THE CHILDREN'S HOUR I tasks, ami wiKinigness to undertake i and try to perform well whatever he | commands. A Scout's training makes me gener- | ally useful. I have some knowledge of photo- THE SUNDAY SCHOOL OCTOBER 23. Addr communication* to Ayienomltt, 73 Adelaide 3t West. Toronto Selecting Seed 1'otatoea. I grow potatoes succoss<f ully on either I find that I get far better results' a 8ma11 or B lar e by selecting my seed i>otatoc6 from liw hills as they are dug. I have never experimented with thin on a Fall Work in the Orchard. big scale, for I am not a big potato j grower, but it pays me The practice of plant sanitation to prevent parasitic diseases and rot- ting of farm Into the lives of two Scotch Boy Scouts there has com* Adventure ffraphy, microsctrpy, electricity and; with a capital A They have started **"*% and bnA fa ^ . Paul's Last Journey to Jerusalem. Act* 21 : 1-17. Golden a voyage of 30,000 miles, through un- L was ' in a com ano| > charted Antarctic seae, upon a little 6t onny cljmate, and have never lived I CXt Ual. to: (.Kev. Ver.) schooner wcarcely bigger than an oyster boat. Aral, what is as import- re^soniatal with Timc and P^e-56 A.D.; from, the Accho of Jud-g. 1: 31. and is not ant to thorn, they are serving Sir Arctlc explorations and Viking tradi- Miletus to Jerusalem. Ernest Shackk-ton, the explorer, as cabin boys. tions. Mooney is the slighter nnd also the Connecting Linka After Paul had ' and' held i Acre. Saluted the brethren; greeted with the labored at Ephesus for a period cf society \vhidh, as Ptolemaiis was on three years, (see I^esson 2, Oct. 19; the great highway by the coast, had prodivce, if heeded in on a small I *' me win 8ave niany of the trees and keep vegetables from rotting. b^ero^/hf ^ """ The raspberry paU'h should l>e "can, exp]oration , ^ gouth Pokr ^ ler on a bigger one. | ed" to remove all dead an(1 badly dis-l gions ArM , (hcn sir E|wgt Shack1e . In selecting the big: nice tubers eased stalks. This is more or less of ton caMa n y . . nn ,,, m ;. e( i that he would from the pile of potatoes in the spring a sanitary measure and it gives the: of the year, you do not know that you , sound canes :i chance, will get a good yield of big nice ( In fall pruning of apple orchards potatoes even with a very favorable i the farmer has a chance to rid the j soason. You may be getting diseased ' trees of cankered limbs. In deciding twbrs from hills infected with scab, i what cuts are to be made, the vip-or heard of it in time, they probably dry rot, and the like, even though the and freedom from disease of a Hmb, a]so woll i,i j lave ix^^ed to be taken Individual tubers may not show it to should be borne in mind. I along. The spirk that sends the A few weeks ago it became known ITlore rps erved of the two boys. Until Acts l"9: 8-20) he determined to re- been founded by the disciples dispers- that the little Quest was to put into ^ e ' e ^ n ' 8 nft ^ ve Orkneys for the first visit Macedonia and Achada, ch. 1.9: ed from Jerusalem after the death of london for l-or finUhin<r tmiAVipn tip Wme > to come to London, he had never 21. Having sent Timothy and Erastns Stephen, ch. 11: 9. Unto Caesarea; London f her fi shn ^ touche8 bc - een'a train or a , arge ; ity | into Macedonia (ch. 19: 22) to prepare thirty or forty miles further on, l VTL35 !*,!* Marr, of a more conventional Scotch ' or _h coming, he planned to remain Paul's prewsnt visit was the third he blue eyes and lean jaw? m E phs for some time longer. His had paid to this city (see c-hs. 9: 30; at Aberdeen University. .. in Ephesus for some time longer. His had paid to this city (see ehs. 9: , is stay> however, was brought to a sud- 18: 22). Philip the evangelist. "Evan- l)y gelists were an order or body of men , n iy -- - had mado a pal ' jant but ineffectual effort Plan of going to Macedc-ma and thenc '^ * ' Philip the deacon (chs. 6: 5: 8: 5, 26); Scout decorations. tinoTuished from Philip : 43, etc. He must " tho when a plot of the Jews obliged him to entertain so large a party. Four U to be a farmei^ like to (.fangc his .,],,.,, ancl retu rn to daughters . . did prophesy; that but I dont think I shall Macedonia. From PhiKppi, he went to | is, they belonged, lo a class in the what the pes- now " nc sa ' ( ' a ^^- ''-is choice as one Troas, there joining the company who enrh- church who edifled the church . f ,j! of the Quest's crew had been com- were to sail with him to Jerusalem, ' "by prea-ching under the direit " municated to him. "I shall t*o on ex- ch. 20:_4-6. After the incident relat- enca of inspiration, in-terpretimg the 1 urning out each ii' -'ire of getting no bud potr'oes reaily-mixe-l house paint has r with the desirable ones as they protecting value for pnir.ei! '. up. 