Flesherton Advance, 27 Oct 1921, p. 2

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BOVRIL hold a close tongue in your head." Billy promised. "Undorstan", though, it's goin.' to in 1 a mighty hard thing to do; I B.-IW him trying the bark of that elm jest under our winder only this mornin'. He's likely aimin' to &hin up that tree an' lail on your fe.ce, nurst any might, eo if you want your eyes an' your life you'd better do what I say." "Ill d'o jest as you say, Bill," Anse promised, fervently, and Bil/ly knew that be meant it. "All right, that's a go," he said and went off to the men- agerie to feed his pets. Cleansers and Polishers. i half an ourwe of Castile soap and on- r , u frequently happen* that one has half pint of turpentine. Put all m- fiomettring else WM to happen in the t or wood . shed th very srredSents into a quart bottk, ot stand ortly to make Billy feel that his j nKTedients t v. a , . ici make UD many 'or twenty-four hours, shake well, orld was fuH of my**riou., agents " fi " * ^t!e with wa*r and it shortly to make Billy feel that his i world was fuM of mysterious agents sent for no other purpose than to give him fresh worries. house bright and clean. It is espec- A SON OFJttURAGE BY ARCHIE P. McKISHNIE Copyrighted by Thomas Allen. That evening, as he drove the cattle 'illy desirable for the farm housewife ' down along the Causeway for water to know the formulas for some good, j he met two teams of horses hauling home-made applications. I loads of greasy-looking timbers and T* . , , . , black, oily pipes. The men who drove " > , ?2? *? J* ' , the teams were strangers to him. g ? od P ll6h for them "^y bc m{ule Scroggie, or Heir Scroggie, as he was * one-half gallon of boiled Knseed- now commonly called in the neigh- 'l and one gill of soft tar. Do not borhood, sat beside the driver of one a PP'y it too liberally and be sure to NEW LAMP BUI 94% AIR Beats Electric or Gas A new oil lamp that gives an brilliant, soft, white light, eren better than gas or electricity, hag been tested by the. U. 8. Government and 20 leading universities and found to b superior to 10 ordinary oil lamps. It burns without odor, smoke or notee - no pumping up, is elmpla, clean, bafe; Burns 94% air and <% common kero* ene (coal-oil). The inventor, T. T. Johnnon, 1M Is ready for use Craig St. W., Montreal, Is offering to ..... _ .iTvcr ' send a lamp on 10 days' FREE trla}; A fairly goodjall r-^Por <P"*j' M even to girt on FREE to tho firs* composed of ordinary bread dougn, ugef jn eftch ^^jny who wfl! hel j, quite stiff, into -which a few drop* 'jhim Introduce It Write him to-day ammonia have been worked. If you f or f u u particular!. AIo ask hln> to i have a large room to clean, It willjeiplaln how you can set the age be worth while to make the following; and without experience or - make $250 to foOO per month. of the wagons. rub it well, as an excess of oil only "He's movin' a saw-mill up into the serves to collect dust. For the waxed big woods," f thought Billy. "But where floor, never use a lin- fed-oil -prepara- m the world did it come from? he!<! _- .i_- ..-. * .v Synopsis of Preceding Chapters. Billj Wilson, who lives with hi* father _rut stepmother iu;'l her son Anson, is the leader among the boys of Scotia, a iloneer settlement neat Lake Krie. Cobin Keeler, one of th* trustees, tells the new teacher, (oroide-ruble excitement in the Settle- ment. For a week or so nothing else in the world did it come from? pondered as he looked after the creaking loads. He was not long to remain in doubt on that point. As he approached the lake road another load of timbers nnd : tion, as the r.i! cuts the wax. One sperm candle, melted and combined with one pint of kerosene may be used to brighten a waxed floor. Another excellent formula calls for one-half was talked of and conjecture ran rife metal rounded tho corner. Two men cake of melted paraffin to one cupful as to why the thieves had not made w . ere , *<* t d on the load, a big, broad- of turpentine, applied with a flannel off \vith their pillage rather than hide ^P "" 1 *-,?