Flesherton Advance, 4 May 1922, p. 3

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GENOA CONFERENCE REAFFIRMS ' MANY POINTS OF VERSAILLES TREATY Guarantees Existing Treaties and International Agreements and Guards Against Aggression. A despatch from Genoa says: The These rs a provision ic the pact peace pact by which Lloyd George be-, to aDow any group of powers to come Heve* that Europe can be tleised with- to a prior agreement; before they act p*ace. reaffims many of the points of igainst an agfrre?sor. The last pro- the VersaiKes treaty and is an aiii- Vision scun-is weil to the German* and tional guarantee to France and the ' the Russians and also to ti*e members Liu!* Er.tenta for what they got out rf the Liuie Enter.te and in expected of the war. I to <.-ctptn=at*. France for the lack of; According to pereous who have seen' provision regarding ssoctions underj th* present draft the pact provides:- the treaty of Versa iHe*. It has aj 1 It guarantees all the exiting rea-istic va^ue in the miad* of many! treaties and ir.ternational agreezner.t*. powers in rec*gn ; iir.g r.itnral balir.^e , 2 It practically permits Europe of power and providing against this being divided into a series of poiice balancing of power leading to war. It zonw in that it allows military- wn-.ia ioceptable. to the Erg.'.:sh OKa-f-e venti^ns between two or more nations it settle* the q.citior. of sanctions: Fjch as Frar.ve with the Littte En- against Germany. It provides ever. tente, or France with Poland fcr the ground on which the ?igT5atories of 1 : the treaty cf Verse iii*s will work when they meet on tr.e arrival of Premier Poinccre of France. The Fc-".t-.< airci-iv ? e<r :he neces- j GERMANY RECEIVES FIRST CONCESSIONS TnE LARGEST SH.P .m; t.>ck over the ex-Gentar. .:r*r E.?-_..^ i^iiverto tie Wi-.tr S:.ar Lire. She has been re-ta: Ins accommodation for 4 <) passeagw*. It took ten ccordatcc with ifee stipalatic:^ oi tie Peace Treaty. AFLOAT at Cabaret Tie 3:.:.-:. ._ -j Russo - German Treaty Be- comes Operative Trade With Britain and Norway. A despatch frjK M 3*ocnr sayt: The first concexdort t:> Gerauay mae t-f-..-f -- r-.T treaty ape *asocned by i papers At Petrc-fraj aa taxf-rTtakes to -. --; ays aad repair the - _: :;. f.. *.-. -. .- in eqp f re: tie K a;!e|S*d purpose cf guarding against : aggression or for the enforcement of the part. 3 It solemnly pledges muraal guarantees of the existing -ronstiru- .-.:y (f gettinsr their Eastern boundar- Canada From Coast to Coast CENSUS OF ESKIMOS STILL IN PROGRESS > ! tional Governments which is inJer- ies settled, an achieve ro.er.t whirr. - preted as being directed arainst the possible unoer the Benes' ps*;. The return of the HcherttoHerrs ani Ha?i- Roananiar.-RiasLia frontier rv'-nair.s b'.:r&r?. a hard r.ct to crack, but, as LI -y 4 It defines the military opera- George emphasized ir. tion* to enforce sasotions and fulfill- speech, frontiers in Ea< ment of treaties, and says that such nu*t be determined, as otherwise they sanctions as those employed ae.'