Flesherton Advance, 16 Mar 1922, p. 2

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Addrci* communication* to Agionamltt. 7 Aol!d* t WU Toronto Adequate ventilation help* to keeip th house free from moisture. Plenty Management of the Dairy Herd. Breading, feeding and culling, are the three cardinal puinU in keeping dairy herd's with profit. In an add-i-eas of ventilation without drafts Jwcpa j before (he Nova Scots* Dairymen's the fowls healthy and vigorous. When . Association, Mr. A. H. White, Senior fowls are allowed U> roost in a draft 'Dairy Promoter for the Dominion, they catch cold easily. | dealt largely with those three points, Hens to be marketed ar those that' showing emphatically how Piuch each predate the fact, skim-milk, a com- -"u i - - ' - <. b ,^11 ,, Uphim , ur have nu-n, too often wasted dairy by-pro- > t oMh^ rn ^j ,.WW P ^r/Lt are fat an.l'hard. duct, a composition of body-building J^^Jjf^JSK pound,,' Any poultry JHHISO should be s, eombmation, n(> t contained in .any ^^*2S3rf2 one h,n-.red structed that it may be easily cl Skin, Milk Tops the Feed List. , f^""*" 'f^^S have a decidedly crooked breast-bone, { meant to the su,fu! dairyman. The Though few fanners seem to ap- me requiied o pTodiue ' ^ of , onp toe . nai , 9f or are ! object of the dairy farmer should bo predate the fact, skim-milk, a com- J r ?"_, ^jj, ;, "broken down" behind, or have abdo-jto obtain the greatest quantity of marketable products with the least e so con- ! expense. This could he accomplished ..._.....,. ,,_ ,... ... , h'in-lrexl struciea tnai ic may tie easily cleaned! only by careful observance of the concentrated ration that can be mixed " ~"f.J Ynvds To h-ive made nnd disinfected. Most common poultry i maxim* laid down. A poor cow costs and fed. In face of these facts, d<e- ", e 'f , ;.,},. t o 'tho=e re- diseases are highly contagious. Mites, as much to feed as a good cow and niorwtratwl beyond the experimental '"?!"' n i" InSaHMDt would breed rapidly, ami in houses which are! in the long run a great deal more. ta#e. we find in many dairy commum- J "" - Vi h j U) , extremely hard to To breed well, a pure-bred sire is tie* skim-milk being poured into the I* required forty -Uireo , eradicate. essential; to feed well is to see no* creeks and sewors. because its value ia i This summary shows that practice,- fj un! j ff h t - M a g(>O(1 ,. rm j t ,ide helps p"'y that the food is nutritious and unappreciated. ; ly eight hundred pounds of sku K ^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ wu rm, andj wol! iialanced, but that it ia sufficient And so the real vaVue of skim-milk, saved one hundred nnd iwnety-oi e thel . efur(j hel[M to Hppr()X i nMte spring' tj uiable the cow to produce as much from a feeding standpoint, for farm j)unls of corn, <>r in other words, a com j, itioI13 p 1YW j TOn should be made i "ii,k a sne is capable of ?ivinf>; to animate is very o-ften overlooked by trifle over four pownf of milk i; l that the sunlig . nt wiu strike a n'\v ? cd or cull well, involves the keop- those who are fortunate enough U> equivalent to one pound of corn. ^ of ^ n< ^ ^ f ^ ^ Mse at so,,^' ing of records of production to elim- have this product on their farms. Tlit-rc N a limit to the ratio of ^.