Flesherton Advance, 2 Feb 1922, p. 1

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Vol 42, No. 34 Flesherton. Ont., February -' 1922 PRICEVILLE Juat sufficient snow to make a,< roads during laat week, and many of thi rillagera are putting in a guod supply o tove wood. The annual meeting of the looal Agri cultural Society wts held on Saturday afternoon Jan 21. The financial report " - c ad, which was and. led by E D Mogp and Bert Ausieui. and shoved good balance in the treasury for 1922. A number of those present were anxions to bare a field crop ccmpetition in white eats and swede turnip*, which will be , curied out when ten or more members F hare signed up for eh competitioD. A gucd board of officers -:u.d directors was elected for the ensuing year i~ follows PresiiU nt,i Dan MacMillaa ; 1st Vice, Thos Nielli ; 2ud Vice, D*n Campbell : Sec Treas., T A M_ Ferguson ; Directors* W VV linmagd for Esiremont Tp , David Nio'l for Gieuelg, Kobt K : \ for Proton : Artmesi and outside world, U R McLean, C A McLean, Joeeph Ferris, W R Meadd ; tVcevilla village, Rer C S Jones and Dr Mclntyrc, / Auditors for 7V , 1923, E D Hi>gg .-I ud B<-rt Aussem. D Campbell had a number uf teams drawing brick last week. H: iu r ends building a dwelling house uoxt summer. *- Mrs M McPbail, formerly of the Brave' load wst of the village, see. us to be in failitg he i!th, but she is now with her daughter, Mr.-i A McKechaie, where she will rtcetre the best of care. Alvr McLichlun, who h* been foi a number cf years wul Wesr, or in h.- I" . 8, is here at present visiting friends. He t an elder brother of Don MoLichlan ot town. Some of our ycuug men compUin f , " dull tin. o.-, ' i.o iini/ioyuieut, but A tod J ilamd Brcs seem to tuv* all the work the; cm possibly do. They have cat a lot of wnud in the vicinity. *N a lot of other work. Toronto Line North ^ - are glad t<> report !{>* Alcoi dMi'K better after * aerere attack of quinsy. W.ll Dvi h*d a iuccsful wood b*e one day last week. Jacob Holley ud wile uf Vndleur Tisited t J A Laser's during th- p.vt wiek. E Wickeus and wife aud K Kicb'i j dtk>u, wife ami son, visited Orange \V,ly friends recently. George Wise of Saskatchewan is visit- ing b - cousiu, Harold Lerer- Wilfred Lever is mutiny KJ l^-u<.k, who is ill. Roy Gibson and wife of Ceylon rii!d ilTBM'4 Mr Klli ud wife of Kcverstuni sprut I day with Albert Stewart ant wife mently. A lire stock meeting will bo -held iu t'laytou'* hall on F*b 3 at 7 p m. US MKeo of th* I ' F (> V\--i'i^r >'.;. IV- partroent will be present a'id ddres the meeting. The . -4;;' i- club meeting will beheld immediately alter the 'peaking- SPRINGHILL Mrs V Bahd pent a few dys with h r mother. , I'r i' aud Springfaill hockey teams pUyeU it gaiuo on Satuiday. Score 4 to in favor of Proton. IVtlas Bejittio -|. ir the week end at h.'i home. Mr and Mrs I lUwn eutoitained a number of yuung peoplo to a most enjoyable time on Friday eTonio);. T J Stiosou sold a HoUteiu calf ei<ht mouths old which weighed 850 \< mnd', and was pail fed. Mrs J Sloan of Aurroid, Saskatchewan is spending the winter with her parent* here. M.---S Siif u- Chard Ins r< tuin.-J home after >prniiir^ it few weeks with friends at Durham. FLESHERTON Rink Schedule MONDAY-7 to 8 p.m. hockey practite Skating; 9 to 10 p.m. TUESDAY-Opn. WEDNESDAY-Skating 8 to 10 p.m. THURSDAY-Hockey practice. FRrt>AY-Ladie' hockey 7 to 8 p.m. Skating, Band, S to 10 p.m. SATURDAY-Afternoon skating for beginners. Skating 8 to 10. -3. E. P.CDDMOKE, Set. FEVERSHAM Mr and Mr dgar Bricknell .<.