Flesherton Advance, 15 Sep 1921, p. 5

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September 15 1921 FLESHEKTON ADVANCE Your Seed Grain T"0 obtain maximum yields you need to sow Test- ed Seed Grain. To purchase good seed you may require financial assistance Extending accommodation for such purposes is an important phase of Standard Service. i mr heal Uantftr THE STANDARD BANK , CANADA. TOTAL ASSETS OVER NINETY MILLIONS Flesherton Branch : - Geo. Mitchell, Manager. ANADIAN PACIFIC. C. P. R. Time; Table. .- leave Flesherton Station A football tonrnamant will k held al Fevershani on Sept. '20. See billi. Mrs. Carl Walker ( Mitchell \ visit- ing relatives in this locality. Flesherlon fall fair races on Friday, Sept. .'i'. th, good purses. Mrs. D. McTavish is visitin? her ollows : 'j".:i_ SoUth Going North uv* iu UB UIKU vuwi uuuv *c luau- 7 K R m 1 1 5" n in daughter, Mrs. (Dr ) Coleridge. Windsor. T.aoa.m. 11.0. p.m. ' aaerue,nt of tha Women a Institute. The 9.:-(Op. m. Big Tournament At FleshertoH The Flesherton ball club is holding a baseball tournament tuday (Thursday) on the agricultural park and a good day c . baseball ia looked for. Vi.iuVUur ia un- ' able to come and a good team from ' Kimberley has stepped in to fill the space. Moat of the Kimberley players were with ' Heatbcote this year and so hare not been playing in this district this season. Ellis, the Kimberley south paw pitcher, will t on hind and thuuid maka a marry run ' for the championship, as he is considered ane of tha best. The tournament is being run as a benefit for "P.i. Beattia, ho broke his leg in the local's opening game of the taasuo on May 20 last and hits not been able to walk since. All teams are requested to be on hand early so as to .till. T the tirst gaire to ccmmeDce at 1.13 aharp. In the evening a grand concert will be held in the high school under the uian- 4.30 p.m. The mails are i>sea at Flesherton ti follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and. Op.m. ; and the afternoon mnil south at 3:*Q o'clock. For morning train s-.uth mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. VICINITY CHIPS Baseball tournament toJi-y (Thursday). Will you be there. Mrs Geo Ciirns returned from Toronto fter spending the past month in Toronto. i Mr. and Mrs G Tmto and three chil- dren of Chicago, visited the latter'* aunt, Mrs. Sanderson, list week. Most of tl>e high schools and aoll*giatea are overcrowded thia term and in mauy cases new quarters hate to be secured. The David Brothers assisted by othar tirst class ttUiu ;'.. give a concert at Pnceville on Friday evening. Sept. 'JS.in the Presbyterian church. See bills. Thomas Hawaiian trionand Percy David, comedian, will give a concert second to noue that has evec been in this district. ) Lovers of Hawaiian music w; 1 hare a chance to see haw che wonderful melodies re played, %nd listen to a delightful program of tru s, soKn and aomic uogs. I', will be a real treat. Reserved seat* can be secured at Richardson 1 Jiua store. Ribbits may be shot a: any time in : Messrs. G. li. Welton and W. P. Ontario. Crossley motored to Mr. Forest on Sun Don't miss the Hawaiian concert in tha 'day, taking the former's mother home, i school, Fleshert-m, this Thursday, after speeding the past month here. Mr. anil Mrs. Doc Fairey and Mrs. Mrs. Oscar England of Orillia is isit- with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Breen. Mrs. J. W. Henderson it fitting ith friends in Dundalk. Frank Gordon (nee Rebecca Richardson) of Toronto \isited friends in t-own over i Owen Sound Fair Sept- 13th, 14th and 15th Don't fjret Owen Sound Fair, Tues- . day, Wednesday and Thursday cf next reek. Eihhibiu better tbnn evr. t'pj to date Midway. Baseball and Football' !' uru-initn:j and other attractions. SCHOOL AGAIN ! Only a few days now, and the boys and girls will be getting ready for school again. In all probability they will need something to replace what they have worn out during the strenuous holiday time, or some extra clothing for the cooler days that are sure to come. Ptrhaps you can spare time to come in and see what we hare to otter in juveniles. Our prices have all been revised and are based on to-day'a mar-net values. BOYS' SUITS With bloomers or trousers, good dnr. patterns, able tweeds, neat styles. Sizes 26 to 3.