.irn will probably cause wars Gtrmar.y do not constiruie ho?.. it aots very few years, cf war. Studying national interest* in the A non-aggreisior. pact betwt-vr. the :ight of this draft of the pact, it nations of Europe Is practically shows that every natv>r. sa-rifi.-s agreed upon, though action upor; h something to peace and reconsJruc-. by the ecoromi-.- ccnferer.ce is beinjr 'lion. Er^r'-i-vi urxJertake* to punish 1 P.E.I. AT. air lire fcr xverai tbe usanc ar-.s.:!; ;-.>* Lii Prince Edward Island to cany first- f trm. The Feders.1 aad Orrlario GOT- . class mail between the Isiand ar.i errKseacs make griEt* to hiai for the proposed by the Aerial purchase of feee for his feathered ' !. A jubssdy cf $30.000 ' frjerxis- Mr. M'ir.cr fed 2.000 boskets! tie Fed- of core <cr. the ccb> to the bcre? .-.?t year. w ; Tbe Roval Canadian Mounted Police Report 1,364 West of Coronation Gulf. eral Go-, rrrm. rt HaJifajt, X.S. So. hii s larger number :. .t--x.-r- St: th * ffjT*. . Wrh an e_i'.y : the wsy. pier.ty :f ed for >.-*riy her oeferred until there is ni-J accord an amor.g tr.e powers 'rwjwesrrKej here. abandon* Thu plan, which is i;-Ar:ng adoption. ac-." -' >i w. - prepared Ly Premier Serves "f it out alone. France pra-ti.-a".y *: r.T.p m nshisg this year than in any other months, a bumper crop was pceui.t -. sine* the war. aa-J ^tderj :- f.-r Vaaxcba ia 1&*2 by Hon. G '.'.. industry antic-pate a seasor. of SJalcojn. M:r.i*:er of Acrinkna. Tse activity. S-.vne* of schooners acreage edtir>.t*3 at 4i<>2,coO. as l2&2iX< acres ia Contract for the r>ew .->.?:? :rv ir* procj&r-jy i^--t acre the Arctic aai ub-AieCK re- ss < OirAds^ be: ti*y have tt b< to acreage s *t;r.. have aiready saiied for the fishing co?r.parec wkh fas: as -: ~ s.~e beir.; fined out *?o> With the revival !.-! Saskatoor.. S - --i^t-j .- tnbM s to their and wfcetfeer aarrie _rc.,r ^ -'- ' - - . >: .-vards." Ftra:>. of cha--es o* - - r ~. '* >>: "- ' k ^- ; *'-* are co&s.-.rx-.-ted, boS5d;ny cf the UntversKy .-f S she r. not carry GmuafJ a.-,-*t>ts her i : c.;< tn L>f xr? i v vut .,v*/^^. vw^^. :i A 4.^ .1. T k? ^ . aft- Vtphy rent frontiers ani Russia is board ', ^ ^ tl C. of activity. -=-wa'-. "-as rven let f< r $4i.V -X*"* : - work cr. *re,-tior. wiii - over to keep the pea re. Little coon- tries war.: their frontier! tiauons. with the Frer.-.-h and the -h. and is acceptable to both. It is also believed to be acceptable to above all. srxi are wiRiny to corae in. Germany and Russia, but for othtr It is a new for.v. of league of nations, rea.-onj M. Bt-r.ts. :if:-.-Te'.y coaibirirjr -* > veiOpe-i as a the hopes and fears of everyone, and of peace. But much must be threshed w-Vcinjr cr the ur.,V-5ur.iin^ vf .." v.t : ! :-.-: ."<.- M P -.-.-.-- v ' y. The c.-r.rraci w> 5 ..-f'. par.jton. .he town cf IVv>r. < c4frrlrf by a Calgary r\rr.-. - _-';:. r.^it .;: exempt ron from taxat;or. to rev.oosi- :.rri .!f*-.t:r;? by a W--r:r-r^ ~.r::-. a:'<i t - v - will ere-t houses ir. the tew-. olt\-:rx-ai work by a local h - y, Alra. Re<vn-_y the . ; ws* -;-T>e?sed r:#*r the town of Bxh* X tr ; - -:e h..rvr>t the Far North at PcCxi here brings a report of the ceasus compie<ed last Aupas; by i th* R.C.MJ>. T=e report ,vf : ;- e , . *J- -A: -ther i result of three years : '- frctr. t\ r. r.itT.