Flesherton Advance, 18 May 1922, p. 3

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Surnames and Their Origin CAREY Variation Carew. Racial Origin Welsh. Source A locality. The changes which so many of the 1 Reynolds is another one of those _ . , , a ... , . ., . family names which is traceable to Irish and Scottish family names have * . . , ! an old Teutonic given name, and the REYNOLDS Variation Rennolds. Racial Origin English. Source A given name. HIS NERVES NOW STRONG AS EVER How An Ontario Teacher Re- gained Good Health. "I am a school teacher by profes- BROCHU LIVED ON VICHY AND MILK DIET Flub "What It Is. do 3~ou think For that matter, they are no greater than those which curred in many purely Engli But Now Montreal Woman Eats Anything and Feels Fine All the Time Gives Tanlac Full Credit. names. Ths name of Carey, or Carew, for it element in so many names of Teutonic continually running up and down my ah , ut thfi vcya&er is spelled both ways, the preference; origin, is not the same as the modern back ' n:v arms " nd m ^ % s \ 1; ! f "Well, ma'am," cald Sarah, "that's being for the latter in England, is j German word "wald," which means m ^' needles, seeming at times o u]s JookK)ut t . sim!I to him. prunor.nced the same in either case, i "forest." It is the same as the an- fairly psj-alyze me, and often rny heart alul jf anyfi ... i: . g . ha p pens to me inl that indicated by the former spelling.) cient Gothic "valdan," ar.d carrier the wa3 thumping like a trip-hammer. 1 ^ his IQSS> EOt mlne ... Carc-.v, however, is the more ancient i sense of "ruler 1 or "ruling." Indeed, determined to consul', our fam::y d spelling, and if you want to go! it is probable that the word root traces tor > and he immediately put me under straight back to the Welsh, it's' back still further, to a prehistoric orders. I had to give up my scht "Carrw." It is a place name, the! time before the original Indo-Eur- atld return home in order to recuper- name of a famous castle in Wales, 1 opean race had split into the Celtic ate my lost health. Milk was his duel and it has become a family name in' and Teutonic branches, as well as remedy, and I drank quarts of it; yet, A Woman's Reply. There is 110 use trying to joke with , the usual way that place names have into others, for philologists believe it thou h me . It: * other day lones heard a pretty good conundrum and decided to try it on hU done. That is, it is a development of, to be a "cousin" to the Welsh word "?* U P to m >' n ormal condition some- .. Do ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ an original use to indicate the locali.y "gualedyr," which has fcrtualiy the ln was rmssmg; someUnng my sys- mu]e? ., from which the individual to whom it! same m^ani. I tem was ca!hn S for - better b ' ood - One was applied had come. The name of the castle, "Carrw" is! waldr" 1UB 1UCOM111.&. I , However, the given name "Reogn- dav - when l P lcke ^ P " a "' " "- acr an meant "God's ruler" or "god- a combination of "caer," which means like ruler." Among certain of the castle, or fort, and "ew," which means' north Germanic races it became water. "Reinhold" and Reinold." The Anglo- , W"" 111113 what was needed . " cn ' in my cs: : new. blc <**- l immediate sent home. The wife did not even stop to thick. "No," she replied promptly. "I you are, but I don't you are." "For nearly five months before tak- ' ing Tanlac I had to live on milk and vichy water alor.e/'sald Mine. Louisa Brnchti. 136G Amity St., Montre^.;, Que. "I suffered so much i!ie past tw>' y^ars I was almost a wreok. My in^ digestion was so bad I was alrno-t afraid to eat for even-thing disagreed with me. My liver got to troubling me too, and pains tn my side nearly run me wild. Nearly every night my sleep was broken by terrible headaches. "I took the first bottle of Taalae to p!ease my husband, wiio worried over my case, but my second bottle I took of my t/wn accord fcr I was beginning to feel 50 fine. I have a good appetite now, eat anything, and have no mere trouble from pains or sleeplessness. I think Tanlac la wonderful. Tanlac