Flesherton Advance, 22 Sep 1921, p. 4

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September 22 11)2 THE FIESHERTON ADVANCE n Rupture Expert Here M.-ll : ! Liu 1 WlkM .'II ; ; I lit tlia liirriu fan Swl.y, FmmmsinTliuSjKc ilty, Ctlled. About ! 5,000 |>aople it tended Owen to Owen S.>un.l Sound fair. ',., . ... . , . ! lle Ch*Hu.|u t Meford closed Us. K. II. Scel.-y of Oiie.ii;(> Mid I 'Inl li-l- pl,u. OHM,,,'.,! t U.S..N MM, !! |> i*n- lly I* t i In IM i-iM.m II. .'el. Owen "eek 4nd K is expected the gu^ruitors Sound. Kndy ..-ily. St>p .:<<). Mr. ,|| lie bthind $1(0. eeley mix : "The Spi>iiiiitic Shield will n>t ..,,ly ,o .. ,,y cs of i R^ben 1'r.va. of Cht(,worth tapped cupturu pirfoo'ly, t u coiK-nnmctii . or rope lht hi* valar had lied acros,, the i>iMi'iii( in I'l .l.y. .>n llu< avi-une n gve few inches nbove the ground and CM*. EWu .1 tit i.dvinn'iu.'iit over i . i, L- L. MOM ni i luiit tun. all ntnn nvuiuu PXHwpluyiog I inilnUuecus iK, , 'n . i ,.-,, n|>jiif , Gunrge Billl?. pool room proprietor at oiable *nd wilhstiudina any tr n or 1\ r , made n attempt to c uniiil suicide pOM'i ui. Tjiis instrument rrc-ived ilie ..in i* nly.,rd in KU*'.,M i ,,,,1 i,. 8 H in I r< " e " tly - He " ll " t Illnl8elf '" tllB head producmn result* willful surfer/, injeo- : bul " n| y ""Hered a nelp wouud. tion. medic*! lre.trne.it m prescriptions. Svorsl Arthur ciii/.ens t willing to Mr. S>elcy Hn d. cum MM ftmn ilia . . . , . . .. ... . |8ubitc.ib t" it fund to buy tie eiiit-try United States l.>vi'tuni*nt, VYt>hinttt<>D f ' * ' D.C , f.'i in*pi-ctn>u. AH clmrity CUSPS and turn it ovr to lh corporation to hi ithuut 'in _ . or if ny in'rr. sted cill, j managed by a commiMii-n. he ,.!> "1 1 i to MI,* >..,. without i . chre or tit them if desired. RIMMIM* ' <> Jr m th r-f.,nntury wa tha dauinds prevent* iT.uppin.' AC any other sentence imp'. sod on H*ny H/.iltu of place in this section Uen Sound f.,r Htralini?. His linilh*r. P. S. Kvrry R'ateinent iif thin nil ire i< , ,- c ... . , . , , , .Uucitje. WDu It nan I .> years of -, * ha* beii ver Imd bwor* th* tvdertl and ; . ' * *>'t Ciuris -F. H. Seeloy. , "* "" t "" "impended sentence. BACKED BY SIXTT YEARS' EXPEfllENCEl DOMINANT IN QUAL- ITY AND SERVICE! Sixty vr.tr* of leadership of giving good value, heaping satiafaction and real aervice! That's why the Cilton name wins reapect and confidence from coait to coatt. That'a why we are proud to aelt thia dependable farm equipment* THE CILSON ENGINE All Sum "THE WONDERFUL GILSON" The fainout Gihon "Goe< Like Siity" Kn- a be pur giae any size for auy purpose v, cbucil on the easy payment plan Ut it "The Wonderful Gilwm" stands supreme. Mure GiUon Hlo Filln :, were sold in Canada last year tlnu any otber muke It i- guur- untml to he the lightest t uaaiu blower- cutler i:. i ' Hr independent fjct a Ciilson Siio Filler and till y<mr own -tilo with your own cniiinc. 