'i ' < pnirJng cut should be made i 1 come .v.-ross a hill of nice, with the main branch. The it? fubers, free from s-.-ab nnd of wounds comes about from a "ol-jdmni to ten by the Boy Scout head- diseases and with a generous ins" growth from the cambium. If quarters at London, ami these ten I know I nm getting strong. , stubs are left the projecting parts boy,, wcre ca n p j to London to inter- Vir ous stock that should produce ' prevent the healing. i view Sir Ernest, in order that he well the folio-wing season. For such Hold-over cankers of fire blight can 1 might choose one of them, a hill could not have been infected be located by the blighted twigs on The choice narrowed down to two, any marked ilt-gree. Whenever pos- i Any pruning cut exposes the henrt; ljhman out to the' ends of the earth J sdble, I like to dig my seed potatoes : wood of the tree ar.d opens the way i n his wanderings still is pretty much my by band with an ordinary potato fork. fx;r heart rot fu;i!ri. As soon as the j n evidence, : pile whit the pes- This takes Hf'.e extra work w'aon cn'.y cut surfaces are <!ry they should be | s j m ists say a few >ju:->ht!s <,f seed arc reeled, an! painted with a white lead paste (not: empire. (That, is ich hill to itself I xinc white). Common barn paint or sp ;,.it which would i. ' s' oil >1< With disease, , , and it is vastly superior which the leaves have withered and both of whom seemed equally good.' for seed to that from a puny neigh- dried. The canker ia at the base of ; gj r E rne st solved his dilemma by ac- Sir Ernest Shackleton's only com- p au j na( i g^ n i to meet him at Miletus occupied in the journey from Miletus ment, but it was obvious that he was is recorded in ch. 20: 17-38. ; to Jerusalem, counts the period spjerrt highly pleased "/ith the result of hisj i. The Voyage, 1-9. appeal. Wintering Bees. There are three Important points Catsarea as ten days, just before Vs. 1 2. Gotten from them (see Pentecost. From Judaea; that is, from ch. 20: 36-38); "torn from their em- Jerusalem, or its neighborhood. A Prophet 28. brace," says one interpreter; a pain-i ful and difficult separation. Launched; ch. saiL A Btra j Kht COU rse. Luke "lias . to be observed in keeping bees safely the true Greek feeling for the sea" If there were in the winter. One of these is a and generally "records the incidents bor. A good-looking potato may come the twig. These should be located and cepting both of them. from a bad hill, but thft disease germs removed. wP -tt te their deadly work after storage. By selec-tir.g your seed digging tinvo, you can store these better-producing tul>ers separately an/1 thus keep your seed stock in flrst- c&L0s condition. i rroduce is to be avoided. Good tuber.* stored in a bin with pits should IK? prov decaying spudts will become weakened floor and a straw in vitality, nnd be less able to produce Black hear' of potat a good crop. I know from experience specking -f Cabbage are due to lack of! B oln O f the Quest's cabin boys arc points are observed, bees winter bet- Unto Phenicia; the that it pays to tefcct ;.n<i store seel oxygen in the storage room. ! from the north of Scotland. They are: ' ter In this country than in England north of Palestine, tubers SBpanOaly, especially for late' A cleanup of all trash from the pre-j Patrol Leader N. K. Mooney, aged | or in the Southern States. When cold' potatoes. I have he! p'-d plant !in- ' ceding crop should t:-.l:e place seventeen, Kirkwall, Orkney. ' j weather seta in the bees gather in a 11: Agabus. See look Pau s girdle; the band* sometimes of leather, but nvcjt- ly of silk, cotton of wool, by whi.