Flesherton Advance, 19 Jan 1922, p. 1

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xwnce. VoH2, No. 32 Flesherton. Ont., January iO i MAXWELL Rev Jaiao.- Brown, is attending the funeral of hiH^iister at Midland. Mr J Priestly la Tery ill at present. We hope to see him around again 8<>ou. Mrs Hurton of Toronto visited w*th Mrs J L Morrison last w*ek. Mrs Geo Lawler .spnt i few days with her daughter, Mrs Thomson, last week. Mrs Robt Wellar i* visiting with friend* at Nobleton. Mrs James Secley kas returned hntne after .m extended visit with her daughter in Calgary. Ali.ii Ella Morrison visited with her frind, Hiss Toly Spofford, last wwk. Mr Marshall Kerton and family have moved to their new home in Orangeville last week. Dan Uillies has purchased the property vacated by Mr Kerton and intends moving in soon . Dr Simpson, who is a representative of the grand lodge, addressed the Orange brethren in the Anglican church on Sunday. Miss Etta Buckingham t Stayner is visiting her brother here. Mr and Mrs Albert Morris n of S*hel- burne are veiling with thj former's parejits, Mr and Mrs Marshall Morrison. Wo ?ire glaif lo report Minn Daisy Fenwiok, who has been ori'icallv ill, recovering PROTON STATION Mr and Mrs .i-n Buitou, with their Mon, Touiinie, nf Toruiitu visited the Utters parents, Mr and JlmT Wyvill John llcinphill viKited rt'tvr.lly m il. Loiuo ut II<il.t li.iti's Gordon Wiiticliupe, llnrkdii'f, sj.cnt the week end with hi* pareuU IK-I> Mr Christie Achcuon nf Wdyiis. S !.>!, visited with his cuusin, Rolit Acheson. Mrs Aiidy C'olgun, Duudalk. speii' tin- week end with her parent-, Mr ;unl Mrs Rooino. Dnl liopkins h/us rented a faun near BHWTW. Out midget hockey team defeated the SpriDjjIu'll | ml In: school team in a ^ mi" of hockey here on yatunUy ufternonn The score was 1!) 0. Tho Proton lineup was, goal, Sam Badgerow : r def, Geurue Wright ; 1 Jef, E Park ; n- litre, ll:n\i-y White ; r wing, Stanley Lyunx : 1 winir. Lloyd Lyons. EAST MOUNTAIN NVe have had a very nice winter so f u 1 - hope it conunueK. \Ve off.T cougratulatidtis > Mr Alox Cirruthei- on being elected as one nf tho Couiicillots for Artemesia for the |.it-ent year. Mr Ji.hn Orr's driver, which liiiil the misfortune to i>.-i kicked some tinu ago, had tn be shot l..-i week. Mr and Mrs Ralph \'. . ., - aiul si>n, who visited a few weeks with Mrs \V s sisttr, Mrs A C:iriuther!>, li.r .' returned t.> their home t the Sault. , We re sorry tti hear that MISS Viula L '\vis, formurly of this placi*. has been suffering from nerve troublf, but are p'ea^ed to kn >w tli:it she is recovi rini{. Card of Thanks Mr R. Thompson Mrs Carter and Mrs Wright, desne to think their many fricudx fr their kindness mil h;'p during thair recent bcieivi-ineut 96>: will buy 5 Ibs best leaf lard or > I bs cleaned currants at Dever 1.4ms., Proion. Notice of Registration Of By-Law Notice is hereby given that u Kylaw was passed by the- Council of the Town ship f Artenipsia on the loth <Uy of December, 1921, providing for the issue of debentures fcn tho amount of glUUO tor the | uipos>- of pxyini; tho biilance du<* by tho rVlicu ViRaae ul Prioeril! in installing the Hyiim Electric syhtem ni tbc id P. -lie" Vi'iHg*-, aid tht sur-h HyK* was reuii-ti'teil in tbo Rfgts'iy ( til i. r li K gin < ration 1.' - , of t.hi- S irh Rirlmz of the Cnuiiiy of i; ,-y, on ihi <iHvonth d>iy ftt, Jaiiuar) , 102-, .11 No. 135. 7 A y untie" tu quack or si-r usiili' ibo aid Byl-w jMU-t he ninrie within three wet'kn ni >be fi"*' puliliu'ilinn ol this Di't'c . !!' ca* ii>t.li mi! ili.