Flesherton Advance, 4 May 1922, p. 4

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May 4 THE FIE8HERTOX ADVANCE ' -,*] tl Lightning Rods Prevent Lightning Losses WHEN" your buildings are protected with Shinn-Flat Lightning Rods, you may be ab- solutely sure that they're safe from lightning damage. Shinn-Flat Lightning Rods are the only kind made in the form of a flat cable. Sir Oliver Lodge. Steinmetz and other scientists state that lightning travels on the surface of con- ductors, and hence the flat cable will carry the greater current, because it has nearly twice as much conducting surface as other forms. Actual tests prove that Shinn-Flat has less self-induction, less resist- ance, less heat and greater ca- pacity than round cables. Lightning Can't Strike if Shinn Gets There First! Shinn-Flnt prevents lightning by per- mitting the electricity to leak GKAD- l ALLY from the heavily charged ground and building into the atmos- phere above. PROF. W. H. DAY Professor of Physics at the Ontario Agricultural College for many years, and Canada's recognized authority on Lightning Protection, is now Manager of the Shinn Mfsj. Co., and assists in training Shinn Dealers, thus insuring correct installation. Call and get a book on the Lightning Cairn- and Control. E. RUTHERFORD, Agent PROTON STATION, ONT. AUo agent for Superior farm equipment, litter carriers, etc. THE Flesherton Advance An independent newpper published every Thursday at the otlief, Cflllingwood Stieet, !'! -!i, !,.! SuliDCripiiim price Si 50 pi>i Minium wh>>ii pii I in i I -. -. u.- ; 82.00 when not s paid. $2.00 t I United Siiiteo. Advertming rnteH on .i|i[,li,-.,h.i,i. i',i, ill. i- 1.. i, over HOC woe lily. W. H. THUKSTON KI.ITOR ... r , t rrrrVr ff miXif mf<kffVM' Vrr THe Flesherton Tailor Shop The Place where you get Service Just laid iii a new Block of ready-insde \\nKhA DRKSSTROUSIiKS I>est grade obtainable altci- ed to lit. At lowest pticts. ('line in ami look them over. Overall.-) and Woik Shirts T, C. Blakely Merchant Tailor Poor Old Folks- Looks as if they'll have to go "over the hill to the Poor-house." Their children either can't or won't support them. Tragic? Yes! But not half so tragic as the old folks' remembrance of the fact that their present (ilitflu is due to their lack of fore- sight in not making provision for their declining years. Be independent in YOUR old age. A imall amount invested annually for .1 few years in an Imperial KnclowmfMt I'olii-y will rnaMr you to end your days in comfortalilr itideprndrnrr in- lead of as a Imrdrn upon Ilie charity nf friends -or in a [uir.M .' home May we tell you about the income you can insure for yauTvlt 20 yearn hence, by making small pay- ment! ";< when you have llir tnontyf Don't wait write (or particular* to-day. THE IMPERIAL LIFE Assurance Co. of Canada Head Office. Toronto E. Henry - - Aitenl - - -Kloshcrton in Imperial maintain! for ix.ii.-Ou.Mw> 1 protection rftr < ....rr.mitnt Drpoilt (ban .lor. any oihn CimaUtan Tin U Ufi company IK I.I HI I Carefully c I,. . Kncii Wii-l, lUrlny TO lo (I 70 lVin I SJ I., I is HiiokMliMl (I ,sn i, .11 MI I'oUl.i.N | lid in I :ui A|i|ili- 4 00 in I ti llnllor I'M t, n ;;n KHH ?(',, ii ;>r. Wiiilrr Win HI I ( I i Sprii | Whll I I'D , I CO M ,u ,:, I M'KCIAL II I' K.ick. W. M)-,.n,i,.Mf (l.iiiiiuul) 8. (" Al fUlll, Hll(l H. I!. I 1] Mr. Eggs for Hatching l-'nr I vrn wmk wdl M'll fruin nil my ptQl hfttvhlng em* a> si.;.o pm HIIIJIIK of III t'KK< I'l^li illi in. In and nil i. lli-.l in i .' -i. .i. NII* in Cn' I mi- to l't U) n,.; HI, (I l-\llll,ill in -.1, i I, . II Iv l\NmU<di. I'mvvnl -. THE INSIDE HISTORY The "explanation" by the Deputy Minister of (lame and Fisheries as published in the week before last issue of The Advance is very disappoint ing. We aie told that the de- velopments at Eugenia are to be made a lish sauctuaiy, but this much the public knew