Flesherton Advance, 11 May 1922, p. 8

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May 11 1922 THE FLESHEBrON ADVANCE Feyersham's Busy Store We offer the best value for your money in Dry Goods, Wall Papers, Groceries, Boots & Shoes We carry a full line of MURESCO, ALABESTINE, COROLITE Have your cream tested here while you wait* We pay cash or trade Highest prices paid for butter and cream MRS. R. H. HENDERSON FERERSHAM, - ONT. Motor Fees To Pay For Roads Transient Advs, For Sale Barred Rock eggs for said $1 for 15. Jos Oliver, Priceville P.O. Try Fe^ersha.-n Pastry Flour, the best or your cook. All Onttrio wheat Chopping done CD Saturday only Graham Bros. Eugenia For Sate A few bushel of seed spring wheat and seed psas. W. J. etewartand 8on, FleBhertnn. Dapple grey mare 9 yearn old for title, or would exchange for colt B Wellon, Fleherton. For Sale General Purpose mare lix years old, good size. J. J. Thompson, Flesherton. Six building lot* in Fteshertoo for sale on Toronto street, finest location in town APP'7 '" B- Welton, Flesherton For Bale or Rent The old *sn factory In Kleaherton, on eaiy term*. Apply to H. J. Sproulr, Flesherton. For Sale Bird* pure wool Mackinawa tn*>hlack, brown and erey, also knit tocklogi. II Alexander, Feversham. Garden plowing Those requiring team work done on girden apply at this office. Also few loads of good garden nurture for inle. For SaU Good reliable sec >nd hand rii-ini'H, all horsepowers up to 7. 135 and up. See these Before you liuy T. E. Thornbury & Son, Feversham. Merchants Bank Probe Evidence All in Againit Macarow Allan to Appear Friday Montnal, May 8 All the evidence in a inflection with the case against D. C. Mactrow, late General Manager of the Mercbauts Bank, is completed. Arguments will be beard on the case on Thursday next, and on Friday Sir Mantagu Allan, president of the defunct bank, will come up for dial. The concluding evidence was a lengthy examination of George Edwards, a Tor. onto accountant, engaged by the Miniatnr of finance. He showed that 1796,268 had been written off the bank premise* account by the bank's managers. Mr. F. E. Meridith, counsel 'of the Mercnants Bond laiue Will Mean Completion of Provincial Highway at an Early Date Within three you*, construction work on the entire Provincial Highway System of 1800 miles will be completed, if a bond Issue of 125,000,000, proposed by the Hou. F. 0. Bigg, is approved by the Legislature this month. The plan of the Minister of Public Highways is to capitalize a portion of the revenue from Motor Vehicle License Fees f 2,000,000 a year for twenty years thus providing immediately a fund of approximately 826,000,000 for the con- struction work for the next three years. The Minister seeks, by an ammendment to the Highway Improvement Act, to effect this object. On several occasions the Ontario Motor League has urged the Government to adopt the scheme of capitalizing a portion of the revenue anticipated frojj Motor Vehicle License Fees to provide funds for the building of the Provincial High- ways. The League has advanced this as ii-i alternative to tne proposal to largely increase the annual motor license fees at the present time, and, therefore, the League heartily supports the principle embodied in the amendment proposed by Mr. Biggs. What opposition there is to ibid a inendmeut is based principally on the argument that the m ids now being built will not last fur 20 years and, therefore, will be worn nut before their cost has met through the retirement of the bund iisue. This argument, however, is fall- acious, as at letsttwo thirds of the wbo'e work being done is of permanent value. Permanent work tuuh as the construction of bridges and culverts, grade reduction, drainage, cute aud fills, in fact, all but the surface work, will have aa great a value 40 or 50 years