<:: Uiea Delia Her: u , lu d baby Fay, uf Urk Sisk, aie visiting friends around her*. Mra R J AU-xander's mother died m Southampton on Tuesday of last week and was bun- J iu Owen Sound Saturday laat. Will Hcituuu d manager of the kating rink this year. The ice ia good. Mr and Mra Geo Hudaon are return. to their limie at Bawarden, Sank, sooner than ;hey expected, on account of Mra Hudson's health. The dry air :" the West suits her bett. R J Colquvtle has been Uid up fur the past CWD wtek* with ery-ipeU- 1 . bat i able to get around again Geo Wheweil of Arcola, Sank, is viiit- iug friende ID this vicinity thu wm'er. Geonte sold his farm, just half a mile south of this village, orne yars a^o aud moved out West and h prospeicd. Hid mny friends here were s;Iad to see him gim. Mr Dan Murphy of Vancouver. B. C., ia renewal': old acquaintance:) here. Walter Kvt'.ro of Oraiiiietille WAS ctller here last week. The Otpiey Fir nor- Milling C.' annual iii^ w ,g held in the Orange hall on the 17th, au>i f ;i* had another prosptroiis year, payiog irj ihareholder* noth;r dividend <. 'wen'y per cent. The Standing Committee The follow, u^ c, muitteta will look after ch work if the various depart r.ij of the county council for. 192*2; the it !ui:i-_ J in each c'.iuiuiltee baa bevu 4ca M chairman f that committee: FINANCE AH the reeve* of the unicipalities with D.in McTtvuti. ''leohett u, cbairmtn. KOAD AND BRirWIW -Tyson. Allao, Bothnell. Uunt, Outchuon, I. ck lart, L.'mbke. Uundell. McCuaii^. Smith. icKenzie. HcTavtsh, Pringle. Saundrn. laioger, chairman . County Propery- Bretse. J>iti, Haiti, .Mo Arthur, McDowell. Thdorf, dundrll, Aber.Touibie, MeTinsb, Mc- Eichera, Brntvn, Allxn, Sauud^-rs, Hutch- nsuo, W Smith chairmtu. Education McAithur, McDowaP, Jrccse, Taylor, Ah.Tor :mSif, >!Kenzie, Caldcr, McTavish. Thcdorf. McCutin, Smitb, L^mbke, IMhwdl. Winert, iah', FiUmgei-, ML'. I .khart. JcEachern chainncui. PrintingHunt, I.>ckhart, McTavisb. Vright, Sirj(j, Allen, Filsinger, Weinjert. filler, Bothwell chairman. L'ounty Roadu Browu, Holm, T*yl>r, \V.rd<;ii Howey and I'alder chaiimtn. ^iden'a CVmmiitee- Siui{, B;>thwell, Allan aud MtArthur chairman- Communications and MemoriiU Mc- tveoxie, McArthui, SlcCuaii.-, White, Lockhart, Tjsou. Lembkc, Breee,<'urris Miller, Bothwell chairinau. Hou^e of Refuse \Vrden Uoway.and Emenon Brown chtinu^n. Rod And Gun Reader* uf outdo. -i tiotion will o\ :n i e with interest (he February Rod and Oua I ut 'm i!i. This Msua of the popular sporting monthly contains stories by such well known author* s Hiny M. )loore, Raymond Thompson , Goor<e I, Cattou, ieorge Gilbert and the regular coutii butors, BonnycasMi- D*le. A. Bry.>n Wil- liams, .J. W. Wuisoii and K. V. Williams. The various departments are vij- to their u<'i >; high standard ri.l thero is a upeoi^l department far every sporting man whether hi* hobby runs to guns, fishing, trapping or MIT of the other l'*cinatinx attractions of the great outdoor life The February isiud now on tale at the book st ir.Js. K.-il and Gun In Canidi ,s published monthly by W. J. Taylor, Loiited, Publisher, Woodstock. Ont. FOR SALE ROCK MILLS Mrs A Ryan uf H ... .j, Mi.l* ia'viait- ing with Mrs Joho Hargrave at present. Mrs Les Chard spent a few days with her eifter, Mrs W P>j!e, in Osprey. Mr and Mrs Edar Belt* and Mia" Young visited witu the tVrraer'- parents on Sunday. W T Pcdler received the utws inat week uf the .le.it.ii of Mr Cu.io Booz ol Toronto. Mr uu Mr* BooZ ire cl, kn-jwu here having fie)U.-n:!y visited with Mr FedUr <tnd family. / Mrs Dick. Cltrk ir.d children peut a few dajs with Mr and Mrs R 'b' CUrk iu FUfehertou. The Ladies A:d will bold their monthly meeting ,r the honia of MM Al-x t^c ..