is sold by ail good druggists. Classified Advertisement* A UN $10.00 TO J6U.OO PER DAT vulcanizing. Be Independent; w ; fh you. Write for particular*. Chief Instructor. Canada Vultuulier. London, pnt. MOBTOAQEB. Df.) TOU WANT A FIRST OR Becond rnortgiige Investment on R"d security? Write E. Norman A Co., Mortgage Bankers. IS Richmond Bt .. Toronto. ESTTTNO FOR ALf A_LL KINDS OK : a\V AND UBBD r*ltln* -lUitoyB. uw*. cor-:e.hoo.p(;klnr, tc . chipped >ub]ect to BDproval at low**! . . -. In Canada. TORK RGLTINO CO. ' TORONTO. To afford easy riding the ends of the springs on a n^w motor bus aro inserted into rubber blocks i/istead cf metal connections, Minard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia Amended. 4 li;i. . AVCtilllVliJ i;i_* AVt ill Wl\4 i : 1* .-,.'>- IV. 1_ J Sometimes the particular spelling Saxons had it as "Regnald," which un- for a box, and when the doct r visited ^arey comes frcm a place name, i der Norman-French influence develop- I?*' 1 tol ^ h ' m , 1 had decided to try Dr. -Cary," in the parish of St. Giles, ed into the softer -Reynold" from Wl " lam / P** 3 and he seemed A school inspector m the North of nc-ar Launcecon. It also has a Gaelic which the family name has been satlsfied - B V thc tlme m ? box was England asked a chjld in a primary origin. ' derived. Y Pills and satisfied. By the time . nearly done, and I determined to get school to tell him as nearly as pos- 1 another, by the time I had finished sible what he understood a pilgrim to this I was gradually coming back to be. Seven O clock 1 ea. normal. My strength was returning, "A pilgrim is a man who goes about Five o'clock tea, which was first I could sit and walk without strain, a gocd deal," was the reply, started in England some seventy years For the next few weeks I continued to This seemed hardly satisfactory to | ago, is a custom which has spread all take the pills, and they were working the inspector, and he said: over thc British Empire and even to wonders with me. My head was be-. "I go about a gocd deal, but I am The healthy child 'sleeps well and the L'n'.ted States and Fraisce. coming clearer, my memory better, not a pilgrim." during its waking hours is never cross A more recent invention is seven and my nerves were becoming stead-, "Please, sir, I mean a good man," but always happy and laughing. It is o'clock tea. By this I mean the cup ier. I began to go out frequently, en- 1 was the eager addition, only the sickly child that is cross ar.d of tea which itr.e people out of ten joying myself. My appetite improved peevish. Mother, if your children do now take before getting up in the morn- and was even better than before I had Worked Both Way. not sleep well; if they are cross and- ing, and which is equally enjoyed by my break-do\vn. I was myself again.' "Here's a wonderful thinff!" said cry a great deal, give them Baby's! all clas^o- of society. , I got back my school, and to this day the fascinating: widow. "I've just been Own Tablets and they will soon be: Australians are the greatest of tea I have had no return of the trouble, rBa ^i ng about a man who reached the the stomach, banish constipation, colic New ZeiUanders greatly prefer tea. remedy, as I believe that what they and iiv.licrestion, and promote healthful ( They driuk very little coffee at any did In my case they will do for others.") x ne sleep. They are absolutely guaranteed time. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can be ob- !0 urly. free frcm opiates and may be given to 1 In South Africa on the other hand, ' tained from any dealer in medicine, or "That's nothing," ho said. of himself ; .n two years!' 1 disillusioned suitor smiled "I know Searchlight of 500-Foot Range. From the pocket flashlight operated by two or three dry celi of minute size the battery searchlight has been steadily improved until "emarkable results are obtained. Some time ago there was devise 1 a searchlight of 500 fee; ransre operat- ing on six or fight volts. More recent- ly a battery searchlight has b.-t-n :.-.- troduecd with a range of 2,000 feet up to half a mHe, operating on six vc'.'