f i Vol42, No. '20 Flesherton. Out., October 2O 1921 FEVERSHAM Mr and Mrs Jas Henderson of Meaford and Mrs Frank Curran of Mclntyre spent Sunday with ihe litter's mother, Mrs R H Henderson . Mrs Will Oolquctte has returned to her home in Porn McXicholl after a few weeks' vitit with .friends in thin village. Ihe-U.F.O. aspirant for HeacocU Alley at Ottawa started the eau.paigu in this part of the riding by a stirring speech in the Orange Hall her* on Saturday nic;ht And say, by the doleful btory the told us of the farmer's life from the cradle to the (rave, winch if it b true, we did not wonder that the man >n ihe moon had his face covered when it came up over th* mouutin on Sunday evening At first light of it we thought that the lime had ci niu when the sun and nn on should be darkened und (he end of the world had come. What a hafpy release for the Or- ganization shu represent! fr*m ;he airf nl tyranny of the village, town and city people- thai they hare had to endure all their livea. Accordinn to her st ry it would lurely be a release if ihey oven did not rench a land that is fairer than day, but had to liudown below. Hut then we know that people often ii)im;iiie thinui and if Miss Mcl'hail found such condi- tions existing aa ehe pictured uroui.d ttie six corners they are a lot ditt'.rent from conditions in this prt of the country as there is no life !.!> the farm life in Od pr-y. We were brought up on a farm and farmeuToi usraelvea dr ".0 years aud should know a little about it. Mr aiid Mia Geo Badger of A^quilh, Sask., vinited recently with tln-ir nieces', ftlrs M Hurst and Mrs IJorf Hocklvy ot Feversham . Artemesia Council Arteniesia Council met on Saturday, October I. The members were, all present, the Iteevo in the chaii-. The minutes of last meeting were road and signed. Uyluw 14 of i.'.i, to. appoint the fol- lowiug cullecturi) w- read a third tune and signed. Collectors A D McLeod. S (iilbsrt, W J HUckburti and \\ T Pedlar. The Reeve reported that he had expended $2:;.'.)-' in repairn g the Collm- Don ditch in Ceylon ; also expenditure nf $; 06 3? on Valley Koad. Mr Lmiiuer reported for Uiv 4 for September, ami. expended $51 75. Mr Hogarth rup'irud for September, expended S.'ili.Iii) and four days ovuHfetrg. Mr Mathewson reported for Seplembfr, expended $204.45. U Becker, '.claim of $."> 05 t->r broken spring and repairs tu cir. on 190 sideroad eatt ; Sandy Hoy, claim for daimtffcs f 140, for broken buxity a i injuries to boy at Eugeui* ; dunes Newell, claim for sheep killed by dons, $20 ; VV H Thurston, printing aud advertising voters' lists, collet-torn' rolls, tux bills and notices, 140. 'JO ; U C Muir Chief Engineer ot Couu'y U i . , ao- knowledKiDii report of 1!>20, expentlitura and intimatmg that tbu Council inigh 1 uxptct a cheque for S8*i~ 38, subsidy on same. The following were (intered to be paid : ' O'Melia $12, LCnuits 57 oO for work on Ceylon ditch; H ration, culveit at lot 2'.), c m t">, 810 : the Reeve $10 for i!.\ days overseeing woik ; Mr. Lutimer 9. -JO, cummi^sion ; Mr 51ath uwson ?'JU..'