^ d . urijlg ch< > <lfty . j^te tho low producers ami to retain Quite a few breeders of live stock, feeum* skim-milk to corn from the, An few , amj | iu<n . s , louW ^ strict] I on ly those animals that are. worth especially dairy farmers, when using standpoint of C*Batwt efftc n <y ' ' i BWeot ^ lean and fre( . f rom must in.i white. Uli'rtc for rawing their calves, u.vfi skim- the feeds involved, \\nen feeding co i, ^^ ^ ^^ s&riaus losses fro- 1 Tl speaker referred to the help milk. only and skim-mi.V. ,i has be* tound u occur 'from decked or moldy! the cow-testing associations had been. The dry matter in cn hundred by several feetWi that the skim-milk { ^ A ^ ^^ ^ ^ the'poivs which! in connection He gave examples of, pounds of skim-milk U usually loss has its greatest utilization whwl f< ' . m , av develop' into fungous molds in' wh t h^ bcn accomplished, but re-j than ten pounds, but it is concentrated in the proportion of from one to three; ^ ^ ^ intestines of the fowls i gretted 'hat many farmers and breed-j and easily digested, and the elements rounds of skim-milk to one^ pound Of Dress j ng (lucks or(lill ., rily is a tire l' ers had not continued as they should j ki its composition are the kinds ooni. If fed in amounts of three to,^^ . , )Ut u ^^ bfc m ^ le , ess thx; .;have dc.no to keep records and there- needed that make Lhem umisunr'.y effi- five pounds to one pound of corn ; ^^^ fi ^ ( dipping the duck in hot fore ^ t&{ '- cd * make return.-.. He ci*nt, whn properly balanced. These its efficiency U decreased twenty-six; ^^ ^^ ^^ sprjnkliryr powdered : knew of a h '' J * fou ws - n * <] aro in the approximate pro- per cent, and if the proportion is five f ^ n ov ^ jt ; rhjg ^ ^^^ ^ which produced 410 Ibs. ot fa'- and| nnother 137.' 1 it-s. In the same period.] In fche ca^e o'" two three-year-olds in | the samo hard, one produced X8!> ; Ibs. of mi'k and 14i.l Ibs. of fat ini ten months. These instances were quoted in proof of the advantage in culling. iJy turning the poor pro- ducers adrift, the average production and average profit would l>c greatly SMOKE .... -Ml portion: Protein (muscle-building ma- to seven pouruLs of stam-nnlk to one cent; 'mmenvl matter or ash (bone- three per cent, over the one to three; buiWtng material), r.ir.e i>er cent, and to one combination. Natural-ly, if fat, ten per cent. It is, therefore, skim-milk and corn arc cheap and- ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ewratMIy a protein feed, with a mi- plentiful, the best thing t do if ; lished by Iocati it in lhe , pp trith-xj ratio of one to two, and is pre- quick finish is desired, is to feed s rf am)ther furm huiwi an orchard , feraWy supplemerted in feeding and- much of Ixrth as it is possible to get Sudden changes of temperature production. It is therefore nec- t<> protect the poultry winds. This may h( >e s consume. of provided for the fowls in hot weather. A hen too closely confined soon be- j comes restless and uneasy. Restless- T ne Tobacco of Quali ty and in packages THE SUNDAY SCHOOL MARCH 12 iniTeased. Mr. White gave examples of a likej tenor as re-prards tho use of pure-bred- s the cost of feed, ~ and its bearing on the quantity and Amos Warns Israel, Amos 6: 1-8. Golden Text Prov. mate with feed-j less concentrated like cereals, &horts, There are certain coimtrtuents that essential in feeding are absolutely <-s*,-niial to life. Some : lows: i ^^^ results jn ,ji s coinfort and the de- tenor as regards the use feed. oooUin constituents thwt pro-! N^T fee. sir milk one day ami. Volap7nent of such vfciw as a^^ufc,, Wb, and as regards the duce only one. , --ml hi the life s^ve,-; nivk the next. This results ^ foathcrjpullir(? an<1 ^nnj),^,.,,,. Therc : and its bearing on the i. proceaa, such as growth or mainten- j disordered digestive s-ystems, decrea k shollld ^ p , enty of ^^ -^ tho hmi , e quality of production. If one cow, he] 20' anoe. Therefore, a ration must have > gains and subswiut-nt larger f(> . exe rcisenot , ess than fol!T ' said, returns three dollars from a| , Foreword- \m<M proteins or niusche-buiMin<g feeds, <-s- amounts of fe,l for a pound of gain. H ^ ^ jn fl()ck3 f f dollar's wwth of feed and another) . sential for maintenance and growth.: F*l '"* from tuberculin-tested JJJ 1{J() | only lwo dollars it is rarely noticed,' flpst P!