January ID TH.E FI HSHBBTON ADVANCE . THE Flesherton Advance Au indf pumU-nt iii-w|ip- r ' )>ul>Lnlu<ii evftry Thuc.-.,i,v .1' tin- "Hi , ' UJI .'*aod iJtrvo', Fimli'-i - -:i S: 1 '- iiiyiini |.rioe SI 'M [Hit- annum .v ... u |"i ' in I-. -.11 ; $200 when UniUil SVH!- application. nut so p-u.I. .! i >> tv> Osprey Council The newly elected C'-.uncil i the Township of ())[>roy held i < n, . K in llio Ormgo hull, Mnxtvu!!, on Situr;liiy, .l.iii '. Ii The di'cliratioii dl iillioi! wis M'Vi-rn ly sulii-ci'ilitd In nn(J i'yli-1 witli tlio Uu'in us foilmvH : Win L Ai . n, Taylor, Rv,j John -Loofc hart, Di-pi r,,,-u'u i.-, , MI*'! K . \.- ; Ja'l .Mi Ker/.i', W C K-1 wards waekly. ' .ri.-p!i 11 n ! rmn, (Jounoilli'rs. W. H. THUKS10N FARMERS AND THE UNEMPLOYED The uampioym BtaUMttuB 11 rowing auubual attiiili. n from out 1 >>ia'i'.'s ,ud others thin win'er. *\<>n I" the Mr HUM :ri-"ii l<il 'In' Council n prxyir, ftfior which short mklros-BS wt-i (ivi-ii \<y i hi; K-i-vo nd other municip.l ' lik-ei* j*:v.-i!ii' . \Vi h the llceve'iu the cluir this follnwiui; hunim-su w-ts pr.ic.ed- i-.l \u;li iilt.T vi .J.'.MI.: the iniiiuteii of thu December n.'-*ion : The following s.;,-tieil Mid election accounts were ordered to \>a p.iid : The number of unfortunates infesting! Fi B ,berton Advance, printing, 84438; the soup kitchen* *nd free lodging hou-r H Keturnii'g i Hi .- 84 each for services at of our eitieb. Ii in surely up to the cities' municipal pled inn hold Jan 2nd E.n.st i Haniravu, Heniy Heron, Thus Uonron, t* get *OM; of their urplugcitizdim back. '* , , . ' Albert Edward*, George McDonald, Ldw upon the farms. It vrolud pay them tu Ctmer(lt)i Wm Norm , r .. J U( , Lougheed. icel in touch with tho Government nd) -j- ne f,,n, )W j U u uo l! clerks $3 each Mai laako some arrangement whereby McMillan, Harold Morrison, Melville bmmieould be given f farmers who) Di.ujjlan. Willis N.ff, Archio Mdi.tyre, . i . . 1^1 _ 1 I U O ... 1 would Uka the surplus aiid teach them i Mai McLuan, Dnvid Uaolem.J H S farming and in tunu help (hem to locate farm* for themi^ves. Who ever heard of a farmer isoinc? brggioij or running tround tfco country lrymi{ to locale a free meal 1 Ii in I..-L done, mid the reason is plain a 1 1. m -. . never out ot 8Bi|'l->ymeut. In f*ct lie ha-i in. rework l ban he can aU> j u<l to, hut not n. is;h to mikx it prnnt-iblt* to eng'ige A i.iin on a Bill Tel'-phone <ir Hydro hagis of rciuui eration. Still, if the O.iv.-rnment m.d annual grant f. r cities would comliiiie so tint a fair salary The followini! ii'ntils of booth- bi fur t!.c unemployed, -in.- of t V m '. ! i-' iiii. !i be induced to come out int. the couirry .. h -i.- <iu|> kitehi'ii" and Inn Induing li. u-tn are unknown Mid nhcic noli dy ployed. Hut i( i- not . ij'1-.ili ' farmer 'o unem- f <r the himself abook. The re alooa re*pon*ihle for th Dtd'plorahle condition >( iffiirn nithin their borders. 3 each Chas O LUh, John Priestly, Tin.* Ciii.ron, Bigil Neir, Mrs McLu, Joseph Freelhy. Thos Hani on, Percy Luughfed. Hall for nonnnatioii at Maxwull W J..hn I'ricst;y. U W Kernahan, espenses re lialljtBand ballot bole*, 75c ; Wm Anders >n, services as school attendance i Hi.