Flesherton Advance, 20 Apr 1922, p. 5

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April 20 1922 THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE 4 i : til Now and Then "THERE will be an added zest to your enjoyment 1 to-day if at the same time you are establishing financial backing for to-morrow by gradually ac- cumulating savings. Youth can spare what old age will need. Open a savings account with this Bank now. THE STANDARD BANK Or CANADA J8J TOTAL ASSETS OVER EIGHTY-THREE MILLIONS Flesh rton Branch, - George Mitchell, Manager. Branches alto at WiUuutuford and Holland Centre. ANADiAN PACIFIC C. P. R. Time Table. leave Flesherton Station 1 rains allows : Going South 7.55 a. m. 4.30 p.m. The mails are Going North 11.52 a.m. 9.30p. m. oseu at Flesherton follows : For the aorth at 10.40 a.m. and Bertha Smith of Owen Sound is visiting her cousin, Miss M. McTavUh. Miss D. Thurston, Cooksville, ia holi- daying under the parental roof here. J. Runstadler spent Raster with his family in Toronto. Good stcck overalls for sale, also odd pjirs of pants C. BUkely, tailor. Rev. J H Uke is spending the week in Toronto. Mr. John Xuhu and son, Ja:k, spent 6 p.m. ; and the afternoon marl south at jr mer j n Toronto i.40 o'clock. For morning train south mail close at 9 p. m. the previous evg. j Miss Robinson of Toronto was the , ! guest over Easter of her cousin, Miss Viola Lewis. VICINITY CHIPS Is Fleshertui to hare the weekly half holiday this year .' It is about time something was done about it. The Owen Sound Sun-Times will coin- : mence on May 1st to publish u^evening of ' daily. Mrs. Long, who has spent the winter :i l.tr daughtar, Mr;. W. Miller, has Mr. and Mrs. W. Miller returned to her home in Houeywood, Mrs. Watson, who haa been visiting Mr. Ferrier. manages of the Bank of Montreal, spent Easter *t Ingersoll. Mr. and Mrs. Howie McAuley Dundalk spent Easter in town. Mr. nd Mrs. H. S. White of Stratford are guests of this week. Mr. E. D. Bentham of Hamilton is her daughter, Mrs. R. G. Holland, his spendirg a week under the parental roof returned to her Home in Toronto, here. -^' r - J- A. Lewis ot Revelstoke, B.C., Mr. C. F. Batty cf the Standard Bank '< visited last week with Mrs. T. Lewis of spent Easter in Oshawa. Bis wife and j towu - little daughter returned with him. Miss Etta LtGard returned to Toronto . on M i..uy after spending A week with Mr. I/wson Whttehetd has purchased r .,,.. .. . , _;n._ j her mother, who ws a(aiu stricken with Mr. MU Leitch s lot eaat.of the village, . 'llness. We understand tint Mrs. Le- wnich contains about Jo acres. gara is progressing favorably now. Mr. Robt Paton, student of Belleville ! ,. . ,. . _ Last TUMOM evening Mr. and Mrs. OoIlMI. is spending Haster holidays wilh I W. A Armstrong entertained a select number of friends in honor of Mr. and Mr. George B. ttlftkely, an esteemed j ^ fj g Wfcita of Strit{ordi when a town, is going to inetal his own power ss loon as i.i- contract wiih Hydro expires The proprietor of the Becton mill hs g asked for some cooperation from Alliston to put up a fight againet the prohibitive rates being charged by Hydro for power, but he has received no encourgemeut. Tu< rntou'a burden has become so heavy that there ia no economy and very h:ile satisfaction iu using electric- ity at the price. Cookttown and Bradfotd are groaning and Beetou and Tottenham are paying an extortioner's price, Lately it haa been stated in town that Hydro was not paying its way, so the Herald went en the Chairman of the utilities commission, Mr. Js. Whiteside, sud asked him if Hydro here was running behind. " Yes, Hydro is running be- hind," he saii. Mr. Whiteiirie would not say much, and the Herald did uot press him, knowing that, .- well as having the towns it serves by the throat Hydio i- -null-- an imperious altitude towards anyone who dares criticize it. Sic. \Vhiteside said there were 100 huuses iu town that were not using any current. He seemed to think they could be induced to take the juice. When it was suggested to him that if the extrava- gant wiring regulation! were relaxed so that the people might wire within their mean?, the'sefvices might be extended, Mr. Whctestde would not crinmit him- -f.t. Some time aijo an intimation was given iu these columns that the South Simcoe towns were- due for a raise in rates. With a privately owned plant 12c per kilowatt hour was the price. Hydro