Flesherton Advance, 4 May 1922, p. 1

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Vol. 42, No. 47 Flesherton, Ont., May 4, 1922 W. H. Thurston, Editor & Prop. 1 .. PRICEVILLE i No seeding in April thU yer, but the farmers will likely be busy with seeding operations this week. The county road work starts thi* week , about half a mile east of the village. Mrs Win Watson, who had uti attack . of illness two weeks ago, is able to te i around again. . Mrs T A Feiguson also made some . viable yaiu in health during last week. The people here are sorry to lose Dr , McFatlane, who has been very success- ful with his patients since he came here, and Mrs McFarlane, being a trained nurse, sometimes did good work in an emergency c.we previous to the duc:oi's arrival. Miss ileu Everis: of Toronto has been visiting her parents here during liu ! >-t few days. Alex B McDonald is " doing " our capital city while visiting his son, John L, who is piinsipil of ue of the Ottawa public schools. Death of Mrs. Allan McLean Mrs Allan McLean, fter a lingering , illness, passed away on April 21st. De- ceased was formerly a Mist Richardson of Chatsworth. Besides her husband she leaves four daughters ;u. 1 two sous, , some of whom are quite \ . ir. :. A good wife and mother wiil be s.idiy missed in the home. Kev C S Jone* conducted , the service in the Presbyterian chuich Sunday forenoon, April 23. and also at ' the graveside in the new public ceuie- , t.'ry l'he_ floral tributes wore nutnerou* . and of excellent quility. Death of Miss Margaret Currie Mi.-- Margiret Currie, one of the >Mr'y pioneers of tlrs place, pijtl aw^y en Monday u'.gtu, Aj/iil -t. gid 87 years, aud lived to -eo nine funeials pass cut ' front their home. She was a very kind . and hospitable lady t? all who came her . way, and was much repectrd by all who knew her. For .1 number of years she hat been confined to her hove and later to her room, but to (he last she remem- ' bered old neighbors and friends. She leaves her. nephew, Archie Currie, and , family on the homestenJ, who have been caring for her. Rev C S Jout s c>>nduc- ted the service at the residence and at the grave on Wednesday p nt, April 26 Death of Daniel R. McKinnon Th people of I'ne-v.lV :ILU! x;c:uity deeply jmp.ithise with Mr ind Mrs K it |uh.u McKiunon and family owing to the Ion? by death of their sou. Daniel was a returned soldier who \ra* a victim of gas in :li great war. He came home : ruin u, stern Camul i las: , -\ ill. I .iMmpnived Bomo, and attain w;is attack- ed with threat trouWe aud , t .(,! t" For^'.i- !i iupJtwl some weeks . lln sister, ihr nut8, went with him, s.> he was well c\red for, but he passed awav in the hospital with his father at his bedside on Tuesday night of Ust week. Hi* brother, Archie, was killed in France. ' The parents , and three sitters are left to mourn, lly R J McCurtim, Mo h'-iist minister, conducted the lerviiv at the church and cemeteiy, assisted by Rev C S .1. iu.- of the Presbyterian church. The flora! gifts were numerous and truly , beautiful. The lemait.s were- laid in a . nicely selected plot in (he new public , cetneleiy. The pall bearers wcie also . rttmntil soldiers. Costly Barn Hre A disastrous barn bio, accouipau ed by the total djjtructiou of the contents, o'cuin-il on the farm of S. J. Nowtoii, lot '), third lino K H S, Mutmur, early on Sunday morning last. Mr. .u,i Mrs. Newfon first noticed the Cre through tho vellection on their bedroom window Kt about l,4o a.m. the barn !