Flesherton Advance, 29 Sep 1921, p. 4

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September 29 i2i i? I CISL fil .HEAD < i OFFICE 'HAMILTON ESTABLISHED 1672 Instead of carrying tin- proceeds from Drain Tickets, Sale of Ciitilo. Produce. uU"., in your I* jcki-t, deposit them in the 1- iik of [lamilton, where they will be safe. You can tlion issue cheques) to pay accounts, and your pass book will afford you a complete record of all your transactions. BANK OF HAMILTON UU.NDALK BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager St)B-BR*NCH PROTON -C. J. Forater, Sub-ManaUer , MILLIONS NOW LIVING WILL NEVER DIE 1 his remarkable and astounding fact will be the subject of a Dis- course by G C BRIGNELL A KVprcsrnlativc <>l tlic International Bible Students' Association of London, Kn<;.. and linxik- lyu, N.V., IN T1!K FLESHERTON Sunday Afternoon October 2nd, 1921 3 p.m. I he evidences are cumulative that we are IN the days of the Son ol Man. therefore "Millions now Living will Never Die." This message is a message ol comfort because it announces the end- ing of the present unsatisfactory order of things, and tlie speedy incoming ol the Kingdom of Peace and Righteousness, when the "meek shall inherit the earth and dwell in the LAND for ever.' Seats Free No Collection CREAM TESTING DAYS Tuesdnys and Fridays \W li i.' il.'.ii l.'.l til linvr cli'i-i.!.' I n li ivi> ttv.i iliy-i u Wi'i'li fir IcHlinif crcii'i Tn ihvi :unl Kiiliiys. Mrin^ your ni-i'-iiii to I'm- '- ire. \\'.' ti'it. iin,l [iiy ixt on-j- llic hi [he -I in iiki't pi "'. THE FIESttHRTON ADVANCE EARLY CLOSING Tin' at IM will hi' oltHi; 1 iiViiry Tliur^il v rwiiin>! i*l. li p.m. until the 1'inl >il tin) t'i'iisi :-=-: JAMES McLEAN, Pattison's OKI Stand. CEYLON 000000000000 o^o aooo^ooooi . For Service Duo pill'- I ii-l -Vi -nil t n 'nil !'H I i-i ur'--,-,!.-" I. 1 ', Aiii'in- >. T.-iui- Jl.'iU for . i.ulw if I"'-' '""-'I' 1 "f ' , nthc-if notf.'. P.ti.- hi i '-co 00. ,,, 31 UUHKKT NOTICE I.' i ..... iln'i I In' I 1.1 Hi-lmlilo S,- IP : Mil l \ u oaii I uy I. i ii i.' in: i n .: i v.i\ ii .ii.ir i I-I-H:,-. llM . i, >.iii I, III (ill KV'IT A-Liil, 'u!>-. ' Fall Fair Dates Olintiworih Ocl 13, 14 Chesley Sept 29, 30 Durham Sept 29, JO Dotboro Sept 22, 23 UundalU Sept 27, 28 PLKSHEKTON SEP.T 29, 30 Feverhhuni : . . . (Jet. 4, & Grand Valley S^pt 27, 28 II .' .".11 Sept 27, 28 Kilsyih (Jot , 7 L melon (Western Kir). ... Sept 10, 17 Murkdale Oct 11, 12 Meaford Sept 29, CO Mount Forest Sept 21, 22 Oranqeville St-pc 10, 16 Prioeville ^ Oct ti, 7 Shelburne '. Sept 20, 21 Fulls Sept 27, 28 I: IH n, II ui.!,, .k of North Kim 1 wai tiud 810 and costs for tithing on the Sabbath. Have you erer stopped to think how this country wjuld fare if there were DO forestx no wo.td to supply the thouRtnd ,iud one necessities of domestic life. Matthew Suetsinger of iiearThornbury showed tli.. Keview Herald two stalks > f llio famous Kureka curn which measured 14 feet in lenuth. For feed as well as for silo use the Eureka would appear to oe an FXCalltnl thing for the faimer to Krow, as recent experiments in these pn-ts h-ive clearly demonstrated i's produotiveneM. PORTLAW Mr and Mrs. Robert Haiina and Mill Miy Cornfiuld visited in Caledon at the honecf their friend, Mies Neibitt. Miss Gladys White of Toronto is visiting at the parental home. Mr. and Mm. Fred Ridley, who hare !