Flesherton Advance, 13 Apr 1922, p. 6

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Melissa's Better Best Baby BY AGNES LIDDELL "What tomfoolery will those women b up So nrt?" Grandfather Tomnp- Irina, dumped m t*e big rwl rocker, reading the focal paper of graiin she cx>uld watch Dann outside, longed to be on* of those despised who dared to "be up" to things besides hard, gruelling labor. But she kept discreetly silent. Grandmother Tomp- kms didn't care what the women did. It was sure to be something silly, al- ways something to coax the dollars out of your pocket but never anything to put a penny hi. She miffed con- wanted to. For weeks the country talked of nothing but "that dowdy Larkin girrV good hick," a view which humble Melissa piously shared. finement. Proper feeding was his bath then," Carrie ignored Dan's ref-j h'>bi>y, but usu-i'Iy his teachiiiK.i fell erence to her late .rising. "Unless, on deaf oar. The avtrafte woman you've got time to do her, Meites'," she 'argued that mother and grandmother added hopefully. "CowM you? I've j and great-grandmother had fed every- got to curl my hair." thing to their babies, and s\)me of "I'm afraid r.ot." MeMwa wa* them lived or there wouldn't be anyone scrubbing the potatoes for siupper. hure now! i "I've got to get Danny"* bottle ready Melissa \vns among the few who 'yet and Mother Tompkina wants a listened. Sho abaci-bed aH he told her good lunch put up, and I must slick and wore out with much reading the up a little myself. The water's all feeding bulletin he gave her. A stray 'hot, though. Seems as if you could do a mother's maine fell intet if you hustbed." i ! -i ii i irrr tn^i ' - < j ' i t - . > .->'' *,^. * " - - ** of them thoug-ht for a moment that her hand, and rhe begged Dan toBtfn| "Oh, I can hustle as A i Dan was th lux-lev one. Meliwwi's pa- for ll for "*" " e onlv laughed. 1 here next," Carrie sniffed. Seizi tlence, dwirtion housewifely skill arid loyalty, her there wasn't a bet- ter cook nor a neater housekeeper for well as the Seizing the soil- were more f.npers com/ing if. to the | ed kitchen towel yhe dipped one comer house n >w than any two women could, of it in the basin of water which Dan, read three live stock journals nnd alfre^h from grooming horses, had jut THE SUNDAY SCHOOL APRIL 9 The Lord Preserves Joa*h, 2 King* 11: 1-4; 11-17. Golden Text P. 145: 20. their ministry to signify: (1) that they were set apart to God for a particular Time B.C. 841-8:30. Place Jerusalem. Lesson Foreword Jehoram, king of tor cook nor a neater nousoKoeper ior," - ; * j~- ; miles niwinrl-wero as nothing when P**7 Paper. She didn t need a paper j used to wash his hard*. Three swift tumbled into the scales against Dan's to te " hel- ^ * bnn U P a baby., swabs over Ruby Muriel's proUwtine :.u-u,, . - work and (2) that God's spirit was JU OL. .,. married Athaliah, the outpoured upon them to qualify them daughter of Ahab and Jezebel, king i for tnat work. and queen of northern Israel (see! The Death of Athaliah 13-17. Kings 8: 1G-18). At Jehoram's death, j y. 13. Athaliah heard the noise. Tha his son Ahazi-ah came to the throne, rO y. a ] ,,},i : i,.,. stood close to the temple . , ^ ____. o . r> ~ itn / i . . i 1\ . ! i>-i t ! i <IT ' ._ i ( t A\ i * * U _ acres and pure-bred stock. It must be said that Dan was n<vt insensible to his good fortune, though he credrited to 'his own shrewdsvess in picking oiit a wife. Melissa luad cook- tenrptuousiy and went on looking over ed for him and his father during the one ino rvth his mother had ever per- mitted hersetf to lx> sick, and Dan had beam. "They better stay at home and take care of their own >-oung ones," Grand- father Tompkins looked up from hi* column to Any woman who had one could tell herj face and a wipe at each hand oom- all she