-, r 1921, (5 ; Municipal World 87. seven miiiHcriptm to the Municipal World, and 81 50 f. r advice ; Osprey Au'l Sncii-ty 840, : " Keuwick, wue fence bonus, 8M 40 ; Jit M me, ^rnv Sllt'.'O ; Wm H Littlf, uravel, 811 60 ; Fran', S.ieley gtf, w..iUin IJogliiick hill on (' i.tn- Line. Kdw irds Heiiderhi.n- That tSe tnd ini! cninmi'tees f.>r 1922 ba oompoard U f..llw : Ro-id ami Uridije Kceve, Depu'y Kei-vu ;n d liiicillor f u-|,e<. live diviaion. 1'iin'iiig- Mr Mt-Kenzif and Mr Ueiiduraun. Financial - Al I St. Mary's Church MAXWELL During the winter months Divine Service will (D.V.) now be in the afternoon commencing at 2 p.m. S.S. and Bible Class 2 p.m. Divine Service at 3 p.m. REV. GEO H. VROOMAN, B.A-, Rector E STABUSHED 1872 Proton Office 0(11-11 Tues., Thins, and Sat. HOURS I 2 o'clock noon .HEAD OFFICE HAMILTON lo 4 o'clock p.m. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK I'.IMMII \. M. Cartliew, Manager SUll-BUiNCH PROTON C. J. lorster, Siib-Mnnai'er im-inbeig of the Council. Tn usurer's Securities Reeve. 1)..K- i Mr K 1 ward's Henderson MeKfnti.- - T.. it. U e teacher in S 8 No 8 he iidvintd of the piesi'iice in that .ce:ion of oer^uin child- len of Hclidol g.' nf ihr f.iinily of U Large nU tlut Btio tnko the inc-'Hsiny stcpn t ooea lo enouro t' i.-.r rtL'ultr utt-mdance .1 i hat rch'iol. McIverzi-'-EdA-uriU- Tliat the Cierk 1'ii'pnro l.yl-i.v for the m-xt regular iii-.-rin.! for i],,. purpose of leniovinc; li ta i?3, 24 and 25 OI.M 8, th property of * v ai Thompson from S S N;> 7 nd pine i ig them m 8 S No 8 aii'l that notice of this intention be si-neJ to 'he truHtefKOf tlie two sections interested. E-lwnrds McKeiizie That the Cii-ik lie instructed to have 100 Commissioners' Xucount Sheeta printed. The printing cominiitee instructed the Cleik to wak the i. .11. mi u in 11,1:11.- . Hi .- iur tenders mi printing work required to be .lone for this Township : Tho Fleherton Advance Mark dale Standard, Duodalk Herald. i 1 MI.-V. . i! Bulletiu and Enterprtie. i:\li.v 700, app'iintini; 11 O Burke Assessor at 8120 per year ; Bylaw 701. -ppomting A J Conron and C M Fie'd us auditors : Byl'tw 7C2, appoint mx John Lockhart an H member of the Local Hoard of Health for 1922 ; Bylaw 703, appoint- i-g the following school attendance officer* Edward Pedlar fur S 8 8 10 mi 14, Wm Anduraan for S S 3, 4, 9 and 11, l> .'! Stephen for S S 5, 6 nul 7, I. n - M... : for S S 1, 2 and 12 ; I5y!aw 704, to authorize the borrowing os IdOOO in all from the Bunk of Toronto, I- . v, i li ,:n, to in,. t the now current expendt'ure* ; Byluw 705, to appoint the i . 1 i.-. n_' Koad CoinmiHsionurs Div 1 rt'ni L Taylor, Div 2 Jos Henderson, Div 3 J T McKenzie, Div 4 Win C Elwarda, Div 5 John L ,khnrt. On mutiou then thu Connoil adjourned lu inset ii. FevuJtihain in a regular meet- ing on Situnlay, Kelt 18, at 1 p.m. -11. W. KERN A HAN, Clerk. HOCKEY! FLESHERTON GARAGE CAR OWNERS! ATTENTION! f> Are you giving your Battery a square deal? Have you brought it in to us for storage? If not, the first time you come to Town bring it in. Satisfaction guaranteed. H. DOWN & SONS, PHONE 36 FLESHERTON Flcaherton 10, Dundalk 2 A good exhibition of the national winter i. " of '\;i n'u wai given at tho nnk hi.' on Thursday night of 1 1- 1 <-.<;, vthtn Dunil ilk juniors j ui'i. \ . up here lo try to h iu.