Flesherton Advance, 13 Apr 1922, p. 3

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BITS OP RUMOR ROM HERE 6TMI8f Unwilling Pupil. Visitor "WeH, my little man, you like going to school?" Littie Man (aged six) "Yes; I don't like staying there." do : but tie result of a race whfeh hd been run that day. Knowing nothing about racing, and feeling bound to justify bid existence, the iiivei'iivH youth had the following Inspired paragraph inserted in the paper next morning: "We regret to announce the death at Lincoln at 3.50 yesterday afternoon of the Very Reverend Dean Swift, the author of the well known hymn 'The Roseate Hues of Early Dawn.' " On Friendly Terms. Little Louise was lest on the street ami was brought into the police sta- tion. The officers tried in every way to learn her name. Finally one of the officers said: "What name does your mother call your father?" "Why," said Louise, very inmocontly, "ahe don't call him any name, she likes him." Knew Something. A postmistress in a village was very fond of tampering with the parcels. One day a boy came in with a large piece of bride's cake, and said, "My sister sent thto to you." "Oh, thank you," said the woman. "Tell her I have a weakness for bride's cake." The boy eyed her coldly and said: "She snt it to you to get tihe edge off your appetite afore she xende away the boxes." It Ha* It* Uses. An old Scotchwoman., much againet heir will, was induced to ait for her picture, the first she had taken since ih was a girl in her teens. Wli<en the photograph was handed to her she (ailed to recognize herself. She thought there must be come mistake, "la this me?" she asked. "Yes, ma- dam," said the photographer, "and H's a speaking likeness." The old lady K;t /,i-il at her counterfeit presentment for a full minute in silence. "Aweel!" he said resignedly, "it'e a humblin' Bicht." What Worried Horace. Horace No-rsworthy, of Morpeth. is the champion grouch. His pastor said to him one day: "WeH. Horace, you're a great grow- ler and complaiiver, but you certainly can't growl and complain this year about your potato crop. Why, man, (they tell me that both in quantity and quality it's the finest potato crop in Kent County." "Oh, yes/' muttered Horace, "that's all right as far as it goes, doctor, but *..!. am I goin' to get the bad pota- toes to feed me hogs?" A Dead Beat. Pat, while on a visit to America, be- came deeply interested in watching a Yankee gardener. After a while the following dialogue took place: Yank "Some fine vegetables here, Pat!" Pat "Yes." Yank "I once grew a cabbage which, when cut iu two, and the heart removed, made a grand cradle for kiddies!" Pat "Begorra! But It mutt have been a mighty ttm> one. Bufr wo have some lino vegetables in old Ireland. I once remember seeing three men sleeping on one beet!" Yank "Three men?" Pat "Sure! Policemen!" Revised Version. A young Australian reporter was left In charge of th news room one evening. Suddenly he was confronted with, to him, an inexplicable cable from Kngland. It ran: "Lincoln, 3.50. Dean Swift Obit Roseate Dawn," and was. in fact. Totems That Tell Tales. From the British lien to the Chinese dragon, the old states of the world looked to the animals for the designs for their national crests: The Prussian eagle ami the Gallic cock, like the British lion, signify strength and pride; but new nations have also their official crest*, or to- tems, and in nearly every case we find the choice has fallen ou some kind of SPRING IMPURITIES DUE TO POOR BLOOD A Tonic Medicine a Necessity at This Season. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are an all- year-round tonic for tho blood and nerves. But they are especially valu- able In the 8i>riug when the system is loaded with impurities a a result of the Indoor life of the winter months. There is no other season when the j Better Than Gold Mines. Peru lis many gold ami silver'; but tbe guano deponlts on the j i]<UKlfl, whioli extend at intervals ' a I in IK one thousand miles of cran*t, are fur more valuable. I Hundreds of millions of tone have been exported, and as Che pre-war price was generally In ttoe neighbor- hood of ten pounde a ton, it is evident tiht even eeabirde hav their value, and that Ui poset*lon of a guano isluud Is a short cut to fortune. These guano depoits are sometimes of great depth EO d^ep. In fact, that tho lower stratum is as hard as lime- j i stone, and dates back to remote > IT'S SIMPLY GRAND SAYS MRS. ALLISON Classified Advertisements F/UUI HOtl WANTED, and price. Palla, \VU. BEND DBBCRIP- Jolni J. ' Hlack, CANADIAN MATRIMONIAL I'AI'ER. ZlK. No other fee. A. McCreerjr. ChRttmrn. Ont, COULD HARDLY EAT 17 ENOUGH TO KEEP ALIVE BEFORE SHE GOT TANLAC. periods long before the sight of a man ever disturbed the countless millions of birds which generation after gene- ration have nested on the island*. These totems tell tales to the in- terested observer. In most instances the figure chosen i a link with the past. It may be sentiment or busi- ness which sways the choice, but the animal is there. The totems of a na- tion or state are often shown on their poetag.e-6'tampe. The Canadian beaver and the kan- garoo of Australia are natural enough, but Canada pays her tribute to senti- ment by also adopting the maple-leaf. On the Mumps of the United States there is a pilture-gallery Illustrative of national history, from the buffalo being hunted by the Red Man to the self-binders^ for prairie corn Sealing and cod-ftahing formed New- foundland's early trade, so on oldest colony stamps we find the hair seal, on another a codfish. A Newfound- land dog graces yet another stamp, evidently a concession to sentiment rather thau a record of trade. Japan's stamps* usually incline to bird objects, the osprey being a favor- ite choice. New Zealand inclines in thds direction. The apteryx is com- memorated oa the postal issues. Many of New Zealand's great men have been natural ists, and it 10 reasonable enough to find the strange fauna of the islands Imprinted on the stamps. Behiind the national emblem of the Republic of Guatemala, which is the trogon, a tropical bird of georgeous feathers and long tail-plume*, lies a small history-book in itself. This is one of the most interestug of bird em- blems, although the black wwans of Western Australia also have a story to tell. In India and Uie Far East the to- tems chosen vary from bounding tigers to a tortoise asleep beneath a ouconul-palm. Fancy runs riot in some postuge-stamps and national em- blems; but, traced back, there is al- ways reoscai behind th/e <-ltolce. In the totem we may read the pu*t. blood is so much iu need of purifying and enriching, and every dose of these | pills helps to enrich the blood. In I the spring one feels weak and tired I Dr. Williams' Pink Pills give strength. I In n U M P !n" g U ! e u al) ! )9 om V"? T' would 8*m incredible to anyone wh Dr. Williams Pink Pills develop the appetite, tone the stomach and aid weak digestion. It ia in the spring that poisons in the blood find an out- let in disfiguring pimples, eruptions and boils Dr. Williams' Pink Pills clear the skin becimse they go to the root of the trouble in the blood. In the spring anaemia, rheumatism, indi- Stomach Troubles Quickly ~11LLJ Overcome and She Now En- joys Perfect Health. "I was In a badly run down condi- tion and needed something to build me Such enormous quantities of guano 1 l P. and Tanlac certainly proved to be tho right medicine for me," said Mrs. W. H. Allison-, 68 Melbourne Ave., Toronto, Ont. "I was in miserable health for a ARN flO.OO TO J60-00 j'BR DA* vulcnnlilnir. Be Independent: w teach you. Write for particulars. Chief Instructor. Canada Vukanizer. London. Ont. A DIKE) WANTED TO DO PLAIN and ii. ,'.i sewing at home, whole or .spare time: Rood pay; work aenl any dta- tance; charges paid. Send stamp for particulars. National Manufacturing Mon>r '"- .U>K INTO JJI..YNKKTH AT pHce^ Y.,^ Pur. pnuml. Postage extra. Sweater yarns, six tieaiilll'ul colorH, neventy-nve cents. Samples free. (ieortfelown Woollen Mill*. Georgetown, Ontario. ABT10LK8 JOB SAX.B has not sren the wonderful Bigot any ; one of these islands presents in the j breeding season. The birds gather there in countless