*? man * nd . thin on - Some cloth. The very finest preparation for it in the haunted house. Harry O'Dule liitic dftanclp behir^ anxxther man . <. . c^rne in for plenty of praise' for t) ei wa f Mr. Johnbton, about r.l predecessor^ ^ Frank Stanhope, %'ho was blinded , but j^y^ hinting that while trying to iavo parses from a been more than eaey for burning stable. A will nvde by a wealthy hermit, Scroggic, in Stan- hope's favor, could not be found, Scroggie's namesake and apparent heir takes possession. Twin Oaks It was Hinter. * ludn * a floor ' ht>wever . is ***** f part he had played in finding" the" loot | K A 2Sft3?%SSw *T'l ?' mt rf ^pentine. Any war prcpara- tore is robbed. Harry O'DuJe finds the stolen good in old Scrogpie's cabin, known as the haunted houro. Hinter, middle-aged and well-tc-do, goca wooing Erie Landon, loyal swect- lieart of Sun;hoe. and daughter of the invalid lighthouse keeper. trangcrs make a fruitless O'Dule's hut. Two of CHAPTER XIV. (Cont'd.) "Faith," cried Harry, "ut's divil a bit I know conoernin' that man Trig- ger Kinder, but ut's small reward . .** . . -ITT ... U iF,,it mt-iir 111* Jll'llf IU they d be gt-Um fer thr jxuns if him m a dilemma of this kind and clump of red willows, the driver halt- ; ed his team for a rest after the pull v(. re one pound of melted beeswax to one 1 pint of turpentine. Any wax prepara- tion goes farther and is easier to ap- son of u seventh son, he was reticent, ? nus I * < B" l or a "* ~ ter , the P ul1 on tiie subject. That he should have bhr . ou * h * e hpav y * and PPW- returned the liquor almost intact, to the owner, was a conundrum to all who knew him, with the exception of Billy and Maurice. Billy was anything but easy in his ently not noticing the boy, sspoke in guarded tones to his companion. "If I had only listened to you, Jack, we wouldn't have lost that whisky," ply if the container is set in a vessel of hot water while being used. A floor wax that both cleans and polishes is composed of one part melt- ed paraffin to two parts of kerosene. clrrt h wru ng out of clean of sifted flour, add one tabkspoonf ul ; gpot of salt, one taWeapoor.f ul of kerosene, ^ t two Ublespoonfnl* of vinegar, two! Equal parts of naptha, wahin tablespoonfals of ammonia, and one- [ pow( j,> r an< i .^ny good iConrinsr-powdei half cupful f -warm water. Mix nd ma ke an exceitent poHh for mtatt boil until the flour is well scalded nd, ^ glaas ^^ j, ^i,,, g(KX j for ^^^ the mixture Is quite thick, stirring j^ woodwork that resist* ordinal constautry. Take it from the kettle, I me tho<ls of cleaning If used for th cool, then knead with the hands. Pinch j jitter purpose, wrirvg the ck>th as drj off pieces the size of on's fist, rob t M poss fl)j e am j dJ p j n to ft little of the soiled paper with short down- j tne mixture, then apply with a firm,' ward strokes, taming and kneading perpendicular, "wiping" stroke rathM the dongh between the strokes to keep the surface clean. than a circular robbing motion. BaJc- Ing-scda, similarly u*eJ, is affec- Keep MlnareJ's Liniment In the houn. he said. "I was dead sure nobody This is also an excellent compound mind durm- UW-.H. exc'iting"days.'"vVhoi would &> ** **** P 3 *- An ^ t| ^r making a dustless duster. Wring were the two ftrangers who had fearched old Harry's hut ? Were they (M .--a me two he and Maurice hud seen in the woods on the night of the storm ? If KO, why did they send a to Hinter, and what was its , significance? Where Orove, anyway? These t'Othervd him, and pondering that we didn't find what we did the squares of cheesecloth out of the mix- job to get. did we? It'll be just our! ture and let dry in the open air. Stor kick to have that will turn up time to cook our goose, yet. Gibson's not> " * r wlp;1 th * other. VlH>SOn S . > _ -J II X u-l , . then robbed him of appetite and sleep ' Maurice and Klgin wore no help they tied me up and tried torture, an' tht> I'll be tellin' ye fer why, byes. The stuff's gone back to Spencer. Load It ut I did meself on Joe Re-raff's buck- Anm. M> i , K m-jn. board, not more than an hour agone. I during this period The box wid the black fox skins an' little that Billv Hid' two big jugs av whiskey. Ba<-k I tent Dt all, byes, wid the compliments av the both av ye -n" me pv-or self. But now it'll be there, an. I the hert av ould Caleb '11 be bcatin* two skips fer one wid jye at reaoverin' av his itolen possession?. I