* 001 wnose d OOUir '' Gxperimmter. ha^e found with pigs, cows only or have it p^teumed The ^mp, cold house saps the vital- ^nd yet the difference within a year, M8 - V ^ little l know " c particularly, that the growth and, kep all Iwickets, pails and feed as Hy of thp {nv ^ lowers production would easily (enough amount to a , sonal Life (see ch. 7: 10-17). He had nvainteraince constituents wore most clean as possible. I an<l aids the spread of disease. The hen hundred dollars. The only way to ar-jbeen a shepherd in Tekoa, in the wil- available in ^kirn-milk followed by ' Fpe<l regularly at a stated timei caf) ( |j mirliaU> mo isture from the body rive at an understanding in these mat- 1 demess of Judaea, southeast of Beth- corn, wheeit, ot, linseed meal, etc. , ea^h day. Skim-milk is ued exclusively for' In f^'ding feeding caJvc* and pigs more than aHy^ UK- lobbered with any other class It is sometimes fed Some people have expressed disfavor j nc * it not only 'puts more gain on the appearance of calves fed skim- them than any other ration, but it milk and blame thw condition on the! serves to carry off the fengerout and removal of the fat from the milk. How-' poisonous gases, which otherwise re- 1 (Rev. Ver.) was the I their drunken caruusals while David we p O3 . employed it for the service of God. V. 6. Drink wine in bowls. The word "bowls" emphasized their debauchery. . j through the respiratory organs, tew was to une the Balxvck test and A dump, ccld atmosphere the 'ho milk scale. Another thing to re-^ f(jwl ^ , )e uncomforta . ble breathe memlM-r wa that g<K>d feeding must ( , i(?mlnt at tnt% Used to a shepherd's rimple aurrounditlirs he was in Instead of the ordinary drinking ves- sel, the cup, they used the larger sized bowl for their win-?. This shows how- self-indulgence had the hekh and luxury t caused by the heat and to conceal the - of farm r.nhnals. I>est feed posa his is ^ mare :par-| ra|)i( ,| V) p^^ .,,, firH , Iy t() lx , come l^pm with the calf. Another point; of town '.ife among his c<wntrj-men. odor of perspiration. These to poultry alo. | ticularly true with the little chicks, IeUl , - ' IeUl , v ex h a u>tc>l. Fowls weaken- was that t-ow '' s J !__!__ ever, in a ftreat majority of the cases tard their growth, ofttimes causing' !__. *: ^i__.i i L. I * an exhausted condition are susceptible to To give castor oil or other liquids to poultry, where individual birds are . . . studie<l indi- The nvain idea in his gospel was that I not content with mere oil, must l\av .._l..'y^.i _ ^* .1 * U A .-. * and ail alike. ,- a; I i>i,t l>e fed promiscuously God is a righteous God and that no- I thing short of righteousness in his I people could v, in or hold his fnvor. It's not what you expect but whati I. The Godless Rich, 1-3. extravagant perfumes. They art.- not grieved for the affliction of Joseph. So absorbed in their luxury and plea- cure were these dissolute leaders of th feeder is to blame, as it is usually due to his ig-norance and In a trial at the Kansas Experiment Station om time ago with dairy type rteer calves, one lot was fed skim- inilk, ajiother lot whole miik, while a thhd lot ran and sucked their dams at pasture. In addition, the calves rc- ceiving skim-milk and were given eqiial parts Whole milk of corn meal and kaffir corn mal with alfalfa hay. The skim-milk fed raives up to woan- ing time, made average da.il y trains of their untimely death. you that counts. V. 1. Amos pronounces woe upon | the nation that they were indifferent , both Zion, the capital of the southern; to the mo-rally unsound condic>n of Locating the Incubator. The ideal place ?or the incubator is in the collar, breeders do not ,. ., n ! IMFM1 ^iuu, fefiv vj/iwe>i 1/1 me ouukti^tii, ( . or three-ounce vial, open the birds p ron . are d nc , s j s the national watch- 1 kingdom and Samaria, the capital of ; tneir nation. rm :ili/l rt/mr tt (liiu/it atntr .