Humberts, hatching ' whole year and felt tired and drowsy gestion, neuralgia and many other troubles are most persistent because of poor, weak blood, and it is at this time when all nature takes on new life that the blood most seriously needs attention. Some people dose themselves with purgatives at tnls season, but these only further weaken themselves. A purgative merely gal- lops through the system, emptying the bowels, but does not help the blood. On the other hand, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills enrich the blood which reaches every nerve and every organ in the body, bring new strength and vigor to weak, easily tired men, women and children. Try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills this spring they will not disappoint you. Sold by all medicine dealers or sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Drockville, Ont. out their eggs in such clcse proximity lhat there is barely room to turn round. Cormorant* are the mo*t numerous species. A recent observer astimated that, there were ten million birds of this j I*** 81 species ;ilone sitting upon their eg's the time. I never felt like getting up in the morning, and my appetite was so poor I barely managed to eat enough to keep me up. Many days I couldn't do my housework, and the Left me completely tired away below my normal | Kl-:itKK>'KKS' SUPPLIES LANO- JL> HTJlOTlt mid Jumbo hives and furnishings, honey extractors, pumpa. engines and storage tanks; a complete stock of beoUeepIng requirements- uoncl for our catalogue. Ham Brothers Com- pany. Ltd.. Manufacturer*, Urantfoid. Ont. BEUTINO FOR *AL8 ALL KINDS OF ;:EW AND USBD telling, pulley*, aawa. cable.hoae.parklar. etc.. chipped nubject to approval at lotrell rices In Canada YORK HBI.TINU OO. 115 YORK. STREET. TORONTO. out. I wan "With All the Saints." "Certainly I am not so foolish aa to ; doubt the existence of God," Rob Kerr i declared. "The memory of my parents' j lives and prayers would prevent my ' doing iuii And I haven't forgotten their faith." "Don't you think that part of their | faith in God was the result of their i lifelong faithfulness to the church?" j Dr. Parker asked. "I am not prepared to answer that. They would have been the same , wherever they were. 1 believe that in one place at the one time. They would appear to feed in relays, one "shift" taking care of the eggs whilst i the other is at sea. It is an amazing fact that, among the tens of thousands o! nests, no bird .,, '!!] to make a mistake aa to which is her own. Gannets and pelicans are also very numerous. It is quite a usual sight to see twenty thousand ganneto busy fishing at the same time, and if the story is well founded that these vora- cious birds devour ten pounds of lish a day, it goes to prove the endless pos- sibilities of the ocean as a source of food supply for human beings as- well as birds. Thus one Mock, such as the above, may devour in the course of a day one hundred tons of lish. and an it ;- prob- able that one hundred million seabirde of different species, but all voracious, feed day by day off the coasts of Peru, a vary elementary sum will give the weight of lish consumed. The result- ing figure multiplied by tho number of day in a year staggwa the imagina- tion. weight, and my wretched health wor- ried me not a little. "Well, it surely was a delight to me i when I noticed a great improvement in my appetite after taking my lirst two bottles of Tanlac, nnd I saw then that it was a wonderful medicine. I am perfectly wtll now, can eat any- thing I want, nothing hurts UK-, and I feel htrong and well all tin- time. I can do my housework without a l>it of trouble. Tanlac is simply gniml." Tanliu- us sold by all good druggists. Advt. Keep creep. going; if you cannot walk, America'* Pton*r DOE Hook on DOG DISEASES and How to Fed Mulled Free to any Ad- c!resn b* Ilia Author. H. Clay (Hover Oo.. Inc. li'Si West _'4th Street New fork. U.S.A. The Origin of Our Marriage Customs. The "beat man" Is an essential fea- ture tn all our marriage*, and can be traced back to the daya of "marriage by capture," when bh "best man" was The Puzzled Wife. Mr. Goodman (showing his wife round his counting housw) "And thes are the day books." Mrs. Goodman "Yes. Show me the nig'hlt books." ^ Mr. Goodman (my.