wa goin? to greatly reduce that. At present the front street is paying 12c per kilowatt honr. Can it be that Hydro is going to charge more for current than we paid a private owner I Mr. Whiteside was asked. " \Vo cin't do anything ; it's tha hydro dots it all," was what he answered iu etfect. And he was right | because the Hydro has us tied up body and soul and bleeds us at will to meet its annual salary bill of 89,027, 03'J. 75. citizen of Proton Station, and brother of very pleasant evening was spent Mr. Joseph BUkely of town, passed away Tuesday morning of persistent A. L. Walt, who has been assistant to K-a at the ge of 63 years. ' T s - Cooper, District Agricultural Rep- resentative at Markdale for the pasr year or so, haa iroue to Ann Arbor. Mich., where he will juter the employ of the State Agricultural Department, ia charge of the County of Wasteuaw. The eighth annual meeting of the Orangeville Piesbytery W.M.S. was held in Dundalk on tVeduesday of last week. Those who attended from here wero Mrs. Kate Patou, Mrs. Wm. Paton. Mrs. C. Moore, Mrs. W. J. Stewart, Mrs. .1. Thompson and Mrs. (Dr.) Turnbull. We had a pleasant call one dty last A letter tu the Shelburne Economist from Joe T. Park, (muicl Joe) Park, Winnipeg, informs the editor that he weighs 270 pounds and is slill growing. Joe is bandmaster of the 70th Cameron Huhi.ii ' TS of Winnipeg. Mr. H.;iiry Howard has purchased a nous? and good large lot from F. Mth- ewaon. This looks suspicious, Henry. The home is the emu Mr. Mathewscn moved from when he took possession of his new residtuce, and is now occupied by Wm. Brown. a ' ek from an old Flesherton boy in the Our public and high school st.itfs are ... ,. person of John Ghbsnn, who learned his pending their holidays as follows ; Mr. * . trade in The Advmce otboe over twenty and Mrs Holland in Nelsun at Mono Road Toronto ; Miss Mr. Up,hallat;>' Cai8a 8- Jwhn represent! a Toronto . _ M.I type foundry and was on his rounds. He Brampton; Mr. Friser at Toronto ; Miss ll ',. . . M .v . | also renewed old acquaintances in towa, Holmea at Winchester and Miss King at Keiwick. A meeting of all those Interested in The following Toronto visitors .pent baseball are requested to attend the Easter i. town : Dr. R. Henderson, Dr. , organisation meeting to be held in the Fted Murray, wife and liUle son : Jim Munshaw House this eTening, (Wednes- i Mobbed At Hanover When Provincial Constable Bbod was in H;inover on Friday on hia way to Owen Sound he stopped a motorist 01: the street for having liU liconse plate coverel vrith mud. This led to an argument and i crowd jtthered. It then became noised about town that the constable was in town, and when he stepped out of a movie theatre some time later a ging if youths was waiting for him with a large supply cf rotten eggs with which they started ' make things interesting for the constable. They followed him to the C.P. R. station and there peppered him at long distmuco. The constable by drnwing his gun wax abla to keep out of Ihe handa of the mob who hung around nntil the train pulled cut for Owen Sound. We under- stand that the last his uot been heard ol the incident. This is not the iou'heru Suten, that otlicers of the Uw can be interfered with while n duty, and we understand tlut steps ro being taken to bring the offenders to book Walkerton Telescope. The the will be and *t>le to sign on three or four men to fill Herb Sullivan Miss th9 R a P- * nd f irl T fo '* < Bobin,on Cordon McKinnon and Frank ' ljoked for - AnJ"7. " *>J* *> g l " ... 'a good account of theinielven iu every Vanduien. game. Now, all be out tonight and Mr.W. A. Stewart of Fort W, Uiam sends The Advance a photograph of two Stafford ; Ken Boyd, Geo. Mitchell and ! d7) &>r 12 ball team. Frank Bunt from Toronto Unifersity . ! locals had bad luck last year in Florence Bunt, Rene Cargoe, Mta. W. j losing of their star players, but Fielda and daughter. Ethel ; Mr. Mrs. Roy Neilaon i/atioa 8UCCM8 . sh which he caught in a lake west of; The W. SI. S. of the Methodist church that town. The fish wer caught through [ held their annual Easter meeting on 20 the ice, both after only 20 minutes' Thursday of last week, when greeting* fishing. One measured 42 inches and ' "ere brought from the Presbyterian weighed 18 pounda. The other measured : Auxiliary by MM. K. Paton, and fnm 39 inches and weighed 12 pounds. What the Bsptlst Circle by Mrs. Le?i