Flesherton Advance, 2 Feb 1922, p. 2

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A SON OKOHRAGE BY ARCHIE P. McKISHNIE Copyrighted by Thomas Allea. POT tiiTTrrfnii overt i. mo pi/rtlvly. natural n.'t-ihoua p.-.-maneatly restore I natural itvcec:i. < :ri>diiat*piipll*-vory- | 1 where. Frer:ui*JcQiind llteruturr. THE AKNOTT INSTITUTE KITCHENER, - CANADA *; CHAPTER XXIV. (< "A lx;at in trouble? Whore asked Stanhope. "Out in thv middle of the bay tateHkefnwI 1 So I baled and ba led Bffiy Pace? Tin-re's two men in her; she must be am) by ami by we hipp-^l les.< water Stanhope's. I Bhippin' v." -JOT. 'cau*e she's low ck>wn. than I BUMgl to throw out. his unseeing, eyes tavl whisper her mcs'jajfc of hope. It was nearly n-.-on frfHD Billy, bend- ing beneath a tend of wild ducks, cam*.' up the rath to the eottegtt. (Concluded from last wee'k.) This New Freedom Stuff. Madge drew away from him. "I'm afraid you don't understand at I all. The club is needed here, Charles. NURSES Th Toronto Hoepltal for Incur- tblee, in affiliation with B)levua and Allied HopiU.U, New York City, offers a thre years' Couris of TrahU Ine to young women, having- the re- quired education, and dealrou* of b- romlngr nursea. This Hospital ha uJoptsd the eight-hour system. Th pupil* receive uniform* of the School, a monthly allowance an<l travelling expenses to and from New York. For further Information apply to the Superintendent Sur.td.) and the boy caught it as he shot past Stanhope, reading bis step, giops-d his Qne evening at the supper table Woman's day of isolation is over. Co- ore is she? 1 *!"*- Then 'i felt the skiff straighten way out to meet him. "Ho .Billy Boy, Cnaple3 . father opened up his wallet, ' operation is necessary. As for giving land I heard him shout again, 'Bale! he <;|'--il, h<Mwi_ oul ha hanid*. gravely selecting a folded bill i me things why, a woman doesn't L ??..*$: !f ,!:! :i :. f " r L ! .' J^S 1 1 j StXSpeW S*tert to *" j "No* that Mother's getting into , want to have to k for thirds to be All shoot," he explained. "Th* duoks ! society she'll ;;eed a little more money, given her; she wants to feel that she - v *'" *>- said, twinkling, and passe;! . is an earning partner in the business climbing - blind. i-arth. "What are you going to do?" askud His companion, a slight, stooped Stajit.o^e. ; man, the- saK-iv.T.ess of whose face to her. fingered it eagerly, swept over her face. _- I onJy had a share!" she said Billy turned puzzled eyes on his | breathlessly, gripping the tablecloth, reading a wo:*Jerful happiness ..^^K^ I knew ^ mine! We "Let's go back to tliem," cried the girl. "They may be killed!"" The car's nose was in the ground and broken glass lay about. Mrs. Bar- nard, safe behind the wheel, was try- ing to help Chartes, who wag insen- sible, his face gashed, and his neck j of life and that a fair share of all j streaming with blood. the flowir. face. He dropped his , _______ .. "Coin 'out to give a hsin.l," shouted was accentuated by a short black duck* and fcO'nwrd Starthiope inside. Billy. "No, teacher, you best stay moustache. who bad remained almost rll table was set for dinner wind Billy right here; you can't help me any an' silent from the time he had entered sn !J^ hungrily. ^ I may have to hrinp them two shoot- the house, looked up at these words . Now, teacber, ers ajivire in the punt." and smiled. "We owe that boy and m *-o * seat by th< His lust words wore drowned in the this gentleman our lives," he said, 1 ** 8 ' h'O said, dsxxpping flre, "give us the need new curtains and a linoleum. I'd like to get them myself. John! you A sudden j income w her very own to do with as she sees best." Charles hastily rose. "You won't give up this thing for me, Madge?" Her face was pale but she stood her A \J tMbV I.VJ H*- L WMBM llViS*-tJ.. wvl.