Flesherton Advance, 13 Apr 1922, p. 8

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April 13 1922 THE FLESHEBTON ADVANCE Spring Is Here If your Car ready for the road? If not, 1. ring it into us and we will put it in Al shape. If there is anything in Implements don't don't forget we nandle the International line. Wo specialize in l>ra/ing and welding. *\ H. Down & Sons Flesherton Transient Advs. Try Feersha.n Pa ry Flour, tha best IT your conk. All Ontario wheat Chopping done Saturdai only Gr*kam Hroo. Kugent* Hound c.iuie astray prore property T. J. Fisher, Flenherton. A tjuantity of nrtt c'asit hay for sale Jamei Hill, Orange Valley. Kur sale A ijutmity of tix eeed I'.' .'.'i pr t.-i-li. 1. IM.-r Muir. Ceylon. For Bale -Frame douse and lot for sale in Fleaherton. Apply to W. Sanderson at the Muniihaw HOUIP. Dapple (jroy man* II ycats old fur pale, or would exchange for coll H Welton, Flecherton. Far Sale -Good timothy hay, price $20 21 r 5 Flesherton, A. D. Irwin.Priceville ' i.'-'v. cart and set single harneiut for ale Apply to Price Teeter, Flesharlon. For 8al Fire or six ton* good tun- ' othy hay--D. Muir, Ceylon. Six building loti in Flesberton for sale ; on Toronto street, tinest location in IOWD Ap|>ly to Ii. Welton, Flesherton. For Sale One hea\y horse aiid a three you colt Oeo. Hutchinson, Kim , berley. 1 berley. For Sale or Item The old egg factory in K'islu-i ton. on eary term*. Apply to K. J. Sproulf, Flesherton. For Sale Biids I'lirc wool Mackinawi For Sale Yuung |>i*s f.ir itle, in Muck, brown and vrry. a'no knit sued pea*, lur^e or small. B McKenzie, lockings. II Alex*nd-r, Fevern)iam. (Vylon. Twelv. head ,f ycung cUtle-9 calves Thr<!e h " r " ! " '" r *'-' and three two year oWs-for aale. five ; '"' l llt " >' ear " M (ill >' ni " c | ure brrd, .monit them, lo le .old *t grade price-Q. 11. Burke. Eageoi* P.O. 1* H. P. alto '-H II. P. I >"'B P " U " Rotaell. F.e.hrton Rugs For Sale Four liret clasi hou*e engines in lim cluxs repiir. run* for KI. Also linolium dining ream For gasoline Tu Ii" >W at a ImrKtin. II. Down and 8 ,| Uir e in i>n .d cmiditiou. If inlfronted Sonc, Flt-therton. Hji,ily to < ). W. Phillips, Kleshtrton. Uunn'i Fertilizer Fur S*le at Floln r ton Sta'ion 1'n'u- wi-ljir to .in, (Dunn's Suio Uuin Fertilizer can do so by corru[>ooding wiih \V. J. Mi-..!-, as he in agent for this district and keep* it on hand, i i-i bo lecured any we>>k day< but ln[i; n day preferred. As llif jiru- Is groati!y reduced it will he in the in turest uf ihosa wi t'ng tht^e g >nd to g -t my piici-s \V. J. Mcadu, FleshoitO'i P. O. Telephone 3 r 4 For Sale Dominion Orgm. (i ectavea, | in MM . '- condition, pried reasnnable i \V. A. Ilawken's Music Score, Kleth- , eiUn. II" and Lot For Sale Tl e |>rop- urly knowu an the Ashdown residence at Ceylon, an eight roo.ue I dwelling, good cellir, eto. ; about an ac~e of Boar For Service Pure bled Utgitterea Yorkshire Uoar for servico Vineyard l"atn"us 77">!M' on lot 107, S. W. T. & S. K.. Ar'era.-ma. Term* $1.00. Sor* not returned will he charged rnnre *s those in pig. 10,4.22 T. J. 8TIS80N. i land, would make a uood home for a | r i i. ,1 geut'i man. For teima and fur- ther ptrticuUr* apply to W. .1. Kellany, ; FleHheitoii. 1 \layfc Easter Term Opens April 18 LLIOTT Bull For Service Pure t .. I Durham bull. No 1 i.."l i aerico"on lot 102, 8 W T&S H, Arte- nienia- Tatms 12 for firaHct. $5 for thoroughbreds. 