Belts, does W. A. mean by aggravating a fellow | A program of missionary readings and was given. The thankoffering w 0. A large number were present who partook of lunch and enj <yed a social half hour at the close. human being with a picture like that Now if one of the fish had accompanied S the picture- Mr, and Mrs. Uiohitrd Allen aro 'hu recipients of much sympathy iu the loss Ceylon Ball club held lhi>ir election of their twin daughter, Doris, whose i of officers last week and appointed the death occurred in a private hospital, following: Hon. Pras., Capt McLach- Toronto, on Tuesday of last week, at the Ian; Pres. Sain Pedlar; Vica Pres , Roy age of ten months. The little one had Qibaon; Sec. Treas., Roy Pipar; manager, been taken to the hospital for stomach A. C. Mulr; captain, E. muir; trainer, trouble, and whilo theie contracted diph- ; H. Hutlou; coach, Roy Gibson; mascott, th*ri;i and died from the effects of it. j Johnny Gibson. Cylon have the same The remain* were brrughb home and ! team ag last year but s'reugthened with buried in Klesherton cemetery on Thurs* day list. Services in the churches on Sunday partook of tha Easter spine. At both aervicet in the Methodist church Drs. R. flendersoD and Fred Murray of Toronto favored the audiences with selections These two accomplished d pleasing lingers are always generous with their gieat talent and are always welcomed accordingly. The music on this occasion was especially good all around. At the evening service the choir, under the able leadership of Mrs . Blackburn, gave an exctllently rendered anthem, " Christ our Passover." Enster music wat also rendered In the , Presbyterian church, khe choir being assisted by- Mrs. A', v McDonald of McAteer. having Suowdy McLeod, lust year's heavy hitter with Fleshertou, in their line- up' They aUo intend, if possible, to eater the UFO League which is being o-gauized for towns and villages wiih a population of 200 or under. Ceylon are locking for their team to do big things this year against tha Vandeleur squad. Roy Ulbaon and Roy Piper are delegates to the auiual raee ing of the league. Alliston and Hydro Alliston Hotald. It is being noiaed about that Hydro affairs in the southern portion of Simcoe county are not in a very satisfactoiy condition. The report ia current that Mr. L. H. Dunning, miller at Cooks* Constable Did the Job Artemesia Man Refuted to Pay Taxes But Later Coughed Up A certain citizen of Artemesia Town- ship refused to pay his taxes, and as a consequence County Constable Cook was called upon to go and collect them or seize collateral sufficient to justify the clai.u. Taking a witness along he went out and interviewed the delinquent, with the result that he was mat witti a point blank refusal to pay any more ts.ies. Upon an invitation to go to the stable and show hia horses the gentleman aei/ed a stick and stood iu tha door of the stable, threatening to spread on the ground the btains of any man who tried to enter. In fact he raieed the stick preparatory to digesting the unstable. Tha latter pull ed his gan, when Mr. Fighting Man apparently thought better of it and drop. ped his stick. In a twinkling tha stick was kicked from his hand and a pair of handcuffs grautd his wrists. Ue called for help but there was no response. And he wept louder than ever Rachael wept for her children, but his spirit w&s broken and ha invited the constable to the house where considerable specie was unearthed and a cheque given for the balance. Thus was the majesty of the law vindi* cated aad the coffers of the Township enriched to the extent of eigbty-tive good simoleons. New Spring Footwear At New Spring Prices We can offer you a wide selection in Ladies' Oxfords, Pumps and Fancy Strap Slippers in black kid, black patent, black calf, bro\\u kid and brown calf leathers. All sizes from 3 to 7. Different widths and your choice of French, Cuban or Sport Heels. Our prioes are reasonable throughout and are based on today's leather values. Four special values at $4.00 per pair. Our Special $5.00 Work Boot for Men A well shaped boot, roomy and comfortable, blucher style, small eyelets, heavy lining, made up in pliable grain leather, as nearly waterproof as a boot can be, solid leather insotes and counters, smoothly finished inside, solid oak tanned soles, nailed and slugged. Sizes 6 to 10, blaek or tan. Special $5.00 Millinery Department Busy in this department as usual but Miss Sandilaud can find time to give your order prompt attention. Novelties in early summer style arriving every few days. Men's Spring Suits Better Materials, Low Prices, Smart Styles Fancy tweeds, neat worsteds, blue serges, all wool cloths, carefully tailored, good selection, in popular colors. All sizes 36 to 14. Prices from $20.00 to *30.00. Some special values in young men's suits ' F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON - ONTARIO The Advance Is A Good Guesser Tae Advance is pleased t.