-h th e loose, flowing Oriental robes were drawn together at the \v.;is.t. It might strip of such to make a stand. The heat from I protection. the <tiaoa*ed tubers of ttime* destroys In the field sanitation is obtained by the eyes of those remaining. Such twbers may look all right, but they will not sprr.ut and produce. Ft* best results it will pay you to B*lot your seed potatoes in the /all, end t store them in small well- vwrttlartod compartments; this rule crop rotation. Those who f olio wed | podJltion: coast ; Caesarea. What do ye? (Rev. Ver.) j "Why do you unrterve and unman V. 3. Discovered; sighted, a sailor's m e?" I am ready, etc. "To him who ally, "having made to rise w prepared, says Bengt-1, "the burden up out of the sea." Luke is careful j 3 ^S^-" Would not; because duty " calling him, ami he diared not the inner voice. He was ready for the Lord's sake. The will of had been chosen, gave the following j each hive contains enough bees to Unto Syria (Re-v. Ver.). So the Roman th f L .? r . d - In Paul's iiecio.ion they saw ishing to go with the ex- crowd over at teast efigM combs of province was named whkh included |; appearing spuds from a bin whi-ro the promptly in the garden. Many fungi i Patrol Leader J. W. F. Marr, aged cluster, from which warmth emanates to give the exact details cf the trip. ; ke P [ potatoes were from one-third to one- \ survive tho winter in such trash/ eighUnm, Aberdeen. j to all. Colonies that are not strong in Cyprus; the island formerly visited * :?obe >' half decayed, and I have never known Sanitation is the gardener's greatest Young Mooney, before he knew he tho fall should be put together so that by Paul and Barnabas, ch. 13: 4. ' d ' e f reasons for wishing to go rfght Langstroth size before the weather is If'** 1 MOiMlfMKMBl .-' . . ijw . J H . . > . i I . t I l com witih corn, beets with beet, or I The pleasure of serving a British cold enough for clustering closely. i?' r< ; ? beans with beans, have this yoar hero, whether In difficult or ordinary i Clover horwy is an excellent winter f i . i_ _ i , good whether you expect to ' intensification. found that disease has l>een one im- portant factor in their farming. Aside from its relations to soil fertility, crop rotation Ls necessary to avoid disease The demand for the well finished, milk fed, crate fattened , chicken has arway ben In excess at tlvo supply nnd where this condition exists, it foet without saying, that the price must lie enticing or attractive to the from the ground, and some absorbent, Seed Cleaning car- The Jer- Importance. In view of tho decreas- [ perly ewe for and market the seed Ing prices of farm products generally, ! produced in these competitions, *l.... .1 1 Cl._ _M _,!_ . .iji! purpose, which they could At Tyre . . to unlade. nct one of the chief ports of HI. The Arrival, 15-17. Phoenicia, ami a very ancient city Vs 15 . 1; We took ouf , D v T 1 ",* i, ? u d ' HCI P ria M : Rev - Vcr -. "^g-gago." (Rev Ver.); looke<l them up: they d5sUnce between Caesarea and would be a small company in a largo usal<m ^ about ^ty miles, and city. Tarried . . seven days. Ranlsav saj,, that the journey was The ship must have been a ^arge one token on har9ebacj: . The ^^ to require this time for unloading and ; that ^ tri wag ma<]e ^ the taking m of frejh cargo. Said Mnason of CyprU9j an early ( Rev . . . through the Spirit. See also vr 1 divinle- tirhan on f Hin so ch. 20: 22. 23. Should not set foot bSLZ5S d^T^SSJt Se :iui-h as ashes or sand spread under-| it . f ini . rp ., sinl , i mno ,.t, in (.p to the , tlmt tho ben flLs of "<* competitions (Rev. Ver.). Tho spirit showed these ^ rt p ,- comMnv a nmth to catch the droppings. The mp ' I be not curtailed. , disciples the .-* ^~" -^~.' r crate should be placed in some rough' (?rowor that his farm returns be main- heltr, preferably, whero most of the tained by increased yieUki per acre. light can bo excluded when the birds, The value per bushel may decrease, j position itseldj, might properly "en- are not feeding. j but if more bushels are grown to the courage the competitors to organize f Vermin. Before being placed In the am;, the total returns from the crop J an association of their own for cJean- 1 .seven da>4^rv.' 1 4! 