March '23 1922 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE Financial Information AS an institution with first hand knowledge of ''financial markets at home and abroad, and with Managers of broad experience and unbiased judge- ment, this Bank is in a position to render invaluable information on investment and other money matters to patrons. STANDARD SBKVICR it Ctmfraktmtivt Financial Strrfu. THE STANDARD BANK Or CANADA. J88 TOTAL- ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREB MILLIONS Flesherton Branch, - George Mitchell, Manager. Branches aUo at Willianuford and Holland Centre. CANADIAN CIFIC C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Statlou Sugiir making look * severe cold last ;ek and withdrew from public gaza. 28e fur choice butler iu wrapped prints ibis week at Dever Bros, Proton. Auction Sale bills printed here, as | Quick service. Mrs S. E. DeCudmore spent the week Going North end with her sigteri Mra Hyland, at 11.52 a.m. . , , 9.30 P .,n. ! VVe8toD - The weatjier this week has not been 1 rains ollowa : Going South 7.56 a. m. 4.80 p.m. The mails are oseu at Flesherton ag follows : For the north at 10.40 a.m. and such as to cause a person to think about S p.m. ; and the afternoon mail aouth at.' bisebull. 3.40 o'clock. For morning train south I mail close at 9 p. m. the previous erg. j pa.l of strawberry j,m 69c, ; baking molasses lOc tin Dever Bros., IT " " ~~ Proton. 1 VICINITY uHll V Mrs. Cummings of Toronto is on an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. ! T. C. Blakely. Examine our Red Clover, Mammoth Skating is still 2<>ing. Hive you filled in your form ! income t.x i and Timothy before buying Dever Bros Millinery Mrs \V. L Wright is still Wei Armstrong i-s visiting friend* in . carrying (m th(j mil!inery business and | I date I display uf up to Toronto. 8Uow j n g a We expect to be on price's top this j ladies' hats. week with etw*. Dever Bros Proton. D r A. E. Almond, the noted eyesight C.C Jennettof the Standard Bank j "PeciBliit. of Toronto, will b^ at the spnt the week end at his home in \ Munghaw House. B lesherton, Thursday, Midland and with friends in Toronto. ] April 4th. Odd sizes 12 inch leather top heavy bottom rubbers clearing at 84 09 Dever Bres., Proton. Mr. H. Toms of the Standard Bunk is spending a few days at his home in Newcastle. Mr. and Mra. I. J. Thompson and family desire to thank their many friends for their kindness anJ sympathy during their recent bereavement. The Eugenia L' F U will meet in the Orange hall ou Saturday, March 2.~i. i 8 p. m Full attendance is requested Edsjar Lintoo, Sec. An Order in Council has pwsed, authorizing the amalgamation of the A. ma' line of ginghams to clear at 22u this week ; 3t> inch wide dark rianelette 5 yards for $1. Dever Bros, Proton. Mr. John Wright of Proton has sold ' Merchants' Bank of Muntn-nl, and here- his brickyard to Councillor S. Bstcheler. ! after all branches of the Merchants will who takes possession on \\ '.'. 1">. he known as the Bank of Montreal. Use the Advance if you hve anything ; A despatch from Ottawa soys : Miss to sell or if you wish to buy anything. . Agnes McPhiil, Canada's first lady mem A little liner does wonders. | er, has decided not to About 5(JO bushels more sw;e6 clovor | wilicl.anup our orders. Send sample' ; Devti- Brcs , Proton. miike Iru tii-; bow In this debate, but to wait until some later opportunity presents itself for the delivery of her maiden speech. The following officers were elected in \vHll the I'irty who took the small gate from the skating riuk lot uu Halloween please return anme to Mrs. W. Boyd and oblige. Karstedt Bros, at Pr'cevilld are hold ion Dollar Days on Friday and Saturday of this week. See their advertisement Christian Stewardship Mrs. W. A. Arm- the Missionary Au.xi'Ury last week : Pres , Mrs. W Thurttun ; 1st V. P Mra Jos Clinton; 2nd V. P. Mrs H Down; Rec. Sec Mrs. G. Mitchell; Uor. Sec. Mrs. Hickling; Stranuer's Sec., Mrs. Holland: Treas. Mrs. Cargo;; Supt. strong; Mission Band Superintendent Mr*. E. C. Murray; Mrs. Armstrong \vn appointed delu^n'e to the Branch Meeting with Mrs. W. Moore as alternate. For Sale- About .")0 bush.