-ii'ir i Dalad no I'J-h .' .v ', .1*.. tiaiy, 192 2 W. J BELLAMY, Clerk. ROCK MILLS The weather haa taken quite a change with a havy snow fall on Sunday. li wiil make the roada much better for the many people who are busy teaming here. Mias Latta Patridga of Toronto, spent a couple of week* with her parents here' Mrs Dick Clark has been suffering tor the paat week with a severe (old, but hope for her speedy recovery. The Durban;. Furuiture Co. have about 15 teams hnuiiuu their lumber tn Ceylon t and others are buxy drawm? wood and wood aud logs. The monthly meetiny of the Ladies Aid will b bald at the hom|of Mrs John Porteoua, Wed. Jan. 18 h. Mr and Mrs Walter Kuseel and Chil- dren, viaitid recently with T. Black, wife and family of Portlaw. Mrs W. T. Pedlar, tud Mrs C. New. ell, called on Mra H. Wilson of Fleshertoii one day last week. Mr and Mrs Sam Croft and children, visited recently with relatives at Van- delsur. Mrs U.tiu 1 Smith slipped on-sume iee one day last week and aa pretty badly huit. We hope to see her around again oou Mr Thos. Uilliluad of Euiienia apnt a Uy with his sister Min T. Betta. PORTLAW Our sympathies are with Mr ind ,Mi Wesley PUntt iu the low of their baby boy. Mr and Mrs Albert Thompson *pe.nt i inn.' ,l.iyi with rfJii'ive* at Mcli.'j J.llllf.H lli'l MM .t T'TOIltO VI- I|-,I witn bis sinter aud btt.ther here duni'ij the pi.it. week. WJ L'ive haa the misfortune ti> lum- one it IHI 4ii'.ivy li.Tses lulely. Tho iiual iipi)..irevl uil right at nijilit n il 8 found deaii in lue morning. Mrs vVilliam Taylor is eojnymtf ,. extended visit wilu frieuda in Toronto. CEYLON Word was received here on Thursday by Mr and Mrs D McLe d tint Mrs Percy McLeod had unsscd away on Jsli i at her Koine in llij^ina after a serious illtieas. Much sympathy is expressed I >r the bcieaved huobiind :i-d fiionds. Mrs Call, who has fur the past three weeks beeu visit mi; hti brothers, D mid A Stewart, and other friends, returned this week lo her hni3 in Paisley. Miss Martin of Own Suuud spent the week end with Mis Anna McMuUen. Mr aud Mrs Harry tjuisfn lift Mondiy fur llii'ir h 'hie in Harriutun after an extended visit with Mis A Suwurt aiid n'.her friends. J Snell visited with fi.ouils 111 Knu; the {< ist week. Mr A r'ip.;r irf laid up wilh a severe cold. Mr and Mr F D Cairns havr returned filoiii \ week's viait with the former'* sister at McTeer. Mr and Mrs .Mark Stewart I'literlainud % number ol friends in I neiuhbors one evening last week, when a very enjoyable time was spent. Warning All p:utijs are hereby warned ugaicst or removing limber from the valley mad withi ut authority fou doi s> as they are^kble in ij-o'iculion. T. K. McKEN^IE, Reeve. PRICEVILLE Any snow that baa fullen thin winter seems tu be repeatedly blown off the centre of the roadway and people are using the sides and ditches iu inorioa about. Rev U S Jones, who has been troubled for i c mple : weeks with an affection of the throat causing hoarseness, has been advised by < specialist to refrain from public epeuking for a fw weeks. The services in the Presbyterian church for the last couple of Sundays hare been conducted by outside help. Charlvs McLean has been repairing the swinz doors and other fix'urei in the public suhool rooms. Lately the banking hours here are frnui 9 to 12 a'in. and it generally makes i|:Ltf a rush to i>u< husiueen trans >cteil l..f .[> 12 ij'oluck noon. The black foxes over on the runuh re looking tine this winter. Some important discusinn will take place over alTtirs in connection with the Agricultural Society here, at thtt annual meeting on Saturday next, Jan 21. There will likely be a good attendance. EUGENIA Delayed in Transit Lnt Week There passed avray at hi* home near Eugenia n Thursday. Jan >. one of the oldest residents of this part ,u the pi'iaon of Mr Hi i> Weber. Although in In* usual health until the past two weeks. the end was uoi oxpix ed and oaine as a lii'uM shock to his brothers and sisvi-.. Th.) fuoi-ial. whidi t-.t.k pluce Sa:urdny 'c Orai ;, V _, L meteejr, f,\,.. odoot. ed by Kv |-'..\\. ,i.<l i.iken by thtt Oi'tnue i>r i ,. rt ivhieh ll.id tirfu :t i t'-lui ^ uinint.e; . Mucii >!i.|ii'liy ^,ic en 1 L. li In iv.iviid ones. Mr nnd Mis J J iT ij.r I V'andeleur with -the latter'x sister, Mre Munshuw, for a couple of days the p.iM week. SUatiug m the l'i-si mi the hike at the preaenl time and there is.. good thiektu^R of ice. Mr A Carrutliti.-. witu and family, visited at Albert Blucklmrn's ncently. Mr Ralph Weeks, wife uiid son, ot tho Soo hivj roliirned homo nfter visiting at the Curru'liurt home over the holidays. Gerald Liruu visited .Mm A W Howe of Uundalk the past week. Mi>s Pearl and Wilfred McManler ot t .oshfiton visited Mies Kita Jaiuiesuu recently. Victoria Corners Last week we fotg'.t to luention lu it Mr Oeoigu I.udlow and daughter Susanna \n i deome spent a couple of weeks at CllLtOII . Lawsoii .iud VVnlter Lnchhirt o-nier- tuiued a nuuilni of yumiu fiioiid* Fti-iay SVelllug. Mrs Newton B.uiuon and cluidri'ii ate visiting at her ; in... We are pleteed to know tint Mr W Orr of Dun J i!k, who was born and raised in this neighborhood and livcU most of hi.i life unions us, is improving iu heakh, it it ii only slowly. Shelburne Dundalk The record iu local stock ehipping was reached ai;ain in Dundalk on Tuesday when twelve cars wore loaded, live by Jas. A. Fraer, t". K. O. shipper, four by Montgomery A- Son, two by W, H. Thompson and oiiu by Wm. Sprctt. Higher pricet were offered for oattle and hogs. We understand that \Vm. Orr, who has been critically ill fiom partial paralys- is at his home here for two weeks, is now making some improvement. .1 uues S. fr A n., : the rith. Con. of Proton, pih i- . away on Monday after a leagthy illneg). The funeral was held on Wednesday to the Presbyterian Cem- etery. Kingscote Herald Heavy Weights In Owen Sound Owen Suuud should hare considerable weight in the eounc Is of the mighty thin year. They have a Mayor ihut weighs --U pounds, * President i tha Hoaui of 1'ndii't h.it weighs _"_'"' pounds, au M. P. that weighs about the same, an i a sec- retary of thn Ho u-d of Trade that WL-U;!IS well over 20*) pounds. If weight counts then this city is a -ur wiener. T/he four mentioned wci^h about '.>00 Bounds. Sun Timea. $1000 Fine Or Six Months An Orangeviilc despatch suy.-. a line of $l,tK)0 or six monthi in jml was the 8entei.ce in>pi)*ed nn. Joseph Suiiiv n:. if Turonto, here Ky P.iiice Mui;itiate Kal- couer, of Shelburne. The chnru<! ^-nn-t Sullivan wa4 of unlawfully havinn liquor in a place utli r tliin a priv.ttd dwellitifj without ;i license. "I have. IJD doubt in u.v ii.; decihion against Mr. .Sullivan," said the M:ijiatr'itt. "There is too miivh of this gjoiuff on in the province and it hbs to he stopped. ' The cas ; was the oulcouio <>f a ii-l/.iiri' of "'.' bo'cleK f lujuor made here on Sunday afternoon l>y 1. ic use Inspector T .1. Robinson, assist- ed by Constable James > '. Samuel Effing, Sullivan win found < o au'o mobilu iu a laue couth of th<: < >'.i bireet wi'li ill-- liquor. II.- w.is uuirr the in tluencu i>f li<|uor, accordmic the ev- idence if one of the constables. During the rext tt-a davs we wiil make i littlo allowance on rubber bottoms sewn on leather tops. S.-,- us about this Dover Bros., Pro nn YOU 0AN ENTER ANY DAY You h>tve often told yourxe.lt that if you could he inptruoted p-iaiMially you would mi'li'i - uk>. ail n :ii il eJuuation al work I' rttimal msr.'uc ion i s**ot*l Mynt^m Hf * h* Mi Mary Buwun, dau^htur of Mr. *nd M*.-. VV. S. UOWOB of Lot 27. Fifth L'ne, Auiarauth, met with an unfortuiMM acci- dent on Kridtiy evcninji w!ii n she full h sustained a double I'n.ctuio of her left She and her brother were v le ID attend a liuuso party rt nci^h 1 1. u i n" faiui house and just previous to stepping into the vu'.tur Miss Bowe slipped and fell refnHiiii< in ihn injury Tho fnict tire wns set by Drs. White an McLean of Shelburne. Free Press. Il'ivu yu rerd Margo O'Doone." Curwond .' "The Couraiie by James Olive ELLIOTT aii'l is irtf.'iy i-.