needcl to knovv. Melissa wouldj pleted the bath. Drying was even liave signed fcr it herelf, but hu more quickly done. A single dab at had nut the dollar. her face and a pat at each hand with - i * JU'*I a lively recollection of the firm white, But now the Baby Special wai coin- j the dry end of the towel left a fine ing and lhc;e would be mirsw and j foundation for the cheap face powder maybe doctors from the city with Ihejwith which Carrie sprinkled her off- very latest knowledge about taking j spring. % care of babies. Everybody would bei "There, who's going to know she flaky, j and mealy, nivd ham from ^ oyer afu| Datiny ; a bathr> she Banded. eggs >-. -lOT^T^S^ 2SJS* ** tun \ He Tto a learn something on baby tending if cafctrt* tm*. cool young chap, not to they had a mind 1 to." he glanced mean- be tru-kod, when it came to picking f w^ ,..,: Q tL-ilM Ktj nni/tt i.-w-j /lir(*-tlv IlUCr- , ingly through the door to where Dan- ny played contentedly on the porch. "But they better learn from their out a wife, by emotions directly trace- able to a saucy eye, a bobbing curl, or he among them. j "Now sit still, darling, while mamma Her planning was suspended by the ; dressf, and here's a banana for you." arrival of Han's youngest brother. Melissa permitted herself the lux- Dick, with his wife and a baby about ury of separating Ruby Muriel from Danny's age. Dick was out of work the unripe banana as Carrie dashed . 8: 25-29. On the death of : an< j tj lc s h O uts of the guard in the , Athaliah, the queen-mother, temple would attract Athaliah's aitten- now deprived of her proud position, tion. She hurried from the "palace to put to death all her own grandchildren tne temple to discover its meaning, who would be claimants to the throne, | y. 14. and ruiled as regent for six years. The Hiding of Joash, 1-4. V. 1. Athaliah; had inherited from iitt!l nua uy mv ui iiic pamg ^ her mother Jezebel great force oi|23: 3) and probably upon a raised character, but her influence was a'; j platform t h e re. Blew with trumpets. ways for evil. Her son was dead; that ; The trumpets were made of rams' is, Ahazlah, who reigned for offly one , horr , s 8T)< i were blown to sound the year, efi. 8: 26. During his reign j alarm in batt]e to p roc i, a ,j m the new Athaliah, the queen-mother was ap- 1 moon and tlMS new yeari an d a t the parently the strong power behind the j coronat i on of a king, throne. At his death she was afraad 1 v _ 15> Have her forth- ljeaA her out as the manner j was. The king was presented to the people in the place where usually the king stood at worship in the temple, one of the pillars (ch. and came home to visit until some- nothing upstairs. Curled, powdered and adorned folto at home that's brought up four, many chaps pick them that > a trim slim ankle He had seen t. in thj - t w ^ th<? fiffh timc H chcfl trinkets Carrie d<>3cend<xj - - ' and happned since MeUs9a had been 1<1KJ* B.V IWHIIf l!l*vi n ^iR.^ .- - ., . , i*i-i iftjr|nrficM attrvo **vji*a.T ii*n *,*.*. to healthy manhmfl and buried three.", * soggy bread the rest of their a To , kj but the oWcr Tomp kinses "Oh! Something about young ones lives. However, he never Hjoutfrt it ,-, o. -i,*~ . *. n;,V Wl it?" Grandmother Toiwpkiw w rth whlte to mention any of Melu I t .1 a ff,^r*si **m*.4- ,1 + j-. V\>w> U/ \ \- MAM I now, is WH.S inlereste*! at last. "I wondered " a what they'd do when they were as elated as though Dick had just returned from the trenches. Dick's home-coming at this time proved a godsend to Melissa. Ruby wiKfL iiitrv H uu i fcii^v j i.- r .I^M* K l " vc ^ come around showing w how to make| "f 'fine cook and a satisfactory Mu ^ had bread and can tomatoes. They're go-' *** She knew her place M a Lark.n | , n the Rood M in to try their hand* at raising babies 'bo, a full octave down the scale | amj wheneyer 8 , he ch row are tihev?" J 1 ?"