January 19 1922 THjj FLESHERTON ADVANCE - tl To Parents (")PEN a Savings Account in this Bank for each child the year it is born. Make small deposits regularly, and when college days come, die requi- site funds are ready, and the education will not be a drain on the family purse. Made Bad Butter THE STANDARD BANK OP CANADA ., TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY THREE MILLIONS Pleshertcn Branch * Geo. Mitchell, Manager lj.i . > aflows : * obi:; South V* i. m. 4_Bp p.m. ANADIAN PACI-FIO C. P. R. Time Table. leave Fleshercon Station Mru. Bugh Acheson fined |50 by M.I;- trvi Ciawford at Brtmpton on TurS"*j, on charge of ofteriug adult- eratod but tur for m!u Her C"Unsel, Brick - i-r Gi hum, announced that lie would ! 1. U was Btati'd lime the l.iut.r w>is i<iiroh8d by E. McCartnuy from MIB A'-lu-Hon, who sold il to 0. W*llce of Tnrontu. When tested, if showed signs nf 411 inferior Hul.H'ance and wag l'_ii' in weight, A sample wti tested in OIUWH. Mri. Aoheson is one i i'e b<-B' Uiinwn outter makers of C*it?d. n SU s v,,rw that -Iia had never made any but the standard i.-.-i butter. Orange- lille Suu. 5* Found A pure -I containing dry good- Apply Fivd S unrt, Flesherton. H<ve ynu rear] Tlie Courage of Marge O'Doonp," hy J>ms Oliver Curwood ? Fresh milch e..w fur tain or trade fr one to come in liter Fred Siuart, Flesherton Mr. and Mi- Fred McClocklin, 44 9.30p. m. Aloorn Sc., To. onto, announce the en- uli* are usea at Iflesherton eg garment of their eldest daughter, Zeta Forthe north at 10.*) .<n.and s _ to Mr D..ugl John MoMillen, of Owen bound, i h- marriage to take p'ace in Toronto, the first Wednesday m February ! The Wallierfin Telescope ys thi town " in- m re pretty girls to the square tout than any town 011 the m%p " 'Cnceit! W.n. n,. w I But then we 1 must niakx all.xiinces becuuse. the editor ' nevrr was in F e-h>-rton. Notice The annual meet ing uf East Gri-y Aifritu tuml >ociety will b held in the Tnwn liar, F cnhenon, on Friday, Jin. 20 h, 1922. .t 1 p m. A fuH Goijig North 11.52 p.m. ! * aftOTn U n ? il . 80uth &4Q o dock. Fci morning tra.m south Mil clows at 9 p. m. the previous evg. AUIDC VIvlNIIY OlillO lu publish i h Cm 1 honk L "t H.' .VUIMI Flesheru n and Valley R ..ul Finder please leave at; th'8 < tttce. During the [wit year ihe Township of Obapt Saturday, Jan. Ci .> M . Ball. A D. Creiison of Owen Sound has been ppointed police magistrate fur Grey County. Mr. Edirird S^rgi-nt desires ua tn itate th*. his sawmill will bo open for euitoiu --iwinsj t hi* cunitbg summer, lame c last All kinda of fancy and job printing iene at the advance off:ee. Lulu's' white wear is Rumniged for Dvur Bros', tun day oflering. Car load of corn just arrived- W. C. ! attendance i r ,|U ted Ludies welc.'iue White, Ceylon. Phoae ; KSwioto.i Prmuient, VV. A. Hawlteu While they last Snow shovels 39c, j Secretary U 2uc patent medicines 19o ac Deverj fha Kiinbe l-y Poultry i Bros., Proton. j held a very *ucc> HK'U! poultry cho A little more sugar, a little more . Tuehday and WnlneNday of last eornaieul for the $ during Dover Bros. ; The hail was W.