Flesherton Advance, 25 Aug 1921, p. 4

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August 2f> THE FI E8HERTON ADVANCE E STABLISHED 167 2 of carrying tlie proceeds (Main Ticket?, Kale of C'alilc, Produce. ite., in your packet, deposit them in Ilio li.uik of Hamilton, when they will be safe.. Y.HI cm tli'/n i: iv accounts, OFFICE HAMILTON K-me cheques to and your puss Ijook will afford yon a complete record of all vour train-actions. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH -A. M. Carthcw, Manager SUB-BRANCH PROTON C. J. forster, Sub-Manager A Mexican Thief Const <i bio TiNdiile of Grand Y.illey arrested . Mexican niusicmu who, H|I>HI{ will three others of hia kind, ti ok 'ii tl e rac.i'S. The hunch pluyed Ktiiagid iiistiunu'iith Hi.d tl:en took up H roller- lion and in this wiiy g.-iihei-erl up coiimd- erbb caxli. In ih Hficriioon Hie Ailliur cnnstithlo received it telephone iiii-s-ii^u fr-ini Listowel to Heard) the i'11'.'cls of tlin itinii win in lie liiti-r arrested for a stolen iniucoa'. This Mr Tiscliili) did in his usul prompt :iud ellieient in inner, lucit'ing the coat in his room in tin; hole! and hustled 'he ihief to lint lockup. A new hhitt iimi a m-w pair of shoes, H|MH stolen prupor'y, were loiind. With the arrested nmn was a t>iil *h ii lie cluimtMt WHS his wife, but wh<> w:i* later sent h"me l>y tbe LUtOWutl authorities to her parents in Wnlkerton. The guilty foreigner was taken to Listowel where lie received a KVB yc>ir sentence in the police court of tint town. Fall Fair Dates Sporting News of the district. IJAS1CBALL KKI-OKD OK CKIITKK (JRKV LKA>I\-K ()Hici..l Ntunding f ihe tennis, Aux. 23 Lost 2 2 2 r.c. .818 .77H .778 CREAM TESTING DAYS Tuesdays and Fridays We liave ifo'ji.iu.i 1 1 have decided tr> haw two diys a wpi-k fir t"3ri:i<{ creitu Tii^'hys uiiil Friday,-. Bring jraiir cream to the store. \Vc test mil pur ,t nme the highest in nket price. EARLY CLOSING The store will b? cUniJ every Tuurs;! ty owiim; at tip. in. until the end of the reason . JAMES McLEAN, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON Boar For Service I'ure bied Ue,' sterc.i V'orkstiire Bu for -.-ivtce \l:i\wll .l.tok IWJ08 on lot 107, S. W. T. A- S |{., Ar-emeiiia. Jrrnu. $1 W) S i n .t n-turnud will IIB char^tJ . > nu- i> lii-'ie HI piij. 10,4. 1U T. .1. STINS )N For Service U IB pura bn-d Sliuithurn bull on Lut Hi', Concession I.'!, Ailemeaia. 'IVrnii fl ''i for 'id'-- if paid inv.li- of 9 Bionlhc if not (2. l'ur<> bred* $.'! (i'l. ct 21 -ROUKHT KSBOKJIK. i The Parry Sound Stur siyn : Tuesday a p<ity from ihe ISelv dt-iu ln.ii-l tried | trolling tor trout at Kilthear Point aiid hooked :i inuiiNtiT .'171 b oiiL 1 . Thin is a'mut cue of tin- largi-Ht cin,;lit this yenr in i hi- liny. On the Imiikx ou!id>i iliev ' J I me common, I in h,i fir tins aveiML't* In* , been .iln.ul !."> puiind*. A .'i? pounder p iln up a bii; tijhi. rih () c t 13, 14 Chesley Sept 29, ^0 Collingw<y<d Sept 13, 1C Durham S,pt 29, 30 Dcil'oro . . . Sept 22, 23 Uiin.liill; Sept 27, L's FLKSII KU TON EPT 29, .SO FeVrlNlllllll Oct 4, , GMIH! Valley Sept '.'7, 28 Haimvi-i- Sept 12, 23 Hols'cin Sept 27, 28 Kilsylh Ocl (i, 7 Ljndon (Western Flit). ... S^pt in, 17 Mmkdule Oct 11, 12 Meafor J i e pt 2!l, .'ID Mount Fores' Sept 21, 22 OratiKeville Sepc Ifi, Hi Owen Sound Sept 13, 15 I'riceville o ct ly, 17 Shclburue Sept 20, 21 Tnronto (Can. Nat.) Aui< 2", Sept 10 Falls Sept 27 8 c'arefnMy Biter . Corrected Bull For Service I'lirrhiml Scotch ShoilliuMi bill), A'rl.N I'noV i:t644 tm erm-e on I. t ('II, < '.. n. H, Artenn^i.i TWMIIH 81 "it I, purebredt$. W. AlAUKK. EBCII Wrc-k . o :;o to o 30 Ifyj. 1 " :!? 'o u :<7 Winter Wheat 1 f> to 86 Spring Wheat ] 80 to 1 go Oats 40 to 42 H .1 ley 85 to iC. Hens 1 DO to 1 5<t Bu'.-U-he:!'. 1 00 to 1 05 I'oliltlllN 7<"> to 1 00 Apples 4 00 to 4 00 i Ceylon '.) Yamleieur. 7 Uundii k.. 7 Fieshertoii 7 - r > ..">8H Uockljn :t .r3 Eugene 2 ti .2.