Flesherton Advance, 22 Sep 1921, p. 1

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.< Vol42, No. Id Flestierton, Ont., September Jl? 1921 PRICEVILLE A cumber of people were cutting their corn lasii wek and the crop ia in fine condition for harvesting. Not the leait injury from frnst as yet. Beans are a gcod crop and are ripening well thia year. A special gang of men have been laying 801k) steel rails on this branch of the C.P.-R. Miss Maggie McArthur, who under- went an operation in the hospital some weeks ago, was able to be removed here to the hotue of her sister, Mrs. A. Mc- Arthur, on Tuesday of last week. It is hoped that she will improve and be in normal health again toon. Her brothers Alex and Archie, of Saskatchewan, ac companied her hooie here. A J McVicar is improving hits hotel premise?. John MaVicar, over on the 5in con. north of the village, had over 50 bags of sweet, clever resulting from a few hours' threshing the beginning of last weeTs. Nurse McKinnnn has gune out to J S McMilUns (six corners) to attend Miss McMillan, who is ill at presnnt. We have seen tome nice Green Mm taiti potatoes, as large and dry as you could wish for, on a dinner table, but it 's said that the crop will not be as abundant as in former years. Mr Win Stewart, an old resident of the 18th c<>n Proton, south of the village, parted away at lua Home early Saturday morning of last eek, aged 73 yearn Interment will poisibly take place on Tuesday afternoon in the new public cemetery here. A Grett Potato Crop W, U. Dowus, a farmer of the Gra- fraxt road, according to the Owen Suud Sun Time' will this fall harvest over 3000 buskel of potatoes, in additio* to several hundred bushels of early potatoes already marketed. In spite of the fact that the pcta'.o crop.? generally in this section aie not the best, his crop will be uniformly good. This year Mr. Downn, who lives about a mile and a half from Owen Sound, had 35 acres i-f potatoes under cultivation. Five acres were pUnted to early potatoM, which h tve been harvested aud marketed, realizirg over $600. Thirty acres, planted with different varieties, are" still to be harvested Over 3000 will be taken from these fields. These wnen ready will amount to 'JOOO bugs. Undoubtedly this is the largest potato crop ever I ikon up in this pirt of the country and Mr. Downs should realize seme rive or six Ihouwnd dollais from the sn'o of hit crop. Ths farm on which the pnta'oes are grown had a avrt of sandy loam which is peculiarly adapted to potato growing. In addition to this, fertilizer Is used. The potatoes aro not hilled up but are contin- utlly cultivated and looked afier ill season. Fall Fair Dates Chattworth Oct 13, 14 Chesley . Sept 39, 30 Collmgwood Sept 13, 16 Durham Sept 1 J1>, 30 Desboro Sept 22, 23 Dn.ul.vlk Supt 27. 28 FLESHERTON SEPT 2*, 30 Foversham Oct 4, & Grand Valley Sept 27, 28 Hanover Sept 12, 23 Holsteiu Sept 27, 28 Kilsvth Oct6, 7 Liadon (Western Fair) Sept 10, 17 ftUrkdale Oct 11, 12 Mesford iept 29, 00 Mount Forest Sept 21, 22 Orangcville Sepc 15, 16 Owen Sound Sept 13, 15 Prioeville Oct 6, 7 Shelburne Sept 20. 21 Walters Fulls Sept t7. 28 Farm For Sale Lot 2, con. 4, Artemesu, coutainin r 100 acres, 75 acres cleared sud undo' cultivation, 17 serfs haidn-iud bush first class spring, also good well: c!.iy and study soil . sjlid brick house, ten ro iin.i, furunce heated ; bank barn >.' by ** - 'J*et ; sheep house, hog pen. This latin is 2.V milus north of rricevillo n . RO \\ road. Apply to D HARROW, Ceylou P KIMBERLEY The sshool fair which was held at Rocklyn on Thursday last waa a success. Miss Ruseell, teacher at Rosedale school No. 17, took n-t prize for the school and tii.