-ii.nn~ LI. i i t.he ){ eat IIC- X f "U. - U ..... t. Bn^iii'- *"' 'h> |1 . KHIH O'si" and Pr. [.yri i\ con -e . O*i .'imue free C A ' ' K"IN(J ' A\ P.. i|i, KILO 1881 . < } t > i K. : S v Yougo and Charles Htrccts, Toronto IK siriutly first cliws in all Unpart- nn iv. and iu.."\iH)lii il in the Domin- ion. Studi'uU aSKinttd to obUin Kinpluvuipot. E tur my time. Write t r our bandnoiiie CHlnlogue. VV. J. ELLIOTT, PMNCIPAL Hydro Lineman Hurt Joseph Coikiil. a bjtdro patrolman, wha makes hn headquarbsa at Eu^.-nii. mid workmen the Owen Sound and Colluig- wood lii:. s is lyuii: in iliu Gifiicrnl .aid Marine hospital in a rather FCiious condition >s a result of injurii's w'reli ho usUiiied a week ago. He WAS Join*' some wuik at ihi- top d* pole n: the " sinkhole. aVi.it llirro nilca uorlh of Ma-ikdalc. lie n is in lla act of throw ug his safety bci' ab. ut he pole when in mmi- way he 'ott his io!d and full, 'i-jhtii:ij on his bs '. "n i jilfl ->f atuiK'S. liu was taken tu the iosp;tal :n Owen Sound nh'-ie .t wis ound that two of Ins riim .wire I ken a!: lie b-iek ui.ii lid was otherwi.-j badly hakim up. Although Mr. ('('lUili's ii.jm .< are not regarded HS very Meriour, yet !; "ill be coutiutd to his heil at l!i .1 for sum- time, as ho is b.idly tli >kcu up O. S. Sun Tinu'!-. The AJ ranee wn m> :itf.>r<iii' ' It w-is not Gen. Proctor \vh> > suffuie . the ;ieci- dein us imported FLESHERTON Rink Schedule MONDAY-7 to 8 p.m. hockey practise Skating 8 to 10 p.m. TUESDAY-Open. FJ WEDNESDAY-Skating 8 to 10 p.m. THURSDAY-Hockey practice. FRIDAY-Ladies' liockey 7 to 8 p.m. Skating, Band, 8 to 10 p.m. SATURDAY-Afternoon skating for beginners. Skating 8 to 10. S. E. UflCI DMOKB, S,-. Headquarters for "GIFTS THAT LAST" Bates Burial Co. -rv -. AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalfneri Phone Hillcrest 268 1 24 Avenue Road, Toronto, Otat. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. MaddodtB, President Manager. W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler, Now is the time to re- new your subscription to FLESHERTON, . ONT The Advance. Rural Service Department Special attention given to Farmers' problems. Use our Rural Exchange Service. If you have livestock, feed or seed grain to sell, or wish to purchase list it on our Bulletin Board. A, tlon Sole Register* furnished free of ohar -e. Have you received one of our Fanner's \ccountBooks? Have you b*n i. , ti-uunt BOOKS; aave von been summed with u "Breeding and Feeding Char?' T Catf in mnd ,ee ut we art intarttttd in your I " c arc HUWMMM in year utmtfaru. TM MRCHANT5 BANK Head Office : Montreal. OF CANADA Established 1384. FLESHERTON & CEYLON BRANCHES M. P. FERRIER Manager. House of Quality Groceries, Candy, Fish GROCERIES A full line of Groceries strictly fresh. CANDY Neilson's bulk, package and bars, good assortment. FISH Qualla and Herring. GRAIN & FEED CORN Cracked, ground and whole. Oats, Oat Chop, Buckwheat, Wheat and Shorts. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton^ - Ontario .: SKATING Tues., Thurs. and Sat. Band in attendance on Thursday nights. Cl-as. Smith * Manager CLEARANCE SALE Having leasofl our stor* to the Merchants Bank for a term of years, we are going out o* business. We are clearing out our entire stock At A Big Reduction Many lines at less than bait' price No Reserve. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD Don't miss these bargains whflo they are p W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton

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