Flesherton Advance, 25 Aug 1921, p. 3

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Canada From Coast to Coast Victoria, B.C. Tweed cloth in four ever two tons cf hcr.jy at 35 cents A BEAUTIFUL AND SACRED SPOT shades i-s bel.r..g exhibited here as a Lmpte of Canadian industry. It i! r T? r ^. to> Ont.-M=Intyr; Porcupine from wool from British Columbia | G !J L Mme , s WI - ! *J* -. lh * ****?** aheep, weaved on a new comb loom in of their plant at rimimna, according this city vd dyed at British Columbia ; to offlclal tatemer.t issued hare,, dye works. The cloVh is cf very high and a *"**** "%** Cn the "^* dLs quality and it is believed wnll ! ' f ~ Th:3 w add tr * ^"^ ' lead to the establishing of a woo'en ' ^. ( 5 , ton3 per day or ], Ut miH on this island. i W'th the new equipment the company i will be able to produce we.l over $3,- Edmonton, Arta. Red clover yield- ; 000,000 annually. ing at the rate of ten to six tons per j Montreal, Que. At the end of May acre has been harvested at the Und- j the number of vessels en the Canadian versity farm. The clover is known i Ship-ping Register was 8,287, the as Atlaswede, a new variety origin- ' greater number of wh:;h were stc?.m; ated here. It stood from thirty to the tcnnage was 1,128,230 net. During thirty-six inches high, has a very fine, May alone 30,000 net tons were acMed,' stem and makes excellent fodder. (which includes seve-ul very large ves- Regna, Sask. Re-cent figures pub- ' se 'j*' Fredencton. N.B.-The value towe for " lished by the provincial government give the number of automobiles in Saskatchewan in 1920 as 60,325, as compared with 55,010 in 1919 and 46,- 880 in 1918. This is a remarkable showing when it is considered that the total number of motor vehicles in 1908 was only 74. Winnipeg, Man.- of forest fires has been full recognized by the provincial government and plans ara unJer way for the erection of four additional lockout towers as soon as possible. Mary r.ew fire pre- ventive measures have been adopted and it is planned, if possible, to do The bee-keeping away with spring burning of brush. industry is making rapid headway in Fall burning is to be encourage-i. Manitoba and the outlook fcr a large ; Truro, N.S. A three weeks' course honey crop this year is very bright. | o f instruction for officers attached to Bee-keepir-jg demonstrations are being | federal fish hatcheries in eastern held at differer.it plares in the pro- 'Quebec and ths Maritime, h nsvv be- vince, In the Swan River Valley inking conducted at thj agrijuiniril col- Northern Manitoba, J. C. Dodge re- j tege here. The ccurse is beir ? con- ports a return of $1,500 in honey in: ducted by tha Fisheries Department in one season from thirty-three hives. | co-operation with the biological board, A settler at Dominion City reports^ and win deal particularly with con<ii- that frcm a stray swarm that came to : ticns that affect fish and fish eggs his farm six years &go he now has and wiil be preliminary in character seventy-six colonies and last year sold to the course proposed for 1922. $84,000 Paid for 1,120- | TWO BOY SCOUTS Acre Saskatchewan Farm FOR ANTARCTIC CRUISE PARTNERSHIP OF GREAT POWERS TO ENSURE PEACE OF THE WORLD British Premier Hopes That An Alliance Between British Empire, Japan and United States Will Result From Co.Tiing Conference at Washington. A (".C5?atch from L:nd:n says: "If the turning factors ir. the war, in that -.12 alilance wlrii Japan csuki be'" 1 ^ ? iven protection to the transit ! merge 1 ir.oo a gre^r understanding ^ omiraon "^ Il>dian tro=! acr S * ' _ tl ~^ disliking the Angto- all the prc.y.'ms of the Pacific, tVat Japanese altiwKe would despise the weald be a great event, and H wo Ui British if, sfur such services. Great be a guoriail^s fcr the peo^3 of ,he Brital;, -urned her back upon Japan, world." The Premier sild he s*vw no rea- Thiii spoke Di-rJ Lloy-.i G*orgs, the son why it should fc-e imoorsfoie to Briti'h Prin-.o Minister, before the remenvber obligatic-r-s ta J,..?an and H- ? of Ccmmc-ns on Thursday in at the same time preserve a spirit of outlining th-e w;rk of the recent con- fraternity with the Unite! St. -.tea. fcrt.