-tiiied) "The night books?" Mrs. Goodman "Yes; tho*e that you have to work over at night and that keep you down here until two o'clock In the morning." MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlota TORONTO SALT WORKS a J. CLIFF . TORONTO A Health Saving Reminder Don't Wait until you get the Spanish USE BABY'S HEALTH IN THE SPRING Did You Ever? A minister, with two lovely girls, entranced by the beauties of a flowing stream. A fisherman happen- ing by. and mistaking the minister's i their spiritual life grew out of their the comrade called upon by the brfde- occupation, said. "Ketchln* man, old personal relationship with God. And groom to assist in tho catching of his P* r d ? " bride. The "honeymoon" was not always a pleasure trip at* it ia now; originally it was a rapid flight of tho newly-mar- ried couple to escape the wrath of an outraged father. Thero Is no doubt that the bride and bridegroom deemed Minard's Liniment At the first sign of it. Its Healing Qualities ape Amazing. THE OLD RELIABLE. The Spr'ng ia a time or anxiety to mothers who have little ones' in the home. Conditions make It necessary . to keep the baby indoors. He Is often confined to overheated, badly venti- lated rooms and catches colds which rack his whole syslem. To guard against this a box of Baby's Own Tab- ! lots should be kept in the house and an cccu.ilonnl doso given tlu; baby to keep his stomach and bowels working regularly. This will prevent colds, roiihtlpiition or colic and koep biiby well. The Tablets arn sold by mdl- cinp dealers or by mall at Hf> cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockvllle, Ont. it is the IIIM--,. mil relationship that I j claim for myself. Times are ohanged now. Many of the customs and moth- | .)i!o of the church are obsolete and , InndeqnatB, and I feel that it Is poor ! bualnese to use them." I am interested iu the position you ' take," Dr. Parker said. "What or- ganization seems to you better titled j at least a month, to allow time for hia t'.ian the church to meet the need of.] vows of vengeance to cool down, to-day?" The custom of giving pruuenta to "I thought I made It clear that I j bridesmaids originated in a form of believe in a personal relationship with toll. The bride's girl friends went I am a nsher of men," answered the preacher with dignity. "Well," replied the fisherman, with I an admiring glance at the girls, "you I sure have the right kind of bait." A Japanese wooer presents his ' it advisable to keep out uf Ills way for sweetheart with a beautiful sash by way of an engagement token. NURSE THINKS NOTHING BETTER Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound Advised for all Women in Poor Health God." "Surely that is on of the founda- tion s-'toiR'is of the church! Do you mivin that you believe you can achieve such a relation-ship ln'ttcr outside the church t'ian iu it?" "Certainly quite as wi-11." The veiling 111:111 seemed a trilie nettled. "What I am trying to iiiidcr-'tiiiid." Dr. Parker continued^ "is why you hold such an attitude. Surely you don't take the same position toward business; you never would ignore It's not tho man who knows the most that hisa the most to say. through the form of preventing the bridegroom and his friends from tak- ing hor from "her homo, a mock battle onstied, each party pelting the other with sweetmeats, and this wns finally settled by t'.ie bridegroom making pro- -cuts to all the girls. The cast oin of throwing an old shoe ai'tor the disparting cohplu Is another link with the past, but writers on the ! history of marriage disagree as lo its origin. According to one view it originated in dive "marriage by cap- ture" dy, when, during a light at th Surnames and Their Origin POMEROY Variations Pommery, Lapommeraye, Appleyard, Applegarth. Racial Origin Norman-French. Source A locality. Ponieroy is a family mime belonging to that group which originated aw des- criptive of the locality In or