-<-::i ; then total M i.- and sections of the fool f tiling U). The bru ai a It.,' b.ink one C'2\40 feet, aud amoux tho contents wore IT head of cattlo, four horsi>, one s >w iii'd twelve pin?, 100 hens, his stock of grain and hay mul mcs'ly all his farm impK nit-ir- These wer-.' all dostroyed Tlie lire, which was of u tnysterirm origin, will prove- a disastrous blow to Mr. Nowton, coiuii'i; as it d d at tlr- timo of year. II is loss is cstitnatoit .at about #70CO, with insurance of ?UH'0 on the iiatii and $1000 on tho contents, both Iu tho Pufffi'iu Fatmors' 1 Mutual Fire Ins-uranco Co. SlwlbuuuA Kree I' FEVERSHAM The weather ia again moderating and and seeding is ge.iera! over the country, some farmers have 20 acres sown. Thi cold, dry winds of the past week and frosts at nights have been hard on e fill whea' and clover. Misa Rose McGirr spcn 1 : the week end t her parental home here. Mr. od Mr. Hu:;h. McLean sptnt Sunday with (he latter's patents at Chats worth Norman McFaddjn of (jibralter visited tirhis Broth >r Alex, over Sunday. Mrs. A. Stewart of Flesheitm spent a few diys List week with her parents Mr. ;iud Mrs. Ira Perru<>- George Biackonbury nuiJMr McTavish wre callers in our village on Sunday lust. Mrs Tom Brown, S.. visited with her liugh'.er. Mrs Kiel Hiton. -it Stayner, recently. A baby b. y has been left ty the stork at the home of Geo. Glen on the 12th line, and George is wearing a broad suule thes- dy. Geo. Juliau was in the Queen City on business recently. Mrs. Geo. Julian is still 10 puor health, but now ihe warm weather is coining we pe that she may feel better. Frank Currau and wire < I Mcluiyre spent Suud:iy with the Uttet's mnther i Mr*. R U. Henderson. Mis Johnson I? >A iv.- of U ! U y died suddenly on Friday list ard <he remains wore Uid to rest i i I'jion Cemetery on Monday. Universal >y.iipathv is extend el to the bereaved ones. \Vo '.hink from the number of young c>uplt s who attended church o;i S?ucd>y even: n^ that tr.ere will be another kind o : license tos de car lecenat) in demand Vandeleur Mr and Mis L Johnston nt th 1 ' week euj with ihe Litter's sister. Mis DikviJton of Chesley. Ths Women's IBS iiuto held their monthly meetini! t the '-..: Mr- U Uenoe on Thursday of last wee's. Sooie good papers were red. Lunch ws served by all i he members. Mi-s Florence lUvii is speuditii; a couple weeks with h-. r stater. Mis. LVn d s 'D, i i Chesley. Priddie Lee A very pretty btitt|uit;t Eister wedding : . plice t tbe home : Mr. cd Mrs. John Lee, Centre Lioe, O.-prey, on A;>n! -iud ;it five o'clock y, m . when their eldest dau^lrer, EuphemU i'i:l'..i:: . bec.uiie the bride ( J-iu--* Stephen Ptiddlo, - ,!;ly n sheeted tinner of tkpry, son :( Mr. mid Mrs. Steptun Priddle. The bride and ijrooiii s:oca beneath iu Arch of ever^rrcn) and rtiwe:s wh'le the crreiuony wus per- formed by Elder Smith, of Uec'diekvitle- in the presercd of* few reUtivts of the coiitnctitis: parties. The trilo looked pretty . .; i ii in while -ifn ,r.d georseao aud Lujjle beid truiuiiiiiu and she curried a biMutiful bouiuet presente 1 by the groom's mother. After the usual MlfnllllktHM the newly wedded couple iul guests sit down to * well 1-kdea tab'o of duntics. Mr. nud Mrs. 1'ruUlie will reside on the Centre Lino, O>prey, and their nw i,u',.,i- wish them . n< '"'d hppy wnided life. girl' offseut r birthday patty .