1 Ve'"departed, etc! sufferings that awaited Hml in , vitea them t() - his ^^ ra>w ^ Organization. The agricultural ^\ '|\ J erus alem. J^hCTMove^moved j erusa i em . Brethren received us glad- society, instead of handQing the pro-. cwwful and systematic fnrmer, who Feeding. crate, the birds should bo well dusted with fine sulphur. do not decrease in the tion, and this points to - *:mip prop>r- 1 ing and marketing their Registered Paul refuse** to yieki to the persua- > the necessity, J Sel. Whore the local iilovator is sions of the Tyrian diiviiples, because to ho , 1 * i lllm ?' 1 ? ls / ?, ortse of ly: hastening to Mnason's house with ' ^ forw " ard - (Compare a jf tt onU> greetings. Don't be a discourager. Friends as well as foes threatened to relax the resolution of St. Paul. Well-meant does 22, 23.) Accomplished those days; the the They should be starved during a period "f deflation of prices, ' owned by a farmers' co-operative as- he hears the call of duty. Brought us pessimiitie ta-lik stifl does the cause hia product for market, in f or o.j n))Ure , ln(1 thtin f(H j on]y spar .l o f paying particular attention to the ' sociation, or where there is a co- on <>"r w y: reluctant to part from of Cod a deal of harm. The folk of most ecoTuomical and attractive mgly fnr tllc first tw<) (kySi ,, rjl)lual | y ' ,,uality of tlie ei-d sown. In spite of operative association in cxisterK-e, the the aP<? stl -'. aiul grieved because b? the churches may be dividie<l into two manner, ami who rn:ips his reward in an enhanced ma mi for Tho chickens, but i p profit at all. ami is decidedly un> - cv!>factf,ry to t!:<> farmer, tj. nr> !( consumer. ^^ with light, and im-i largely due to the fact that seed j power cleaner can be purchased for an.l those who were to go. commend- e <. "'.any had misgivings ami express- dealer mediately remove or empty trough* cloiin.-d with suitable seed cleiining '-. about $. r )00 ami upwards. A small: inR one n!W ' ther . to the loving care el them. But the stalwarts said: "For i.-i gradually re.ili/.iiig in- :s the greatest loser, as the and waste from the uirfinishc I ft'i - feeding. If possible, darken the! machinery is not easily available, and gasoline rata and Ic.-n-e birds quiet till the feed. A satisfactory nition .-I,-. n, m the same BH from the well should l>e exceptionally palatable and frttened bird. In the first condition' onc that will produce the whito.-t and quantities of have bi-en produced in tl> province. nirin.. will m,, , am! protection of the God who would . the name of the Lord Jesus we are tag or renting a small buiMing, ami,, but without the same intimacy. The ', smith, "A civilian has been sentenced ! of course, engaging a competent 1 acquainitian'Ce here intimacy. , had been short. , by ecurt-nvartiial to a year's imprisi- - this wa^te may run to fifty or sixty , finest texture r,f flesh, in the shoi-testj ment of Agriculture toward the es- : pared to furnish per <-cn,t. of tho whole carcas.-, whilo pcriol. For this purpose, (inely ; tnblishmont cf seed cleaning centres. ' building in the fatt<-ned bird it will not exceed tfi'oiinrl oats, mixed with sour skim-; This Two Circumstances. First Assist- operator. If a more ambit ions plan is "The scene* are familiar, and yet how : memt for causing despondency." aiTfe is given l>y the Ontario Depart- j decided upon the Department is pre- 1 different. Such touches cf diversity i man struck no blow for the enemy takes tho form of binning, and for thirty per This convincing economy, and Improved text.'ire and delicate flavor of the met, of tho milk fattenel i mo-I'milk or buttermilk, to the con- 1 loans to co-operative associations grain aiul grass seeds. The costs of $. , ^dfitt l) w sift ancy of thin porridge, s;> that it I which underUike to in.itall and operato such ]>!ants, of course, vary with the! \' s 7 '.) P ;or will pour into the troughs is best. suitable see;! cleaning machinery ami size of the plant and the local coiuli-' south of ' Tyre ted If a quicker gain in wciirht is ile- if necessary market the cleaned seed. ' tion.i. . T -re " doing harm and the courlmartial did thirty miles perfectly right. Happy is that church south of Tyre, a day's sail. It wa whose pesstmists are dummies! chirkera, ha* created an iinlhnitexl do- ' >-irod, corn meal or buckwheat flour. To any CO-OJM i-ativc a>siA'iation orl Demonstrated. The