>.<', pn spering in New Luketrd, are visiting with numerous friends here, Miss IVavl Wal^tt came up from Toronto last Friday and is visiting at home. Kally Day service was observed last Sunday at Mt. /ion Sibbath school. The Pastor, Rev. Kippen, gave a good addresi on "Loyalty." At the close of tbe service it was decided to hold the nuiversary services on the third Sunday in October, and supper and entertain- ment the fol'uwing Monday evening. The home . f Mr and Mrs Blakey was brightened by the arrival of a little boy. Miai Lillian McKei ziv, who bat ben laid up for over a year with neuritit, is o much impioveu that she has been able to drive out same lately, and indications " that she will >oon be rest >red to her f . > good u i She wishet to publicly thank all her neighbors and her many other friends for ail their kindueM BO generously extended to her during her extended illiu-is. Carqoe's Grocery u j If you want good, clean, fresh Groceries or Con- fectionery give us a call. We carry nothing but the best. All kinds of fruits in season. TOMATOES We keep fresh Tomatoes on hand at all times. Phone us your order right now and we will deliver to any part of die town. ICE CREAM Come in and visit our Ice Cream parlor. All kinds of pool drinks served. W. E. CARGOE Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery FLESHERTON, - Phone 30J - ONT. Farm for Sale I...I Hiii ;ind 107, S NV T A S K,,id, i-otiUiiiini; 100 acreo, about .">5 acres under c-uttivn-ion and in pasture, balance i i.iiln-r'-il : linck house, bank Imn with I,, with vl! at oith Imusi- and bain. Tins i i; .n is n Hood road und convenient market. T .- firm lies in Artemeiii, o:ie milt.- fnun Saugei>n Jc". Apply to -K .1. VATSK. It It .1. Proton Station. DR. F. C. NIXON Optometrist and Optical Specialist , Huroiitario Street r.eur Third Street, I Collingwood, Ontario Appointments : Daily it a. in. to 5 p m Kvi'inngs and Bolida\y9 i i > . ! Ti'U'j'h.-ue C.U.W. l!,,\ lOtiti .1 ly '-"I Small Ads. Try !'< rrshfi.n I'a-try Klour, the '>et or your cook. All Ointriti wlirit luK doiii' i. n S.i'iutUyi only liins. Kui;enU OctlO Yongc anJ Charles Streets, Toronto- ID a school with ft s|iYndid record When superiority o( tr.-uui:..' H r-i.sil' ered tnii college r*nki Hiuony the bo-*' on the oontinootk Write today for cnl;iloi>iii>. Knter at any time W. .). KLLIOTT. PKINVIPAL Flesherton Garage FORD and QPAV-DORT Sales A full line of Tire- and Auto Accessories on hand." mwi ALL MAKES OF CARS REPAIRED K,-,lm, a ,.,-,., ,. || .mm .nd Miitiiw frniuuy carpeted E*ei Week H. AU-JLMiiiei-. Frven-htin l'0 1-21 Batter. 30 toO ::'i KUKH .15 "n ii ;C> Winter Wheat 1 ". In N'I Spring \\lu-it 1 80 lu 1 S" A luii-r "f youny \"X* for nalo - Apply Kiliiiuiid 1'iillislei. Kor Sulr -H.ix >tovi- f..r wu>d. in goi d c.iiihiiun. Mrs. .McC..llum, Kleshorton. KorSile Stot-r oilt U in. mills old Win. I'ltton. Klvalmrton. Four new (Hivi-r f.lowi fur mile. Fiices right, (.'nil nnd nt'0 ihein H. DJWII Jt ^011!