Flesherton Advance, 16 Mar 1922, p. 8

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March 16 1982 THE FLESHEBION ADVANCE r - I I ! Insurance Is Good, But Insurance will, in a measure, repay you for loss from fire due to lightning. But it will not prevent the fire. It takes the DODD System of Lightning Pro- tection to do that. In the past thirty years over 300,000 buildings have been rodded by the DODD System and in not a single instance is there a record of the DODD System properly installed, having fail- ed to prevent damage by lightning. The fact that you haven't yet suffered loss by lightning only means that you are fortunate, not that you are proof against it. Ask us today what it will cost you to have DODD protection, S. HEMPHILL Ceylon, Ontario. i * S r* m (i re? I YOU CAN ENTKK ANY DAY You have often told yourself that if you could be instructed peisonally you would undertake additional eJuction nl Work. Personal instruction \ n special system at the "N and is Uriguly responsible fur the succees f <mr students. liusioen, Shorthtod, Fiume:*' nnd Prc-priory court-in. Catalogue free. C. A. KI.KMINt:. K.C.A . I'lim ipil since (5. D. KLKMIN'J, Secretary. I'.itions i'f (lie iiriurmin telephone In Hentinck are Marring urinal the coin- p'uiy over ihe increased i-ervice rate I r p- std te be made. The Uiitway Ci,minisiuu liai ra'iliul tlio lie* uttvx, but a number f the m-eri are having; the phones taken out rather than to give the advance. In the telephone business, as well .- in other lines, (lie cost "f con- ttruction and maintenance have advanced since fto war times, but buyers of service n -ver Uke kindly to iucrcfd chitrxeH. For a $15 service under the old schedule, the new rate will be $17 f 0. Thu war i ii'-w i n, and oliilt* ihe discontent is y.-n- oral, there i n . certainly as to who will r< iiiitin out Durban din nicle. A Sarnia preacher say a that hell U right Lore on earth. !'>iit does" he have to ii-. . in Sarnia? Hydro At Cost Means Costly Power Yongc auJ Charles btrcets, Toronto Is strictly lirit class in all Depart- ments and unexcelled in the Domin- ion. Students assisttd to obtain Employment. KuUr any lime. Write fur our handsonie cutalo^ui*. \V. .1. ELLIOTT. PKINCIPAL Boar For Service Pure r-ind ligmterea Vork&hire lio.-ir for (tecvioe &Ujcwvt1 .lack H2U03 on M 187. S* W. T. & S. II.. Artemmia. Terms Sl.OU Sows not returned will ti charged ssme <m those in pij;. 10,4,19 T. J. STINS'lN Bull For Service Pure I i. I Durham bull. No 1 i .-:. ertica'on lot 102. S W T A S U, .\n iiifitia- Trms (fJ for uradpi. 96 foi 0. A KIN'S, Pnip BUSINESSCARDS SOCIETIES ?!.;:.( I. .' S.'IMI II J.OUUK. No. KM, A.l'.A A 51, meets In tht M&Bntiic hall. Arn. rouii's Hloc* Klwliertou, Mvery Friday on or Iwjfore tho full uiocn. 1'i-tfi- Muir. \V. M II. (i. llullanil, hiLn-Mil y. DENTISTKY Unh C MIIKRAV L. D. 8 , dental .orgutju bcuor irraduato of Toronto UulvorRity nn<l ioy a College m I'l-utnJ Kurceonii of Ontario, 'ipi'ii.ii>liii ,ti'ii',i f.,r tocth extraction tflee aiStUdewu Torouto Hlitot. Fleotierloi . W. b. Murray, a prominent United Slu'es electrical expert, after investigation Ontario hydro and private producers of electricity in Canada, handed in his report to the America* National Electric I .i_-iii Association and this ha* now been ii, ,'l i null. . It Is illuminating to the users of hydro in this province and gi*s rise to the ijuery, why' How is