} tho Tompkinees, and, she never " 'The Baby Special.' " Grandfather 1 tried to cHmb. No use Tompkin read it over. "That's a! * thinkm* he was jrivinfr aa much special car the car company let those j as sho brought t whatever or more " e "" i properly speaking, to eat whatever a starting her . Her _^^,_ ,_. _. , , --- - sometimes \vith tea or coffee, and women take to kite 'round the country All went well until Danny's arrival. agl ,j n w jth sweetened waler, was sel- weighing and measuring babies. What Meli.-sa accepted whatever treatment | dom out of he r mouth, even when she bottle, sometimes filled with milk, .. earth do they want to run around j waa accorded her in the same dumb weighing up a lot of younc ones for?" i way she had taken everything life "Weil, I never! !" Grandmother ! dealt. She was so dazed at her own was asleep. But in spite of everything, Ruby the dot. Ruby Muriel was thrust into that her position of authority was at beyond the ranks of the soldiers, that an end. Destroy all the seed royal; | ig Beyond the temple area. It wa that is, her grandchildren. They would ^^aidered sacrilege to shed blood be the legitimate claimants to the ^thin the secred area. Him that fol- thrrone. loweth, etc.; a precaution against any V. Jehoaheba; sister of the late w ho would side with the queen, king. She had married Jehoiada the, v . 16. The way the horses came. (2 ^hron. 22: 11) and had,; Tlusre clean garments and, gay in a lingerie P*** ron. : ,; Tlusre appear to have been two en- bonnet trimmed with clusters of T^Tik ltherefore ' been won over . f rcxm J; he trances from the temple to the pal- h clusters of ; pik heathen co urt part y to the pneftly,^ the orie known ^ the .. horse . roses and streamers of blue hbbon, party who worshipped Jehovah. Took ^1. (the , stables Coined t h occupied the post of honor on the j oas h ; her infant nephew. One infant pa^) and the ot her the "gate ot front seat with Grandfather Tompkins | wa s all that was left of Davids d-e- t he guard," v. 19. The usual entrance and Dan. Danny, wearing a bon-notlscewlawUi. The promises of God f or pf. T90 . na of importance would be which Mrfissa had fashionwd out of a seemed to depend for fulfillment on a by t he gate of th guard- Thus it was handikcrchdef, perched on tihe little little, ^feeWe life. camp stool which waa used when there were extras and clung content- edly to his mother's thumb. Arrived at the Special, Grandfather Tompkins pushed directly towards the ---- , ------ ----- ;an indignity to lead Athaliah out by V. 3. Joesh, like Samuel, was j the horse-gate. brought up in the temple, where, al- y. 17. The covenant formed at th though just a stone's throw from ; suggestion of Jehoiada was both reli- ALhaliah's palace, his presence was git>U8 an j political. On the one hand kept a dead secret for BIX years. Dur- : the people swore allegiance to their irvg that time ho was surrounded with t new Joash, and on the other nurse with Ruby Muriel, an became a] the purest and most powerful religious D o>th p e0 ple and 'kin.g renewed their influences: his good reign showed the allegiance to Jehovah. The -vorship man of his importance. Grandmother Tomipkins and Carrie stuck closely to parents for beauty. As they were al- Tompkins sat and stared. "A body'd ! good fortune that she felt Mother think it wa-s your hogs. Who cares! Tom pk in* slights were her just due. how much baby weighs? You ain't; Any mother would feel bad to hove a^ lawed to feod hcr whatever they liked, goinsr to get any money for them." ; son like Dan pk-k out a Larkin when 8 h e became at once the pet of both. "They're actually giving them the, he might have gotten the best going. j t was on the second ,i ay after her