Flesherton Advance, 19 Jan 1922, p. 8

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\ January 19 1921 iniiiifii Omrefnlly Corrected Each Hni t, , ................ 82 KM .................. 40 Winter Whet .......... 1 86 Spring \\ heat ............ 1 2a Otto ................ 45 Barley .................. 75 PM ................. 1 fiO Buckwheat ............. 1 00 Poutof* ................. i 30 A , , ................ 4 00 \v , to 28 j -n ( 40 to 1 3f> in 1 '25 to 46 to 75 t.l 1 flO t" 1 06 r i an to 4 00 IFleslneirton Tonsoria. Parlors We Aim o Qt Entire MfttiafoetiOD LAt'NDRY-Uaskct doses. Monday night, liri.-. n I i ... ox- CLEANING mid DYEINO- XV e ar agents for Parker's Dy Works- Olothea (tuned and dyed, fenthorn rejuvenated T FISHER- -PROPRIETOR I Will Seek Pulpwood. Announcement that the Govern- ment of Quebec Intended to explore Labrador, Ungavu and the Hudson Bay rejion for pulpwood, was made r*entlr by Provincial PorMter O. 0. Plche, In the course of his addrest before the joint meeting of the Cana- dian Society of Forest Engineers and the Society of American Poresteit. He stated that the Government In- tended to build various forest sta- tions along the north shore of the St. Lawronrp, the coast of Labrador, In the Bay of Unguva and also along the shore of Hiutaon Bay, where even airplane* would be utilized by the engineers in exploring the sur- rounding country. "These recon- naissances will enable the Govern- ment to bettor protect the country and also to put rapidly Into value various units for pulp and power de- velopment," ho stated. "Quebec has over MX million acres of tlmberland in private owner- ship, 45 million acres under license for timber and pnlpwood purposes, and more than 79 million acres of crown lands that are as yot un- occupied. The Govern men! aims to work in co-operation with the pri- vate owners by helping them to pro- tect their holdings against fires and to reforest their wasto lands, but no legislative power enables tho Provin- cial Government to prevent destruc- tive cutting," he said. Insurance Is Good, But Insurance will, in a measure, repay you for lose from fire due to lightning. But it will not prevent the fire. It takes the DODD System of Lightning Pro- tection to do that. In the past thirty years over 300,000 buildings have been roddcd by the DODD System and in not a single instance is there a record of the DODD System properly installed, having fail- ed to prevent damage by lightning. The fact that you haven't yet suffered loss by lightning only means that you are fortunate, not that you are proof against it. Atk us today what it will cott you to have DODD protection, S. HEMPHILL Ceylon, i J. i 1 HI > Up-to-date Clothing Perfect in]workinanhJp'an(] Mvlr. Clotliiitg nun' 1 to onlo. SJ-IVTS. \Vorsi.cil and Tvesds on lunvl also a good line of Mi-ii's anil I5oy' itylitili Ready-to-wear Suits & Overcoats All at lowest possible prices. Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing H, ALEXANDER Merchant Tailor Feversham, - Ontario Flesherton Tin Shop I huvo ju.,i placed on Uio shulvcfi a full linu ot Tinware, Niolcclwaro and Agatewaro for domestic IMO. ('all on ino and got your suppies. g, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- ings. of a to. PiptdiUiug, including pump work. Furiiaotis insUUod. Agent for (lure Furnacosi. Ml McKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON jr ONTARIO. | THE ADTAKCB THE FARM CISTERN A Good Supply of Soft Water a Household Boon. The Fartner'N Wife ami Daughter Our Bootleggers Go Abroad That bootlefcgers have been active Will Appreciate II Location ofjj,, Montreal for a long time past is the Cistern Advice (Jlvcn for pro bably no news to anyone, and It l,cal Installment, should not be surprising to learn. