Flesherton Advance, 27 Apr 1922, p. 7

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UNSIGHTLY PIMPLES AND FACE ERUPTIONS IB the Spring Most People Need a Tonic Medicine. One of the surest signs that the blood ia oat of order to the pimples. unsightly eruptions and eczema that come frequently with the t^acge from winter to spring. These prove that the long indoor lite of winter has h<td Its effect upon the blood, and that B tonic medicine Is needed to pat it right. Indeed, there are few people who do not need a tonic at this sea- son. Bad blood does cot merely show Itself in disfiguring eruptions. To this same condition U due attacks of rheu- matism and lumbago; the sharp stab- bing pains of sciatica and neuralgia ; poor appetite and a desire to avoid exertion. You cannot get rid of these troubles by the us-e of purgative medl- ctnea you need a tonic, and a tonic only, and among all medicines there is none can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for their tonic, blood-improving, nerve-restoring powers. Every dwe of this medicine helps make new. rich blood which drives oat impurities. stimulates every organ and brir-gs a feeling of new health and energy to weak, tired, ailing men, omen and children. If you are oat of sorts give this medicine a trial and eee how quickly it will restore the appetite, revive drooping spirits and fill your veins with new, health-giving blood. Ton can get these Pills from anj medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a bos or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. William*' Medicine Co. Brock- rUie. Out. O . A Nasty One. Young Papley the minor poet) "I n&uaJly carry a notebook to Jot down my ideas, but I forgot it today." She "\VouId a visiting card be too large?" Perpetual pushing and assurance will put a difficulty out of countenance and ma!.e a seeming impossibility give way. Jeremy Collier. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere Irish Free State Stamps. Tte Irish Free Stai* has already be- > gnn to issue postage Mtmpa. aitboogh j ij existence w only prorisional. To j aoxicos was the Dnbiis Cabinet to see : ttseil In prinl thai, with the permii j sioa of tb Britwh pa*loftc^ it began i the issuance of Free State stamps ! within a few weeks after the eoncSu- j aion of the AEglo-Irisfa treaty So far \ the Irish stamps consist merely of a ! Gaelic superscription en the current ! issues of Great Britain, bat a dktLnc- 1 tire Irish Usue is promised sooc and j dlga3 for the different values are , already being considered by the Free ', State Postmaster General. The first Irish stamps were put on ' 9ftie at the Dublin postoffiee on Febru- ary 17 There are fifteen yarieties, i running from half-penny to the 1ft- 1 shilHng The inscription in Gaelic is j "Rial las Seoladach cah Eireann." or. ! in plain English. "Irish Provisional Gorercment.- and the date 1922 is ' surcharged at the bottom of the ' stamps. The Irish postmaster obliges stacsp ' collectors by having established at Dublin a philatelic department wcere collectors may obtain all the link ' issues they can afford to bay. All tbat is known definitely of the forthcoming distinctive Ueae of IrUh stamps is that cbey will bear the Gaelic icscription ~3aor-st.it nah Eir- eami." which means "The Irish Fre-> State." T BABHOWNTABLETS ALWAYS IN THE HOME Once a mother hae used Baby's Own Tablet* toe her little one* she always keeps a snppiy oe hand, for the first, trial convir.ce* her there to nothing, to equal them :a keeping children well : The Tablets are a m!!d b thorough texatrre wttch regulate the