use of that car!" Grandfather Tomp-, So gihe meekly did aH the heavy work, arr j va | that Grandmother Tompkins kins exploded. "Lighting it and heat- , ate the chicken wings and was very | remembered the Baby Special. Muriel was fat, a flabby, soft sort of [him for everybody would be anxious fat which passed with her grand- 'to see Dick's wife and baby, IllllUHriivco. iiie ft\^** value of this training 1 . V. 4. Jehoiada cautiously wins the favor of the military party before i raising the atandard of revolution, from the city. The crowd opened to R u | ers over hundreds. The ai-my was 'When was it those women were mg it and furnishing two men to run ] thankful. it, to say nothing of the electricity it | Mutiny began when Danny was will waste. Giving all that just to 'eight days old and Mother Tompkins weigh up a bunch of kids and then; wanted Melissa to get up and help trying to raise the fares on us. What's | with the washing. Melissa refused! "Don't know," he lowered Iris saucer the government thinking of? Taxing] The older woman could not believe | of eoff^ \ ong t . no ugh to say. "Better let them through, but when Melissa with Danny tried to follow sho found the hine closed. She worked her way around the edge until she reached the nurse's side, whore he stood drink- ing in every word. of the heathen Baal ceased in Judah with the death of Athaliah. Application, a large Ontario Sunday School, IXUICI9 lf> ri liUlim vo. A ill. *i inj .VVM , * -, , divided into units of thousands end twenty years ago, there was a boy who hun<tred, each unit having a regi- mental officer in charge. The guard, his tM ^ he , r ' - a good deal of trouble. He w:.a coming along with that Special?" she] "The futuro of the whole world me . , These were known as Carites nnd were uniruly and on more than one occasion "foreign mercenaries employed as he had to be put out of the School. body-guards by the kings of Judah. But patienit work wrought wonders like the Krethi ami Plethi in the time and that boy or rather man is now '' asked Grandfather Tompkins at break- fast. us at every turn and then letting the, her cars. That the timid creature she : Mk Me'.ias'. She's planning on walk- Proviivcial Board of Health waste aJl ; had driven about for two years should in(f jn v _-i t h Danny. that money on a pack of ornery you nft ones." actually spunk up and say she- -We've got something worth show- wouldn't do anything she was told to ing now . we n^t a ii drive in," "But the babies are going to be men . do was beyond belief. Father Tomp- 1 Grandmother Tompkins said us ."he and women," Melissa ventured. "Ain't kin-s was haati-ly summoned and added hundtvl R u | >y Muriel a uencrously a pure-bred man worth a much a-s a] his voice to the demand. It was un- su( j. are d doughnut. "When's it going pure-bred cow?" ] heard of that a hcal'thy woman should to ^ e here, Meliss'?" "Could you well that bnhy for five keep to her bed more than a week inj MeHsa, eyeing the doughnut with hunired dollar* like I got for that t confinement. Melissa merely turned horror, was slow with her answer, heifer last week?" Grandfather Tomp-, her back on the couple and held &M]NCt week Tuesday," she finally re- kbvs demand cd witheringly. "Who'd (Hiilts tightly under her chin. i plied. ''Ain't you -afraid those greasy pay you fifty cents f<r that spindle- Clamorous ringing of the bell Mim-i 1 i,i I;( , !t w j|| ,..'; ,. ],ev Mi-k, Carrie?" "If they're jfi.td enough for me I they won't hurt her any," Cur- rests upon to-day's babies," the nuree OT *,, 1 Kin, 1 : 38. "'The assistant superintendent of that same body of troops furnished the School- and one of the real pillars of was savin*. "War has taken the host, pia rd both for the palace and the * Church. Every boy ^ may not be a of our manhood, so it ks up