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) Lucky indeed is the farmer who can boast of a never-falling supply of pure and fresh water from well or spring on his premises. Us value cannot be reckoned up in dollars and cents. Another source of water supply on the farm is tho rain water caught on the roofs of the buildings and stored In largo underground tanks, called cisterns. It Is com- monly called soft water in contrast to the hard water of wella and springs. A Supply of Soft Water it liouii. Every housewife who is fortunate enough to have a plentiful supply of soft water for washing dishes, clothes and woodwork, and for use in the bath, knows well how much superior it is to hard water. It saves a lot of soap, and the oper- ations are more easily carried out and the results more satisfactory. This valuable supply of water comes clown from the clouds In fairly cop- ious amounts month by month, and therefore, that detectives, whose business it is to toll the bootlej-'sers, should Infest that city. New York papers arc at present giving consider- able prominence to the exploits of a number of American prohibition apents who investigated the liquor situation In that city with a view of discovering who sells the liquor that reaches the United States, and how It is smuggled in. It la true that they made no seizures, but they be- lieve that they received Information which will make it necessary for the. bootleggers on both sides of th border to revise their plans and find many near agents, since the names of! the old ones are now in the hands of tho American officials. The detective* | were astonished to learn that people j of good social and financial position in Montreal are active in the Illicit liquor trade. They struck their first clue in a Fifth Avenue Club, when one of them, personating a gentleman, became acquainted with a Canadian guest who was in New York for the purpose of selling a gold mine. The Greetings As the holiday neason marks ih eloae of another year, we are glad to convey > on a message which is not about basinets for while friendships are a business asset, they aro more; it makes life worth while when bnainew brings one into contact will) one's friends. So we are glad of this chance to wish von a Happy and Prosperous New Year. FRANK W. DUNCAN Hardware FOWL WANTED We are in the market for all kinds of fowl Chickens, Ducks and Geese Cosh or trade. Highest prices paid. CARLOAD OF SALT just arrived. per bbl., 2 sacks to the barrel. $3.25 ; ' ' u - (lllllJUalin Ul WAI I U a/J MIVUfc*l|**uu~ _ , i i _ U * coats nothliiK except a small outlay, Canadian Is said to have been for- probably $100. once in a lifetime! nrly a member of Parl ament, afld for eave U-oughins and a storage after some time he admitted that h. tank or cistern. I hnd li( " lor to , Bel1 " " *? t * S }?' Over Ontario the average rainfall and waB wfil acquainted with th from April to December is about 2 % leading bootleggers In Montreal inches per month, and If all the The P ent Bald th . a ' "l* * n - a " J d buildings of an average-sized farm man w >' . n d ^0.000 which he were provided with eave-troughing, m K ht be Induced to invert In th no less than four barrels of water PW mine. d it was agreed that per day on the average over the n meeting should take place n whole year would bo collected. This Montreal, where the matter would Quantity of water will serve efficient- bo discussed and where also liquor ly a family of six living in a home m'PM be bought m wholesale quan- equipped with modern plumbing fix- tu ' es - In the meantime the owner t tires. The only draw on the well, or of the |60.000 was supposed to have hard water, supply would be the < lit>d - and his hfl|r - named Harvey. amount required for drinking and was introduced. He seemed willing cooking purposes. * examine