beneficial re- food and buckwhoat honey has been ref rigerat or, using wood conr.itructton or combinations of materials. The cheapest material, us well as ana A at homo i.nd abroad. It satisfactory wh^re buckwheat DEimblion honey is un-| "">' be ai!dc 'I, but it must be remein-, co-operative company, the Clovern- suits from the installation of a power therefore, \\ell worth while to consider, bered, that the ndiliition of either to ment Nans up to fifty per cent, of the cleaner have already been demon- flourishes. the following simple- method of fatten- save timo, is at tho exper.:-:e of "tex- value of (lie property upon which the strated. At Cottam, in Essex County,! wholesome and the honey of the hard the most satisfactory, seems to be the Ing when it is time to market, either tare" in the finish of the flesh. i loan is based, but no loan to any one such a plant is in operation in connee-j tnaple is not favored. A pure syrup type constructed of some class of The n-l.litinn of corn to the ration association to exceed $3,000. The loam ' tion with a farmer-owned elevator,' nvade by s birring two parts of masonry, either ^gbor.e, concrete-, or '' large or small qmnttttoe of poultry. Tratw I'eoding. Crate feeding lui-s proved t.ho most satrisfacfcory method of prepmring poultry for market with '<> the best finished poukry. put on fat, but in some markets a; is without interest for two yesrs and! (lm ' tne members &tuto that the pur- chicken will bo accepted us equal |nt six per cent, thereafter. It is re- 'chase af the cleaning machine has (be exception of braiHem, turkey* and Wfttwfowl, which are usually con- sidered to do bettor in limited pens. p.ivablo one-hi.lf 'M five years, nnd proven to be the best and wisest act The fatteaving period will vary from 1 one -half in a further period of five in connection with their business. At CotiHtruction of Crate*. The large robust chickens, that hnvo |K>OII care- crunnieirolal ImWerieis, usually fully fed. 10 days to ,'t weeks anI tho gains years with thn privilege of repay iivjr Lynden, a private individual will bo from 1 lb to 3 Ibs. on good, at any time. This loan is also avail- ihascd a cleaner, and this pur- used whero greet numbers are avail- As it ia po;sil>! to put on a pound I ing and marketing associations. able toward the establishment of cleaned the grain for seedling 75 farms potato warehouses and potato grad- in the district. At other points in the province power cleaners have been in- sble, CMMI bo purchnsrfvl, but for home of gain to 3 to 4 pounds of grain con- Second Some fifty or more ngri- stallexl or are being installed and in ufl, crates own l*> mude meiiBuring sinned, plus sour skimmed milk, it is! cultural swielics in the province are, : all ituttitnces the incre!*etl yield per fcourt 6 feet long, 10 inches wide and i'- s y '<> >'' tha.t the soiecessfiil fat for tU> first timp this year, holding! ncr alone, from tho use of better 20 inchos hig*i, divided by two tight .louring of poultry is n profitable a combined Feld Crop and Threshed ' seed, has justified the small expendi- hrto Hires- 'oniparl.moiit.i, ' undertaking. oapaibta of lw)l<ling four birds of from 4 to 6 pound* each. The frame, of 2 inch by 1 inch material, is wid* set .'. lmrUwise un, throe sid pendicular on tho front Cfc4ckis t<> fe<d from a V slwpwi trough, made from two pieces of 3 Despite the easier feeling in ih e Grain ion. In each of these! lure of money. competitions, fifteen contestants are! Need. Five and a quarter million growing a total of 75 acres of grain , acres in Ontario are sown to grain crops, and all competitors with but; every year. Registered Seed on these _.. by slats I inoh ^ e (l l " al ' l<fl1 . ^'^V prccsuition will [ one kind of grain ..f Registered Seed. : five ami a quarter million acres would apart and running nave to '' ta n to Prevent wfe in' Fifty s> i eties with V, r . acres each' nuitorially increase the wealth of the idus and per,;** 1 * "'' vl " t(%r <"' a sh.i:-i v," v.-il! total 3,7. r ,(i a. r.-? f.