from now as it will be the years hence. So far as surface work ie concerned, the average surface should lilt Ifruin 10 to 20 yean if good GENUINE BARGAINS In Men's Navy Blue Suits We've been particularly fortunate in being able to get an 18 oz. Navy Blue Serge Suit, well tailored and trimmed in guaranteed fast dyes to sell at $32.00. These suits sold as high as $75. We have your size- and guarantee a fit. MEN'S ODD TROUSERS In striped Worsted, good quality, 34 to 42, worth $4, soiling fo $2.60. Waterproof Coats We have in stooK a full rauge of Men's Tweed Waterproof Coats in varied patterns and colors. Specially priced at '$14.00. Special in Woven and Black Wire Black Wire No. 12 for Repair Work perlb. 5c. And a special Discount of 7 per cent, on all Genuine Frost Woven fences, if cash accompanies the order. This discount will bring the price of a First class Fence in competition with mail order prices. KARSTEDT BROS. PRICEVILLE, ONTARIO Bank, tettified in regard to a Ktter , wri.teo by him to D. C, M.c.row, in re- 1 dr " D8 a " prOV | ded 8nd * P r P er 8 y" em * f\t ** A i nto M AM AA to Adfr *tkl tall A/I gard to the agreement beUren the Im k and G. W. Finlajson, trustee of the iniolvent company of Thornton, David* son & Co , and C. 0. Cameron, a partner in the firm. This firm caused a loss of 6umo t">,000- 000 to the Merchants Bank. Mr. Meri- dith testified that the letter meant that negotiations with Mr. Finlayson were at an eud For Sa'e-li H. P. also 2A H. P. gasoline engines in firai clasa repair. To be sold at a bargain. II. Down and Bone, Flesherton. For Sale One 14 foot mill, In./.' saw, onn 14 power wind- h.p. |i"it i 1 !> of maintanence is established. The revenue from Motor Vehicles t'c* ense Fees last yeu was approximately $3,01)0,000. This revenue is iocroaaing from year to year and if $2,000,000 annu- ally is set atide by means of a bond issue for construction work, thtre will still b upwards of |1,000,COO remaining etch year to provide for ma : ntenance. Bull For Service The Post Office Department bai issued ' instructions to Rural Mail Carriers to The pure brei Durham Bull, While ', CMr y "'""ipa only in book form. These Chief, Imp , No. 144,551, for service rn booka are 25 cents each and may be had lit 26, O.D R Terms $2 for grades, I inl . 2 and 3c - denominations. Patron |5 for pure bredi."" Imy20 JOHN OLIVER, Prop. of the I'.iinl Routes will do well to this in mind. be a "S"!"::::;:::::: :;::i;;;;;:;l; UiillliH&iiiMliifllliililiMiMHIttiUll ; ? t " ::::::::;::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. .1: Right Now steam engine, one 10 inch plate /i .in grinder, and ball hearing pneumatic tired buggy, one (! ft M II binder.miiwnr, one 12 disc seed drill Chan. 8*air>r<l R R '.. Mnrkdale. Ilonae and Lot For Sl The prop- erty known as the Aahdown residence at Ceylon, an eij{ht roomed dwelling, :< <l cellar, stable, etc. ; about an ac-c of land, would make u uood hcme for retired gentleman. Fur terms and fur- ther particulars apply to W. .1. liellamy, Flenherton. IMnyft Uunn's Fertilizer For 8-ile at !-!., r ton Station Parties wishing to Hocure Ounn'H Sure (Jiiin Fertilizer cm tin HO by i '.in .(."i 'In . with W. J. Mehdx, as lie in gent for this district and k. i it on hand. Can be secured uny week dny, but l;i|v" >lay preferred. As the price Is ^reality reduced it will ho in tho irr tereRt of those .. ,i in. thesn "nli to get rny prices \V. J. Mead*, Klushurton P. O. Telephone .'{ r 4 Leave your Repairing in now before the Spring rush THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO !!!!t!S!1!fMtt Bull For Service Pure brt.d Durham I .ill, No 143013 foi service on lot Ki2, 8 W T A 8 U, Aitp- ... '"-i i I'. . r.r f2 for ri!i.l'-<. s.'i for thoroughbreds. 