-f Mrs. Mcliean, O,voi Sooud, .i" 88 years oil. Mrs. Mcl.eai herself was 90 S. MidUiul, in holtin * 28-lb. luni: while Easter Term Opens April 18th 1922 Prcticalc iurse<--Kx|>r; iiwtruc- tion ludividunl instruction Kutploymect d*p*vninjnt C. A. FLKMINC,. K.O A , Priuoipil suie>> ISS1 . O. D. FLKMINC., S Miss McPhail's Letter Ottawa, April 25. 1922. Dear Editor, Sii ce we cm back at Eister. :he Uw otticers of the Crown have given the decision that th-? Woes': Board is unconstitutional. What will be duce about the harvest renmca to be seen. The Western men say tint unle-s assurai.ce is giveu ihe farmers the West that they will net lose by planting ^rain, that the scrtaae wi'l be almoar, if not entirely, cut in two. Ttrs is goin* to be ere >i the 'hin.s thi: ill be a bone ot contention uiril some t;'t!cment is reached. The committees i>e all *-'t down to bird work, wh-ch rueans^thtt every min- ute of our thy is tilled. The P-ulimaeu- tary Committee of Soldiers' Civi Re, ostVo.i.-hineLt. Lacd Se'.tlemeut acd cnsioLs is the h-i.i-.-t c> mnnfee, of bich I am a member. It meets very often, every o'her day at least, ai-0 'Uacy times while the Hou<e is in session This tikes me > ut of the House to some extent. The Mc.Maiter Resolution Yesterday was one >-f tha n:.>st inter- days ire h*ve yet seen in the Houte. Mr. McMaster, a Liberal uitni- ber from Brume, Ust year brought in a bill in which a'.l cabinet member) were io re*uu their directorships of bi^ corpora- tions when they bccime members of the Cabii.et. His wlule pify l.st ye ir gave him the most enthusiastic tupp.rt, both by speeches nd by a he ivy vole. Vts teriay he :ir.r duced a res.<luti.>n corti* iag much the same ground but milder than ihe oue f las; year. His resolution said :ht ail Cabinet members who held directorships in bank*, trust companies, transportation companies and other Urge utility corporations should resigu. Ue I u' up a wonderful argument, i.e.- from r bitterness, showing that tifteeo let-lint men m Canada were very closely b uad up with the sixteen largest tinin* ci*', industrial and tiauspoitati -a c -i> corr.s in the country and that these dirtctota'M locked and iatwloekd acd members . i these directoures were also nit inters of the Cibioet of CtnaJ*. [ feel that the very greatest admiration sh-uld be accorded Mr. McMaster for his courageous stand. His party voted solidly Ujia'uit him, not s'. iud;J by him 3 this .jue-ti u of jTtujip'.e. Had it not etn for the Progressive* iu thf House, bo would hare sot no tupport. A> it as he g> t a solid support, except two It-Bride of British Columbia a'id Be.iu bieu of M t: i -i I think that never before in ihe h:s ory of Canadi h'l* the f tuber of auy prty been solidly sup- ::. i by his party one yeir and as solidly foisiken by it the next y<ar Another resolution brought in by Mr. Irvine of Ett Calory -that