to Can- temple" (Skinner). Athaliah, aa re- , Joash, but there are HdA n values m adians to brin? up healthy men air! gi-nt. was their cor.imander-in-chief, every ehiW. , . . J i i,. f ToKnia/ia siii"**i->H m urinninir Jonsh had known and loved tne torn- \vf n i on to t HK *^ I POT i" n I Tfoi i in-iii i'T 01* L j t?iw)i ii' HUV j*r*?vjt, j HI w i mi < . ii* 1^.1 a * xta. v.aiut'i-a ' " t .. , __. . . TiU* oil n ii liT( nrwi t no i nflnni*< nr . i i_-ii _ (Vl^iVl T IfilTl '1(*V JliIf k flri3P' 1 C* V 1 LllOllt F till IllS ..it, . > ' : i J lilt; HlJlUcIILC \Jt shanJai? Ain't even fat as he would j monod Dan from the field to put down be if you'd take Ma's advice and feed ' the rclx?llion. He stixxle into Melissa's] __ him pork grease an4 potatoes." [room determined to show her she'^i. scoffcxi. "A little grease might "Maybe 'twould be a good thing for' couldn't pkiy tricks with him. He'd fatten Diinny." w>me follies to have their baby weigh- | already lost fifteen minutes of day- ed," Grandmother Tompkins put in. "They might see then that other folks knew comrthing about baby- raising." MeHasn caught up h<-r baby and hurried from the room. Get five hun- dred dollars for him? No amount of money oould buy him from her! His choery little smile, his sunny little purgles which she chose to consider talk, his utter dependence upon her were all that made life worth living. Compare her baby to a Holstein calf! What wouldn't her boy be worth when he was a man if she could omly do right, by !im? And right she would do, if -the could find out what was right. She never could fig-ht for herse-lf. Thoy might light by her foolishness. Melissa fbr once was first to speak. You needn't say one word, Dun Diinny. "What is this Bnhy Special?" Car- rie .-i-l-i-'l. "If it's just one of those clinics, there's no sfne in going. Some woman that never had a baby Tompkins," she said. "I ain't going j usl ^ eta up an< i tc ii s you a | ot o f to get up and touch that washing. Andj sil i y stuff about f oc jj n g ' t i, e baby too what's more, I ain't going to get up lmu( . n , an d not to give her candy. Or for six days lomrer. The doctor MJwIglM c| u - uughl to have a cjuart of milk it will be better for the baby for mo a ,i ay an< i no tea or c, . to stay in bei two weeks and I'm] " Tn j s a j n - t c ii, v i Ci if s a Special," going to stay." i Grandmother Tompkins explained. That was her last word. Dan Having set her heart on taking Ruby stormed wordily but Melissa neither Muriel to bask in the admiration of spoke nor moved. She had siaid herj th e crowd, she would not give up. all and besides the doctor had told herj .. There's room for all of us in the that gettwig excited was bad for the auto a &[ Dan can drive." baby. It turned her milk to poison, | go it was decided they should go. and what mother wantod to poison her| Melisaa at once began writing a list own 'child? She finally turned herj of que ,tions to ask the nurse, a list . face to the wall ami closed her eyes. 1 w . n . ich p,. cw s<> \ m g that even she at light her and oven-work her nnd she | Dan would tire of it ufter awhile and ; flst gaw the need of trimming it. hadn't the courage to complain. But | If" 1)a ^ k to work. She was making a; The great day arrived :ind Danny, Danny was different. He should have hi rights if sin: had to fi^ht the whole world. And to get those right* she blind fight for lu>v Motherhood. who had been tucked to bed with the she does pure-bred stock. "Here," she suddenly took Danny' from Melissa, "is a baby who shows' what intelligent care can do." Deftly I removing Danny's clothing the placed him on the scales. "Twenty pounds exactly," she announced, "and" to Melisssi, "he is how old?" , | Not long ago, when in one of our I Canadian provinces there was a refer- The Coronation