d'kl right, I ho:>a now, in finished siindin' ut along back?" he "You bet you did!" cried the boy, together. new boy, Jim Scroggie, he knew aly well enough to trust. was, perhaps, just as well for Anwm that he kept out of Billy's way during this period. However, very little that Billy did was missed by bis pale blue eyes. He knew that his step-brother had visiled the haunted in these cloths in a metal or fire-proof container, or spontaneous combustion is likely to occur. Twine mops may be dipped in the same solution. To stain a cheap floor so that it resembles oak, paint with about ten cents' worth own of permanganate of potash dissolved in one quart of boiling water. Let driver cracked his whip and !coo l before using, then apply, and of orj "We're get-: : tin" paid well fer what we're doin', ,^ ' ain't we ? If it turns up, Scroggie and V pon lthe boss '11 have to dk> their ui wnai : ne na;i seen * < anot.ner is rabbit-foot to a branch! so S. o , f M ' u " lm > > j' n ""Hi queer." JS^_ dig an, I dig ForvJi^t" 1 Hmtpr tau f h(>1 constrainelly. "I've lurmture, IIK.OIU <ii^,. r i*r wnai : u--., .. __n 4. ,.~u , i o_i_ houe alone and hiul searched it nook and comer. For him fasten his of a tree and di_ _ . . Be Wiinted to fiml out but dared not a^k. Perhaps Billy was going crazy! He acted like it. Anson made up his mind that he would confide his RU- pinona to his mother. But on the the load went on. swaying and creak- j when thp flcor is ' dly wax ; t ' ing as it left the soft sand for the , corduroy. Many expensive furniture polishes A little further on Billy came face contain nothing more than equal parts to face with Ilinter. "How are you, : of boiled linseed-oil nnd vinegar. Billy?" spoke the man, pleasantly. Shake well before using. Two parts "Still driving the cows down to the o f crude linseed-oil and one of tur- A carpet-cleaning paste oonsUU of tlve on painied surfaces. TJ no mow two cakes of white soap, shaved fine, water than Is necessary {it cteaning one-fourth of a pound of bonx, two [paint or enamel tablespoonfuls of saltpetre, boiled in: three gallons of water until every- thing has dissolved. Remove from the fire and stir in one-half pint of am- monia. This may be used hot, or cold when it will be in the form of a jelly. Take a little warm water in a pan, dip a scrubbing-brush in the water,' then into the soap jelly, and rcru-b a email space at a time. Avoid the usej of too much water. Take the edge of the brush or a small flat stick to scrape up the lather, ihen wipe the ' w , atcr ' ?* Yej); they * ?" * , , . . line crick water, Billv replied. ' pentine, with the addition of a table- . t , ; spoonful of salt to the gallon , make 8 -"--- good polish. For waxed use one ounce of beeswax, MUMmv%< uui vn me aurice stood up. "Well, as there's very day that he bad decided to pour IfSAiSPiS!* fcMS 1 **. 1 *S Mrft ' W J'?? n > " " the stran-ge best trail along tin' tired waitin' fi Anse'll be get- me." "That won't hurt tmm; he's always lired anyway," rejoined Billy. "But we'd Lest go." At the door he toward ' Harry. Urove?" he asked. tran-jjf goings-on of his brot^-r, Billy caught him out on a forest path alone and gripping him by the shoulder, threat- ened to conjure up by means of witch- craft t in- command a seven-headed "What d'o you up- scum and that pe- been pretty well through the Settle- ^ ment, and most of the creeks are like that," he replied. pose cau.cvs that cular odor?" he asked, casually. The boy shook has head. "I dunno; them cricks shouldn't be that way; they're all spring-fed. Maybe you know?" looking straight into HinterV eyes. (To be continued.) .ausf-l an 1 1 turnwl dragon with catfish hook* for <-l4tw R ln V ed Her WraD Blue Where s Gibw'i|who would rip hm- AnonV-il to UJ j P CI- , ' shreds if be so much as 'breat'fwd to Harry, who h<l picki-d up rus hat his mother one w,,nl of what he hu id taken his tin wilnstle from hi' seen seen. In and bosom, shook his head. "There's no tech place, I'm thinkin'," he answered. Billy frowned. "What did Hinter KI> when you gave him the messge, I nie an Harry 7" Arisen <ler.lariHl he di<Lr't Harry i'hu.'kjl. he thought I was "l''nil.h. ut'a crazy I guess," he cried. 