bowel* an4 sweeten the stomach, thus drrriic oat constipation and indigestion, colds and simple fevers and making teeth- ing easier. Concerning them. "Mrs Sainste Pelletier. St. Damas. Qne.. writes: "I iave nsed Baby's Own Tablets for the past :ri. years asd JJB never without them in the house. They have always given the greatest satis-: faction and I cac gladly recomaMMii them to all taothers of Utt> oces." ' Tte Tabieu are sold by asedicice deal- J ers or direct by mail at 15 cents a' box from The Dr WUiiasss' Medicte* Co-, Brcckrille, Ore. The Birth of the Daffodi The slender Beached dows rro'.i And wok* the bu -b ask< ? within Its roegn brovrn blank e.'s fo2<5; The anc cam out ace warrae-J -hi sproot, That Uce a *: gtf white Was gropiag la t* c>.^:- ;! -?_rti To ar.-i the kindly light. The scuth wind b-lew across the Sexis, A troubadoor of spricg, And piped a iittJe aic* that Jet The branches wtisperiEj. It raffled iooae the inane she*:h Thai bU the bod until Arrayed. behoM! in cloth of goid, Appeared the daffodil. Irving. AFTCR EFFECT WAS WORSE THAN FLU ChMified AJrertagmenti CA-VAELO* MATffnfOMTj lie Xe *Uar fM. x On*. L MjJT 2 INTO BLJLNKETS AT - t -. rr-5-.> occts, n WoUc* TORONTO WOMAN SAYS ^JS"^ SHE WAS LEFT ALMOST HELPLESS. I *- A -^ ^ "* T0 ^ - Carrying It Too Far. "Now. Robert, te41 me wtat an en- gineer is." said the teacher. "He is a man ;hat works an ecgia," reT>!ied Robert. Correct," said the teacfcer. "Now VTCham. can yon tell me what a pion- eer taT "Yes, sir." answered WiUiam. "he's a man that works a piano." MONEY ORDERS. Dominion Express Money Orders ar on sale in five thousand otEcea ' throughout Canada. O Wisdom never opens her doors to those who are r.ot wi'.iing to pay :h<? price of admission. Ttere are r.o bar- gains at her counters, no short cut*, to her goal. "Pay the price or leave; the gooJs," is hex r.-.vc:..-> Surnames and Their Origin To Him Who Plants a Tree. Perhaps oar God has c::-.* A r.ere made, a thir.gr More b*a-::f*-l to -ec- Thac a majestic tree; But if He has. I thick it grows Ir- heaves, by the stream that flows Where whiter sods thzr: oars do sing. Who plarr-s a tree, be s akin to God, In this impatient age Where quirk returns engage The fevered service of the crw>d. In reverent wisdom he ia bowed Aad hides his purpose in the ciod. Th.- >'.essed aian tint plants a kmg- . tree That shall jrrcw nobly OB VThea he is dead aad gone. He si-em* :o me to iove his kind -;rhy of r^jvi. He seecw to lore hi* fei'.ow yet- to be. Above his prive the suas shall (ball and face. The seasons cone and go And storms shall drive aad bKnr;; But i_r. ID.: Bail -. * tr Ua : -.b Efface his case, renew she htaoa Aixi glory of :he mor.unx n: he made. MinartTs Liniment Relieves Neuralgia "Take Your Seat* for Cairo." want" This sort of cry rsow may soca be- come familiar to travelers by air. for a new kind 01 aerial trader IMS been ' treated by ilr Fokkvr. wtu dig^i :te aeroc'.ar.? which bears his name. His inreatioD readers possib'e -. aerial train, sections of which may be siipped aad oar. gtide to earth wi:h safety a: acy suitable p5ace OB the roue of the journey. There wQl be no need for the who-e. aeropiaae train to laad at each air' station OB a Jong trip, aad coosiderabie . time may be saved ir this way. Experiments are being carried oat to demonstrate the possibility of, picking up packages from Digestion Ruined and Nerves Shattered She Could Find No Rebef. Tanlac Again Proves Merit. -I hare ai: :h* Jsui '~ :ie worM * Taaiac far - ---. '-'.' ir,* fc".*ss to si*," declared Mra. Robert DBW-MJ^ a'1 Ch;"i St_ ~.