* jw*. - _ , should just see some of the neighbors' ground. "I'm afraid not. Charles, wind. Already he was dragging the briefly, punt fxom tho reeds. A moment later xh' Siar.hope heard the dip of hi* oars as hope' ht roun led. the point and put the tiny B ^i^ lis cheerful But Stanhope shook his head. "Not kite-hens. Thrc are so many things ** <W slowly. "I m tarry, but our I could get to make you all more com- ! **> of fortable, if I only could save them derably. 8 * cm * clash con - With strengthened. from a share that was mine." I suppose this Jaonieaon fellow ap- he tfaz**l, unseeing outward and wait- 1'or the hail of , IK! with his young friend. ed it feemed day the gale had is th e famous specialist, Doctcr fc.tanhope felt a few [^^ O j Cleveland; and your* truly is: on his face, BJ pta in Bill Maddoc of ( the same C*ty,j^S a word feH te profession." j stanhope gt^ :be 9 !de the window, mon ~ v \. "My friend has forgotten to mc-n- ^umnrinjr a tune, a smfle on his face. y "The bandage doesn't seem to work very weft/' she gasped. "If I tie it tight, I am afraid I'll choke him. If you'll help me put hdm in the back od the oar, I think I can hold it with my fingers." "Better stay here until I can get _ _ the doctor," he responded and she was never BO amazed as he was at the [ did not deign to answer. He stood a agreed mutely. So he left her there, ' answer. j moment, irresolute, then turned on his , the man's head in her lap. "I guess maybe you may have a heel, said an aibrupt good-night and It was a week later that Madge, at It was a long speech for hr. She proves of all these notions," he sneer- ed anriotwdy. There was a pause , ed and then hated hinjaelf . John cleared his throat. Charles j Madge's chin raised haughtily. She "Lay him on the grass, quick!** ordered Madge, and then, when she had helped, jerked off her white petti- coat, tearing it into strips with her strong fingers. With pallid face, she tried to stem the flood of blood and draw the wounds together. Half an h rota* y n<?n as ' ', wmnrng a tune, a sme on s ace. hou U Tthe^n tfon thelt h< " U state 8 attorne y ** d * He mused himself from his musing, ' B : iHy *eraped back hi chair. "Ful Now let's have of what might have happened grew matter such trifles ue these at this And at the conclusion he did a very in the- bVri-J man's heart fi'illy had' 1 ' 1110 ' And- new," turning to thair boyish thin/jr. He lowered his head on likely reached the boat only in time l * C3t . "^ . vou wirl 1 * OIK>r U8? " the twKe and cnred. to see it founder anJ in striving to "My name is Stanhope; Frank Stun- Stanhope giroped his way to him, save its exhausted octunsin.!'; -- hone." placed his hands gently on the heaving third of the cream cheque, Mother, j vanished. for the house if you wish it. The egg There was no attempt at a conciHa- i, you know." i tion after that, diaries sulked Kke the urgent request of his mother, stepped slowly into Charles' room. ^ One ahy glance showed her that the Yes for sugar and flour. Grocer- j