it that private companies can produce electrical 'M.ij} cheuper than our much-vaunted electricity at cost, publiuly-ownei hydro pjstemf A Commission of Inquiry, such as is sufff,ested, would probably discover an answer to this >|uery. In his report to the association, Mr. .M in : i) expressed the opinion that the principles of public- owned utilities as applied by theOntario Commission "could liod DO place ' in the United States. The private I'nitud StaUs cotiipamei in thu Niagara district, he found, are su| pk'inented by steam power to a far greater extent than those in Cinada, and yet furnish power forty percent, cheaper to consumers than the Ontario systems, tie also repotted tfoit consumers in the Prov- ince nf Quebec obtained belief service from piivaie companies than people serv- ed by tl.e Onliiio commission at a cost of iflf pt-r c.'iit. less. F ->r 11120, t!ii! report said, "ihe aveiaye coat of power delivered to the customers of the Toronto Hydro Klectric Power Commission was 25 percent, greater thin th-it to the people of Montreal, and was 25 per cent . greater than to the people of tJulf-t'o. The population servtd in the Ctnadian N i as-ara district he placed t 1,2UO,OCO, compared 10 l.'uOO.OUO on the I'ni ed Stales side of the border. in hU lutir.nary of conclusion;,, Mr. Mm ray said in part : "I'owt-r is supplied in Ontario" from the owned and controlled Eugenia Plant Is Criticised in u~ . with the Hydro Electric i' 11. nn i .M to bu -ii; ii T in kind to ih it supplied by the piivatly owned elcc- trie utilities of be ni'iru ndiij the United State*, must mi,-, more reliable and LBQAI LL't'AB. & bKMtY-KirrlDtciK. riolii-Ki 11. eic. 1. H. LUOB, K. 0.; W. D. Hi-nry, B. A. nili.-,. .. Markd&to Luc*> Itluch, I'lioi.e 2A. i.n.l.. I ' I. i i r. nl I -.M.inih 'I I ...I ,. . nu IIKIHT, & TBUFOOp, BaniitM, Solid, tain, Ac. i)tlice, (>ry t Itruco Hlock, OwcnHouud. KttndKrd llmih < ,'Kleflior- loi>. (Sturrtay|. W. II. \Vrlunt. W. P". 1'ulforil Jr. BUSINESS CAKUS cheaper. The facis show, however, that the electric utilities < f the S atft. hold in :,- (ower in i'-iivi- and sell moie energy pur cipitu nerved, that liy tht II.IM'II they i- it, claim a ^roa'er reliability ol iup(',y aii-J thitt the supply is cliep>r t ) tl.e c ii MUiiu-r. "The LuilUing of new power plant (..ciittivH mi ler the auspices of Govein- mental o*Denbip, as -li '*n in the cane of Nippon 'nd Chippew'i, both in respect to policy and cntt, it not to t! . tconnmic in erist of the people.' A OODBld*rkbIfl porti u i the uuinaiary of conclusions c< nststs if argument u^Hiiist ownership generally, and dot's not r.ptciliiMl'y refr to the Hydro K'cc'tic 1 ' :. :i.i . n. allhouiih the argument i bis.d on Air. MUUHJ'N iDVtlligation o( that ciiiiinii'-Miin's yKteui, In lie Kctioii of hm repori deulinn wiih I,' lebt'C el. i service, M. Murray it} in put : "The nuinber of people within reach nf Hylni-KU tti ic service in Ontario is 1,1HU,:JOO, while in the St. Lawrence Valley if the Province nl '^uebt-c this number is l.KJO.OUO. "The ana'yaiH shows that llie nvcrxge | cost ff power to I ho people f Quebec is I :t'J p.