Flesherton Advance, 22 Sep 1921, p. 8

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September 22 1921 THE FLESBSBTON ADVANCE I Fleshcrton Garjage FORD and GRAY-PORT Sales A full line of Tiros and Auto Accessories on In in I ALL MAKES OF CARS REPAIRED Give us a trial. Satisfaction guaranteed H. DOWN & SONS, PHONE 36 FLESHERTON stering FLESHERTON BAKERY IT'S WORTH V THE BREAD WITH A PURPOSE. Yes, our Pure Food Bread has a worthy purpose. Ib brings health and strength and a meal time satisfaction to the folks who partake of it regular- ly. One slice calls lor a loaf, one loat forms the habit. Bread is your best food eat more of it. PHONE 8 FRED FINDER, Flesherton (\iitlunal Crop Improvement Service.) "Building the weather out Is fully as important as maintaining a fire in the furnace. In the old days when we scorched our faces and froze our backs at the open fireplace, we went shivering to bed and breathed icicles on the coverlid. "We have learned to plaster our houses inside and out, but In frame construction we have always had dif- ficulty through expansion and con- traction of preventing the plaster from cracking and scaling off. "But the Introduction of triangular steel reinforcement and the improve- ment of outside plasters has correct- ed this evil and a house now could lie tumbled end over end and its plas- tered walls remain intact," says Mr. It. S. Rider, president, Canadian Steel & Wire Co. "Another feature is that reinforced stucco never has to be painted, which is something e-very home owner will appreciate." BUSINESSCARDS Boar lor Service SOCIETIES PKINCK AKTHL'H LODMR. No. .1.11. A K.t A II, luaet* ID Uji Maionic hall. Arm JOUR N HlocK KI'xlKirtnu. Yry I mUv on 01 hefore tha full moou. lvt.-i Mini W. M H. (I. Holland. -i i.ri,-.Ki y. DENTISTRY Di< fc C MURRAY !...)., iti-iitui BurBeou Ucuoi graduate of Toronto t'ulvertity and Hoym i.'ollani of DaataJ Huriiooni of Ontario, CIM%4euihliiiitnri.il fur teeth extraction tlltu ati idi:uc Toronto Btreet. Plubtrtoo. LBOAL i UCAH, A liKNHY-r.arrliit.-M. riollcitora. * ulc.-l. I). Llica, K. t;.; W. I). H.-IIIJ, H. A. (Jflk-i-ti, Marlulnl" l.in.-*n Mock, 1'lioue 8A. Biam-li otlictl at Dundalk and Uurlia . . 01 KIUHT. * TI2LKOIir>,><arrl.-.tr. Hollcl. " tow, Ac. OWi-en. tirvf i Union Itlook Owun Boutiil. Standard Bank . .'Kii'-li.-i too,(8aturdafi). W.U. Wright, W. I''. I'uliuH Jr. BUSINESS CARDS WU. h-UTTlNd, Iceiiaod Auctioneer foi the countlea of (Iruy aurt Kleucoc. Karen aud Hlock iileg a |>acitltjr. Tormi :i.i>*fcCTti' nati<faotlon RiiarauUO'l- Ariaeixu uiutiM for ilatoi may be enadftat ttin tdTlnot jfBci', or t'uuti 1 tclfi'lionu oiiii-ii i-c-voi .i-nii. or by addronlnis m at Fuvei baiu, Out. Uol'HAlI . l.i..-.-,H U .i Auotluuea for Count/ of (iiry. Turin* i... 1,-mi, ' tho anil . ,, : ,t aod Bata of lalenowi Im eik.li rim ADVAN r. flier. IloaMauovhud J'.Q.. C-ayluu, Toli-pliouo COCDHOllOli. W^Il. A. TfltNllULI,. H.A.. M.u.. uradiiatn ~~ froia ti..- Faculty of MI. fu(v.-i-ii> of Toronto. OfftM tUabardton Klock, *rton, Tlr|ihoeie 96. Tim undi>rt<if>nrd Ins a l!i'iMu;!i.ir.td Yiirkhirc llnarfor Hcrvice on lot 11, con. 8. Osprey. T-er inn $1.60. KKKDSl'oKKAKb Boar For Service Yorkshire Hum- For Survicc \> it 3U, con. 4, Artuieii'Mi. WALLACE F1SHKK, lV,,|i. Bull For Service I'uro bn.d l>urliiiin hull, N.I UliOI.'i f ,r service on lot llitf, S W T A S II, Arte- iii-. i i l'--.ni . $2 .fur i>rridi><. S'> fu thorouuhbtad*. 