0. .A KINS, I'nip mayl Yonge an.l Cliarlcs btrccts, Toronto Strictly First cla** None Better in Canada S roll); deniHiid for our graduate* ; npon all jtur ; outer now. Write for hand- some u\ .1. ELLIOTT, PRINCIPAL FURNACES We are agents Clare Bros. Pipeless Furnaces, which we instal on order. Repairing of all kinds pro- mptly attended to. Pipefitting including pump work. All kindsof Hardware D. McKILLOP Flesherton, - Ontario Watching Her Step. From the Toronto Star Ottawa, March 81 Agnes McPhai), M. P., hai a mind of her own. She w in i be whipped into lice at the crack of ar.y parly interest, vetted or vestlesa She proved that she is thoroughly inde- pendent when the brst division of the new parliament was taken. " If I could hive had my way every member of the Progrettive party would have left the chamber when the vote was taken," she remarked to me ihU niuiutng, Instead of everyjProijresiive marching out, every nun of the party vuted with the govern ment. " I love politics as a game," continued MUs McPhiil: "The trtgcdy is tli.t the game went to) far at the expenrc ol the people of the country. I know thtt parties do not stand on thair preelection platforms once they get into power, if the Liurier regime of 1896 did not prore to us that the Liberals did not implement thuii pre-election pledges, then witness the Burden government of 1911, which was elected on the cry I ' no truck n T trade with the Yankees 'and then pro* C'fdt-d to introduce free wheat and free dour although the party had asppited that these were the very keystone of the protection arch." " I am not g >ing to he rushed into lobbying for anybody')* pet schemes," asserted M McPhail. While I b.'lieve ui temperance and prohibition personally. I won't be lobbied Into introducing deputations who would mike the country bone dry whether the people want it so or not. Tne will of the peop'e must prevail." To innet A _'u-i Mrl'n ul in her litt! private i tlica in the sixth floor of the Hjuxe of Commons and chtt with her as woman to woniin. is a delightful experif ence. She has made her room quite homelike with growing plants. The members have a certain dbcretioii in choosing the furnishings for their i|iir- U'rs--they mny select them trcm the rujs mid furnishings on hand. Miss MtPhiil'i choice <MII lie taken n an iuuet of her quiet good taste. The furniture is substantial oak of the e:nly KM.' i h finish, .11. il the i >jj f rich bro n t'.r.rs hurmuiiizeg with it. There me Unity curtains and (lowers in radiant I loom which indicate the fcminire occupant. Thin |iii>ner of the feJeral pirlumei t liessen at any other smart busnuis in*n "f the present day. She favors dtik ciutli* frocks on Uilord linn. Souirliiiies when she is gnina out to tta the briitliteoa up the qnihic chamber nh a dush i f rlame color. She detests ueiiuig a nt says that she cannot ihink i'" i' i > with a chaiictu |>n-*bii g on her bruins. She h%9 nevi-r itppeartd in the House with her :. > I covered. THIS aha is nlwjys in a position t , cxtth Mi. SpenkiT's eye without n moment's delay. "If >!|i-w every word tint Arthur M ! utter*, with rapt attention," S'lid M:SB McPhail. " He always knows what he is talking ab.iut, and I always learn something when he fu.-nks. Before I came to Ottawa I was enveloped in a soil of awe of the uret men I believed sat in the Commons but after three short weeks that hi- I. ,-, almost lifted, I find thut them are only n small hir.d- fu'l in the whole Mr-. who know an} about our constitution. Misn McPhail takes the position 'that she doea not represent the women of Canada in the Ctnadiitn parliament. She represents the nu>n, women and children of S 'uthea-t Grey, wh'ch ii her constit- uency. " There 8ii't a ninule womau delegate at the convention which norni- nattd nie as Progressive cundiiUle. There wen 1 eleven nominee", and I won out. It v. ,',! be ft bit ungrateful for inn In say I i^prcienr only women mid rhildten and forget tha men of Southeast (irey," tha reisiiu-ked with smite. N-iturally bcciuse she happern to le thn first wnnnn in the house sho intends to b<> more than usually currful out to do anything that might, prejudice lh chan- cea of other women boir.g elected. She does nut regard hcrielf as an anom'y. One of her grea'est sources of satisfaction liei in the fact that the men of the Pri'grcmive pHy come and consu't her as n MI mil. >, not as a