Vol42, No. 21 Fleslnerton, Ont., October 27 1921 PRICEVJLLE V ..^i 1611 wo fly^P^d the whine in last 'iv^^'' ,uc ut^iie Flesharton Advance we surmised that the Fevorsham scribe had been hard hitbyMias A C McPhaii recent addreHH in Ft- versh--.ni. However, the incident reminds us >; ao old ac- i^uaintance we had in Michigdli ajme 25 years ago. One day the old mn was much worked up over grmiethiiig a neighbor woman had been lolling about him, and in sympathy we said, " Well, Sandy, we feel sorry if any one would make false statements abut you," He answered, " Hoot, mon, I dinna care a button for a' the lees they tell aboot cue, bat when its a' the truth it im:chu.-. ye ken." On Sunday morning, Oct. 16, Rev. F. X. Bowes of Markdalt*, a I r-m-i pastor here, c inducted the service in the Methodist church and the C'lnsregatiuu teemed pleased to have him with them again. . A cioference of the l.idiett of Eugenit, Fle.-iien ..,, Proton and Swinton Park Presbyterian churches was held in the Presbyterian church here uii Wednesday of last week . The ladies cf the Metho- dist chureh were also invited to attend the meetiog. The weather was very damp, but q-iite a number attended the afternoon and evening sessions. Last Sunday, Oct. 23, Re R .1 Me Carton of the Methodist church here exchanged pulpits with Kev. Mi. of Durham Baptist church The people here have listened with pleasure to Mr. * McEwen a few times in'the pat, and it is evident ha would be welcome again when an opportuniiy occurs. It is not possible for the county road to be finished into the village this y. v but if '.he wea 1 her keeps fairy co id we may see it built to the overhead bridge east of town half a mile.. Mrs T A Ferguson went to Toronto last week to visit her Non, Stanley, and . also other friends. TRYON Ethel Morrison of Toronto is spending a few days with her parents here. We re sorry to report Mrs Nt-il Thompson on the sick list, but hop*) to s$ her around again soon. Mr and Mrs Dan Cameron uf Flesher- ton -i>. n Sunday at Sandy Morrison's. Mr and Mr- \N ill Hall mot' r<fd anc spent Sunday with friends in Shelburne. Merretta CuiiHrou spent a diy with her tiiui.'l. Alice Mclntyre. T. Neil and diuithter, of Sin^hamp'on, flailed at Jainei Sullivan'a. On returning from Owen Sound on Wednesday night, Uarry Thornhury came in contict with Mr Larga at Brew- ster's Lk. The Cirs oot being *frony enough t rt'and the bunt vefe euch lett niir.us a wheel. However, no one was hurt. A truck camo next morning tu help Harry home. Mr luck text time, uiy boy. OSPREY FALL FAIR HON. T. A. CRERAR Leader of tin U. F. O.-Progressive Group, who sp jke at Shelburnu S*iurday. The Late Wm. McLoughry Hy the death of William McLnugluy which i'Ccii;red a*, his home on the P.I.S' back lnu>, Aiteineitia, on Sunday, Oct. 'J h, the commuiiity has lost unu of its bcxt citizens. The decwued WM lorn mi the Mc- Loughry li'imes'ead. ujiv occu^i.i-d by U D., in \b'2, and had i-eai.i(l in th i-n mediate vicinity until the time of his death He was of to unamomiog nature, but nat alwnys found DO the s de of right and *> rkin.- in 'he iiuere."ts of :he better tilings in the coiuinuni'y. He a i consis'ent and fiithful meiniier f the Methodist cliuruh. In 18'JO he murrii'il Mail M E. Buwes uf St. Vincenf, wh'i 9iirvitu-< >'-i ii^ with tliri'e ics and two diuxhter'. namely : EMiu r , at ttendin^ 'h.