-r cent, lehs kilowatt hour xenerate-1 th;tn the tout to all the people receiving (Owen Si)iind Sun-Tiineo) There is a general feeling, that in be | coming more or lem chryiitalizecl, that here should be a thorough investigation if the whole Eugenia power ftystain with i \ iuw to inakiing 0eODOmiM in tin; ad- ministration and opeiation of th power' division For some time pist the cipinion often heeif expressed that there is a {rent deal of waste in that plant, and that > this waste it being reflected in higher' costs for power t<> the municipalities con- cerned . Some stiiteim-iits have been nunle re- cently that the Kugenia plant is very: much over manned compared with the Or.lli.-i Power Plant for instance. It is: also claimed that there are many experi- ments made that eat up a lot of money. A full investigation by experts, not in ihe employ of the Hydro, but favorable to public nwiKM.sliiji, ijiould lie made at once. Almost every municipality connected with the Kum-jiia plant l:nve hail their rates raised, ami there has been a natural desin- to kii.,\v why, nnd to have some real oppoitunity to tulk the matter over with a view to fttVcling economies. Tiiere is also a general impression that the officers of the Hydro Commission thoje men who direct the affairs from Toronto, are just a bit too arbitrary for men who are tin-re to serve the people They arc not put there to set us Czars, orj battalion eergeant-major*, but to give iervice and j.;ie it with th wa'est des- patch. There are frills in c jiiiie'jtin with lh Kugenia plant that thu users of power have to pay for, and that the said users are neither interu-ttd in ii"r parties t<. Tli aperatioii t a plieasantry at Kugenia may nr may not be chargeable to Hjdm, but if it H the municipalities >h,m >1 know it. It wuiilil -cioii bei'iinii- a Liu' bone of c 'iiti-iitioii. There should be an etiorl made to yet all imiiiieipalities concerned to make a joint application for a geiu-ral invi-stiga tion :ih a M---.V to eliininatiiig waste, if there is any, and to have t be plant rim at the least possible outlay. If half the men could do the noik, only half i-lumjl l.r kipt mi the jn'i. "Finder's Bread" Is a sign of quality! NONE BETTER Bread is your best food eat more of it. A full line of Groceries, also Canned Goods PHONE 3 FRED FINDER, Flesherton ' 1 M f. V N "l \'f U 6 A/L CAR - Spring Is Here Is your Car ready for the road? If not, l/rin<4 it into us and '.ve will put it in A I shape. If there is anything in Implements don't don't forget we ruuidle the Internationa' line. We spedali/e in hra/.ing and welding. H. Down & Sons Flesherton TTJj: Tonsorial Parlors U-.M. KAITTINO, Icetinert Aiicticuixir foi i Hydi .i-hlfctric puwer in the Province of H" counties of ilioy ami -,.,iii mul Stuck ii-< a e|H)Clalty. Simoov. . Tt*riufl uodcmtB. Bat Infliction piinrantcoil. AiThDKi - nentflfor dalustiiay ho limits AC tbA Ailvffmi! >fllc, or Central telorlioni' ofKoe Kftvornhaut it byadilrceiuiii! me at Kuvei ham. Out. We Aim to Give Entire Katisfucllmi LAUNDRY Hasket closes. Mond..) night, delivery Fuany ev Auotlonne foi tin, * County of Uioy. TauiB iuc,lviatc und .u HI-IIUU Kimriili',l. The m iftuitetni'iitH n>l .liili-h of Hiili-i-cmi do lii(lHtTtm AOVAN oifltc. RMMno6M>4 P.QII CejIaOi T*l*pbent tflDBMtlOD. It. ,\. Tl ItMltU.I,. ll.A..~M.n . 7i : *,liiat<- Inn. i tin, l''nciilt v of MuiUciini.l ' niivptltv of Tornntn. OtrUi- llniHn,Hini III m-k. Kli-i-li ert MI. Ti'l<-|,|iullt>.l",. CLEANING BivlDYBlNi!