woman, whenever i)uestins of p .licv are vexing their souli. Agnes Mi 1'h ul M. P., has no hank- ering for the social ipntliijht. Sho holds tociil nfTiirs as sociil nfl'iirs in light regard, but if iiatheiingi stfoid lier an opportunity to meet interesting people and have n worthwhile chat sho enjoyed them thoioughly, She is an exceedingly busy woman for her day seldom ends before miduiuhl, and she is in her otlice at ten o'clock every morning. Her mall, her personal cullers and her telephone callers keep her ou the jump until th/ee o'clock when the house sits. Miss MiTlml fharrs an apartment in the C^ueen Mary Apar'ments with Mrs. Quaig, who is chief of the senatorial t-tenographical staff. They do their own i iiiri.' woik whoever gets in first puts Ihs kettle on and seta the table. About Priceville's Busy Store An Up-to-date Shoe Stock Our stock of shoes in all lines and sizes has been replenished with all the newest fashions, and we are ready for Big Business in this department. In Men's Work Shoes three lines of "Greb" shoes which are guaranteed and can't be beaten per pair $5. In Youth's and Boys' everyday Shoes "Greb" lines at $3.45 and $3.05 per pair. In Boys' Fine Shoes pointed toes, welted, blaeks and browns at $4.00. In Girls', Misses Fine Kid Bals. black or brown from $'2 to $4 per pair. In Women's Two-Strap, Oxfords black or brown, high cut shoes, and all at lowest prices possible. A Boon to Mothers Heady to wear Drosses, Middiep^elc. for Child- ren and House Dresses for Women means great labor eaving far busy mothers. \\V have beanti- ful Gingham Di esses for Girls in sizes from'2 to 14 )ears at prices ranging from 75c, to $1 .75 and House Dresses from 81.25 to $3 with sizes from 84 in. to 50 in. bust. Seeds for Spring Sowing We carry a full line of No. 1 Mammoth, Common Bed, Alsike aud Pine Tree Timothy. A limited quantity of Lyman's (inmm Alfalfa for whicb we are taking orders. Garden Seeds, eta. Get our prices and examine our seeds'. KARSTEDT BROS. PRICEVILLE, ONTARIO the only recroitkn Miss McPhnil ha* had Umo tojinduVe in since cmnine to the capital is walking. The evening sessions, of the H--U8P prevent the members from a'tending the theatre. Why on Orchard Will Pay. The planting of couimerctat &ppl orchards In the Province of Ontario Is highly desirable for several rea- sons: 1. Ontario is not producing cnouKh Kood apples for home .supply. but imports annually from Nova Sco- tia, British Columbia, Oregon and California. 2. Production in Ontario IK likely to fall off still more because no com- mercial planting is being done. Very few commercial apple orchards have been set out In this Province since 1911. 3. Of the thousands of young trees set in the boom years of 1905 to 1911 a large proportion have al- ready passed out of existence. Prob- ably not more than 20 per cent, of tlie trees planted dtiriiiK those years will figure in the commercial produc- tion of the future, and certainly not more than 40 per cent, of them are alive and recei-ving reasonable atten- tion to-day. 4. The home orchard will never again be an Important factor in com- mercial apple production in this Pro- vince, because it is not large enough to be worth while. In seasons when scab control Is difficult, or when prices are down because of a heavy crop, the return from the small orch- ard Is not large enough to justify the expense and risk involved. When conditions are unfavorable the small orchard passes quickly into a state of neglect; this is why apple growing In Ontario is at such low ebb at present. 