4 lip. or larger at the proper time, when your com 1ms the K> ' i-i t feeding value. THE CILSON SPREADER cue t.i v payment pian i,( T i pay for it elf Its economy and rlrpcnd- ubtlitv have made it the biggest selling en- gine in Canada Let us demonstrate on your faini. HYLO SYLO The Ilvlo Sylo insures sweet, fresh, succulent en- silage down tn the List forkful It in built to lull lade-finitely. Exclusive patented features of de- sign and co us t r uc tioo explain why the Ilyto i . chosen by the diMiimin- alinfc farmer. Pays for "Manure is the best fertilizer. You have it. IK, U In the lir- t .., I.M r.i-it' The best Manure Spreader made i Then year after year, i.uys the Gilson. Why? It hus n wide spread 100 per cent. proOt on It low down. It has light draft. It will your investment. Caa take u real load. It i free from i-lutclies. you beat it' gean and all complicated parts. Call and M* our n*art .Ir.ii. . . name below. It.- will save and mil,, you ..,. ii. on thf qulpm*nt illuitrated and on Cilon Thre>hr>, DIie-Ace Tractori, Wood Sawi. Crindirt, Pump Jacki, Belting, etc. Write for Cotalof. M ;de in Canada uiJ Guaranteed by CILSON MFG. CO., Limited ~ - . CUELPH, ONT. Call and See Ncarett Dealer R- J. COLQUE1TE, Feversham, Ont. ESTABLISHED 1872 Instead of carry iii^ tlic procretls from (iiain Tickctf, Halo of Cuttle, I'roduc(;, etc., in your packet, 1 deposit tin-in in tlie liiink of Hamilton, wlion they will bo , OPFICE HAMILTON Vij'i cm tli 1 n i.-i'iic clici|iH'H to- pay accounts, and ynur pass book will alTonl yon a completo ocord (if 'iH your transactions. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDAI.K BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BRiNCH I'ROTON C. J. lorstcr, Suh-Manatfer CREAM TESTING DAYS Tuesdays and Fri.iays Wo Imvi) dcci led to have d.'iiiliJ to hive two d iys a wcfk for testing o:eim Tuesdays ami Fiiilays. Urinij .van' civ mi to t'io Htori-. We ti'st itii.l piy at oi)3a tlio lii^'lu.'St ntuki.'t price. EARLY CLOSING Tin.' st (IM will In 1 ni-H'i 1 i!\Mry Tiiur.-<:Uy ovmiiir; ut (J p.m. until the (.nil of the re^ JAMES McLEAN, Pattison's -Old Stand. CEYLON Boar For Service I'uri- hiod Ki! sii'ivii V >i-kniiir I5'> f,,r BITVI,-.. Mn\i-ll .l.iok <!2!)ia -on Lit 107. SS. \V. T. * S. K.. Arriiui,<*in TurmBfl.oO SIIK.I p'>i i. ''ini.-il will i.i ;hnji-<l .saniu i" liin-c ici |ni. 10,4, 1U T. .1. S!'I\\S')N For Service 1 1 ic ji'ir.i liicil Mi'irlli in lull! < n !.<>) :;./,('.,., . i, l:(, Arti'in>i-i. 'r.'iine 91, M f"i i i i.li ' if l'ii'! IM< <!' "' i' uniitliH- if UNI *a. I Mir i.i..!- ft 00. ,,,i "I KoliKIU 1 i -I- 1 I'.NK DR. F. C. NIXON )i ,n, -iii.i ,,, u | Optical Spcialiit ciii' in. i Slii'i't in m 'Iliiul Suvut, ColluiKnuml, Ontitrio Duly '.I ;i m. in it p n, Kfi>niii|{H mill tliilul iys Hrrnni;t!il. Tolophnnu (il 1- W. |i,, \ l .liy L'tl . Bidl or Service SiM,ti'li SI, ,:!'., .11. |.n||, Aid \ l'i Hi r'VH "ii lo: 81k ( in, -. Arl.Mii'M TITIIIH $1 5>i, pii.ybred. . \ v MA'/KK The Tournament CKVLON WON |25 1'IIIXK Atthuui(ll the day \VA< not very prom- , a fur si/"il crowd was unt to t\k in the lusiOi'UI tuuuianiunt held in the agricultural park heru uit 'I' HIIM! ,y uftfi. noon Us) Dundalk, Kimberley, Ceylon .ui'l Kli-,lii'ri.ni were the tHm< to tke pti i and i i ui exhibition of hall was i ii/ed in the _- mi."-. Oa the draw Dun- diillt |,i-iy,d with l''!.-sli..