the mine and went with tho other detectives to Montreal. A (.uod Cistern a Necessity. Th( , y rPK , BU , rf . d ttt the WlndfloT To safeguard aKaiust a ihort&ge Hotel some time ago, three of them of soft water iu times of drought occupying one suite of rooms, while and during the winter season when the fourth took a room immediately rains are scarce, the cistern should acrO 88 the hall. In order that h be large enough to hold a two or ra ) g ht learn if tho Canadians wera three months' supply. This would having tho Americans checked over. require a storage tank at tho very He found that thoy woro, and that least 10 feet square and 10- feet t . vor y move was beliiK watched by <!. ]>, or its equivalent in different di- 3po tterB. evidently In tho employ ol mentions, or two smaller tanks ha-v- (he Canadians. This made It nece- Ing together thin capacity. It is well sarv for tho Americans to raovo with to remember that the tank built in , utm ost caution, and they sought the cubical form, say 10x10x10. is, to kocp tne C onversa;ion on the sub- i.iore economical than one of the j ect of lhe gold mijw ,. One of them. same size but oblong in form howovep. said that what he wanted (U 2 HxlGxlO) for example. The to know was where he could buy cylinder tom takes even lona ma- fv era i thousand dollars' worth ol terlal than the eubical. but it may , iquov . The negotiations for tho. mine be a little slower and harder to proceeded, r.r.d the sale was agreed build. Sometimes the bottle form , lpou TIu . , Cftll0(l Harvey wrote is constructed. Kither tho cylindri- ., cnequ ,. foi . $io,000 on a bank In cat or bottle type Is usually bull! of Trenton. New Jersey, as first pay- ;.rirk laid In u noli concrete mortar ,<,, One ot the Americans then In- tnd in, ally well cotVd on the inside (lllced , fanadlnn to give him th with n rich mixture ot ce.iu.-nt. prof- om ,,, uo . Bn that ne could mai i lt to . n,hl> Mip, r. cement, and tine .and. | larvo ,.- H broth.-:- In Ti-nton. who lhe 10X10X10 KI/O will hold ti.^50 woil , d oash if iin ,, brinK thl , blMa to Imperial gallons, or approximately Mnntroal 200 barnlii. 1,, i 9.A. ^..llons the .|-|,,, s ,.,.,,, inK payment of $10,000 capacity would be 1-6 more, or 7.500 ha( , , ., U i,ii.sh,d the K ood faith of lo build tne cube-shaped (lll> Alm , ri( . ;l u.<, and the man who extern (loxipxio) It would require ,. t)ld ,, lhe ^, d mi!U , h< . 8 ,, atl , d I:; <-u. yds oi concrete, th- walls. ao ,..,,,. , tllk( , ,,, rm ill(o , lis con _ bottom riid top be.,,.; MX inciH-s ft(1( , IHV .,, ,,, i, ()0t , OKKin . ; in ,, ns . luck. UalDH a 1 i, mixture il would ; ,. v ,, ,. ,.,, l.ootleggors tak.. approximate! 18 barrels of ce- wri .,. i,,,,.,^,,,.^,. !ind ,,,,. Americans say that !!:> v..ro prominent and respected eltlzi us who had Invested in large :;lucks "f liquor when It was possible to do KO loyally, and JAMES McLE/N, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON ggftttg^^ A FLESHERTON BAKERY IT'S WORTHF-THE BREAD WITH PURPOSE. Yes, our Pure food Bread has a worthy purpose. h brings health and strength arid a meal time stttfsfaoftion Co tha folfes who pirtakeof it regular- ly. One slice calls for a loaf, one loaf forms the habit. Bread is your best food -eat more of it. PHONE S FRED FINDER/ Flesherton ' 1 ,,,;,. ul ,, inK 1o t| . el)1( , or qllild . If.aiis nf ^.-;i\ el. 11 en. .\ii;;. of material, and for the oblong thai'- 1 (<' - -Jxl'ixlo) abm-.l U en. yds;. U'ith a knowlni . l '"' il1 "'|'''V '" "' i;< ''-' 1 " '"' ruiih.'Vhi'.ir mii.uv 'l,v'^ il'inc'to 'M> abor, it would be an ,;,s y inattor to ,.,,,, ,.,,, A.uir.eans are said lo t mate mo coal ..f a .,,000 to 7,000- hnv ,, CILrri ,. A OI1 with u larKl . roll of dnllar bills, with a hundred bill on 'I'h.