Flesherton Advance, 27 Oct 1921, p. 5

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October 27 1921 THE FLESHEitTON ABVANCE Deposit Your Coupons you cut the coupons from your Victory Bonds or other securities, the logical place to put them is into your savings account. At any branch of this Bank, you can open a savings account with your coupons, or we will cash them for you without making any charge. Let the interest from your investment earn more interest in the "Standard". THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. TOTAL ASSHTS OVER NINETY MILLIONS > Geo. Mitchell, Manager. Fleshertop Branch : li ANADIAN PACIFIC C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station Hollow e'en is Monday next. Mr. Emerson Bellamy spent the .past week in Toronto. The first tnsts of winter came Friday ni'>rniug Ust, when the roofs of buildings weie covered with a white mantle. Two Cases of Interest Two cases of interest in thin locality were heard at UgKoode Hull last week. Tby were - Rexv Wnl.er W H Writ-lit, K C., for defendant, E B^!y. K. C., for the Crown. Motion by defendant on a case uited by Chairman of General Susiions of the Peace for the C'ouuty of Givy, on 30th Aidant, I92i, in convicting on a under false charge of obtaining money pretences without intent to defraud. Judgment reserved. Stinson v Pip*r H. H. Davis for plaintiff, W. H. Wright, K. C., for defendant. Appeal by plaintiff from judoment of County Court of 4th May, H)2l. Action to recover S300 damaees for alleged hreaeh of warranty on snlo of a horse At trial the notion was dismis- sed with costs. Appeal aliowcd nd judgment awarded plai.vitf tor f 100 and coslc, here and below. 1 rains allows : Going South Going North 7.6B a. m. 11.52 p. in. 4.80p.m. 9.30p.m. The mails are OB-MI at Flesbevton le follows : For the north at 10.40 a.oi.andj airs. Wai. Long of Honey wood arrived "8 p.m. ; and the afternoon mail south at i-mt week to spend the winter with her 3.4Q o'clock. For morning train south ' daughter, Mrs. Win. Miller, in tjwn. mail close at 9 p.m. the previous evg. , A1 , th . ,, ietaclion . on Disc Records, prices reduced to Bo cents, Mia. E. Bellamy visited last roek with her mother, Mrs. Andrews, at Honey- wood. at Mr. Jamei and Miss Isabel! Lothian nf Dromore visited over Sunday with i Mr and Mrs Will Moore. i inl.l brooch lout at Euger. ia evening ' of Presbyterian fowl supper. Finder please leave atWHunshaw House, Bugenu, Mies McPhiil, TFo Candidate, will j hold a meeting in the Town Hall, ] Flesherton, .in Thursday, Oo<ober 27, at Gt your deer, moose mid trappers licenses from Geo. Mitchell, Fleshertoo. Artmesu Couuc:! will meet at the Town Hall on Saturday, the '-'Hlh day of October, 1921. Mrs. (Dr ) Holmes of Owen Sound is j 8 o'clock p.m. * the tiuest f Mrs. V. G. Karstedt. Coupons and Interest Cheques for CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. John S. MeMilln and family wish to thank their friends aad neighbors for their Kindly sympathy and help during their recent bereavement, and also those who werneo kind to Annie during her illnesi. Tho Family. , Harold Lamb, a 12 year oM Metford lad, found a cap used in blasting, and after invfittixating it found himself uiir.ui a thumb and three lingers of tha Irft hand. Potatoes Wanted We are taking in potatoes every day at both Caylon and Priceville. Highest in nke t price paid. Phone 2 . 31 A. C. MUIR, .Ceylon Victory Luan Bonds Hear Sun and Apei recnrds on the j ' * " H B "4". INK ^ CAN ' Guunm,:te phonograph at Bellamy'- ^ ** MfcRCHAMS BANK OK CA^ Groce.y. Price 18c. ADA wuhout charge. Mr. W. L. Wright ia offering his Mr. and Man. r>rauk Tnompson /'f, business block, known as tha Corner SPECIAL THIS WEEK MEN'S FALL CAPS $1.49 This week we plaee on sale a Ifirfce assortment of men's and boys' Fall and Winter Caps all well made and finished, perfect goods in every respect, none shop worn or damaged. They come in a variety of patterns in all wool tweeds to suit individual tastes some without inside bands, others with far or wool lined bands. All up to date shapes, sizes 6J to 7i. Regular .