AchiHes in his tent, and tef t the field ! spirit of obstinacy no longer shone in ies eat eggs!" she answered. "But for ; to his rival. He saw them together at his eye*. They were calm and open times, as he took his mother out to her as a still pool of clear water, ever-increasing engagements here andl He just lifted his hands from tha> there. When he could he shifted the! covers, reaching out for hers, which duty on to his father. Mrs. Barnard he held close. Then he shut his eyes demurred agamst the men folks spend-! for a minute, as Madge knelt besida ing o much time for her. She hated to ' him. trouble them, she said. But there was' His Sips moved, and his voice cam, no horse fit for her to drive, so what ! hoarsely, so that she had to lean cloac myself yes, I'll take the third. Now if Charles would only teach me to run the ear " That was too much! Charles shov- ed back his chair. "Mother," he said decidedily, "you aren't strong enough to drive a car! It takes a man. For ordinary driving. J,*gj UnaWe to endure the thuugl-r, ftan-l "What?" The lawyer wa* on his Butters, and there they remained emergencie hope sprang to his feet and lifting has i f<-et nnj h,;id his harxls on Frank's unt 'l Billy, with a long sigh, raised his man's arms hiffh, shouted with all his ! shoulders. , swTmmmg - he continued, growing more | else conild they do? "a woman can do very well, but , The day of the big CM Picnic at -**' - * *.i"- -" ---- vi. _._ _*i.. _*..k to he-ar him. ttaenfttl. "Hilly, BiMy boy!" "You say Stawhope? Why, man' "Teacher," he said. "She's gotta be "Ho, teacher!" cainc an anewering ; tilive! I've b-n Looking hijrh and low told albout this. You know how she ice. "We're coniii:' straight in with (for you. What do you think of that, alwa r vs J 8 *** - ' i- \vii?. I'vi' KDt 'em both." i Doctor, I've found him at last!" 'Yes. t- - i " " - BHw st^od up and reached for his "You are a <jood driver, dear." that's where it takes a! EVOB, however, his father flatly, stub-! She swallowed hard, for a sob bornly refused, and Charles had to be ' choked her, and she buried her face "Fanny James drives a car," sh*^ chauffeur himself. Leaving the car j beside his. I . 1 11- 1 t Vl fVOVl f 1 A V\Ckl-o i 1 .. t t ,- r. "..in.1 L-j-k i . + .1 , .1 " . . ,- n t t Vi ,1 A said, with gentle persistence, "and so [standing at the door a moment, he; "You aren't going to marry Jamie- voice lh<- ..... . .. , . ._ .__ Stanhope nr& ba.-k " on" his Iwx, his' "Young man," said Mnddock, turn- BiH y flfl ^ "P "id reached for his rv!;t\<-i nervei throbbing and his Up* ling again to Frank, "will you please f a P- "If Anse comes over, you kin tell forming th<- v. ..:!*: "Thank Ood!" I answer a few question*? Did you h ' m where I've ffoiw. I'll be back long A few min.iU.; Jatr Billy tumbled I ever know a queer o'.;l man by the Mr. Jamieson breath and was surprised, when he returned, to son?' dark." iivto tlk? bIin-1. -Cjuk-k." he cfiod. as he rxtme of Scroggic .'" ! "But, Billy, the wind! drew on hi.* coat. "They're nii-h done 1 "Why, yes," Frank an.-wered, some- no ^_^' - fer. W<''ve p.itti !:i > Vni movin'. what j:uz7.'.i\. "He lived- next farm . * Goo-i! I - e ;. ;' . - t*d !:.