- Omari.i Ai{ricu!tur>l lo^u t (Juripli ; J iineH, U->' <-it a d Ail' if 'i' house, ai.d .Minie, teaching at Mcl'inclli.iii. He is also survived by four lir<-lhrn and unesister Alex in Vtnntana .liilins' !i. .M>n:<4n,nni. S .<k ; Rib.-rt of Cal^iry, Albu'ta ; H. D . oasr Ivick line, Artin<ii:i ; and .Mrs. Win Ueird, Toronto Liin 1 , Ar'em-^ii. The fun. -r! to Jtuikdale ceniotoiy on Til- si'iy afternoon wa? lar^ly atten icd by lynpathilinf Iriendu and uei^hhora. Rev. F. X Bowes condflo'ed servicts t the housd nd L-rive. The pullbean-is were nephews of deceii<.'d John nd Jrvi< 11,-uiy, Chri?, John, Herbert and Car'er Iv-vin --St u:J nil . IN MEMORIAM In lovinjj in-'inory . f M i.xel Hann.m. who passed away October 28th, 1918. a' the ai<e <;f L'S y,Mr. Our Mister kind, m teuder love Haiti called our M.\el f.ir abuvt', An<3 though we all did love him n, Wb:it Jeiius dots is bev, we kn"w. The Late Mrs. Sanderson Mri. Jane SHndvrson, whtse death was announced luit week, was the eMest daughter of In- late iluhu Blown and wug born on the homestead near Flesherton u3 y -.U- ago. She nrirried Joseph Sand- erson of HolliiiiJ, who predeceased her about 30* years agn. Tnere wero two sonn to the union, Robert J a,:d Wil?im. The former died in 1889 aud tha lutter cured for hts mother here duriug her ill- iiu> as tenderly m any woman ouu'd have done. Fif:en years j;o Mrs. ~ . .-' ^ came over from Chicago to cara for her father and nio'.her, and ahe did not Ions; survive them, the mother pnsiing kw%j about seven years .1; anil her father lasl January. The funervl to 6"lesht<rton cemetery uii Thursday last w largely attended. Service was hit in the Methodist ohurch, the pastor, Kv. Mr. Oke, ofaciatiii);. One sistei survives, Mrs Frank Thompson of t'hesley. and four brothers George of Bradford, Wni. of Staynei, Andrew in the \\es', nd John t>f Flesherton. How Many Hours A Day Do You Spend IN YOl'K KITCHKN Surely a good many when yen get IOW) meals a year. Your stove is either your best friend or your worst enemy , and you speuil a laif-e share of every day in its company. CORONA AND TACO RANGES have become big success. S.t ielid users ure our best adver- li.-iu;. Come in aud see them before you buy. AUo- Heaters Stove Pipes, Stove Beard*, rtc. ; Frank W. Duncan Hardware, Etc. Flesherton Phone 24r 11 Notice to Creditors In the matter of the Estate of Juhu Hales, Ute of the Village of Flesh erton, in the County of 'Jrey, Carpenter, deceased . . Notice i t'.eieliv given, pursuant t" the Tin-tei' Act Hud amendineu>!i t hereto that H!! creditors uud others ha*inu cUuns acainst the estate of the snid John Hale?, who died on or about tho fifth day of Sepieuibi-i-, A. L)., 1921, are n'i[uii'ed in or before the 2lst d*y "f November. A D 19:21, to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver lo Messrs. Wright, Teiford A Birnie, of -clio city of Owen Sound, solicitors for \V A. Arnmtri'in; and W. J. Caswell, the executors if Hie last will -mil to*tauu'iit of thu said de- ceased, th"ir christ i'io and surnames, addresses mid descriptions. S the full dc scripticui (if their claim', the statement of their accounts aud this niiGuii? <>f the scuiit;>-<. if nny, held by them. And further lake notice ih*t aftfr such last mentioned data the Kxecutors will uroceed to distribnte the assets of the litnui.cd among the ptrlius entitled r!ireto. having raid only to th ulaiint of which they stiall then bare no'ic, and thit tin- .vnd Executors will not bo liable for the paid M.mts or any port thereof to any pw.iun or persons of whose claims uctico shall not hflve bfen received by thorn at the time of such distribution. Dated this 24th day ..f October, A. D. 19:.' 