-r. -.-..-. :^r 1.- Proclaim State of War lesTiatv.-'-. frerr T.-i sacrs: A tiat G*~ Se-shcrT the r>ew ?.#> G.- - s-ir :*r-?. tijf Far Ea.*t*rr. 5e- " .- w^^ really war.t peace, wove tho drf- ferert plans put forward into , ;-.:. the cvrforen-oe of Valuable Timber Destroyed Duration of Conference in Cuban Fire May be Prolonged e i here by tie Southern Onada Pow- er Co. This r.ew industry is to be press cr. o-.* known as the Ponunior. S'.lk Dyelrc arve M sr.d F-.nish-in? Co, a bra'-jh of the on the -- National Silk Dyeing an.: r tk ; p-t tr. j Co.. of Pttersi.->n, X J. Sixtper. a.-r\ > ir.s: ard of 'and have beer, r-jrvhis* .i herv jr. i r. - r ^ruction of a builJrnj to c-ver c-.jte'.i two ax-res has comme-. *j A deepatch from Ha-. >..><:- A A i.-spatch from Geroa sr.ys: Tr.e K.-.^-?v".>. Ont. Thrtv : great forest fire is rr.sr-r*^ >. the mountain district of Pirar IV'. Rio Province, according to a despatch re- ci-ivcd at the Interior Departme^. The ccnflajjrati-on is spreading rapid- Genoa Conference rcay l.i-t :" r *' jreese er. route other throe, or even four. week*. i Labrador, ard rie "Lloyd George wil? fiykt it oat on ""- Lands frcm Fterid*, .> H.is(-r." Biv. ::! rro- :--..... was urxier v;y The warm weather -.ij >ro.x: shape t":r *-.-- ore firrr.e r to cet .^r - e saice weithtr - f- Ci<tf-i - . - - . i,i'r:l- ity of t - -. ...... . . trnt an . . > > \ -.-. - N". ? >. B.C. T- re ia i - - - Kt'.: Pen^-.fia, trerv > r. ..:-.. -. rt K->st J.2 rr.er inci rr ^ur^ Tbe 5^f-. t-;i Slss Irifincry ?' :'-t *-.-. r>rrioe a- *- *-.>. i.--^^ ... - f->r V"i*crv Ottc. SOT. t -f t:-.r iate K-r Karl, who d:evi recer.t.y :r. ex-Je a " . - '>eer. acv-:a:rr.e.t K-.r-ir of M..~.ciry cy fairhft:'. Kcyxltfas. r--t i> rv: r--rrn.:te-.i ~ y the Er.tonw. ... i- : virile-- t.-.c of rh* oc. May rrooc^ *. A .-f United > -.sh trov^ps coc-^rred ia of the Bir- hy the O*_-\gar. Viiicy. wa: v -h ly and is all tie mountains tors or. Thursday. this hre if r. tikes all Spring." was * the stater-.ert made in official quar- '-"' - - :...- - .- r a short while at Jack M -r's *K--u:-d no? tv.K--.e tx-.jsiiy bird Sar. Cristobal an.l HscierU r is sp-rnvi o-. Tho Fritish Saji-Piego de Tapias-. Crest tj-jant:- by the imperative necessities of the t*es of valuable tropica! ti:n'.>er al- European situation, which demam-is reaviy have been cor.iun-.cd. Not a drv>p vtT.v.rxrirAry tfforts at Geneva. nd is of rain has fal'.vrt in the fe^.-tiv^n for pushing the work of framing the eix mor.ths. I peace pact, and is determined to hoW * the iv:ifererce topether until that Prohibit Importation of measure is ass-jred. twraary near >- years agv> Mr M:ner becsrae !.:rest<\i ir provw-ir^r a safe retreat ba^s cf . ;- i . .. --- Weekly Market Report Th-e M::v.>trr of three ' rj:$ jrrvwr. at $::?. _ r . % _. these hiri.< during their mi.er.i- Ge55a:"iy. B.C.. and experts wr.> have XortherrC $1.40 -s. arA stxrt-i- ; u : sever, pee^e exaaiire-.l this nurocer has jrown until cowl qua! :> them to be of superior Young Scientists Needed. European Bee* Into Canada Beautiful Preams. Er:.est ^hackietor. xras ire a few of tie problems paper and A &cpatch frv^i Ottawa says: S-.r Th\> impx-rtatkm io Ci:-< !; fro-ni for.j of a pv>xi story. Here is one that F-.:: -re of N?es, us.si cr s-.