>0 Dundalk 4, Vandeleur . '. \ r >indi-leur 'J, ii)>eui>i '> Ceylon 23, Rooklyn 1:1. UAMKS THIS WEEK : I>undalk t Yndeleur Thur-sdy Another downfall occurred to \'iinde- Ii ur on Thurs'liiy afternoon when they pUyed with Dunrtulk on the luler'n LTOunilH, In ing Lenten by the scori- of 4 in 3. Thu game was nearly identical with lht p'ayed with Fleaherton the week bef> ire, as they lost in thejiinetb inniinj. VHiidcltur was leading in the 5th, whet: bumlalk came alon^ with four runs nnd tied the score. In the niiitth with two ynun out DumUlk tcok a In 1 ' in.' streak rid came along with the winiiiiii; fun. - Cargoe's Grocery If yon want good, clean, fresh Groceries or Con- fectionery give us a call. We carry nothing but the best. All kinds of fruits in season TOMATOES We kt-cj) fresh Tomatoes on hand at all times. Phone us your order right now and we will deliver to any part ot tlie town. ICE CREAM Tome in and visit our Ice Oc-im parlor, of cool drinks served. All kinds W. E. CARGOE Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery FLESHERTON, - Phone 30J - ONT. Property For !>ale Ynili;lrur had an e.iKy win on S;i'ur- The Fleahertoo-Caylon learn will ply dny from Eugenia, when they made the I j n t tournament nf Markdale on Thurs., r.tod property for sale in Eugenia, Falls boys sign over the game to them ;3..pt. 1st. Maikdale, Vamleleur and C'ntiioicg 1!> acres. A j;ood comtcrtable on account of the Kllis boys from Kioi ' Duodalk are expected t- Uke pt. h " U3e with odshed ; Rood cellar and . , , cistern ; nod puir.p in a drilled well berley playing, they not hiving i K ni> .u j |undy to * door a ' good barn 8nd strsw the leugue. As H cuust'ciuenoe the gime _\ awaiting contest tcok place on' s hed on stone foundation, and good w;u givfii to them 9 0. An exhibition < M,,,, : ,\ afteri.oun when the Uocltlyn cement stables underneath, good land dime was played, huwBver, ntul Vnnde- bl ,y s p |,,j e d a Loiuue 8 aine at Oylon, , nd wel1 fcnced - Apply to leur i- inn- out 4 aeoi e. nth the long end of a >> to the Utter coiM'iit< our with the Ions end iof the 23-13 .-core. I u , - Walker, Eugenia. Farm For Sale The race in (Tie league is becomiug i >^^-ir AT^r) TU K Lt 7 nd 8, C'.'O. 13, Ojprey, consist- cluser a each game in thv final schedule ivl^tL/ j ing .jt l.'iO acres, 1C acres cleared, bal. U played. There .sliou'd be * bumper \\ e have Ked Brick and :J. 4, 5 nd 6 hardwood nd pasture. (Jood brick inch tile ready fm the uurket. vene.red 7 room dwelling il good irni/-ijT cellar ; good well, car house, hen house. J. C. iVRIGH I , 'goil bunk barn 50 x ."2 on stone founds- Proton Buck ,nd Tile Wi.iks tion. 1 acre orchard. For particulars crowd at Vandeleur on Thtusdny. .lack 1-dea of the Iv.j, ..i i club made a Iniiiit) lun i.n SaturJay, hitting lht> bull; over ihe left tixld fence, a nicd long hit. Farm For Sale apply t o nt Farm For Sale _,, I...t 2. c.in. 4, ArtfDlMU, coutainir.g The name bet ,,, Uundalk ami hu- : , 1 , cri . H> -- aai , s c , eared snd under yenia, shedulid thih \Vediiesdty.has been I ciiltivaiion, 17 acres hardwood bush : iioHtponed ' hrst clan* Hiring, also ijood well ; clay . Ll)t '-". L 'n- l ;i . Ar'eineia, consisting ind 8-tndy soil ; s .lid brick house, ten "f I*- 10 acns, all cleared, and on tb prem- rooms, furimce heated : bank burn f>2 by "' '" * S"'d brick veneered 11 ronu C . ylun i leading the Leawu now ai d 45 f,.^, ; K t,e. p hon-e. liog pen. This dwelling with cood cellar and woodshed. if Vaudeleiir l.op to bt al the top at all f irm is 2i miles nor:h of I'riceville on a they wil liiv to .on., through with a I Kood road. Apfd.V win en Thursday. I)- HAltUoW. Ceylon P (). j. i AffUf^ iS i: itt and! CITIZENS of Ontario The only salvation for Ontario's revenue-producing forests is the preven- tion of forest fires. Your support and co-opera- tion is absolutely essential. Forest fires are rapidly diminishing our re- .sources of timber and ])iilpwood. Over 90 per cent, of Ontario's forest fires are caused by human carelessness. everybody was careful to prevent the start of lire, Ontario's Forest would be safe. Ontario's Forests They're BUSINESS MEN of Ontario Lend us 11 blind. The v.u ions Imsi in^s