-.'.8 cf the Imr>eriai Premiers. It was a carrKnai prin.-iple of Brit- The Premier -.vns lealing spesific- iah policy, the Premier continued, that E.'ly wl;a '.-he Ang-ic-Japaneia alliance Great Britain should act in aj com- I at Jic tirca. ar,.i ex^ain-in-gr how the plete accord wi:h the Unite! Stated 1 cj.nfersr?L had unanimously re:ogniz- as possible. He did not knc-.v uf an-y i ed that Japan loyal-'.y had carried out country in the worUi with wham it was j her obligations to Great Britain dur- more important to act in concert. He ! ing the w^.r la Istter and rn spirit. ' declare-i that the sure--* way to make Mr. Lloyd Gcirge asked if it was to be suggested thrr. Greit Brrtsin now E.honii turn her back apjn J. a success of the disarmament confer- erxre was firs* to reioh an umierstand- en Pacific questions, and he hoped with a mere thank yo-j and good-bye, his view in thia respect would be taken j after Japar-ese ikl had proved one of. at the Washington gathering. Germany Going Straight However, Paris is be a goo! thing, likely to yield. It depends upon Germany's going straight. Thus far Berhin, the Wirth Government and the Genr.ins gener- ally have given no cause for criticism or censure since signing. Germany put her signature to rhe agreement ar.d has kept it. All this tends to rn.sk e French A despatch from Winnipeg. Shackleton Selects Fortunate Man. says: A farm ot L20 vr .1 /* i_- n v u,j ^ Cabin Boys on the i Brock's Monument, Queenston Heights Park This is one of the mcst sacred spots j he died victorious, Is in Canadian history. lu the war of cenotaph and flagstaff. acres, in the Gull Lake district, ! " *"""* -~ '" *.7- ~" isiiMSU. American troops crossed the Sask., sold recently for the sum I "* e v2 ue5 ^ river from Lewistou. landed on Cana- of 84,000. It was a typical ex- i A Despatch from London says: dian soil, and took possession of the ample of the agricultural pro- Two Scottish boy scouts wiM shortly Heights. Early the same morning tfress in prairie districts. An- en'.-airk on a cruise of adventure, s'jih that of October 13, 1812 the Britsh other indication of agricultural as their comrades throughout the Governor. Sir l*a:ic Brock, left Fort growth with tha $&tttemnt of vvor ' ' ^ a '' v dreim about, for Sir Ern-. Oecrge. Niagara-cn-the-lake, and has- A.'ter September 15 the Rhinelartd economic burriar is to be taken down by the Al-lies. The customs penalty will be no more after tihij date, i: Germrny continues her reparations pavmtr.t-s ar.j lifts -.ho present boycott agair.jt French gotxls. This wiil be a sort of mixed bless- pielons riliit-u; " :: ~ a: - tlj weaken th t.r.at :a marked by to oc- :s crest - ir.g for the TeuUTia. The Fron.-h will P 10 " * profit, as they are not averse to ^o'ng l-UI>> " :nore of GeTr : a b:: of trade with their old anemia*, iR * a new F^* for the The Government park which occu- , md the ^.ggtt haa hurt _ Ne\-erthe- anil Is P en!: -'- ;hr w-a >' ' r GnMB pies the Heights is one of the most j ]esgi {t ig a ^^ ^j h ' f^ s ; reatimission iirto :ntt-mati-jn..i circles, beautiful spots in Ontario. It com- j If Gormanv cont ; n ui to k.n \ r More impcrUi.