Flesherton Advance, 25 Aug 1921, p. 5

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. ' -- ' - . . . i August 25 1921 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE Your Financial "Paper" r\O you get prompt acceptances and quick re- turns on your notes, drafts and other "paper"? A network of branches and agencies covering the whole Dominion enables this Bank to offer you a highly efficient and specialized collection service Ltt STANDARD SERVICE >pitd up jtnr TraJi "Paptr" THE STANDARD BANK _ _ _ OF CA.NAOA. W TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Flesherton Branch : i Geo. Mitchell, Manager. AN ADI AN C. P. R. Time Table. leave Fleslierton Station M Going North 11.52 p. in. 1 1 iius ollows : Going South 7.55a.m. 4.30 p.m. !).:%. m. The mails are osmt at Flesherton ti follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and f p.m. ; and the ufrernnoir mail south at 3.40 o'clock. For morning train smith nail close at 9 p. m. the previous w;. Mis. Scotland dtughter, Leone, Klora, apei.l the patt week with Mr. J. Caigoe. Cir load xx B.C. Shinnies price f 3 25 : square. Ph->nft 1'!, W, A. Armstrong. Mrs. Richard Pedlar of Winnipeg is visititii! old friends in tlni vicinity. Mr. Ed. Best started his threshing outfit going on Monday. The Fleshertim fall fair prize list can QMW be had from the secretary, A. Haw- ken, t'lesherton. Mr. and Mrs. \V. Miller returned on Saturday after spending a couple week 9 with the 1 itlci s parents a Uoneywoud, About !400 people will take part in the Canadian National Exhibition spec- , tacle this year. Mr Jos Armstrong of Thrnbury was There U an odor of fall in the air. ' a pleasant Ciller at Tbe Advance office on Miss Alliu Luna of Toronto is thagues'. ; Monday, of Mrs. I.... Adams. Charles Doupe has purchased the Mr. Mai k \\ilson started Monday the j blastiav outfit from Mr. Bentley, who j txca,vtion for hU new butcher shop. '' w y im here some weeks ago. K P. Fawcett motored i.ver from Lr>s !:...;-. California, and visited his rr. brother, E. Fawcett, last week. Miss Am.itf Howard returns to Toronto this week after an extended vis't here. George Phillips and family of Toronto ., T t .. mutoied up Sa'urdsy and visited relatives Miss Annie McLaughry visited Ml|. aunt, Mrs. John Heard, lapt week. VICINITY CHIPS Tho following from an excluoge to apply io most i,f aid Ontario : The harvest is nearly over, the earliest f >r several years and tht> wrst since the giasthopper year, 18U5. Fall wheat and barley are average crops but oata are a; failure. Owinsj to rust the late nats are* a complete failure and the en y are not, much better than half a cr.,p Both the' lte and early potj'.o crops are a failure. ! W ith the low price of cattle, prospects, are not very bright for the farmers, and '. there is considerable complaining that when crops are poorest the taxes are | highest owing to the Pt -n incial C.unty , work that is being curried un. la Orillia the Cbatau(]ua was a decided failure and the tjuanntuis hare bei-n asked to make up a deficit of $1098. There promises to lie a iegtl battle to determine the guarantors' liability. Small Ads. Try Feversha.Ti Pastry Flour, the bent or your cook. All Ontario wbeir Tl'^^g^BgBg^jyg^^ r sewing machine for aalc, nearly new John Dand, Feversham. MUs Shirley Murray is home (or her holidays. Mr. ' i.. . - L j y of Markham Village thrown l>y the wheels of a passing auto. icitcd with Mr. Win. Inkster in town last week. Postage on all newspapers will be Mr. Jue Cirnu'eld and daughter Gladys . I doubled on Jan. 1 next, according to a of Toronto visited fueods here last week in this vicinity. J. C. Kentner of Oranevill* had a pane of plate ul;iss broken by a stoct Chopping done i/n Saturdays only Graham Bros. Eugenia Octlfl Reduced prices un all suits nd suiting II. Alexander. Fev^rhm 20 1 81 Poultry For Sale A number of Black Mi-wrens, all youn W. W. Trimble. A litter of young pigs for sale - Apply to Edmund Pallister. Maxwell. Four new Oliver plows for sale. Prices right. Call and see them H. Djwn A Sons, Fle*herton. zn^ltn^Z^^I^ZZZZirz^ZIZIZ A number of choice R I Red single FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER C >mb cockerels for sale, 91 and Si 50 if let a- th.- t onee This orticu. SCHOOL AGAIN ! Oaly a few days now, and the boys and girls will he getting ready for school again. In all probability they will need something to replace what they have worn out during the strenuous holiday time, or some extra clothing for the cooler days that are sure to come. Perhaps you can spare time to come in and see what we have to otter in juveniles. Our prices have all been revised ami are based on to-day's market values. 