near whiich tue original bearers of the mime lived. It means "apple yard." It is an old name in England, being traceable back to the days of Norman dominance, in which, together with the period following it, most of the English family nmes developed into .such from mere descriptive phrases. The original form of the name, as it i found in the old records, is "do la Pommieraye" ("of the Appleyard"). but live Saronlzed version appeared quite early, at first in the form of "Atte Appleyanl." and Uitw with t,he prefix eliminated. Pommery. of course, is simply a variation from Pomeroy in the devel- opment of the spelling from "Pom- mel-aye." . While Pomeroy in some instances i more recently imported from ;Pranee. the more usual form of the as existing in that country to- y IB L*pommray. There ha bean little difference in manner in which tire true French the Anglo-French family names developed In many cases they re almost. Identical. The principal "difference in trend, except iu the largo Ciltt*<rt of family names formed from dluiinut.ivra of given namea. has been ;tfhie dropping of all prefixes in England, while ttoo French, though dropping the qute often, havn tended to re- t.h "la" or "l." MacSWINEY Variations MacSweeney, McSweoney, Sweeney. McSwiggin, MacSwiggan, Sweeny. McSwiney, Swiney, Swy- ney. Swain, Swayne. Swcney. Racial Origin Irish. j Source A givon name. * There Is little doubt Mint, in many ' cases there- has been a confusion he- ! tween this group of Irish surnames i and the Scottish family names of the MacQiif en-MacSweyn class, for the giviin names from which the groups have been developed are quite simi- lar The Irish given name is "Suibli- neaeh." a.ud belongs to that fairy- name class which, incidentally, m al- most. .1 large among the Teutonic a# the Celtic races. It mertns literally the spirit, or apparition of the strawberry plant The Scottish name was "Sul- bhne." It. wae, however, from an en- tirely different source, being tn rea.ltty but the Gaelic: rendering of the Norse and Danisli name "Sweyn," The MacSuibhanealghe" olan in Ire- land was a branch of t'hie more an- cient O'Neills, of Tyrone, through one "Aodh Anrachan," brother of "Dona.l am-Togdliamh," one of the O'Neill princes, ami a brother of a "Sulbh- neach," who crossed ovor to Scotland and establisili'ed hinifielf there and in credited with being the founder of the MacLaughlains of that country. There were several divisions of the MacSwiney clan ultimately. Oi:u wa in Fnn>ad. Another bore tho name of "MacSiiiblianeiilghe na-Tualghu" (the MacHwineys of the Axe"). Another was in r.:m;iuii. and still unolher at Castle more, in Cork. The variations of tin- name at the of this article aio, of cniirne. y L.'i> Anglicized forms. business men's clubs and conferences and other means of co-operating." You bride's house, the nearest pi ings Unit wouldn't take the same ground in came handy wwe thrown. Another explanation is that it wa a symbolic act on tho part of the bride's- fatlier, signifying that he renounced all authority over his daughter. The throwing of rice was *ymlH>lic of abundance and fertility, and clearly expressed tine hope Lhat the bride would live In plenty. Tin; wedding oake. sAill cut by the bride, is one of the oldest marriage customs. The taking of food or drink together by the bride and bridegroom was always the principal, and some- timed the cnly. ceremony among primi- science and refuse to meet other men of scince or to make yourself faniMiar with thir discoveries. How thun can you think tflat Hob Kerr all by him- self IH going to become muster of the great, spiritual mysteries? St Paul, who kjKsw iliia business as well UH any man who ever lived, told his [>eoi>ln that they must leani tu appreln-mt cer- !?iti thlngM 'with all the. suint <.' In other words no man could iipm-chund all of them by himself. Yon h.ive ill- ready intimated that the thliiK that has held yoM steady has been, not your own experience, but that of your parents. Suppose you had not had such parents? How far would yottr own experience hav carried you?" There w;w silence for a mnx>nt. Then the