-, 1 prize in the leacbsra' race. Carol Carruthers and Lena Hutchinson, who are attending Metford high school, spent ihe week end ac their respective homes here. Vernon Bishop's friends are pleased to aee him home sgsin for awhile. Mr James Lawrence, who baa not been very well lately, and we understand goes to the hospital this week for an operation for appendicitis- We wonder whera the next corn roast and dance will be. Ezra Fawcett and family have moved to town. Ezra expects to be on the mail job soon. A few of the people here attended the Dullness Workers camp meeting at Clarksburg on Sunday. John McGee, accampanied by Mr aud MI-H Ball visited friends at Midland recently. (Intended for Last Week) We extend a welcome to our new p. s. te.io'iers., Misa LUIOD of MillLrooke and Miss Liddle ot Wlie.it '.oy. The sudden death uf Mr John Me Kenzie was rather a surprise to the people here as he had been in the village but a few day* before. Mr McKenzie was well known in these parts. He was buried iu New England, tbe Rev Veales officiating. SUnlry Lawrence is spending > coup)*) weeks with his prents here. Toronto Line North Wedding bells are ringing. Mrs Fred Bruwn spent a few days of the patt week with her mothar in Owen Sound. Miss I.rt t Blakely of Toronto is visiting ber friend, Mrslrwin. Arthur Gues*. of Mainf, I'.S A , re- turned hfine after spending some time with his uncle. Robt Richardaon. Mr Well wood and wife of Toronto, Mr H i i.-v and wife of Priceville spent a day :it Win Bum 'tl's recently. Mi> Ch is Martin aud children of Kugem* visited her purentj here. Mrs Jas Lever and daughter, Mrs Henry of Markdilo spent a day at J A Lever's. Articles For Private Sale The following artic!e*"ar offered for private a!e at the residence of the late Mrs. P. H ! inn. Flesherton. Ctll and s<2t them. ti double bed?, springs and mattreea : feathei bed, 2 wash stands, whatnot, toilet set, G large picture frames, stair carpet, bureau, dresser, door oil- cloth, small table, kitchen Uble and bench, lart;n mirror, cook stove and pipes heater and p;pes, kitchen chairs, niarb!* clock shelt, frying piu, rolling-pin, wash tub slid board, large glass cupboard couch. Shot a Bear While hunting bees near the Mad river in the Black Aah swmp, Wilfred Rogers of Sunniunle had an eicitiuic time with a bear and her cub. While passing through a lonely place hi> was alarmed by a noise iu the bushes and a large sh* bear stuod up and showed signs of fight. Fortunately Wilfred was carrying a sporting !!. and a well directed shot brought bruin tu the ground. Knowing the trick of the bear family Wilfred kept the bear covered and approached care- fully to find IIH -h'M. had proved fatal. Jutt then a cub sprang from the bushes and climbed up tree about thirty feet. A shot brought it to the ground but it managed t get away and made its escape Wilfred skinned the bear and made for the clearance. The lad was *Ion at the time, but he is a crack shot ar.d bing a good sport expressed the doire to meet the rest of btuin's family in the near future St;>yner Sun. A barn in the township of Sunuidale, near the Notuwasaga river, owned by J. 1,'ttli', was struck t>y lightning and com. [Ate'y destroyed by fire. Mr. Little lost all his crop and farm stock, includiug a valuable thorou^'hltted bull. EUGENIA Mrs A Smith is visiting this week with her friend, Mrs (Rev) Watts and daughter at Walkerton. Mr and Mrs Morgan, aud Mr and Mrs J Wickens visited last week with friends at Avening. Mrs Leonard Latimer has leturned t< Toronto to take another course ol treatment. Mr and VI rs Frank Pepler of Toronto were guests of the latter's siater, Mrs Jlunshaw, over the week end. Mrs Muiish iw returned to Toronto with them Mra Beit on and daughter of Durham, accompanied by Mrs Pearce, visited at R Parks' over the week end, Ern Morgan and Thomas liilliland attended the fair at Owen Sound last week. J E Large ia home from Toronto finishing A Carruthers' new bungaVw. The ladies of the Presbyterian church puckod a tine hn'e f guods at their meeting on Thursday last. We are ^Ud to ee Rev Kippeu able to take up his work again after his recent Illness. A number from here attended the baseball tournament at Flesherton and report a good day's sport Congratula- tions to Ceylon on their success iu securing the prize. Nothing the matter with Ceylon. They are always on the jb and play tbe game. The Corn Ear Worm Tbe Department of Agriculture has received quite a number cf worma at the orh':e. They :ire occa.