.j, coinmisKion . Mr Hogarth $8, two days overseeing work ; Charles Newell SL'-M f ( ,r sheep killed ; Colin MoMillan $l('i for sheep killed. Gravel accounts- J Ottowell ?i 50, B.-rt Kuox JI5.40, Jas Dliver $4 ^0, 1' Muir gH, C Jewell #1' i'ii, J Carson $2 30, John Beecroft $3.5L', J Watson '.We, \V H Thurston $140.90. Mathewson- Burnett- That the Clurl: notify the parties to tho Cflilinson ditch to clean out their portions of the same according to the eiiuiei' demand Carried. HoKaiNh -MatheWHOn That the bill of Mr Becker for repaint to spring broken on Love's sideioad bu not ctuertiined Carried. Latimer - HogHilh - That the cliiim of Snndy Hoy frr alleged damages through hurse running away at Eu^enift be not eutertamed Carried. Council adjourned. EUGENIA The woody are most beautiful just now and the valley in * picture m all the liuau- tiful ,-hniUa of iiir uni-i. Mrs Munshaw and Mm Latimer liavo Ir-th returned home aflur visium; Iriends in the city ihe past lew weeks. Miss Kate .lamieson has returned home from Rochester luicumpunied* by her lister, Mrs Thompson. Miss Ka.e hail .t very successful operation performed for inward o!tfcr and is lo-jlimg tine w nr alad to repjrt. Mr< Thmnpson also had an operation ou her throat and is not so well. Ernest Mcrgau took a business trip to (I. 'i c:ty this week. .J-i'i-.i-* Shields of Clarksburg visited with the Cr: u lu T> family tlie pt wek Annircrsary services in ihe PieJhyter- ian church were well attendi-d both morning and evening on Sunday. Rev Uke of Fleshrrton took charge nf both serviced and delivered two splendid :nldiesse, which were well appreciated. We hope to have Mr Oko with us again. The music by th choir was well reudert-d and appropriate. Married Wednesday, Oct. 12. at the manse, Flesherton, by Rev. Puffier, Mias E. Sayers of Fevershani to Dune in Williams uf Eugenia: We wish the young coupl much happiness ml extend welcjiue to .Mis. '>' iilianH. Mr Jike Sloan of Toronto v tailed with friends and was a guesc at the .Miinah t.v House Little Misses .loan and EH<i Purvis of Ifeverwhani spent a day the past week with their fiiund, Patty MOI:M;-.. Five ladies motored down f.om Owen Sound S.iturdsy nnd cpent ihe day sightseeing, putting up at th>i Munshaw House, Wo are sorry to report Mr Parliament and Mis.s Ida Uaney not s > well again. Mr and Mrs Lawrence Lyiniii visited ' i- preuts during iho |M-I> week. .Mr and Mrs Albert Williams ttiid M:;. Millie Ci-nphell have been laid u:> wuh t .i:..i.!n rtii; past two weeks. "'Illinois, iilihoatth such cunning un- til il*. an: becoming |{reat pudta, eating i way into pjoplx's houses nd lie oymir cluthinii. Now, should we not tify the Department of O -nun and Fisberiac to havu the animaU remofed to flieastut Island or there mi)ilit In' l.f*rd the report of a gun on the RESERN'K. thereby scaring the birda .' Whut nay ye ! FLESHERTON FALL FAIR ! PROTON STATION CEYLON Mrs D Mm , who li.ts been <m m ^vended visit with her sister in Chicago, has returned luuio. Mrs Proud of Hamilton visitcJ Mrs H Piper here ';nl week. Mi KI'.I \\'i'L p ii. ,. who liits spent u in. nth with Toronto f|iand*,hw returned homo. Mr and Mrs ALx S:cwart (if Owen Scuiid visited at A Sincllit'a !;>' week. Dr (Jrmit of Durhiiin visii^-d his sisu-r, Mrs A Muir. James Mi.