1. \VIUC.HT, TELFOUU A lURXlK, Sulicitori for the Executors. Prize* Awarded by Osprey Agricul- tural Society, Oct. 4 and S, 1921 HORSES DRAUGHT Pair horses, W. Lougheed, Mort Sayres; 3 year old, Wm. Brewster; brood mare with foal, J. A. Kernahan, Wm. firewater; 2 year old, Duncan Currie, J.A. Kernahan; 1 year old, Wm. Brew- ster 1 and 2; spring colt, J. A. Kernahan, Wm. firewater. AGRICULTURAL 3 year old, Angus Mormon, Xei! Mclntyre; brood mare with foal, Thos. Bris- tow; 1 year old, Thos. Bristow, Jas. Thompson; spring colt, Thos. Bris- tow. GENERAL PURPOSE Pair hors- es. Duncan Currie. ROADSTERS Brood mare, Ern Hawton, Levi Belts; 1 year old, Fred Muirhead, N'eil McDonald; spring colt, Thos. Davidson, Levi Bitts; single driver, Dave Ring, Alex. Mc- Lean; single driver, 3 year old, Thos. Bristow. CARRIAGE Pair horses, L. Cam- eron; 2 year O id, Chas. Fenwick; 1 year old, Chas. Fenwick; spring colt, Chas. Fenwick; single driver, Frank Short; lady driver, Mrs. Jas. David- son. Mrs. Frank Short. SPECIALS BY Finlay & Finlay Dave Ring: McDonald Shoe Store, lady drivor Mrs. Jas. Davidson. J. C. Sinclair Dave Rinjr. Collingwood Hardware -- William Bwwster. O'Brien & Heresor. J. A. Kerna- han. T. Thornbury Dave Rin-r, Alex. McLean. R. Whiteoak R. Whiteoak. CATTLE ' SHORTHORNS A.red bull. R. O. Turner, Lome Atkinson; bull calf. R. O. Turner, Jas. Ottowe'.l; cow, R. O. Turner, Jas. Ottcwell: bull, one year, Jas. Ottowel!. R. O. Turner; heifer, 1 year, Jas. Ottowell, L. At- kinson: heifer, 2 years, 1 and 2 L. Atkirson; he:f;r calf, 1 and 2 Jas. Ottowell; best herd. R. O. Turner, Jas. Ottcwell; best bull, any age. R. O. Turner, Jas. OttnwelL HEREFORDS Bull calf. 1 and 2 Hammill Bros.; cow. W. J. Chard; heifer, 1 year. H:unmi!l Bros. W. J. Chard; heif:r calf, 1 and 2 Hani- mill Bros; best herd, Hamm'.ll Bros., W. J. Chard; bull, any age, 1 and 2 Hammill Bros. JERSEY Cow. John Ottowell; heifer. 1 year, John Ottowell. GRADES Cow. beef grade, W. J. Chard. Jas. Ottowell; cow, dairy (Trade, J. A. Kernahan, Jas. Otto- well; heifer, 1 year, Jas. Ottowell, W. J. Chard; heifer. 2 years, W. J. Chard, Jas. Ottowell; heifer, under 1 year. W. J. Chard; steer, 2 years 1 and 2 Jas. Ottowell; steer, 1 year, Jas. Ottowell, W. J. Chard; steer calf. 1 and 2 Jas. Ottowell; best herd, Jas. Ottowell, W. J. Chard; fat steer or heifer, Jas. Ottowell. R. S. .Brown special R. 0. Turn- er. Latimer & Johnston special R. 0. Turifer. Fergus Somers special J. A. Ker- nahan. SHEEP LEICESTER All prizes ..-> J. H. Nicholls. LINCOLN A|ll prizes to J. H. Xioholls. OXFORD DOWNS Aged ram. 1 and 2, Rotat. Arnotf; yearling run;. 1 and 2 Rbt. Arrcott; ram lamb, 1 and 2 Wm. Mends; age 1 ewe, Wm. Mi :uis. Rcbt. Arnott; shearling ewe, Ri-.bt. Arnott, Wm. Meads; ewe lamb, Wm. Meads, Robt. Arnott; best pen. \V:-.i. Meads. Rcbt. Arnott. SWINE YORKSHIRE Agod sow. .T. A. Ki?vnahan; sow. 1 year. J. A. Korna- han; sow pig, 1921, 1 and 2 Ge'.-. W. Ross. TAMWORTH B.iar pis. under 1 yv:ir. 1 aud 2 G. W. Ro^s; b.