-ionin^ qui'e w. rry to the farmer*, a* this year they are ^specially qerioui. Wa have for warded aauiplrs to the O A C, Guelph, for identification. Tbe corn ear worm is a mercber of the cut w nu family, . r (ha same faifly as that to which the army worm belorgs, I'll.- adult i an ochre colored moth havu g a wing expanse of one and a half niche*. Il has bum in tha province for a long time bat lias only dine damage in small, iiolateJ districts. Th:s year the season seems to have been particularly fav.uab'* hence tbe laik-e number to be f.mnd. The feuule lays her e(j^< on ihe bilk of the e*r. When they hatch the younit cit<-ri'ill>rs eat their way into the ears. Other parts of the plirit are not attacked. Al hough iiuiuerou- 1 eu'..< are hatched iut i^i each ear, only oce worm is fouuu, because they kill one another, .. r are cambals. When tho worm is full grown i: dn-ps t< the ground. TherM in little earthen cases it spends the winter, To destroy the insect we suggest cultivating and harrowing im.mudiVely after harvpHling the crop, followed by late fall plowing. Th:s will destroy 'he nest and e*[>o e the pupae to the froat, winch kills it. The farmer who first drew our Attention t 1 this pest inforuu us that th-y hive o i.iy all disappeared now, I- is there- fore not necessary to worry over the pest i!i->tn yuii! much of the crop. A CHIT i". 18 biu|( mid* in Shelburne for a msmoiial hall, estimated to a<t 120.000. Sale of Brick House In The Village Of Flesherton Stald Tenders addressed to Th miss Clayton, K~.j . Fleshertuu, Ontario, will be received uu to s.inneliy, October fifteenth, 111-1, at twelve o'clock noon, for the purchase of the ''.- property belonging to the mate of the late IVter liolinan. deceased, namely : Lots three, four, five, eight nine and ten in Flock " H " in Bencher* Sury in the Vi!JR of Fieshertou in the County uf Grey. I' pou these premise* if a bfick house in good repair with frame kitchen aud woodshed attached. There is also a frame stable ou the premises. Termr A marked c^ierjus for Ten per cent, of aach tender ia t* accompany game, and the balance of the puichase price to be paid wiibin thirty days after the acceptance of the tender, without interest. Conditions of S*Ie The property will )>e sold subject to a reserve bid. The highest or itny ether ten-ier not necessarily accepted. For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to Thomas Clayton. E>o, , : Flesherttni, Ontario, or to WRIGHT, TELFORD A BIRN1E Owen Sound, Ontario Solicitors for Vendors D'ed Sept. 19 h, PROTON STATION Mr aud Mis Su',1 aud family are vis ting her parents at Mt Forest Jack Hanlcy of Fergus spe ct the week end at his home here. J C Wright visited with his sister it Kincardine. Lloyd Wauchobe and Geo Harjrave of Murkdale spent the week end with the former's parents. Mr and Mrs Bates visited it Orange ville. Tha anniversary of the Anglican chinch will be held on Sunday ueit, Sept 25. Services at 3 30 and 7 p us. Mrs Clement of Meaford u- a guest at the home of Robert Acheson. The anniversary services he'd in the Presbyterian church Siuiday before last were very successful iu every respect. Three powerful, heart searching sermons were preached l>y Ryv Thurburn C mi of Markditle, to large, attentive audi ences The choir reudered approfuia e Mrs J (' VN'nght holidayed ith frieiuU in Toronto. \Vui Hazen <>f Owen Sound >|)nt a week recently with friends here. CEYLON Mis Wiifred Fawcelt and little son are visiting with her muther near Bogner. (jeorge Cairns . i Glenella. Man., visited his sisUr, Mra DDMiLachlau the past weak. Mr and Mrs Murphy were visitors at A Sinclair's list week. Dorothy McLeod of Toronto is visiting at her h. me here. Archie Curry left Saturday to spend the week end at Toronto and Hamilton. Mrs H Fisher and little daughter is isiting her mother, Mrs A McLeod C Aulph of tbe Merchants Dank left Fndy fur a two weeks' holiday nt his mine at Bracebridgr. Mr Sinclair uf I'haUworth is supplying Mrs Wm Heslop of Eugeni - - visiting ler staler. Miss Bell* McKei.. . T R Cook and wife. EboiUi e. Mis and babe ai.U Miss C rn-il of IV-ronto