-I.uiiM inui family attended anniversary services -it Salem Sundiiy. Mr and Mrs Arun< McLcod, their il nuliti'r and her husband, of M < ir_; "' niiitrred iivor mid Visited with hist*.. brother*. D and J M i Mrs Koss Leslie and twi children of West Toronto, m-e visiting hor pu.-ir.s, Vr and Mrs A McMullon. Mr Goheon nf Prot n spent iho weeK end at James Pnttenun'v. D Muir and soo* u* loading a car of Mrs Geo AnuaU-iing has returned fiom visitiug fi-iend.s ut Norval. Toronto Line North Mr .J C. Wright ol Toronto in. (pending a couple weeks with Robt Swantun. Mr Jb' C Cole, Albert S|^rk, C Stewart wife and daughter visited with Mr and Mr* Keruahnn near Fovershaiu. Mr Win Burnett and wilV. Mrs [i-win aud il i'i-!i!.'r-. spent a day with Hopeville fi-ieuds recently. How Many Hours A Day 'Do You Spend IN VOfH KITCHEN Surely a good many when ynu getr IUOO nioals H year. Your stove i either your best fritnd or your worst enemy, and you speud a lai^o share of every diiy in U conipiiny. COUONA AND TACO HANUES have become a big success. Sat- it-licU u.'c-rs are our best adver- tising. Come in aud soo thi-in before you Luy. AUo- Ue.-iti'ra Stove Pipes, Stovu B<:anN, rtc. Frank W. Duncan Hardware, Etc. Fiesherton - Phone 24r 11 J I Sled, wifu and family by Albei Stewart and wife visited with Mr aud Mrs Periico, HORSES HEAVY DRAUGHT Team, Len At- kins, A. Dunlop; 2 year old, W. G. Baker; brood mare, R. Swanton; spring colt, R. Swanton. AGRICULTURAL Team, L. At- kins, J. Teeter; brood mare, W. G. Baker; spring colt; W. G. Baker. GENERAL PURPOSE TearfiTP. J. Sullivan, J. Stinson; 2 year old, A. Thistlethwaite; spring colt, C. At- kinson. CARRIAGE Team, H. Freeman; brood mare, C. J. Fowler, C. Atkin- son; spring colt. C. J. Fowler, C. At- kinson; single driver, C. Atkinson; W- J. Moore. ROADSTERS Brood mare, J. G. Graham, Levi Betts; spring colt, L. Betts, J. I. Graham; single driver, Dr. Hodson, D. Ring; lady driver, Mrs. Findley, M. Stewart. SPECIALS Simpson's special Dr. Hodson. G. M. Let-son. M. P., special Len Atkins, 1 and 2. R. J. Ball's special Len Atkins, W. G. Baker. Standard Bank special Dr. Hod- son, Len Atkins. Christie Brown special Len At- kins. CATTLE SHORTHORN Bull. F. Curry, R. O. Turner; bull calf, R. O. Tumor. F. Curry; cow, F. Curry. R. O. Turn- er; 'J year old heifer. Curry 1 and 2 ; 1 year old heifer. Curry I and 2 ; heifer calf. Curry 1 and 2 ; best herd. Curry; best bull, Curry. JERSEY Cow, Mrs. Boyd. IIOLSTEIN Bull. C. Moore; bull calf. C. Moore; cow. J. Harrison 1 and Ii: 2 year old heifer, Moore 1 and 2; 1 yi-nr old heifer. Moore, A. Thiatlethwaite ; heifer calf. J. Har- rison, C. M'x.rc: best bull. C. Moore. HEREFORD Bull. W. J. Chard; bull calf, r!i:- -.': c w, C:r-.rd; best bull. Chard. GRAPES, for beef 2 year