-i(-iii and the former .! . i . --f'ii in winning the i;ntue eusily by M 7 I" U score. Russell and Armatroiig WHS I lie battery fur Dun- dalk, nhile Buchitimii and Ujard were for Fl^ahertun. Ther former piir have changed arouud recently aad 1m improv- ed the team considerably. "Derby" had aix strike-outi. In the second game Ceylon wort from Kunberley in a hotly contested g^me 5 (o 2. Sam Pedler made a home ruu, tilainming (he ball over the fence in the r. held and let in two run* ahead of him SUn Lawrence pitched for Kimberley :ind Archie Muir for Ceylun. H Black- well ui I 0. Armatrang played wiih Ceylon in the absence of .tome of their players. These first two gamea were buth (ive inning fixtures. In the liiial H.UMO between Ceylon and Dundalk, the f.inuur were ictoriouf 9-8. j Cnylon bp(!n with two runs in the tint iind ihnM in ilie third, Dundilk brinuing cios8 one in the 2nd and two in the 3rd. LVylon were bl.inked in the 3rd and 4lh, but not four runs in the 5:h. Buuhiinan WAR pi'chini! the rirt few innings when C. Muir ctme into the bu.x and with fceiim hit Imrd iind rirH by tem in ius let rive runs cnm in for Dun.lulk'a credit. An unpleasant incident occurred in Dim- dulk's half of the Bixth imiintg that was to be i, nieticJ by the -p >its committee, a.s it WHS expected the day^ would be free from mini, nly hpurt. As Dundalk re- tu*ed to go onto thu Hi Id the unipiro culled ll.e j-anip. I),).-, McTavi-h :ind l!..yilof Kle.sherton p'ayud with Ceylon. The L-ciii.niliee wish !> ihink all thoie who took pirt and to iht> Dundalk Iv.yi, who postpiiu'j n tourn imptit they had ! scheduled, !o help out in the one here. Tln-y als i wish iu thank I'mpiro Tiiog- f .M,- k f nd, who donated his fee of |i>, iiiil ifl of expanses. The pr iccedi i'ii'iioi up to what w.m expected, bul !u dy wi f.iiily successful. How to Keatore Dmimged 1'MHliires. Aniirow Boss, vetei an farm man- , ager with 't,. ; MiniieHota Experiment ' Statlo.'i. says such pastures can be tared to some extent by proper care. Where the acreage of pasture la suf- ficient and with a little to span-, many of the bare or thinner spots can be top dressed with good barn- yard manure to advantage. The top dressing will protect the roots some- what, and In the course of a month or two a decided improvement in quantity and quality of grass will ; be noted. "It is good practice," says Mr. Boss, "to divide the pasture into two , tlelds. if possible, and pasture alter- ' nate weeks, or for alternate longer periods, depending on thf quantity of \ grass aud the condition it is in. A p.. 1 1 of the pasture should be allow- ed to make good growth and be held In reserve until the hot weather ! of July and August comes on. During tin 1 fly aeaaon It Is difficult enough to l;eep stock in good condition even whi a they are on good pasture, and no palna should be spared to have at least one or two good pasture ! tit ids for this season." Strawberry runners should be spaced as evenly as possible to se- cure an even row that will give the j most fruit. Drowned While Fishing AD empty li.hinu boat, with the rimhir still running, was picked up on Saturday iflernonn batWMn 4 and ." o'clock near ,'ipn Kich by C.ipJ. II .pp. The craft >t>loii|(ed to Herbert Kumley, who WHM .rolling during llut dny, and in Hume M. account tblo n-ay had fallen out and was drowned. When sighted by C'apt. 9upp lh bott WM running in n circle about, a mile and a half out from Hl.ick 1'omt, this Hide ..f C*pe Kieh, and he inmediately (''included that Romething wa8 anusa and rendered assistance. After :-onsidi'i-.ili' inuti leuvuriiiK ho wut^ sue- rsiiil 111 MI. p| ii.