~~-- "Iks fa a year a^o ' wiia: i-roia ' niy haa^ti cow-." she stated. T ad j ;._ . - j-.-- i i- - _- >' i *TNrC ? J-r i " -r " - ^^ rom FOR SALE OF : sw AXD rso uv c*.iU.s^ > . -. 4. ;*ct ts per?vi; .-^ e I* CkM^kTOfUC BBLTtSJ OX i TOM. mtnr TOBOXTO. 4-^i--V-* 1 the grcord when in fnii flight. tests have been made with petrol. A kind **, - I was goo* aiy acirua wer abaaat tered aad my whoto system aeees .- :..- :>- .- : -^nr:-: '- :u !:;=. ai: i.-tj ; ;-^-> ::-'. i-'. .. .. . v ^ . -- ^re n. - ^ ' *- T.' li <x:e way and i^-X'er o Bi: I'm. so giad I gav* Tm trial for it wms jot the thl^g I r Mr sppetit* r*r*ed aad zy a qaieted down aad by the ttaie 1 ed my cixth bottle i was ia javt did health. Taatec is a graad It certaialy pnrred to fnead la ned' m my case ' Taalac is soM by aH good Soc^ :s DOG DISEASES L-i. He : F4 te kar .4.4- ... . X CAJ- GlaTv o. ta*. -J* W: 14th *-: Ni T.-rk. r 3.X Tae -- .r--- _ -.- .-- ., COARSE SALT LAND SALT Balk Cariots TORONTO SALT WORKS a A CU*F . TORONTO wrtfc an ct.>-r.i ---.ng attachineat. at the eri. has been used, aad the fuel, has been lifted frcsn the ground to thj machine withoc: accident. It is beiieveo :'-: bales of cfcandise could be treated in the way. Aivt. TELLS DYSPEPTICS ! WHAT TO EAT i.- ; -.- HENNESSY Variation MacHennessy. Racial Origin Irish. Source Given name. The uatae of He-nn?ssy doesn't look as thouph it came from tte same source a* Mayinnte. or MacCainsh. or Angus but It does. Among the Gaels of Ireland, ar.d those who at an early period crossed over to Scotland and settled among the HUrhlands, the given name of "Aongu* ' (from "son," excoUeat. and "gas." strength) was a popular one. and as a result it has given rise to several o!au names and a tlll rreater number of family names in both coun- i tries In Scotland there was the "Clann Aougluvis" (Machutes>. which name will he discussed in a lat-r article In there were the "M.icAon- s" (Mairiiir.isV whose name al- ready hs bt>en exrlained. ami aJc the "MacAor.|fjk" tMacHocct-*#y V a branch of the Clv. Colgan It !s from the lust ram\1. o! i-v>ur. that th<> u.-.nw Mr.ne**y hs hen de- rvo.l As V-MI micht (tutvjs itvwi r he forego- j Ing Infornwtloo ther> his been a great ; deal of ivmfusiou In AngHcttlng the rar'.ous forms of thes>e ctac nnie. whioh. in the Gaelic, are separate and dtetiuct In polling, thotvj* they* are all dorivtfd fn>in the :ame given name (from a diSf>rtn! ohiofTjUn In ech in- huu->> ,vt>d though the e w on ia their Gaelw FORBES Variation Fordyce. Racial Origin Scottish. Source A locality. ForN H the n*m of one of '.h* Highland cJans of Scotland Bat though the came of a "Jotn de Forb**" as chief of the flan appears in a charter of as earty a date ac 123. the can:e la Gaelic, aad not Norman. The Nonnan form appears in that re- cord, apparently, as the reeu'.: ,->f ^e rather ix^vrertul Xorr. .,-.-. infliMDCW which were developing in those d.xys ir. the cov.rt >f the Scottish klug. It is another on* of those Highland nanni6 which are deprived ro from the given mime of iuv early chieftain, but from tno territory heM t>y the clan. Th< Gaelic style of tfce clan name "Xa F\>irb*a?<ch." the second word of the combination being considerably e'..wvr !>> tho pronunriaticn ForbM than reisi.t be loiajrined by one not nith the Gaelic spelling. :<> clan name wa not ,\Uc- .