> print the following letter, acknowledging the cor- rectness of our announcement regarding the publication of a daily paper hy ihe Owen Sound Sun-Ti'uef. which for some time h is been a triweekly. We will be pleased to welcome the new daily when i: conies, and U bespeak fir it a hearty reception throughout thu county. Mr. W. H. fiurston, publisher The .Vlranie, Flesmitcn, Ont : Dear Mr. Thurst.-n, We hve jut noticed your item regard 1 nj[ the potii> biliiy of the Suu-T'iiies beiru published every iky. We Jo not know where you not your information, but it seems to be quite reliable, a ihe Sun-Times will be turned into a daily very so.m, probably the tint of May or the tirst of. June. We have beeu holding i tf roakiug announce- ment until we could announce a definite date. Please nccept thanks f . r youi very kind reference to the Sun-Time* and the service wo .'ire giving here. Yours very truly. Howard Ffemiug " 7 T " * ' ' iiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiii ft;:?? >!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Right Now Leave your Repairing in now before the Spring rush Will Receive Medals We notice by ihe. Swift Current Herald that Emeraon McKee, a grim-lion of Mrs. Wm. McKce of town and ,iephew of Mr. John McK*e of the 4th line, Art- emesu, was recently presented with a life savinu medal from tha Dominion Humane Society. The erent which won this medal was the savtr.g of tha life of Rowe Seymour of Neville, Stsk.. at Lao Pelletier last summer. The act was one of peculiar bravery, aa account of which appeared in Tha Advance at the time. Young McKea ws a Boy Scout nd Irt years of age. while tha lad he saved wa only 8 years of age. Yuung McKee got tha little fellow on his back and swum with him to a gasoline launch which had stalled when on iti way to rescue the party struggling in the water. There is alsL a Boy Scout medal coming to Emer- son for his deed of valor. THOS. CLAYTON ~ * > FLESHERTON, . ^ .. ,{ ONTARIO T ......*.................*..... ...fi*.*....*. . ........ During the electrical storm : i-t Friday, the rooidence of Mr. John Carson, a well known rjidan f of Mountain Lake, was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. Mr. Carson had been in town with his son during tha afternoon and arrivtd borne to tiu.l the housa had prac- tically disappeared together with all tha contents. Besides (he furniture there was $$0 in gold and many article* of jawelry iu the houae. Some insurance wa* carried but the propetty was not covered to anything like its value. Mcaford Mirror. BORN CLARK At Rock Mills on Sunday, Apiil 10th. to Mr. and Mrs. Richatd Chirk, a daughter. DIED BLAKELY At Proton Station <. u Tuesday, April IS. C.enrge H. Blakeiy, aged 65 year?. ALLEN In a private hoipital, Well, osley street, Toronto, Doris, the twin daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richsrd Allen, Artemesifk, aged ten months. The Cough Killer is Busy! Coughs and Colda destroyed by the thousand every day. Instant relief from your suffering guatanteed by taking Buckley'* Bronchitis Mixture The remedy which (a tmiitf tlmc stronger than any other on th MOMT b*ck If te HO* to civ* 40 L-OSCS (or 76 Sold by .11 dnwim or by Mil from V. L WMLE1. HMI1H Itt MMnl (I. Sold in FLESHERTON by W. J. Stewart & Sons and in CEYLON by Miss Millie Cook LUMBER Prospective buyers are advised that a Carload of Lumber will arrive in a few days. Contents as follows : 3000 ft. 2x8, 10 to 16 it. long 3000 ft. 2x10' '* " " 6000 ft. lin. 6-8-IOin. wide 12ft. long 3000 ft. No. 1 flooring 4 inch 3000 ft. V joint, 4 in., No. 1 3000 ft. V joint, 6 in., No. 1 4000 ft. Drop siding, 6 in. The above is all number one B. G. Spruce and already dressed and matched N. B. Shingles in Stock Telephone your enquiries to W. A. ARMSTRONG LUMBER & SHINGLES 'phone 13 FLESHERTON - ONT.

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