Flesherton Advance, 16 Mar 1922, p. 1

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Vol 42, No. 40 Fleshier-ton, Ont., Marcb - ' Toronto Line North The friends and neighbors of Mr and Mrs Will Davis gathered at their home on Monday evening, March C. After spending a few hours in qames and music, und with lunch over, Mr Geocee Stewi.: read an address and Harold Lerer presented Mr and Mrs D,ivia with a twelve piece cabinet of silver, and to I : . .. Irene a brooch. Mr and Mrs Davis in a few well chosen words thanked the friends fur their gifts. Fred Brown ia preparing to build new h u.-e this summer. Mrs Charles Stewart entertained the Presbyterian Ladien' Aid on Tuesday afternoon of last week. Mrs Win Davis of Toronto i-|c nt la*>t week with her son here. Frank Weber, wife and children, of Kimberley, spent day at Emerson Wickens'. Florence Lever returned home <>D Wednesday after spend ; ng a month with Toronto triends. Will Davis held a vt-ry successful pale ou March 'Jth. We are pleased to report Aim Wm Burnett on the mend after being under the doctor's care for some time. Mri H Alexander of Feversham vis- ited her sister, Mrs A Siewar r , recently. The old time la grippe seems to bave taken possession of our line. Did Not Recommend It Editor Flesherton Advance : Dear Sir, ID last week's issue there appeared on the tirst page under the heading Board of Agriculture Meeting.-* an account of the meeting held at Flesh- erton. lu thit article r sta'ed that Mr. Cooper, of the Depart m nt of Agricul- ture, recornmendud to all Farmers' Clu' H the pin-huso of a motion p c'ure machine valued at 8250. Thai recommendation, allow mo to 8y, d.il not come from myself. Aa a matter of fact I never mentioned the >;i I--YIK- at the meeting. I may have been uttered befure I came into the hull, as I HMB late arriving. My practical experience in actual farm work in Waterloo county has taught me, Sir, that farmers or farmers' clubs have not muney for motion picture machines. Moreover, my work as an agricultural representative in Grey County hi; surely demonstrated that if any Farmers' Clubs Women's Institute or Board of Agricul- ture dealres motion pictures, I will come at any time, free of charge, to give them an evening's entertainment. Allow me to^add, aisti, that I do not take the machine out for advertising purpose*. We cannot, Mid never hav?, entered into commercial work except in so far as it is necessary to demonstrate our work. Ihankii i you for your valuable space, I am jours very truly, -J, STEWART COOPEK, Agricultural K->presenUtive VANDELEUR Mr and Mrs Jos Buchanan have returned home after spending a couple of months in Toronto. MUs K<la Taylor of Wallers Falls spent a week wtih Mr and Mrs Bert Taylor recently. Mr Grey and Mis Gorley of Markdale visited with Mr and Mrs Lundy John- ston. Miss A.ice Cutting of Markdale spen 1 a fVw days with her aunt, Mra WyviHe. Mw Sinclair of Owen Suund ia visiting her dauglitar, Mrs S H Buchanan J I Graham, Secretary of the Grey B>jard of Agriculture, attended the meetings throughout the riding. The Vaudelcur Farmers' Club held tli. 11- Match meeting in the hall on Monday last A large number of orders ,M i . given foi binder twine, seed corn, etc. Considerable business v. is trans- acted aud much discu-sion took place. The play entitled "The Spinstei'a Return," which w;is given in the school- house here on Fr day evening. Feb. 24, under the auspices of ihe W I, was en/- joyed by all present. The ladies accepted an invitation from the members of the Presbyterian choir to ^ive the play in tho Armories, Maikdale, on March 8th, which was fairly well attended. Quite a number from here attended the play given in the high school, Flesh- rt "ii, on Thursday evening of l.t-t week. CEYLON 11 V ";- <>f ll.urmi.'ii attendeil I ho funeral of his aunt, M is Jnlm ( iilchn-l, mi \\'filnfsil;iy lal wi.