5. Fruit is an essential part of diet. While it is true that in ease of necessity people can live without it, it is also true thut health suffers and nutritional complaints become much more general In the absence from the dietary of fresh fruits and vegetables. The apple is the most important and most useful fruit of the temperate zone, and, from the standpoint of public health, its cul- ture should not be negelected. J. W. Crow, O. A. College, Quelph. .. ten Insurance Is Good, But Insurance will, in a measure, repay you for loss from fire due to lightning. But it will not prevent the fire. It takes the DODD System of Lightning Pro- tection to do that. In the past thirty years over 300.000 buildings^ have been rodded by the DODD System and in not a single instance is there a record of the DODD System properly installed, having fail- ed to prevent damage by lightning. The fact that you haven't yet suffered loss by lightning only means that you are fortunate, not that you are proof against it. Ask us today what it will cot f you to have DODD protection, S. HEMPHILL Ceylon, Ontario. a i a a Noah Up to Date. From the time of Noah when the dove brought the green back, hom- ing pigeons have been of constant service to mankind. That well-bred stock of this breed Is desirable is shown by a live-stock owner in Hm- rico County. Va. He lists 22 hom- ing pigeons of pure bret-diiiH .i:ncng other live stork e:'.r.:l!od In the Uet- .r Sireg. 3USINESSCARDS SOCIETIES I >KINCK AHTHUli J.ODOE. No. :S,A.K.4 A M.uieetaio tht Maaouicliall. Arm i I.H.I: n UVocK Flmberton, TerT Friday on or u-ti-i. Hi- full tuocn. Peter Muir. w. M h. O. Aolhiul. 8t/*tr j. DENTISTRY itl h MURRAY L. O. 8 , dental mrgooi; 1 In -inii Kiiiiluuti' 0( Toronto Unlvnmity Hud Hjra CollARO of DeotaJ BurKeona of Ontario, 'Ikl duUsluiBl erod for teetb sXtractlon B Toiouto hticet. l'l6bertou. LEGAL , i CAM. A hKNHT Harrlttcr*. r^ollcltore, J i.|i-. I. H. I.IH-IIH. K. C.: W. D. Ileory, n. A. UfficeB, Mm !.,iiil. Lucaa Mnck, Fbone 2 A. himucli oUico at Dtndalk aud iMi.i.ar. n K1UI1T. It TELFOHD,! arrlitor, Rollol. * torn, &c. Offices, Orey . liriion Block, Uv/rn Bound. Standard Hunk ,'Kleshor- ton, (Saluray(. W.U. Wright. W. K u-ir.n i BUSINESS CARD* CV&t. KAITTINO, Iceused '* Hi.' countiai o( llrey Aactirneer roi llrey aud himooe. HUH aud Stock >nles a epeclaltv. Teruie IMI.'.I i uti' latn ('irtii i! puarantiwl. Arrant;)" aeufft tor dati'9 may betnacrfiat the AdvRace IM. r . or C.'i.t [ tilti-l. I'lMT.. i.ll.i'il 1-t'Vrl HllHtli irbraddrmniui) nm at Fevei bam. Out. D UeFHAIt'. Licensed Anctionn for tbe County "I * <i y. Tertu* tncderato and a union guaranteed. Tim arrangeinnms ammtf iuikMkcan I .ii iiuiili. RC Thi A UVAN i'iv liitlilt i iviaiil r.l)., Col Ion. Toll |.botis JU. A. TURNUULL. B.A.. M.li . fracliwtc *^ tnmo llio Faculty of Mliolno,l' ulviM-sHy ofToronV>. offlco Hlclmrctiou in ock, flesli- n i .in, Ti'loi'boue &. Up-lo-date Clothing Perfect in workmanship and style. Clothing made tctorde. Serges, Worsteds and Tweads on hand also a good line of Men's and Boys' stylish Ready-to-wear Suits & Overcoats All at lowest possible prices. Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing H. ALEXANDER Merchant Tailor Feversham, - Ontario FOR SALE 1 8 inch Mapld Leaf Gtindtir, 1 14 inch Cutting It >\ complete with Blower 1} horsepower gas engine O. F. Brnckenbury, Flesherton BOAR for SERVICE Purebred Tamworth Botr for service on lot It'.', , S W T and S E.', Arteroesia,. Terms $1.50. Sows not ret**ned will be charged same those in |>u;. Fob lo -T. J .STl N80N, Prop Mill For Sale Chopping and flour mil', mill water power, near Fluihertoa. Al> . 65 acres of land in connoction with hou<u and M outbuildings. Mill aud buildings in good condition. Apply at the premises to P. Loucks, R. R. 2 Flceherton. Shingles i i New Brunswick j White Cedar Shingle* Same as Ontario's aud same thickness. Call or 'pbone for price W. A. ARMSTRONG FLESHERTON FlesHerton Tonsorial Parlors We Aim to Qlve Entire Satisfaction LAUNDRY Basket closes. Monday night, delivery Fua<ty ev CLEANINO aui DYBINfl- \V e r agents for Parker's Dy W t *k*-Clo*e leaned and dyed, fmthera rejuvenated T FISHER - -PROPRIETOR I

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