- another tcalp to their belt by deflating the junior^. However, linco the kidi wre trinimcd it DuinUik the w^ek hrfore they wre out afier hlu-id, s:id what they d'dn't do to i !n- Dundalk UOn thu Brnt period iai/t worth luikiug abuut. Thu southerner* .I'.tn . have n look in and tho locals hombarded th.ii- net tviih almir 'J.'i >h> ti tlin Urst pi-rioil Hint wen only ulile t i'ii i>i ili. 11 ; with 5, whilu Dundilk >v:is iil.tn'.<ed, In f;ict (here were un v thri-u fiineH whi-n the v sitnn got past centru ico -n-1 ili -n theio w:is only one shut on K"l, I:..- D 'A .- 1 ry Ulrninl aside. The t,. L-c.nd np.Hin began to lock u l.t.U inliireKting when ihu visitors got baok tu .- .r h ;u..' pu: up a f^mne light to (ally I'U unly Mi'.-i-i- .1 I in flipping one into i ho net, and lh:it is Imu- liy "Buster" 'litridvc -,%i. n tin, 1 puck w:n allot ill froi't f the ^ . .1 The i .- 1 , got three HUH period aftnr -.-, .1 i a more uf thota- at Mi<\i-iHon, tht* Dundalk goalr, who w,.s "rking hu'.l and ii.--iv.-i credit foi- his < 1 A . : k Dundalk -i i .1.. ii tu have ot I heir Hes leus after that tiint period i iiion und tried aijain and again lo .ore, hut ixeie only iiblu to put. one ihrough 'I'll.- h ..-;, -y plnyt-d iu linn p -liod i nini- -i .I uf h>no i ii^!n -i and once ill H wiiilo n hit of combination. Well- Ain-il und McKi'chnio were i-i-ily ihe hem for Dunil t'k and in a fuw yt-ais NhmiM In' .hli- i. hold their own iu any coinpiiny. McTuvinli, linyd, Mnir niid Kiijhiiii.ui tlul i!i,- Hcoi I\H for ( IK- inc.ili, ihe lir.-t n. inn i.l Kt-iting 5, Uny.i 3, BuL-lunitn 2 and Muir !. Carrington ti nl n ilozeu nhois on goal hut Jula'i H'icctxd n coiiii:in^. It vasii't his fault, I hough. la follows : Thu In. nip V Dundalk 8'HpbeiiHiMi UnbiiiHtin WilliVuiiiH Mclntyru yol I,. IK-f-nce It. Defence Centre I, v R. Kluilii'floii Dow Uuchttimn Oiuiinuti.il '.].-. and U ;: y Refm ee,aSciiro IU - The ladies beguu p-itsli-ini; on Kridy :;bi, and by ttppcaiancug the Krst i.u.lu ought to be able to githor together n i .u bunch. Flesherton 6, Ceylon 2 The local Heaion for hookey opened on Wuclnenday evening when Oeylon and KlCHhrrton clashed, the latter COIQIUK out with In- long end of a C to 3 score. Th O'liu- wax f.in Ijr exoittng and when ths Oeylun i'iiiu-h have a hit more practice 1 buy 'li mlil make the lucaU extend The IOCU'B hud a very Rood combination bul ili. n back chvukinc was the fuutuie, We wouldn't Uo A bit xurpried to >o . . r . -in ni >!i.- ' II A. i i- n it >ii.t. li Hi.-y do go in they will b h nit! h in foi irv b'nvenm'D, tha Dundalk goalie, tav a V"<'(. account af himself, although hn li i- jusit 'orokttn into hockey thin ye. r. Dundalk 6, Flesherton 3 Tli : fntermcdiate team played in Dun j dlk n Tuwdtjr nii;hi and were trimmed I by tie score uf C 3. The KHIIIH I\H inclii: 'd tu be ro'uijh iu sputs, but other. I wise wasngo'd fist content. No i_'(,-iU were tijored in tbafirat period, but in tin secon I Duoilulk bhored in f'.ur while t be kical clan only secured oin-, Inlhebt- ginning o( the last period iho loculs ^ .' two i'i Hucce-siiin, Dundalk duplicating i '" M'tdr, the otformg then ending Tlie Klesher'ou luich lacked gmvl ubH., v. hile Dundalk thnved un three, thereby; I .n ing the edge on tlta visitors the last t * o period*. Thu localu hd : gonl, C .1. nnett ; defence, Oeo and S McTavish ', CMilre, W Car^oe ; 1 wing, F Thunton ; i