\;st<T is apparently but An accident of fale. for the chie/taln rrcditrd with four.ilinc the clan was nan>ed .VlexAnd- er life jvrloil ;s giroa as between ll>t' and i;Ji A.D.. and aooording to Scottish historians was th $00 of "Ochouacher." an Irish chteftain who crossed i-ver and setrieil in the Hijch- Inmi? Most Northerlv Smeher in At Aayox. Brrti>h Cohiasbia. oc Ob- servation Inlet, the Grarby Consoli- dated Mining and Sm;:ing Co. b pKzr.te* the early cocs:ra:oc of a atorage dam on FVl* Creek, a tribm- tary of tte Inlet, to iBjilnaiaiK its present water and power supply. Thta company ha* a larvo .- vr<*r miniag and refining p!ar.t kca:o- : probabry the farthest north of any Im- portant dev4opmnt in Caoadm. and aa?luj !m at preset? JO hocda. It haa aa ootpnt of two and nnrrhalf mtt- Hoa pounds of copper monthly, prac- Ucnliy all of wfcjea is exported. T*;e c\--ir.;>any has already developed UV.vX* Uorse-power on Fali Creek, ac -.'. n*w dam. to co approxtmtuely $J50.- 000. wit! cotvsHirabty augment thia. Gas Or 5:: -: Etc of stomach . rouble. ay medical anth- M ^t:e uz>>s i-u: of :#n to an excess of hyd: the stomach. Chronic 'arid - ' fcf exce*c:cg".v da^serous and sufferers should do either on of .: things. INDicESTION - , oo remedy it to jusi* !t::l ^** **, Uether Seigr Sjnap, tte *.i ^ aorschaadtiirteair-rtit M vA SO yars' reputation. v Vv MOTHER *~ J^ " e SYRUP ACHES AND PAINS- SLOAN'S GETS 'EM ! AVOID ti* -L*ry of nckiag taia. Hire a hxtte of Slx-'s I ir meat AOJ.< aad appK- woea yco Sntiedtieicheor paST of ana& taraaga Scmething Unusual. \VeJl Tommie wnen you fi hoaie yon car. to'.l your mother for me that you are th r.-> *t behaved Niy t tabV 1 erer aiet " cot' ^y. I'd rather noc Hostess - - pray?" Tommie -Ste d th:nk I ws ill. ma'am, and *-, j for the door " Lead pencils had not changed :n de-' sign for a hundred years. Scno *tars are so .vmote tko*: -. take* 40.000 .war? f.^r their !i|rr :hey can ftt c a '. often <iisareeab'.e diet, it.- . i . that csapree with tsem. that :rr the stomach aad toad to exc*s ccfctloa or they car. eat as they pleaae ta reason aad make i: a ;. ::ce to coacteraot the effect of the harmful acid and pcrrec* the forma- tion o( g*a, soornea* or premature nrmcatatioB by tbe use of a Bisarated Magceeia at '-eir ainah There to p-robably ECV ^e::er su*<fr ^r .v.-r-' reliable staiaaoh aatiacid Una BUurated MipiesU acii it is w . used for this purpose It has no direct I action or. the sto^ach aad is cot * ii- f^teot. But a :ea*v^ : : . '. :^.t powder or a couple of fire fraic tab- lets taken In a iliUe wans- ;\>V. w... neatnuiie The escess .to . m*y he prefer.: *nc r"- farther fonaalioo TV.* rvru.-ve* waoie cause ot u'-.f oi*I digests aa;un> . . .'jlly , without need ci paft - - Get a few c-i .... - for either powder or tal - . ..-T<T comes .*.* a '.nja:u. oiilk or citrate AT.'. in the btsuruuv -ot a l*xafiT i Try this plan acd eat what joa in: at >oar cext meI aad wo ; iKC't tte best advice you er^-r "what tv> eat." TaimcmcJ N s :: 14. U21 lie A:il-t.o Aisiociatior.. - - . ...-.?... e \ -..-, > . i t ~r~ ' mm * ^v*^i ~ UU rv fc*< U-T tJck aad am mmdes. For forty years pain's eae=y. A x-. TOc. '1.. ats very cons-. white I'.n team sore .::*. :i* best \ EaC wiUt mm MO NOWS HONG Her S-^:^'. -T U l*BI..VN m j EL Vegetab Her To Try It th:s The Boy Who Started to Town With a Hundred Dollars Cooking Meals by Sun's Heat. You ;-..-.T# oely to put voor hand oa .1 -:^uf on a brisht sunr.v l.iy to reali*e how much !<M : I m tk mear.s o< a :-ec*. focus tt^m to a po:::! befivns * hole is buroed If wv cvuid coiiect acd sv this beat '. we should hare a iras< sixirce of vx>* t-r j CUT s IS m Abo Eruptions on Face. Very ^s.. wi-.ci srre*J and ccveral A~tSt the KT> c* my bead. My A . J? has becas* irr a=.>i lae- en = enr<io-s cc very vi- "A friend JrisciJ ~Cxs.:cu?a Soap and 0:=Ene:t. I sect foe a free sarr.