- Location of HIV ( l-leni. n,,. outside This roll, 'which made Tin; house eintern may be locati'd * nmst idoasiiiK impression upon tho ID (be cellar, or outside underground, Canadians, was passed from ono of m-Rording to rondilii-iv. ff tin' et !- the d'-ti'dives In the others, and ull lur be lur.ue and [irovidid wild good i made n line "Hash" In lore the all- dralmiKo for tin- o\oiilow of the cis- ' too-orediilons Ci.i'adians. We Ktither Ii rn, there tan bo no berinim objoc that lh>y were so hoapitably en tor- lion to having UK- eistiru in lhe eel tained that they ne\ei found any roa- lar. If the rout til' the hous.. JK niit x"n fr .spending money. lari;r water for ilie wiittr to colled undioiciii ruin They aurot-d to miiko largo pur- ' dl tin- 'chafes of whiskey, and 1- arnt-d how ln>m<\ the ryofs of barns and ulh r il would he drlheivil building! may be- eonnu-ti'd ii|i In nther ei.-iteni at l!u>,e buildiii.i;^ and till' I\VO C'^.tei'llli Cinll'i cteil fl>: jdilll service it' nertw-.uy. In (iiiji . ' - :irr.-'ii::.-iii.:n; would l> to luiild our \ery tai'K*' iindor- i 'iiinl tanft, 1 i or 15 feet sc|u;:r<' ;i"(l In ii el di ep, ;.t a point \.iier.- r. in w.tter froi-t both lunrv and h.irnr, would * itule and i-.illeei, llelwei-n tin- bnrjji anil Ihis elsle.-n it nn'iM pe iiiUi/.ible lii build a ..iiling basin to intcrn-pv dirt from roofs. The wali-r :<>steui \\oulil !,< iMiiincled to tliis larne ei.stern to biippiy the IIOUHO or barn as leiiuirnl. Tin) same \\.il: i- !;y,;:ein cyirhl lie UBl'll to K\ipply tho lions;- or ham with lh! water from tUo.woll *r other uonree drinkiiiK aiid rooking us, >l for PUIpUliOH In building n cisl< rn do mil make lhe serioiiH mistake ol makii.K it (oo muall. Then install some fo.iu of Wilier nyiitem In order to liave tho :.ol'l wator, both hut anl cold, on tap the bQUte, In qnent urtieles I will Ucscrihi vnriotia types of it.r i:>. teniH for tho farm home. The Utjiai linenl c.l l'li>isicB. O.A.C.. i? Out., i:; pi\ pared to udvino you without charge regarding Stales, delivery the 1'nited i^ part of Ihi- eoiilract into whieh the (\-xna.- dian hootler.- ei :; entered. Having .'quired all ilic inforiunlioii they desired, iliey returned to tin- l ; uited Slates ami repurhd at tu aibiuartiTB. ll.iu-i ver. .it ain.i'ii--: l'.;;t (tic Cana- dian \vlin iliuiiriil lie had Hold the mine bemiiir- suspicious and sont a deiec'live to Trenton, where he Ii '.ii ii' it that ll;ero \ v .. s such li irvi-y us w.ui supposed 10 bo up- proiirhin^ with tho ten thousand d.illiir-. in caf-.h. llr wont to pro- hibitlon i nforronient ofllcem In New Small Ads. BUSINESSCARDS / Try Fcersh.Ti I'm ry Klour, (he 'nest, IT your ci> -k. All Omvriu ; ti'H.s fer KiV.dge In frtsben ) Jobtl * * ivcr. C'h >|'jin.i i ud Saturday n Tuesday, TL linw. Kuj ,,! Aiii-ui Bdrrn hvail of Nn-. iy \vt-ll. I'roton 1'. t. SOCIETIES AKTHt'R LODGE, Mo. 333 A.K* 1 A il, meets In the Masonichall \rin i rouK's Klock FlMharton, every 1-ridav on ar twtore the lull uiocc. IVtr Xluir U M Ii. i .. lliillttiil, SecrvtHry. IJKNTKSTRV Ji-fi. C MURRAY L. D. 8 , dental nur^-n U^uotKrudujto of Torouio tniTei-giu n I cl Dcot.iv; Surueoud ol Outar io --"i tor ttb oXtrctiou Toouto fatrcet. FlmlwrtQU. O.v my i-iriniM-.s in-, u- dii JSlaticn 1'. C> N. AicliibalJ. LEGAL , CTAS. A hKNHY-Brnt-nj. Solicitor* - I , A*%T 1 * B> i BO S' K - - ; w - l) - Henry. , to a A. OUlcea. WarRtiaU Lucia Block. ,Pho JA. -- - .. JMWO 1 'n.'1'ii , . I k tlOMfl :nucb ott!o at Dntdalk ua Uurlia r. . IT RIUHT. * TEL.KOKD, Harrljler, Soliofc ! ,. f . or, 4o. Office*. Grey s Iiiuoo Bl.-<ck! Col tOffltm <> IDC wny to atUVB this. Owen Sound. Standard Hank pUu.lMjit ' **>- W. U. Wright. W. I'. VeltorU eek. A.k f,,, M ici H before Lujing .1... I %' where 1'. l.muU. VU-nhorton Ml I 'or Sn eld Moeis. K.i-.bl head if twu{ Will sell nmsonb!e Ii Lnke. BUSINESS CARDS T. lltiulu's, lii-liLke. f " m "'' Rl <>* ttlca peeilty. TITIU* ^ _^ ____^^^^_^^_ iioavrHto. pfttisfactiot! 