-i-lt. Mrs Win Hesltii) t>f Eugenia .s[)uiit ';i8t w i-k with her swler, Miss.) McKeii/.ie. Wilfred Favvcett ha.s rented his plucu here t<i Mr Williams, who takes possoss- i M at t'licf Sir aiid Airs Kawuett have moved in Mi-.-ifoi'il whore ho bus si<viircd u piiKition. Ernie McMulU'ii left Satiirdny to visit hi* brothers in Turont.i. Mrs A McLeod U'ft .Saturdny uveninj,' to visit her daughter in Totnutu. Mrs U'lyileu (jilisoii left Monday to atluiul tllu funeral of her aunt ni'iir Toron'o. Mr Will Stone uf Detroit arrived mi Saturday to visit his aud father mid other t'litiiils Mr John McLvod came nji from Tor onto on Monday to visit old friends. We arc |)lt>n.st>d to report Mr U Stewart al>!e to ho around again after his illness. While working at a stono-oruihiim plant, Mr George Uovington wag caught l>y a belt and revolved three ti'in s around a Hhaft before being thrown to the x r " ul 'd. Ftirtuuately no UOIIUH \- : broken but one lea wax ciuslud m.< sevutal iiiu-ele torn. Durlinn Review f ,BST M<O PARAMOUNT; : *Bsount *tcu TO POUCVUOL'DEBS ' have no one dependent upon me," * you say. Before many years there will be an old man dependent upon you. That will be yourself. Don't you think it worth while to provide for him ? A few dollars saved each year now when you can spare the money and invested in an Imperial Endowment policy will furn- ish a regular monthly pension to support you in comfort and independence when you are old. Write to-day while you are in good health for a copy of our booklet, " Penniless Old Men. " To-morrow you may be uninsurable. THE IMPERIAL LIFE Assurance Company of Canada HEAD OFFICE TORONTO E. Henry Agent Flesherton PROTON STATION Jas Anderson and Sam Cnlbitit filited wiih the former'x sister, Mrs \Vjii Wright. Al'an McDonald, CVylun, m vinitiug HK Tin IK Waiicliojie's. Mi' Beani'sli and niece, Miss Hannah, vi^iteil with the tatter's .sinter, Mrs Bates. M;u-joiii> Aoheson spout the week end in Toronto .1 C Wright visited recently with friends at Strutfor<J. Maitor Chirk Wyville gave a tarty pull to our midget hockey tenin on Saturday evening Tho boys had a jolly time Miss Irihh visited recently \vith hei her friend, Miss Roonit* Mr \Ves Duvii- spent tint week end with Ins Drother here. Lloyd Wane-hope IIJIN retnined after a month's visil wi'h friends nt Uobbiiu'ton. In the absence of Mr Fowler las-t Sunday Mr Miller, Flesherton, took the wrvk-i* in the Piesbyterian ehuroh. His address was v-ry intereslinn uiul protit- able Mis Hei'gotl ivtiiriivil home Monday after attending tin- fnnaralof her brother at Kitchener. fc'or several weeks past the itli'mri.ts bave token over tho control of the open ir rink and <>K1 King Sol has proven himself lord and master, consf(|iiently there has beitn no .skatiin- or hockey practise. Last Wednesday the midgets, wiih a hand of lusty roo'ers, went to .Shelburne to play with th midgets tin-re. liciiii; unact-iiHt oined to the large rink of smooth hard ice. the Proton boys thought at the .-i id of the lirst period that the out.- look was pretty blue when the score WUH 3 lo 1 in fav,,r of Shelburne, but they soon found tllt-ir hearings. The final score \vasii to .~i in fovor of our Invina ililes. So far ih.s setiNoii they have not been (lefuutt'il and aro remarked upon every t ime for thuir strong clean ]ilayiii|j Sutton-Semple EAST MOUNTAIN CORK. On Wednesday Maich 8 h itt 'J.illl p.m. a very quiet wedding WIIH Huliimnizud at Presbyteiiau iiianHi 1 , Markil*lc. liy Iter. Thurburn Conn, when Keta Beatrice, eldest daughter of Mr, and .M..