Flesherton Advance, 23 Mar 1922, p. 8

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T3E FLESHEKTON ADVANCE * . * > > > Spring |Is Here Is your Car ready for the road? If not, l.ring it into us and we will put it in A I shape. If there is anything in Implements don't don't forget we nandle the International line. We specialise in l>ra/ing and welding. H. Down &'Sons A Flesherton Spring Term Opens April 3rd, 1922 6h*0*r*f*ygM Practical coimes Expert inMiuc lion Individual instruction Employment dtqnitmem C. A. FLEMING. F.C A . Principal since 1881 . G. D. FLEMING, Secretary Yonge and Cbarlcs Streets, Toronto I s'rictly hr<it class in all Ui-psit- meirs nnd uucicelled in the Domin- ion. Studenti assisted to obtain Employment. Enter any time. Wiite f r our huiidhome catalogue. *V. J. ELLIOTT. PRINCIPAL Boar For Service Pure bled Uegisterea Yorkshire linur for Hwvicja Maxwell .luck 021KW on fol 107, S. W. T. & S. 11,, Ar'emesia. Terms (LOO- Sown n it rfturnod will be charged Hume i- those in pig. 10.4.19 T. J. STINSON Bull For Service Pure bnd Durham bull, No 14IW13 for erice'on lot 162. S W T A S K, Aitc- ii, -i i Terms $'2 for graden. $. r > for thorouxhbreds. O. A KINS, 1'rop in ay 1 BOAR for SERVICE Purebred Tain worth Boir for service im lot 17, S W T arid S E , Aitem.'Bm., Tertii" 11.60. Bows nut returned will be crmrxt'd gania thov: in pu-. Fob 15 T. J.STINSON, l'r..p Flest^erton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Give Kntlre Hatisfanlini LAUNDRY Banket cl'/ses, Mondaj night, delivery FnQay ev CLEANING and DYEINO- We .ir gent M for Parker'8 Dy Works Clot hen leaned and dyed, featherx rejuvenatorl T FISHER- -PBOPRIETOK AUCTION SALE [Ol Kurm Stock. Implement', e'c, on Lot l~rt-17'.' S SV, Aitemebin, Friday, March 31st, 1922, l'1'he property of s. ;BATCHELER the following articles will be ollcred for sale : HOUSES- - Registered C.jde ware, U yc:irs ol j, iu foal ; Clyde liily iism one year, eligible for registration ; grey Per- heion mate lUing 4 jeais. CATTLE- C.<w H years old calf at foot, cow 7 years old calf at foot, cow H yean. >>K1 due lime of sile, cow 4 yean old due in April, puie lired Hertford bull 1 year uld, Hteer '2 years oH, 2 steeis 1 year old, 'J he ( i - 2 years old, 2 calves. SHKKC--81 ewes, Nome with limbs ; puru bred Oxford I>own ram, 1 pr g- ee IVICI.KMKNTS Mc<J..rmick binder ti foot cut, two Frost A- Wood moweis, Mil'oiinick hay raki>, McCnrm : rk disc linn/*, l)iii ting din 1 drill nearly MM, I'c, ;;i,/ luy loader, two furrow riding plow, cutter, nx't pu'per, Toronto cleaner and grader fanning mil', L'OMi.K s. i ., set npring to'ilh hairows, set 12 bull haiTonp. 1.'! inch grain chopper, 14 I irue- power lricii"ii .Siwyer Massey engine, wood frawing out lit, 7"' fee' of eight iiich rubber I elting, American WouliT cream separator nearly new, e' tram liariiebu crutch nreeclrn;;, set p'ou^h harm rx, t.et i '.diving liami'H.s, mail box, i|untily std nils i ' u, . i i l'i i'li . and other mliclun luo iiuinemuN In menliou. TKIIMS- (Uts, fowl and sum* of f H Hiul under, cnuli ; ov.-r that Hinouiit II mnnllih n M' will be given on approved j lint ii-itui-, or.'