0. AKiXS, iv.| in ny 1 Boar For Service 1'iiic lirul ) oik.'-lnrc I'.oitr fur mtrvio ill lut .'(", CDM. <i, \itellli'i-l. TiTill Jl.OK. .lUll.N IIAKUIt VVK, l'i-.|, BOAR for SERVICE l'iin:lir>>d Titinwiirlh Hoir fur H.irviui in lot ItiV, S W T HIH! 8 E., Artemwia, reriii$l.f)l). Suwil nut rcturnud will b chitrKfd HAIIIO as thoie in !;,: Koh ir> -T. J.iSTlNhDN, IVop For Service One |..... i.i .1 si,,.iili.,in Itu|| n n | u t Stl, ooii. i, Artunu'Hia. Turins ll.fiO f.ir Yorkshires, Tamworths Y oung Stock or Sale For Breeding Purpose* Phone or write OEO. W. 1(088 O.BpreyTd. system MixweUP.O . Mint bo paid within ! ninntli (nun dull- i.f norvice. , 19.,1n.i; -l(. ((.TIMIXKP. Bull For Service I'lirtt lintil Sli'irlliorn Kn I .if ihe Villitue Family f irsurvica on lot 10, o-m. 10, (>pre> r . remm ('2.M for Krdo. $5 fur (Hire hiedn. Inly 15 Mori. Sayers, Prop. W. A, HAWKEN : dealer for MENDELSSOHN PIANOS and PLAYER1PIANOS, PHONO- GRAPHS and RECORDS, and SHEET MUSIC. Call and see atieso high inulo instruments :*m AT Hawkeu'd Photo Gallery aud Musio Htur FLESH ERTON (National Crop Improvement Service.) In the summer time when the thunder caps appear in the sky and the storm wweeps down on the farm, the farmer thinks less of his safety than he does of hift live stock. When the stock is in the field dur- InR the atom It may happen that the a'nimals drift against the wire fence, which may be heavily charged with electricity, and are shocked to death. The ordinary fence built on wooden posts should be grounded every sixth post by means of a wire nix or eight feet long twisted around all of the line wires of the fence and then secured In a hole In the. ground. The hole should be dug deep enough so ih:i t the wlro comes in contact with moist earth. A fence so ground- ( (I offer.-; no danger to live stock dur- iju r 'lie thunderstorm. The wire fence built on galranlud sl.-i 1 fence posts' IK already rrMui'l'-d at every po.si and no thunderstorm with Its discharge of lightning can injure the callh 1 enclosed by such a Fence. lain for Export (National Crop Improvement Servu-v.) "Diiluth ia th gateway for a IUIRO proportion of Canadian grain," snys Mr. C. K. MacDonald, secretary, Duluth Hoard of Trndo, "and at no other point dots Canada come Into inich closo contact with tho United .stales. "Mllllono of husholt) of grain lire M|I|II-I| ncrosm the ocean, all of it being hedged to protect the operators us well as the banks. Banks gen- erally refune to lend money on grain which Is not protected hy hedging. "The shipper does not desire to IIM, in by a rise, but merely wishes to secure his ordinary profit of a few cents per bushel for handling. "However, it takes time to get his Hhlpiuent purchased and under way and us Ihe price of the grain may decline enough In the meantime to wipe out all of his profit, he make.y u practice when he buys the wheat from the country, to sell future de- ll-very contracts against It In some grain exchange, thus oue offsetting (lie oilier. "This method of eliminating risk IH not speculation, in fact it Is the very opposite. There IB always a speculator who is willing to under- take this contract, but the grain handler who hedges Insures himself against any possible loss. The grain dealer, the Hour miller nnd ihe ex- porter are not in a position to take rlmnees and that is why they tulif Hi is kind of insuraju-e v . "I wonder." says ho, "v.