old steer. \V. .1. Chard. \V. Stewart; 1 year old steer. Chard; 2 year old heifer, Chard. Stewart; 1 year old heifer H. Radley. .1. Harrison; heifer i-:,'L< O. .Atkinson. W. J. Chard; steer calf, Chard 1 and 2; cow, Chard 1 and '2. DAIRY Cow. A. Thistlethwaite: 2 year old heifi-r, W. Stewart 1 and 2: calf. H. Radley. Merchant's Bank Special Best herd of beef cattle W. J. Chard. SHEEP COTSWOLD All prizes to J. H. Xicholls. LEICESTER^All prizes to .T. H. Nicholls, OXFORD DOWN":-- -All prizes to \V. J. Mi-ads. SWINE YORKSHIRE B-ar, 1021. J. H. Nirhols; snw. a,,'i-<l. J. II. Nicholls; sow. 1U21, Nicholls, T. J. Stinson; sow 1 year, Nicholls, Stinson. T A. \r\YORTH H !'-, a.-ri-d. Stin- son: sow, L921, >:in.son 1 ami 2; best bacon type, Stinson, Nicholls. POULTRY BARRED ROCK Mali-. 2nd L. A. Fisher; female. 2ml L. A. Fisher; cockerel, A. Gilchrist, Fisher; pullet, 2nd Gilchrist. WI1ITK ROCK -Male. .1. T. Sled; female. Sled; cockerel. W. Cronley, J. T. Sled; pullet. Sled, CrossUy. WHITE WYAND.OTTE Cocker- el, Croasley; pullet, Crossiey.. ""WHITE LEGHORN Male, ii. Karstedt; female, H. Karstedt: cock- erel. H. KaTsUdt; pullet, H. Kar- stedt. ANCONA 'Fernals, Crossiey, 1 & 2; cockerel, Karstedt: pullet. Cross- ley 1 and 2. E Wickeus, accompanied by hisfaiher and brother, Georiie, vihited Knnberiey friends over tin; week end. The potato and mangold crop nro about all harvested on this line nnd both have yielded well, especially tho main-olds. S S No 7, Artemesia 4 Alico Muir, Mabel Walters, Bob Par.slos-, [v:ui Turner. ;! -SliiWrirt Muir, Sad'e Oliver, Mar* giret TuriiiT. Sr 2 Do>is Taylor, Sadlu Vause, Dick j Parslow, MyiUo ( )'!strandar. Sr rr--\Vikou Taylor, Mary, M,cDon- aid, K B O'StMadur. Jr Pi Jean T.iylor, Jack MiicMillan, Cliristene MacKi.inoii, M Wrlmiwon, ! Jessie O'Strandor. allendance 15 Jessie black, Teuclior Sale of Brick House In The Village Of Flesherton Sealed 'JViidt-is nilil|--Nseil In* Thomas Clnytoii. EMJ., Fl*h*rton, Oot.Hp, will be iuceivi-il up to Siiuiday. tMobur fifteenth, 11121, t uvi-lv,, u'olnuk noon, for the ptirobww of the follnwHi-/ property belonging ti'bho slft*e of the la'e IVter Mi.!; d*Ot8ed, iMino'y : I.oti lliree, four, live, eight, niii n<l ti-n in Blook *' H '" in Moichiil's Survey in t he'Vill.-igo of S'loslii'iti-n in llm (,'ounly of Grey. Upon ill.--.- premians it ft brick liouso in ^ood !.: i null fraine kitchen iind wnodthi-d iittnclieil. There is nine frame slnblo oil iho Term? A nnrBed c'ii-i|iic for Ton per cent, of 1'iicb tcniU'r i t > accoinpnny same, and tho Imlnnce cf llu- purcha.se price !o be paid wiibin thirty J>iys after the acci'pt.inc.! of thu tender, wilh- ut interest. Conditions of Sile- Thu properly will be sold subject to a reaene biJ. The highest or my illior ti'irlci- not necessarily accepted. For further particulars iinr) coiulitioiis of sale apply to Thomas Clayton, K-'| , Flesherti'ii, (Jn'atio, or to WIUGHT, TKLFt )RD & BIRNIE ().vcn S 'ind, Ontario S,.]i,:ii,,| S tor Vi-n lors '" 1!l ii. ' ''-' ' Mr J C Wright viiitud with fricnda in Toronto. Miss M<tnda Wariiny visited with her niu'li.'i- ut ll'iiiand Centre. Mr nil Mrs Still, with their family viaittd tbo lutter' pir^-nts at MI unl Forest. Mr ami Mrs H G Ui-oki-i and m-n .Jack visitid with fiii-nda iu Toronto. Mrs Waihii^ -iinl iiaus;hter8, Alice and Mrs C-tri-utlh-i'.s, were ^ms.