.s. E.:'-.:pp<. J with a. seven and cne-haif inch adjustable focus, s shell reflector, on a recent ph:-tJ- meter test one of these searchlights gave 453 candle-power. The combination of a nitr/gen l'. tung-s^eu lamn ar-d a correctly design- ed reflector has worked wonders fcr the battery operated searchlight. MONEY ORDERS. It Is always safe to send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents. Fulness After Eating If you have fulness after meals, a bad taste in your mouth in the moining, fur on the tongue, flat- ulence after meals and i\p appe- tite, take Mother Seigel'i Syrup. It will clean your tongue, renew your appetite, give you relish for food and the power to digest it thoroughly and easily. Sold in 50c. and $1.00 bottles at drug stores. the ne*.v-bcrn babe with perfect safety, coffee is the drink. The custom of cof- : by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes a man w h o was a profound scholar at They are sold by medicine dealers or 'fee driukin* hiu> been imported there' for *2.<~>0, from The Dr. Williams' f or ty. Then he met a woman, and by mail at 25 cents a box frcm The from Holland. When you liret go to Medicine Co., Brockville. Out. f or j,' er gafce ma( j e a f 00 i O f himself Dr. Wi'.!!ams' Medicirx? Co., Bro:kvi!h?, ' Holland, you are somewhat surprised Ont. to find that everyone knocks off work What About the House Fly? at eleven oclock in the morning fora* It must be remembered that the sap of coffee- and very g>xxl coffee. : fact that the house fly is a source of in two days." Dressin' Up. Gee whiz! I hate to hear ma call: "Ite tlaio to go now come, get! At Hiti >>> ; i may smile hi a superior <!re??ed!" : way. but very soon you will take to not require any scientific kmr.vledge ! it, aud liud that it does you good. - to appreciate this fact, inasmuch as The- fact is that the climate has this pest transmits disease for thc a most part An' have to quit my play, an' way'". An' dress up in my Sundiiy best. One on the Doctor. in physician, attended by a ' ing the round of his b<ss!de a bed whereon lay a man will* "I've laid your blue suit out." says ina. "Your Ktoii collar an' your tie!" of eitmmg , with excretaons of this need for coffee whilst the dry . different kinds, thrown off by those the habit of playing a wind instru- , .., A stiff white collar! have a heart! heat of Australia produces fhe crav- ! sufferin" from the various communic- T,v Aw. must I wear It. ma?" says I. ing for large c[iun titles of tea. ab ! e diseases, and then passing direcc- The rtussian drinks tea at all hours i y f rom these to the various articles of food, many of whicii afford a fav- t orable culture medium fcr these ail that putting and to the "- "* " iv iium biiviac LU tie variuus tirircies , , An' ma says, Y- go wash, now j <* the day but the cup which he ap- of food , many of which afford a frtv . '"^;- < quick- peaid to like best is that which he ara ble culture medium fcr these 1 . A,,' let me see your ears an neck ! takes after supper, it is drunk with- ?enns . for instance . th Jf " p ay he a.Ue^ adding ,j ,. When you get through- wash clean!" out m..k, and would keep mcst Cana- table ^d in our kitchens and pantries . l l nl nv i diuns awaltt- all r.isht: v*t it cprtninlv ,,M.:I. i._ _*_ :- etudtnt-. the pauent you bas not that effect upon the Russian. In France, Itaiy. Spain, and Portu- sible for the transmission of two dif- ferent diseases, that is malaria and Says I. "I'll wash the dirt off, every speck!" But when I go an' show how clean f > I've washed 'em, ma says, ".Mercy of the day. indeed, the meul consist* responsible" fo"r""thT transmission f.-r the "The c'jpcertlna, sir." Content. Life's simplest things are love, and kir. i!y friends, Nature's sweet charm of earth and sea ard tky; Gladness of s?u! that with right liv- i:i'JT blends Hcmo's dear content, so cheap that all may buy. Rip'ey D. Saunders. * "I have done only one sensible thing in my life; to cultivate the ground." Voltaire. O. McPherson, Furniture De:der and Undertaker. Armstrong 1 , B.C. Minard's Liniment Co., Ltd., Yarmouth, X.S. Dear Sirs, Since the start of th> Cuticora Toilet Trio Satisfies every want of the most critical in cleansing, purifying and beautifying the skin and complexion. Nothing purer, sweeter or more effective for every-day toilet purposes. Sotp'Sc OhtaraCSiuJSec. TalcuZSc. Sold t.'