-huhii farm* realize In shipping grain nl'ioiid, that they are building up the fertility of European farms in:;i,;ul of their own? It would recm to me Hint this grain ought to he milled on this biil<- <>t' ihe water in (uir own lulmif, shipping flour Instead of whole Kr*U<.'V Practical Jokei Fine $44.30 Fred Artley of Sydcnham win charged *ith causing a disturbance by tricking ours inio stopping on the highway, says (he Owi'ii Sound ijun Times. Arlley >nd four others had placed un aut lira ii the road. A string was tied to the lire aud the men hid in the bush at the tide of the road. Several CUB came ilong the road but the drivers were too wise lo full for th trick and kept right on. The police in Owen Sound were informed and 1*. C. Wilton went out to catch the perpctratoin. Although there were others implicated, Artley was the unly one charged, lie elated that the charge wan correct but that it was done purely as a joke. The mn^ietute told Artley thitt a nun of hit age should be i-liiinrd to be 1-iin.jlik at such a trick. It in.'M be expected of children but not of a full grown nun. He WHS liued $25 and cotts, totalling $44.30. It was a rsther expenfcixe evening's. fun. HORbES FOR SALE Two young diivingjmrts k 'and[|five work ', horscB will be sold cheap. _ Apply^ DOUGAL^fMcDdCGALL PRICKYILI.E When You're Away From Home Can you leave your home with the assurance that a sudden thunder-storm will not destroy it before you return? The man whose home and barns are protected against damage by lightning by the DODD System of Lightning Protection enjoys absolute freedom from worry. He stands no possible chance of loss thru lightning. For thirty years the DODD System has stood guard. It is guaranteed absolutely. The dreaded season of disastrous storms is here. Ak u* today what it will cost to put your property in .the "safe" class by installing the DODD System. S. HEMPHILL Ceylon, Ont. Flesherton Tin Shop. New Perfection Oil Cook Stove i IS THE BEST Simple Al- wayu Ready Satitnrs every Requirement. It has tho high- I eat range of t-fticiency, with low, medium and high fUnie provides any degree of heat nquiied. When the N.P. oven i ued all other means of baking will be given up in preferei ce i thin device. .Juat the thing for these hot days. Get one tit once. The I'M all i.r. i.i .1 Oil S . v that has ever appeal id. Frank W. Duncan Hardware, Etc. FLESHERTON Phone 24 I have just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your supplies. Eavetrougliing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. Pipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. II! D. WcKILLOP CHRI5TOE BLOCK FLESHERTON & ONTARIO. i-i'iiirj Flesherton Fall Fair THURSDAY and FRIDAY SEPT. 29 & SO. 1921 Speeding In The Ring Second Day of Fair, Sept. 30 Free for All Trot or Pace Purse $150 2.30 Trot or Pace urse $125 Classified Race Members only $15 $10 $5 Honeywood Band has been Engaged for the Second day of the Fair $1200 IN PRIZES v GRAND CONCERT Second Night, Friday, September 30 JIMMY FAX, Comedian MAUD BUSCHLIN, Canada's Greatest Violinist J. H. CAMERON, Entertainer ADA OLDFIELD, Soprano and Pianist ADMISSION General Admission 50 cts. Reserved Seats 75 cts. * Plan of Hall at Richardson's Drug Store

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