-1* tilted with f" w ' ""d the Xuoimage Sale. show was one of r>... lies' yet held A Mr. Gordon Laird, well known here. \Z" A ^ vd WHM '" *"'-<nce. W e hope fca* purchased a hardware business IB '" V**'-ib 'he p. ut *innni next week Craud Valley. Died In srtemesia on Thursday, Jan. 12th. 1922, infant Son of Mr and Mrs We-Vy Plantt, iged tv?o weeks. The adjourned meeting of the Sc-irlet ! Art-menu speut o8U8 35 on biuhways. lhapler of Artvmesia wiil be held on, divided "" '"'*: Bridges SI'-"-*. 21sc at 730 p. m. in i Maintenance $3f)40 85, and reuaiin 10 michniHiy $43 50 Of this amount thu Prmiucia G vtrnment pY twenty PIT cent, which means a p mu < of flllil 27 to the T,.wuhiu. Mr W. h D. II. of New York, an old time resident . f H'n xh-.iinu and Maik dak-, htH for -i>m tune been engaged in Ii: , i .1 J^WIH k wiitmg a buok on a n> w Cuirency (tjHHin in li:ch he win devimd Dr. ''.urns of Hanover, after two much tune *nd 'lion. In. Thu wi.ik ie years of illnt-S!", has r> Nuuiod his practice n .>w ro-tdy for th>- publishers, sud w I, and k.ijri he is as well af he ever was. he on ' ii unrkct - n. Mrs H. V. Oauditi returned to Tor-, The. Wnlk.-n.ni Tnl^sC'ipu cmap'a us onto monday afier ilia past eight wetka tldt v-iy fe.. w.-il.iui -, have taken pi .ce nursing her father, Mr. John B.nen. there dutinii th past fu* m"U>hs. Pn.b The Osprey Agricultural Society are ably ihe p. ion ,.f licenses has suiiifiliinu fculdii.R thi-ir aunuul iniiftiusj this coming tu uo with n. Ev'"n the extreme b-.nny Baturday, Jauuaiy 2lt, at, 2 oO p. m, "f VV^lkeiton u r\a c.unut oveicome su>.h j i', . ! .-ip The giiv-ininent o^lt^llt lu pu. (ii> a biiigtin Nile of ItceUHua fr i t -w ihs 'O ilveti ihiotf^ up. The 8ume opiums here, I ul we hate to acknowledge 'it. Much syiniHhy is expressed to Mr \ Vo ,d was reo-ived here last week that Mid Mrs Wese'y Flantt in the loss of thei r ' M[ ^ P(jr(;y M( . L ()d h ^ d died , her JnrautsononThu^d.y last attheageof h(ime in Re<{ ^ :| Mr9 M cLeod *. euly two weeks. u|l | y HD(lU , yeiM Binrri.d. She w> Hi" Advance hid a pleanant eall on oporaied on for Hpauaicilis and the Sutunlay from Mr. J. A. Boyd of Noith upi-ration wn- not Kucc--8*lul. A secmid Battlefoid, s.i..U . who is vis'tin* his oper.i ion was inoie than the frail body fatuity at Maikdtlo. culd utand. It. is a Nerinus blow to her Hobberlin cloihinu is offered BO 33 1-3 husbaud aud much sympathy is express- percent, reduct. on. For. Ion days we " lr him. The young couple vu.ned will d., even i. little belter than this tlle P"eutal home of the ur-.om here, Deve, BVOS., Protun. Mr and Mts Dunal.l McLeod. while ..u their hmi, MM. u a year ag-i, and thu 1 c,iu take in ctl to feed "' lh BIJJ concert at Kunberley oa Fri., 27ih, Jiuuuie Fax and Co. will givo the entci I <ii MI. nl. Fuller anuouuceuieiits Utter and see bills. until the Ijiit of May, 2 or 3 year olds preferred. Phone or write K. J. Taylor.Fleshurton, phone J 2 en 72, Dui.dalk. Big concert at K ml erley on Friday. Jan. '^7 Jimniie Fax and company will |ivu the ehlertainmeut. Announcements later aud bills. ! ^^ ^^ Be sure and o tu the masquerade i be treated an earuival t be held inn Thuisday ev'g ab thu rink here. A nood uii(ht of fun is ant'uipated. J. 0. White of Pence, Sank., gave The Advance a call on Tuesday, lie two chi'dien i rule an r no eil mai.y tiiellds though her personal chum and smrling qualilies. bliu w.ii en \ 22 years oi at;e. Dever I'. - . 