-h on Wed., February I5th, whsn th* election of new .jtfcers will take place. We Sroitii tiM been cunlined bouse vitii i bail c!ti, but hope ' -- him around .itf*in =on. M.ss Julian cf Fevr>hin. tp at \ercuuitu, Mrs Le>\ie Pcdicr. Fruk Bctrs LS still c"iiKu;J to t! house kh u. EUGENIA CEYLON Mr (jc Tii- ii. ! Misa Jeiie JlcJ ua si-*, 'i at EiUfi.!t ;,-i Mr aod Hi- ! K McClcckliQ and dnugh tei, Mabel, "f Moose Jaw, arnred last week au.l rui^d S Hemphill .ml family. Mr Mc<': M-n i:>t-- ds to !ote it South River, Out. Manter Billie 'ai.ue. who has l>n iiliun hi uu', it, T'Ti.n'.. r*' .tre-i honi9 Saturday. |Mr nU Mr K I" C '..*. " Booidal*. ipent the first uf the week at R Cook '4. Mr* Mark .S ewirt and Mis Archie S ewart wer* iMiied to Uirristcn last wtek t.i thj bedside of th-r mother. Mrs 'uug. whu .|uite ill. Mr and Mr* Pioy Hunt visited l*.n eek with Uurhim friend*. Mr C Irish of near Warftfaauj jpeiit the firit ->f the week'at 8 HtiaphiU'". Mrs Wm Whire. who bs bten TMitinit r s:ster hj jcserwont an oporvi >u in forouto returned home Saturday. Mrs S;un.. who has been Ti.-itiu^ her .ster, Mrs H Stone, left S-Uuidny to fisit with Toronio friends. M'ss Ruby Stone coMup.init'd her aunt VANDELEtR Mr tnu Mts Jim Mclaughlin nd *mily are v.i-:oj{ at J VVrln>if. Mrs 1' Mun-h in- i-f Euneu-* untecl %r J J MeGee's. Mr and Mr Sam Creft ot" tVrtlav put a day recently with Mr tvl Mr* J*cob Holley. Miss Mary Botiui%n of Toronto U visiting with lur trend. Miss .fuint I '. -, r a few d ys. Mr and Mrs Robt K >-hrds n v ,1 sou, liamld. ,.f Pleaherton, visirpd with Mr and MIR U Pritcb\td. The Women * Institute lul.i iheir mon- thly mee'in^ t the home of Mrs b" R BoUnd oti Thursday ftero_>ou of I.isl week- A paper was iven by Mrs J i Grahvn on, "H"w to takt? nt'tded rest." Lunch was served by Mrs HrrxJu> nd Mrs WyviiUv Victoria Corners The concert to Iw tfiven under l!:e auspices of tho " FitJellis Class f luiatioj<e is on Feb. 10th. A real treit U iu store for you. There will bo a humorous play by the yuuotc men, F!eh- ertou Hawaiian orchestra, drills.riMdn^s and sinijiiin. Don't mis* seeing tho old m.iids of luistioge in "An old mid'* assMciation." A collection will t.* taken in the U'teriMt 11 f the church and urssious Mis'* Olive Kelly of Toronto is \isituiK her sister, Mrs (.Rnr) Kippeu. I 7 hoisopower L:s f er jjasuliiie engine 1 8 inch Maple L*>i Uriuder, 1 -JS nnh buzz sw 1 14 inch Cutting IV'\ complete with 1 Canvas Belt 5 in. ry 70 feet I Rubber Belt t> in bv '^ f>'0t Will sell any machine separate ti . F. l-rickcnbury, Flcshtrton ] J ko Sioan, iu old Kugui<> ij./y, uist wr.h a bad accident while in the employ of the C J< H near Quebec. He wo pile driv.tv ind went in'o the caboose while there .-, t tire in the store. His overalls hetnu ialurttil wuli nil and gasoline became iitui ed nd the j- ice w- 8Ou in ttu;.e. Jake r&a uut ind ruMed in the snow tut did not (get the Oimac cx'icyuishiid before geuin.' bsdly burned about the Uce and Lip. H* wa* .r uje removed tj Quebec hospita where he u recemug che beat of care It will be some rhree months beiure he Kill be able to Uave the hospital Mr Mid Mrs Jhn C*jupbeli v with the Otter's sistei. M:-- V\"i!fred . i^C'-Tiily. Mi ijltbie >.f Ti/r- .' s'ti: it her r, JIrs G other - very t!!. CtirJ Giihitii ii;J s:- Jci:. u . y _\! ,, ;. . :, .. I., u in i '; . K - ' V .. V .':...- :ia.l The ' >l JUgli.: . V : IU r :r. 1.1 here i't*i;Jv-i ci.n.-ei-: it Kiciberloy c';i Fi.Jjy evening. TU? 1 ft tsaiited in the i' .; ^. l )^l wt-nt .,ut re i:.o FU.-lierton rutk uii Wedue? j.iy evcnin_- 4D'l auain met- he Cey'on b y iu i . .'key with tr.^iiui; t!:: l!u- . i - |'H (rimmed ^a uuil, score > '. iff mind buys, j u <? di'.r.^ wei: : pr^cti.-e makis perfect, you kai;v. Prayer mettmrf K to be he'd thia Wednesdy evening at 'he h. ire f Mi| Mr i'jd Mm Wm W\ilk.