-.-.-r. i-haivi he U5-. .i to teli aKvjt himself. A gu*h- hivtv. or raw hive goods or products, ing lady had boe. 1 . intrvxiaceo. to him. excejninjr hcney. is pn>hibit<x'. on and and bvsan at uxv to talk about his. after tho first day of May. l?-_ >- J. ac- voyag***- "I ah-uys think." she said, cording tv> an ojxlor is\\v1 by the "that one n-.ust h.-.\e such wonderful Federal Minisror of Asrr.v..l:;-.-.v T,T? dreams while leadinfr that i. - i >:' ., .'tv'jivi-. .-. Her ', f aaxi by t)>e n-.cr. ir. the pe'r 2r.,i-j:;r>- :r. Canada. TVy h.sve heavy '.os*es every year as a result of the .iec*y of Wvxxl in *torajr*. A's^ omo r.-.t'-J* row have t<> haul tJie-'r \-><rs 'onr uistaixx*. V >,\ a-vi this fa.-t :s r.ot Cir.oraliy KTOWTJ. the puip-ry processes have been only rfisrhtly i-.-.iproveu ir. the oy t!x is r.-,v- life." "B<MCiful dceanw. tnv>*i." said S;r Frr*st. "Oh. do te'.'; me. now what order, a s:^.tei-.-.o:.t parcrrev.t <^f Agrvul .-.:-.\ ossary owir.it to tho .lanper of ir.Jro- you usel to ihremi alxxit in the Ant- duciiHT a contagious disease of reiv* Arctic V "TreacV puddinjTs," ans- ^rrej: of Wight" <h* - The value of the irviastn- \\ at !*s.;st ;o r*r vor.t. whor. a kr 1- the CELEBRATED BRITBAVlAraN EXPERT UNDERTAKES WORLD TRIP A dt < sp.;:ch from ptvtvores vre solved, deal BH.VV irtertsive :v.\o.-t -cat:t is n<\vs*ry in connec- f.or eaA O r.e of them. A-. -fforr to supply the <Vn.--. '' ' ' ' - ~ rv.>io . > :he Ccunc-.". for Sowntiiic and Induixriai Rt>saivh of Ottawa. Arrangvments have boon rr.Aoo to aw.rd 7 F*v'r.v. sh:?s. 9 Sf.io:ev.tships arid ^ Bursar- irv-i smoryr n-.er. who ar*> t*kinir *cien- t-fic coars?. ami it is K^xi that r.tay be founxi siiitahk? the latter covervc. the Moroccan war Jut twv> wcvks after Sir Ro^,< Sruth ^>" airplane in ls>2!. crashed to death while tostiivg rhe ma- O:1 h)s wwXi '"? Md > r B -' M> chir.o in whk-h he prop\ied to make a flight aixmixl the world. ar.jxn>:x-c- m<-\: is mado that Majv\r W. T. Bliko is taking up tho project of the world opotamia. Ijvlia. Eastern Chtns. Ja- Russian Government pan. thw.ce l>y way of the Ale'.:ti*r. lalaixl^ to Alaska, across CAIMO.:) an>i to fly eastward and wV:l tr>- to scientists who will devoto ivn-.p'.ote t.ho nijrht :n sixty days. : > l - solutxTi v^f the prv^bleiRs f *e "Tho rx^uto will be fn-:ii Krcl.v-i P^p d paper irnlastry anx^p c-thers to France, Italy. Greece, Ejrypt. Mss- # Toronto. Ma: .toiva wheat Xo. 1 Xort'.t . No. 2 Xor-J-.errv $1 4#: N MariEtoba Xo. 1 Mar,:toba Karl-ey Xor.-.iv.i'. AH the above trsck. BAV pores- Aatervar. corti Xo. 2 yeiiow. . Sl.'.S. n $175 re-i. 5: to No S yV.l.-v- Ttx-. a:: ra^i Barley Xo ; txrrs. t-. ,-: -," .= or belter. 60 to tvv, acwrv^ns: t> frv rr.ts fCS ro Buctnheat Xo. S. $1 vX\ Ry,-- Xo. .. s-lv. : . - vl : Br*r . jv-r tvw tSO; shv-rts. per tor.. $oO to J. ; _; c'.xxi Ic^r. Jl.T^ to f . - Rji!