the defeat of a Government moi-ure should not be considered as a surticien: reason for the resignation of the ipvernuitut unless followed by a " lck of confidence ' vov, will also o. use firewv rks. I think. It is hardly to bo h'j.evl th\t r. will carry at thii lime, although it is a most si n<ible thitu;. I'ha' is indeed tho very r- t- n why it would be drfo.i'id. There doe not Stem to b.' any hops thv tho ^efsil.ll will be over soon, because the real heavy work u yet to o. me. \\u* ill have read tha' tiio ^ove uieut roads ate to te put undsr > mauaiieai-ut. This wj ety p!faairg to both tho Coi sa;v*tiv.'S and Progressives though not to so-uo if ih,> liberals. A desperate ttbtl is beiiK ma.le ty thi Pr.'itrcssivesto cut down cxpeiK J ,it'ires. Never leforo have mstt.-rs relatitii! ti tbe farm industry throughout Canil received a'.iythiui like 'ho s.inie *ttit:oi they IIITO had this session, md th opinion* advanced aie lh-'* of pr*c tea men wh understand h.it tliey are talk- ing about. V "ir MM -oveiy, .\ MolMUll. THE DIAMOND MONTH EUGENIA FUhiog seison it with us once rr. re, just the *;isun no fish. We are line tb e it ir. life that thought he cou'.d rtuca the oranges on a very hiitt tree, who w;is so near but yet so far. We 'believe thiit ti. o>. ;.. ti Utk -luir.eU and i ,-rey ^uirrel have been j we ^eld such 3 magnifi- mport^i ;ind ere takea to tucir future | o i . . home ua Pheasant U, ad ,.a SturJa 7 | C f nt Variety. boIltaiFCS, eain-. ' clusters and all the new Mrs j.i :ob \\iiiw j> ha.- . exquisite settings are in- cluded and the quality is r a COUDle ut wetrKS i beyond question. "Gifts that Last' APRIL Bates Burial Co. LUSISESS AS Funeral Direct ?jid .ibalmers We invite your inspec- tion of our new stock of Diamonds. Never have phone Hillcrest 2 :i CoUpl Stoies will c!i>c* Tuesjmy and Friday evening K-^innifi; the sec>-nd wrrk :, JJis Mun*haw h.ii the iu ; >f.irtune t.. *<J:k, iilJii ..'.'.. .- . were brukoa. she received >\ *>. u i . -t'vcr.il br>; . - - Mr IIH! \IisE;!i K' :; of Ovveu ? lid motored t cr - i-.irviit- ; . the wii-it n.d. The Eusjen ,1 .-fchestri su;<[> ied th* .ho h.ill - . A . . 'ip'e .ittendcd. Go Orabani ;- miking (.: i erect .1 Kini .n ': i~ firm ia t:. - . Mr and Mr- 11 bt > ith h.txo m.-v.d to Mi Grahtoi's faiui near Jlr and >!i- i ".: us Mar in \:\\<: ': 124 Av Toronto, Ont. MOTOR EQUIPMENT J. W. Bates. R. Maddoeks. President. . Manager. W. A. ARMSTRONG J N<W is the J ime . to your subscription to FLESHERSGN, - ONT.j The Advance mth her - Mrs J Parliament i- v> 'i, MrsG M-i^ee, t ; roent Mr Borton Cirru'hers vititeU parental home orer the week. TheLtJies Aid u;J W M 6 ,t the Presbyterian church u;eei this ThursUiy and the bond of manager* i urpose hold- nil i bee it the church t,i iujr ve 'he [roilod* arowd the church. K.\ry re s invited Thursday if:erun:i. E UorgMi and wife riaited fritnis at imiberley :h:srtk. Mn J McGiu'her, *i-c u ( -iiiu-J ly ler inter. MISS Betsy Turr.cr, f >|. ,.t L'. nr, N J, is vi-rui^ the parental !. u e at present. Wilmer Turner md wife ivimoeiley v sited the parental h- me c\^ . the week ad Mrs McMuiU'ii and .-<>i . Eiii->l!, motoied to Kiniierley auJ v -red the week with Mis S>:un r . uiJ M i - tl-initu, nJ. Ttie Sunday school purp.