-.t than anjrtJliny atae, ,. - i IMW VWUWMB *UJ ^.U I. b. I, H.VJjVU *!*> 11 A ^ the bat year, and orders tor ta bln boys aboard his ship The Quest. 7,500 more are expected to be ; The youths are Patrol Leauers J. his life and a grateful country erected a splendid monument in his memory. mantis a view of the lower river and the Niagara plain that is scarcely sur- passed in any part cf the world. The puncrama of river and orchard and vinoyurd and tille-i Helds which spreads away to The shores of Lake Ontario is one that has delighted visit- OCB from every clime. To see th<- N'iagara ci-untry when it is aflame with peach blossoms and white with apple is to have a foretaste of para- it is for stabilltj enemies, Nt-VL-rthe- hopeful sign, continues to keep har agreemsnts, the Al'lies are r. : .r. oven further. Tha cities of Ruhrort, Duis- aixi for peace m Eur P- burg and Dusseldsrf nay be frted of Q the occupying allied forces after the next meeting cf the Supreme Ooun- 1 The apple has a larger proportion cil. Great Britain favors it. but, of phosphorus than any fruit, and -is, France is not so certain -.hat this will therefore, an excellent brain food. Weekly Market Report placed by the three prairie pro- j W. S. Marr cf Aberdeen, aged 19, and The si>ct -part way up the hill where vinces this year. - N. E. Mocney of Kirkwall, in the Ork- i my Islan.lr--, aged 17. The 10 picked ;appi : cants came to London from all . parts of the United Kingricm. Sir i Ernest interviewed them to ascertain ! their qualiflcaticr.s and found so much A University Course for Housewives. BRITISH RECRUITS Toronto. Manitoba wheat No. its desire to serve all the people S1S51 -* N ' - - Northern. $1.77\7 No.' Barre'.ii T.fits Bean pork. 3"0; Northern, short cut or iaurl-ry back, boneless, FOR SPANISH ARMY 3 Norti^; KiT No! taJent tftat he cculd not make a de- of , ;he 1^*" * -'ver>' way Possible , ci:-ion until Thursday. :U111 to s ? l ' ea(l ' he at;\-ant:ii:es ot uni- Young Mocn'jy came all the way frcm the stormy Orkneys, a journey ; of 600 n.i!es. He h.-.J never se.'n paa- ' senger railway trains before and was 'so confused by tha big city an 1 its i strangers that Sir Ernest could not get him to talk. However, Moon-sy has a winn all about beat* ami the sea. Former Service Men Join Foreign Legion to Fight in Morocco. -I wheat, pork. $34. Dry saitei meat* LOT^T ciears. in Manitoba cats No. 2 CW, 48c; No. tons, IS to 21c: incase*, 1S4 to 21!4c; \i-rsity eilujitlor. broadcast over Or-i tari'j, the University of Toronto h.-isj A despatch from Undon says: ananped an exti-.-don course in | Scores of unemploj-d former British Household Scii-..-e. This course will . service mt-n arc reporting daily to the exti-rd over ten weeks, bes;innhvr -Spanish Consulate here for enroll- Oclober 4th, wkh two lectures and one- , m . n: ,; , hl . Foreign Legion of the 3 CW. 47^; extra No. 1 feed. ITVjc; cksar be'llru. No. 1 feed, 46 x o; No. 2 feed, 45V4C. Ma:- 'tuba barley No. 3 CW. 79Sc; No. I CW, 77Hc; rejected, 72'uc; feed. 71 to 20 4c; br.cks. 1U to 19'isc: tub, t 20 *c; shortening tierc, Lard Tier.- e. to 20c prints. 21 to 21' the above in store at Fort Wil- 1 14 1 * to 14'-.c; tab;. 14 1 - to 15o; paiis, 15 to l.'i'flo: prints, 17^ to 'S-. Choice heavy steers, $7 to ST. ."ill; burchere' steers, choice, Jti.50 t'> 87; _ia m. American corn No. 2 yellow, 72c; nomira!, c.i.f.. Bay ports. laboratory p.-riod each week. It i* Spanish army. f I^UA. A.*V^*l.- VI , .T1UUUC \ I . , !' ' J ing personality and knows ' pot course in far -'>" l - okln ^ but w! '' Information which cati and the sea, so docs (!l '? 