*d hay Trscs. T.t." :-, rvr t>r. extra Xo C. : Pati>^s Or.tmrxx potatoes, Irish a ba. Sraobft 1 . eat Hama, --^rd ^*m. 47 to ; -. -^ t. 1 " ?Sc. corta^if rvw'.s, SO cia} braad breift*.f*s< bacon. S" to 4.V: Civics. Kv.eVjek S^ to 4-.o, Cured meats T . ^>tv clear bacc-v. ?'.7." -. $.. > ..r lilies, J:?:' ( IS ' ntvcqcte w < $4". r*vy- ar k<s. jxr tor trac*. TV-- $1.4.-. O-.tar-io No i oats. ; " to Uc vr\ oo r- ; t - . -- Or.tir.o < p.--.t<. :-. oot - - - V>X $' 7i per - <Ssxr7s'. $".^0. St.raTs*Ks, in V.'k. st's'xvird, $^..W -' '.: jbs, U'4 to> -.7.-; tt: ':*, :7 to K^ct .4-- to : V-: rjr. :.- to '.?^e; paJ, to Itv; rr Bb ". " - tB 1C M iT >i. Jk ; r . to J". ,i, . nred.. $^ M $^ .V^: do. cc-tr. . So to $o.50: i-.. ohet heifers, rfvictx *'" to $" . : do, J' >> ?- ; " vv>. ,-or. f, "." tc> ,-e. 1> .V $^.,V': do. r.-.t'-.-. . J-. : >-.' ,o $o; canncrm aoJ r.^ttfr*. $'. to t.' . notoh.er roSsi, pvvd. $o to $f : >.- .vrr . J : ro f4; :"ovior>. cvv>.\ Jf SO 1 to J": Ax fair. pats.. coctvv-. <,-.-- flight and will start at the end of May. Mnjor Blako was tho British svi.-- tho I'r.itod States to Xew Yv^r;." said tion expoit for tho IAMX^I Daily Major Rlako Issues New Money A Xows dxTrinjr tho \Vor\i War. aixl wrote numivr WBTO widely read tho Royal Air Forces, had a brilliant wr nx^n?, aixi is rvpinievl as ot-.c of the kwttost piW* in tho worlvi. Tho navig5tv>r on the wor'.d trip Moscow "Wo will fly across the At'sntk- While private brokers TV at ArtV.es which from Newfoundland by way of Gw.-.- more than fowr million paper He is famous in laixi. Uv'and, and Scv>tlsr.d. thus nwk- to the iVUar. .vd fovxi pricx'-s are i:tjr tVx> lorisrest sx\a psssa^o atxvjt SOO ! soarinip proportion.-.: i '> . t>.o ii-overn-- milos. The trip will be so timed as i*ait has announced a :>o-.\ s*-.:o of to ?: \e -.ss tho nw. fx>\>rbk> meteor- j money in proVbjy the lurjrt^st o\-- conditions. We will xse the nominations o-f tho wor-ld. The orya iv. ration whk-i-, si wti) bo CVtpt.-iin Xv>nn:-.ti MacMtllan. accompanied M.%H>r It'.aVo wlx-n Sir Koss Smith." G-ej,--> TchitcheHn Tho Boksltevik Foroijtn Mtaister and Nvs.: of ^o K'.:ssi.r. oc'.oi:..: 1 ^- :o t v .o >.;-.< Conference.. He :s ono cf the KV.^-AT.S who sijrr.exi a treaty with OBI ma in * V Foil Garape. "If a ni&:-. :v..irries .'. WTOV>W by th# nanv of K'..?abfth. th ttw> c'-'.- \> h*t . ; .o-s he >ret " ' -(.V.-. .- . "A x-o-.-r.o. . -vd :NTV :r- >. :- to ; But ter Fresh I oTvanvr>-. rrir.rs. to 41V; N\v 1. ii> to 4K- -o- to J - . o Xo ;. to 4'. to SO to S, to SvV: - dMMCCV J" to .* o..-. cc . $4 to ortxi. ..N^O. , t-y rv^ ; r.7s. .. , . - 5- t <': u ^ | U; ^^.^ do. jrood. $" to $7; : hor* fed juv5 vrxt, f.o. r .v. $i:.> s " to. : :v tx v .:':tr>-- ; roofers, 11 v^-jcks, Jv>c; taSio>-s. to : > - :xc ch ( :\V: fo-.% :-, whc.it >lwtreal. . Xo : - to K\v:r- M *.-.. 5.rsts. SS.V -' >' . c of ? ' ' Bran X.x S. New to a r.\ ?~ - - tor.. OAT '.ots S^- t.- Ss'O v">.eo, v - >^-<s es^tot .s. ". : ". 4c Bx-.tto-r --Crjojc--=t . TV M '.. ; '.v-; WH< :"*vr> r- ->- to*-, per VA*:. cariots. <: : .:** $".?"r. rcv-i.ei vt. $'.4: ..-.-. r ro.ijr' seiect REGUVR FELLERS By Gene B>-mcs Hi^v. f- \A ~ ^ A!S| *\ ~ >E_AH x IF ^COU J.^^5.N ?*-- ii.i

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