$2.00 and $2 50 values. Special ." $1.49 FALL MILLINERY Come and visit flue Show Room whether you wish to purchase or not. You will be interested in one of the best displays we have ever offered for vour selec- tion. < )nr prices are reasonable. STAHPED GOODS NOVELTIES A new assortment of pure linen .stamped goods just received, iacluding Tray Cloths. Centres. Guest Towels, Pillow Slips, Gowns, Childs' Dresses nd Rompers at the most reasonable prices we have been able to otter in along while. All the necessary threads and silks for working too. Beldings Royal Floss, Sat- syl Hope. ( -lark's ( 'rochet. Cotton, Coats Mercer Cottons, B.P C Crochet Cottons, Embroidery Hoops and Needles. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON -- ONTARIO Cbesley attended the funeral of the litter's sister, Mrs. $andarion,lat week. Hurold Difvoy of Shelbnrne siipped ud tVU, breaking his :L- midway between the ankle and Kuea. Mrs. Horb. Smith of Owen Sound pent last weak with her niiter, Mrs. L). UcTaviah. Mrs. D. McTavish returned Ut week St r.-, fer sale or rent. Any perion interested ahould apply to him. Mr. D m Cameron, who has been with H . Wilson iu the blacksmm^ business for the past seven niontns, has rented :4n- \Vm. Smith farm on (he 10th of Oprey and wah his wife moved this wueU to occupy it. Patrolman Joe Corkill of the Hydro an extended visit with her daughter ' Commission, who has been stationed in inds ir ' Durham for the past couple i years, has been transferred to Eugeaia and expects Taxes for the 1 jwnnhip of Artemesia tl , 1( , ave fof hig uew dlltjes this weeki may be paid at TH : MEK JH ANTis . Mr . Corkill was patrolman here before BANK or CANADA | jninij overseas and on his return from Mr. A. S. Thurston of tl.e FVmem 1 , France was stationed it tflesherton and Sun spent Sunday at the parental home subsequently moved to Durham. V\ bile j ^ ete | here he has made many fri--n U by l.ii I obliK\ii|{ maunei and willingness to help 1 Mrs. 'Ales McDonald and daughter of cut in tlme of trou jj| e . The citi/.c-nu as a I McACoer are visitini her psronts here. I whole regret his departure. His new du'ies extend over the lines running nut of Eugenia to Owen Souud and Culling- Corrected Each Week BtsJtoc 30 to 30 l<Vg 42 '<> U 4'2 Winter Wheat 1 35 tn 1 :<5| Spring Wheat L 26" to 1 25) Oats 45 to 4Ti| 3arley 76 to 76 Paws 1 50 to 1 (SO Buckwhea: 1 00 in 1 06 Potatoes 1 30.ro 1 30 Apples 4 (JO to 4 00 Farm For Sale Lots 21. i"-'. -J: 1 .. I' ". -'. * '> I' AitemesiB. l-"-0 auies mi ^ ,-d load mile west el' Cry'.i'ii. '' '"'< b-ins two houses, twonood well* with windmill?, 8 acres hardwood Vwih. haUncc under cultivatiun, i small orchauls. DAN" Ml IR, Ceylon. Mr. H. M. Hy!;ind of Toronto spent Sunday with his \v,ie and family here. Mr. T yj. II -utbani spenl Sunday iu Ohetley ."i Thursday lust. Mite 11 itsie Wallace of TuioulO attend- d the fum-rul of the late.Mr-i. Sanderson 00 Thursday last. The big wind blorm on Saturday last demolished a frame stible in town belonging to Mr. Will Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mathewsoc moved thia week into their handsome new reaidciice erected during the past suiumrr in tho north ward. Mr. aud Mrs. Fisnk 1'aMon of vValk- erton pent Friday last with the former's parents here while ou a honeymjoii motor trip to Owen Sound, Collinnwood, Brrte, etc. i Sun wood Durham Chronicl*. When Mercy Season* Justice becoming a little weary of oil exports' talk and would prefer co see some real oil come out of the ground.'' Same at Flesherrou a long time ago. A number from here attended the (j . V < ' mass meeting al Shelburua ou Vat. Mrday, when Lion. T, A. Crerar, leader of the I". F.U.