1 wMh ft>ciis artl lllets ' ^" d v:llues eruiting is sa.id to hav Marr. The Quest will sail at the end of this month, to be gon two or more years. the cause j.id prevention of mal- nutrition. If, later, there !s 'i iren- t-ial demand for a course in household management, this will also be ar- ranged. Ontario 44c. led to this rr- , Ontario wheatsNo. 2 Winter, car have been circulate i lots, $1.15 to $1.20; No. 3 Winter, No. 2 white-, 42 to >io. gocd. $6 t-j $650; do. "> to $5.50: do. com., $3 to $5; hetfers, choice. $ti._'. r ) to $6.7.".; mi, $5.26 to $(>.2f>: butcher i The provincial university ranged sx> many of these ha< ar- FIRST IMPERIAL c,.ur>-,-* that most people hav,- lu ... STATION OPENED to realize that when one wants some secretly among the unemployed. Ap- $1.12 to $1.17; No. 1 commercial, S1.07 choke. $4.50 to $5.75; do. me<l.. .?:! p'\ int's for enlistment are usked only to $1.12; No. 2 Spring. $1.10 to $1.15; $4.50; cancers aj-.d cutter*. $1 to S2.no-. two questions: "Can you tight?" and N - 3 Spring, $1.07 to $1.12; No. 2 butcher ^buils. good. $4.25 to 5; . you fight?" goose whtat, nominal. com., $2.50 to 33.50; feeder*. . . . . . Peas No. 2. nominal. ibs.. $5xJO to $6; dv>. fair. $4 : S4 "0; Although the men are informed < Barley Malting, 69 to 72c, accord- miitera. SCO to $80; spring.--. ! the dangerous nature of the prospec- Hon. Herbert Greenfield The new premier of Alberta. A seat | Wireless Chain Around Em- has yef to be found for him in th i Legislature. I pire Inaugurated in Britain. China Accepts Invitation to Washington A (Jespatch from London says: Hon. F. G. Kellaway, British Post- master-Ciereral, on Thursday sent the xtonsion tive campaigning against tribesmen in Morocco, thy readily enlist in view of the inducements offered. These in- thing in the way of adoration one I chide a bonus of 700 pesetas fcr a slu'u!,! tirst. oorsult the I'niversitv of . tive->-ear enlistment, and 400 pesetas Toronto to see what it ha* to onVr. : - OI . a four-year enlistment Other at- An enquiry direoteti to the K.xtension . tractions are Office always brings u prompt and decorations and promotion to corn- cordial answer. missioned rank, as well as daily pay 80; oalves, choice, $9 Co $10: d . mod., $6.50 to $7.50; <J. com., >. ^.'>; lambs, yeorlinirs. $7 to ^7 5": >: sprir. h '. JU Cj 10.50; sheep, chni -. N"> to $5.50; Jo. good, $3.50 :. heavy and bucks, #2 to S-. fed and -vwatered. $13 tu ^ '"". v j". 1 '" freights, bags included: Bran, per ton. off cars, $13.25 to $13.. r .(>; !o, f.o.b., ehgibility for medals, $ ., 8 . 8nortoi per ^^ 330- good feed j 12 .26 to $12.50; do , ,, 1>U , 1 promotion to com- fl^ $1 70 to $1 ^ 5 ; | 12 to ji-j^g Baled hay Track, Toronto, per ton,! Montreal. ing to freights outside. Buck-wheat No. 3, nominal. Rye No. 2. $1.07. Manito-bn flour First puts.. $10.50; second pats., $10, Toronto. Ontario flour $6.25, old crop. Miilfeed Debvered. Montreal first messages through the first litvk in the ihain of Imperial wireless com- \Va.<liington munications. Thp transmitting sta- ' , , To develop its extension work as |O f f our an j oi>e-haM pesetas on final No. 1, $2*2; No, 2, $21; mixed, $18. 48 the people of Ontario wish it. to be acceptance at the hea^lquarters of the' Eggs No. 1. 43 to 44c; st-lecU, - .. r .. ..w.,.oo ^^...