-., VVui. Semplf, uf Laily Bunk, was nniled in the holy bondn of matrimony to Mr. Juneuh Steven Snttun, a popular younu mini of Woodford. Ont. Tho*groom WHS .iwsialeil by hi friend. Win. Aleximler, Woodfurd, whilb Miss Annie Gulluwiy tif N.'ttawa- SiinH acted as biideNinaid. The bride looked charming, uUirud in a coKtuniit of pietly blue Hilk with triin- inin^s of white silk and embroidery and a c >rsiie buui|iiut of rosea. Her hat >vs of brown silk velvet with wreath of nmiiien hair fern, fori-et me nots and moss rosuH. Tlierooin's ift to tlie hride WHS a cold watch, to the bridesmaid a gu'd brooch, and to the grurnn^inan a l^i>ld lie pin. Amid .showers of cunfetii thuy left for Lidy IJ'ii k, where a recep. lion wild yiven at the homo uf tho bride's patents. Toijetlier with about twenty of i hi- immediate relativen they sat down to a HiiinptuiMi.s wedding lepaw. In the 'r 'M.ii ; i number of friend* Hii.< neiiili- b is met ui'i preseulud the young cnup.'e wilh a mifcollaneuus &hower. 1'he gifts were numerous and beautiful .showivig the esteem in which the yi unij couple aie held. After Mar-ih :50ih Mr. aud Mrs. Sutton will lie at home to their many friends at Woodfoul, Out. We oiler the yuang couple ourhecrtiest uongratulti'iiiH aud wishes for a long and prosperous journey through life. V our correspond- ent W!i- (he recipient of ;i piece of wedding caku and it was good, too. Mrs Sultoii WHM .111:1' a ]>upil of your jnr. at I 1 . .- 1 Mountain. John Smiih of Kob Hoy visited with his sun, Stanley, here. Mrs D Genoe and dauuhler visited Mrs Kohl McMasternt Kleshrton. Killed At Owen Sound Oweu Sound March 12 - The north wall of Kilbcuru B'oek, gutted by Hie on February Kith, collapsed just before noin yesterday, crashing through the rear poition of Assid Simon's fruit store, where Mrs. Simon wai killed instantly. l' in -in, ii and others were tjuickly clearing tho tons of dubris from the wrecked poition (if the store. At lii ,"!() I ho body w.n recovered. Mrs. Simon wns n niuive of Syria and v :is a bi ide of oi.ly a few mouths EUGENIA Syrup making is the older of the day, although there are only H few milking .syrup around hue this year, as the eanr:n IB expected to Ije very short. Hae Genoe in visit'ng hi.i brother, TIIUI, t Ceylon. E|jh Klin bottom is UMilnjj his family here at pieseut. The \V M S had u very successful uee on Thursday of las' week when they pti/ced tops for two c|UiltH which they purpose ijuiltiriu later. Siciunu'iit was observed in tho Pres- byterian church on Sunday last, when a g ioclly number wen; present. The c.iu gpegatlou fs gHwing, wbloh in very en Miss Muriel C.uiutliuis returned liuiiiy on Monday after visiting fiieiuls at Oullingwoud und Nottiiwn. PrByermeeting this wei-k \vill be held at the liiime of Jacob Will ituis. We ara glad to he able to top.irt Mis Juhn Jatniesun if Toronto. wli i has been here under the care of a clm-i-ir mid i.urne fur tho u8t live months, very much impioved in !n- il.ii ttev Kippi'll walked Sunday exeniii:,' from Inistinige to Eugenia ou aczount uf the roads being in such Imd i: ndilKin either for ruuuurs ur wheels. Some of the Inietioge boys met him here after church and drove him home. Charlie Williams hud tliu misfortune ' luse a valuable co.v last week from indiyeHtion. A load of the young people ul Kugeuia drove to Kimherley on Friday vveliini! last and touk in the dance. Gerald Largo vimtcd for a couple i.f days Imt weuk with friemU in FleehertoD Mr and Mrs Marshall of tlio club house arc