old minister iheM out his hand. "Come ajid join your father's people. Hob. There are saints s>ttll, and we need their help." .; This Sid World. He "Durline. why are you so sud?" She (gulping down a sob) "Oh, dearest, I was just thinking tht will be our last, evening together until to- morrow night." Powder and Perfume With Cuticura Talcum An exquisitely scented, antiseptic powder. Gives quick relief to sun- burned or irritated skins, overcomes heavy perspiration, and imparts a delicate, lasting fragrance, leaving the skin sweet and wholesome. Su2Sc. OiD(nt2SindSOc. TilcuZSc. Sold throughout theUominion. Canadian Deput: " lani. Limited, 344 St. Paul St., W.. Mutml. 'Cuticura Soap l ivc without mug. Toronto, Ontario. "I took L-ydla B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for yoars and it is tho only patent medicine I ever recommend. I am a nurse and if I flud a woman is in poor health 1 always toll her to take ft. Although you know that doctors and nurses do uot use patent medi- cines I must say that I think there is nothing better than your Vcgetabla Compound. When I first took 10 many years ago, I was so tired when I got up in tho morning that I could not eat, and when I went, to ued L was too tired to sleep. My mother- in-law told me that Lyrtin E. Plnk- ham'9 Vegetable Compound was just what I wanted so I tried it and only took two bottles when I fnlt better: Since then 1 have found that there is nothing that makes me feel aa well, for It seems to build my system right up. I don't know any other medicine that has dono so much for women." MBS. W. 11. PARKF.U, 19 Wellesley Ave., Toronto, Ontario. Women testify apain and again, that they have been lu-lned by Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound "after other medicines have fnijod." It has been tried for nearly fifty years and not found wanting. If you are suffering from any of the various ailments which accom- pany female weakness try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. tive people, and this is still the case in many parts <>f Mie world to-day, -j Minard's Liniment prevents Spanish Flu Never mind otheis' iiiKra Shine on, 0, noble soul. "It. never troubles t'rw .->un that stoinu of his rays fall wklo amd vain into ungrateful space and oriy a s.nall par! en Iv. re- j " .Write it in your hart that every day is the best day of the year. Emerson. 'Oho conviction that you can will furnish bh power t)h.t can. viction ttoat you can't will whatever ahUsty you have. If you wiW takf the trouble to study and think, you will unquestionably : .-tai <|! out among your fellow*. If you will throw yourself into your job,: whatever il .is, study all you see and hear, really crave a chuincc to use all your powers, you need not generally , hunt success, for siu-ivss will seok : you out. A. Barton Hepburn. jf- A_ V Mlnard Liniment for Coughs and Colds DID PAIN DISTURB YOUR* SLEEP? THE pain and torture of rheu- matism can be quickly relieved by an application of Sloan's Liniment. It brings warmth, ease and comfort and lets you sleep soundly. T , Always have a bottle handy and ','"' apply when you feel the first: twinge, paralyze Jt p e ,,f.lratf,.t without rubbjpi. It's splendid to take the pain out of tired, aching muscles, sprains and strains, stiff joints, and lame hacks. For forty years pain's encniy. Ask your neighbor. At all druggit 35c, 70c, $1.40. Matto In Caniulf). liniment I3SUE No. 13 '22, WARNING! Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all. Why take chances? Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablels of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose "worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions tor Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggigt. Aiplrln t* the trarie mnri: (rn|l3tri<d tn Cndn > nt Hsi:, - Manufacture of Mono- acetlracldnitcr of ScllrylUacld. While It l well known that Aiplrln mtana Btyor manufacture lo aniiiit the putillc against Imltatloni, tun Tabjctn of Bayer Companr will b (tamped with ttflr central trada mark, >!\e r Cfoii."

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