>ar. i year, G. W. Ross; sow. 1 year, G. \V. Ross. POULTRY PLYMOUTH ROCK Barred, male Jas. Barber & S-vi. Win. Davidson; barred, female, Wra. Davidson. Jas. Barber & Son;, white. mnJj, Jas. CEYLON fllrs Nil McFadden of Ne* I.i.skenrd wis ,-t vi-;tur ar Me&sis J A S McFaden's Mrs Archie S'nwart and her mother left last eek lo usit^ritrristnn iliends. MM Quiog *iU ipend the whiter ifcere wi r n li>-r daughter Will McLenn and Mtater Bail.' left last week to visit his brother in Algnnia. Mi Ilrtr i < ".I Mas.i-iidiUKftt* arrired lust week in: in extended visit with bis d turner, Mrs John MtLcod. Mr and Mrs \ u-,- nnd son : near StiyiKT motored up m 1 spent the week end at John Dow's. Mr and Mrs J,ii;k>n nf Toronto are visr.ing with the ialter s pari-Mn, Mr aud Mrs Donald McLeod. Mrs ItofcH Leslie and two children leturui'd '<> Tciunto Sturu -:y after pending i tek u-iili her p-ireu's Mr aiid Mrs Arohie McMulIiu. Mr and Mrs D McLnclran *pi t the lir>t of the week iv.ih Durham frieuJs. Mr Ji.d Vr-. N\ i-fn?d Fawmtt m:d liitle.son spun the" week (Mid at Bu^r.. r. Mm FifCtftt's =-.vrr accumptmtd them Iv iii'. Mrs R S'rsin 'if M,tmi..li i< fii .1 ^ with her sifter, Mrs H Sione. Airs R'liilm MI -nd (iaus;b'er visited i'h Oweu Sound frioiids Ust week. Wcdehnoo spent wetk with las CHOICE FARM FOR SALE line iind hlf milea frum school nnd villaite on f :ovincial highway, l."iO ncre firm, beiiig lots 1S4 and 135. 1 N E T nnd S R, Vise lot i:i3, 1 S W T <md S R. On thexi' p. 1:1- : is % niodsrn brick eight r n'liied hmiie \vth furnace and 1 cistern and uooJ woodshed ; * bank bam I with slriiw shoJ 5<t\fi:> with stnno fuiin I ^iiii'iii ; a drive shod 24x40 autl uood well . at house mid barn ; also a ijnod frame i barn 36x.<0 on lot 134: tw < good orchards and never failing ceek ; 120 acres j cleared and in a first class Mt;ite of culti- vation, remainder p.ir.uie. Apply on th>> premises to 1 Oct27tf WM. DAVIS A. 0. V., male, Jas. Davidson; A. 0. v.. female, Jas. Davidson, Jas. Bar- ber & Son. WYAN'DOTTES Silver, female, Jas. Barber & Son: irolden, male. Jas. Barber & San; golden, female, 1 and 2 Jas. Barber & Son; white, male. 1 and 2 Jas. Barber & Son; white fe- male, 1 and 2 Jas. Barber & Son. RHODE ISLAND RED Male. 1 and 2 Jas. Barber & Son; female, Norman Durnl. W. H. Thurston. LEGHORNS Brown, female. 1 and 2 Jas. Barber i- Son; white male, Chas. Fenwick. A. Wideman: white, female, Chas. Fenwick. A. Wideman. SPANISH A. V., black, male, S. Cobb: female. S. Cotfb. Andalusians, A. V., female A. Wideman. Anconas. A. V"., female, 1 and 2 Jas. Barber & Son. Mr h'lTceit eoU|:V Dt dys I here WuriJ was received here Monilay that Emeu! Sprout, sen i Mr and M H J .in Spr at, former :i'Sit<r:; s .f :h:s p -10 , had p;i--iM nw.iy HI the hospital in Cl- giiu'ed. Since cmunigi hnine ho IM> IQ very pour heal h. Sir iLd Mr.- :[):. in my tNi*i:da here dcep'y syii;;.! wuh them in tlu-ii- .HI I r >v. Mr iin.l Mi-i A r -.hi Sn cia r an.i Faini y spent ll.o wees enU wi,h Pricevi ie Dorking, silver grey, female- 1 and 2 Jas. Barber & Son. Orpington, A. O. V. Male, Jas>. Barber & Son; female, Jas. Barber & Son. Hambourg, A. O. V. Male. Jas. Barbfr & Son; female, 1 ;>. nd 2 Jas. Barber & Son. Turkey, male W. J. Daud. Turkey, A. V., female Jnii Mar- ian Daud. Toulouse geese Male. . V Ker- nahan. Win. Hodgson; fe:.ia..'. .1. A. Kernahan. Geese, A. 0. V. Male. A. Wide- man, Chas. Fenwick; female. A. Wideman, Chas. Fenwick. Duck, Pekin Male. Jr.-. David- son, Jas. Barber & Son; fer.iale, Jas. Davidson. Jas. Barber & S m. Pigeon, A. V. Male, .la?. Barber Son, A. Wideman; female 1 and 2 Jas. Barber & Son. Rabbits. A. V. Male, Chas. Fen- wick, A. Wideman; female. A. Wide- man, Chas. Fenwick. E. Robinson special J;u. Barber & Son. Jas. Davidson special (a* -James Davidson. Jas. Davidson special ('.