1'. i .-. are puttiug on a ruiiiiiiago Milo for lit it, ten dtya, ut tba nidt . 8i m as sii Wlll .| v poultty, will Arson Charge Dismissed The trul of Frank Stanley on the oliaige of eitiiiK Are to his bar in Bruce with his wife aud two chiidien are i owns hip i H!tl 8 p,i,, K , and which ws penditiK the winter w th his father, Mr. vell ,,|, t ed before Hus Hon.ir Judge Kle n Alex. White, Durham Road. | t Walkenon on Monday and Tuesday Rev. Mi. Mills"H, Field Secretary for last, says tno Timen U.M. d, when over Social Sv-ivu-. aud Evai'gelism, will thirty witness-US testified in the matter, preach in the Mel/hodint, onurch Sunday resulted in aci^uilal and the di<nuiNal eveniag. A special offering will be tskeu of the case A charge of attemptuifi to for the Depaituent. ' defraud the ui.iurftnce company by claim- in " i6 8ll ' ed ' for t erest " lol "" ; " S " e " 11 *' ^' al " th * D h " reftll y 9U " Ul " e<1 * ^11 m process at t,e of K ,,ing I. P r " 8 -' wh ' W M ddlt '" a ' h "f '* P-j", ,. yet . be tried. Crow. Attor- During the 19 day rummage sale we will nffr 600 y U "f pretty ginghamii at S2c, any of laat si-asru'ii print! AC 2)o, Ia4' season'* knitting yarn 49u a ] M d peeial tinoes on Si an Held 'a uoderweai, Bios . P.otun n> y """""'' a " f r 'he pro3HOU".inii. meeting ol the ill(.) K c ()f Q we , n 8 oun j , n d R. J. Stowat* Wright * appointed ass of Ki Bcar Hi n e are looking after th easor of a sal'y uf $26 The dog ta j, ltsreH | g O f th ceuea. wa chanced t" include free K sD<I.U ; ^^ ^^ w , (g foun( , guj| , y o( dog, o ,. n rh. M i- k ' . Men ,,, ling to defraud and aenUnoa was non'roned At the W-iS apom 81' 'o trie hih nchoul bna t. O VV Phi'ltpa -nd VV Caifi W.T- ..p. p ni'.-.l an ..!.-. -i. ii' li.-h'ing comini'tee ! B w..| .,, ,.) Bellamy M a IC.id 00n)l t.jw. Tbe youmj FOU nf Mr. and Mrs Gardi- me. of tLe riarrinton Keviuw, who v-a b i.i.y ecalded. died of ext day. his injuries tl A vinifcor tu our town on Tbunday, who act noted much attention, was R' d- erick McKenzie, ihe Ashbeld giai.t wl a h >d come up from k t - ,-, Mo , fate hi- father, Mr Nail .McKenzif, who is e rinualy ill at Goderich Little u.i. r ihar Mr. McKcneie >-h :'. i attract mutb a teiitnin when he appears on the s reel uf town nr city. Hu :- one of the biggett in -i. in i be world 7 Feet, 4 incbca in heijh', and weighing 428 p uinls. Lu like many m< n of unusual s ze, Mr. Mo K a e. is straight and nell proportioin-d. tio in 54 years -if age and nijys good health, is an intelligent aud intereHiing c iivei.-a'ii'Ualist, and hu linn iuu. h of i' t test to talk about, ao he has invell' d all over the civii'z-d world. -Luckuow Sentinel. Tin- Bell T.-li'(.lr)iii! Co is out, for an "ih'M increase in rates. If the R.ii <y C iiiiiiHsiuii all. w tliu tiicri'.