>r tho province. If iwMvid'unl farmers and of the pro- , to allow the! r '"'' l ' t> the jielda from this p.rivago pass the'vince. The opportunitv afforded to If you do not think it a by 4 im* hoard, niail^l together | U) havo children and a place for then set on prctrmliivg brackets, *o us' lo play, try living in a large city for lve the bottom of tho trough n yea.,-. A* f c)r providing chi'bli-en 4 indies above the bottom of the anil*-, anrl tho ujvper enlgo about 2 Inches from the front. The bottom s'lats of the crate. with tho normal food for growth, eggs, milk, cream, good butter, fre;0i fruit, vegetahltts ami moat, it pas.sen the uvoragu city dwelk-r's ability. should b naol.-.l on the upper part of. Th(>uai*di of people tire, out of work Ait frwne, to prevent injury to thn AiclMv' fce-t hoild the crate ' bood upon the groun<i. The crat<-s in Toronto, and the otlicr rent ret ing. To the discn niing linos in are steadily l<mgi.)u>n- t iss^i '"F fc" U pteced on tan* 10 inohes I1VC( J u f pointing th moral. opporlunity afforded to field and bin inspection for Repistored tho agricultural societies nnd to seed Sec'l, tliere will be available for tho producing districts should not be ne- first time, Regisle.-'l Rci>,l in com- 1 glw.UMl until the aoed ia ready to har- mercial (iiiantitiiM. vost, but preparations should l>e maxle Uut It is important that this Re- now to hamMe and market to the best filtered Se'.:l should be property i-ltMiH-cl 1-fTnro alo; only large plump need, im \\M a.-t pure sce<l, shouUl be inciudeil in registered slock. The advantage. The Co-operation and Markets BraiH-h of the De-partnicnt of Agricul- ture, Parliament liui'lding.i, Toronto, hiind fanning niiill is not suitable for' will bo glad to give ;ts iistaivce to anv the purpose. Thv agricultural socie- ties conducting society or district in establishing seed these competitions cleaning plnnts. should, tlu-iefoiv, inquire i-.s to the FIND OUT ABOUT THIS. IT IS necessary bU>is to t>o Uxken to pro-| IJU'ORTANT. granulated sugar into one of boiling! tile, or combination* "of tlios* n;att>- water and allowed to cool if i? iven to ( rials. The structure Is then banked the bees about the middle of Septem- up on the emls and sides, or even ber or a little Ir.tea-, will afford them the roof, with earth, sin-re a layer of time to cap over mo-t of the syrup earth ia a cheap means of maintain- whSlo tine weather is yet warm ' and ing an even temperature. to consume sufficient to form an areal The essentials of a good storage cel- of envpty cells in tJ.e lower part of the! lar are drainage, ventiration, insute- middte combs for the winter cluster. | b'on, and a proper amount of mois- The syrup sluniM lx> given in feeders ! ture, A cellar I saw the other day placed in the hives. A ten-pound is constructed of native field stonn honey pail with small holes punched built up in arch form and covered with in the lid aivl paced upside down over] earth. Tho entrance (footway is to- the combs maJcta a conveniemt feeder.! war< l *^ e north, and forms a veatibulo Bees can be protected from cold out of, or air lock. Ventilating flue* are of doers in ciases fill<xl with packing, brick construction. As the ceMar 13 material, cr indoors in the ceHair,! carried (town a few steps below the whero tho temperature should be' surrounding gra<K a drain is pro- about 42 degrees and not exceed 60, vided to carry off seepage water that (lipgrees F. Tho hu'Hetinl contains might fiiwl its way in during wxst sea- iMiU't rations of bees wintere-d at the sons. The earth floor holds moisture. Ottawa Experimental Farm in. four- [ and insures the vegetables against colony cases besides a d<c&\ of essential j ahriveling. mformiation that carenot l>e gathered into a brief space. A Handy Root Cellar You Can Easily Build. Oftentimes in regions where ceJ- lara are impossible to locate under the house, the upgrouiul cellar ia resorted to for the storage of fruit and vege- These cellars or storage bouses may be built In the form of a The bin floors are rui'ed a few iinches off the dirt floor, and tho bin wals are also iiutopeiklent of the side walls. This secures better ventilation for the Ktorcil products, and is an additional pre^iution against frost. HoJ'low title i\n 1 concrete stontge cellars havo been built with success. Those matvriuN may be handled i':..-.''i-i- than .''.un-, and m-ay be used In a greater variety of construction work than sbone, owiiiff to their adaptability IT: