Flesherton Advance, 19 Jan 1922, p. 3

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1921 GOES DOWN TO HISTORY AS A YEAR OF MOMENTOUS EVENTS JANUARY. 22 King George open::. t<\3 Ulster 1 Death of Theobald von Bethmaw.:- 1 HoJlwag, ex-Chancellor of Gr-; many and of "scrap-of-p.Ter 1 '' fame. 8 Sterling at New York down to $3.5314. 10 British White Paper <feAses that Sinn Fein Irisih-Ameriearu corrs.p-rai with Germany during the w<ir. 11 Three U. S. ba.ttoc7iis:s, who were stranded sfrsx Deeemiber 14, ar- rive by sled at Mattice from Mocse Jaw after a haaard'ou-a ex- perience. 17 British forces defeat ambush of Sinn Feiners at Tim-oleague and rapture twenty-five. 21 Aliberta Un-itei Farmers dedaire in favor of cc-mpleta prohibition. Par'/mrjt :.-.- i urge-; the factions to er-ji sfcrlf's. JULY. 1 The Pease Te:;'-aticn pasrel in| the U. S. Son'.te. 4 British coal ir.'lnora return toj work. 5 Genera! Snvcts n:..-ets Sinn Feini chiefs n DubJln to </'..: rtss terms, cf peace. Ir..tc .e hsat in Ontario j er.i Extern Canada c.rasi-s burn- in j; i") :f crc'j. 8 A trues in IreV.r. 1 to tike effect at noon, Juiy 11, is de.-lored after De Val'era accept? Lloyd George's invitatic-n to a Pt'a:t! Conference in London. 14 Premier Lloyd George awl De' Valera hcV: preliminary confer- efl:e in Downing street. Death of the Hen. A. L. Sifton, 22 Twenty mi'i*ior.3 of Ru?= ; ans re- Secretary of State of Canada. | ported to be facing death from fumine ami plague. 25 Opening of the Ontario Legis-j lature. FEBRUARY. 1 Britain takes over the m -.ndate for Me:o;. jtanvia. 8 Sr.irih Africa returns give Gen. Smuts a majority in the election*. 9 Mur.ler rife in Ireland 1 ; two civ- ilians taken, from bed and shot A cc-nrpromise effected between France and England re the Upper Silesia, iscue. AUGUST. 10 Arrival of Lori Byng, the new Governor-General, at -Quebec. Im- perial Conference cf Teachers meets in Toronto. daad by unkrown men at Drog- I6_rkath of King Peter of Serbia, heda; a young ex-:>c'd:er, Frs-l 23 Census returns giva Great Bri- Newsara, shot and kiMed in Ennis- tam a population cf 42,767,536, corthy, Wexf ord county, by arm-' -^ increase of 1,936:34 over ed men. v 1911. SUBMARINES PLACED UNDER BAN AS COMMERCE DESTROYERS Five Major Nava! Powers at Arms Conference Accept Pro- posal Without Reservation Balfour Amendment Passed Making Agreement Immediately Binding on the Signatory Powers. A di ;patch from Washington Naval Armaments Thursday after- says: Thr-e major developments noon, therefore, was unanimous. The raarkci the prcgresa of the aims con- BaM'our amendment, making the pru- fren.-e en Thur^iay. position immediately applicable to the 1 The Japanese legation ob- ' five f"*>nr powers, also was, agreed tained approval and acceptance by to, and the c^hernario:is of the earm China of a solution of the Chinese '* 1 to 8 &** adnerexi-ce, Form- tariff problem in accordance with the terms demanded by Japan from the start. An agreement was adopted which gives China an effective a<l valorem rate cf five per cent, on all goc.U imp-ru-i into China, iiwttai of the five per cent, nominal and three per esnfc effective rate now obtamir. THE GREAT CH IPPAWA-QUEENSTON CANAL '4 Opening of Dominion Parliament. 24 The giant dirigible L-42, on trial An aeroplane view of the power house and the forebay at Queenston. lfi U ; n s - Senate passes the Pordney O ver Hull, England, bucldes and 1 The portion of the power house seen near the bottom of the photograph Is iu, the emergency tariff mea- exploder, and crfy three men are' about one-fifth the size of the building when it will be completed. The fis- savcd out of a <'rew of 47. Death sures r n the face of the rock are cutting.? for the penstocks. The fall at this of Sir Sam Hughe 3. Canadian' ex-Minister of Militia. wure, by 43 to 30. 21 British Privy Council decide that Iruh Home Rule sihal'l gr> into effect April a. MARCH. 4 Inauguration of President Hard- 27 Lord Byng opens the Canadian National Exhibition at Toionto. 29 Death of Lieutenant-Governor pcint is over 300 feet. At iho top is the gate huue for controlling thi fall of water from the fcrcbay. Lionel H. Clarke of Ontario. SEPTEMBER. 6 Germany pays one billion gold mark? to the a"ies as part of the reparations indemnity. (i:s in floods in China. ing at W'as-hir.tgton. 5 Ool. H. S. Cuir.-mir.i killed from ambush by Sinn Fein-era c:i Cork County road. United Sta.ti.5 in- 1 sists on peace between C&>:Cu Ricu| ar.d Pan-am'-. Rep-uW'ics in the! PaiKimia area. Cardinal Loguej n_crf.' Henry >ctehutt" of Brar.t-j 3 for a truce in Ireland. ford appointed Lieut-Governor " 7 Kf .-;!; against Soviet Govern- Ontario. me-nt of Russia, and Petrc^rad nr-nwuo end Kr'-t:-:t are attacked. ' K * 8 Edouurd Dal?. Spanish Pre.nier.! 4 Dcniinion Rvliaaca Ger-'26 Piince of Wales MM from for India. DUTCH PRINCESS MAY WED BRITISHER Viscount Trematon as Candi- date for Hand of Juliana. Universities Raise Standards. al ** of ^ e &? ot "** 5tat -' n ^ ** ru.es of warfare, reccjr- n;2ed under international law for the Protection of neutrak and m>iom- bt2 at and _ makffl* them ap- to submarines hkewiw was Jhese rules as fated are: "A merchant yee must be ordered to sirbmit to vis:t and search to deter- mine its charactep before . it ^ be UmU'l States. Great Bnta;n, France seized A mer , hant Ve99d must not and Japan on a mel.hcd to be pursued ^ attac . ked ur .;.,. 3 it ^fuseg to in excluding the Japanese homeland mic M vi ,, rt from the territorial m^-grity guwzn- or to procped ag directed tee of the icur-power Pacific treaty.' .. A merchant ves ^ } must Mt b9 This wi'.l be accompli.-he:!. it %vas as- .J.-'T-: y.vi ua-^-'s tl: few and pa^- serted, through a series of diplomatic ser ^; s j^ been first piace<i ^ notes ce;.:gr.ed to clarify the interpre- safety tation cf the p-rt. Rough drafts of, ' .'Belligerent submarines are not th^ notes already have been completed; UTrder any c i rcums tances exempt from and approved, it was explained. ^ Univ6 rsal rule above stated; and 3 The Root prcposa'.s to outlaw' if a submarine cannot ca-pture a mer- submarines as commerce ojestroyers chant vessel in conformity with these was accepted by France Japan and rules, the existing !aw of nations re- Italy withcut refen'ation. The United quires it to desist from attack and States anrl Great Britain previously from seizure and to permit the mer- had indicated their assent. Adoption chant vessel to proceed unmolested." of the rt-oluticn in rfoe Committee on; The assont of a!! powers is invitedi Chain for Key Rings. An elastic chain for key rings, which will stretch several Inches, is formed of coiled piano wire spring liuks. Peace Committee in the Dail Eireann i At a confiTer.'je la^t week of the j four university in Or^rio-Toronto, Que.n's. Wenom, an<! MeMaster- age one for every with the Department cf Education, it; in the Baltic Sea aver- i the year. n '' ulrs *" com P lete A despatch from Dublin says: The announcement in the Dail Eireann oi the existenze of a peace committee was the chief feature of Thursday's ir.eftingr. No member of the Cabinet assassinated. A'lie occu;;y nvan cities in Rhine area to com- pel observance of reparation ccn- ti-tlon?. 9 Rebel's capture Pfetragroi 15 Tatact Pasiha, ex-Gran,.! Vizier cf Turkey, and responsible for -Ar- menian mia-Sciacre -. w assassinated in Bei-lin by an Armenian student. 30 Greek ci'uL?ars blockade Asia Minor. APRIL. 1 Strike in the British coal areas. 2 Lord Edimorod Taibct appoimUsdi Viceroy if Lre'and'. 4 During the ye.ir eiid<el March 31) Sinn Keiners committed 10,804' A distinguished teacher of English ! is included in the committee, whk-h is first to write a made up almost exclusively of able essay and then to ' members of the rank and file of th hundred words Da;; w - no have apoken for and against To the pupils the treaty. The must notable of these :or ; the astonishing thing is that it takes a, are Owen O'Duffy, Liaison Officer of write Ulster; Llam Mfllowi ;:r..i John T. the O'tKclly, t.l-.? Si: :; F. . ':. representative icaiuiidate for Prir;.i J-'iari'-, han-J. ' lu " Wll:l "" *"- : K1 '"" '" SUl *""' original. Tne number of words, or : j n Paris. ! The Earl and Co::-t..= a;. 1 their chil- : ; . r : . honor . matricu alion.^ The pages in a manu.-vript. tell nothing of. c effort that went into; Great Britain has one m.itur-car for every 110 persons of it? population. tion gives rise to an apparently well i founded ., . nded rumcr that the Earl's c-'Je-t ""- 1 ::on wlt ' 1 , ' 5 F . er cent m ' our ^nger time and more thought to wr li Viscount Trcmttcm is to be a: f u:>je :t ''" ;-np.cte jur.icr nucr-,- - the ^~i igmmt than to write -idate for Prin3 J-'ia-a'-, hair' Jatll ' n WIta ( ' P L: ' cent - m slx sub " original. The number of words, NOVEMBER. | tlrwl al . at prMe . u -lavi,^ with the ' C the tim e * 6 Nati-cr.jl Assembly of Hungary ! Quei-rv, where th.> vour.T people orei r writing it. dethrone* the fcrnwr King .brought together iVequv, : COT ' Charles and ourts the Hamburg! TrT.re h M been conskieiable specu-i" i. - - - ' to prepare students for the umversi- dynasty. ; btii;n- regarding Princess Juliana's 11 Tne Ulster iV.>lnet rejects the ] future husband, but no names have ; as have the large urban col'.e- 1 12- proposal to have an affl-Ireljnd been mentioned till now. There is no Parliament. Armistice Day ;;en-:<ioubt the Dutch would welcome such erally observed in Canada and the, a connection with England and the Empire. I English Royal family. Princess Juli- -U. S. Secretary of State Hughes j ana is now eleven and Viscount Tre- bsfore the first meeting of' ma ton fifteen. outr-age?, 242 policemen the Conference en the Limitation' The Countess of Athlone is Princess i regulation puts a premium on appli- . cation to work and on intellectual 1 i ability. tf ArnanK-r...- :i pr,?gr.im callinffl Mary, daughter of the Duke of Al- 1 tion to work for a ten-year naval hjtiuuy the - r-i.p-ing of battleships. ! fcan-y, ;<nj a direct ; Queen Victoria. descendant giate mean any increased cost in education! Toronto. it simply means that students must Manitoba v. he.u No. 1 Northern,! remain in their home schools until $1-25; No. JJ Northern, $1.20; No. 3 they are well grounded in their work Northern, SI. 14. and afcle bo take proper advantage of : Manitoba oats No 2 CW ,53'tc - " extra No. 1 feel, ale; No. i feed 51>4c. Manitoba barley Nominal. All the above, track. Bay port*. American corn No. 2 v Weekly Market Report $2.35: university education. Hence, the nev r = and 90 .-'.M iei-3 am! wounding sev- 25 The Mikuio resigns in favor ofj The Ear! of Athdone denies the; eral tiotmaCUt, the (^rown Prir.ce of Japan. 18 Ontario vctcs for prohibition byj 27 Adnviral Earl Beutty fetel a maj-rity of 1(56,835, but cities] Mtntrsal and Ottawa. of Tcr.,r.to, Ham.?lfon and Ottawa j DECEMBER. give bl^ majorities against. 28 Pour Sicm- Felr/ars are execirted at Cork for fight :-r,g thj Crown forces. The am-nied G.T.R. biM passes the Dominion Senate. MAY. at rumor that he is a candidate for the Governor-Generalship of Ireland. 2 Frent'h trcope ad'vunce toward the 10 The 5 British Govemmen't and Sinn Fein If.iders reach aigreement to give Iretamrf a Dominion status. 6 Dotncaka Paa-ltam^ntary e'ections res-ult in the ('^feait cf the Meig-J ban Goverrment, To Call International Economic Conference A despatch from Paris says: A i to the Havus Agency from I Premiiers Lloyd George ! pact Ruhr cfetrict. 9 Sit- Henry Drayton his Buo;ct to the Dominion Par-' liaanent, increasing the sales tax, 1 and takl,-..g off the bum j pcjfits : aaid luxury taxes. 25 Sinn Felr.ors burn the Custom House in Dublin, an.i in the ac- comipanyiniT riots &even civi.'iaiw are kiliaJ, four auxiiiiaries and 1 * seven cmVaiB woun.^ and in Oldest B.C. Resident priscwrs taken by pxic?, 26 Ulster elections give the Unioiv ists a majority of 38 seats in the northern Parliament. ths United State-?, Great Britain. Fror.' f and .Ta^sn mad'o public; it irxl'isde* a guiir-a-ntee for a 10- yeary peace and the freedom of ClKtV:. 29 Hon. WfHvami Lyon Mackenzie King swam in us Prime Minister of Canada, with 18 other T.ibvol s (Cabinet Ministers. between < aIK * ^riand "agreed Thursday evening i on the conditions for the convocation I of an Intern a tic nal Economic Confer- ence. The program for the conference, from which politics is to be barred, wan settled by them. The despatch adds that it is likely Germany and Russia will be invited to send dek'giates to the conferenice, but that participation by Russia will in no way imply recognition of the Sov- iet Government. Dead at 110 Years Flowers Strewn Along Royal Route in Mandalay gal.. $2.oO; per 5 irn.p. sugar. Ib., 19 to 22c. Honey 60-30-lb. tin*. 14"^ to 15< per Ib.; 5-2*4-lb. tins, lt> to 17\: pX Jb.; Ontario comb honey, per dozerr, *:;." t,i s-i.r.o. Smokr-d ii:?iUs ITam?, mod., 24 to -tic; cocked ham, 3ti to 40c; amoknd rol' . 23 t/.i 24-c; cottage roik, 25 to .. 2Hc; bre;kft h;u-ini. 25 to 30c; spe- No. 3 yellow. flS'/ic; No. 4 yei-i oial bror.i breakfast team. 30 to 36c; low, 67-c; track. Toronto. i bii-k:?. boiK-iess. 32 to 36c. Ontario oats No. 2 white, nominal. [ C-iax- i meats Lc-r.g clt-ar bacon, 18 Ontario wheat Nominal. j to 20f; .lear belliif*. 1SH to 20Hc. Barley No. 3 extra, test 47 !*>s. orj Lard Pure, I fives.- 14 to 14Mic;. better, 57 to 60c, accordin-,? to fr<?:.rhvs ; tub=, 14 1 * to Iwj; pails, 15 to 154c; outside. , .print-', IHVj to 1?.-. Shortening tierces, Buckwheat No. 2. 78 to 80j. I 13c: tubs, 13 '-c: pails, 14c; prin*5 r R>-e No. 2. 86 to 88c. I.T^AC. Manitoba flour Fl-'.-t p:.i*.. S7.40; Choice ht.-.vy steers. $7 to $7.50; second pts,. Sli.90, Toronto. butohvr ^u<-rr, choice. $6 to $6.50; do, Manitoba flour 90 per cent, pate .-.:.' good. $5.25 to $5: da. med , $4.25 to bulk sealxiard, per barrel. $5. , $5.25; do. com.. $3 to $4; buitaljer Millfeed Del.. Mcmtreal freiji-ht, hMfcr.?. chc\x\ $5.75 to $6.50; buteher bags included: Bran, per ton. $28 to cow*, choice, $5 to 85.50; da, moil.. $3 $27; shorts, per ten, $28 to $29: gc^.i to $4: canr;-rs -ar.t cutu-r-. ?.:!.25 t<x per feed flour. S1.70 to S1.80. Baled Hay Tr.j-k, T;".cr.o. ton. No. 2 $21.50 t,i $22: ir Straw Car lots, per ton. $12. Cheese New larjre. 