- Progressive Party, was the chief speaker. Mr. J. I. Morrison and Mi- Agnes UoPhail also suoko. Maxwell Prevbyterianx will hold their anniversary services on Sunday, Oct. 20, and the annual fowl supper - n the Tuesday eveuii'g fallowing, Nov. 1st. See bill-t f'ir particulars. Adininsion 40c vhiluren '.'Oc. We hiive had to hold over some very ! interesting Items aud correspondente this : week, amoog them being IB article from the Toron'o Star of Monday ou the H um Ssh and gane preserve. There , is also a coinraunicatioo from "Juikice" i which wo will he glad to publish. A very pleasant afternoon tea was given at the home of Mrs s. de Cudmore en Thursday last, in honor of her sifter, Mrs. H. N. Hyland of Toronto. About! thirty young married and single ladies ! attend il and spent an enjoyable time -i thehnnd.tof the charming aud popular! fauatesH. fatton Lindnay- At th Methodist ; parsonage, Walkerton, on Friday, Oot. iM. by Rev. Mr. Htruwell, J. Franklin Patton of Flesherton to Miss Mary Lmdsay, daughter of Mr. Win. Lindsay uf Walkerton. The young couple will reside in Walkerton, where the grown i* employed in n machine shop. Editor Advance : In his last letter " Torontonmn " I* determined to avuid the personal element in his argument, although. It seems evident tint if them had been no direct referencu to some parsou in his ti>t letter he would have had practically nothing to write abcut. ' Uowe^er, I am ghid to see he also has an Hppreciaiicn f.-r Christian charity, a UCK ot wUich his liist letter sctiuci! iiul;c:iti>. In answer to tin somewliKt lengthy harHiiKUe le the ' > T A, I cannot tcmeuiber having written anything cou- trmr to hit statemt)ut. 1 also hav dua reapeot foi it, but not nnre thau for Candidly, we are any oihor Uw designed for tha benefit of mankind. Looking at it in the abs'.racf, it nay uo d .ibi be something to wax enthusiastic about. Looking t the threat war as an event, it may neein to havu been a glorious advance for oivilization. boc if one glimpses at (he personal side of it how many cases cf pain and suffering do we lind in order lint the giett event might be achieved Aad so, although 1 admit in a different wsy, with the O T A. Couiinu rihl down to personal cises, oue will some- timea see an individual who, through though tlossmas and with no deliberate maiiae 01 intentions of breaking the law. sufJeri a penally as severe as that earned by an inveterate ciimiual. Of course this cannot be helped, but I do held that the rest t.f us have no nulii to point the finger of scorn at htm 01 his relatnes or adopt a " holier than thou " altitude. However, since " Torontruian hss tepped outside of his auonymity and reTtaled in old and respected friend, I teal certain from personal knowledge that he would be one of the lalt tn withold the cloak of brotherly charity from any deserving Ciise. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, fot the courtesy of ftltnwint! me sp.tce in your valuable paper, I will also discard my anonymity and siign myielf ELLWOOD OKNO1. FLESHERTON BAKERY IT'S WORTH V THE BREAD WITH A PURPOSE. Yes, our Pure Food Broad has a worthy purpose'. It brings health and strength and a HUM! time satisfaotion to the folks who partake of it regular- ly. One slice calls for a loaf, one loaf form* the habit. Bread is your best food eat. more of it. PHONE ? FRED FINDER, Flesherton i Treasurer's Sale of Lands in Arrears for Taxes in the County of Grey By virtue of a WARRANT isued by tho Warden !' tho i '.unity f Gny. and . authenticated by the S-ial of the said County, bearing date of the 3th dy "f July. ' One Thousand Nine Hundred and Twenty One (UI2U, and to me directed for the i collection of the arrears of taxes due for three years and over upon the lands hereinafter mentioned and described being in the County of Grey. THKSB are therefore to give NOTICE that unless the said taxes, t<-ue:lu'r wi'h all lawful Coot* and Chari.'ei. t xoonei paid, 1 shall ou WEDNESDAY, THE 9lh DAY OP NOVEMBER. 