of Joash 11-12. ! etw ] unl O n prohibition of the liquor V. 11. "The meaning seems to be t traffic, at a temperance meeting some that the guards were drawn up in one noticed that of five speakers, ranks right across the court from ' every one made reference to his early south to north, and facing the altar experieiwe in Sunday School.' Their :md the temple" f Skinner). The steadfast adherence to temperance guarJs were so stationed that they principles and cheerful advocacy cf "Elc-vi-n months, two weeks, three could repulse any attempt upon the Prohibition came as a result of their days an;Ffive hours," Melissa recited. ! young king's life. 'early religious training. The nurse had some trouble with; V. 12. Brought forth; probably from ' "What manner of child shall this her speech. "As near correct weight the priests' residential quarters in the be?" was the question asked concern- as we could ever hope to get" she t n >P Ic where he,had been kept in hid- ine John the Baptist. The same ques- finallv ventured to <wi\- "nnd "'whin' in - (iave him the lig "JT' In th^tion might be repeated over every my ventured to suj, and wnl P' insta nc ping out a tape measure, "111 guess : cffi( .j a .j that he is just twenty-nine inches orce t o it here would long. He looks perfectly proportion- \\-as presented to kings at their cor- plain eggs of the nightingale; as the ed. Exactly twenty-nine and one- onation. Anointed him; with oil on : statue sleeps in the block of marble fourth," she read off the measurement.! the head. Prophets, prfests ami kings ' so unmeasui-ed possibilities sleep ia "He has been kept pretty closely to 1 "' anointed at tho beginning of the soul of every little child. _ milk and fruit juice, hasn't he?" And! " ,~i,i-., i . V . , 'mere either. Dan. pnnnimj broadly, actually carried him into the house. nodding approval to Melissa s replvi ,. i , AM 1- iu I .. ' j rim 2t h, miiino- n nnv M( ,,, P J! suddenly appeared at Melissa s elbow. "Youve got a pure-bred grandson to . of the law The re f cr . ! acorn ; as the mighty torrent sleeps that it in the tiny rill; as music sleeps in the i , . ., ... ^. . , , siuitH'r y apifarL.i UL :>iv i.-su ^ eiuvw. she, held the smiling Danny high so ..., / .... . . IM1 , ., , . . . , ,* . ."Your head will be so big I 11 have to that all niiuht see his good points. huy you a new What do you say "This baby is as near perfect ph>>:- cally as you can -hope to get them,", she .said. "Ufa, kin is clear and pink. 1 ./" 4 "" 1 T". 8 TT""T',.i V "" Ve fln , .. ' , . , ; Danny smprlod out for ail tht praise To 1'jave a^ a ., . . , nesrh firm, breath sweet, eyes bright knew he brag about now, dad, along with vour Holstein." "Pure-bred fiddlesticks," snorted. Crandfuther Tcmpkiivs. "The fooli ain't all dead yet." "No, the more's the pity," agreed has eight teeth, which is about right.' happy link- fellow. Keep on with' plenty of milk, but add to it crack- *> * the price of a suit, too, to see Carrie's face It after a doughnut for Ruby Murie'. Melissa only smiled. |sii_-nvv vii 111(1 n. i'Ut .I'H Ml I t it t ' i .1 -tii I.. , , ' when the nurse said Ruby was pmvp- ers, toast, cereal, ejfij, and nerhaDBli -. , , , , ,, T ^ ->,', M ly. I>n chuckled. "I never could aee some finely chopped ppinach as well as fruit juice and you'll be all right." why the folks thought s pret- "O'.d folks never can change," sh* reflected generously, think Carrie would Ruby's sake." "But I should wake up for he could quickly "bring Malissa to, She handed Danny to Meli^sn and took . : win, IKtai UW1I I t-H l\l II WV I^M VTWWI ! I *** II.HW*\--M A^CWMI> IAI lfi<TII>f.;i ilfUl IUOK . ,. f . Dan's contemptuous certainty that ] rhU-kena the evening lR>fore, awoke Ruby Muriel from Grandfather Toiflp- 1 ! " Vy ^ , BS S "!! U> t " ne> So y U bct " tier* than our Danny. Vou ain't had KvtM ' v 1Tian ! ' s thc architect of hU and sunny. Fresh nnd rosy kins. had "fought ho.