- fa; I'M to me." jesl take I We'!! le.oe gun "Ar'l," Ma-!L , K'.imed, "do you You'd better does Madge HaUiday. is teaching her." He cursed under his out of the room. i said with a guilty smile. "I've been thought of Madge and the coun- 1 watching you drive and it doesn't seem ty representative was too much! : go very hard. Give me a lesson, dear!" ee his mother bending over the wheel. | A vigorous shake of the head "I just thought I'd look it over," she wered him. 'Kiss me?" Sh* looked smux-hingly into his eye, hand. gone down," said the xhi a fair roil in' breeze now." herself and which promised her anything, every- thing; and then with flushing: Charles decided to take matters in j she coaxed. He would forgive and forget Ungraciously he climbed in btside! she slowly complied. young lady came to the door her anj Mrs. Barnard's first lesson "You may have just what VJM \vant, "She'll come, vou think?' pleasure. i.n 1 decoy* Kjyht hc.rc wiUi Moll to happen to know that h- made a will, "She !1 com? sa:J Bully, and went; r ,, G d ' V p nill i s .:,! w.-tt-h 'em, V:iu.- wi-'w Ilil.-'v to have living all he Mesej I to TOU?" . out - MO^Bg the door softly behind I , V" M ' full. Are jou ready,! .iving all he pomeMBd to you'. "Ye-s, sir. f > lie t:ii;l; but the will hlm - never found." I our har,is tea.'her?" "A.i ' cric-l St.inhope. "Leave \ "And fur a very good rcascn, by ycur I ,-it loose ao I can bww bo it and j George," fi-i-l Md<loc. "How could I'm wit. 1 ! you. Th-it's right. Who 'it l>e found when it lay safely tasked! in a deposit box in my vault?" 'I'm afraid I don't quite umler- we -I-.- tl-y. ('oui;ic . ' .tens from Cleveland. (To be continued.) You Can. Onc of 'emV a i ig, etrc/njf fellvr, an' [ stand " cummeiu-ed tht- amazed Stan- he ain't as ne.ir d'Tve up as th<? other, hope. I started Vin ti hore al.u>g the rush- j "Of coum- n-.-t, how could you?" t'.i.k. They'll i-f; hiinky so lonjr a* they |cric.l the lawyer. "Hut tlu-re now, I'll k-p Kiiiri'. \Vi- IK-SI u''t V'-i". to the | explain. ' ; ' ' use." "On.;! morning &,-)mething over a; "\\ i ' , teat's my p!a -e," HnsweredTOW iigo a queer little nuin came to iLjn ' "How am I navioting, ' niy offi.e. Me told me his name, [Sir. xtfie. but refused to give me any |':M.; k.-<-j)in' ii|i :'s wi>'-l as though addiv.-.-. He said ho wishe I to niake' I-A rifrJ'^, whei:- \o'j'rv m/in,' , hi.s will uml in.-istid that I draw it up. ; Tkey're Mi'y a : ( : ., --id now." jit was a simp!..- will, as I remember, A- the v,-!>rxit..l v. 1 it- was renchtd it, merely Ktiutin.g that 'I si (.1:1. <> up with tht rescued men. j or-otber , Scpoggie, hereby Hilly i lh>- chiR I an..l wretclR-d , all my belongings, ini-lu.ling kind ami! tw.. the i t ti-a an 1 after they bad , money, to Frank Stanhope.' I made it 1 tenitope took the load out exactly as he .vended it, had it' (l ; i : ! ''umpy do! -..!. ; ,v?ulcd jind witni's-wl and hnwM it toi Half an haur hter, >cuteJ alwui the, him. But the old fellow refusivl to tke r arin/ (in- in Stamhope's cottage, it. I a^ked him why, mid h<- j--aid: 'You ' h-u-;r<> cur<s of liot coffee on their knees, ; kti-p it safe until I send for it. I'm' Uws verv'.urowne fitrvmirors seemed vviHin' to pny for your trouble." none the wor.-.