-i.s -if the form- t-i's d iiiobter, Mrs Sain Budi;-ro\v. .Mi=lir Kiauk ami Miss Mae Milt-fi boi.c'.iyed with their yraiid-iioilier, Mrs Cai-4-.u . Mr Hopkins mid Mr T Dover visited i h fiieuils .it Herkli-y . Mi- and Mis :;,<o Smith, Uiirham, were 1-uesln ;ii thu hniiiu of \Vm NVii^lr, . Me-isrH Lloyl \Vauvbot>, Uoo U :n;mve and Mis H.irgiMvo visitel wuh tin- form i .-> [i-nuniM l.i'ii . A uuuioer frnni hero i-nj.iyi-il til.- nil- prmsiva .-ervicei i M'. Xmn on sui;d-ty List. Service in tin 1 Pri-sliyti-rian church on Sundiiy eve, .is withdrawn i n -n.-'-:;iinr of i lie aniiivi'if.uy MTV I'-. 1 - at KII^CMI. M srs ThoM anil \\i-s I)f.,r hive purchased the i-cncrtl s'' if ivii.(t by our e(it.-i|)ii-n.L; iiieicliiHil, Mr. H. (i. Becker. Mr. r<-> l>ur i.l !ii- fi.ily ui.h-i'd, u.s h,- aitvaiM kip our iittii- vilhi^e booiDiog wnh trade. Mr Rohl Ah. s, n is :n T.;l' I week willl stock. .Miss iMidr.u ,M.,i.-, wl... li.iH In <-n rt-uli Mrs P.irl;, b. u'tiiuiedio liei lioim; near ITlasheituii. Iluri-Ali ! for the f:u nit r spo.ts h., w.'ic nuceesbful in winning ibe cl.allip- ionfli'p of Ihu Cuiniu tjrey LJiM-b-ill Le'imii! Hid in" ,' tluckid. Hastie is Candidate Al a Li'neial c iiivmiion lu.'il in Onr- h illi on Tdenlily \Vniler II >si tr i.f Uro- llluru was n i!ii.:;tt ii u rtny ;he l.r>-;il btnner in t!:e ccinin; ioi-.-i:, f.nti n. BUFF ORPINGTON Cockerel. Crossiey; pullet, Crossiey 1 and 2. WHITE ORPLN'GTON Cockerel. Crossiey 1 and 2; pullet, Crossiey. Geere TOULOUSE Male, W. .Stewart. L. A. Fisher; female, Stew::''t. A. O. V. Male, Geo. '':st 1 and 2; female, L. A. Fisher i -id 2. Duck* PEKIX Male. Fisher. ROUEN Male, Stewart 1 and J: female, Stewart 1 and 2. INDIAN RUNNER Mai.-, Cross- lay; female, Crossiey 1 an.l 2. A. O. V. Male, R. Swan >ji, J. T. Sled; female, Sled. DAIRY HONEY In comb, L. A. Fisher; extracted, L. A. Fisher. BUTTER.") Ib., W. M ...re, .1. Adams, L. A. Fisher; 2,"> Ib.. Fisher; 15 Ibs., Fisher, Muoru, Lome Atkin- son. Largest e>ts- J. T. Sl.-d. .T. P. Ottewell. Fruit cake Fisher. .1. He;. !. Bread W. A. Havvkcii, A. Gil- christ. L. A. Fisher. Tarts Fisher. Sled. Layer cake. Fisher. Moore. ' Jefly roll Sled, Ottewell. Doughnuts Fisher, Moore. Pumpkin pie Heard, R. C .'.'(I. Lemon pie Hawkcn, Best. Custard pie .Heard, Moore. Apple pie Fisher, Sled. Mince pic Fisher, Sled. Raspberry wine Mrs. Boyi'. Fisher Grape wine 'Fisher. Canivad fruit R. Chard, ilawken. Pickles Chard, Fisher. Maple syrup . Kisiu-r, Best. 