~>. from $7.50 tO $18. newest Prices CHILDREN'S HOSIERY Brown or Black, heavy, medium and fine rib in cotton, cashmere or worsted Special Prices. CHILDREN'S JERSEYS Cotton or worsted, high neck, ot buttoned on shoulder, plain colors er in pleasing color combinations. All sizes. Prices 4Qc. tO $2.75. BOYS' CAPS New styles, well made, good of patterns. Prices from 75c. tO $2 MILLINERY DEPARTMENT We are pleased t) announoe Miss Collver has resumed charge of this Department for the season. Advance orders will have h^r special atteation. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO Still and Owners Captured Mr. Thomas Beiuham tpent If you haven t dona so before ibis will the past j be a good year to start exhibiting at tb* week at Toronto, Bowmanville and Fleshettoo Fair. The pr z< list has been Pickering. i increased and is very attractive. Mr. Gfo. SV Lite span t the past week , K . I 1 Uolmin of Hopkins, Mich., kt his firm near Ayluier. where ha and H. H Iman of Toronto aud Mrs. Richard faiu: . intend moving in a couple week*. Stone. of Minto, Mas, ttuded tha Mr. George Irwin and wife, of Dun funeral of their mother, Mrs. P.Ho'.min. gannon, ire quests cf Mr. nd Mrs. W. Flesberton W. I. hive engaged the I. Henry this week. Thomas Hawaiian trio ana Percy David, Mrs. F. H. W. Hicklinjjamlher sistei comedian, for a concert in tha high Mrs. J D. Clark, visited friends in school Thursday, Sept Small Ads. If > ** Try A : Toronto last week. A meeting of Osprey V F U will ba held iu the Orange Hall, Feversham, OD Sept. 17 at S p.m. A full attendance is urgently requested -H. Spofford, Sec. Misses Berth* and Jaan Smith uf wen Sound were guests of their cousin, &Ii-s M t.nie Mclarish, over the week ud. .limmv Fax, comedian ; -I H Cameroa, utertalner ; Maud Busclilen, viohaist, A . ! '>. - Olddeld, soprano, aro eui_ r nd lor Fleshertou Fir Concert Sep'.. 3C. Mr. and Mrs. Thurs'un, Mis. D Me- Tavish and Mrs. Wai. Miller and daughter, Marion, spent the week end with tha formers' daughter at Mitchell. Church i>t Ku^itiiKi Diviua aeivioe will (D.\~ i be held every Sunday in the town hall it 7 p m. Rev Vrouman, B A. L Th. Rector. To cars collided on Of i he public school. George Dy Sunday iu front I>HU of the c"tr Was damaged to the extent of I'ent fenders and a leakii.t; radiator. . Now F.iil Millinery new ready for the ladies, nli > are spec'.il'y invite i to call nd see <mr new things Mrs. W L Wright. Service in the Methodist church on Suiulij I'Veu^ng were taken by Mr. Will Buchanan of Vandeleur iu pUee of the pastor, Itev. Oke, who w*9 conducting the Le.muo service at Vaiuleleur. Service was dispensed with in the Prpshytenin church on Sunday, as Mr. Fowlei was taking ihe services in Mark- dale. Kev. Conn of Markdale took the aunivtusaiy services at Proton. Tho yuirterly Communion service will be held in the Piesbytertiui church, Flejherton, on Sunday, September IS'li. The Preparatory Seivice on Thursday, September 15th will be taktn by the Rev. J. U. Nke. Col. Henry Cockshntt of Brant ford is the uew Lieutouant-Giivernor of Ontario, iicctedintt the late Lionel H. Clarke. ol. C. ckshntt is president of the Cock- shult Plow to. aud i* .e.'nnected with muneroiH other conip*nies. Sloan -Fenwick At 4 o'clock Thurs- day at"! ei noon of last week * St. Johns Presbyterian chuich, Toronto, tha mar- tiagu w:s soleinuixiil by Uv. Thomas Rogers of Mis Mary Kdiu I! lady* Kenwick, to Mr. Archi'mld M. Slonn of Chicago. Tlio bride is granddaughter of the late Henry Fenwick of Eugeii.t and nieca of Mr Thomas K.