-l while soed peas, small. Alsj Durham bull 14 months old, eligible for regis'ra'ion. . J. Alcox, Matkdale. Walter Thompson on page 8 for some of the reducfons. There was no show iu the theatre last Thuad.iy night on account nf Mr Waldeu not being able to get through, but it was ' given ou Monday night before a large j crowd. A St. Patrick's soci-il was given ut the ' Methodist church on Monday evening ; aiid a royal time was spent in grimes, etc. Maybe the best part of the prof-ram was the Irish supper given at the close. \ R,iJ death occurred on Wednesday Mr. and Mrs llarry Logurd and ; ot hst week wlK-n Walter Thompson, daughter Etta, are leaving the last of the | only s^n of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Thomp- week to take up their residence in TVr- i son of Fleshertnn, pissed away at hU onto. Mr. S. Sample expects to move ' home, Stone's line, at the e-uly ago of 28 on t) tlic former's place. yius. In July of last year he was Mr. Percy McLeod, son nf Mr. nd stricken with a slight paralytic stroke Mrs. Donald McLeod, who] has been ' while working on a po,e at Chatswoith living in Hexiim for some time^ h.s^becn , f<)r the M ro - but was able to resuh the appoiDted manager of a dontal supply K round without falling. He then loft house there, with which he has been the hydn-, with whom he was einployc-1, identified. The position curies with it ! "! hik f' lthl!r purchased a faun for hi:n a uood salary. The Advance tenders its ! lhe Stone line last fall wher he has congratulations. [ sinca 1)een sidi "S- Hu ] ^ ves w 'fe ,. , , and fwo little children a daughter, two Tha Hepwortb Progress, which lias years old and son six months old. Week before last he had another attack and this was followed by several others, until noon on Wednesday he pus-s^d awiy. The funeral took placa to Flesherton The been published at He;>worth for many years, will suspend publication this week. Tim is one more paper added to the euuilty list of li>o*l newspapers during the past few years. Mr. W, B. .,,. ? ... , m . ,, , rwraetery on Friday aftomoon. Kmch, who has edited The Progress for i *f , kw.fc sorrowing family have the sympathy nf the past few years has found that ' ,, ... many 10 their bdreavenuut. running a newspaper in a small village is not a paying investment. Whilu workmen were unloading some deer for the Pheasant Island menagerie oue day last week a crate fell and the The pallbearers were Thos. A. Bowers, R. Vail, L. Smith, Qeo. McTavih, Geo. Brackenbury and Krn'e Proctor. The friends from a distance were : Mr A j and Mis. R. W. Thistle, Mrs H. Vail merry chase was then entered upon. The | and 8JD R - W - Mrs Albert Callnnrlar, little animal gave a nice exhibition of j aud Mr Thomas Albert Bwers, from fenoe jumping and finally brought up in Shelbume ; Mr George Thompson ^, , ...... i? '. K.. i .:h t Joseph Thompson from Maxwell. it cou'ained was liberated and The New Fashion Malcolm Ferguson's barnyard with nib cattle. The bunch was then driven into the tble, a strange thing about it being that, the deer led the way. It was a yearling. Ptuuaps the fashion liaau't reached Mr. Ed Best of town injured his leg Meafurd yet. If not look for it. We last summer and it has been troubling ">en tha new order which decrees that . . .S bun ever since. ToroutM and had when it was discovered that a ligam.Mit ' a Free Srato and therefcro open to imt- hid baau torn. His limb his been put rimoniil euUngleinents. A girl is in a plaster cast, where it 'will have to j engaged or not, according to Hi nso she 'eniAin for six weeks. Mr Best d"fi nut : nwkas of her buckles. If her goloshis know how the injui-y was received, but are unloosed so arj hot affections The thinks it was done while operating a ring, symbol of subjection, is out of date, mad grader. i Mo-vfu-d Mirror. List week he weufc to i unbuckled goloshes seen tl 'M>ing along an x ray examination ! the street proclaim the fair woator to l>n New Developments At Pheasant Island The developments at Pneasaut I.