wing, A Buchanan ; subi, B Willis and M Wright. Dondalk will play the return game here on Wed. nipht niuht ucxf, Jn 2fth when a fMt^ame i-i assured. The best game of the season is looked for. Vandeleur Orange Lodge Vandeleur L L No 1383 recently elected the following officers for 1922 W M, Bro Harold Hutchinson ; D M, Bro Lome Cornfield ; ChupU'n. Brn E \Varling ; Kec Sec, Bro J F Davis ; Fin Sec, Bro J Davis ; Tre, |< r o H V Biker ; Leo's, Bros Clifford Hu-chinson and Selh Thompson ; C >mmit 'pfnii'n, Bros Gei) VVri K hl, Ed B<kr. B Bnwlen, W Hutcliinsjii, fSmi Pritcluid ; Gun uf Ceremonies, W S*nton. GROCERIES A full line of fresh clean groceries always in stock. DRIED FRUITS Apricots, Prunes, Figs, Raisins and Currants. BISCUITS A full line of Christie's bis- cuits, always fresh. CONFECTIONERY We carry Neil- son's and Willard's box or bulk Chocolates always fresh, also Mixtures, Bars, W. E. CARGOE Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery FLESHERTON, - Phone 30J - ONT. MAIL CONTRACT Si-.ileil T"ii'loraiMrese<l to thu Postmaster (ieiieral, will le received at Ottawii until mum on Friday, the 10th .,f Kebruay, 1U22. fur the ontivej'an of Hi- Mujety'a MiJSls, ou a pro|Hm-dC< iitractfur four years, six timeu per wec-k, on the route. MARK DALE R. R. NO. 5 troni the Vuitmanter i!fn T|'.< 1'leaauru. Printed notices cnntaininx further informa- tion UH toci'mtitiotH "f pru|MMed C"ntraclmay l- "'n and blank f -run f Tender may he ubtained at the l'it Officw f Murk-lale and nt tho offi : ul the Pot Office Iim|iei.-tor, l.r,n,..,, ( ,Vrr r rrVc,,<iXi,c<c,...iiriiiV.i Flesherton Tailor Shop What, are you going to do about that new suit you are going to get this fall? There is nothing nicer than a made-to-order suit. Call in and see my samples of suitings and overcoatings. Suits and Overcoats Turned .to look like new. Our prices are rigut, and fit, style and workmanship the best. Pressing and Cleaning done on shortest notice. Toronto. A. SUTHKRLAND, Pot Office luipctor. Pout Orfics Uapeotor'- Office, Toronto, Dec. 24th, 1921. T. C. BLAKELY, Armstrong Block, Flesherton PRICES Effective January 1st, 1922 McLaughlan-Buick-1922 Models 12 22 22 2'2 2'2 32 '22 -'2 2-2 '2-2 2-2 Current Price M aster Four 84 Special Two pa^enger Roadster ..... $1400 Master Four 86 Special Kivo pisieuger Touting ...... $1476 Master Four 86 , Th-ee pa-eni{ci Ooopo ..... $2215 Mastet Four 87 Fivo |i9.sfnei Sedan ........ $L'494 Master Six 44 Special Thr-e passenger Rodter ..... $2215 Master Six 45 Special Five passonner Touriu. ..... $2245 Mister Six 49 Special Seven pussonxer Touring ..... $2595 Master Six 46 Thrnc pi-L'iiner Ooupu ..... $2295 Master Six 47 Five pssener SnJao ...... $3445 Master Six -18 Four pussenuer Coupe ......... $3346 Master Six 60 Svm piBteii((c>r Sedaa New Price $1340 $1376 $1895 $1995 $19(55 $19*J 32345 $2095 $3095 $2846 $3446 Reduc- tion $110 $100 $320 $430 $200 $2*>0 $300 $300 f 4CO $360 Canada's Standard Car-built, not merely assembled, in Canada All prices f.o.b. Oahawa. Sales Tax Extra. ASK ABOUT OUR OWN PLAN OF EXTENDED PAYMENTS MCLAUGHLIN MOTOR CAR co., Ltd. Divisio* of General Motors of Canada Limited OSHAWA, ONT. Braudios iu leading cities. Dealers everywhere D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON, ONT. MCLAUGHLIN BUICK