-nwi.-k of that 15. Admission 00 cents, reserve seat* 75 ceuts. Two car loads peachei>, pluti.s and grapes tn sell at lowest market i>iice. Phone order and we will deliver by truck. Wholesale acd retail. George Suracr, Dunda'.k. We are pleased at the response to our request of sendmv: in the oinies of 1 riaitors for publication. In face ; f our readers would send in any bit of interest- *ii.j; news it would help us coniiderably and make the paper moie newsy. Harry Wright, we'l known here. where for several yeais he judged poultry tt our fall ttir, and formerly baj2*<<* mister at Owen Sound, sustained a para ' lytic atroke in Toronto, where he is now living, rnd n.i hope is held i tit f'T his recovery. A horse belonging to D. Dow under- took to cr >8K the bog hele east of the villain ''" Thursday last. When found he had uly his head and ueok above the oo*e. A ganu of men with ropes soon yanked him out and he is now as L'y as aver. A reception lo thf high scViol stude-iH w heid by the 1'reibyteriau Guild ou Tuesday evening of list week and the evtninit was enjoyed by all. The Y P S uf tho Methodist church aNo helo a reception Monday evening of this weak. Games and contests were fully enjoyed by all, and with the luuch at the close made it a perfect t veiling. Learn Dress and Coat Making Wa will be in Flesheit.-n Sept. -'1 to ttach dress and coat cutting aud makiiiK in all the latest styles. Coins mid take this wonderful course. We will also hold olai) in Maxwell on Sept. 26. I.\di*s 'vishi'.'ij (o take tUi< course car. oicet ut at tho hotel iu Fleshertou Sept. 21, at '2 o clock p.m. to arrupge for class, also it the hotel at Matwel! ^ept. LY> to arrange for class, 'J lo ."> p in. MJSMS Yallance, teachers. Turnbull ROM- -A ijuiet wedding U-k place at Blfor -itie< t Presbyterian church, Toronto, on 'L'litusday, Sept. I, when Mary Urassick Kos, sec"nd davuhtsr of Mr Hnrry RODS of Alierdeen, Scot- laud, liecame the bride of Dr. Alex- ander Turnbull. Klashertjii, the cor- emouy l>cma WHMMtsjd by Kev. ' Dr. Wall tee, pastor of the church. Dr. and Mrs. TurntuU returned on Saturday sfier a motorlnij trip and holiday in Mu.-ki ka. We welcome Mrs. Turnbull tn Fli-shei'tou, and yive rur best wishes to the. highly eteenied received a tip that swamp whiskjy wa.s beiag iunufact ared on tha premise! of Steve Weingart, a bachelor l or your cook. farmer livma about three miles west of town, says the Walkertou Herald andj choppio* done on Saturday, only- Tiuie... License Inspector Whi:e, accora- , Grihsin Bros Eui{ , ntl , o^,, panied by Chief Ferguson, made a raidj .. on the piemies and found a portion of' in up to date still, but not seen n Weiu- , gart they suspected that ha had concealed himself on their approach an 1 searching 1 the home they Kuad him hiding under 1 the bed. < >u beaikj discovered WeiaQUll came out from under cover bu f would' not giv^ them ny i.. formation as to the reutofthes.il. A search revealed thJ Soot, FtodMrton. wot m under some hay behind the !>arn : and when assembled made one uf 'ha Reduced prices ou all suits and (UitiniP H. Alexander. Feer.ham 2(1 1 21 A litter of young pigs for sale -Apply , : ' Edmund Palh.ster, Maxwull. Four new Oliver plows for **!e. Pr-ces , 'right. Call and see them H. D.,wu \ In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in Black. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. be-t m 'onshine uianufacturina plants the. i rhc^rs had yet se.