2' to 22.-. twins, 21^ to iilVic; triplets, 22'* to C.i'.'jC. Old large, 2."> to 2i>c; t . ir..-. j 25 Vj; to 26 1 ,isc; tiiplets, 26 to 2'-c; , Stiltons, new, 2o tr 2(>c. Butter Freih, dairy choice. :!3 lo i35c; creamery prints, frovh. No. ', I.! *:;.:,": :iutck'jr t>u Is. u-:^.i. $3.50 t $4.50; do. com. S2.50 to S3; feeders, Kvr.i, '.too Ibtt., $4.50 t.o $5; do. farr, $4 to $4.50; stoker* gofd, $4 to $4.50: .ic, fair, $3 to $4; ii)i'kr;. $80, to SOO: >ppir.jers, f'r,o',e. S90 to $100; oalvcs. choice, $11 t.) $12.30; A>, me, $8 to $10; dz. coin., S3 :a $6; fejnbs, . .Sll to $12. jO; ^^ com.. $6.50 to sheeTi. chv : :-e, $- r > t> $(i; do, Rood, $4 to S, . ', : i ,< ' , $10.50 B. C., A despatch from | says: Mrs. Mary Ann Mai-Au-ley, ' the oldest resident of British Cofam-i bia aiivl probably of Canada, died at I S8 y* : - Demon * l rt' Burmai the utmost Governor-General of Caaiiada. 10 The British policy ends the Silr esdan fight. 20 Meeting cf tihe British Imperial Cooiference of Premiers in Lon- don. Don'd M'acAuley, a Hud'jon's Bay em- ployee. She is survived by four chil- dren, 18 gran<k-hrMlvr>~a.iid 23 great- grandchildren. is arrival m Mandolay on Rangoon.. The mandrake root contains more Hon. Rodolphe Lemieux Prominent Liberal, who. it is. an- nounced by Uie Hon. MacKenzie King, will be elected Speaker of the House of Commons. . to 45c; No. 2, 40 to 41c: cookcns,'. -'<> to $10.75; :!>. f.o.b.. s!>.25 to $10; do. 1 Germany fulfils aigreement to pay one bilJion gold nvaa-ks to the Al- the fetonft rf her granddaughiter here Died Reparation Coannnaeiion. | O n Trwrsday. agl 110 vaars. A ,. 8 Lord Byn- of Vhny appointed; daughter c-f an Indian Chief. Mr. Me- i I, UT ^ V c:ftern ' n fro neiial of OMIM^B, Aulev ws Iwrn at S*,, HP , i Fk>wers were showered upon the : "ey ^.S'SittSrS m^iS Pr ^ .**,** t ,,tire route of the ! seven-ye.r-old, and ,tood fl ft. 4 in. r>i.o,7iiwiT t o Gcverrmient housi'. An ox of gigantic proportions was exhibited last April at the Royal Syd- Show, in Australia. It was a to 30c. Dressed poultry Sp 25 to 35c; rcoster?, 20 to 2.~v : 20 to 28c; (; .klir-'rs, 30 to 35i-: keys, 55 > . OOc; ge, -e. ^ to 86c, Live poultry Sprin.r chickci's, 20 bo 25c; ruostrrs. 14 to 16o; fV.vi. 14 country points. SO to chickens. Montreal. Oat:-. Can. \V. t . Xc. 2 57 to 58c; ' i. No. '',. ."M . F!cvr. Mail. Sprir.^ \vht-a! p:it., tire's. S7.50. Roll- . : , its. !<;iir !'n !- . >i'.^f> bo $2.95. H-..V. S26.25. S! n,-. ?J>*.25. Hav. to 22c; duckling?, 22 to l!fu': ;urko\ =. N,>. 2, per ten ra>- ;ts *27 to $28. 45^to 50c: goeve, 20 to 22.-. Butt*r. ohniivst i ry, 37 to, It. had a girth of 14 ft. behind the slu aiders, and weighed 3,700 Ibs. . . . g . g, > It came from New Zealand and had p,'.,,,1___f a j 1 WgHCtiM 23 to 2oc. :is,-. Eggs, selected, 18c. BcteMm Egg 1 : No. 1 storage. 51 to ."..:,; se-' pt-r bn.ir. cai- loir. i)5c. Ipct st'orage, 56 to 57c; t:.-w !a ; .i Fa; c''air> CC-AS. ?,">: '.is;! M r-. straights, 70 to 72e; new bid, in car- $f>.50; bulls., $.'! to $4.50: canacs and quinine than any other English-grown ' arrived some days before the I plant. of the show. cutti-rs. $2 to $3; veal i-ilves. $10 to hand-picked, lnisiu-1, $1 !).:,( for gootl; com.. $8; irrassers, $3.30 to $3.50; primes, $2.80 to $3.10. $4: lair-Vs, S7.50 to $8.50; sheens, $3 Mapl. [:.;du.-ts Syrup, per imp. to $4; hcgs. ?12.50 sow?, $8.50. REGLAR .. by Gene Byrnes MS LOST THt SOUO" 5ILVE.R. MtDM- FOR -THE- lt4-WE.CL.NSS

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