Flesherton Advance, 18 May 1922, p. 4

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May IS 1982 THE FIE8HEWTON ADVANCE Lightning Rods Prevent Lightning Losses WHEN your buildings are protected with Shinn-Flat Lightning Rods, you may be ab- solutely sure that they're safe from lightning damage. Shinn-Flat Lightning Rods are the only kind made in the form of a flat cable. Sir Oliver Lodge, Steinmetz and other scientists state that lightning travels on the surface of con- ductors, and hence the flat cable will carry the greater current, because it has nearly twice as much conducting surface as other forms. Actual tests prove that Shinn-Flat has less self-induction, less resist- ance, less heat and greater ca- pacity than round cables. tightning Can't Strike if Shinn Gets There First! Shinn-Flat prevents lightning by per- mitting the electricity to leak GRAD- UALLY from the heavily charged ground and building into the atmos- phere above. PROF. W. H. DAY Professor of Physics at the Ontario Agricultural College for many years, and Canada's recognized authority on Lightning Protection, is now Manager of the Shinn Mfg. Co., and assists in training Shinn Dealers, thus insuring correct installation. Call and get a book on the Lightning Cause and Control. E. RUTHERFORD, Agent PROTON STATION, ONT. Also agent for Superior farm equipment, litter carriers, etc. THe Flesherton Tailor Shop The Place where you get Service Just laid iu a new stock of ready-made WORK & DRESS TROUSERS Best grade obtainable altet- ed to fit. At lowest prices. Come in and look them over. Overalls and Work Sliirta T, C. Blakely Merchant Tailor i Up-to-date Clothing Perfect in workmanship and style. Clothing made to onle. Serges, Worsteds and Twesds on hand also a good line of Men's and Boys' stylish Ready-to-wear Suits & Overcoats All at lowest possible prices. Cleaning, Repairing and Pressing H. ALEXANDER Merchant Tailor Feversham, - Ontario \ 2MUK2K2K2K2K IKKlK i H: i ** - - 2 * S Right Now * ." Leave your Repairing in now before the Spring rush THOS. CLAYTON FLESHERTON, - ONTARIO THE Flesherton Advance An independent newspaper published every Thursday at the oih'ee, Collingwooc Street, Flbshenton. Sutincripiiun prior 81 60 per annum when piirt in advance 92.00 when not so paid. 82.00 t< United States. Advertising rates 01 application. Circulation ovor HOC weekly. W. H. THUKSTON EI.WOR OUR MEMORIAL PARK TO BE OPENED IN JUNE The ladies of the W. I., who Lave been largely instrumental in carrying the matter of a Memorial Park for tb village to a successful conclusion have decided to bold the official open ing during the week beginning J iun IU, probably the 20th or 21st. A that date the County Council meet HI Owen Sound and it is on the pro gram that that body will come down to inspect the valley road with a view to forming tbeir own conclusions a to its value as a county highway, am these gentlemen will have to be enter lained while here. The idea is t have a couple of members of the Ontario Legislature also present t assi it at the opening ceremonies in the afternoon of the day chosen. The Park is not yet fully complete* but will be in pretty good shape b that time. It contains four or fiv acres, nicely wooded and cleared out A pavilion and cook house will b erected and the park will be thrown open to auto tourists at all times fo their use. The property has been fenced and a handsome iron gatcwa erected. Walkerton's Big Fish \\ hv is probably the biggest b'sh eve taken from the Saugeen river was caugh by Whitney VatiHi<rne near the KM EuJ bridge on Friday noon when a larg in 1-kil'in'.'- that measured 3 feet 7 inche in length and tippid tha scales at 18 ; pounds was luccestfully lauded from th stream. The big tin bad been hovering around I li j bridge foi some days am several attempts to jag him had been made by local Isaac Waltuns without avail until Thursday noon, when Van- Hot n* sighted it lying lazily on the liver bed, and dropping down a line with jagging hook from the bridge, so man- oeuvered that ha got right under the gills of the monster, and a quick jerk seut the prongs into a tender spot On being hcuked the fish demonstrated that it i no slagker and put up a tiyht that to entangled the line about its body and gills that all hupes of its getting away fided, and after a spirited struggle it ws triumphantly brought ashore. The old nil inhabitant can't recall a bigger tin b jing hm'etl from the Saugeen, and on biing exhibited on Friday in Krueger and Lettnoi'a butcher shop it was the centre of much interest and attrtcticn to the local followers of the rod. A 12 pound pike was also pulled out of the rivur from the West End bridge by Jim II. il'.Tii.ui on Monday, showing that the big fellows are Hawing tins way. Bruce Herald and Times. Two Suicides