1 BOYS' SUITS With bloomers or trousers, good dur- able tweeds, neat patterns, newest styles. Sizes 2H to 35. Prices from $7.50 tO $18. CHILDREN'S HOSIERY Brown or Black, heavy, medium and tine rib in cotton, cashmere or worsted Special Prices. CHILDREN'S JERSEYS Cotton or worsted, high neck, or buttoned on shoulder, plain colors or in pleasing color combinations. All sixes. Prices 40c. tO $2.75. BOYS' CAPS New styles, weli made, good range of patterns. Prices from 75c. tO $2 Children's Footwear Special An assortment of Children's and Laced Boots suitable for school wear. Sizes lOi to -2 Regular prices $i ) .o.~> to $3.f0 ......... Special at $1.98 F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON ONTARIO I Wanted A junntry I wheat, oati id barley. We <r:ll pay the bights' . P k.t .,r,..^ \v. J. Stewart A Son. a iJ barley. market price. and nave The Advance a friendly call. Osprey prize list is now in the hands of the secretary . J. A. Keruahtn, Max- well. Mrs Johu Miller and two children notice recently received by The Advance Mr. and MM Fred McTaviih arrived in t"u in m < >-ih i.v;i last week u: t aie n iw doiuiciltd here. .f Mi-- Gweiiny ','; in of visited girl friends here . i- week. II. r K. Trimble of the Merchant's bank, Stratford, is home for a fortnight's lorunto vuiitd relatives here during the : ^i^ny P* 8 ' W " k ' Mr. E'irl Jenkins nd Miss I.elty Mr,. J. Mcftddtfii tpiut a wrk *">! While of Taronto are visiting wiih the her .Uier. Mrs. R. MoFadden, <"'>' lat.er's parents here. Miss Bertha Smith of Owen Sound Mr. Joe AnuslioMj} of Toronto me ' ite d hei cousin,M,. Mamie MrTarlsb, up UM week to .peud holidays with WsK^^ tfae ^ ^^ family, whu have been summering in ' then CUL: <re here. The ceu.-ry for this year's pecltcle tt (M ^~ r theCanad.au National Inhibition " ; heru a ft)vr years s , . tea $00 feet I MIS? nd in places :0 feet A mistake in a name appeared iu tho high. : minutes of Arlemesia Council last issue. Church of England - Divine service ! It r(a j lhat Dr . L,, le be paid 12 for will tD.V.) be held every Sunday evening ; ,, crv i ce8 . I. should bare reid Dr. Mc- iii the towi hall at 1 p.m. Rev. George , Yruonun, B.A. L Th., Rector. Uy The Advance has a good owning now ' tor an i|.i ...I.IK-U to learn the newspaper i.u printing business. Special mduce- ivut to the right kind of a youth. Ail the luembeis of Osprey Cuumi Dr. B'irt, eye specialist of th Kar, were present at . regular meeting held m Osprey Council Came Astray One ewn and two Unibe John I'oole, lot 4, con: 10, Osprcy, Eugenia P:O. Fire and wind Insurance in the best companies for tarn', and town properly W. O Fawcett, eiir. Ceylon Owen Scund, Onr . Bii-nir-*. Shorthand and Preparatory .TIJ Coure. Cttslitgue Fire. C. A. FLEMI.VO, F. C. A., Principal i:nce G. D. FLEMING. SecnUry. Mention ihispsper wheu *-u- Ho*e nd Lot For Sale The prop- erty known as the Ashdown residence at Ceylon, an eitfht roomed dwelling, ^ood celUr, -t.ibl-, etu. : about an :to.e of lind, wuuld make a good home far a retired gentleman. For terms and fur- ther particulars |>ply to W. J. Bellamy, Flesherton. IMay t f House and Lot For Sle at Ceylon One sere of laud, a lariie frainn house, 9 rooms. ."' bedrooms, dining room, parlor, good hal's. kitchen, pun'ry and cellar, all well furnished and in good condition. Woodshed V.iached. Also good stable anJ well. Nc.tr the C. P. K. statiou. App'y lo Mi*. R I'. I.eJ-ita, Ceylon. Yonsje and Charles Streets, Toronto I Is noted (hruuithout Cmada for hiuh ijrade woik. \Vrjfe for c-italogue and arrange t. enter at ur Fall IWm opening August 'J9th. \Ve have tilled pt>iiinr. ' recently at J150 a nn ntU and $'J700 per annum. W. .1. ELLIOTT. .-.-: i:: BOOTS & SHOES I In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, H: Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's |j; Wear we have a nice assortment of Bj Mahogany and some good lines in Black. |sj Also very serviceable Work Boots. H: BE Repairing promptly attended to. ::. THOS. CLAYTON . ::: BOAR for SERVICE Purebred Tain worth Bosr fcu- s. rvice on lot Itif . S W T ;nul S E . AritMiiiuiit.. Terms- SI 50. Sows not returned will be charged same ax those in pie. Fob 1.' -T. J.STISSON. Prop FLESHERTON, ONTARIO g * ................................ v^, ............................... > \V^^1 ** ^* ..... ........ .... ..... t ... ......... (T^tjTX ......... , t ......... "... .rjJ*"rT. . Eye, Nose and 1'lir at, will be a( tho Munshaw Houiv, Fleshertou, Wed., 'Aug, ittit from ' ft.m. to 1^ a.ia. Eyes tested and glasses lupplnd. Rev. aiul Mrs. Kaymer and two chil- dren of (^ueenston Heights are visiting Dr. and Mrs. Murray. Mr Raynmi occupied tii.! pulfit of the Methodist church Sunday tveuiug, taking is tits theme tho Prodigal Son, but dwelling ou the two thoughts, " give me ' and " make me. " He was listened tj with great attention. The Flesherton high ichoul stlt' is now complete and it is thought to be a good one. The trustees have taken plenty uf time lo make their selection and have bad to materially raise salaries iu order to get the standard of teachers wanted for this school. The new princi- pal is Mr. Neil Mori MOD, B.A , and the lady teachers are Miss M. Holmes and Mi>s A A. King. the Orange hall at Fetersham Saturday, Aug 6th. After adopting the minutes of the last meeting the f jllowiug i ins were passud : James Daviilkou, wire fence tonus, $11, G E Miller wire fence bonus 9lu, H W Keruahan stamps $i>, Municipal World supplies $J 3,t. Flesh- ertou Advance printing account 91-0.33, Duudilk Herald piinting account f43, A C McDonnell ceuieut 9172 80. Graham Bros bridge timber |.M 00. The following gravel accounts woie paid : Philip Wood $13. JO, J Thompson ((>, John Dand ^L 1 :: 'i'.'. Cavil Monughaa ftf.'JC), Richard Davnoik S: ; l !_'. John McFarUne $14, W R Scutt $27 7 o, B Wood *J. Rjbt Hill SU 25, William Montgomery $J (12, N Crevier ?9 ;<7, Mrs H Roberts $'.'0.75, K Taylor f.S -.'5, W J Mullen lj3 "">, Win McCutuhei n . Flesherton Tailor Shop I What ai'o you going to do about that new suit you - are going to get this fall? There is uothiiig nicer than a iiKule-to-oi'der suit. Call in and see my samples of suitings and overcoatings. Suits and Overcoats Turned to look like new. Our prices are rignt, and fit, sty'e and workmanship the best. Pressing and Cleaning done on shortest notice. ^ . CW^v^t.-SS ... -". ^ .-V-' .-. _ ^ . --^'---^.'^W.-V.^l/.'VA/a^!' Music Store News A great chance to obtain a cabinet size gramo- phone at a low price. We otter this week a full sixe Columbia Grafonola in fumed oak, equipped with the non-set automatic stop (no other machine has this feature) compartments for^ 7") records. Regular $135, now . . . F.JwHi-its McKuii/.ie -That Mr Kcss be appointed to return to A C McDon- null ihe sacks in which was contained the A jolly motor parly arrived here from cement used on the bridge ou the 23rd Indianapolis, Indians, Ust week and i siduroad. M .rod with friends for a couple of days. Bylaw No (.!!>") to levy the srv*ial rates The pirty cousinted of Mr. Win. Kar- : required in the township was introduced, v M;, wife and daughter, and VV. A. ,,. u l the rtiiuired uutubei of times uul Linton, wife *nd child. The/ came ovei i yass-d, county rate being 11 !I-10 mills, by Windsor and returned by way of : general school rate, 0:511) nulls, and Toronto, Buffalo and Cldvelaud. The ! township rate 5 8 10 mills, best day's r u n was 310 miles, from! R,,ss Poole That a meeting of cer- ludianipo'is to Windssr. Mr. Kurs'.edt |u j n p e tiuoiieis and any other* interested .lived bere l>out :'.0 yers ago and , ju h y( j ro |i K ht and power be held in the occasionally runs over just to keep in yjii,^ u f Fevershain on Tuesday, Aug touch with the facial scenery around .^. hA st .> p , Flesherton. Kdwards-McKenzie That Georgs W In these days of light grain cro| Ros bo instiucled lo settle in full with general y throughout the country it i( Seeley Bios for construction of kridgv on retreshing to know that 'o here sra >u t 20th sidoroad. hit as badly as ro some sections of the McKotu e - Riwt That tho commta- country. In factrue farmer in tl: $ i olier o f D lV No 1 be authorized to i-noiediate vicinity of this village inform* : s j vo ,ti se f or sale the ctMiitnt stoied .in The Advance that he has tho best crop . ARorl ij ( , ss - s i, sru aiul to dip-.iHe of it M this year lht ho ha* eve: reaped, and ho ,^v inta^tously HS possible. h ben f^nniust here for ft gocxi many yeais. i'i>tntocs, however, are poor crop and will be tery light. Tharo aro ' very f,ew tubers in : hill. T. C. BLAKELY, Armstrong Block, Flesherton Columbia Grafonolas Victrolas t Windsor and Stewart Gramophones Records and Needles Ask about the "Record Club" Council liioll ; Maxwell on October 1st. H. W KFKX V11AN, meat in W. A, HAWKEN dealer for MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER PIANOS. PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. see ifcese high grade instruments AT mm ; llawkau'd Photo Q.illary and >[usie Stoi' FLESHERTON Call W. A. ARMSTRONG. Phones 13 and 28. Flesherton, Ont. WE SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES OU iM ANURE SPREADER. WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEIWCNT AGENT. FLESHERTON.

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