- pie wiich htlfol rae. o I tcocr, z>i u'ttr -; ooe tbe Brett. Jr.. P-.-.'.'.trxn.' Give Cutxura Sor. Ome ^: the care of yc=r skin. Gecrje - -'! ;--- v'.l L. ": r.i--. a=d I ara rure tS?y ri" foel as I do a'xxit it. Mrs. Fxsrx P. H<VSSN. 5c3 Symmoeda Su. kerv^ha. Wi Anedjdnethatbasl ithat c: Lhers is WVT^I yucr If we ire 5uer.^ from that sometimes follow chBd-barth in rsicd that Lydia E. table O^iyiuifci a wvxnar.'s It is spfrnfty adapted to correct letters w pcbissh ought to com- virxv you ; asjc v^a* of yxxir wsxrnea fne&is or neijrhN:.rs they know it* worth. Too will, too, if fin gwe it fair trial The advice they gave him for getting on in the \sx>rld was simple and familiar enough : " Keep what you have, and build on it. Be careful what you do and it will grow into more. It's a safe rule with money or health, but a good many overlook the rule with health, untfl they have lost what they had. Then it's hard to get a new supply. Postum is a splendid help in sav- ing health from the very common losses through the drug elements of tea and coffee whose effects on the nervous system any doctor can tell you. Thousands of people who think it Aise to be as careful of their health as they are of their dol- lars arc users of Postum. They find this famous cereal beverage n uoiujJ-.tful drink with any meal. and it's free from any disturbing element. You can begin with Postum to- day, with an order to your grocer. The road to health is a good road for anybody to follow. "Save what you have, and build on it." is sound policy for even-body. Postum ,vn-.* in two fornwr l-.stirn Po*tum (in tin*^ iv.a.U insmrnly in th cup r-T th i Jvlit>on of boiling w*t*r. Poctum Cr*l' (in pwkafw .-/ Urjtr bulk, for thoM who jrfr to trk tb irink whil* th tr.S to r-ir.$ prpardl <.' by K>iUng tor it) minutw. SoKl by '.! (rocc. Pcstum for Health "There's a Reason" M It by C*idn Pivituro Ct! C\v. Unxitvd. Wir.Jior, Ont. Pr C. G Abbo. who N*i ^!:V" 'v.vr-".-.f. :.:? -.-. ' s d:rec::or. for .-wme time. u#* a s*rt*s vrors whSA Are so carved that they focus -.'-.e s-.i-. '* ni>* '.ike :*::*es A docXwvtrfc nxechanfsai turns thetu { so that ;..--> follow the san 4$ K taore* .%k7\>s ;he #ky. Tb(> hot rays are directed OB to a, boiler ivated wKb Jufi btak palct. this cot.x- betas used because H soaks fa heat. The boiler te flJled not with waler. but with oU. which car. bsor* a fr irreater anx-su-.t of heal anvi .- tain it for * looser time. iJtf. sutniuer IT Abbot v1 the wiioio of hi cookis* by $oiar >-..' Pipe* fnvm a boer aUowwl tho hot oil to citvukne around ox*es ar.d so dM the oil rta(a M.< heat that s able to ixiok AT. ;>-.- ^ me*i if the afternoon ha ; . The sc*w -vren :* only ,- : < If we v-a:i v\vk fvxxl tn this .> w* c*a we the heat tx> <io :..o thdsad and oro tatnga that are TV>W don<e by as with coal and other frejs. , . i:prsu\i of 1.5M.AM pOMd* of tils eeosxv.. ir. idditk>B to .--. cat** of pickerel. jj?kfis6 and tuiibee. The coarser tUh ar< riraalty pientirul this >t\v>oc. Manitoba and St. Martin arf also be- jp^ i i n ! in a.A i i Winter Fifthing. SPIRIN \\"ARMNG! 5.i\ 'Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless \ou see the name "Bayer" on t.\Hets, you are not jet tins -\srirln .t all. \\'hv take chances 1 Accept only an "unbroken package' or "BAyer Tabieu of Aspirin." which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheuiivuism Toothache Vuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain. Pain "Bayer" lvx cf li thl*ts Also K- .:!< >-f *4 u , ,-u ISSCE . it !, w: *.-a t!t ft lk\!i.> , -

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