^ir^.fn .!-_ - 1-; i i . ^u... ' til TL _ v ; bill and pour it down, being careful not lo pour fast enough to cause ehok- word. Arc >ou prepared for the the northern kingdom, because they III. The Inevitable Punishment, 7, 8. rausechok- . wf)rk , Is scej c i eajle d were living in a false security. Their] y. 7. Part of Amos' work consisted |nK- In the ise of castor oil. set the , , t , A k scn.e ot security vras due to at east in exposing his nation's sins and part for the ineubato is bott!e and C0 ntents m quite warm ''' ul , f tools Wiy for ' three reaso " 3: J I 1 '*. Asayna their ; a ;, so in .nn..^^ th<> doom which But some poultry water for a short tim,-, until the bottle " arni SS " / to JT town after e "?- y ' Et>Pmed l b - C " th - 'I 6014 " 9 I w^ sure to c-ome upon them. God \va have n cellar suite,! is ,, ,,,f ( , rta i >]y arm and tho oil flows U! * ' No u , ! and iu armies were inoperative in the about to undo all that he had done is r< ii i oruu> v v\iu m Hud ine mi IIOWB f<ir HTI iiw-n.lrdnr In mn-h rjmi-i ihf-v r i t ^repairs when the rush l>c;i:: freely, but not hot eiioujrh to give dis- f. n. ay try to iK> without the machine. Hy experience and observation wo have found that many fine hatx-hos can Ixs brought off in upstairs rooms. , t to t hi> patient. "" a heav y on th. Urry The man who made nei>;hb<irhood of Palestine. This allow- , f or i srae i. He was going to cause i ed Israel U) live at pence and to pros- t h em to be taken captive out of tha line farm per and expand. Second, both Zicn ] an d which he had once given them *"~ tools knew a lot more abnut them than and Samaria were situated on high ( xhey shall go captive with the first vy load of snow or ice we do; but we can find out all the hi'.'.s which were considered almost The debauched loaders of the people e lurry bushes and shrub- different parts are for if we set out .""t"' 5 ' whom Amoa had been donouncinjr will It means some co-oporation from the about one-quarter pound less than the other calves. But the total feed cost for a!! calves for one hundred pounds of gain, that of the calves receiving sary jars. kirn-milk was only 10.5 per cent, as' The machine should not IK- located i P'nts and bushes at all times, compared to 51.5 per cent. fi,r the near a stove us this may cause tool 5 " whole milk calves, and thirty-two per liiK-h a U-inpenituro during the day,| c*nt. for th* calves running with th(;ir | followed by a chilling at night. The mothers. fresh air from the outside must be After weaning, the wlio'<- group of . constantly passaTig through an incu- calve* were placet! in a food lot and bator so tho temperature of the ma- fed tho same ratiur.s and the skim- 1 chine is always influenced is not (juite in rig. the captives to rrows of exile. And the the day that Israel is all its mad carousals I be a time of sorrow liver tnem over to their enemies. Chief ra ther than of levelry. of the nations. Amos is hero address- V. 8. The Lord hath sworn bv Him- inpr the well-to-do aristwrac y to whom self. (See Jer. 51: 14.) Elsewhere for the sett'emen: f.f their disputes. holiness (see ch. 4: 2). The meaning V. 2. Calneh; pfOMotj a prosperous i s that since God is r. righteous God has had its, average forty-five minutes, with ten c j:: tate J"...* ^ , *J. r ^_ n ? ar ^ .*>. nothing else but punish f - nt tnp Ul UlC Every reform measure nas nan iw .c,^- . l ,-,,.^ ,,,,,,u^. ., w A!ep p . U was can tur e; l hy the As- Isr^ef 1 abhor" the 'exce'llencVof Jacob antagonist,. Wh,n the reaper ; nunutos more for supervised study JSgJ in B c 7ng ,, ihe ( . The e^ eHency cf Ja" would be the iirtnxluc-od into England, the farm , .In rebuttal people will say: "All FitUilUK , . the Oronte, i_nver_at the thiug/h, which I s ?