'Collection, caokios- -Fisher, Haw- ken. Potato salad Fisher, Gilchrist. Soap Atkinson, M.u>re. School lunch Sled, Ottewell. Eaton's special J. Hjard. Wi.men's Institute special- Haw- ken, Sl-d. GRAIN AND SEED.? Winter whfea'. \\ -iite - A, Uinson, Sled. Sprinj? wheat, red Stins >n. At- kinson. Barley Sled, Stinson. Oats, white Stinson. Atkinson. Oats, black Atkinson. Peas, small Stinson. Peas, large Atkinson. Collection beans Crossiey, At- kinson. Timothy seed Stinson. Flax seed Stinson. Buckwheat Stinson. Sweet clover Swanton, Adam*. Imperial Oil Co. special Swan- ton. FIELD ROOTS Po ta toes Irish Cobbler >Sti nso n , Fisher; Green Mountain, Stinson; American- Wonder, H. Lever, C. W. Bellamy; A. 0. V.. Hawken. Atkin- son. fflSwede turnip Stinson, Sled. Mangolds Globe, 0. Phillips, Stinson; long, Stinson, A. Thistle- I thwaitc. Ensilage corn Fisher. Graham. Mangolds, A. 0. V. Sled. Stin- son. Cuntinutd on V-<\p 4 TO OWN A WRIST D t D 1^- w \TCH bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USUAL T Funeral Directors and Ii t a?s>rc of nil > ounu 1 idit>, > . : c L i somo ..f tho ..la r i di,-v . . tmbaiiners w BCh ,,H,i liK d,,,,e.fo ry .., :1 Phone Hillcrest 268 iaiedi-.iu.fviticii.-Hi n,,/,, , j 24 Avenue Road, o'li- piicin a: is ii-iiKonable us we <-n,,ld mako i : m. .<;,,- y TorOn*C, Ont. mii fora \ (ViOTOR EQUIPMENT or-my .,-!, kind ,f n ,ov ,,-. 1: j w Q^^ R Maddocks will pay you lu i ;.s|ie;t 'l:i-m. D ., ,. President Manager. W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, Now is the time to re- new your subscription to FLESH ERTCr:, ONT The Advance. IN Helping the Farmer The Merchants Bank is of vary practical aasistan ce in helping the Farmer to obtain Tested Seed Grain to settle Harvest and Threshing Expenses to pay off Hired Help to or !er the winter's supply of Coal to purchase Pure Bred Cattle to realize t i Grain Storage Tickets. Avail yourself of his complete Banking Service. **O IVVM v AV^V;. THC MCl^ CHANTS BANK Head Office: Montreal. O. CANADA Established 1 304. FLESHERTO I & CEYLON BRANCHES '-I P. FERRIER - \ I House of Quality SPECIAL IN TEA With every pound or Gold Medal Tea purchased in this store \ve will give free a handsome cup and saucer. Get into this offer at once and you can soon save a set of these dishes. Price of 1 Ib. package 65c. FLOUR Sovereign, Ladies' Favorite, Perfect and "Pastry Fi'efej rjiilled by F. T. Hill & Co. We al.so^F.anr&e.Royal Household. ^ II W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Fleshcrton, Ontario -r^- ^ , ~ ^ ^ ^ ^~ " ' ' ^ "^^ " ^^f f ^ ~ --^i *- rV m - -* . ft ,% New Fall Coats Just Arrived t...riuH K.ill !.-'..r < '. Miry t HUB In Duvelyne with fur o -ill wnol Voloiir and Pulnirc cl'lli \\ i' Ii o >Uiii- Inch cin lie tnii'niu-.l if iloiieil. Shows n--ve!y t \vis( >ticblii(;. Also the ltet ill p!aid, striprs ,u,i .ill ,VM.; kniticd .skirls ami puliovi'is. DRESSES Dn-ssi'ii ill all tin: Inti-M s'l .u.s. SUITINGS % Sinlinjt i" Tiii:otino, Br>'ilcii'ili--, ^il 1 cool LLiinii. clo'h and 44-inuh serneH. MILLINERY We have just opened up n slock of the most up to date h'a shown "iitmdii the city. Wo i!l bo pleased to have you cull aiiti 80S tin in bed i-o buyiug. Prit-s li^ w. L. WRIGHT; Corner Store, Flesherton w__ !_______, iu- r^T^*i*i^; r *T.^%L*T-v^ w ^ w ^'-"-"-"^-"-'-.