- for their trying ex- " 'But. listen, old man,' I said, 'sup- PWtoCjCe, Th. !arg-T of the two, a i poing you should die suddenly. Life 1 pcw<yfu!!y-built man with pkiasant ' is vei-y unwrtain, yini kmnv. This will i I- 1 * if- Mmn fa<-c and keen blue eyes, whit>uld be left where it can Iw easily tui i I now to fltambopa, "Whon- dH tlie l>jy ho ojtked. fouml, don't y(.u 'That's jii'st whore I dn't want it To work at your best You must be at your best, And the best IB none too good To be for the man who would He at his best For the Interest Of himself and the multitude. If you miiHt confess You II ml yourself less Than your full capucity, Don't blame your pedigree, Hut start off to-day In exactly the wny You know you ought to be. *^ Yuur pnwl IK u measure Of possible failure, Your future the range, of success. As long as a day you possess, You still can make good With due promptitude, If the will you really potwees. Paul Haydon. her face lit up with began. ! Sweetheart." j She really did very well, he had to' ''It is not just for me," ?rc whis- ani admit re'rjctantly She had watched pered. "It's principle!" to some purj>oee, it would seem. He nodded. "Yes, I've -.rone a lot "I always thought if I only knew .of thinking." how to stop it and start it, I'd ba all Later, her fingers, wanlo:-!r,,r down g!*d to see you." His steel-jfray eyes shone with re- sponsive joy. over his face, touched the H" -:; on "There's a fine old moon," he said. ! right." she said. "Shall we stay outside a bit?" "Yes," growled her son. "If every-; his neck. Together they walked through the 'body knew how to stop and to start, "Where did you learn first aH, littta garden in quiet companionship, and, ! there would l>e fewer accidents." girl?" one might have thought, in complete "Let's see," she said, "you st ">p it) She smiied radiantly. "Our ;-!u'j iiad lessons!" still, giving "God bless the Club!" sai.l Chsrl ferver.tly and kissed her lips ajiain. was giving his consent graciously,! "Xow you've killed the engine. Bet-' though silently; Charles, on the other ter let me start it, mother!" harmony. Madge hoped so. She trust- ed that her lover had seen the good of the proposition after all and like this?" The car stood stock them a jolt. I hand, thought that the girl he loved loved him, and that everything would She chuckled like a delighted child' and showed him she- could start it, toc.j Steam-Driven Motorcycle Economical to Operate. An economical steam-drive*; motor- adjust itself in the good old-fashioned : So they skimmed along in the morn wa >'- i lnt \ su "' i cycle has been built by a Driver, They sat down, finally, on the seat As they approached Evon, ho spoke Colo mal| . |nd as Ulero an , . . .^ under the old oak, while the moon- 'again light shone radiantly around them. The man regarded the sweet face near his and smiled. 'Mt's nice, isn't it. little girl?" She smiled happily. He gently ad-j justed the folds of the scarf around i her shoulders and drew her to him. 'This is a horrid hill before chaills Mr .._ or clutcheii u M , (rac . us. Ucttllv IU;ia< , le88 . Thc i nven ,tor clima Those weeds ought to lie cut out s : tnat the macniue we could see around the corner There i-ps a r<vd of 60 miles per hour from a staiuliug is a nasty bridge at the bottom- ah,, stort> wUnlll a distance of 174 tt uttd look out. i that 1 gal. of kerosene furnishes suf- He had scarcely spoken when Mr. flcl<?nt steum to travo , 35 mi; ,^ The Jamieson's hejivier car, driven b y ; drlving p^,,,. ls ap p lled directlv "Don't you know I'd be good to you, Madge, seemed to spring out ct the on you now e goo o you, ge, seeme o sprng ou ct e ^ ^^ ot the rp<lr wne el by a two- I honey?" he said, his lips mxt to her] weeds at the right. Charles leaned cy ii m |er single-expansion doube acting i 'hair. "I'd give you everj'thing I across quickly and grisped the wheel enine. engine. Difficult Feat. "He mint have Ix-cn w-t to the skin." i left,' h<- say*. 