1 know it," he said 'Troalm- 'Oould man,' KCZ he, 'Homebody hae been playin* a trick on ye. 1 know no such place as Gibson's Grove." Thinj <-our?e he' saw you ( an' eo did Ringdo." Anson s mouth fell oprsn in terror. "You don't mean^' he eommenceil.i never then gulped, unable to proceed. "That Croaker's a witch? roaker's a witch? Of hi the shade apd smofce a '-igiir while I risted. Styfm Chinkin', byes, them mm jest wanted to g<-t rid av me the while they ransacked me house and belonging, bad cess to >m!" IKlly laughed. "Come along a. far m the clearin', Harry,' 1 he invited, "and play us i tune that'll <4ieer Maurice up, will you?" "Faith an' that I'll do." cried (V- Uule. "Lilt him a chum< I wull that'll i.:il i his ':;' fee*. <lar,ce, and bis kiggin' spirit look up almve the sWigh rv despond." and a Skirt Brown Each packRp of "niamonil Dyes" conlalnn dlrertlonn no simple any wo- man can <!>< or tint her worn, ehabby dreueB, nklrtii, walnts, coats, stock- InRB, nweaters. coverings, draperies, hangings, everything, even If she bac yrri before. Buy "Diamond no other kind then perfect home dyeing In sure because Diamond Dyes are guaranteed not to gpot, fade, you,' us An*e . _ u dream, jet t'other night, tihat Croak- er was bendin' over you to pecJt your eyes out?" Anse nodded u reluctarrt admission. "Well, s'pose it wasn't any dream? S'pose it was all real? An' w'pose, if I hadn't waked up in time to stop him. he'd have picked your eyes out on' put in fishpyea in their place? rhwi you couldn't see anytlviri' unloss ru wag under water. An' s'pose, when ' aslml Cronk^r what he wanted to do that awful thing fer, h" up an' Is wool or allk, or whether It U linen, cotton or mixed goods. World'* Biggest Cave. The larjcnflt care In the world is in K'lmi.i.ilMin County, Kentucky. It li known IIB the Mnmmoth Cave, and con- sists of a eucrexslon o( Irregular Cham- born, situated at different levels. Some of 'the chnmbtTs are very lars;e, nnd tl navigable branches of a ubtr- ranean rlvor tho Echo Klvr run Men! Young Men! Husbands! When in cities where we have branches do not fail to place your order for your Fall and Winter clothes at one of the utores of the ENGLISH & SCOTCH WOOLLEN COMPANY the largest tailoring service in Canada for men's gar- ments, open to the Canadian Public at wholesale prices. Htorr addresses > fellows: Mont- real Brnohe 261 St. Catherine Street West; 416 St. Catherine Street KuM s:.l 8t Catherine Street Kant: 04 Mount Koyal Aveim, !-i..-i 17(4 Notr Dame siren Went. Ontario Brunrhe* Toronto, 2S2 Y.<mge Street: OttaWH. 10 Sparkr Street. Hamilton 121 Ktnc fiirrt Fault te. Marlr. 414 Queen Street E&st: Brantford. Tl Cclborn Street; Stratford. 4S T>ownle Street: London. 1KO I>undn9 Street. \\nndor. 101-10J London Street. Kingston. 79 Princes* Street: Fort \Vllllam. 11 J North Nav Street: Sarnln. lmr.r* Hotel: Oshawa, It Ktnt Street Went: Guelph. 104 T T p- per Wyiidhmm Street: St Catherines. S St. I ." Street Maritime llranrhes Sydney. 134 Charlotte Street; Halifax. 417 Prrlnton Street: New UlanKow. 171 Provost Street: Amhernt. Ill Victoria Street; Charlottetown. 1B nU-limond Street. gt. John. - Charlotte Strert: Monrton. SS!> Mnln Street; Fredcrlc- ton. ^0 Queen Street. Your Opportunity Large Canadian Institution estab- lished 1887 with assets In excess of $35,000,000, which are rapidly In- creasing, detire* a local representa- tive in thii district. Only men ot character and ability, however, will be considered. If you feel you are competent to place our proposition before the best people In your com- munity, we can offer you a contract which will be very remunerctive. Previous selling experience desir- able but not ecsential If you are the right kind, energetic, ambitious and progressive, we will develop you along proper lines of salesmanship. Apply in confidence, stating age, pact experience and length of resi- denco to ADVERTISER 184 Bay 8t - Toronto 'HE postman and expressman will' bring Parker service right to you* home. We pay carriage one way,' Whatever you s:nd whether it be) household draperies or the most delfJ cate fabrics will be speedily returned to their original freshness. When think of cleaning or dyeing think of PARKER'S. Parker's Dye Works Limited Cleaners and Dyers 791 Vonge St. Toronto. Baby's Own 5oap 9) r. A I 4rely wiih Baby's Own Soap Have it always in the house motlvsra keep a jar or tube of "Vaseline" White Petroleum Jelly in the house for many childish ill.