0. AKIN8, Prop mayl BOAR for SERVICE Purehmd Tamwnrtb It" u for service on lot 107, S W T and S E., Artemesia,. Terms $1.60. Hows not returned will bu charged same as thoie In },'. Fob 15 -T. J.8TIN80N,.Prop Boar For Service Pure bted Registered Yorkuhiro Hoar for service Vineyard run. n . 77530 on lot 107, 8. W. T. & S. R., Arremesia. j Terms 91.60. 8ows nut returned will be' charged sume -is those in |n>;. 10,4,22 T. J. ST1N8ON. Up-to-date Clothing Perfect in workmanship and stylo. Clothing made to orcle. Surges, Worsteds and Tweatls on hand also a good line of Men's and Boys' stylish Ready-to-wear Suits & Overcoats All at lowest possible prices. Gleaning, Repairing and Pressing H. ALEXANDER Merchant Tailor Feversham, - Ontario Centre Grey Is Organized For Baseball To consist of Gve teams Ceylon, Mark- dale, Vandeleur, Flesherton and Dundalk. The annual meeting of the Centre Orey Baseball League was held in i'lesberton on Tuesday evening of last week to organize for the coming year. Tive clubs were represented at the meet- and all decided to enter the league or the coming season. They are:' Vyl- -n, Markdale, Vandeleur, Flesherton iml Dundalk, and a rbedute was drawn up to include these p'aces. The officer 8 'lected for this season are: President, Mr. George Mitcbel 1 , Fleiherton; 1st. Vice President. Mr. Oeo. Hambuiyi Dundalk; 2nd Vice Presided, Mr. B. BoUnd. Vandeleur; Sec.-TreM., Mr. am Buclmnan, Vandeleur, A new let of rulei was drawn up at he meeting, as the N. W. B. A. rules olio wed last year were found not to be uited to the needs of thii League. It was decided to use the D U. M. tialla r this season and with the 12 dozen jails bought by the league was to include a silver trophy to the team who wini the championship. We understand the trophy will be a permanent fixture to the League' The umpires lelec'ed thii year are. An Wilson, Owen Sound; Arch. Vauoe Corbeton, and A. E. Col^in, Matkdtlti. The following U the achodule for the year 1922- Juno 1 C, ylon at Markdale " 3 Vandeleur at Fleshertou " 8 Markdale at ..Vandeliui ' 8 Dun In it, at . . Flesherton " 15 Fleaherton tt . . Mikdle ' 16 Duml.il k at Ceylou " 16 Vandeleur at Ceylon " 22 M-n-kd.iK- .it Dunbalk " 23 Fleshorton at Ceylon " 29 Ceylon at ... . Flesherton " 20 Vttideleur i . . . Dundalk July Mirkdale ' Ceylan " FlestiHrtou lit . . . Dundalk " 12 Dundilkat ....MarkdaTo " 13 Fleiherton at Vandeleur " 20 . M u k.l.iK- at . . Flesherton ' " 20 Dundalk at . .Vandeleur " 27 Vandeleur at, . . Markdale " 27 Ceylon at Dumhlk Aug 3 Ceylon t Vandeleur b'Kshertou 'I'nin-.il iy ru neaily ull on Markdwlo aro becuring the st rvioi-s this j year of 1 1 u ,.Kl Howler, last year catcher ' fur tho Vftiideleur nine. Oomo to Fleshertou June 3rJ, Van- di-leur is to appear here that day fur a Loagu-5 I'lim... Pasture to Let 300 sores of pnsturu to let or cattle km) in nfttu- May 15 h, alec a man wanted for the soaHon. -HERB COKBETI, 'Cloverbrao Farm" Proton SPECIAL B. P. Rock, W. Wyandotte (Limited) i, C. Anoona, and S. C. Leghorn*. Eggs for Hatching For two weeks will sell from all n.y ens hatching egg* at 91.50 per sotting f 18 cggi. Cash with order and all Hod in rotation. No* is tho thru- to et laying and exhibition stock. H. E. Karstedt, Priceville. FURNACES We are agents Clare Bros. Pipeless Furnaces, which we instal on order. Repairing of all kinds pro- mptly attended to. Pipefitting including pump work. All kindsof Hardware D. McKILLOP Flesherton, - Ontario FORD- To buy where your money goes furthest is just another way of saying BUY A FORD. Now is the time to get your spare tires, We have them. Runabout $515 f.o.b. Ford. H. DOWN & SONS FLESHERTON, ONTARIO ESTABLISHED 1872 Proton Office open Tues., Thurs. and Sat HOURS 12 o'clock noon 4 o'clock p.m. BANK OF HAMILTON DUNDALK BRANCH-A. M. Carthew, Manager SUB-BRiNCII PRQTON-C. J. Forster. Sub-Manager

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