- own small world her j bime." slowly turned to doubt. He ( t . ttm his bath, over which Melissa husband's family --over sines Danny came. How she ever got the courage to do H waa aa much a myctery to Melissa ' as to everyone eW, none of them it- having lead "The Female of the points in common. Each toad drawn ne ,, r i v three hours before C ter stock up now.' r rl .., A resplendent McHsva occupied the Inat gcntlentan was smiling liroad- wn fortune. The most precious jewel of all is brinuwiniK health. Th* 1 horse and MoIUssi had some . Carrie ap- where so many mothers fail," the ( Species." A quiet, dun little creature over-heavy loads for years without pon , T(>tl( though shrill protects from nurse began. Cramkfather Tompkins ^ US Jt a * T " mP C " ttet th best ' K"niUy the best layefs. from labyhood, she had never Iwfore cx>mplwining and then suddenly balk-;R u by Muniol had loiitf disturbed the! slipped li'is hand behind his oar and faund courtage to say Boo! to a wren. ' All altempt bo make the horse From her childhood, up, everyone bad move flail-d. When these quiet ones felt at liberty to snub her mid ridicule ff at spt tht >' were terribly so. He de- Oannv - s hj^'h chair, and querulously "This baby has been improperly lier. She harl grown into young cided tht perhaps Melissa was "g^t; asked for coffee for both. woma-nihood accustomed to thinking alwut not getting up, and so he went "j (1()11 ' t see Chat's the matter with -Ruby Muniol had long disturbed the! slipped his hand behirol his ear and: % US , \ Ove 4 rconle b ^' tho ]'aPPenlngs !f we fau \ d ^w stendiardize retail e , country peace. Tired and cross, Car- leaned forward. Surelv he did not "5 T* dfly . tl> T" a , sount:1 ? ve " h * d prices with a moderate spi-ead above s !rie slaninu^l her small daughter intolhear right! His smile 'slowly f.ule-1 ""!', ^? P l Ve ? ' lut ' h ^f^ 11 - <"* e i production prices our side of thia - Danny's high chair, and querulously "This baby 1ms been improperly fed' u ! ^ , ' ,", ln( ' tence co . uld i mundane sphere would S'lide along sur- of herself as "noboily but Old Jed back to the field. Lai-kin's girt," and .she took it RS a mwttcr of courwe that she should hcr," she complained. "She squalled Meliswa kept to her bed the two half the night. Seems as if I didn't anfl th(111 VV( ' nt ul> out her usual; KCl w - in ^ of sl< , e p_ nl | ook Hkc a * it in i/uj( iis nut' 1 1 Mil I) IU per IV ICU J.L j-i viv .v- for many months, 1 should say," went i " Ot , be , dls ' lUTbei1 . l **?*** * n im 'i prisingly well. t \. . .,!>! .1 i ! , jipudcnt nurse might say, and Grand-' h,U.h " e iirf,5t * * W (Lf "' ^l father and Grandmother Tompkin: If there are cracka in the floor you "'glumly nibbled peppermints. Only Dan j want to stain, soak very soft tissue "| seemed jovial and indulged in sundry j paipcr In hot thin starch until pulpy c.atc- wrong What do you never have thirds a* other girls had. work ns" though nothing hud happened.' somvcrow to-day, when all Dick's oJdifeed your baby?" she nsked Carrie, When Dan Tonipkina, son of the MWh Tompkin.s gave her first o wealthieAt farmer therealmuts, first ers tentatively but finding t.lioni olx>y- nrc O nit." | w -ho, flushed and furious, was consid- bMMd MatfaM home from church, the KlftUaM thought she might tell Car-lerinK snatchiing Ruby Muriel nway. shf- piaKad up her ol<l dictating ,,j e w h,a was wrong with Ruby Muriel.] "Everything that's good enough" for' town considered it just one of Dan's ways. To OdUidtn Me!,is*a scorned | That yoimg latly's supper the day bo- 'me," Carrie snapped, side-splitting jokes and obli^ii 1( r| v still the sair.e patient drudge, butj forc . had included bits of salt pork,! "Yes." The nurse, used to hostility, lauighed about it all ilu- week. Next Mother Tompkirs knew wlirn to order. a piet . e o f hot biscuit dipped in ample ' held her ground for the sake of the Sun'day Dan appeared again with Bb did W* ttd tOW taW twit JJOUngj ^ yrupi )( nibble of cabbage, and thci other mothci-a. "I should say your! Me!i*a. A twic-c-toM tjilc ; ..;.,. s j ts D.