> per cent, per HIII/UHI oil fin rixli in lieu of notes. N'i i. i ic, an the farm hit* been H >ld. 1) McCHAIL, Andi'meer. An Ottawa Letter M McPhail Writet Entertainingly About Opening of Parliament Ottawa, Mircli 12, 1022. Editor Advance ; Der Sir, Now i hat the first days of opening are over, my thoughts turn back t.ilu' home cfiuttitiieiicy of South-Kaxt Grey, and although I know that thu I- '/''is trould cuntaiu veiy full account of die ' i i i,nu, still [ "n-il'ly T i in K' ve some little side litthtt on ii that h;ivo been mi-.- . i by mote funnal writcrg. On Wednesday, March 8ih, we took our seat*, and, as wa8 unavoidable with si many new members, we were an un- certa'ii lookinj; crowd, lackinji.ihe case of manner Khown by experienced pallia- in nt.ii i:.n- . The ii'.ui'.' of each member is on u card atlached to the side of his Je.sk, nud eo we had no ditliculiy in i.n iihi' where we belonged. My seat i In the front row nnd my seat mate, our good friend from Dufferin, Ml. K. J- Woods. Mr. K '!'_ HMS _' n a good reception ,\ ' "ii he took his place tilt) first time HH CctnaJi'.s premier. Suon three great knocks CHIIIG 10 ihe door ol the Uommons and filet some pit lev at the door tVie uglier of ill bUck lod wan admitted. He ' iiuf in walking mott airily and gwe ihree profound bows and informed us that our presence was desired immcdi- a'ely at the bai of the Senate chamber. The Cunirnons then tiled out, with the fenmii'iit lending, and camn to the lr. Of course only a very few of the -'i uiemticrs could !.'<' to the litir, and, . .- ni-r there WIH just one woman, I , .- iven a j' - .1 ID the front totwetn twi> cabinet miiiisturs. While we ueie standing tlmre, beimj itifonned by a drpuiv of the (iavernor Genernl iht wo woie to i;u hack tu the C'linmons and u'tct a fiUfBker Jtll of which we mew bcfoie We came, iiud which *e at once proceeded to do I heard n gui'il juke T*o niiii- LiberalA were imnu'diately behind me, iinil in luoking over the Senators as they sat in their chamber, ne Hiid to the othtr, " There's Archie McCii-." His companion could not liuJ him for a few minutes nnd then sudden'y he miw him HIH! paid, " That's Archie, 'l koKirg aa natuiiil us if hemio i'lltHH ' c'urclully Conected h'ncli Wt-tk Barley 70 to 70 Cons 1 25 to 1 25 KiK'kwhen 1 . HO to HO 1'ntatn.s 1 30 to 1 Mil App!.'H 4 00 to 4 00 Umt.tr "22 to 024 K(fi,B 'J.'l -,o 2M Winter Wheat 1 05 to 1 05 Spring \Vheat 1 1)0 to 1 ON OatN . 4."i t.. 'l,"i I Dollar Days In] Price ville's Busy Store FRI. & SAT., MARCH 24-25 Below are a few Special Offerings for these days for cash or produce. _ Only one lot to each customer in order to allow these bargains to go round Factory Cotton fc yards for - $1.00 Cotton Towelling, 8 yds. for 1. 00 White iSJ Blue Fl'ctte 5 yds. 1.00 Bordered Apron Gingham 4 yds. 1.00 Chainbray-s, 5 yards for 1.00 Ladies' Lisle hose, 6 pairs for - 1.00 Uroiid Hake Pans, 4 for - $1.00 Jap. Chamber Pails 1.1(0 Cold I >last Lanterns - i.OO Galv. Wash Boilers \.-2i) Wire nails i'] in. up, 20 Ihs. - 1.00 Men's Bine Denim Overalls - $1.00 Reg. 1.75 value .Men's Navy Blue Suits - L'5 00 Reg 30.00 value Men's black Cash, ho.se 2 prs. - 1.00 Reg. 75c value Men's Work Slrirts oood value at *i.