- W, i, for I'lirkej-'s Dy Works Clothes ' loar.ad and dyed, feather* rojuven>*l1 T FISHER- -PROPKIUTOU IS&S \-~l Flesherton Tin Shop I heive just placed on the shelves a full line of Tinware, Nickelware and Agateware for domestic use. Call on me and get your suppies. Kavetroughing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish- Dnlaiio, while it is '.'7 per rent, less than to the iiiiii.suiiiers in thu Canadian Ni- ma ilistrict, whe'.hrr they are fervfd by (iiivernniunt or piivttp'y owned elect lie Ulilitlei. " The private companies in 'Quebec deliver S-J per cent, energy per cipita ihu.-i does the Hydro Kleciric 1'owei (' >m miisii n to its c<iiiumer.i in Ontari while iln generating capacity avail.tbl per I, IMJH of population is gieator by H per cent than that available upon the linen i : llie Ilydro-Kleclric I'ower (' >m~ in Ontario." AN INVITATION I- t Vei.d :d to all to v>it tin- MATTHEW BARBER SHOP in tl.e Murphy Mouie, MarkJAle C.,uitecu Trea'int'lit Assured The l>est of Tonic's m,d Lu'ion* ast Clus \Vnrkniinvhip Hair Cut-25c. J. F. MATTHEWS MARKDALE BARBER AND TOBACCONIST BOAR for SERVICE Purebred Tain worth l!mr for service on lot 107, S W T mid S E , ArterrJesin,, lVrn*< fl.50. Sows not returned will h'- r!>,i i s-iine an :'ini> in piu'. Fob 15 T. J.STINSON, Pti.p Up-to-date Clothing Perfect in workmanship and style. Clothing made to orde. Serges, Worsteds and Tweads on hand also a good line of Men's and Boys' stylish Ready-to-wear Suits & Overcoats All at lowest possible prices. Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing H, ALEXANDER Merchant Tailor Feversham, - Ontario SHLNGLKS-Olie carload N. U. sliin s 'leii just atrivtd phone W A Ann. xtroi g for pin i - and pirticulart. Optimism is the firstborn of hope, the executioner ol adversity and llie undertaker M 1 i oi'akiii \- promptly attended to. I'ipefitting, including pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Bros. Furnaces. D. WcKILLOP CHRISTOE BLOCK FLESHERTON & ONTARIO. | &&$&* ySSjSt jjijy. IM If troubled with mtiRtard in grain crops, spray with a. 20 per ( , : ,t !. ^h ( f , tlon of Iron sulphate (two iron sulphate to tacli water.) ... , ,- , Manure. MltCh Of thf I'cl-tilizilli; \.ilii,. ,f manure is lost wln-n piliil in t;i,> barnyard till HpritiR. I'lini to haul It out to tho ttelds RH mado. Thcrr, when spread or piled In small hr.-ips. the bulk of this viiltuiblc by-product IB utilized by next seaRon's crops. FOR SALE 1 7 hoisepoMtr Lister Rusolinn engine 1 K inch Maplo Leaf (irinder, 1 '_'H IHtll bllUX. SHW 1 I -I inch Cutting l! ( vx c,>mi,leti> with Hi-It ."i in. by 70 feet r Ill-It Ii in |y ;tri feet Will sell any m icbimi Hepnruti 1 (i. F. Ui-Ackenbury, Kleihorlon I Guarantee You Better Rubber Footwear The strongest guarantee under which rubber footwear has ever been sold is fastened to each pair of Ames Holden Rubber Footwear. Here's what it says : " Every pair of AmesHold?n Rubber Footwear is guaranteed to outwear any pair of similar shoes of any other make, sold at the same price and worn under the same conditions." It protects you against inferior workmanship and materials, and assures the greatest possible value for the price you pay. If every pair wasn't made right with the right materials pure rubber and stout strong fabric and linings this guarantee wouldn't be possible. No matter what you need in rubber footwear, we want you to try a pair and satisfy yourself that the best is Look for the Ames Holdfii mark on every pa/r. AMES HOLDEN RUBBER FOOTWEAR KOR SALE DY F. H. W. HICKLING Flesherton, Ont.

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