-K J in the hydro pond ;it Eugenia have betn ?"ing on npnce during the past week, and H new objective baa been presented by tli-4>d renpoiuible, nothing less than the inauguration : a deer park. Three an- Itn'ils were unloaded at this station last Week as a unclens for a desr ranch there. A large load of pheasant faed probably dried Hies and grubs was also delivered a this scaticn here last week. \Vha the next move will be we do not knew, but will try and keep our readers in- formed. Evnts ought to move alcng quite fiat out there. Several of cur exchanges have now opened their guns on i hid foolish M|uanderii.g of public t'.Ki'it, and we may soon expect to see the fur By. Th promoters must come out into the open and let the fiiblic into their confidence or tne member for S.'Uth Grey will get a jolt that will <*ak- him up. Bere is a chanca for him to do nomathing a chance which should arr use him from HIH lethargy, if anything will- The other day Mr. John Boland, a man of standing in this community, told the Advance that our lugnegtion that the experimenters include a groundhog de- partment in their actiuties, with u view to improving its fur, w is biting the right "The groundhcg, : ' Mr. Boland said, " never had a place in society. ' Now is an opportune timu, as pheasant Island is already honeycombed with grjundhi g holes. The stock is right there, It would no doubt pay min? a8 well as the pheasants to breed ground- hogs for i he Its lion quarter in Toronto, even if the improvement of its fur proved a failure. Spring Millinery We take pleasure in announcing that our Millinery Department will this season be in charge of Miss E. Sandiland, who comes to us highly recommended as a very capable and experienced milliner. . A tasteful collection of early Spring styles in read- to-wear and trimmed hats is already on display, and the Department ready for Spring business. NEW GOODS~FOR SPRING Men's felt hats, new shades $3.50 and $3.76 Men's Spring Caps, novelties 1.75 to 2 50 Men's new Neckwear l.QO to 225 New Check Ginghams :jQc to 40c Prints and Galateas 25c to 40c Yard wide Fancy Flannelettes 25c to 30c Congoleum Rugs $ 18 M eaah Four yard wide heavy Linoleum $4.50 vd. Men's Rubber P>oots, *> to 1 1 4.50 to "7.50 Ames Holden Rubbers for every si/e and last ; Now Wall Papers altreasonably priced ; Braadram. Henderson ready mixed Paints. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON .. ONTARIO THE FARMERS' PAPER EVERY OTHER DAY The Farmers' Sun, which has been enlarged and improved, is now published EVKUV OTHER DAY. This forward step was taken %i the earnest re4>iest of' Sun it-id. -is who wished a farm news- piper which would ^ive a summary of world now.", rrore fre'iuent markets (for: which '.hi! Sun is noteii), tog"ther with; a paper which is sjinpilkolic to the far.ners' viewpoiut. All thiMe- are found] in the bun. N;i other farm paper enuals the Farmers' Sun in the servicj it rea | ders to iu reauets. When you subset ibe fi.r a farm paper, labaoribe for the tmn-rs Smi k owned by the f tuners .ihd [ . ublithud in iheir interests. The jubscripticn price of the trUweekiy Sun is only S2 00 pt>r year or three years for $;"> 00. Why spend $5 00 for a city u-iily when you s;et all you rtijuire through the Farmers' Sun for S'- 00 pei yoar i AdJresc all letters to the Fanners' Sun, Toronto. Auction Sales S. Batcheler, lot 118-11'.