-j-. 1.00 Simmon's Mattress orecuLnbei $16.00 Simmon's Mattress \vmie Label 1O.OO Simmon's all felt Mattress - 7.0(1 Bed Springs - 5.00 Granulated Sugar, 14 Ibs. $1.00 New Prunes 70-80, 6 Ibs. $1.00 Laundry soap, asstd. 15 bars 1.00 Tap Figs, No. I, 9 Ibs. $1.00 Heinz Sweet Pickles, in bulk, per pint 40 cts. SPECIAL To the Lady or Gentleman buying the largest aiuount in nierclianclisi.' on either the one or both days, we wiil give the choice of 1 pair shoes from our stock lor $1.00 KSjgyZtSf^^'^? : ^TSy^vST<^TS^^TSy> Flesherton Tin Shop I have just placed on tlic shelves a full line ol Tinware, Nickelware ami Agateware for domestic I use. ('all on me and get your supples. Eavetrougliing, Stovepipes and Stove Furnish Repairing of a kin I < pro aptly atten-ietl to. Pipelitting, mclmling pump work. Furnaces installed. Agent for Clare Hros. Furnaces. D. McKILLOP CHRISTOK BLOCK t FLESHERTON j ONTARIO. \firr we were once more seated in the OommuDB, Mr. K'i-4 in it complimentary . ivh iiuiiiiiiatud Mr. L^mieux of (iaspo, i,uet'i'i', us Speaker. Air. Fielding w tin' <"!. iU-i uf thin iii"l inn. Mr.MeighMl truce to oritioilt Mr. King licciune ho ha i iiriunted indeed announcod Minn 1 wi t \\x Hgo thai Mr. Lemieiix ui.n'il IIH the Speaker, although in llieoiy we were lipp sed to lie electing him ib.it day. Mr. M, .!.. i, referred to the fact that | tin- Ifntihh House <>f Commons most jiuthmsly gu.itdeil theii rights to really e'i'ol a Spe:iki i, n I lie thought the same pefereiK't) oh'itiM b<; shon by Ihe priinu ii'ii. i to the ' n, in 'ii i I. cic He then tnnk a littlu wlap at Mr. Lemienx, recanting KuiiiK ut'ertnces of hix duiins; (In 1 CHtnpik'gn. II did not, however, huik up his CM' in by nominatint; .n/) , nc else as speaker. He did say that lie Ii ii.!.' it wnuld l//nc been t.-im if .Mr. Hoivin, who had mule a most able deputy InM |ii luiniciit ,lm-l been elevated this time to the Speaker's chair, and I ,\ . .1 mi why thin wns not done ; he, of ( .VI people, knowing, I shou'd ihinli. that ' it wiit. I'ecause Mr. Knivin had flirted with MM ',. n ijiiite cpi'iily during the dyiiiK hums of the lust administration. Mr. (Jrenii lullowcd in a happy, pleasing "pi'i'ch and caused the bent laugh of the day when he assured Mr. Lrmieux th/tt the fill ipiiUIrd nun \ i Icil WHS talked of no much l;i i Hti8ion would give him ii i \ penitioti in pieserving order in In! llmis.'. \Vo ihi>n ailj'nune'd until .'I >'cl..ck mi Tburtdny. I hi 'I'liurMlay, after we were In i ur lace in tlie House nf Commons, the [real knock* camo at tho door as tufoie Again i lie parley, the Ii ' ,tbc filinif out, hit i nk. n- of positions at thu bar (,f the 4ttnate. Hut this time, instead of the 'mi r.ab'u old M'ti-ktors, we saw a dy./. ing u i n of " fnir women >m I biaro men " consuls nf Japan i ml (,'hina nnd i li.'i countries ; L'rul.. Governors of the [irovincos ; dignitaries of t'hurch and ; wives of Heiminrs ,m I member) : mil two galleries craiiiint'd with lesser i. Ueie thu Oovernor-Oeneral, Lord , mad the Addivas from tha Throne irhlotl WHS lunger than Ufiual and more