^l I prided them* hundred pound.- of gain than the other aged machines in Urge kitchens b v I chines because it was thought it would we ower ones attemteu yet we maue royal city of the Hitt.te.. It was tin- cities. I will deliver up the city^Thil calves. An interesting sidelight of this using a small oil stove for cooking! thrt>w thcm "" "V 1 . <>f W rk ' Kar . ** K health y *<**- That ls *"? experiment is tltat the suckling calves instead of opc-ratinp a cooking stove | 't fr <* m ni<> to criticize the BObafOOMl afte-r weaning, lout four poundc in during the period of incubation. In ; f Ln consolidnted st-hool. They are by the milk calves made the highest daily amount of hoat in the room where it = ., , ,-".- ^ ^ ^...^ ... v v.~ uuuga m wmcn israei priuiea t geins ai:d roxurired less fVed for one is operated. Some breeders have man-i laborers wrecked and Inn-nod BM ma-^l tlungs wen ichoo s cn/trHiice to the I.ebanons was the selves: their rich paiaces and s , v chines l>ecau*c it was th.iught it would we older ones attended, yet we made royal city of the Hitlite-. It was hn- cities. I will deliver up the city , *!_,_ .L-_ _n ..^ .. f 1. u.._ u_' i=*i. rt n or,^ ^ofcev,^ o.i,,if." TV.OI i= lty siibjugateJ by the Assyrians refers to the coming siege and capture ler Sargon. in B.C, 720 Gath; one which Amos foresees will be the out- weight each the. wrok following. ; such cases the machine is handy and i sincere and no doubt very kindly In hog feeding, the feeding values ' can be given regular atton+ion with- , folks. I write this with the hope that of skim-milk are perhaps more clearly! out running up awl down stairs from' 't will shed some light isp-'ii this de- dem<n.*tratc<l. Every tiling considered,' the cellar. bated question. enough, but it was the work of ""'-" .- . .^ Mlc uul> . tho old law of th<? survival of the nf the . fivc r y al *** ? th * Philis- come of the nation's wickedness. No fittest. Study the old graveyards and tin 8 ' U was the home of l ' ohath ' sef> read the pitiful of the little ' Sam - 4 " n<1 fo , r ( l it L* refe to assume of all supploment-i An incii'batur should bo placed on n ry fctids, it is one of the very best, ' levt-1 floor. Often a kitchen floor will Here are Home arguments against. | the one-room rural .--fhool; I spewtk time the re- the nation which is to work God's Note again how the num,,r of ^l e ^*^ r {^^& &&?& ?? mi ^ nttll mound* is all o-ut of proportion same time as Hamath. l\e they better. Assyrian Kmpire. \\-ith the natural number of large etc? The meaning f.eemi to be It is especially fine lor suckling sows,' not be level near the wall, but the ma- 1 from kmowled^i' born of experience. and particularly for the young grow- J chine ran lie properly regulated by the The rural schools are unsanitary. $ng pigs, and can aJ-so be uxed for bred urn- of old shing-lc?. Place a spirit, The.ro is rarely any provision for ven- aows, breeding hoars and show stock. 'level on top of the machine and shove ^ til'atiivn. The floors are in u filthy A Mini n .. ? . of work done by seven j shingli>s uiwltr the short logs until j condition. The toilets aro urw*peuk- experimerat statior.^, romparing com the machine ia level and on a firm, a |,i y filthy; this la.