-.roughnutrheDomiaion. C-aadi&nDepou M. United. 244 Si. Ptil St.. W.. MHtmL "cura Sc*p ahave* without muc. , . coffee Is served with the first meaj yel i ow fever; and the ^y louse ,,, v of W'y, Sain, they're black- they'll never do. They would disgrace the family:" Why the Salmon is Pink. Men of KT: were :.c i an-d . - - - - "...-.... ... of trou.--t have red or pink flesh. Now o'clock d^er^ believe that Ih. color conies "Aw, th.Tl's sunburn tiiat ain't mu! dirt, Honest, it ain't!" But ma. she takes so The wash rag an' she- scrubs an 1 eays: uave lakeu to tea. "Here comes the sunburn off- in CBkes: " baseball season we have beer, hindered with sere muscles, sprained ankles, etc., but just as saon as we start el using MINARD'S LINIMENT our troubles ended. Every baseball player should keep a bof.Ic cf your linimeni handy. Yours truly. W. E. McPHERSON. Sec. Armstrong H. S. Baseball Team. WILL ANSWER ANY WOMAN WHO WRITES Montreal Woman Finds Health by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound disgustingly filthy pest should more , ta t when lobsters, prawna, and than warrant iis extermination, even si , r ; mp arc coc ked the fta^h turns The Garden. And if indeed old garden thou and 1 have wrought, if it were not responsible for the pin , k . j m ji ar iy ,iie process cf diges- transnnssion of disease. { Uon tun)s s ,; e ,;, i:jh pink . W hen a Ihe only way to efficiently abolish s h r ; m p [ 3 found in the stomach of a fh<? house fly w to destroy the breed-, ^^^ or a trout the gastric juice? cl' :ng places. However, it is well to re-! the ftsh have turned it ahnost as re i And made fresh flowers sprung up mcmber thjlt every fly killed now; or pink as if it ha<J been M \^i. from hoarded seed, mav save th "Kflg of millions within Therefore, even if we had no definite "Gee do 1 have to brush all that?" An * d fra 'S r < ln of o\d days and deeds two "'onths^Ume. | proo r i we nxjght. believe that vhe color have brought p K^;V,,r' r^ ! C^ A of tils flesil of sa!:ilon anj t*^ Ts ~ Back to folk weary; all was not for ^*-ivai5er 5^-ruei V^onauct sultg from the considerable quantities nought. at Father S Deathbed. | O f various small shellfish that the Win. Morris.! "Why didn't father faH at Wcerth? fishes eat. : mea.ning tlie battle of Woerth-an-der- 1 Bui there is (infinite prscf. Seversl Amvrlca'i Ploa*r Dog aaie<li3 Hooi% on DOG DISEASES and How to FaJ ^fnlled Free to any Ad- dress by th Author. H. Clay Olovsr Co., Inc. :J9 \\est 24th Street Now York. U.S.A. Au' brush ywir teeth an' bra-h your shoes" Wisht I oould lay iny fingers on The feller that invented close. An' dressin' up! Jlst wish I could! You bet I'd bloody up his uose! ---Roselle Mercier Montgomery. The Bible contains 773,748 words COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Oil-lots TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF TORONTO A match is struck, the weed is Ht. Sauei- In ti<> Pi-auco-Germau war in : years ago Promisor L#ger cf the Pis- the user throws the match carelessly! 1870, when the then Crown Prince i ciculti-ral laboratory t Gren-.i! 1>. away, a breeze fans it into a blaze ' Friedrich Wilhelm defeated the Franco, made experimerts with trcut Montreal, Quebec. "I was a suf- ferer for three years, not able to do my housework. My husband was discouraged, for I was no better and had h:'.d 'he doctor all this time and nothing helped mo. I was always sleepy, had no appetite and suffered with my left side. My mother la England recommended Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound be- cause it had helped my sister, so I have Icon taking it. I am now able to do my housework and I can not praise your medicine too highly as I have gront hopes for the future. I will tell anyone who writes to ma what good it has done