The Mt. Forest Confederate says Tha li ly of Richard Ellis was on Sntur day found floating in a stream to the rear < i a farm owned by Mr Alex Aitken His fur overcoat was hanging on a stump, and he hid removed his shoes anc stockings. In the overcoat pocket was a cheque for 3179U.38 that he had received in Mount Fnnst on April J.s>, when he was in town on business. The cheque WAI the amount collected on a note given for a loan, do wa not seen after Apri lit, so that the rash act wus committee nS ni ili. i 1 time. It was done no doubt in a fit of abbrration of mind, though his busineis afftirs had been arranged satis factorily and he had no cause for despon- dency. Div.' tsutl was about 53 years ol ago find unmarried, On Monday morning Unlit. McMeekin a farmer near Varney, put a quick end to his life by shooting himself. He is said to have been despondent for some time and in ill health. He leaves a widow and grown up family. Transient Advs, Fifes For Sale Apply to S. H. Pedlar Ceylon. Try Ki vrr.sliH.ii Pastry flour, the best or >i M cook, All Ontwio wheat Chopping done on Saturdas only Graham Bros. Eugenta For Sale Birds pure wool Mackinaws In l>l. ck, brown and grey, also knit stockings. H Alexander, Feversham, For Sale Geqoral Purpose mare six years old, good size. J. J. Thompson, Flesherton. Six building Iocs in Flesberton for sale on Toronto street, finest location in towo Apply to B. Welton, Flesherton For Sale or Rent The old egg factory in Flesherton, on easy terms. Apply to It. J. Sproule, Flesherton. For Silo A quantity of bay, and alto a team of horses for $150, or exchange for cattle Jolm J. Meads, R R No. 2, Priceville. For Sa'e 1$ II. P. also 2| H. P. gasoline engines in first class repair. To be sold at a bargain. H . Down and Sons, Flethertnn. Lost On the Toronto gravel road, between Shelburne and Fleaherton, on Thursday evening, May 11, 1982, one head band for telephone receiver. Finder please leave at this office. For Sale One 14 foot power wind mill, Ini//. saw, one 14 h.p. portable steam engine, one 10 inch plate grain grinder, and ball bearing pneumatic tired buggy, one 6 ft M U binder.mower, one 12 disc seed drill Cha-s. Stafford R R 5, Markdale. Hi-.' and Lot For Sale' The prop- erty known as the Aslidnwn reiidence at Ceylon, an eight roomed dwelling, good cellar, ,-t.iM.', etc. ; about an acre of hml, would make a good home for a retired gentleman. For terras and fur- ther particulars apply to W. J. Bellamy, Flesherton. 1 May ft Gunn's Fertilizer For Sale at Flesher- ton Station Parties wishing to secure Gunn's Sure Gain Fertilizer can do so by corresponding with \V. J. Meads, as he is agent for this district and keeps it on hand. Can be secured any week dayi but shipping day preferred. As the price U greatily reduced it will be in the in- terest of those wanting these goods to get my prices \V. J. Meads, Flesherton P. O. Telephone 3 r 4 CORN IN STOCK Both whole- and cracked. Right prices. GROCERIES A full line of fresh clean groccriee always in stock. DRIED FRUITS Apricots. Prunes, Figs, Raisins and Currants. BISCUITS-A full line of Christie's bis- cuits, always fresh. CONFECTIONERY - We carry Neil- son's and Wil lard's box or bulk Chocolates always fresh, also Mixtures, Bars, W. E. CARGOE Groceries, Fruits and Confectionery FLESHERTON, Phone 30J - ONT. FOWL WANTED We are in the market for all kinds of fowl Chickens, Ducks and Geese Cash or trade. ' Highest prices paid. CARLOAD OF SALT just arrived. $3.25 per bbl., 2 sacks to the barrel. JAMES Me LEAN, Pattison's Old Stand. CEYLON WE SELL Boar For Service Pure bted Registered Yorkshire Boar for service Vineyard famous 77530 on lot 167, S. W. T. A- S. U. , Arfomesia. Terms 91.50, Sows not returned will be charged same as those in pig. 10,4,22 T. J. 8TIN80N. Bull For Service Pure.brtd Durham bull. No 143013 foi service on lot 162, S W T & S R, Arte- mesia- Terms $2 for grade*. 83 for .horoughbreds. 0. A KINS, Prop mayl FARM IMPLEMENTS CUT PRICES on MANURE SPREADER. WAGON 4 WALKING PLOWS, MOW1R JOHN HEARD, '"SBS* FlilllERTON. Four nurses graduated from Owen Sound hospital Winnifred Kirkwood, Mnrphys ; Lulu Dudgeon, Tara ; Edna Johnson, Patry Bound; and Cora Thomp* on, Owen Sound. Tara has a citizen who Is fast becoming noted as the "cattle king" of this district We refer to Mr. John Rudolph trhosa business operations are not only local, but extend throughout western Ontario. Lait week he was in Waterloo township and purchneod 317 head of cattle. The average price paid was about 8 cents per p mud and the rattle are to be delivwed the end of June Tara Leader. leade ma de-in-Canada raore for y ' ur See the new Chevrolet before you buy whh which makes for genuine satisfaction. D. McTavish & Son Flesherton

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