beforehand. We are told also that there are to be by products of pbeasants, common and fancy, also deer and moose, ftut we are not Jet into the secret of how the Department came to be led into this expensive undertaking. There ig a belief here that the Department is not sincere in iu desire to benefit the nroviuce as a whole by raiting fish, plieasauts and deer, and these sus- picions are based on a very good foundation. Until these are dismis. xed Hydro will have to share in the opprobrium of an irate people here. A year after the hydro pond had come into beiug it was discovered the trout therein had grown to ab- normal pjrtions and fishermen from within a hundred miles radius had great sport capturing the speckled deni/eiic. Then Hydro got busy and ordered everybody off, threatening prosecution fjr trespass,, but as it was a public domain they fouud they had uo uiacliiicry to eufono their dog-in-tbe-mtnger policy There- upon an appeal was made to the Gov erumeut to take over the premises and make nf it a government reserve. Hou. I. B. Lucas, who was membei at thu time, made a strong objection to such a high handed piece of Due iucis, but was overruled and the government supnely submitted to beck e demand. Their claim that the surrounding waters will be benefited by the over tluw will never be substantiated because all the sticamg within milt* of the pond aro already leased by private clubs, and the public is corn- pleiely hut off Iroin legal fishing. Therefore, those who enjoy a mess or twu of trout -I in in.; the .summer aie none too happy for having the little luxury removed. Wu might also ask, what benefit tlio rest of the province will dt rive from ilir protection of migratory wil I iluckc'.' They lenvo heie in the fall mid stop fjr a -hint lime at : private shooting preserves oil Lake Erie, then pass on soutii Ijr south- ern sportsmen, Theie is not much in this argument fur sanctuary for .!: I. -. deer and moo?u, .ml the ii h p.irt is as liihy, " as is the claim fir benuvolence on tho part ol tl I' IMI i mi-Hi of Uamo and L'lsherid Murk I.uir, m in i.-..-r ot SLi'ltiiirno 1'icturiM, -|>o Imil hinni in poor henllti Hin -f Mi,, lint ,,f Hie your, died nt an i-Mlv hoiir ThutKdiiy inorniiiL,', April '.'Oh. Inlrrnrat took plucii at Thotn- Iniiy. HP I.MVI-I 11 widow. Dect'M-il W'H in -|ii|n.r in in lu-fi.ro Kninx into llio moving ^ictui-cN. llu Imd r.\|ii-ii|.|H-r i.n (Uily ni'Ws|m|iiT in tlio Stoics, mill thi-n run tin- Tli..inliuiy H.-rnld fn lll It. *\ , |i,.forn coniiiiK lo SluO- uriiii oirly in I'm f.i'l of 11120 Shul- biinii' Ki' no niNt. To Collect Tax From Total Bets Toronto, May 1 Speculation is lifa 1 mi, i! : i ii-iii^ enthutiitsts us to the man- ner in which the new Provincial tax of five p T cent, on >tll wgerin8, announced l.y Hou. Peler Smith, is tu bn collectFd. It is understood the draft bill provides for 1'ie takioit cff of the amount from the to-al - ._-,-. i, i :M rather than from in dividual tickrtf, the five per cent, levy to be taken rut probably at the same lime that the jnckt-y club's percentage is dedrc'ed. The procedure to be followed has i ot been decided definitely, it is believed, and a unod deal of the detail will like'y I i- left to ha worked out in the Houee a r ter the bill is introduaed. Notice Dr. McWilliam of Dundallc wi:l make weekly profusHonitl visits to the Muosbaw House, Eugenia, on Tuesdays and Fri- days from 2 to 4 p ra. Keeping t'elt-ry. At a constant temperature of 32 degrees Fahr., celery can Us- k.;;r fV-r : several months, and i>lac?d 011 the j market as fresh looking as th.- day It was cut. Recent >>xpcriui>-n!o : I the Ontario Goverumeiu Cold Stor- age Station at Brighton, hour out th!.