- developed, the provincial university Foreign Legion in Ceuta Morocco to SOc; new-luid, cartons, 50 to 52c. 2f*T? t"L ,^ a; 7! in>!:ton munications. The transmitting sta-; will require a much larger revenue | Volunteers rejected in Ceuta are say*: United Mates (,ov,.rn- ti cn at Deaneld, OxfoHsWre, has just : than it receives at present. United | promised return transportation It is ,entj mv-.tation to part:>-i r at.e in a tton competed. ! States universities of smaller size ' stated that the number of enlistments I-ar Eastern Kellaway sent a message to all Brit- thai, the University of Toronto have, i acceptable for rhe Foreign Legion ia much | unlimited, has the i * Fire Menace in N. B. Ended by Rain - _ -- messages tas-k with a so. emn sn*e cf its sigui- , felicitation from etations in Malta. floance aiyj with a pirit of "perfect .France, Rome, Buda-pest, Posen. Nor- frankivsss and cordiality." way. Sweden ard Germany. Tho Chinese aa^eptajice wa the; The links to follow. first of a forn;iil character to bo re- ceived from eorrfer here. the n-ations invited to AH goods imported into Canada aft or December 1 must bear the name of the. country whore they were manu- factured. devkled the recent Imperial Conference, be: Cairo, Kast Africa, South Africa. Imiia. Singapore. Australia, with a branch from Singapore to Honk Kong, and a link from Britain to Canada. Of one thing be very sure. Kvery man must do his own growing, no mutter who his fraiulfather was. , fte " Con> American N.>. J \ >lli -. ?2c Oats Can. Wa>t. No. _', ' ii(K ; do, No. 3, 58 to 58M.v: extra N.i. 1 Butter Creamery, fresh-madv ex- fcod, 5S to 58"*o. Baric > >! .;?>. ! tras, 42 t 43c; do. fresh-iivade firsts, $44 to $45 por ton. 1-". ir M 1:1. 41 to 42c; dairy prints. 33 to 34c; spKng wbe^t TU^S-. flr: :>. $10.J bakers' 20c. , lots; econi, $10; stroi\ : a - . Oleomargaruie Best grade, 20 to $9^0. Roled oats big, S'.' S*.. "'i.jr,. 22c. Bnan $27^5, car lotu. Sh-r -?J:).2, r . Cheese New, Large. 25c; do, twins, Pr ton. Hay No. 2, per t-.r ,-ur 254c; do. Stilton, 26 to 2i^c; old. lots. $34 to $35. lao-gu, 34 to 35c; do, twtps, 34 to 35Sc. : Cheese, finest eRi9U>rrts. 22 :,< . ; Honey, extracted WTute clover, in lurrter. choicett cre-nury. -In ' to (50-30-'b. tins, pr lh.. 14 to 15c; do, |41^Bc; ogg*, sele-toJ, 45c; do. No. I Unemployed in the United number nearly ti.000,000. States A despatch from St. John, N.B., ; 10-lb. tins, pw'lb.. 15 to 16c; Ontsirio stock, 40c; do, No. 2 stock. :!&:: pota- ; says: A heavy downpour of rain i No. 1, whit* clover, in 2^-5-!.b. tan*, toes, per bag. car 'ots. $3 to $.>-'"> per men swell, but it doesn t throughout the province on Thursday 'per lb.. _17 to 18c.; comb honey, per 80-lb. bag. help them to grow. destroyed the fire menace which still lingered in many parts of New Brims- Former King Peter of Serbia died j wick. The rninf all during the day was on Aug. U> in his 77th year. In 1919 'almost as great as the entire precipi- King Peter relinquished the care of' tation during 1 the month of July, state to his second- son, Alexander, * who became king ot the new state of ' The Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario Jugo-Slavia. is seriously ill. $3.75 to $4.50. | Dairy heifers, mel, 700 pounds, Smoked meats Rolls 27 to 28c;,$4.50 percwt.; oanr.-lng heifers, steers hams, med., 40 to 42c; heavy, 29 to and bulls, $2.50 to $3; canners. $1; 30c; cooked hams, 00 to 65c; bone' ess gutter?, $3. LtJnbs, $7.50 to $8; med. backs, 42 to 48c; breakfast bacon, 33 lambs, $6 to $7; ewes, $1 to $!<. Good to 38c; special, 45 to 48c; cottage vpal cal%-es, $7 to $7.50; grji^ers and rolls, 30 to 31 c. Idri-nVers, $3 to $6. Hogs, selects, Green meats Out of pickle,. Ic loss,S13.50 to $13.75; liglits, heavier an! I than smoked. 1 roughs, $9 to $10; sows, $8.50 KEGLAR FELLliKS by Gene ttyrnet

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