^c h -i:i _ he.r iucuvi busnuM meetini: . . b'nc.iy veuii'K in the church, it bun ^ ire emi t thir tiuauc al year. Appmn: ,;ient if rli-'ers and teachers will tike pKcj Ev c iyone mt rest?J u. Sunday >t.-hool work should eer:ai.,!y attend tl.:- meet- tug and see to i: that the sch.vl is ke| t runniu.;. The he!p of all pnehts s greatly uccdiJ, Come out a:, a show your interest in th s most i i ;':: i:-.- work. D L MJ o and wife .f Vin-eU-r v;*i ed the past \vt.k with Mr iiJ Mrs P Munsh iw. Mes>ri Kru^e aLi U image of Chosloy *ere quests at the Eugenia House and t.ok m the Dist Jay cf tisnini; We are glad to welcome Mr M; 1 Mis J Litiuer back ;o their homo i . r.- ouce iiu'u 1 t!'. cr h.ivini{ l.ved iu tin i.ley t c f*s! yeir. Ceylon The tiro hich l-uriied Mr lt-_. s lesideuce ou Friday nuniin; last is! <u^' posed to tuv,.' ^: irte-i ft m the cliiun.y. K Oro<kurth of TVionto was c*' er . i i towu la.-t week. JIIIHS t'.tUeison, who s,.'trt ,li-> la- t , it J M.l.eau *, left Krid.i) for li S home in Toiouto. Mr Coli-rids* of Tot,ii'o \i r r<d t.:s s;s:tr, Mis U I' L- gite, here on tunday. James Hales of i he Wosc is vnitivg with his sister, Mrs Archie !>incltlr. Will Sioket of Toronto ;< i -i r at Kobert Lauchlau has m.-vcvi hsfsinlly and household flVc's to thtir i'er nboJe j near I'tioeMlle. William Mlheon ' j will occupy the liou*o vacated ty Mr. Lic'ilau, haviti! tfoontly p'irchated the' , - 1 no. TIMOTI :V NO. 1 ana J RED CLOVER NO. I and 2 MAMMC TH CLOVER NO. 1 & 2 ALSIKE NO. 1 SWEET C LOVER white blossom No. 1 Good assortment ot garden and held seeds Our Prices Right "THE HOUSE OF QUALITY" W. J. STEWART &' SONS Flour. Fred. Seeds. Groceries acd Ccnftcticnery Flesherton, - Ontario A $ Saved is a $ Made Take notice to our prices 54 in. Serges $1.50 per yard Grey Cotton S yds. $1.00 Flannelette 4 yards 81.00 Mulls, all shades. 45c. per yard $lt\00 Rugs for $10.00 Heavy Linoleum. 12 ft. wide. $4 \ ~ Groceries St. Lawrence Sugar 13 lt>s. for l.uu Corn. 7 cans $1. Pumpkin, S cans $1. Hi^hf-t prii-o-. paitl tor 1'rtHluo- F\rv> thins; <!- in uvonlaiu-o with thi'<- p:;.-- W. L. WRIGHT CORNER STORE. FLESHERTON While assisting at dehoaitr.: cuttle hist Sruri.iy, Cl cue? Thmnps. n. a youns: uu ab.-ir. -0 ye*r of a;e, and on of Mr. till Mrs. Arch. Thompson f tho K -cky, rcceivnl serious injuries, fr :n which it wa lhou*hl for a time he could not recover. While iu tho act of do'ioin Hi ono of the uoiiuaU. the beast threw ittttf and fell onyoiun; Thompson. breaking hi*! -; in * i v uipouud fraoturo below tho kiio.'. with other s^-n u injuries about tbe hcml that ulwo,uon:ly ; developed ni co:u-u>si n of iho braiu I While badly injured and his life des- ! Of UXK> white sh pirl of for > t nif. "v> aro plivisc.l t.' i r- P -ort his c.-; l; i -n nnrrovn^ an i the 1 younj* pati. i\ fvictioally ou' of daujo-. only two aio smic, th-' WS h iv:i,- <r. wn 5tf i-it - :' rdii.1 tie-'-;. ^ Finder's Bread" Is a sign of quality! NONE BETTER Bread is vour host food oat more of it obla'uctl .M-.' years .1^0 fv. n> >he Governnion! by J. C. Kuk, Ourhini Ud . Kinoinline. A full line of Groceries, also Canned Go PHONE 8 F RED FINDER, Flesherton vv vvv v:vv vv ^-.

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