-n. [n the barn was also discovered a .'50 gallon barrel of mash coe'ed over w:th hay. Wein."i:t i- arrested. aUo a man ciii-.'d " Frenchy, who was part rwner if the plan' . Eti.h| ot the men was fined 3<liK> and c Its. A number uf choice R I Red snu'e c . -rub cckerels fir sale. ?1 and f 1 ">" if taken a- once This office. Th. 1 average man will speed is ir.iicli tinio telling sturies about his >Io^ as a woman will about her tirst baby r" r" iuj wind insurance in the bist '.11 companiBS for tiru. aud town prvper'y 2J8 W. O Fawcett. ai-enr. Crylnu ; ' :? s For Sale Four ^ ",! work l;ores : r .!* <a!e. a!.-o ,'o.;d . ne h rse he<\y wi^.-n.-- W B We/, m. FlesluTt >n. * BRICK AND \V,. luvo ReJ Brick and :>. 4. j and nch tile ready '. r 'lie mirku:. J. C. WRIGHT, Pi-oton Brics uui Ti> W..iks- Lost Lint nut. s pi '.* ami bo-iy bel: on rtth line, Aitemesia or Ospri-y Finder f lr\-i- ' ^a\ r "elephone (irli.'e. Fever- I sh iai. or Advance i "* - Pnr ELLIOTT I. >:-On Tuesd.iy. S, . between Pmder'i bdku shop and Wm. Reid's, a pocket book with <'.;m jf money. Fini'er ple:i.<e leave w ;h Wm. Reid or at The Advance odi -f, H --eanii Lot r"nr>il '<.' e pr.'p- Vouge aud Cimrios Streets. Torcu;,- erty known. is the .\slnlnvn ro? Is a school it!i i sp!i'ndul record. | Ceyloo, an eight roomed dwel'u:^. . >: i' :: Wlien supi'ri<u::y "t traiinv,- n e us .1 ercd this ecllei.'' 1 r-mk< amoii^ the best en the continent. Wrr >i iy for OatalogUe. Knter a' any t:'in". W. .J. ELLIJ'FT. celhr. stable, , i' :; an i>- -. .-f 1'iiiii, would make a ;ood h. :ne f,>r a retired gentleman. For -eniM t: .'. f.:r- ther uarticulars apply to W. .T. HeKa-iiy. 1 \l .y t f Young pii;s tin- weeks ol.l for sile He!) McKci-:-'i\ i " \! For Sale Brood so, also - :!: youus pins A'so i(mnti(y ot seed lye, a this year's >-nip, and a Bell ihreshinv; separator in yooil repair : will sel oheup Bf 8;iOO_\V. ,1. A'oox. M.atkdi'f P.O' Phone House and Ix)t For S:i!o at Ceylon O.ie \ctf of Nml. a Nrm> fraiin* !i'i:>e. ! F)orns, > bedrooms, >iin<iK room, parlor, jjioj hil's. k-.U'h en, paniry an. I cellar, all well furnished and in K-'od ooml-ti. n. Wdoished attached. A'< ; ..! stable aad 'li. Ne.ir iho C. 1'. K. * iriuw. Appl/ to Mrs. R P. Legate, Ceylon. I BOOTS & SHOES ili x I !E THOS. CLAYTON i: :r FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO jj; 11! !* . >* ?!* ?*???? SCHOOL DAYS Most students like to own a fouurain pen We can tit YOU up with a fountain thaf is iruaranteed to give you steady service. This i.s tie \vell known "WATERMAN." rim 1 and heavy points. A good serviceable pen at ......... $2.75 and $2.50 < WE SELL Clarksburg Camp Meeting Mr. Ueori-e White, ao.'ompaiiied by his cousin, Mr. t". White of Aylmer, while iiKitotin-; from tlvat town SuniViy were run into by another motorist be- tween HamsU'ii mul Puliuerston ami hd theii front wheel smasbed, The C.osnol Woikers (\\\.) will hold their annual . .imp niaetinu; at Claiksburg from Tuesday, Sept.!', to SunJay, Scot. 18, inclusive. Rev. t>uvul Aiuleison will bo with us. Wo are expecting roJs bent aud fen. ler di-iiioyoJ. No i-na ' special lu>!;> il.!i ilu- .-ti^ii.^. l-',n r was seriously injured aud Ih* siut'enmn ' services will lo licld i-*ch il iy a S) sod arritwl here Monday after gottiiig repairs 10 -'> am. ami ->t 2 TO and 7 p ui. A made he.rty welci-m^ is extended to s!'. 1X1 1 1 n i Vr it HilVlr^ Flesherton Tailor Shop| What an > you i;oiiiii lo I'M a'xnir that new ?;uit y\ni *> aro going to get this fall' There is nothing nicer =. than a inade-to-order suit. Call in and see my samples of suitings and overooatings. <s> Suits and Overcoats Turned to look like new. Our prices are n'u r nt, and fit. style and work mauship the lcst. Piessmg and Cleaning done <. n shortest notice. MMMMNftG T. C. BLAKELY, Armstrong Block, Flesherton iwwmRim^^ HEARD, W. A. ARMSTRONG FLESHERTON, - ONT. I f ; I FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on - MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER IMPLEMENT AGENT, FLESHERTON. *

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