev R J and Mrs McCtrten are away for two weeks' holiday. Mr Alex Irw-.n took charge "f the service in 'he Metlm dist church Sunday morning and Ki v Mr M id den of Kj^enit is expec'ed to preach next Sunday, Aug. _'!< D Mcluues uf WmdentKiru Avenue, T-Tout.i, brought Mr D McDonald h-nne from fbe Western h.spital io weeks ago, after an operation had been pel- formed on his eyes. We sincerely h. pc that Mr McDonald's eye>ii;lit ili soon be restored to normal, us he was a ^t t -at reader. Miss M T.yon. M D, of Demit, and her sister, Margaret, tt.icht-r. .-tre home fi their father, tleo W Tryoii, f.jr a F-iw days. BL'SIKKSS AS USUAL Victoria Corners Mr Martin, who has been ve;y ill wth n'e indigestion and otl.ei thinits, \a covering very nicely. v7h ules Giahani uf T<Tn railed on o'd Iriiuds last week. Mrs Montgomery - f Uun-iu'k visited her sibter, Mis W Mooro, w!,.i .s nit c<iverii>n is quickly ai we wmld like t .- h. r. Un Blair of Toronto visited >it Kar Although 111. si |i rjilo urt> i ..t .|i, ite done \itli the iuivist, y^t Geo Ludlow his threlied. Mrs lii'iTC* Mi'i'TP spent ;l wrclt with her daufhtvr, Mr* Clomle Akin:-. Mr RuvdM of Clintun is vsuint; his uncle, (tto Ludluw, iru other :. ends. Mr* Mid MIBS Curelle m-d \Vi.r Oorbe'.t of Torunto are visitinu; :it James Locklmrt's. .Mr nid Mrs McCluru of Tu."iito lire rtsiting ( A Siinioo'a tnd G I.ulloo's Anliar 11 ':;.. wife nd dsiigliler of Smithville, visited st 'Jhns Mo,'ie : n. Born To Mr and MroHuntrr Harrow (lite Miss L-lliii Wlkei), De!t'.il, son . Miss Mum Heard vmiud a few ilityn, l*o Mr>< \V Heurd and Miircui spi'iit B d*y ui our neighborhood. Notice toCreditors tn lhi> matter of tlm estate. 4.f William D IVM, bite of the Towtish'p of Arteniet-ia in the I'ouuty of <!rey. Farnii-- ,ileceasd. Notice is hereby nivpn. purnuRtif to "The Trustee Act'' und amendments ttieteto that all cicdiUwx HI d other* having cUims nuatnst the esU'e i4 Ihe s.tid William Davis, who died on <>i about the 18ih dayif.'uly, A P. 1020, arc riV(Uirud on or bufote ibo lith cl.-iy of Septi mber, A. D. Itftfl. to SI>M| by p<wl prepaid i-r deliver to The Toron'o General Trusts Ci'i-;>oiation, of the Cilv <-f Toron- to in thi) County of York, tho Admini- .ttr.iti-r of tho estate of (he aid de CHitwii. their Christian and Siiiniimtw. addrossMA aud dR*ri[>t.ion*>, the full pitk-nl;irs of lhor elnims, the stfltpinoiir of thir niTouiihi, .'ind tho nature of tile securities, if any, held by them. And further t ike not ice that aflet such last mentioned tl-ito the said Rxtcutoro will proi-i-ni to distribute the H.wots of the deceased HIIIOIH; the pit-ties cut fed thereto, having reuard only to the ci.'.'.iu* of which they shall then h.ive notice, and that the said Adminisli . r will rot be liable for the siiii asset.-. >ir any | rt thereof to :iny person or per*' us of nlio.ii- c!:iiin notice shall not h:ivo been uvi-ivud by them at the I Hue of B'l.li Funeral Directors and Embalmers Our seicction of L ju-r i.i;\v is iil ir* l>^.-t. Prices ro Sll i c everyone. Each PtlOne Hi UcreSt 268 stono i> of exir!:c!i- uir ;iin! 124 Avenue Road, design ami iht- tin- <|i:,iii:v Toronto, Ont. iil'^'lutely V -.: MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager. W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTCN, - No^v is the timz to re- new your subscription to ONT The Advance. Do You Use This Bank to deposit your money where it will be safe from fire and theft, and earn interest ? to cash Cheese Cheques ? to collect Sales Notes? to issue Bank Money Orders instead of sending actual cash in a letter ? to help you increase your acre.-ge and improve your Live us Stock ? to >btain sound advice on invest- ments in St. jks, Bonds and Farm Lands ? THMR CHANTS BANK Head Office : Montreal. CANADA Established 1864* FLESHERTON AND CEYLON BRANCHES. H. P. FERR1OR, - - - Manager. House of Quality TWINE! TWINE! We handle the best makes of twine, both the 600 and 650 fett. PRICES RIGHT. FLOUR Sovereign, Ladies' Favorite, Perfect and Pastry Flour milled by F. T. Hill & Co. We also handle Royal Household. GROCERIES We carry a full line of Groceries. Flour and Feed. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flcshcrton, - Ontario I? < 4 ,- 1 Dated this 8th day of Augu*!, A, D. 1921. -WRIGHT, TOLFORD& BIUXIK, Solicitors for theAdniinistrau-r . Prices Cut to Pieces We have reduced our entire stock of Ladies' Hats, Veils, Trimmings one third. Our hats are all this season's stock in the very latest styles. Don't miss getting one, at away b'elow cost. Big Reductions in all other Goods W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton ~ '--- -

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