-; statement, which knowledge will prove of Immense value to growers. To obtain the best results from , cold storage, celery should be well . thrown, partially bleached, cut with I part roots on, with a little rough- , age left for protection; and finally. I cut, hauled and placed in cold I storage the same day. CORN IN STOCK Both whole and cracked. Right prices. GROCERIES-A full line of fresh clean groceries always in stock. DRIED FRUITS Apricots, Prunes, Figs, Raisins and Currants. BISCUITS A full line of Christie's bis- cuits, always fresh. CONFECTIONERY We carry Neil- son's and Willard's box or bulk Chocolates always fresh, also Mixtures, Bars, W. E. CARGOE Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery FLESHERTON, Phone 30J - ONT. BUSINESSCARDS i SOCIETIES nMNCK U.THLK LQDOE. No. 33S.A.F.A A U, ifti-.-tn in thi Uuoolcbftll. Arm i rong Hkock KI<Mherton. ovaiy Friday oa I or bulpr* Ilia (all moot:. IVi. r Muir. W. U H. U. Ffolltud. Betf=rr DENTISTRY tub C MURRAY U D. 8 . dental tatgton U h(.uQi grttiUAlA of Toronto Uuivartlty aoJ -.-- i.'ul n-n- oi i .-L lJ Hurneont of Ontario. -K liui-iluibUui. I (yr teeth oltrtctioii U-ri- - : rb'i 1 1 f- Tt i <i.to hlr.rt 1- '. -:--i ' - LEGAL , i-' is. ft tLENHY-ltarrlfteK. Solicitor*. H *c.-l. H. Luci, K. C.i W. U. Beory. 0. A. ( 1111,-fi.. M at Juial.- LlMM Ulm-k, FLoi: JA. ivimi.cli t'fl'.cn at Uludalk atid DOrba . I/ KWI1T ft Tl U OKI). tXttl-'.r. Solid. " ton, Ac. i MI,, UK, OrT t Hruo Block, i>won Bound. Standard Bank ,'K' -1.1 ton.tSalurJayf). W. H. \Vrtgut. <V. P. Teifort HrsiNEss CARDS U' M. KA1TTINU, loomed A.I.-M. m- r fo ' ' thft couutlfi of llrey an! FOWL WANTED We are in the market for all kinds of fowl Chickens, Ducks and Geese Cash or trade. Highest prices paid. CARLOAD OF SALT just arrived. $3.25 per bbl., 2 sacks to the barrel. JAMES Me LEAN, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON WE SELL llrajr '. Biiucov peoiiltr. Tra couutl arm tail stln uoituralo *att*factk'Q nuatauU'" 1 ,ii>ti(t for ilate* mav Im itiartVat tli "...i.t Couliitl tvlvrliotui oftiru 1-KTanhaui ir liyaddroMlnit llle at Ki'Tt>i hum. Out. OMol'UAH. County ot All* M'ttoll iOco. l.i-.: (Molina. FARM IMPLEMENTS cur PRICES I'ln<u00tl \i>-ii i- -. (or tlip Clrnjr. Tnrtui luixlermto ami on >lt. A. ; - Itsi-.i i t n.A M.II . .-.:.-.. fruM tllu VtculCY of Mi-iliolllfi, I'll .m- . of Toroiin. iiiiv>- ifi.-hit' ivv IM .,-1, '.,-! urtou, Ti'l -plione SS. MANURE SPREADER, 4 WALKING PLOWS, WAGON MOWER JOHN HEARD, IMPLEMENT AGENT FLESHBRTON. Bull For Sale A (iiirn lirml Sliiirllii.ru Hull Ihiitc. n inmitlii nlil, it-c iriloil iM.<i i ..'.- I !;,-, I 'i'', 11 . in i!, . i i 1 i wllilo, I'u-i! liy K ,) Curry, Mnikil>t!i>, onlvrd tin- |.ri.|u>iiy uf W.J. Mi-iili, Kli'shrrlnii. ll.-vvi-. l.y M'ii.1.'.' . I'iil ,-. I,,, liy Mntohle**, tin* I" -ii.-.i |nici>il Slmrtliiiiii Hull ever )>r.>(ltii'id in C-ktinilit, Ho w;m il in t; i i. IMifitrrit f..r SlO.IOn. MU:li'.<Mi l>i|l<i> "IIM s 1>I lirrtt in mi' i\ j'n. d '} (ii i>l' nit iiiiini il 111 fur nil ii'iiHinl IIHH (ii-dvul l.in\olf i\ miro Mmk flttttr. Ilisilun, It "in l-'i,, ij, IT 11 ! I i- "f ii"'d in Iku ; .-.IMIII mil n Ku-! t (uii|- ) A|i|.!y to \\. .). MIlAt'S.Kl FIRST IN ITS CLASS The man who holds a high position in public esteem usually has earned it So it is with automobiles. You know the popularity of the Chevrolet car in this district and you know there must be a reason for it. In fact there are many reasons. Here are some of them : The Chevrolet is a car of high quality, remarkable performance easy operation and control, excellent riding qualities and fine ap- pearance. It is an economical car, too, in operation and upkeep. If you would like to have a ride in the Chevrolet car we have been telling you about now and then, we would be glad to drive out to your place almost any day or evening and take you and your Family or a little spin. Our motto :-"Square Treatment." Ask any Chevrolet owner what he thinks of our treatment and service. McTavish's Garage FLESHERTON, ONT.

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