-, such as bum p, bruises, chafed skin, cradle cap. It U soothing, healing and gr.ite- ful to the most irritated skin. Be prepared for winter colds, too. "Vaseline" Capsicum Jelly rubbed on the chest, nnd "Vase- line " EucaJypcol Jelly snuffed into the nostrils wili check them quickly. CRESEBIOtGH MfU COtif ANY (.Consolidated) ISM Caw hot A**., Uoatraal. P.Q. Vaseline Trad* Mark White PETROLEUM JELLY light, they imssed, Hurry strutting in ftie lad, wiinJclo>I face lifted, scanty rhile 1. <-k utriviiiiinff in th<> I>rec7.e IK ho ilrr-\v from his whistle a wild iwt'ct melmly. "There r..,.v," he crio<l, when at Inst thc^trarirug was reirhecl, ami the whistle was l u-kr-l ;i\vay in the besom of IKS fiamirl >lKrt, "I'll be partin' wid yn now, liyos, fer fvpell. Over lipenci'i-'s store I'll be goin', to im to trust me fer n fi-w groceries I'M br nccilin' till me nt'\* allowance nrrivcs from the home land. And ut's no <l<>,.t ; .t I Ivivc in mo mind that he'll do ut gldly. fer ul's a tinder man he h at heart an' no mistake." CHAPTER XV. Billy 1 !". Problem* Multiply. Rpi'ovcry of Ihe Ktirlcn go<xls caused pyes? I By s'pose alii this. ., theti, Anse. you best mind your own business an' lei your mouth freeze up CHM. elfe you're goin' to have an awful time <xf it. If I fret Croaker 5St*V ho won ' 1 ifovRf your eyes out the word it's more'n you I are blind. Matter of Money. Fred- "If I were to propose, what would be the outcome?" Froila -"That would depend very much on the ! Hop,- stirrwl in Ansn> fu--ridden sou l h,,pe which Billy remoTsele-*iv I it get no promise out. u RlDgDO, H 'gainnt us.'' "But I ain't, BiM. I ain't," protested should I be?" "Mayk' jest 'cause you're a sneak"! Hilly answered, "but you're my broth- 1 er nn' 1 don't want unythin 1 horrible! to happen to you If I kin help it. The' best thing fer you to do i? kcp mum, Mr whin you ge me stril in' off any- Vom look t'other way." "An 1 you'll ne tliat Ring>U> don't bite me, Bill-?" ploadcd Anson. "You'll kce>p him off me, won't you?" Billy considered', "I'll tr\ proniisod, "hut it's goin' t< vhoTe lot of coaxin' to do it. 'j v.ilohooon has been prowlin 1 rouifh the tamarack walc f !pphca<l snakes for a wet . ,,,,, gettln" r<:uly to <io fer somebody er ther." n"?' 1 pul'iw!" tfnsptdi Anson. 1 VfltWU he huntin' COppwlMAdh fer, "Why to poison his teeth with. Il*>' l(Vi,|jn'.ii|) fc-r mirmJioHy, sure HS f'hooUn'. (;<fs.h! I iini sorry you've l.tfii well a fiml. Ansc. Jeit think, ono little ,:..'rtch from that coon's November Holiday Favorable. Takiiig llii< world over, November ID thn favorite holiday month, twenty- nix out of HM thirty days being kept as olllclal bolldayti by HH many differ- ent countries. Mlnard's Liniment used by Physicians. A nursing bottle lias been patented that is made of n collapsible material whi"h can be folded from the bottom. "Stands Strenuous \Xfeav* tye* ho ::iko a '-.at old down '.untin' now, Kighty-six thoiisand French suldie.rs fell victims tt> tubcrculoyix during the war. Fish that flush crimson with excite- ment when given fo'-d are to bo found In Intlin. , vm,e w, husky with terror. "You won't let him towh imv will you Hill?" , "I':i keep him wiay fj-om you so \;ng "> >t>u ''{> a\vny from us, an' For Sale ELECTRIC WATER PUMPING OUTFIT CompU-ti' Water PninpliiK out at In KiMul condition, for snlo ut u bargain. I '/s h.p. Wagner toatrie motor, single !>Hn*e, 2a rjcle, 100-115 volts, with : Kultweilor deep well pump. Heal j Kstaten CX>rp;>ratuvv 73 West AdelnW*' because it i. made of the best materials-and knitted by those who understand the Canadian climate and know the needs or the Canadian people. It is the underwear known wherever quality is appreciated, You will find it at all good dealers. Made In Combinations and Tuto-Plect Suiti. In fall Icngl h, knet and elbow length, anj ileevtlaa, for Men and Women. Stanfleld's Umiied, TRURO.N.S. Samfle took showing different wtifhti and Itxlures mailed free. StanfitlJ'i Aajiatalle ComilnaHom anJSleefttrt for growing Children (Paltnltd). Wrlttfa took. "S

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