'I want it kept safe. | The school girl was sitting with her "Ho went hack to take, up the <lc- I'll Uike a chance on dyin,pr smWenly.' . feet Ktrutched far out Into the aisle coys and bri.Ti in tli- Wits," answer- Ami by CiMrge! the o'.d follow got up 'and was buhlly chewing gum, when rl S* tT^ >'*-r^i *'^\li I ' 1 I <r '.< -.,. .1 4 _ . ,'. 1 . I <"l Star.lOTpc. "Oh,. Hilly's used to njujfhin.g it. Ho'l'l IM-' l>;iok drret-tly." "By Georjre!" crJexl the big man, Bl|>;iing his friend's kiiec. "There's u aral slMiniililed out, leaving a twenty- the teacher espied her. dollar gold p'iece on the table. "Mary!" called the teacher, sharply. boy for yon. Doctor. Why, sir," ad-! doc?" dros^intf Stnntio;w>, "not one youmifsler j "I have!" cried the deliglite r%?'"j!!J 4 J^SL^Si*!S n t5tl " Ye8 - ma'am?" questioned the pupil! "Take ibat gum out of your mouth and put your feet In!" dry li|is, "you have the will Mr. Mud- lawyer, in a t.hfniMaii'1 c./iild laave donw wlwt i "aft- 1 \vhetliei- lie left >u much or lit- he die". Whn IIP oniiip to us our l>ont I tlo nolxwly can dispute your claim, wan all but wwnmpo-l. We had given ] Young man, shake hands a'jrai<rv!" up. My Brim ban wa* utU-rly Mto- nut Staulio|>e had sunk on a ohaiir, l<?.-s with tl-.<' cold find I was little his face in his bands. Doctor Oavinfc.lt be*/tr. And tihi h<- oaim- riding oloisft | won't softly o^'e.r and stood beside him. m like a in<re sl.i-aw on the waves "My fiwnd," he siid gently, "good and Roni< -tiling flashed past me and niews often bowls us over, but perhaps fell wnlh a bump against oiw bowt- there's even letter ivews in stoif for eewt. 'Bale,' h<? s<we<yh<(l, an/rl I pick- [ you. Fortune i a gi<Ki thimg, but ed up th<' can he hind thrown u and ' with fortune and your eye-sight ne- ba'lo I did for all I was worth. Then stored* " he (m<> bootin.g back. 'Vou got to : Framk liftn-d a wan face. "You g-el oat of that trough,' h<- shouted, i meiwi ?" his dry lips formal the rhrow your iwinter loose, BO'S I m word*. rab _lt as I IXUM, and I'll straighten Th* lwter sensiitive fingers of the fho safl.-' ' sp-ecinliet lifted the lids of tbe twvl s^ng tryea. IniteTvUy he examined! them, thn with n quick smile that} t rauwformed his jriTne ficce to almost. boyisli gkidmess, lie fpnvke. It i tks I thiou-)rht, Mir. SUmihope. ' Minard'* Liniment foi Cold*, etc. thought I possibly could. It would be from his mother's hands. Madge sh-jt a pleasure to buy you shoes and hats .ahead turning her automobile to tne h)lnard . t tlnlment Usedby VeterinarU and things. The other idea is only nonsense. "Nonsense?" echoed Madge, uncon- right to avoid the other. The Barnard car just grazed the back, then took a bound for the bridge. It lay choking sciou&ly straightening up and away and sputtering in the tf.illy, with Mrs. Barnard pinned behind the wheel, from him. "And this club, too," he continued. "I'll admit it has been successful, and you've proved that you can do those things; that's what you wanted bo show me, wasn't it? But I don't want a club woman I want a wife." Ideas of Beauty. Beauty is said to be only skin deep. Every nation has its standard's. Here is the .Moslem idea of feminine beauty: "The perfect woman much while Charles was thrown against