<* \V:v. Davidson. GRAIN Fall wheat, white L. A'kinso-i, Thos. Bristow. Spring wheat, red Jo-hn McKin non. Thos. Bristow. White oats, A. V. Thos. Frist .-.v L. Atkinson. Barley, ii nrvvsd L. A:kin; Wm. Hodirs.in. IV';i<, large white L. Atkinson. Barley, hulless L. Atkii:.- 'n. Peas, small white 2nd Y,'. II. H:u Buckwheat--Jjhri McKii." in, W. Hodgson. Timothy seed Ern Hawt.i'i. Ensilage corn in stalk Herman Lough ead. SMKAF Fall wheat. Atkin- son, Thos. Bristow: oats, anv white variety. Thos. Bristow. W. H. Hall: barley, L. Atkinson. ROOTS &. VEGETABLES POTATOES Rose. W. A. H:i\v- kens. R. Osborne: Hebron. Herman Lougheed. L. Atkinson; Lor, \vhiv. Win. Davidson. Tho.s. Brist.nv: Green Mountain. Herman Loughec 1. Thos. Conr.ni; Irish Cobble-. A. J. Con- ron, James Thompson. Mangold Wurtzels - - L-.utg, H. Swi'd-i turni,ps Jahn Mi-Kinnon. Wm. Brewster. Sugar mangolds A. J. v'onron. Wm. Davidson. Blood beets, long Wm. Conn; L. S, ewtce Ow service means Ji:\\ui;.-i-v J of (Duality, i urn ct in <!(.:si-o. mukejip and tiimh, with a large, well a.-.-oittd .-tock to guarantee pivmpt and etlir- lent sales, and one price a fair price to -ill. W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, FLESHERTON, - ONT Bates Burial Co. BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 124 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J, W. Bates, R Maddocks, President. Manager. Now is the time to re- new your subscription to The Advance. War Bond Coupons Cashed Free The Merchants Bank will cash all War Loan coupons or interest cheques when due, on presentation, without making any charge whatever for the service. If you have not a Savings Account, why not use your interest money to o. en one with this Bank t TH MERCHANTS BANK Head Office: Montreal. O ? CANADA. Established J 864. FLESHERTC M & CEYLON BRANCHES H. P. TERRIER House of Quality SPECIAL IN TEA With every pound of Gold Medal Tea purchased in this store we \vill give free a handsome cup and saucer. Get into this offer at once and you can soon save a set of these dishes. Price of I Ib. package 65c. FLOUR B Sovereign, Ladies' Favorite, Perfect and Pastry Flour milled by F. T. Hill & Co. We also handle Royal Household. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario * so x lon.sc. table Wm. J. Conron. beets, A. 0. V. Herman Lougheed. L. A. Fisher. Carrots, early horn Wm. David- son. Thos. Bristow. Parsnips L. A. Kisher, Ill's. Moffatt. from seed Mrs. J.hn A. Fisher. Onions. Lougrhecd. I.. Pgtato onions A. J. Connvi. J. Conron. W!i.- Davidson. Butter beans L. Atkinson, Mrs Growls?. C n'mu-.d "ii V*f! * New Fall Coats Just Arrived OuriV'V F;ill 0;i:\i5, tlii-y .'":u.' n; Ouv-.-iyiu 1 * r h fur ill i! Vuli in :i:.,i I' laire -I 'Ii ifiic-iuir, which can be bu'toticd ,f ,K'i;t"l. Sh> WH n u>'y [-.v:s! >rii;hini;. A'so tins 'tti'st in pmid- 1 , -!ri|>-s n ' ill wool kittled skirts :llld pllllovols. DRESSES Diess( in H!I die !..!(-; ' ni- s. SUITINGS Suilinus in Tiiciuno, L'I '.u'o'.i ih. .'.' wm>l Llama clolh BUI' 44-inch serges. MILLINERY We have just . Belied .up a s:rick i>f the most up to date hn's shown uutside the city. \V,- will be pleased to hve you cull and see them befuri' Iniy.i .'. I'ricis ritfht. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton . 1 1 ---c . tgSygsyg^y^y^jgg:^^^