moving 'to Markdale very shortly, when we believe n returned soldier will take Mr Marshall'* place. A number of young people u'ttve Mr nid Mrs Francis (Jenoe a littlu surprise .in Thursday evening by going to spend i lie evening with them. Everyone liHd i jolly tune, the evening ln-ii-i: spent, in music and dunciug Mrs Hutliven of Alliulon ii- v.Miini; hei brother, Mr Cairns, (his week. Wo lire sorry to hear of ihe illness ><S Mr George Gorley of MarktUlf, who, wu believe, ia HUllVring fiom stmko. We hnpe to hear of his speedy recmery. Ira ( >rvis has opened u lurtiosN and repair .shop in the innhliiii; across from tho school. We wuh him success. Mr and Mrs R Bcnlhain of KleNheitcn viiited with the lattet s sister, Mrs Kohl Smith, during the past Week. H Purvis and wife visited with Klwood Purvis and wife of Feversham. Don't foruet the dare, Ma:eii !2lM Tuesday of next week, which ia the evening set for the business met ting i the W I and the Memorial Committee a*. the home 'if Mrs Leonard Latin*' i- Mrs Jacob Williamv has had tin- ladies in a couple of afternoon? the |.v week, quilting PRICEVILLK A succession of sunlit days Ims spoiled our winter roads aud wheels .-ire in i>en- oral use again I his week. A number of peop'o, both old Had young, are more or lejs ill wiih cold?, etc D.iii McKinnon U still suffering with a throat ailment. Ur. isneath of Dioinor has been in attendance and a: end of last week i. i III.M.IH.'IJI . were made to uke the patient to Fergus 'lotpitnl f..r treat- ment on Monday of ih is week. In the Methodiat church last Sunday UlOriling at ihe commencement, of the service t.h while congregation bowed together for A minuUi or an in silent prayer, asking tor the restoration of Mr. McKinnon to uornril health again. Mrs T A Ferguson has been unite ill fur a c inpla of wewks wiih Ifefcrt. trouble and oilier ailments, but towaids the end of latt week Dr Mcfarlane found that ho had hucct-eded in checking the lu"\rt tr'.iubln and hopes to have hor around again in the near future. The Agricultural Society Ims purchased a u'ood piano and placed it. in the hall for U83 at public entertainments, conceiis ind other gatherings. SHINGLES -One carload N- 13 shingles just arrived phone W A Arm- strong for prices urn? A New Razor Bates BurialCo. The Auto Strop Valet Safety Razor For a quick clean smooth shave this is all that's requiruil The Model "0" outfit consists of : Valet Auto Strop ra/or, '3 Auto Strop blades, Valet strop in \vlvi; t lined case. PRICE $1-00 AT W. A. ARMSTRONG'S FLESFEETCN, - ONT BUSINESS AS USUAL Funeral Directors and Embalmers Phone Hillcrest 268 1 24 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates, R. Maddocks, President. Manager. Now is the time to re- new your subscription to The Advance. ESTABLISHED 1B7S. zU^ Proton Office * ~T.' 1 i lues., Thurs. and Sat. fcV'- .HEAD OFF).... HAMILTCM HOURS I 2 cTclock noon to 4 o'clock p.m. BANK CF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SIB-BR'.NCH PROTON-C. J. Forster, Sub-Manager House of Quality Groceries, Candy, Fish GROCERIES-A full line of Groceries strictly fresh. CANDY Neilson's bulk, package and bars, good assortment. FISH Qualla and Herring. GRAIN & FEED CORN Cracked, ground and whole. Oats, Oat Chop, Buckwheat, Wheat and Shorts. W. J. STEWART & SONS Flour, Feed, Seeds, Groceries and Confectionery Flesherton, - Ontario ft Sale Still Going Everything Must Go At A Big Reduction Many lines at less than half price No Reerve. EVERYTHING MUST BE SOLD Don't miss these bargains while they are going. W. L. WRIGHT, Corner Store, Flesherton ...

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