1921 at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon at rho CMl'RT Hol'SK in th City ot Owen Sound in the said County, proceed to sell by Public Auction the said lands; or is much thuruuf ati miy be .xulliciunt to discharge such arrears 'if taxes and '' -st" and Charges incurred. Townthip of Artemesia . Tillaxeof PrlcevilJu Lot Concession or Street Acres If Patented Taxes C.it-< Toll 11 Kincardine Sr. Noit'i ] Not Patented i:J .'0 57:! Township f Osprey Wast A 74, Con. :t N. D. Road 25 Not Patented Part 1 1 Con. fi | Patents d 44 ti.i s (5U 5 ti.'i 51 14 '.':, County of drey Treasurer's Office, Owen Sound July 14th, 1921 First uulil alii'il in the Flesllerton \ iv nine October "'. JOHN PARKER Treasurer of the County uf Grey Why la the U.F.O. In Politics si Flesherton Tailor Shop 1. To establish the personal reiponsi- bility of the elector. 2. To promote houust dubate of pub- ic (juetkious. The Womeiii Imtitule will meet t the 3 To establish h-uwty and economy liome of Mr. Mitchell on We*., Nov. t, : , public buniness. 4. to secure fair treatment for fann- ers as producer (lifting etnbirgo, tinding markets, lowering freight rates and duties, etc ) ,1. To establish fair repiesnti'icn for Afiricultnre. B. To insist, on the fulfilment of pled. What are you going to t'o about that UPW suit you are going to get this fall? There is nothing nicer than a made-to-order suit. Call in and see my samples of suitings and overcoatings. SELL I^U&uiiiliimimjj I BOOTS & SHOES In Ladies' Wear we have Kid, Dongola, Gun Metal and Box Calf. For Men's Wear we have a nice assortment of Mahogany and some good lines in BUck. Also very serviceable Work Boots. Repairing promptly attended to. THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO Electric Reading & Boudoir Lamps * - ' ' O^. ^-- These lovely lamps make i<le;d gilts and add much to the beui f y ot your home. Made in pleasing de- signs in both Bronze and French Ivory $6 up Ivory Ware Our fall shipment has arrived and awaits your in- spection, fcvery piece of French Ivory is stamped. Boudoir Lamps, Clocks, Jewel Cases, Brushes, Combs and Manicure Sets . \Ve advise selecting what you require early as many pieces cannot be duplicated before Xmas. Records Come in aud hear the new Columbia Kcords for November. There's some extraordinary numbers in the Ii*D. W. A. ARMSTRONG Phone 13 - FLESHERTON t ab J o'clock p.m. "lli ruothei as her d<tughtei's ai.nhaitit, Mrs. Thurgton ; reading by M>s. Mitahcll ; nolo by Mrs. VUeh'buru. Lanoh com , Mu. Uickling, Mrs. Armstrong, Mrs. A. Sttwait, Mr*. iluwkrn. An interestinii meetiuti HI-- held on ,, . . 1' T* \ t C* " ' '' I111I* 1 ' ^" LUV LU1II Monday van.ng at \om, s People . Soc- de fc Oo rnnieillf . iefy of the Melkodist church when a, * J debte was held on, "Rtsolved that the i 7. r lo .eaure roal rcspo.u.Mo gofern- Orienl offers greater opportunities for ! ment-not Rovernment Orders in-oouncil. inissiou wsrkerg than I he Canadian West" i >ur Motto ia : hi.h wa. won hy the negative tid. ; EQUAL RIGHTS TO ALL Mis-io.s M. -Whiltaker nnd R. slovens were on thn alternative, while Mvssrs F. l'tiur-ion and A. LJu^hanan comprised the oi'gotlve. Ntfut Monday evening; lhro irtll be a Hallowe'en ;ocil. SPBCIAL PR1VILBQ1D8 TO NoNK Jos. Uoodfellow, M. E. Murray, Din.dalU, Out., Ayton, Out. Pres, S B .(?rcy. Soci, S.E. Grey Suits and Overcoats Turned to look like new. Our prices are rignt, and n't. .style and workmanship the best. Pressing and Cleaning done on shortest notice. X44MHHC T. C. BLAKELY, Armstrong Block, Flesherton FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES . on MANURE SPREADER, WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER ^;JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENt AGENT FLESHERTON.,

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