ipeciliu U .HI usuitl, althnii^h still dtiligbt' iilly inilitiiii'e. It touched on tude 1,'ji: i , ' i I.' , iini'inpliiymont, drop in fn: Hi I'M--' ; hinted at slight i.u/ll .htnges, cno-d'Dating exiting railroads, noreaiiini; denirible immigration, cumin- i ng loldieid' r<ottftb|j(t)(nenr, mid denl- uiij with tin' i|iii'iiioii of provinciiil con' cf natiiia: rosourci'S of the prov.uce'. Wo HK<in went, luck to Iho Chamber, -, w'uiro ufter u splendid dispUy of doSiool- | b..y scrap helwenn Mr. Mii/licn itn>l Mr. )( K'i. . winch Ci/u'd nut IIB di.^tinctly hetul |( iinin when) I sat, but whoh tho pipeis jijj! ''ild ui iv.is about ibo liktl.ng of the ;le'ibf ' ,ilinns of the OonferOOM if Crime nn-ic.- of the Kuipiie, the House Dollar Days KARSTEDT BROS. Priceville, Ont. Dollar Days J adjourned until '!. foSlowii-^ Mi-ndiy. I will try from lime to tim<- to vrito tu a few cf ilh' h IIIH- piper 1 - I <m'd be yUd to lie.ir { inn anyiiiiu Ht any lime in any Mibj c 1 . AtiNK.sr .M SMALL ADS. For Sale -Five or MIX ton* jood tim- othy hy--D. Muir, Or) Inn. A few wt-tiiorn cuts on hand for sale Frank full niiip, Ceylon. \\anted VOUIIK iiniiricil IIII.M to -cik on firm, free hmne F. (i. KaiMtedl, ' For Sle About -0 bu.-hel .M.ii.n, . li Clovei aetd Fnd \V. Suulh, It It No .' Klesberton. Lost Two clu |iie liookN mi'l nceipiK between Cryion anil the Davis furui, Toronto Inn, noilli, on Siturday, Murch Finder plrnso leavo at this ctlice.. . r^pi |Mi lOl I I I II II For 8alo--One horsa WKIJOII, good rnn., extend tin tble and numeroui other articles to b sold this week, m the owner is leavini;. II. Legaid, Kle.shcrton Shingles New Brunswick White Cedar Shingles Same iisUiitariu'smict seiuo tliickne;s Call or 'phone fur price W. A. ARMSTRONG FLESHERTON FOR SALE 1 8 inch Maplo Leaf (iiinder, 1 14 inch Cutti ig H x cotnpleto with lllower I J bofltpoiffr (!. F. l>rm:kenbiny, Fleghe/rton Insurance Is Good, But Insurance will, in a measure, repay you for loss from fire due to lightning. But if will not prevent the fire. It takes the DODD System of Lightning Pro- tection to do that. In the past thirty years over 300,000 buildings have been rodded by the DODD System and in not a single instance is there a record of the DODD System properly installed, having fail- ed to prevent damage by lightning. The fact that you haven't yet suffered loss by lightning only means that you are fortunate, not that you are proof against it. Atk us today what it will cost you to have DODD protection* S. HEMPHILL Ceylon, Ontario. AN INVITATION Ii rx'cnd.'d to nil to v'.-it tin- MATTHEW BARBER SHOP in tlu> Murphy House, Markdale Courteous Tri'i merit 'I'ho Beat nf Tonic* in id Lii-j Kirst CIssR Workmanship Hair Cut 25c. J. F. MATTHEWS MARKDALE BARBER AND TOBACCONIST iilJBia Up-to-date Clothing Perfect in workmanship anil style. Clothing uiai'e to orde. Serges, Worsteds and Tweads on hand also a good lin(> of Men's and Hoys' stylish Ready-to-wear Suits & Overcoats All at lowest possible prices. Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing H, ALEXANDER Merchant Tailor Feversham, - Ontario

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