-isi! then the U'-w cubine' w -uld be doini^ a Rood day'* Ima ness bv letting Flank Carvull out of hix j >l> ita chaiininn of thu Gemtniuion. The B.'lt C'<mpany cn't <-x|i ct Inuli.-r ,1 ..i ii while it has in-!i 1 1. nr iitl..iis m-TMBid expi'iis-N. The man'njer (jui s down a sal.ry i>f <;!(). til H) i yrar and spends a tfood dual nf the .-uiiiin-r ID. in hs at 'he C'ledon Trout C.ub i f wliiuil he l a director, the Vice President han a cah. nu't ponilinn lonk-n^ ike siuill pnf il<"--, f.,r h.' (jets $20,000 a y-ar, Vice Pn.-hi.ient hni 910,001) annually fe^^ii^e^Beg^^ Special Sale WOOL DRESS SERGES This week we pface on 3ale a big range of 54 in. All-wool Dress Serges. There are several differ- ent qualities in the lot and a good selection of pop- ular colors navy, brown, green, grey, taupe, bur- gundy and wine shades. All are dependable cloths and make ideal winter dresses and suits \ All at One -third off Regular Prices See them on our display table*. SPECIAL PRICES ON Men's all-wool Mackinaws Men's winter Overcoats | Men's heavy Rubbers Men's wool Uuderwear R H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO he H.ui" and the s-oerl c^mme Miueiiutfiideni $8 (.'00 Oh, to ho ii 'IVephnnu 111 u i! ID The lentils to ; piy ill'! wliii--.t i-lv i. Bel and "JOO lie'T biv b^en slugb,'ered , , *,.. aing ..ut pi' c i- which ha jutt b.'i-n coiiBiU'led t G-'verninent PurK. R.'ii.eu Thd venisi.n thu nbl .ined lua I.een sold by '' Government it IDouer pound-;.. t"i- iocl butehoM. It ho seci.H.r- is-'a.e.t .hv th- herd of deer is Tory n.imer..u. nea.ly 3000 hea.i runiums :******(* i i ...... eei**ii***i ee*e*Se**eeeii*iiii*i*Sl*i II .''*'' **)* !l *** *** U* ** /^\ C 1 1 I Clearing bale - jU of Men's heavy Snag-proof Rubbers, 3 ** ; : ':| and 4 eyelets, soles in red, white, black. alia lnr UIH shtte, the general aaperiiitendein * dou 1 tii park. fJLBl, ^ Hockey Boots : ::!: := - In sizes 11,12, 13, 1 and 2 ijr ^{^ Clearing at . . $1.50 per pair :: THOS. CLAYTON | FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO FLESHERTON RINK THURS. NIGHT January 19th DON'T MISS IT Masquerade Carnival Some STUNNING costumes, COMIC and OTHERWISE, will be seen. Judging from the usual interest being shown. Get on your duds and join the happy crowd. Good prizes are offered. Come and win some. The Band will do its bit to enliven the big program. MANURE SPREADER, WAGON This Thurs. night-Let's go 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOWER SELL FARM IMPLEMENTS cur PRICES . m will * hoxpiifti. ri'.i Moving Pictures TOWN HALL, FLESHERTON Thursday, January 19th Samuel Goldwin AND Rex Beach preteuta "The Northwind's Malice" also a Torchy Comedy ADMISSION Adulte 30e., Cbiidreu I6c., including (lor tax Show To CMM M 3.00 |MM. C. E. WALDEN, - Manager JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT. FLESHERTON, : * * .4- * * * * I We Carry A Very Complete Stock | of WrilrbaHi. Elgin, R^gina and Swins WaUfaM Clocks. Cut Gk3 French Ivory. Diamodi Kin^s of all kinds Jowellry Gold and Gold Filled Community and Kofters Flatw*tt Pipes, Pouchfta and C-a^ei Gillette and Auts Strop Razor* Eltictrical Goods and SapplitM Gramophones and Records W. A. ARMSTRONG FLESHERTON ~ ******.