the heavy windshield. Mr. Jamieson and Madjj regarded' f our attributes that are"brack-~halr, each other breathlessly. "You just saved us," he said. "That was a close call." Thi- fepiker , his fwo aglow. , . "I mauftgrd to oast thlat painter loose AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE Your is quite uniniipaired aind can l>e reto.ne<l to yini by a simpile o7Mratkiin. Your blind in- A WHS Paused eiitJh<"r from a Mow or u fall, wa>* it not?" Frnnik rir,dd:ed. "A beam struck whwiwiv.1, "I tlvmfgh: -I You may appojui your nwn thouig-bt " "To-nvoTrmv," HU( ll>e d::ctni p , i.iir- in.g owe nw>re into IIIFI pivlYojioiutl 1 r^-nvDVe the presjunt- that O'lst! u. ts ji.uir viti'im. The op- ern'i.m, vihich will ln> m<vs1 simpk 1 , oii.i) i:<! pel 'formed ln-i'e. We Imive lui to Pf-movo all |>rr.>-mi'e mi the nrrve cie>nti'(> that ii-fiit,-.' tlmii t'liiu-lioii nniw awl you wild SPIV" He nwitioiitvl to his Mcml, iiiiil the two we.rtt <vve.r K> the window >n.d ONK MAN wanlril In nurh dlHiilct. Ynu ru In lino to ...... from i . inn to 14 OUO kiinuul ncl - IITI ir you hnv (lit ambi- tion lo i ... ir. n talM brunch for our flrnt (-IHMII HBllnr In ymir dlmrli t lOnclu- l 1 .' Hll-. Al'tll'lc Well U(lV^rtlHF<fl Mo '"* QOnpfttltlon. Vuu limy Hpixilnt <i .1. and : uli-uKL-nlH. ThU bi-luc rti|ii'iii Inixiiir: .< you \\u\t- on ta*\ inrm- anoni I.UI.II.I-M.-) I'tic'i MtbblllhMI t-'.4oo _ to 14 Oil" inn! mure, u your cull 4<t .raslly i shioll "I "' n. ..11. hy Idriil illHtrlct HI . inn |n any country town or (uniting illntrl<-l Thin IK it vcrllnlilx Riilil intni! fur <mu niun In i-.i. li locullly who U nil. > to in < ),. p.rluntl\ MiiHt hiiVf* nt Intuit n coupta nT limn!: i-.| ilnlliii'M rniillal to dimiio* lititiMi'lf iinil 1'niry mniill local muoh nn hnn'1 our HLifi* i. .nn. u-. M wilt iiiriiiiji. n Intnvlrw with ynu hy v.-ir.. nnd will r-i.i - ,i.':'l - M > ou An, li^fi.rn veiny fully Into (he , ..IM. i. with you, h* ivljl yi.. i in i-i'inti to him thnl vou Imv* urficUnt inpllnl. do noi wrtto unls yiu tin." IHno or nun n r*ariv i-n.-ii, Alnbltluna 11,1:1 who huv ilm ro<iulred furirtH nr Item Illv Invited tn '- lit miii't riinflrtmo* with Hitlcn in \i.--f- tVn-it. Toronld r. NO. '22. t..ilk.- I tx>(ri!tihcir i'ii !<iw icuws. Stanlvope, hnir.din r'-.i.-|:i> I tugel.hea 4 , st atJiriivg into a vistu of whndows that were all but dis.wl >i"l. Above bhm lrfte.d a fare tlkit mulled- -and down IWIXIHH llftotlM, il.n KeivitiK \vw-t- eirn a kintg ray o/ liyht swejit to tout-h VCRY SAD CASE , MAM ! HE TRIED TO FIGURE OUT WHEN THE BENEFIT OP THE DECREASE. IN FREI6HT RATES VWULD GET THE Mr ;>LEMAN AND BttilN TO DO THE CONSUMER SOME eyebrows., eyeJas'lieis and pupils; four that are white skin, hands, teeth and the white of the eye; four that are red cheeks, lip. tongue and gums; four that are long back, arms, lingers and legs; four that are round head, throat, wrists and elbows; four that are small- eyebrows, nose, lip and fln- gere. CORNS Lift Off with Fingers Doesn t nurt a bit ! Drop a lltu "Preezone" on an aching com, instant^ i ly that com stous hurting, then short I ly you lift It right off with linger* ^ Truly! Your ilrn.-.^ist sells a tiay bullle Ot , "Kreezoiie" for a few cents, sutHctont ; to remove every bard corn, soft corn. or corn between tho toes, anil the cah ' luse*. without suri-i;.-. . i: . .:i..-u i i

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