me." MRS. E. MASSO.N. St. Heury P. 0., Montreal. For nearly fifty years Lydla E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has bevn helping women just as it helped Mrs. Masson: oftentimes after doctors and other medicines failed. If you are suffering from disagree- able symptoms caused by some female weakness, try this splendid medicUe. It Is a woman's medicine for women's ailments, and can be taken, in safety by any woman . Gift from Nature's Storehouse The delicious, crisp of the wheat and barley food Grape > contain all the natural up -build- ing values of the grains, including mineral salts so essential to health. A food equally well suited to the reoyiirements of young and old. 'There's a Reason for Grape Nuts Sold by grocers everywhere and 3,55C>,!80 letters. (with the usual serious results. (French. "It would have been lucky,"; to determine- what gave their flesh its The mcU prolific cau^e of prevent- j Scotland Yard has records of 200,-' said the ex-Kaiser Wilhelm to his J color. He separated tK; etrgs from able fires in all walks of life is un-; 000 finger-prints, so perfectly clas&'i- mother, the daughter of Queen Vic- 'one trout into two lots and hatjhed questionably the careless user of fied that any special one can be found .terra, ,acoo<rd'inr to Rob-ert Dohme,! them in different troughs. He fe*l matches. Jin one minute. who was a membe- of thc court of one lot of young fi=h exclusively rn ___ ..__.. . ]W'iihelm'3 fiither, Fviedrich III. In fresh-water shrimp?: t-.i the O'ther lot liis memories, now being published, )>e gave no shrimps whatevt.-. At I Dohme in referring to the well known the end of the second yesr the trout t differences between father art.l son,! that had fed on shrimps had saliron- ' describes the selfish behavior of Wil- 1 colored flesh, but the flesh cf th-- hehn's entourage on the cciwsion ofiotb?r trout was perfectly ^rl-,'u'. his father's, death. The day before hcj But some one may ask, Why is t"-.f died offieei-s attached to WiHielmV flesh of shellfish red or pink ? Tb?.t i ^ sraite forcibly cntere*! the castle and a harder question to jirjjwer. Pcriwr occuyieid its rooms, making the;n-| 'he color comes from tht? food th.> j selves at h-ome and behaving like ma^- ; she'lfish eat. i tors toward the attendants. Not. Icnir ago chemists of Ux> !>.- Tilt? cr.stiv was surrounded by i partmeni of Agriculture at \V .?'.!? r : troops ujidcr the commaml of Wil-!^' 1 examined some pink oyster? that helm's friends, who cut the cat!e off l'''t been found in Long U':i*:vl Sswa spirm j from all communication with the i neighborhc.td. While Kaiser Friedrich was dying nobody, n*t even physdc- ians, could enter or Ic.ive without a permit from Wilhelm's friends. Dohme coix-lu<i: "How th^ court had changed! A mild regime gave place to the sword. One could imag- ine cnestlf in tht- midst cf Rus.:ia!'* ^ ._^ Men who make gcod u?e cf thfir time have nono to f;-a:-e. T!< rmnibii5cs of !. i. i .-. t.--\v.-i about Sf. ,000,000 miles in a jir. and declare,! that they \vcre ue'i io ?. The chemists suggested that rot- the bright huecf the flesh \v-as M ,. i- ! by food that ccr.t.-.inel wil.!-; , . bacilli and othpr fimila-r iiiicro- WARNING! Say ; 'Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Unless you see tha name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not get- ting Aspirin at all. Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Minr-rd's Linlmfnt for sale everywhere Of Fren.-h invention i* a poru crnr ' thu i:'.i 1'ft GO tim^j ill o : r/s'g'nt. "iC-SiJE No. I9--22. Colds Toothache Earache Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Rheumatism Neuritis Pain, Pain y "Buyer" boxes of 12 tabled -Also bottles of 24 and 100 Druggists. Aspsrln ! tlm trade morn <regiiei i-.I In Canada) of Bay<-r Manufacture of Monn- aoeticpeldt*r of Sallcylicucld. WMIe It I* wll !;nov.n 'i!:a! Aspirin msn Bayer manufacture, to assist tlm puhMo against Imltutlono, Hi.. Tablets of BavtrCvaiMLBv will 1 jiu:nno<J wlt!i shrir g^ncrai Irailu :r.ark, tho 'Kayc- Orcix' 1 :

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