-t is especially tuiv imiunds. There is but little if any playground i great and prosperous as these king- now my wife and I arc struggling im- Application. were, they were subdued by 1 - A faithful prophet what a can, enemies. How then can your Lra5t to Jonah. Amos was a shepherd >m which is no greater than Y" " 1 Lhe aoutn country, and his stern theirs escape a similar fate? *,. ^ M ^ umilask th ? villainy and V. 3. The evil day. Tho contetnpor- injustice prevailing in Northern Israoi. * T^Virt K ;u . ; . A ' . i i . aJorjp as contrasted to corn supple- foundation where it cannot sl'i/p. 1 of the boys' toilet, if the teacher in merjted with skim-milk, srhows some It is not best to operate an incu-i a w( >nwn and no adult janitor is eni- rather interesting resol-ta. The data; bator in a living-room that niiM be, ployed. Investigate for youivt^f if Involves the use cf one hundred and used all day. Th fumes from the ma-i you doubt this, atx pigs avcrapii* about one. hundred j chine and the Inini.img srf the large' pounds in weight when the e.xperi- latmp help to exhaust the air. In a| tl>or InenU started. One-half of these pigs kitchen tJwt i not used more than a Jraceived com alone rd th other Imlf few hours a day the nwwhine will not potently against the rotten fllthiness' ar i(^" f" AnioJ "beliieved tha! There The hig:h P"esit, Amaziah, ordered rhich is bi-iig .iiimwl into the ears of W ould c-ome a day when Jehovah Amc f to lea Y. e the country, but tlia our Mltl-e girl who is attending a rural, wouhi interpose on their behalf teiariess prophet only reiterated hi* orri and skim-milk. Tlxwe receK-ing the fnen/t gamed practically sixty ]>er cent. . batur juwt lieruiue the conditions for rha) the pigs fod corn alone, j ninninif it are i/it abaol'iitcly ideal. cause sorious inconveniencie. It milk supple- not fay to try HIM! do with/nit an incu- water supply is a-lnnost always Very few rural schools are anitary drinking t'ouii- where thei'e. is one, it is almost always out of order. Individual drinking cups are not a success. They fhe are u^nd for about the llrst week and j., m , j svhool for the first year. j against their enemies. It would be a It is better for the children Lo wade day of judgment for the surrounding ' a mile ar two through mud or snow tlons but of great blessing for This was the popular notion. measa J do i- particular he de- the nch grandees who crush- nd loltad m luxury on argument agaii^t h. school bus is not A not that the day of the ' that applicable now that we are rapidly : jtwouiikl 1 be^'day 'o'judwm'^t 'f* k tains > aud . tne Loi-d also, about the city building improved roads. IsnM ,, aa wel , for the heebh<n . ^ * Samaria? It wounded the heart of Too Large a proportion of pupHs in wou ld Iw an evil dav for all wrong- C- mt>s t0 K pr ^~ lm P '^ ord (lf , w <>. but ruixil schools quit school at fche end of doers and such were'th* whole nation .. W ^ obed ' 1 f n 't to tho heavenly vision. Mie fourth book. This is beoause there of Israel. (See ch. 6 :18-20.) When ' .JL -i Sper " y t , "? . ^ e ", t ? dan 8 r - 1.4 iwi <nnn<wliivn K. .tn.^.i, (-K^. nul.lin flip \vrn.ir-dnirs Vieniv) tVmn t:hv frioH ! *raei was at tne neignt of her pros- Somo men waste enough tim milk- c fng crub cows that they are lucky 1 ' to be outside tha poorhouse, u<;cording t K. M. Harmon, dairyman. Few of j ).A rvaliae the tremcrjdoi's amount of i iir. and effort lost in foeding and ; " u mi*Uiiig th acmb cow. Cow- testing: [ aaaociations are throwing some inter pounds of milk per milking day. In other words, one man got thirty-eight poundw of butter-fat and 900 pounds' 'T f " 1> .' : ff_ h 10 o In, ,H., K ,,bor i-'ol 133 yet a'1 drank frt>rn tihe same c;ip. l''i\p Teacl'.ors in consolidated schools nf t.he puipils have riied from tu'ber- are hiirwi for their fitness for a special rulosis since) I taarglit there u fc\v work. The primary teacher is trairued connection between the public; the wrong-doers heard this they tried ,'^f' W *hJ? A" * e '^ f '. le 5 P r s - ,-,.u =,.u^,,i^ T., n u*3.TS!tfl male* rh*m.lvA.i think *,t th-'P^'ty when . Amioa burst into her at Bethel, with a cry God would no longer rs that were being and by the leaders 'uttice. I!"