visited al R Cook's lust week. Aler Richardson, w:fo and finn'y uf ;)ton were visitors at Jss McLean'* the of the week. Mis Archio McMu'.ien and a n. J C, i\ Mi'iiday to visit with Toronto nieuds. ! in McLaohlun let* Tuesday in > mi any ntth his uncle, Geo U aims. :.r -he West, where hj will take up the siudy cf EYES STRAINED? Bates BurialCo. Mra (^e and daughter ..f Inren Sound spent the e. end with her '6'r, Mis K i ;>. <n. Mr Adair of Feversham apent the thct of the w>ok with his sitter, Mi l\, i t Liuchlan and ws accompanied I . m tiy hia inoiher, who opent the i .1- three weeks here. MUs Ell t \\ hittaker left MonJ.iy for visit with T> ronto friends. Mr Nei'son, who has had charu of th e Uajtitt deld here for the pa>: three months, preached his farewell soiuion u Sunday to a full house. A .1 snmll token uf appreciationn . t' his services the afternoon offering was preBute<i tu him. Mn Jas Ashdnwn c-f Oen Sound was in town last week. BUSH LOT FOR SALE Svaltui Tenders addressed (> R J. SproulisE-q., Flesherton. will !>e r<>i-tivrd iH' to Saturday, the 8- h day of October. l!>il, at iha hour i>f twelve o'olock. noon, fur ihe pui chase of tli- following property heloiu "- ' ' the estate of the la:e ,';. I Martin, deceaaei!. namely, the north half of Lot number Thirty-five in the fourteenth ooncesaion of the Township of Artemesia tu the Count* of Gre\. I' pon iheso Unds are said to bo Home spruce, cedar, tamarnc and whitewood timber. Terms A marked chr <|ue for ten per cent, of each tender inuat accompany same, tbe balitnce of the purchase j. ice t be paid within thirty diys after the acceptance of '.he tender, without interest. Conditions of Sale The properly will !v sold subJKt to a reserve bid. The highest or any tender not necta- s.i- -'y iccepted. Fur further particulars and conditions of sale apply to U. J. Sproule, Es<|iiiri>. Fleshenou. or Cburles Martin, M|., Eugenia, Kxecutors of J. J. Martir, deceased, or to WRIGHT, TELlTORD.lt B1RNIE. Owen Sound, Out, Solicitrrj for KxeojL.irs. Dated at Owen Sound Sept. 19th, l.--'l .BUSINESS AS USUAL If your eyes are work-strain^ funeral Director* and ed or tired : if your vision is Embalmers dim or blurred; if it bothers r>u LJMI n^:o rnone HiDcrest 268 you to reai! ; if your eyes burn or itch or ache. Come in and 124 Avenue Road, see us. Perhaps we can give Toronto, Ont. you that relief you uish for. All styles of glasses in s^ock. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager. W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, Now is the tim> to re- new your subscription to FLESHERTOM, - ONT The Advance. Do We Take Small Accounts? We do more than that. We invite them welcome them and take good care of them. If you wish to open a Savings Account for any particular purpose or wish to teach the children to save by having an account in each child's name do not hesitate to dr so because tb amounts to b deposited will be small. $1. is euificieot to open a Sav.ngs Account, and deposits ot $1. ar always welcome. TH AVCRCHANTS BANK Head Office : Montreal. OF CANA.DA FLESHERTON & CEYLON BRANCHES H. P. FERR1ER .... Established 1864. Manager. ' House of Quality . SPECIAL IN TEA With every pound of Gold Medal Tea purchased in this store we will give free a handsome cup and saucer. Get into this offer at once and you can soon save a set of these dishes. Price of I Ib. package 65c. FLOUR Sovereign, Ladies' Favorite, Perfect and Pastry Flour milled by F. T. Hill & Co. We also handle Royal Household. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario New Fall Coats Just Arrived Our new K .1! c.'ati>. they come in Duvelyne with fur all wool V,il< ur ami Folaire cloth with col|^r, which can be buttoned if delred. Shows nove'y twist stiching. A'isi! the latest in p!aid, stripes and all wool knitted skirts 1:1.1 pnlloveis. DRESSES Dresses iu all the l.iteM shades. SUITINGS Suitings in Tried me, Broadcloth*, al* wool Llama cloth sm< 44 inch serges. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton I } $'&SiS^^^^^^^^^^!^^^$^^^^

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