-i and Slrt Will GorJt.ii -i- tended the funeral of the former * itud later'* sieter, M.ii^-trtc J-tne R. zeK a' BtliinataJ -.'a Thurtday of a*c wek. Mrs. Kczall * raided iu his oiscrict and w^d well kn<'wn* Much yin; ithy i tfiprentid for the bfnaved relt; < i. EAST MOUNTAIN !> 'he .>rdei .f ih- ' >y in this vicinity Mi Burton Carruthers i \v..rkinu f..r Win Klli> .it Kiiuberley. Mr Wj!ter Smith of Kitm.'i.. >u, \lt.i., brothel .'t !>r mlfv ^initli. is hrnto ou i visit Jitinc* tl^rU.>ttle \i~ite. ; friends lootutly. B;~il Carruther* i .~~-:.r; Ki.< Ueno at Eu^vnut ter. Iruiii, visited at C Martin'-, '.''.u^ Mi' and Mrs David Genoe :uitl . D.'.i'thy. vi-iitoil with K Pnul if! f inuly at Kugviii.% A uiniWr fi't.iu heru *tie: UU the i 'i in^euicu N ,i:inci' -it Kn^on.^ 1 : week KaieOiT.'t l*'lohert.<o spvut 'Iw wi-ek fii'l >' her parental home hec MAXWELL ^VetWing I>11 *ru faiu'ly rii. ::iu l>r:wnix' I'"-- 1 i.- ill* "1'iler of ' h.-. lax- no -. Mrs (Dr.) Rowell .( 1 ; :,.,l,.ir.., l liW bet u visit ing t ho [.; oek < h-'i-par- ental home MIVN Borth.t Bti'wn is <1. '-.\'\ !n|u-i>vinij ift-r li'Dsj .siec 1 vf -ickiie-".'* \V- are uUil t.' s.-e Mr .)..!: I'no^tly l>le ti'"l> out a^i i Mis LlUinu IVatly li i.- -p.j; c. >U('le week* with ru-i' .41 iiiiliii.'iht-r. ^':^ Loi'i. Mis I.es Cli.'iul visitetl ,i fe .. .!.iy< w th h'r pawn's. Mr ^ii.l Mis ' I > Yonge anJ Clmiics Stieow. Toronto U strictly tint class in Mil lVp*rt- nients :md unexcollcd in the Pooiiu - i."!. Students ,i--: ' ,.1 to obtain Kmploviuent. ' r any tiin. Write for our h.iiuNcr.f v .: i:,-uo. VV. J. ELLIOTT, FKINCKVL Economy Bates BurialCo. S' me peopU jjiJije economy by the price miriet on the ticket. Some p^ ;,le j jH,{e econumy by the character 'n,] ,^n'h . f service rend- ered per ,i I , f - YJU will dnj ,,ur souds price! ID* ooneidering the M-ellecce of the , lllity -, -. i; ::,y^! -..jih *._. BUSINESS AS L'SCAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 1 24 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R Maddocka, President. Manager. W. A. ARMSTRONG Now is the time to re- new your subscription to ONT The Advance. Jeweler, FLESHERTON, Let Us Be of Service to You in Sending Money Abroad TRANSFERS of money to all parts of the xvorld, by draft, po. t remittance, or cable, can 1.3 mac > through this Bank quickly and at advi itageous rates. M TH M6IXHANTS BANK Head Office : M entreat CF CANAD.A. Esublisned 1SM FLESHERTON & CEYLON BRANCHES H. P. FERRIER Manager. House of Quality Groceries, Candy, Fish GROCERIES-A full line of Groceries strictly fresh. * CANDY Neilson's bulk.- package and bars, good assortment. FISH Qualla and Herring. GRAIN & FEED CORN Cracked, ground and whole. Oats. Oat Chop, Buckwheat. Wheat and Shorts. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds. Grocerie and Confectionery Flcshcrton, - Ontario -, -^ ^sr -^^- ^T' ~^ -^ -^ -^ -v -Jr -. ^ , ^="^= ; S.-^iA. fc *_' ^= ^^^Jv/'^^\/A/-^/J\^S-'t^V^^\^WjV^^ K ^ ANNUAL MEETING OF THK 5>outh-East Grey United Farmer's Political Organization CLEARANCE SALE The Hnnu.il m.eling of the S! 'i tho nNive iituied i>riiaii-z-inou will l>o ; li^elJ in tho T.'wn ll\!l iii Pur'nm )' Fell 14' h, st 1 ."0 5.1 >n . fv't ' nd o:! : Joseph Goodfel . M. E P . , Duadalk See. Trca?, Haviuj: leased our store to the Mt-ivhants Ixink for a term of years, .ve are going out of Vusinoss. We are clearing out our entire^ stock A - At A Big Reduction Many linos at loss than half price No Reserve. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD Don'; m;ss these bargains while 1 thcv aro noiu '. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton _~j

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