^ thtt boat, in which were some six fish, with the trolling linen out and a six or - . , n puundnr on one of them. The boat wan tuwd in. Mr. Runilt]f was an excellent winnner mid it wis hoped that he hud reached ill* shore nnd would turn up later. This ih.'ory WIIH abiuiiliuied .in Sund.iy and till i hu bout i.wni'is were out dragging tin- buy in tlio hope tint his biidy might l.u recovcri'd. The wutur in very deep where Uu bokt WM found and it is hard *o ilftormiiii) when' ht< had fullen out and how f.ir I In- bo-it had travullod HiiU'e the icL-ident. Mr. Kniiilcy WIIB 44 years of to lli- w.-is nut married iind lived with .ind HHp|i'ii!i;d an aj;i'J nmtlu'i -- -ISIeuford Bipreia, Oil Drto'.n'r Is' d'oii. iM|.||/.iuS will ll.ivr OOlBpUttd 'Jl yc'iis as Clrk of Owen Sound I'ulice. Court. Many hundivd ii,n M .; n |, .i-ui'. iind other rmut ilucuii'ciils have KOIIO tbroiinh his liaiuls in thai inn.'. II \x ils , a niu^ixti-attt for Grey County. 1'ird llciinl i-fker, Kr., of Hanover, sent a hivu of common bees to bin son, NomiMi, in SVinniptijj, i" May U*t. A frw r ' ai;ii Noriniin exttuoted the luiney, ii'ali/ins' IHM) \\>n. in 28 pound aectlolls. It ii rumored thikt Sir Adam Bock hn purchnsinl a lari{ farm on Dundas stroet iu '1'i.if il ;i i townihip between Mil 1 .n and i iik', ;li.-. whpir he will kerp his limn, M.' homes, and that ho has also bouuht n beautiful Hummer resilience on the laki> shore fast of Oakville. Came Astray Two year old hfifur came to my prem- IPH abftut August Int. Owner can have same by iirovini; property ii'l paying XHB;I.OS --W. IMIU.Ul'S, Lot I, dm. U, Artemrain Flohnrton IVO Came Astray Cnnii In ib" premioc^ of (ho iin.'er- sL'in-il. lot i'dl, C n 3, Proton, n 1 . nit IN, (wo rilvi'H. Thi nwnni- is id In jnov proiiortf, p'lV 11- "nis,>.s nl IIIK ih.i sun i away. .Methods of Keeping Cow Ketords. Four things are necessary for Keeping cow records: 1. A monthly milk sheet, ruled so that there shall be a column for re- cording the weight of the morning and evening milking of each cow for each day of the month, though some use a sheet ruled for three days only, and estimate the weight of milk giv- I en for thu mouth from these three days, which may be consecutive or on the 1st, 10th and 20th of the mouth, making ten day periods between. 2. A milk scale, preferably one having a dial-face and two hands, one of which shows the net weight of milk in the pail, when properly set. This scale cosU about frvs dollars. 3. A four to eight-botile Babcock test, where it is desired to know what each cow's milk tests in fat. This will cost from eight to twelve dollars complete. 4. The fourth aud most important requirement is, "The-will-to-do." Without this, milk sheets, scales, testers, etc., are valueless. By having scale, sheet, pencil, sample bottles properly labelled, etc.. all conveu- Kutly arranged, it takes but little time to keep u record of each milking eow iu the herd. We would add a lifth need, which in, some form of permanent record book for monthly totals and tests, as milk sheets, and notis or records of testing, aru likely to be lost and not available for reference. But if these are recorded once a month in a per- manent form, they will prove a source of help In breeding, feeding and weedliiK dairy cows. H. H. Ueaa, O. A. College, Uuelph. Cargoe's Grocery If you