-, Klt'nllfl toll. (live us a trial Satisfaction guaranteed Otrtn ................ 40 t H*rley .................. "> t Pen* ................. 1 f>0 t Huckwhen: ............. 1 H) I Potatoes ................. "i" t Apple* ................. 4 00 t OPK C> 1 nO 1 06 1 00 i 4 00 H. DOWN & SONS, PHONE 36 FLESHERTON I ! In the : n \ of '.-! !, an aulu riin. I' ive dollars reward will be on i on iftuin to i In-, oili. i- K.U' and wind Inttiranct! in thu bist 'ii.|i.ui,. for lam. and l,. n properly W. O Knwi-ctt, a|{i'iit, L'.'ylon Wuiul Kov Sle Wood to be taken DUI by inn . li . -i-i in nny '|'i ii.i i \ ,lr u.-,l AUo cut N-ift nnil hurilwuoil fur scle. Apply u. N. Au-hilmld If K .'!, I'lolon. Km- Suit- On lot Ut!, eon. 4, Aiteiue- uit'sM, I |iuri-liieil I ri:- -in i mi _' ynri "i i, almi 1 plirabrtd Lpiuonler lain Ininli. Sim 1'eillor, Flvnhei>ii>n K K. I '-i I. iiu in ins polu iiiul lio ly lu-li on S h line, Aiteiiu-Nia or O->|iny Kinder (ile.iM- II-MMI Hi telephone ntli.v, Kever- Minim, in Ailv/un-i- itliii- I'IIIM- l,"si On Tni'Mliy, Sep'. li, In-'ui-i-n 1'iO li-i N InUe Mtiop Olid Win, nd 1 *, a |> 'i-ki-i luiok uilli MIIII of in -iii-v Kini'i-r |ile;iM- linn- w-ilh Win. Held or ut I'lu- AilvitniM i Ili.-e, Koi sd, l,inooiat *({on wiih lovv, in- illy nrw ; uin< nut Mnnlr Inini's", bran III-H , Mns-i-y HUMS liny iMke, iienily in- , u iiii-iil. i-r of ri'i/istemd Oxt'or-l nun I'linl'-i mid rr .il.iiL- i HIM ; .lUo n iiiuuhrr of wluli- l.i-nholil coi-ki-n-ls Hobrit Ainoil, Mxivull I', I). Kni- Salt- loo nl MI#>, n!.s i tviino youii!; pi^N A:II n i|iiintily ut ei'd iyi>, tlnii yi'iu'M crop, Hiid u Ili'll ihi-i-.slini^ M'pu.i'or in I'nod n-pulr ; will NI>| i-hoap .it yililll \V. ,1. Alcox, MuikiUlo !'.() I'ln.in- :i:iiv'J. llniisr mid I. For Salit -The prop- inly knoniiHs rli,- Anlniown ri-mdi-iK-o at C.-ylon, an i-inlil roo'iieil dwi-llinj;, i;oi d i-i-llii, .--l.il'l-, flu. ; aliont an nnv of 'mil, wuiiM nmVi< a liooil homo for a ii-tiii-il m'lil Irni in Kor liuiiiH and fill- tlmr uirtii-oj ti* apply to W. .1. I'Mla-ny, Kli--.hi-ii.in. I Mny t I' Flesherton Fall Fair THURSDAY and FRIDAY SEPT. 29 & 30, 1921 Speeding In The Ring Second Day of Fair, Sept. 30 Free for A!l Trot or Pace Purse $150 2.30 Trot or Pace Purse $125 Classified Race Members only $15 $10 $5 lloiun ,iul l.i I Kor Sili> it) t\>yloti - One nere of Unit, n lu-no funne house, !> in. 'in-., .1 l.i ili.ioin-., ilininx lo mi, ptrlor, mj.nl h il'-i, liiii-hen, \>ni\iiy -i:nl eell-ir, ill .-!! liui.i-liel 'iiul in >ii>nil e i.inl'l u-li. Wiuiiishe,! i":l.-|l- -il. Alii' ({00,1 Hi lliln HI.! w.Ol \.-n i hi- I'. I'. K \ : .. MM. i: r i.i-^Htc. Ti-vi n Honey wood Band has been Engaged for the Second day of the Fair $1200 IN PRIZES * GRAND^ONCERT Second Night, Friday, September 30 JIMMY FAX, Comedian MAUD BUSCHLIN, Canada's Greatest Violinist J H. CAMERON, Entertainer ADA OLDFIELD, Soprano and Pianist ADMISSION General Admission 50 cts. Reserved Seats 75 cts. Plan ol Hall at Richardson's Drug Store ' .- > I %

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