9UKraj]tt.t>il. ArrHu^o- ., jieots Tor dates my be inaitBirt tlie Atrvmcv relink r iHine l.i use mid Kit for si!s 'Cl^'i 1 . or Cuutial tclerhono uCloo Fsverxl'itia it byddrow>ii>u me at r~-~ at the Mllll^l^i^w Home. -Apply to \V. 8Hiidvrson FeVinbitn,"ont! la rvMcFlt.Ml, l.ici-nsoJ Auotionee tot (he f- County of Grey. Tmus uicclorati. ua Btia action (Oiarantoed. Tlie artaii^euu'U48 Hiids I'liru wonl Mackinnws *!'^ a t " i sales C.MI liuiafla.t Tliv, AUVAJl olftce. hel<Ieuoei.ud P.O.. Coylou, Tle|>tioilb littOtJ WOWn ml erey, H'SO knit -"unection. atockini;! 11 Alcxmitli-r, Ftvvit)ha:n, 1'. r Sale or Iteut Tbe old IUK factory in KU'slici Inn, un eiify turmK. A|>(>ly t" K. J. Sjitoule, 1 A. TLUNBULl,, P.A.. M.u . from ttu. Faculty ot Modi IHU. L'uiTi-rmfty -1.x*. Fl*5 - Duminion <.*rg.n, ec!vt>, ill fust rlHtH coiidilion, price ri'u.si inlilo s ^lli^ic 5>tOie, b'losh- W. York ami said lie pnrpor.ed bringing!" Hull I'ulveii o Tw an action .aj-ainst the otlieer who him the fraudulont rhrquo, but .who was smart onoiiKli to yet it back from him. lie also with righteous warmth fw puto l>rtd cows (,fo with calf \V. bull i .iK i'-., one led ui.d one roan : ulon ii Yorkshires, Tamworths Young Stock For Sale For Breeding Purpose* Pboue or write OEO. W. KOSS .. Shorthorn Q Td , m MaxweUp- *. > a 1 1 i, la, i denounced the j.-oneral conduct of tho deiectives, hut it is feared that he KOI lii Mo sympathy. I 1" ,1. !.,,, Mrtikdnle, Out. Fur S':. Choiou Uaiarack Ktiuks lor IMI timber and wuod. Orders lukeu Bull For Service Pure bi>.J Durham bull, No 14H013 foi ntw*ice on lot 102, S W T A S It, Art John's Iliuin-WAve. b* 1 " timber and wood. Orders taken j mtsU farms f fur i-racle*. |5 fel Miss ('rosa, tho new govn i, - l> ' f r scantling, plants ud lumber, Apply thotouyhbwds, 0, AKI^S, com i UK lo tho conclusion that h K.-u 8'i>ns, Ptnton StHtmn. pupil John oiiKht to go to school. Tho other day sho was giving John a ,. h> . ciiieks-I; is cheaper and more; Roar For and his sisters iv lesson on the OUUl r\Jf 1 1. 're- John cut in. ..."Ami I s'pose. ' h .said, "tho boy wlio eatu, 1 ' too many 8w<ie.tt Keto iiiHti'.llatlon of wator Fyt. n<s. plumb- intr, s.'.Mvajie di.sposul, etc.- I!. II. ilri'.har.i. O. A. College, (iui-lpli. Kvc-ry farm and omintiy l|U|ue siionld f. v'd ilsi'lf, and to do Ibis H ia nci-8H:uy for each family to grow ;urden vegetablos and Hmall frnllti. All corn cribs ami ftnun blue ihould be carefully Iniipeclfd to BO : i tiiev are rat iind luouae proof. x cuH-1-eto foundation for ntorugel rs-drt. t-We.. chairs, and tool mi , Hiding Is advisable whcuwcr U to Hh(Wl , ln K g yl , tlan CRr vtn M lac ' jractlcabU. i 11,0 OI.->,V.D t, vnaifll .". tntT iivi^ii. , JI..LJII. -What happens." cho askod. "to "'"^""""y l '> ^ *> butehod chicks the uinn who mok too much to- w ' 4 K'rnieo safe dulivery of vioiou, bacoo? lie devolopK a tobacco-heart p.nu LI.-.I, in.>' y chick* of M bireds. W ile fur fn o ouokU-t and privea. The C. iei.ii n (-Sick U. rtu-iy. Ltd., Dop'., H , II . , Out. H.urnU Lut fat Sl Tho prop P ttre Srl li- , /"* ,^ J ^L 1? I v " *' Mul Mi.-s Cross w a too quick for k(iu , Aslld ,, Bn ie , idoilce ., , i\:id her ruler playlnn tat oo playlnn >n his knuckles proved that the bad KM eiyht roi'dis I du'ilmg, .;.>. d etp. ; tut nn HC'O of >!M. ;\ tino'l bi'Uio fur a I. ill V"T ''HD' ii l! fur- i iijiply id W. .1 1'..- .: ev, I v iy t f same is thosuj in ^. ItU.l'J T. J. SllNSOS BOAR for SERVICE 8i-rvio Ptirebnd Tamworth Boir for on lot WT, S W T .lod 8 K , Arte Turmo 91 .M). Siiwsnut r-tnrneil wil Iv chtr^i'd s^iue 11* thoie m i a. Kol. I:- _T. J.STINSON, Prop

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