-nny came tir.-t, and that if hi> well- fi-ostirs <:ff Carrie's cuke. Experience! baby ate everything. And she cries' flavor and this time there wus only l.''inc would be distorter] hy nnv of |,. u j t, m; .,|| t Melissa, howeA'er, that it: half the night, doesn't she? And' a qtiiot smile. When thc third Sun- her n n -t:iild h? tgnored. w ..ii!d he uivwifo to icfer to this, so' vomits a prc'at ;ltal, and h:u ccii^idr-j day Dan ki'o<ko.l Hill Smith down for s " sl 'e kc-pi h.-i semblance of aut!> r- ; s | a , sl ,j,( nothing. i'able bowel trouble? She has only one wieering at Melissa and took her homo ity by wisely choosinjr the riarrt time. ]) ;:n (.,,,. j,, 413 Carrie was sipping! tooth. Needs more bone-making food, ir. liis new car whTein never girl to speak. j her coffee to amiomi./e that the bus More milk and less sugar would make hsd ridden before -the town Reused | To <lo the ri-ht thing by Danny lie- VVi , ul( | |,e nvidy in a half hour. ja new baby of her." that it was Melisflu'a turn to bughJoOlIM Melissa's rebigion. H br.M&rhV ..j CRn ', | ,, ,. lLfl( j y |, T then," Can-ie ''I've had erni^gh cf this," Carrie B'.i't Mr!' ->:. .li.in't. SJi<- wa-i txjo o*T- 1 out the cold perspiiMtipn to tliinU tin'. I w .,i],.,|. ') .,;( bjul,..,! U,, c baby yet i Stormed, us the nur,:-, Iraving found com by In* grandeur of it to do more ! *>-->me sict of hers, no nialtor whnt lfft\ ;ilu ( r vo R0 t myself to :!rc-:>." , Ruby Muriel's abnormal weight ami than it ar.d !iiten while Dun rattled i *M behind it, might e:>oii hi.s who!', .(.( |,e!.i it.'' Pan vvas-firm. (i lt iv.canUraa, returned her to !-.<! moth.',' takes a K'"3'l hcur In d.ivf ti Tlire- r.ii:l picked wi) Mivother baby. "I told chuckles as he kept the cav speeding along. "Pure-br<v:i babies!" he said, when at home he lifted Dar.iw out ind kind fill up the cracks with this, and level it 6ff with a knife. Than stain in the usual wwy. The cracks will be quite hidden. on and on a'oout himself, \rt rar, hi \ I if'' if it \v.i n't rijrht. The biny -loc- took, an-d the nrmoy lie was iroine to! tor, serin mr thiit !-.' ws :i rnotl . i , , . __. . K. i._i- i .. _i_ . It all o IK-W nd m'ike. fid Di.n i...... I.- . '''. i:\.--pH. She won too vi, I i '.vould !'> wh :t .-!'< believed riirhl, in rjiitc i>f i . i m Hml ni'ijjliiuii -. , . '. .1 nil ii,' -.Mvi.-c lie ctitild il.to Hiv( i'8 and I've Why don't you try i:p days lil. tawed t luave aid'"\'o" lied .ht-|th- fe i" nvatte (f'.-r her <-nr\-' s'l.e'll jusl have t i IIL- b.ick early, you it would jus-t he some old maid !i.oji!nK rights ar.d tltat <li:ln't. kr.ow fiything about M ill -'? She'll be h:\Mes!" Air.l ?'hc o.I!iu\vi> I- her way 1 MI! uf ll-f ,-.r,vd. bi K" without her "I I'.ou't l.-elievv you couUI stand nv Direct from TRAPPER to MANUFACTURER J. SCHWARTZ & CO. : i;.2r.n Kinff It. w M AMDr ACTUKINO VUXBIBBS Toronto, Ont. Fine i'i I.i Dark ts.oo uakrati Large -.MM, Med. (1.50 Small $1.00 Dark .... Ordinary. Ex Larc . 150.00 . (tO.OO i H'-I;- M'l.fc $30.00 Medium 130.00 |20.00 Small JIB. 00 $10.00 Kits Damaged an:l "Shot = - /.iJ-JI MI) Oood Ilnprimo I26.00-J15.00 $20.00-$ 5.00 \V will hold Shippers' Furn th iK'cesaary time for them to return remittance it not sattafted. wllh our grading Ship by Express or Parcel Post. Bank KefeieuuSH- Douihi Quick Returns Guaranteed 'n I:. in\ Toronto.

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