want good, clean, fresh Groceries or Con- fectionery give us a call. We carry nothing but the best. All kinds of fruits in season. TOMATOES We keep fresh Tomatoes on hand at all times. Phone 113 your order right now and we will deliver to any part of the town. ICE CREAM Come in and visit our Ice Cream parlor, of eool drinks served. All kinds W. E. CARGOE Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery FLESHERTON, - Phone 30J - ONT. NOTICE APPROVED BY THE GOVERNMENT Remember the Old Reliable Singsr Sewing Machine. You can buy on 1 1 1 nit to suit you at a very reasonable prict-. 10 ymi ({uarantee. HUGH KNOTT, Agent, ,le, Ont, Came Astray to my premises the fore part of tlic summer, OIIB yearling steer. Owner is r .. .-. i to prove property, pay expeQHts and Ukc the I'tine away. - A. Mi-INNKS. Lot 2S, Con. 7, Usprey Sinsjlmmpton Because of its unequalled cnursss, btaff, methods or instruction, building, e([ulp- ment and resulm it if, at this writing, the only Business College in OnUrio~ approved foi Adolescents. Get the beat, it pays Catalogue free, enter any tinis. 0. A. FLEMING, F.C.A., Principal since 18fll . 0. D. fLKMINO, Secretary. c'arefully Ikktu-r . Corrected Fleslrertion , ffi- Tonsorial Each Week ^ _ .030 to 030 ^^" rflrlors . 35 'o 36 We Aim to Give Entire Satisfaction 1 to 8& LAUNDRY Basket closes. Monday . 1 80 to 1 80 njgi^ delivery Friday ev 40 t.. 42 Barley (C. to 85 CLEANING aud DYEING- We are p (MS 1 50 to 1 HO Agents fur Parker's Dye Works Clothes Buckwheat 1 00 to 1 0."> cleaned aud dyed, feathers rejuvenated Pouters o :.-. 10 i oo T FisHER -PROPRIETOB 4 00 to 4 00 Winter Wheat Spring Wheat Oatfi CHEVROLET New Prices Effective September 5, 1921 FOUR-NINETY MODELS NEW PRICE OLD PRICE Touring - $830.00 $945.00 Special Touring $940.00 All "-IW ir.otlels for \$'2'2 have the following changes, compared to previous models : Kow n-ar axle \\ith spiral bevelled pinion and g3ur. Heavier l)i'arin<;-> and now housings to oorrospond. Separate emergency brake lever, Timken bearings in the front wheels. Heavier king b >lts in bronze btiahings. New style plain arms tapered into tho -steering knuckles, and spring hood fastener. With these improvements the Chevrolet model "490" represents by far the best in its price class on the Canadian market to-lay. . I The Special 490 Touring Features are as follows liody painted special green with gold stripes, special top with whipcaixl lining, gypsy eurtiiins, new oblong rear curtain light in aluminum frame, doors hinged in front, storm curtains open with all doors, seats lowered 1 inches, special trimming, side arm of seats lowered Hush with the body panels, new and much easier riding springs, gasoline tank on rear, vacuum tank under hood, uew robe rail, niekle plated radiator and niokle plated bumper, cord tires all round. All prices F.O.B. Flesherton Sales Tax Paid. Tho new price of the "490" Touring Car represents a reduction of thre hundred and fifty- five dollars since September 190 D. McTAVISH & SON N. Mr.CAN'NKl., Proton SUtion f'.f , Phone 9w FLESHERTON Wo soil Autoinol.ilt's, Tractors. Automobile Accessories, Tires, Oasoliiio. Oils, etc. Also do repairing on all makes of c*r, overhaul batteries, acetylene welding, etc AI , work guaranteed ^

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