* 1 , "Ofap, 16 men." Prosperity had oss iiiit. take into account ihal, the 1'iied fost of prtxhn-- II. Luxurious Livers, 4-6. hardened the hearts and blinded the eyes of the leaders. They could not sidelig^ils on this hiibject. V. 4. Beds of Ivory; beds inlaid with believi that calamity' would overtake ,, i^pn.uary ar tranw, . , imp'orted into Pale.- j them, for were they not "very rcli >'' !ar " a 8'"-. , ! or tlvat om, work, the high school tin / b the caravan trade. It wa, re-!eii? The rural *4m#mm gvts cleaned | teacher datto. In the. rural school one! garded by the stern prophet as an un- I 8. The true foundatioas of national . ,,rxv u year whether it needs it or not. ; leaohw teaches all subjects and all necessary luxury. Stretch thomselvew life practical religion that includes ' ''! lf? | Btwi!e-ii tinic^ the- janitor often one i classes, regardless of her training. | upon their couches. They sprawled on not only the worship of (ind hut cow was ..i.J ect s per pound while., oj . th( , | w yis swetvps \vithont mngflag] Obviously she oanmit be good in all divans to eat their meals. This wa a , brotherly ireutment of all uieti. The For iiwtance, they fouixl last year,I K: '' ptwinxl. the good cow pn iluoi'ii it at 17. :t cents Is it any wonder iliut. KOIIHI men .an of fat per year prc.lureri only 0.38 ' Y n , Ci ' r u S [whtlo others cannot" The cow-tesl- |'l,.-ing i(."Ociatii.iM are building up pro- oows Uwt averag.,,1 200 p.m.u.'s ot fati dtjctinn w \ '' rc - fits : ^ '"ttut 1 - a par year averaged 0.08 pound, ,,f but-' l?^ f - tlir ""' benoHUng the tar-fat and fifteen ixwnds of i,.;ik f.n aach milking day. Th-><> that ,tve-r.ige<l the cow that aveiaged 100 pounds' pounds of butter -fut Hiwl nine pounds ot milk for each milking day. OOnqmmn and ilii with fetil.heri f-iibjtct>-. The pupils reflec-t her weak- 1 mark of indolencejind effeminacy. Eat duter. As u C(iifa i c<|ueK'e the <Kit of noss MI any one. or more subjects. nut. 8<>mv. men .an n(r( , s ^^ oll everything, that is, the I ri<> not comlemn ami build modern homes L^ wnicll ( , 1M , 4 ,,; )ini , u< vvny j,,,,, 1 | Ier(> ., ml there we Israel had any amount of the lambs, etc. They were gluttonous religious machinery, the external cere- and were satisfied only with the finest j monies of faith, but they lacked 400 pounds of ful pel year pound* of b;: : '' ft I linn- <-. bn-llen nil in? Soon be '..'."> 1 all rural si-hwls dcHcacies I brotherhood,, mercy and justice. V. 6. They enlivened their feast with | 4. A sin that sapped the life of the find a teaohn: (!'< pupils' lunvc.-. i ('.xceplioiiBl merit and hor school re-: mug i c- "idl'a songs were, sung to a j nation j^nd destroyed Jh- vision of th The teacher in tho rural s.-h-..<.l must. ftwrU hw pi-rsoiuality. Ther;- are many Drumming accompaniment." Like leaders nnd rulers in particular was hear nt the teawt twenity-four cla?e- 1 }^>od rural schoo'ls but the boat of David. David was popularly sup- ! drunkenness. We know what ravages a day. nnd some have over thirty. ; them are not as K\KK| ss n can -olidatfd posed to have been a musician and to] the liqucr traffic made with many of Divide tho actual school time into ' school. In their very nstur? they can- have invented miisiksal instruments, j our own British and Canadian men u\,"iii\ -four parts ami it l-oavp Imt n ' i-it IIP. No om; toach; -n do'it all. 'While these debauchees may have ! during the war. The effect of tho very few mir.utw lo a (4*S. flu- wric'N in the i'm-oli(lntc,l school B3 n.-.utor how - I.. B. Heber. KOIK! bht mav b ' c '*' m ^ to have been only foil-owing drinking habit was to render the vul- ' the example of David, they forgot they era of Israel callous about the I were profaning musk by using It at tion cf the people.

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