*, S. W, Arieuwsin, will hold a credit sale of firm stock and implements on Friday, March :51. See advt and bills. D. McPhail, auctioneer. Credit auc". i. 11 *.ilu r.f household fur- niture, poultry, eto , c.n lot 7, cou. ii. Osprey, .n Wed uesday. March 2!, the property ..f Mrs. J.'hn Dana. William Kaittini.', auctioneer. Cn-di'. auction .nila of firm stock and ' implements on lot li. cm). 8. Osprey. on fnnrsdsy, March :. the | roper* y ..f R. K Purvis. Win KaittlDg uctioner. !:::::!!! :ii::::::::::i:::::;;:::;: ........... . . . ' ***" in jsjjjsissi! .,.,'; ' * " j a " *. For if-li H. P. Uo -';, H. P. engines in tirst class repair. To IJD sold at a bargain. H. Down and Sons, Fl!sherti-n. Right Now W w^ Leave your Repairing in now before the Spring rush a* T- - ' ... ... . ' . Bronchitis Colds and Coughs Blown to atoms Every trace completely removed by iLo World's most powerful preparation Buckley's Bronchitis Mixture Fully guaranteed to give you relief or money refunded. 4O Doses for 7 Bo Sold by all druggists or by mail from W. K. Bucklty. L.nnleJ. 142 Mulllll St. Totmlo MAIL CONTRACT .> 3f S.-.ili'd '[YiidtT-.iiMri-HMMl t.alii.' (riuiernl. will bo rfci-iwil at Ottawa until u"n on Kri.iay, tlif 'Jlst -if April. }'.>'-'. fr the . .i!\ i-vaiin- "t Hi- AfaJMty's M:iiN. M i pnipus dCcntraot fur four yoans >i^ tlui.- ;>pr i wi'ck. "ii iliu nmti FLESFIKRTOX R. R. N' >. J hum the 1st of .Inly n. '. Printoil ti.'tir' < oontaininit further informa- ' THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO | iHf^n^Kififff^f^^f^sin^ffif^fffi9^^ Sold in FLESHERTON by W. J. Stewart & Sons and in CEYLON by Miss Millie Cook tiuii :i tuCimditioiiH .-f |irn|iiiM-il ' '"iitriclin.-iy I IH- wiH-ii and bhink furins i.| 'IVii'li-r tnnv 1 .- ', n!>l;ii:ird ^it tin- l'"-t I )iti>.-ej .it K'i--in-i n ami :it tin; otfi;c u[ tlif 1'nst Olfici- [iiH|>t-t"r. j Toronto, A. srTHHKI.ANK , I'.u. i (tfliv lni| ctor. 1'unt Ollic.-'.- l >lfi v. Toronto, March. 10th. 1!'J'J. RST *ND PARAMOOAil; .Assount HCURIH TO POUOWLOERS :jfl ' have no one dependent upon me," * you say. Before many years there will be an old man dependent upon you. That will be yourself. Don't you think it worth while to provide for him ? A few dollars saved each year now when you can spare the money and invested in an Imperial Endowment policy will furn- ish a regular monthly pension to support you in comfort and independence when you are old. Write to-day while you are in good health for a copy of our booklet, " Penniless Old Men." To-morrow you may be uninaurable. THE IMPERIAL LIFE Assurance Company of Canada HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO E. Henry Agent Flesherton CeptrritM SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINHIII Your Opportunity To obtain that machine you have been going to buy. We offer for sale the following gramophones at exceedingly low prices and on terms that will make it very easy for those wishing to own a mus- ical instrument to pay for same- Columbia Grafonola Cabinet Style -Funieil OaK. all exposed parts heavily nickled. Price $95.00. Tim machino equipped with non-sec automatic stop. The only machino with this in the world. $5.00 DOWN, $5.00 MONTHLY Windsor Phonograph Full Cabinet Style -.Mahogany finish -Plays all records, toue moderator. A wonderful phono- graph nr ii low price $80.00. $5.00 DOWN, $5.00 MONTHLY Columbia Grafonola Table Style Fumed Oak A fine machine for the price we ask and of pleasing design $60.00. $5.00 DOWN, $5.00 MONTHLY Stewart Phongraphs In Mahogany finish A grand little instrument for its si/e. We will clear these machines out at $12.00 each. $2.00 down, $2 monthly. THINK over these genuine bargains and come in and let us demonstrate for you. Remember the low prices and easy terms W. A. ARMSTRONG Jeweler and Optician FLESHERTON . /'*rt