n.;so< i.itions of bunkerj-, boards of trade, ni mi flic torero, nierchnntf-, bntibernien; engineers, educationalists, tourists, anil sports- men, and all other bodies of weight and influ- ence, can do a great work for this province atid for their own interests well by actively pro- moting educational iwopnpalHia to reduce forest RAILWAY OFFICIALS can help. Railway* rau nit 40'; of Ontario's Forest tires. .The Forestry Branch is beinif well Mipporled by improved co-o|icr:'tKin on the part of r.iilwny nfl'ii-iabi and Ijy the Doininioii Railway I'oard. Let UH reduc<- the number of ruihvay tires one- half this guinmrr. (The train passenger in Northern Ontario vho pmi-l.altintly throxv.s hi-i eifrnn !tc or i-igiir out of the witidov 1 . during tin- forest tiri' M'IISOU is desei'viliK of ;i j;iil .sen tcnce!) CAMPKRS, tourist.:, fHiriT.ien, picknickeia. berry picKi'i:-, prospectorn atul hunterij : luuild Ontario Forestry Branch '.I their responsibility even though out of c. ! ;ht of the policeman. SETTLERS can eo-operate by exercising ii' iv: vare in setting out tiiv on their own pro- perty. LUMBER FIRMS can help by impressing on nil foremen the need for carefulness. River- drivers in dry seasons should he specially warned. (Jan^s of men (roinjj in and out to the camps need special attention, because of the danger ahint; the slash-lined trails from the inevitable cigarette. TIIK PRESS could do more public-spirited constructive work to reduce forest fires than any other single au'ency. This is a non-poli- tical campaign in whieli the whole press could join. LEADERS OF PUBLIC OPINION In every Community should be thr first to extend a helping hand. Tell the Chief Jianper or write . the Head Office any time you have information ur inggestloni to imnart, w questions to nsk. 6717C r r .s .1 Buildings, Toronto 18 .I,,n,,-i. Coohrane of Owen Sound KM I BOflF FofSeiVJCe tined ."iOO fur ii. ikn ; home brew HII I i I'nie lir-ii Voik^bn-- Hour for "!> iee "filing it. CouhiHiin was s-nt t>i j ill j on lot .'(7, con. I!, \itiiin--i-*. 'I'eiins until ha e mid raiiB the ;"il)0 willian'H. ! $1.00. - JOHN 1 1 Alii'.UA VK, lY>i... acruu uiidur cultivation, baluicwin pasture with ^mid iiever failing BprinK, two .-mill oic'.iard!*, well close to house ; hank hnni 40x00 on stone fouudition and ct'ii-n' ..t., i . litter carrier in stable ils ii :_ o i well, driveahed and ^araa*, a -'i- .IH| fairly u'.od barn 40x45, gocd hen IIOUT. For particulars apply to - LKXVIS GENOE. Eugenia, K. K. No. 1 The Tractor With The Steady Stream Of Power THE SAMSON TRACTOR is just tbe Tractor you have been looking fur. Strong and powerful, compact, and built right as all SAMSON TRACTORS arc luiilt, it sells at u price low enough tor the most cvnstTvative fanner. For such work as plowing, discing, hariowing, spreading manure, cultivating anil other field work it is an ideal Tractor. You uan also do all kinds of belt work with it .such MS running a thresher (and we positively guarantee the Samson to run a '28" Threshing Separator satisfactorily) operating a silo tiller, grinding grain, sawing wood. The SAMSON TRACTOR being a (lenerd Motors product, is up to the usual high class (renerat .Motors standard as regards design, ^ workmanship and materials. The Mowerful motor used in this Tractor is especially built tor tractor work, and the entire Tractor motor, transmission, etc., is built complete in the Samson factories. Platform, lenders, magneto, governor, air cleaner, Impulse starter, etc.. are regular equipment with the SAMSON TRACTOR. The SAMSON TRACTOR has won out in many competitive tests with other Tractors. It wins because of its surplus power and its high ettieianoy for belt and draw-bar work. dome in and see this SAMSON TRACTOR, or we would be glad to give a demonstraetion on your own farm on either belt or draw- bar work. We carry A complete stock ot parts, always ready to keep the Samson power continuous. D. McTAVISH & SON Chevrolet Car and Samson Tractor Dealers Phone 9w - FLESHERTON - - -

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